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All things considered, this is a pretty fun toy. I mean, c'mon -- it flies! The kite has many natural predators, such as trees, lightning, and angry birds, so keep it away from those things if you want to keep it. We recommend flying it only up in the atmosphere, where the air is clear.







#5Mister White Folks and mule11,000




#8Mistress of the Obvious547






#11Poncho the Sane459








#15Dr NutButter319










#20Lord Zathrus218


#21InfernalDragon and Park214










#27Lord Kobel173




#29Mars the Infomage153








#33broke robot144








#37FooBarBaz and Swinka125






#41Sir Beavis Poopsalot112


#42Salad_Dodger and Thraxus111








#47LiamAndMe, Meridol and dfens73104


#50Averion and motie101


#52Adamar, Bacon Stoned, SnowAngel, Thingy, Yohman and moxom_s100


#58Minor Annoyance99


#59CA Dude98


#60Draven1, glaucos and shorebot whizky97




#64Neenie2 and hiimchels93




#67ElVatoLoco, Mister Mister and meganirene89


#70Athanatos and badmonkey3288


#72Salsa Joe87




#74CathyOak and Lewdguini82




#77Ladies Against Women, PhotoFlow3, allmitybob and cukky80












#86AssHat and Skent74








#91BlindCap, Peccance, Rutiger, Victorinox, pinkocommie and sinupret70


#97Barbari0n, Dr_Snugglebunny, Tara the Inept and grey gOOse69


#101Geldar, Raefyn, habeansha and jinkles68






#107Ereshkigal, SkudMastaFlex and psychowolf65


#110Andis and Nubtumbler64


#112Drooid, Elsynoodle, Hadrien and MILF Hunter63


#116murphs and nerfherder62


#118Brinta, Dyzzyah, Stimmer and The DMD61


#122Arutha, Righteousbabe, SatireSloth, Snowjenni, Torquemada and jlc260


#128MegaMaid, Sallymonella and silly_na59


#131Altara, Joedon, Pan and oogabooga58


#135Tarotina, TheMall, reddening and yayamcg57


#139Anne_Tipahzto, Boman, Droidlocks, hotc17 and pebbles42056


#144Grokly, MadMad, Spiffie and squeally55


#148Lady Tomo54


#149Anarch, Physics, Roberto Dobbsriguez, Stargazer67 and john100853


#154ChaoticGalen, Lord Kushiel, Rogue79 and Sp8z52


#158FoodJunkie, TheNice1 and WoodPigeon51


#161Samos, Wendella, emerson and species50




#166Bunk, Duncan Donut, StrawberryDots, Wr3cktangle and maladJUSTedSocIaLLY48


#171OwlBiter, Ratenela and Wendigo47


#174Aunt Flo, NINjesse, QueenOfTheNight, Raylin and latrodectus46


#179Punchessa, SAUCE PAN and StrawberryLetter2345


#182Mlady_Leander, amplitude and mkanoap44


#185AKU, JudySeagram and mOjOmadness43


#188AubriAnne, Lyza, nimrod_1 and woohoomoopoo42


#192Far Fallen, LIVERflukes and imthebigchief41


#195Basket__Case, Late nite Ramen, Race_K2 and mx indigo40


#199Chasing, Enkazama, Joey Jojo Jr Shabadoo, MrCoyote, XxXianna and doctorwaffle39


#205ErisDiscordia, Iason, Mikel, Miss Informed, Phixius and calamityjane38


#211Ceirdwyn, Ytterbium Manganese, bmb, jalandy and slugBoy37


#216Jedi_Coconut, Sad Monkey, ScUd RuCkInS and n3bul436


#220CraZy_JesS, Otto of Prussia, Phantom Stag, Qleene, ScoopKW and Xen0s35


#226Ankopitch, Blythe, Gorloth, Jill_Bob, LEMMING53, MarVellJones, Muffinator, Ocean Angel, Yossarian and jw819134


#236BronMac, Bung the Elder, Killa K, Ubiq and pogonophobe33


#241Chili Mac, Cinder, Kitcats, Smokey the Disco Bandit, Turkney Sol and alan082332


#247BenzDoc, HMSRobotman, LilSnarfer, Pounceball, The Lone Dungman, Webley and arioch7831


