Haunted Sorority House staff guide

Haunted Sorority House staff guide

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This is a pamphlet containing instructions for the staff of the Haunted Sorority House. How to be extra scary, where the bathrooms are, all that stuff.







#5Mistress of the Obvious1,495








#9Mad Dudy474


























#22Artie Effham and mule1217


#24MI4 REAL200




#26Foggort and eav180




#29Choo Choo169




#31Lady Tomo144


#32Hojo Hominygrits141












#38Spleenmaster and fyrefli116






#42LiamAndMe and eskimodave112








#47Bruce Garetz103


#48Bruscettalia, BuyMEaRound, Darkling, JB77 and caducus100




#54Rokusho999 and anitert98




#57ajosHI and jankanpo96








#62Beljeferon and Hoonk90


#64jackman6 and tindrum89


#66Hagen Black and sage112588




#69Lord Ydnar85




#71Jicken Wings and stuffandthings81




#74LastChans and conquer98778








#79PSY and Yatsufusa69


#81Foxy Boxy67


#82Mana Yachanichu and katcob64


#84Junestar and MammaBear62


#86Chezyourmom, Galapagos James and GrimReaperCRO61


#89Stethorel and miniLizmeis60


#91Culculhen, DocSauce and punicron59


#94GadTheHero and The Rogue Fedora58




#97Brew Geared, Immelan, JanvierBellefeuille, Quackosaur and SupermancerPrime56






#104Lexicon, iBlackSheep and jesabele52


#107CyberTurtle and DosBoot50


#109Antic the Fearless49


#110Kansas_Mac, Nikademus, andrew3 and eusst48




#115Dannyb0y, Grandmaster Tygon, Willy the Small and ailUrodRaGON46


#119Duddy01, Mars the Infomage, PatTheGreat and cubeof1145


#123Ranava, floriSSanTTi and rosa blanco44


#126Solve_Omnis and mansh043


#128Loathario and mara jade42


#130Farfalle al Dente and Keptuvis41


#132Castiel, IngaTBW, Kurtispj and TimothyRem40


#136Bigquack, DeadNed, Omegle2357, Tibbiara and sohryuden39


#141AltrashiKurobara, Babaganoosh, Mojo Rising, Pants_O_Rama and shummie38


#146MagonKody, Transplanted_Entwife, Zs bee and welt37


#150Gryphon_2 and Higgy36


#152Avena, Kolyn and phantom fox35


#155Squeekers, allen_zhangcool and mustakruunu34


#158Cloakblade, Garfnobl, Graf von Steiff, Magister30, Miss Chievous, Ryllwyn and WhyMan33


#165Juub, Noodlius and williabr32


#168TheMightyDOOM, phanty and trapzor31


#171Boogiecleaver and Seaxburh30


#173Blit, Hetzer, Princess Erin and Tirronius29


#177Foggy, Macdaddy, Mr Grey, Warrior of War and prSalsa28


#182Chaosblackwing, Genghizcohen, JD McSquinty and Raist1in27


#186Damuckle, Itsatrap, Julitewn, Mumu9, QVamp, mx indigo and zoutroi26


#193MysticalMolly, Serhina and agargan25


#196Diabolico, Flybynight, Khurby, Love Me and Stabotron24


#201Kaiten, Lizmeis, Marm, Noskilz, OldBobLeashed, Zanchvegas, Zelion, liffe and vpnLibrarian23


#210Celsey, MrDeFault, NeverEndingGlory, PrincessArnold, SpiderMcFly, TwirlyRotini, Zaranthan and shesgotglasseson22


#218Dark Frank, Hallan Meras, Turleyron and cankergIRL21


#222Drag0n, Hooligan72, Stonecat and rounDchilD20


#226AngrySeal, Galafrone, Igor Priapus, Rotund, Shrek, Splotz and Xenthes19


#233Blanky, andreaes and staygold18


#236AngryKlingon, JoshZero, SupremeKingTom, Tarragon and scratch17


#241Bioland, Daav, DellyBelly, Fredmaehn, Lena Linguine, Mokume, Phred Green, Rutger von Horeburg, crash bang boom, gLEnN_zhoU and hollow4916


