
#441"DRINK ME" potion11
#3791337 7r0uZ0RZ19
#6430669 scroll157
#39633398 scroll42
#129334 scroll56
#394668 scroll1
#9217-Foot Dwarven mattock1
#294A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 51
#784ASCII shirt1
#225Alewifeâ„¢ Ale3
#1340Amulet of Yendor2
#544Angry Farmer candy131
#27Ax of L'rose1
#10BGE pocket calendar33
#35BGE temporary tattoo16
#330BRAINS shorts1
#522Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler2
#356Bash-ÅŒs boxtop3
#162Battlie Light Saver2
#27Ben-Galâ„¢ Balm1,000
🥈Big Candy's tophat1
#101Big Punk2
#608Black No. 23
#398Blood Light7
#58Bohemian rhapsody15
#301Bone's Farm "wine"6
#63Buttery Knob1
#39C.H.U.M. chum62
#16C.H.U.M. knife42
#82C.H.U.M. lantern2
#11CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1)45
#1089CRIMBCO mug7
#1421CRIMBCO wine3
#72CRIMBCOIDS mints25
#72Cherrytastrophe wine cooler1
#88Choker of the Ultragoth1
#15Chroner cross1
#28Cinco Mayo Lager10
#22Cloaca Cola Polar730
#140Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau5
#426Corpse Island iced tea12
#913Crimbo Candy Cookbook4
#217Crimbo candied pecan76
#213Crimbo fudge84
#204Crimbo peppermint bark80
#500Crimbo pie3
#235Crimbo salad5
#272Crimbo ukulele1
#37Crimbo wreath11
#53Crimbomega drive chain1
#6Crimbomination Contraption1
#452Crimboween memo22
#323Crown of the Goblin King73
#65D roll191
#916Dickory Farms Gift Basket5
#456Doc Galaktik's Ailment Ointment2
#737Doc Galaktik's Homeopathic Elixir1
#58Doc's Miracle Cure24
#115Dolphin King's crown37
#61Dr. Hobo's scalpel54
#83Drac & Tan1
#125Dramaticâ„¢ range11
#124Dreadsylvanian Almanac page55
#2740Drowsy Sword1
#53Drunken Neurologist1
#151Duskwalker fangs1
#149Duskwalker syringe2
#60El Vibrato power sphere28
#290El Vibrato punchcard (129 holes)1
#216El Vibrato punchcard (165 holes)1
#322El Vibrato punchcard (216 holes)1
#297El Vibrato punchcard (88 holes)1
#653Elf Farm Raffle ticket1
#597Ent cider9
#345FDKOL commendation1,008
#55Fauna Libre1
#69Ferrigno's Elixir of Power16
#837Feynman gate10
#76Flaming Mohobo1
#207Frat Army FGF22
🥇French slippers1
#62Friendliness Beverage174
#121Frosty's snowball sack1
#63Frown Exerciser1
#227Fudge Fiber Armor Plating3
#211Gnollish flyswatter14
#227Gnollish pie server9
#251Gnollish pie tin15
#132Gnollish plunger21
#233Gnollish slotted spoon9
#210Gnollish toolbox26
#168Happy Birthday, Claude! cake11
#222Haunted Sorority House staff guide20
#249Hawking's Elixir of Brilliance1
#59Hell broth10
#613Hell ramen1
#568Hippy Army MPE1
#1556Imp Ale10
#303Inner Strength1
#237Inner Truth2
#27Inner Wisdom7
🥇Jackass Plumber home game1
#271Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet8
🥈Junior LAAAAME merit badge1
#25Knob Goblin Uberpants30
#176Knob Goblin deluxe scimitar2
#248Knob Goblin elite helm24
#252Knob Goblin elite pants24
#290Knob Goblin elite polearm18
#891Knob Goblin elite shirt2
#482Knob Goblin firecracker30
#331Knob Goblin harem pants12
#247Knob Goblin harem veil17
#213Knob Goblin love potion70
#309Knob Goblin melon baller6
#222Knob Goblin pants70
#381Knob Goblin perfume7
#264Knob Goblin scimitar50
#160Knob Goblin seltzer142
#498Knob Goblin spatula6
#183Knob Goblin steroids73
#220Knob Goblin superseltzer35
#229Knob Goblin tongs81
#316Knob Goblin visor19
#148Knob jelly donut1
#822Knob mushroom1
#151Knob nuts4
#443Knob sausage5
#359Knoll mushroom28
🥈LARP membership card1
#669LED block1
🥇LWA ring1
🥇Lord Flameface's cloak1
#3901Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet1
#433Loudmouth Larry Lamprey86
#296Mad Train wine361
#1560MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech2
#43Mariner's Friend cough drops26
#68Mark of the Ghost4
#44Mark of the Zombie6
🥈Marquis de Poivre soda7,751
#695Maxwell's Silver Hammer1
#44Mayo de Mayoâ„¢ mayo5
#204McLeod's Hard Haggis-Ade1
#266Meleegraâ„¢ pills39
#175Mer-kin healscroll1
#105Mer-kin pinkslip1
#190Mer-kin takebag1
#135Mer-kin thingpouch2
#325Mesmereyesâ„¢ contact lenses2
#354Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub137
🥇Mini-Crimbot crate62
#172Miniborg beeper3
#164Miniborg hiveminder3
#177Miniborg laser3
#195Miniborg stomper3
#190Miniborg strangler3
#624Mob Penguin cellular phone28
#14Mohawk wig2,107
#347Mon Tiki1
#136Mornington crescent roll1
#722Mountain Stream soda7
#90Mt. McLargeHuge oyster2
#182Mylar balloon1
#71New Zealand iced tea182
#298Nightstalker perfume5
#369Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter I1
#134O'RLY manual8
#11Penultimate Fantasy chest8,187
#113Pine-Fresh air freshener33
#128Polysniff Perfume3
#254Professor What T-Shirt1
#157Psychotic Train wine1
#46Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit35
#283Raggedy Hippy doll1
#696Ram's Face Lager8
#95Red Pill4
#102S.A.V.E. flyer3
#118Saccharine Maple pendant1
#115Sacramento wine1
#2541Scalp of Gorgolok1
#404Silver Bullet beer4
🥈Skipper's accordion1
#254Space Tours Tripple1