#254Bonnikers, Ceelgohsplatt, Der Zilla, Drucifer, Knitbone, Mulvaney, Smurty, burnout69, killemall, sweet freak, verbena128 and wrassler30


#266Crack Jackie, Crostatino, liz_brock, mwahaha, the strongest guy ever and triantiwontigongolop229


#272Beefeater, Flabberjack, FrankNBeans, KamikazeeWatermelon, PsYcHoJoE, Twiggie, art_bohemia, goblinishgoblin, someone, svtisme and veranique28


#283Doc Noc, Master Polka, MixMasterQ, SassyMcAsspants and art27


#288Dyann, RUMlEY, Shaydn, Sichi, TTBoyArDee, Tip Toes, Xentrix, butsuri, etothejpi, phlip and reX kwon26


#299CPF, Count Scrofula, Cres, Devious Dave, Doctor Fettuccini, Hulyen, Luc1fer, Miridian, Perkk, smokeyliker and zwier25


#310BlueSeashell, Rumour Rhemer, Sand_Buffalo, Vidalia, Zebulon, ZombieKiller13, karma_247 and laurathequeen24


#318BalloonTamer, Bubble Girl, Demicanadian, Doogmonger, Fisheyez69, Heffed, Kerrian, Loxodonta, Salsa Picante, SeDemon, Shagie, Sir Sir for Sure, They call me El, TurtleGirlPower, phoenixash90, quimper1 and yodaBABE23


#335Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Idle Hands, Mazakan E, Mossimus, Nymall, Playfair, Sir Cheddar, Subacai, V3it Thug, Water Knight, captain squiggles and haceldama22


#347BZoeBZie, BigdoG, Bronzesse, Cynara, Fredrica, HellBane, Hellmar, Lasher, MarinaraMario, Mysty42, Peu4000, Q_tip, Ravenous, Roxx, ShadowsLight, Shellie_Webster, The Jackal King, Triantiwontigongolop, angelrider, killer zombie monkey and pantsthief21


#368Bomber, Dazzle, Envoy, Grinder, Grosspointte, IngaTBW, KiMMi, Mitheor, Ninja Karl, Pompadour Crust, SentiuS, TheBrent, TomTurbo17, WaaNaNa, Yiab, cheer_leader, denial_land, hippee and n0tnam3d20


#387Calais, Danger, Devan, Jinya, MARCkind19, Tarragon, Waffie, chibiscuro, dingleberry, gman1966, jgingrey, melonmuncher and williabr19


#400Carroq, Clemmy the Spotted, Davolta, Demonic, DraconisalaRomanadvraTreylunda, Gulf of Roo, Ishavriel, Master Bates, Sal the Rapacious, Starfevre, ZiA, abbey, jWang, meggiemay, midnight breeze and minders18


#416Baughbe, Beljeferon, BenjaNoob, Cepa, Happy Monkey, Newman, QuietOne, SableDnah, Saucerror, Severswoed, The Big O, Torynnn, Ucibius, Uzumaki, drF, mrf, phrainck, skulz13, txranger and udon_rouge17


#436Astin, Bigquack, Bobje Ratata, Crinkum Crankum, DarkNewton, Dimensional, Disneeyore, Eddie Trojan, Elyas Machera, Gamerman, Gonain, GrampaMoses, Jingles, KarneLoki, Macdaddy, Man the Stan, Meatloaf wannabe, Morganus Maximus, MysticMelvin, PFC Walker, PuppyKisses, Razorbell, Reekusan, SatanicJellyBean, Sliquid, SlowMotionMagic, TinyPlasticSquirrelNutz, ZenKiller, chizza, mailbox head, nostalgia, penguinofdoom, rifa and veganicus16


#470AlkalineTrio, BlueFish, Bookworldman, Cheerio, Domeus, HackandStabby, IntellectualPanther, IronicChef, J Mo, LaCaca_Fminus, Leg o Lam, Leopold Jimmleson, Link226, Lord Nightmare, Mampf, MrAnnouncer, NrKissed, Oroku Saki, Selengeist, SupermanCY, TC0418, Volante, brent ObeRLin, dAnnYbCP, helltoupay, jadziadax, jdfinnie, kcfan, liVewiredude22, malphador, rungekutta13, soandso and theflamingokid15