#252BlueThunder, DeathofPasta, False Dragon, FurballNinja, HotCha0, Jardis, Keator, PrehensileSpine, PuttyMcman, Raug, Saddler, Sceptileus, Spramen, bruteforcePWNsYou, crookedbassterd, darabont, derpherp, graethynne and thE_nekO_jimboB15


#271Archipelago71, Badassimus Prime, Dirx, Evil_Angry_Hobo, Femtotechnician, Latte, Maxdroom, Mister Tambourine Man, angelrider, jenrose, lizARdking24, patricia and slotwin14


#284Appleseed, Biblio1, Demigod 303, Doz, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Gullwhacker, Meester Slow, Trouserpress, Warren, pLaster and silrog13


#295Aickman, Crumpet, Edgy, Jzzybbe, Lord_Josh, NightBird, PastryofDeath, Zolobatron and mansho12


#304Archham, Athanatos, Bluewoods, Deathman_Elf, Donavin69, Elmo_The_Thundergod, EvenHart, GecoLupesco, Gulluoglu, Haggas, Ima Bycch, Infernau, Jack S, Kneegrow, Magnus Thunderblade, Melon Squeezer, Mousse9, OOnuthin, ReisenFig, RobN, Slym, StalkingOfAshles, StevieRay, Talwraith and TawnyBrawn11


#329BabySmasher, Clarinet, Lord Stefano, ModeSix, Niven the Squeamish, PokeyMan, QGrav42, Retro_Thrusters, The Dashing Protagonist, The Purple Manpie, carnage666 and rifforama10


#341Bearskinrug, Betrayer, Lack Luster, Lotsaluck, RatherDashing, Snott, Verdigris97, Volotani, petreska, sarspastic, siege72, testostronaut and tezlovespez9


#354AltaZorn, Asimantos, Batsubabe, Bodhazapha, Cereal Killer 024, Chickenkong, HackandStabby, Hsilwo, IceColdFever, JakAtk, KaosFreak, Mr Bignuts, Mud Duck, Mybloodyself, Pan, RichardRahl, Roy, Shade Angel, Ticwith, Wolfman6666, YinofYang, ddumoor and rocketyam8


#377A Tiny Plastic Puddle, Chadomancer, FitzTheDestroyer, Grief, Istari, Leicontis, LordVadar, Lord_of_Ants, Oculi Caeruli, Oldsfrk, Philosofik, Rabbit House, Rikmach, Roger Ramjet, UltimateChaos, WillGruff, catchops, disco basket, icKygiRl, killer5990, lopey and tzIelund7


#399Bleeko, DrPlacebo, Edwina Appleblossom, Framistan, Irresponsibility, Isibeal, Jeff the Mediocre, Moraglar Khilen, ROdger_FLint, Ranzer, Runus, Ryebread, TehUberAnge, The Repah, Viridinia, WhiteCornFed, jWang, jojothebear, mylittlebrother, nardo polo, sensibleb and sixs6


#421Ajaxis, Azeron, BabyScarface, Chyld, CoupleK, DownyFlake, DracoTrainer, Duraldo, ERJ1024, KingFelix, Livnmenwalk, Lufskar, Lysander2, Mayting, OminousJackal, PenguinColor, Phoenix512, Rosarinita, Ryet_1, Sbe123, Skuke Lietalker, Stan Maskelyne, Steam, Tastee Boi, Tricksy, Trina, Viki, Wole, alphaxion, blixa, j00, malphador, mat9h, reinstag, x_Elysium_x and x_LordBloodSorrowGothRaven_x5


#457DanaO, Demicanadian, DjTeriyaki, Doctor Nick, Evil Spawn of Molly, Flaming Turtle, Ibaslomofo, Jezabel, Knitbone, Mystic_Koolaid, Oafette, Parastra, Perkk, Rashmooga, Redmeat, Robert McKnurly, Slick Devlan, SnackAttack, Southern Sahaqiel, Sputnik, Terrapin_Man, Triffels, UGZ_Log, Valarauko, Van Diemens, alLANrox1, carbinkly, curly, false penguin, lupus4, mflGrMp, ora henry and qwerty7up4