#309Spam Witch sammich123
#129Spirit Precipice1
#129Squat-Thrust Magazine5
#1453St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket1
🥈Stabonic scroll1
#82Steam Card: Jackass Plumber (#3)1
#73Steam Card: Space Trip (#1)2
#123Strix stix20
#43Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword5
#508Supernova Champagne4
#225T.U.R.D.S. Key1
#107TI-9000 calculator21
#490Taco Dan's Taco Stand Chillacious Churro20
#576Taco Dan's Taco Stand Chimichangarita12
#248Taco Dan's Taco Stand Flier1
#436Taco Dan's Taco Stand Taco26
#668Tales of a Kansas Toymaker3
#839Tasty Fun Good rice candy35
#697The Joy of Wassailing3
#33The Necbromancer's Hat1
#302The Necbronomicon1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#124Thinknerd Blind-Packed Toy1
#48Thriller Ice2
🥇Tickle-Me Emilio1
#574Tiki lighter1
🥇Time Bandit Badge of Courage1
#130Time Bandit Time Towel1
#16Time Cape1
🥇Trivial Avocations board game1
#571Trollhouse cookies39
#158Tropical Crimbo Hat1
#161Tropical Crimbo Shorts1
#190Tropical Crimbo Sword1
#79Ultrasoldier Serum17
#306Uncle Crimbo's Rations5
#920Uncle Greenspan's Bathroom Finance Guide1
🥈Underworld acorn1
#12Underworld truncheon1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#527Valentine's Day cake1
#183Venus flytrap1
#161Whoompa Fur Pants1
#210Wint-O-Fresh mint82
#136Ye Olde Bawdy Limerick9
#110Ye Olde Meade9
#133Ye Olde Medieval Insult8
#131Z-Bone steak13
#105Zombo's shoulder blade1
#475a little sump'm sump'm3
#158abominable blubber4
#503accidental cider1
#157acid-squirting flower30
#787acoustic guitarrr2
#112actual tapas2
#611adder bladder4
#37adhesive tape dolly3
🥇all-year sucker1
#623alphabet gum1
#124amok pudding2
#18amulet of extreme plot significance2,081
#555ancient Magi-Wipes3
#158ancient ice cream scoop2
#186ancient poisoned dart8
#389ancient protein powder8
#1006ancient unspeakable fruitcake6
#610ancient vinyl coin purse1
#314anniversary balloon3
🥈anniversary balsa wood socks1
🥇anniversary burlap belt1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
🥈anniversary pewter cape1
🥈anniversary safety glass vest1
🥈anniversary tiny latex mask1
#401antique bottle opener2
#582antique hand mirror2
#212antique machete1
#6antique painting of a landscape77
#4antique record album1,073
#538arrow'd heart balloon1
#429arrrgyle socks5
#157artisanal limoncello3
#171asbestos stick1
#120asbestos sword hilt2
#92asbestos thermos1
#227asparagus knife41
#139asparagus lo mein1
#35astronaut ice-cream11
#1618astronaut pants2
#627atomic vector plotter4
#738awful poetry journal69
#822baby killer bee10
#186backwoods screwdriver4
#7429badass belt1
#765bag of Cheat-Os3
#712bag of airline peanuts39
#930baggie of powdered sugar6
#222banana daiquiri1
#94bananarama bangle1
#79banjo kazoo mount2
#58bar skin399
#458barbed-wire fence9
#307bargain flash powder1
#72bark beret1
#70bark boxers1
#91bark bracelet1
#318bark rootbeer3
#256bat guano59
#224bat wing78
#278bat-shaped Crimboween cookie6
#807bath ball gift set5
#161battered Crimbo Crate89
#169bazookafish bubble gum17
#455beaten-up Chucks1
#232beefy fish meat1
#43beer lens110
#329beer-scented teddy bear1
#156beer-soaked mop3
#37beet-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar14
#690beholed bedsheet1
#131bell-shaped Crimbo cookie7
#38bellhop bell22
#144bent scrap metal1
#88berry-infused sake1
#559bi-lateral logic compressor4
#141big bass drum11
#171big red clown nose53
#48bird rib61
#153birdbone corset1
#257bite-me-red lipstick74
#104black eye shadow3
#534black greaves2
#547black helmet2
#137black label2
#426black pension check5
#308black picnic basket4
#523black shield2
#852black snake skin1
#190black spot4
#570black sword2
#701black-and-blue light14
#29blank diary5
#159blended frozen swill1
#275blind-packed die-cast metal toy24
#99blob of Alphredoâ„¢5
#87blob-shaped Crimbo cookie50
#1656blood flower1
#319blood-faced volleyball1
#98bloodstain stick2
#134bloody clown pants63
#319bloody mary5
#689blue class ring2
#128blue grass10
#451blue plasma ball87
#75blue raspberry troll doll1
#67boiling seal blood11
#157bone aperitif3
#339bone flute2
#12bone spurs5
#10boneana hammock5
#262booze-soaked cherry1
#279boring spaghetti1
#392bottle of Calcutta Emerald1
#380bottle of Monsieur Bubble11
#565bottle of Mystic Shell1
#335bottle of Ooze-O1
#462bottle of Pinot Renoir2
#320bottle of Vangoghbitussin2
#372bottle of alcohol6
#55bottle of black cat tonic25
#82bottle of drinkin' gas1
#403bottle of gin43
#537bottle of popskull2
#391bottle of rum123
#11bottle of sewage schnapps667
#273bottle of tequila106
#362bottle of vodka50
#512bottle of whiskey56
#68bottled inspiration24
#143bow staff1
#213bowl of cottage cheese131
#151bowlegged pants1
#232boxed wine129
#176boxing glove2
#73brainwave-controlled unicorn horn1
#183brainy skull2
#202brass gear2
#42bread line10
#33breakfast mess721
#30breakfast miracle12