#503BoiRDee, Booty Hunter, Daav, Darklor, Doz, Duke Matthew, FluffyThumbTacks, Glitch 319, JiggaBoo, KittYhm, Kollie, Liefizul, Munky, Necco Wafer, OvergrownGoblin, Rand Al Thor, Sharruma, Solve_Omnis, Steel Nut Dave, Tera, The Repah, Ulysses S Grant, UndeadOmelet, Valarauko, Villain Extraordinaire, bbhunghk, carrotman, codenazi, down home kitty, jojotheimp, magicmegancatgirl, nikske94, stornos, the_postman, tracilicious, whizdad, wumbology and zaksquatch14


#541Artemis666, Bad Hat Harry, BarbarianBob77, Beki, Biffle, Captain Kirk, Castiel, Cecil B Demented, Cholo, CrazyWeirdo, DaGreatMomoVII, Decapitator_Of_Souls, Dread Pirate Roberts1, DrunkenFrog, Dutton, El_Pirateo, ErikTheRed, ErsatzHipHop, EvilDeathBee, FourierXform, GedTheFlayer, Gyre, HummerLuver58, JakeTheGreat, JustChill, Kache, Kamael, Keptuvis, KimmyRocks, Kinor, Kolf, Laurelly, LycaontheOdd, Nazzu, Neopifex, Oggy McOggogg, Ominous, Parmesan Marshmallow, Pastamama, Pimpy the Pimper, Rabbit House, Ravenous Muffin, Show No Mercy, Simetra, Tess LaCoil, Thelaan, Torvald the Gruntworthy, Underlord76, Xar256, cinamingirl, crystal_ingram, dungbeetle, killerwill, lamlam, leluna and schmedy13


#597AlmostMeek, Arcane, Babbat56, Bangaroo, BlaDeeBlah, Caplin, Chris_Kid, Cousin_Daisy, Darwins Grabbag, Derdrom, Erage, Ffthed, Fuhransi, FullMetalTrogdor, Gouku, Hooky the Hooker, Hsilwo, IngeniousMask, Jusano, Kytlan, LUREN, Marquis de Carabas, Merik, Metraxis, Panasonic Penguin, PatTheGreat, PsykotiK, Raine, Retro_Thrusters, Rgon, Robacon, Rudiger Skeiyer, Rutger von Horeburg, Saucy_Sistah, Sifter, Spetter, Squids, Synnia, Takuma Sato, TheOtherSpike, Tindomerel, Urudezu, bunter, cquarter, delFuego, effuzzy5, garanimalstains, iphone clan slave, jamking, littledan, mervella, mintie, mrsdubs, nakeddave, sheldonbunny, smegup, superfoot and takoshi51512


#655AlricTheGoofy, Alycya, Archer, Archipelago71, AtlanteanScion, Bambii, Barrett, Bea Girl, Betty Page, Bokodasu, BorfJr, Bubbles, Calincia, Cappy Carl, CatsCat, Club, Clubbrz L337, Donavin69, Drag0n, DrewT, ElissaYoung, ElronBean, Emperor Bukkake, Faustus Fusilli, Feminine Dave, Garnet Rene, Gauln, Genea, GpHerder, Hurax, Isladar, Jabbie, Jed the Nifty, Jimmy da Pooh, JimmyJunk, KageOokami, Keator, Kruntus, Longuine, Lord Dougal, Lord_of_Ants, Lucius Brimstone, Lunamis, MArse, Mad Hamish, Magic_Ladle, Magnus Thunderblade, MootMonkey, OGready, OriginalSnarf, Pakalolo, PleasEaThat, Pyromania, Sea Hag007, Sendaben, ShacklefordiusDumbassius, Sir Jefe, Skylancer1048576, Sondroch, Spramen, Sunrise, The Great Spaghetti O, ThunderGate, Toric, UncleBen, Vedekka, Yakubyougami, Zwickle, ablotial, bawb1, buglovin, caliope, cuddledove, daefni, idamay, jcrkk, jimmy_hoffa, jotajota, malenfant, mikeachilles, moonpixie, moop, phreeq, spooky kid, stepinrazor, teh swabs and viZion11