#490AltheWeird, Archon386, Assmitten, Baltar, Beat Bachs, ChefSalad, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, FrankNBeans, Higardi, JR Trolkin, Klaranth, LoverPrimeNumbah, Mairsil, Morgoth1145, Mr Hunts, Mrmongoose, Mystiballs, Mythcaptor, Now I know why, Omnibus, PajamaJustice, Qen, QuinnRi, RikAstley, Robacon, Rumour Rhemer, Sal the Rapacious, Scattaloquarious, Sheber, Skipr, Soluzar, Steakumz, SuzyQs, Transmogro, ValentinaSnow, Vashnar, Wraith850, YuukiHideki, amytrip, bleary, boyrdee, chica, cyberninja monkeyboy, fugitive247, j01041999, lizabandit, pantsthief, payguhn, piff133, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, seleceblue and zombiedust3


#542Adam1WPI, Adeeda, Aldo13, AtomicPopcorn, BigdoG, Bjornhilde, Bourbon_bot, ChasteGalahad, Choolies, Cullots, DaftSwanson, DaisyMaesy, Drewsie, EdFox, J Random Adventurer, Kaluna, Kinof, Kooky Kirby, Kyp_Durron, Lemonfresh, LumberingOaf, Maddog Doan, MaxEarWax, Miah1116, Mideon, Moxsassin, Mr_GlitterBall, MuggleGal, Muhfin, Musha, Pedeka, Psyche, Razorbell, SalMonella, SbeLDridge, SisterCoyote, Sluggoman, Snarkypants, SupernovaMe, SuppinStrange, Svidrigailov, Take Two, Triplebass, Ucibius, Victorinox, Xedo, YILFIELLE, acm, basbryan, eibbeD, erTEST1, gylfi, humpyt, jcrkk, magic miss ile, minders, more better, shanabanananut and snedfree2