#38briny vinegar10
#13broken carburetor24
#327broken skull59
#310broken sword9
#89broken warbear gyrocopter1
#540bronzed locust1
#94brown paper bag mask6
#86brown paper pants6
#383brown sugar cane8
#431bubblewrap ore3
#287bubblin' crude35
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#154bugbear beanie53
#153bugbear bungguard46
#131bum cheek160
#196bunch of square grapes24
#35bundle of "fragrant" herbs1
#704bunny liver3
#117bus pass9
#76cabbage-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar8
#442cactus fruit2
#215can of Binarrrca50
#75can of CRIMBCOLA23
#208can of Red Minotaur22
#113can of fake snow3
#249can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce33
#127candied bolts7
#557candied nuts3
#323candied yams28
#213candy cane177
#186candy cigarette8
#137candy kneecapping stick13
#81candy knuckles20
#1096candy stake6
#314canopic jar13
#1064canteen of wine14
#968capacitor relay9
#896carbon nanotube frame10
#484carbonated soy milk2
#395carbonated water lily7
#608cardboard ore1
#683cardboard wakizashi1
#78carton of snake milk14
#687cat appendix1
#234cement sandals4
#569centipede eggs2
#1120chaos butterfly24
#189charming flute2
#1090cheap elven gloves2
#488cheap studded belt55
#138chef's hat102
#125chipotle wasabi cilantro aioli7
#254chorizo taco17
#83chrome crossbow string3
#400chrome ore12
#116chrome stick2
#74chunk of hot iron1
#211chunk of rock salt17
#16cinnamon troll doll4
#82circular CRIMBCOOKIE13
#31clingfilm cap1
#40clingfilm slippers1
#34clingfilm trousers1
#1562clown hammer3
#143clown shoes26
#152clown skin62
#1980club necklace3
#103coal dust1
#31coarse hemp socks1
#1227cocoa egg1
#7cocoa eggshell fragment19,108
#930coconut shell7
#420cold ninja mask6
#47cold seal sweat33
#508colored-light "necklace"1
#4colorful plastic ball15,500
#254comfy pillow1
#272commemorative war stein148
#367communal gobstopper2
#805computronic processing unit2
#333concentrated magicalness pill5
🥉control crystal1
#314cookie cookie3
#653cool whip2
#522corn holder1
#238corpse on the beach21
#89corrupted data272
#216costume sword3
#79crêepy mask8
#645crazy little Turkish delight7
#200creepy ginger ale1
#113crotchety pants1
#40crystalline seal eye1
#260crystallized memory1
#261cup of primitive beer7
#399cursed black pearl onion2
#494cursed bottle of black-label rum1
#405cursed bottle of rum2
#281cursed scrunchie2
#460cursed sea biscuit1
#537cyborg stompin' boot4
#891dead guy's watch3
#7decaying goldfish liver633
#618deck of tropical cards1
#715dehydrated caviar1
#768demon skin3
#975dense meat stack5
#258dented harmonica6
#507depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick1
#1155designer handbag1
#881diamond necklace8
#1064diamond-studded cane1
#76diluted makeup11
#172dirty hobo gloves163
#632disassembled clover60
#1041disco ball12
#1000disco mask11
#141disembodied brain32
#291disembodied smile1
#412disintegrating quill pen11
#596displaced fish2
#387disturbing fanfic363
#1013doll house3
#46dope gangsta bling-bling28
#395double daisy1
#297drab sonata14
#338draggin' ball hat20
#297dreadlock whip2
#118dried face40
#81droll monocle16
#151drum machine50
#304drum of pomade3
#700dry noodles29
#189drywall axe72
#1410duct tape10
#80duct tape buckler1
#127duct tape dockers1
#92duct tape fedora1
#255duct tape wallet1
#233dull fish scale19
#543dusty Crimbo crate20
#67dusty animal cranium5
#101dusty animal jawbone3
#139dusty animal pelvis3
#552dusty bottle of Marsala17
#534dusty bottle of Merlot20
#436dusty bottle of Muscat27
#478dusty bottle of Pinot Noir24
#475dusty bottle of Port27
#431dusty bottle of Zinfandel26
#118dusty eighth thoracic vertebra4
#206dusty eleventh thoracic vertebra2
#49dusty fifth caudal vertebra8
#189dusty fifth lumbar vertebra2
#142dusty fifth thoracic vertebra3
#197dusty first caudal vertebra2
#64dusty first cervical vertebra7
#128dusty first lumbar vertebra3
#182dusty fourth caudal vertebra2
#189dusty fourth cervical vertebra2
#194dusty fourth lumbar vertebra2
#299dusty fourth thoracic vertebra1
#145dusty left clavicle3
#115dusty left eleventh rib4
#307dusty left femur1
#286dusty left fibula1
#139dusty left fifth rib3
#104dusty left first front claw4
#207dusty left first rear claw2
#194dusty left first rib2
#297dusty left fourth front claw1
#312dusty left fourth rear claw1
#197dusty left fourth rib2
#305dusty left humerus1
#294dusty left kneecap1
#310dusty left ninth rib1
#98dusty left radius4
#294dusty left scapula1
#108dusty left second front claw4
#109dusty left second rear claw4
#137dusty left second rib3
#109dusty left seventh rib4
#81dusty left sixth rib5
#88dusty left tenth rib5
#199dusty left third rib2
#149dusty left tibia3
#308dusty left twelfth rib1
#193dusty left ulna2
#286dusty ninth caudal vertebra1
#128dusty ninth thoracic vertebra3
#185dusty right clavicle2
#196dusty right eighth rib2
