Bacon Stoned

#71A Guide to Burning Leaves1
#75Bag o' Tricks1
#31Black and White Apron Enrollment Form1
#12Buddy Bjorn2
#6Crimboween memo1,000
#52Crown of Thrones1
#77Dark Jill-of-All-Trades1
#76Deactivated O. A. F.10
#150Doc's Miracle Cure10
#72Elvish sunglasses1
#563Ent cider10
#11Feynman gate1,000
#86Great Ball of Frozen Fire1
#87Grumpy Bumpkin's Pumpkin Seed Catalog1
#17Jarlsberg's pan1
#44Jekyllin hide belt1
#60Juju Mojo Mask1
#19LT&T telegraph office deed1
#94Libram of BRICKOs1
#145Libram of Candy Heart Summoning1
#112Libram of Love Songs1
#49Libram of Resolutions1
#47Loathing Legion knife1
#715MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech10
#37MayDay™ contract1
#1134Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler1
#68Mint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog1
#51Operation Patriot Shield1
#26Our Daily Candles™ order form1
#52Rock Garden Guide1
#47S.I.T. Course Voucher1
#129Scratch 'n' Sniff Sticker Tome1
#22Snow Suit1
#69Sorcerers of the Shore Grimoire1
#140Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts1
#16Spacegate access badge1
#5Spooky Putty sheet1
#533St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket10
#574Tiki lighter1
#118Tome of Clip Art1
#109Tome of Sugar Shummoning1
#161Tropical Crimbo Shorts1
#47V for Vivala mask1
#50a cute angel1
#31ancient unspeakable fruitcake100
#5anniversary gift box11
#737astronaut pants10
#36atomic vector plotter100
#82baby chest mimic1
#132bad penguin egg1
#15bat-shaped Crimboween cookie100
#79bell-shaped Crimbo cookie10
#37bi-lateral logic compressor100
#621blood flower10
#174bobble-hip hula elf doll1
#98book of facts1
#72bottle-rocket crossbow1
#31bottled Vampire Vintner1
#142bow staff1
#150bowlegged pants1
#28box o' ghosts1
#76boxed Apriling band helmet1
#82boxed Mayam Calendar1
#48boxed Sept-Ember Censer1
#76boxed august scepter1
#52boxed autumn-aton1
#398bunch of bananas10
#802can of Binarrrca10
#46can of Rain-Doh1
#52can of fake snow5
#2205candy cane10
#110candy cornucopia1
#53candy stake100
#15capacitor relay1,000
#20carbon nanotube frame1,000
#653cheap plastic bottle opener10
#865chunk of depleted Grimacite10
#72closed-circuit phone system1
#56colored-light "necklace"5
#44combat lover's locket lockbox1
#36computronic processing unit100
#99cotton candy cocoon1
#80cursed monkey glove1
#38deed to Oliver's Place2
#49designer sweatpants (new old stock)1
#495doll house10
#30doppelshifter egg1
#23emotion chip1
#248empty blowgun10
#47evil googly eye100
#155evil teddy bear100
#83fairy-worn boots1
#195fake plastic grass10
#10fancy but probably evil chocolate200
#283fancy chocolate10
#151fancy dress ball100
#77floaty stone sphere1
#1554gingerbread bugbear10
#54gingerbread horror100
#68glowing frisbee1
#127googly eye100
#35grey gosling1
#150haiku katana1
#27high-resistance ultrapolymer plating100
#39hyperbolic plasma focuser100
#134imitation nice watch1
#77in-the-box spring shoes1
#18incredibly creepy marionette100
#22ion grid1,000
#38ion-pulse modulation stabilizer100
#90jar of swamp gas1,000
#85jewel-eyed wizard hat1
#21killer rag doll100
#104length of string100
#105little box of fireworks1
#4loaded serum blowgun1,000
#16logic synthesizer1,000
#96lovecat tail10
#12lucky Tam O'Shanter1
#30mad scientist's sock monkey100
🥈meat vortex300,000
#57mini kiwi egg1
#22miniature gravy-covered maypole1
#40moveable feast1
#46mummified entombed cookbookbat1
#33navel ring of navel gazing1
🥇old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie1
#7origami pasties1
#126oriole-feather headdress10
#35packaged Daylight Shavings Helmet1
#68packaged Everfull Dart Holster1
#41packaged June cleaver1
#54packaged Jurassic Parka1
#68packaged Roman Candelabra1
#38packaged backup camera1
#51packaged cold medicine cabinet1
#25packaged familiar scrapbook1
#25packaged industrial fire extinguisher1
#25packaged knock-off retro superhero cape1
#26packaged miniature crystal ball1
#56packaged model train set1
#85panicked kernel1
#778pet rock10
#82pilgrim shield1
#197plastic passion fruit10
#95plastic pumpkin bucket1
#54possessed top100
#25power seed1
#23prehistoric spear100
#40quantum polarity inducer100
#59questionable taco10
#231rag doll10
#94razor-tipped yo-yo100
#38recursive spline reticulator100
#42reverse-oscillating klystron100
#45servomechanical torsion facilitator100
#46severed rocking horse head10
#26shortest-order cook1
#64shrink-wrapped 2002 Mr. Store Catalog1
#64shrink-wrapped Cincho de Mayo1
#20skull-shaped Crimboween cookie100
#77sleeping patriotic eagle1
#53sleeping snowy owl100
#287sock monkey10
#35spooky eggnog100
#90spooky felt100
#116spooky length of string100
#140spooky rattling cigar box1
#68spooky stuffing100
#41spooky toy wheel100
#66spooky wooden block100
#64squamous polyp1
#4stinky cheese diaper1
#86stringy sinew100
#64stuffed alien blob100
#146stuffed doppelshifter100
#79stuffed-shirt scarecrow1
#46sub-molecular interocitor100
#20suspicious package1
#59suspicious stocking1
#621teddy bear10
#42time helmet1
#25time sword2
#43time trousers1
#92tiny costume wardrobe1
#972tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer10
#301tiny plastic Crimbo wreath10
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#80tiny plastic Scream Queen10
#297tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo10
#102tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll10
#93tiny plastic skeletal reindeer10
#941tiny plastic sweet nutcracker10
#60tiny plastic sword2
#16tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie100
#88toothsome rock100
#254tortoise's blessing10
#84toy crazy train100
#726toy jet pack10
#56toy mercenary100
#814toy ray gun10
#185toy soldier10
#761toy space helmet10
#207toy train10
#64toy wheel100
#51tree skirt5
#366tree-eating kite100
#73tree-shaped Crimbo cookie10
🥇tropical Crimbo pressie1
#600tropical paperweight1
#1132tropical wrapping paper1
#34undamaged Unbreakable Umbrella1
#35undrilled cosmic bowling ball1
#40unoccupied sheep suit1
#43unopened tiny stillsuit1
#54untorn tearaway pants package1
#125vampire duck-on-a-string100
#24wax lips1
#32wooden block100
#88wrapped candy cane sword cane1
#62wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie10
#474zombie pineal gland10

Wow, that's 314,761 items total!

what items are this player missing?