#601Aankhen, Akael, Akaiya, Akrim, AlchemicalPanda, Alexandrine, Allora, Almighty Sapling, Alsier, AmISam, AnchoPete, AndyDe, AnxiousHyrax, Aravagantos, ArchangelUK, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Aro CantCatchABreak, Arties Son, AtlanteanScion, Aubzilla, Ayatollah, Azarael, Bad Seagull, Bao, BaronVonBrowneye, Beavis P_Ness, Beleg_strongbow, Bendoubleprime, Bevanz, BigBadWolf, BigglesWorth, Blondie, Boesbert, Brennil Skybar, Brickus, Brirad, BuRNJoB420, BuZZT, CBomb, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Campcampingston, CapHector, Caplin, CaptainRandom, CaptainRondo, Ceirdwyn, Chartan, ChocolateDude, CloakHack, Club, Cnorgard, Cobwebs, CoconutHalf, CofLBelgarion, CrashCoredump, Cratus, Cryanger, Cupcakes of Hell, DTMaster, DaBaddestHic, Dafro, Dah Cheese, Darzil, Datrev, Davolta, Deemoney, Dessalvara, Diamond Stud, Dingo Boy, DiscoSal, DmitrivonUppercut, DocGonzo, Dorngen, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dr_Stangelove, Drar, Dread Gambit, Drengnikrafe, Dysis, ElenaMarie, Emerilla, Emhgee, Erichwanh, Erwyn, Escaflowne, Evangelist_Nine, Feral, Figfewdisgewd, FionaFairhame, Forsquilis, FranswahPetite, Free Martha, Fronobulax, FrozenGummyBear, Fryguy9, Furbulae, Garjon, Gawea, General_Herpes, Gerbilman, Goobris, Goron Soilder, Greeny30, Grenedle, Guy Bone, HMSRobotman, HNWombat, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hairshirt, HappyDeadChicken, Hard Headed Woman, Hasand, Head_Moid, Heliophage, Highlord Thorgrim, Hoboscat, IAmtheDisco, Ichabob, Idran, Idu, Ingemarr_Dinkyweiner, Ionox, IsidoreStabby, Isvarka, J Mo, Jasonbot, Jaylee, JebThePleb, JebusHasTouchedMe, Jersey_Tomato, Jesus, Jhusdhui, Johnson, Jonzo, Jusano, Justin Smoak, Kamatacci, Kanco, Katitonic, KentKronos, KillerNoj, Kirbydude616, Kitsunegami, Kreegah, Lady Pinky, Laminate, Lavion, LeafRivr, Leaper, LegoManc3r, Lendezco, Leo Pard, Lineoleum, Liquid_Chi, LizardKing, Loachette, Lobster, Lorad, Lord Enzo, Lord Kes, Lord Mellman, Lord Noob, M41C01M, MainGaler, Maru Bara, Mashiro, Master Grimwulf, Mayoress, Mc7Man, Meaticus, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Mellissaleo, Melvin DoOver, Messiah87, Metal_Mickey, MiB, Mifdsam, Mike Antleg, Mikko, Minaiya, Miridian, Misha_Z, Mitchblahman, Mme_Defarge, Mongrel the Apathetic, MotherMary13, Mr H, Mr Hardnoodle, Muffinator, Mugglywumply, Mystical Unibrow, Naelyn, NamelessAngel, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, Necrophage, NicNak, NightRipper, Nightvol, Nim, Nimnak, Ninja Karl, Nodosaurus, Noj Jorn, Nonia, Nylaan, OD, OHogan, OldEnough, Omatherius, OnyXx, Osbert, Owen09, Paklitaxel, PanSolo, Parco Molo, Parry Hotter, Partasah, Paugus, PeKaJe, Pers, Phreakyphobic444, Phunky D, Pineapple of Despair, Pizzleman, PlastikObst, PmatAula, Pronell, Psychonaut, PsyohM, Qpnaosc, Random Lee, Rathskellar, Rebeccah Sharp, RedIrish, Reijas, Rialle Blackthorne, RubyLucky, Russer Butter, Ryo_Sangnoir, Sardines2, Satns_sphnctr, Scroffy, Sentrion, Shadow Kaze, Shadow Tiger, Siloslider, Sir Clement the Meek, SkullRock, SkyElf, Slugbunny, Slurmpz, Smackers, Snugglypoo, Soth13, Spagetty, SparkleBeast, Sparksol, Spiggot, Spij, Spindle Legged Stork, Splendor, Starbearer, StaticMan, StuStu, Stumblemeister, Sweet Honey, SwenQ, Swinka, Syi, Symballius, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TakeHeart, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, TastesLikeChicken, TechRat, Teronic, The Blue Wizard, The Grand Ragu, The Kestrel, The Mushboom, The Patron Saint of Depravity, The Poet, The Weretree, The Woo, TheLetterM, TheNuge, The_Dancing_Viagra, Thiosk, Thucydides, Tim the Unchanter, ToKoLoSH, Tommy82, Triskelion, Troen, Turbulent Squirrel, Tuuli, Twistedbutterfly, TwoXMachina, Tykinruoka, Tzapquiel, Ultranibbles, Unluckycat, Uriel3ca, VainBloodheart, Vambann, Velvet Knight, Versil, Vili, VioletRay, Vorzer, Wendil, WhoaHey, Wolf Lord, WyldWombat, Yarglefoot, YoMama1, Yoshiko11, Zarqon, Zionico, Zirrrus, Zombie James Dio, acero47, adwriter, ak 47, apisguy, aseigler, canniBALLS, cptjsparrow, crystal_ingram, cupcake1713, desala, dungbeetle, e6v6i6l, eXtYnt2, enigmator, feelemptyfire, fewmets, fingersmurphy, freddie four fingers, gaihtf, gingerhat, gnalbandian, goodknight, hngkong, iambob, icefall5, icestar_c_m, jellojoe, ki77bot, kirahvikoira, krae, l33t_7h3iF, lhart7907, liliaceae83, meatcheese, micros the tiny, mjn73178, mr_shush18, nq2holic, okok715, rgarz1, ribzer, rjhills, rpxx, rubian77, runeslayer, salticid, sarah_white, sciFIwiZ, scorpionxx, sfwarlock, shadman, shellmaster, shkspr, skullcruncher, slag, sleeptalking, snarfies, snow_clone, soloman van catz, spaghettigirl, stannius, thankyouformybroccoli, theFallaciousFetusofFury, the_ramenologist, thecloner, thexmanlight, tiny_plastic_beef, todoDelMundo, turgy22, wOw1066, wakela, water_moon, wednesdaylol and wombatiam1