#59dusty right fifth rib6
#296dusty right first rear claw1
#184dusty right first rib2
#54dusty right fourth front claw7
#134dusty right fourth rear claw3
#123dusty right fourth rib4
#152dusty right ninth rib3
#69dusty right radius6
#140dusty right second front claw3
#198dusty right second rear claw2
#294dusty right second rib1
#296dusty right seventh rib1
#52dusty right third rear claw7
#106dusty right third rib4
#200dusty right thumb2
#293dusty right tibia1
#315dusty right twelfth rib1
#50dusty right ulna8
#190dusty second caudal vertebra2
#45dusty second cervical vertebra8
#77dusty second lumbar vertebra5
#134dusty second thoracic vertebra3
#149dusty seventh cervical vertebra3
#101dusty seventh lumbar vertebra4
#270dusty seventh thoracic vertebra1
#112dusty sixth lumbar vertebra4
#104dusty sixth thoracic vertebra4
#179dusty tenth caudal vertebra2
#145dusty tenth thoracic vertebra3
#184dusty third caudal vertebra2
#292dusty third cervical vertebra1
#145dusty third thoracic vertebra3
#182dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra2
#63dwarvish magazine16
#402eXtreme mittens8
#504eXtreme scarf4
#5139easter egg balloon1
#100ectoplasmic orbs3
🥈eerily silent box1
#244eldritch effluvium44
#63electronic dulcimer pants1
#32elf ploughshare1
#1089elven limbos gingerbread8
#133elven cellocello62
#875elven moonshine9
#1137elven socks2
#81elven suicide capsule91
#20elven tambourine1
#193elven whittling knife1
#12empty Cloaca-Cola bottle1,212
#871empty blowgun1
#107empty meat tank44
#223enchanted barbell9
#211enchanted bean15
#931encoder ring5
#522ennui-flavored potato chips54
#258enormous belt buckle12
#9epic cluster3
#220epic wad2
#255especially salty dog1
#679evil golden arch5
#354evil golden arches1
#1693evil teddy bear4
#146exotic jungle fruit7
🥈experimental carbon fiber pasta additive1
#111extra-flat panini1
#200extra-large palm-frond toupee1
#222extra-see-thru nightie2
#158extra-strength strongness elixir12
#275extremely skinny jeans2
#95fabric hardener1
#81fabric softener2
#1165facsimile dictionary5
#175faded green protest sign1
#761fake blood1
#1235fake fake vomit13
#393fancy bath salts25
#470fancy but probably evil chocolate12
#122fancy canapés4
#170fancy chocolate15
#73fancy chocolate car35
#2035fancy dress ball2
#219fancy seashell necklace61
#157fat stacks of cash110
#969festive holiday hat3
#539fetid feather6
#303fez of etymology1
#191fiery wing36
#391figurine of a charred seal8
#903figurine of a cold seal1
#102figurine of a shadowy seal12
#443figurine of a slippery seal3
#509figurine of a stinking seal3
#473filthy poultice2
#82fish bazooka1
#80fish stick1
#768flaming feather2
#408flaming talons14
#383flavored foot massage oil100
#188flimsy clipboard5
#789flirtatious feather1
#151floaty gravel1
#164floaty inverse geode1
#62floaty pebbles6
#50floaty rock2
#220floaty sand97
#10flytrap pellet222
#607foam dart21
#81foetid seal tear62
#165foolscap fool's cap24
#88forbidden sausage3
#324fortune cookie4
#118fossilized baboon skull6
#329fossilized bat skull1
#316fossilized limb28
#223fossilized spike20
#212fossilized spine9
#176fossilized torso36
#188fossilized wing23
#225fossilized wyrm skull3
#235freshwater pearl necklace1
#703frightful feather2
#375frigid ninja stars98
#156frilly shirt4
#205frilly skirt23
#396frozen nunchaku6
#149fudge lily45
#107funhouse mirror9
#555furry fur92
#429furry pants1
#687fuzzy busby1
#83ganger bandana1
#661gas balloon1
#8gator skin606
#240gauze garter61
#106ghost cucumber331
#209ghost protocol3
#41ghost thread3
#219ghostly body paint23
#678ghuol ears7
#751ghuol egg10
#661ghuol guolash6
#116giant artisanal rice peeler4
#1080giant discarded bottlecap3
#266giant discarded plastic fork35
#1517giant discarded torn-up glove1
#398giant glass of brandy1
#206giant gym membership card1
#124giant heirloom grape tomato6
#137giant jar of protein powder4
#297giant moxie weed10
#334giant needle129
#73giant pearl2
#213giant penguin keychain1
#795giant pinky ring17
#126giant safety pin5
#138giant turkey leg3
#182gilded ancient cursed key1
#318gin-soaked blotter paper1
#89ginger snaps7
#462gingerbread bugbear51
#268gingerbread horror18
#17gingerbread house21
#123gingerbread mutant bugbear22
#172gingerbread robot5
🥈glass eye1
#411glass of goat's milk19
#133glass of herbal tequila13
#69glob of enchanted icing7
#14glob of green slime204
#41glow-in-the-dark wristwatch5
#12glowing red eye3,712
#200gnoll lips20
#189gnoll teeth25
#425goat beard10
#419goat cheese37
#633goat cheese pizza5
#428goatskin umbrella2
#526gob of wet hair14
#176gold tooth1
#1177googly eye9
#207grassy cutlass5
#1069gray bow tie3
#479green balloon4
#1682green beer2
#499gremlin juice2
#67gremlin mutagen6
#809grouchy restless spirit3
#297grungy bandana2
#533guano coffee cup1
#40gummi bowtie2
#174half of a gold tooth5
#200half-baked potion6
#249half-sized guitar2