#742AccordionBoy, Alinda, ArgghFW, Audioman, Biohazzard, BobbyBoxhair, BobbyNoPants, Canada Joe101, CrassMandoo, Crazy Sauce, Dingding, DragnMaster8, El Vibrato, ElectroPunkGrrrl, Escaflowne, Fegan, Ficlogic, Gaddse, GenericCharacter, Gessika33, GunshipVP, Jaxnoth, Jeddiah, JonnyBoy1977, Jzzybbe, Karate Kid X, Lauts, LeMuffin, Lord Stefano, MakeshiftGorilla, MikeMar, Mongrel the Apathetic, NaughtyLittleVixen, Nomnominus Rex, Noskilz, NotAnother1, P1ayer, PastaGolem, Piefight, PolyesterMan, PrettyHateMachine, QubitsLie, QuiCksteR, RackhamRose, RcGuy10, Renee47, Rigby, RobN, Rubius, Sandpapyrus, Septh, Shiruken, Sir Porkloin, Snapperjack, SnuggleFluff, Squeeman, SwinginCelt, Triple Option, Two__T, VikingGoddess, Wagr, Wally Okernbacher, XiLe, Yendi, adamandcatsex, babe11221, bdby112002, cjswimmer, dreamisle, dwivian, inuss352, ispep1982, ravenstock, rounDchilD, singswithmoxie, tomkitty, whofarted and winterjade10


#820AspDIY, Aubrey26, Beelzebul, Carbono, Cryanger, Daredemoii, DocValance, Doreen Wilde, Dorkomatic, EEPiccolo, El Heggunte, Eriadan, Fluffmullen_the_Bad, Franklin D Roosevelt, Friznik, Frozen Flame, GCNRULES1, Gnoogie, GrammarWhore, Gretta Dean, ImanAA, Jill the Fool, Kamarile, MadBloodletter, Maddog Doan, Major John, Mandrake1, MerX, Mistress Doom, Msyjsm, OkbYe, Oldy, PaganPrincess, PuttyMcman, RoseThorne, Samanthra, SassQueen, Satire, Schmoola, Sen, ShaggyJDub, Silas_L_Denturez, Slamboy, Snott, Tyramon, Voraligne, Wank, WetRats, Wolfman6666, Zelda459, bluedancer, galefrost, loir1, rinoa44, saphfieryangel and ucdoorman9


#876Aces47, Acini di Pepe, Angra Mainu, Anne with an e, Autumn1983, Belzebubba, ChaseZ, Cinimod, CleoNJace, ClimOx, CrAzYApE, Dakotadog, Deer, Destined_Desdemona, Doolin, DrMoulet, Drool, EddieLoo, ElCankerSore, Eniteris, Evante49, FosterFace, Fri13, Giggles the Emo Boy, Heliophage, Hellbear88, Herbaglerblur, Jomi, Kaas Chuig, King Texas, Lemon Pepper Seaweed, Liddabird, Lobo The Geek, Maharet, Marluxia, Mat Cauthon, Mikelio, Mikkjel1, MissHell23, NeoOfTheWilderness, NinjaThief, NotArgent, NotPicard, Oldsfrk, Pineapple of Despair, Quicklime, Qyindilyn, Rakkasan, RuthlessX, RyuNASH, STARbeast, Shad0, Solitude, SquishSquish, Vencho, Wylin, Zeenon, cubby, eav, ebay123, fringsguy, gLEnN_zhoU, great123, intermIssion, kanselmo, kewpie, kof, lopey, maliphik, matter over mind, mskc and pOOx8


#948A Tiny Plastic Puddle, Antfattener, Arthas, BobThompkins, Boognish, Boxwood, Butterfly Rose, ButterflyBabe, ChasteGalahad, Cheffy, Chinami, Churchie, Cuthbert_Allgood, DaBaddestHic, Darien Ashcroft, Death T200, Dikiyoba, Dinosaur Dentist, DisFreak, Donutmaster, Dr_Frankenpaws, Earth3141, Eoghnved, EvilTwinSkippy, Free Martha, Freman, Getafix, Howling Rhombus, Jadyte, JohnPatrickMCP, JollyTamer, Kaley, Kaos_Demonik, Kevin, KimVengeance, LadySnarf, Lady_Deimos, Laucian, Ljutefisk, Lord Merkin, MapleFire, Martavius, Monochromous, Motty, Nachtmahr, Nectaris, Perrin Aybara, PlyrKlr, Ramentok, Schlemiel, SeldON and Shellie7