#116hamethyst bracelet2
#60handful of Crotchety Pine needles3
#190handful of Laughing Willow bark1
#5196handful of confetti1
#210handful of crafty noodles1
#930handful of hand chalk8
#544handful of moss2
#318handful of pine needles8
#648handful of sand8
#105handmade hobby horse2
#150handsomeness potion16
#132hardened slime belt1
#150hardened slime hat1
#142hardened slime pants1
🥇hazardous sauce dosimeter1
#1413heart necklace5
🥇heart of dark chocolate1
#616heart-shaped balloon7
#501heavy D92
#181hellion cube52
#1096helmet turtle13
#44hemp candy necklace8
#637hemp string5
#153herbal stuffing42
#605hermit permit1
#283high-energy mining laser1
#894high-resistance ultrapolymer plating2
#383hill of beans49
#138hippopotamus skin21
#47hobo nickel5,407
#492honey-dipped locust2
#307horizontal tango3
#91hot coal2
#477hot date5
#502hot katana blade17
#1161hot wing4
#780hyperbolic plasma focuser2
#156hypodermic needle10
#944ice-cold Sir Schlitz38
#736ice-cold Willer35
#717ice-cold fotie14
#78ice-cold six-pack283
#326icy katana hilt10
#180imitation crab crate1
#134imitation nice watch1
#1000immense cyborg hand5
#92imp air10
#105impure gasoline21
#141incredible pizza1
#78industrial strength starch2
#740infernal insoles1
#526insanely spicy bean burrito2
#739ion grid14
#834ion-pulse modulation stabilizer2
#170irate sombrero14
#16iron chain1
#355iron pasta spoon18
#202irradiated candy cane17
#511jabañero-flavored chewing gum11
#107jagged scrap metal4
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#79jaunty feather7
#198java cookie4
#41jingle bell1
#168jive turkey leg10
#560jumbo olive1
#908ketchup hound1
#83kiwi beak15
#685kneecapping stick15
#206knob bugle5
#678knuckle sandwich28
#85kumquartz ring1
#77large box180
#57large tankard of ale1
#1166lavender candy heart1
#555lead necklace12
#381leather chaps6
#510leathery bat skin7
#553leathery cat skin7
#514leathery rat skin2
#499leftovers of indeterminate origin2
#219legitimate business on the beach5
#630length of string18
#412leprechaun hatchling1
#11liar's pants1
#45library card25
#75licorice garrote20
#39licorice root163
#582lihc eye12
#607lihc face4
#485lime-and-chile-flavored chewing gum13
#133linoleum crossbow string1
#91linoleum stick2
#127linoleum sword hilt1
#38lion oil64
#115little black book2
#863little paper umbrella12
#98live wire7
#185loaded serum blowgun21
#20lollipop cufflinks3
#164lollipop stick470
#481long pork1
#141long pork chop sandwiches1
#126long skinny balloon89
#574loose teeth68
#242lotion of spookiness1
#284lovecat tail3
#71low-budget shield4
#367lowercase N28
#69lupine sword18
#469mafia aria49
#150magic whistle18
#73magical baguette7
#936magical ice cubes6
#8magilaser blastercannon2,118
#162maiden wig20
#131many-eyed glasses12
#109mariachi G-string32
#477mariachi pants30
#482marshmallow flambé1
#282marzipan skull48
#95meat from yesterday31
#790meat paste6
#597meat stack21
#535meat vortex41
#50meatsmithing guide13
#542mesh cap2
#24metallic A6,514
#228mime soul fragment13
#211mind flayer corpse93
#602miner's pants2
#145miniature antlers1
#487miniature stuffed Goth Giant1
#25misfit dolly4
#48misfit hobby horse2
#468mojo filter1
#271molten brick29
#139molten scrap metal1
#98mostly-broken sunglasses2
#646mother's little helper1
#909motivational poster3
#90mouse skull4
#153moxie weed172
#78mullet wig33
#159mummy costume48
#465mummy wrapping20
#1120mylar scout drone3
#1211nanite-infested candy cane8
#426nanite-infested eggnog11
#330nanite-infested fruitcake13
#712nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear7
#926nanofiber cloth3
#25nasty-smelling moss1
#258necrotizing body spray35
#121night-vision goggles10
#857ninja hot pants1
#380ninja mop4
#163non-aged vinegar9
#42nuclear stockpile1
#10nugget of Crimbonium1,289
#491nut-shaped Crimbo cookie3
#418obnoxious riddle1
#3385obsidian dagger1
#16ocarina of space1,028
#26octopus's spade12
#135open sauce9
#178orc wrist1
#141orcish hand lotion6
#131orcish nailing lube8
#134orcish rubber7
#136orcish stud-finder2
#6origami riding crop1
#480original G97
#35oriole-feather headdress33
#99outlaw bandana4
#113oven mitts3
#107overloaded micro-reactor18
#145overpriced "imported" beer1
#12oversized pizza cutter1,749
#84oversized skullcap3
#287ovoid leather thing6
#190oyster basket29
#1557pack of KWE trading card1
#105pair of bolt cutters16
#141pair of pearidot earrings1
#475palm frond7
#189palm-frond capris1
#214palm-frond whip1
#49pants of the Slug Lord55
#477papaya slung2
#538papaya taco1
#364parasitic claw1
#229parasitic headgnawer1
#235parasitic strangleworm1
#192parasitic tentacles1
#172passable elf mask16
#1049pasta spoon7
#60patent antipsychotics17
#687patent leather shoes8
#124pec oil6
#151penguin focaccia bread51
#157penguin skin1,165
#963penguin thesaurus5
#39peppermint tailings758
#309perl necklace2
#1060personalized birthday cake1
#855personalized coffee mug8
#490pet rock16
#1227pet rock "Groucho" disguise7
#614petit 4.12
#294petit fortran3
#273petrified time2
#140petrified wood74
#231philosopher's scone4
#74phish stick15
#23phonics down7,278
#10photoprotoneutron torpedo6,390
#330pickle-flavored chewing gum24
#216picture of a dead guy's girlfriend4
#391pie man was not meant to eat1
#82piece of wedding cake135
#91piercing post63
#117pigeon egg10
#270pile of candy33
#599pile of dusty animal bones3
#142pile of jumping beans31
#35pile of loose snow4
#19pine cone1
#595pink pony1
#91pink slime3
#422pirate pelvis5
#109pitted sheet metal15
#84plaid cowboy hat4
#61plain bagel33
#30plastic Crimbo reindeer12
#245plastic guitar7
#276plastic ingot10
#361plastic passion fruit4
#650plot hole67
#98pocket ace3
#75pocketwatch on a chain20
#257poison pen6
#359polka-dot bow tie1
#803pool cue3
#204popsicle stick6
#51porquoise eyebrow ring3
#106portable table7
#343possessed top16
#143potato pistol1
#381potted cactus6
#186potted fern4
#33powdered candy sushi set26
#430pr0n legs38
#100premium malt liquor14
#267press-on ribs29
#238pretty bouquet9
#459probability potion77
#517procrastination potion65
#382prosthetic forehead4
#4puff of smoke8,000
#29pulsing flesh55
#177pumpkinhead mask48
#225punk rock jacket1
#334purple pixel pie1
#306pygmy blowgun4
#376pygmy nose-bone1
#270pygmy pygment4
#279pygmy spear1
#517quantum polarity inducer5
#301radiation-resistant helmet1
#101radiator heater shield3
#577radium-flavored potato chips54
#866rag doll2
#409ram horns4
#521rat appendix8
#83rattler rattle21
#239rave whistle16
#1080ravioli hat6
#190razor-sharp can lid110
#1104razor-tipped yo-yo6
#795really dense meat stack7
#75really thick spine5
#760recursive spline reticulator2
#237red ale4
🥈red and green rain stick1
#29red armband1
#798red class ring5
#661red pixel potion1
#209red-headed corpse1
#28reindeer hammer1
#75remaindered axe5
#72repeating crossbow1
#122returned Thinknerd package7
#45reusable shopping bag1
#615reverse-oscillating klystron4
#610rice bowl1
#33ridiculous belt2
#53ridiculous cocktail23
#23ridiculous earring3
#42ridiculous sandwich33
#21ridiculously huge sword2,127
#363ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapon5
#57rigid carapace46
#130ring of aggravate monster98
#102robot grease16
#258rockin' wagon4
#283roll in the hay6
#1162roll of toilet paper31
#192rough fish scale1
#247royal jelly62
#984rubber WWBD? bracelet8
#1839rubber WWJD? bracelet4
#1842rubber WWSPD? bracelet4
#1483rubber WWtNSD? bracelet5
#78ruby on canes5
#70rum and cola40
#78rusted-out shootin' iron4
#1020rusty chain necklace1
#678rusty grave robbing shovel2
#122rusty hedge trimmers6
#325rusty metal shaft1
#560sabre teeth7
#521safarrri hat2
#71salacious lychee chuhai1
#115salt wages38
🥉sand dollar25,979
#2423sandwich of the gods1
#349savoy truffle5
#681scented massage oil1
#103scissor duck1
#316scorpion whip2
#294scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker17
#130screwing pooch3
#460scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil2
#16scroll of drastic healing7,936
#554scroll of pasta summoning19
#674scrumptious reagent28
#5sea lace212
#15sea radish54
🥇seal medal1
#909seal tooth3
#188seal-clubbing club338
#91seal-skull helmet357
🥉sealskin drum1
#208secret blend of herbs and spices7
#57serpentine sword21
#299servo-assisted exo-pants1
#618servomechanical torsion facilitator4
#423severed rocking horse head1
🥈sewer nuggets5,419
#78sewer snake5
#13sewer wad337
#152shimmering rainbow sand3
#246shiny ring96
#293shiny stones7
#720shot of grapefruit schnapps1
#139shot of mescal12
#34shot of nepenthe schnapps27
#174shot of peach schnapps1
#115silent pea shooter10
#620silver shrimp fork2
#172simple ancient cursed key1
#612six pack of Mountain Stream2
#120skate skin4
#534skeleton bone60
#335skull-shaped Crimboween cookie5
#5slab of sponge234
#290sleaze nuggets2
#694sleeping snowy owl3
#698sleeping stocking2
#166sleeve deuce8
#236slick fish meat1
#4slime-soaked brain18
#5slime-soaked hypophysis11
#4slime-soaked sweat gland20
#137slimy fermented bile bladder126
#126slimy sweetbreads141
#269slip 'n' slide4
#707slow jam collection5
#232slug of rum1
#225slug of shochu1
#50small box232
#394smart skull29
#182smut orc keepsake box2
#54snake shield17
#69snarling wolf shield20
#730snifter of thoroughly aged brandy4
🥉snow belly1
#10snow hat1
🥉snow pants1
#404snowboarder pants7
#909sock monkey2
#17soft green echo eyedrop antidote12,773
#12soggy seed packet188
#1050solid gold bowling ball12
#371sorority brain1
🥈soul monocle1
#1981spade necklace3
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#130sparking robo-battery14
#1388spectral pickle1
#3795spectre scepter1
#525spider web54
#487spiked femur4
#99spiritual candy cane3
#288spiritual eggnog1
#31spiritual fruitcake5
#305spiritual gingerbread1
#152spooky bark112
#633spooky eggnog9
#72spooky lasso16
#840spooky mushroom36
#174spooky sap63
#187spooky shrunken head57
#153spooky stick87
#169spoonful of Linguine-Os2
#145spray paint46
#83square CRIMBCOOKIE13
#1131squashed frog1
#107squirming egg sac139
#546stale baguette1
#163stalk of asparagus74
#105stapler bear1
#178star chart104
#327stench powder1
#684stick of "gum"2
#336stick-on eyebrow piercing127
#1284stolen accordion6
#337stolen office supplies4
#201stolen sushi3
#269stone baseball cap2
#308stone frisbee3
#49stone of eXtreme power239
#124stone wool10
#11straw hat59
#577strawberry daiquiri2
#77strawberyl necklace1
#29string of Crimbo lights11
#2261string of blue beads1
#2260string of green beads1
#2246string of red beads1
#1931stringy sinew1
#197strongness elixir41
#1619stuffed Cheshire bitten31
#2001stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech25
#1482stuffed alien blob4
#1863stuffed angry cow27
#2169stuffed astral badger23
#2253stuffed baby gravy fairy23
#731stuffed can of asparagus3
#2220stuffed cocoabo22
#907stuffed dodecapede2
#1265stuffed doppelshifter7
#2197stuffed flaming gravy fairy23
#2220stuffed frozen gravy fairy23
#956stuffed ghuol whelp1
#2112stuffed hand turkey24
#2385stuffed mind flayer21
#2131stuffed scary death orb24
#1663stuffed shoulder parrot11
#1668stuffed sleazy gravy fairy31
#1616stuffed snowy owl31
#2364stuffed spooky gravy fairy21
#2776stuffed stinky gravy fairy17
#2382stuffed undead elbow macaroni21
#777stuffed zmobie1
#137sturdy Crimbo crate137
#477styrofoam ore2
#571sub-molecular interocitor4
#89succulent marrow3
#269sucker bucket1
#256sucker hakama1
#219sucker kabuto1
#804sucker scaffold1
#278sucker tachi1
#129sugar shard42
#681sunken chest11
#541suntan lotion of moxiousness4
#32super-spiky hair gel4,388
#10superheated fudge259
#514support cummerbund12
#348swashbuckling pants12
#59sweet mochi ball39
#308sweet ninja sword4
#43sweet-corn-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar13
#747synthetic stuffing6
#375t8r tots13
#197taco shell71
#99tamarind-flavored chewing gum98
#189tambourine bells43
#143tangled mass of creepy pasta3
#121tarnished bottlecap10
#566tattered scrap of paper4
#1316teddy bear3
#408ten-leaf clover38
#602tenderizing hammer1
#438tequila sunrise1
#81tequila with training wheels21
#211that gum you like3
#704thin black candle101
#77three-legged pants5
#203three-tiered wedding cake3
#60throbbing rage gland5
#254throwing bone3
#135throwing candy6
#61throwing wrench32
🥇time sleigh1
#21tiny house19,083
#121tiny plastic 11 Dealer5
#3991tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf1
#1485tiny plastic Axe Wound5
#3116tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth1
#61tiny plastic Best Game Ever5
#50tiny plastic Big Candy5
#3180tiny plastic Bonerdagon1
#3081tiny plastic Boss Bat1
#86tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ5
#1812tiny plastic Cheshire bat10
#58tiny plastic ChibiBuddyâ„¢5
#108tiny plastic Crimbo Casino5
#1221tiny plastic Crimbo elf8
#972tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer10
#729tiny plastic Crimbo wreath5
#88tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva1
#100tiny plastic Crimbomega1
#96tiny plastic Crimbomination5
#87tiny plastic Crimborgatron1
#100tiny plastic Crimbot1
#524tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram3
#114tiny plastic Don Crimbo5
#2056tiny plastic Felonia2
#55tiny plastic Fudge Wizard5
#3833tiny plastic G Imp1
#174tiny plastic GORM-81
#88tiny plastic Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej1
#3956tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser1
#3879tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester1
#2828tiny plastic Iiti Kitty2
#167tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S.1
#2167tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl3
#2795tiny plastic Knott Yeti2
#57tiny plastic MechaElf5
#192tiny plastic Mob Penguin5
#79tiny plastic Mr. Mination5
#2766tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy2
#2785tiny plastic Protagonist2
#83tiny plastic Rudolph the Red1
#521tiny plastic Scream Queen3
#2746tiny plastic Spunky Princess2
#91tiny plastic Tammy the Tambourine Elf1
#1522tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski3
#3069tiny plastic The Man1
#171tiny plastic Toybot1
#592tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo6
#57tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku5
#2760tiny plastic XXX pr0n2
#63tiny plastic abominable fudgeman5
#2627tiny plastic accordion thief2
#110tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart1
#608tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll3
#4025tiny plastic angry bugbear1
#1049tiny plastic angry goat17
#2812tiny plastic anime smiley2
#61tiny plastic animelf5
#3979tiny plastic apathetic lizardman1
#3981tiny plastic astronomer1
#2252tiny plastic baby gravy fairy8
#2033tiny plastic barrrnacle9
#2794tiny plastic beanbat2
#1279tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar4
#1177tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball15
#3927tiny plastic blooper1
#2851tiny plastic brainsweeper2
#168tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite5
#1815tiny plastic cocoabo10
#1387tiny plastic coffee pixie13
#52tiny plastic colollilossus5
#3180tiny plastic conservationist hippy1
#3914tiny plastic cubist bull1
#1825tiny plastic disco bandit3
#3878tiny plastic drunk goat1
#101tiny plastic exo-suited miner1
#152tiny plastic fat stack of cash6
#88tiny plastic fax machine5
#2762tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus2
#2830tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker2
#3925tiny plastic fluffy bunny1
#1408tiny plastic fuzzy dice13
#1671tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick11
#1318tiny plastic ghuol whelp14
#637tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire3
#2029tiny plastic grue9
#4600tiny plastic hermit1
#80tiny plastic hobo elf5
#2257tiny plastic howling balloon monkey8
#1964tiny plastic killer bee9
#2826tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box2
#1510tiny plastic leprechaun12
#1135tiny plastic levitating potato16
#1759tiny plastic lobsterfrogman4
#1633tiny plastic mosquito11
#203tiny plastic mutant elf5
#1800tiny plastic pastamancer3
#1092tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime16
#2644tiny plastic sauceror2
#3895tiny plastic scary clown1
#1767tiny plastic seal clubber3
#102tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit1
#3851tiny plastic senile lihc1
#508tiny plastic skeletal reindeer3
#3953tiny plastic smarmy pirate1
#1544tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton12
#1784tiny plastic spooky vampire4
#1517tiny plastic stab bat12
#1518tiny plastic star starfish12
#109tiny plastic stocking mimic5
#140tiny plastic strand of DNA6
#717tiny plastic sweet nutcracker13
#3863tiny plastic taco cat1
#60tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf5
#57tiny plastic trollipop5
#851tiny plastic turtle tamer6
#2755tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni2
#192tiny plastic warbear1
#177tiny plastic warbear fortress1
#3874tiny plastic warwelf1
#3854tiny plastic whitesnake1
#1767tiny plastic zmobie4
#9tiny slimy cyst432
#14titanium assault umbrella2,156
#79tobiko-infused sake2
#294tofu casserole4
#277tofurkey gravy30
#262tofurkey leg31
#321tomb ratchet1
#1867tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#1399toothsome rock5
#106tourmalime tourniquet1
#478toy deathbot2
#1690toy jet pack2
#2126toy mercenary1
#2475toy ray gun1
#516toy soldier3
#2262toy space helmet1
#892toy train2
#643toy wheel14
#194tree skirt2
#1790tree-eating kite8
#177tree-shaped Crimbo cookie5
#138triangular CRIMBCOOKIE9
#599tropical paperweight1
#409true grit3
#1374turtle totem6
#34twitching claw63
#20twitching time capsule46
#100uncooked chorizo73
#141unearthed potsherd31
#105unflavored wine cooler9
#92unidentified drink30
#450unidentified jerky11
🥇unlocked meat locker434
#147unquiet spirits9
#609unrefined Mountain Stream syrup1
#154unstable DNA323
#96unused soap18
#439urinal cake3
#119useless powder2,329
#35valuable trinket3,924
#2525vampire duck-on-a-string1
#132vampire pellet1
#228very overdue library book1
#148vial of The Glistening2
#1777vibrating cyborg knife4
#251viking helmet60
#117viral DNA15
#236vitachoconutriment capsule21
#133vodka and cranberry18
#235volcanic ash23
#228vorpal blade39
#306wad of dough158
#16wad of slimy rags98
🥇wand of fudge control1
#293warbear accoutrements chunk6
#13warbear battery116
#20warbear empathy chip (used)1
#166warbear gyro1
#290warbear helm fragment6
#21warbear hoverbelt piecepart48
#281warbear trouser fragment6
#308warbear whosit400
#179water-polo cap1
#101waterlogged crate2
#120weremoose spit3
#138whalebone corset6
#214whisker pencil40
#648whiskey and cola1
#154whiskey in a broken glass10
#538white balloon3
#1158white candy heart1
#110white chocolate chips138
#664white class ring7
#602white hat hacker T-shirt1
#96white lightning231
#96white page2
#79white picket fence42
#416white rice1
#72white satin pants83
#81white satin shield37
#120white snake skin110
#80white sword94
#85white wine1
#446wicker shield2
#91willowy bonnet1
#2054wind-up chattering teeth1
#830wind-up meatcar1
#415wine spritzer1
#514wintergreen-flavored potato chips54
#615witch hat1
#484wolf mask30
#157wolfman mask54
#429wonderwall shield1
#233wooden block13
#78wooden stakes44
#460wool hat2
#785worthless trinket1
#329wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie3
#734wussiness potion6
#202yak skin5
#986yellow candy heart5
#898yellow snowcone32
#216yeti fur1,184
#277zombie pineal gland16

Wow, that's 487,026 items total!

what items are this player missing?