ion-pulse modulation stabilizer

ion-pulse modulation stabilizer

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So you've got some ions, right? And they're pulsing away. Then all of a sudden they start modulating in an unstable fashion! What could be worse? An entire day's work down the drain, all because you have unstable ion-pulse modulation. Trust me, this thing practically pays for itself, if you look at it that way.

🥈Mars the Infomage1,770


🥉Bank of KoL1,545


#4Simon the Mystificator885


#5Mistress of the Obvious810






#8mule1 and tHe_pOst500






#12Lord Zathrus328


#13brent ObeRLin298






#16CA Dude215


#17Augon and Draven2200












#24Draven and Zhayton150












#31HushAngelico and vespasta111


#33Soul Crusher110










#38Alqarine, Bacon Stoned, Biohazzard, Draven1, Phelonius, Spiffie, Wednesday, art, caducus, inuss352 and kingPOGo100


#49Envoy and cukky99


#51Prima Vera Angelhair96






#54ShakenNotStirred and justhappytobehere83


#56jbnimble and whizdad79


#58AmpleHacksaw and Arthas77


#60Gulf of Roo and Webley76


#62red grog75






#65Foxfire the Dorky68


#66MrKeen, Tortica and shaggy10067








#72DerMagus and Elfea60


#74Fneeee, Grokly and jackal7359




#78CousCous, Eriadan, MysticMelvin, Unzeitgeist and Wraithtech56


#83Photon Chang55


#84Gregstrom, Peu4000 and moop53


#87Aukele, LeMuffin and yodaBABE52


#90Don Quai Poncerello, Saucy_Sistah and Triskelion51


#93Anarch, BobbyMcBain, CaptainSpam, Mordoc, SamEvening and motie50


#99Necco Wafer, Tear_Drop_Kisser and Teyrnon48


#102Cockroach and Xentrix46


#104SassyMcAsspants and iLLMaTiK45


#106ScoopKW and blocko44


#108Diss, LIVERflukes, Torquemada, jinkles and willied143


#113Korlon, Skent and Stargazer6742




#117Lord Kobel, MajorCrash, QuiCksteR and broodwich40


#121AetherWind and plk39


#123GiveMeANameDammit, Hardy24, Vanir and shengii38


#127Andis, Crowther, Item Dude, Luxxor, TwirlyRotini and icy toes37




#134Alkalibrarian, Sella and jlchamberlain4935


#137BronMac and jWang34


#139Alldarker, falcoln0014 and ladderman33


#142PeopledOntunDerStand, jojotheimp and mansho32


#145ArmAstevs, Lexicon and cjgustafson31


#148Oldsfrk, Sutra and Vaan30


#151Fearium, MALORKIS, MalMult, melonmuncher and septimus29


#156Beljeferon, Flinguine, Highwaywoman, Six Vandrena, alfabit and ratbert28


#162Big Gun, Fullmetalninja, Holzwurm and IdlnPb27


#166Family Of Salsa, LeetFoo, Noskilz, Spiff and magic miss ile26


#171AKU, Blue Dragon, Chicken n Dumplings, DiscoFevaDiva, DocValance, Fellatrix, Moxious Mystery, MrSnerg, NateTheDuck, Shellie_Webster, Tom the Mighty, dIRKdiggler and i am sham25


#184Kaze, Two__T, Xtanstic and karma_24724


#188DoctorWeebl, NeuroticGalen and Sel Ibrix23


#191Danger, Mr HeadCase, humongous and phoenixash9022


#195AngrySeal, Bubble Girl, Dicekay, Duhric, Ekeinos, Justin Credible, Malik, Vandaahl, Victorinox, Viridinia, Vuvuzela Virtuoso, sweet maple and the strongest guy ever21


#208Bad Hat Harry, Devan, Disneeyore1, Ewie, Grrlvert, Kringle, Qdo, SoupMama, ToneDeafBawb, arikamuji, chrissy mcgrade, ebaywulf, nvx and sgtbob20


#222KumihO, Raph Fury and drinks galore19


#225BlueWasabi, Chalks, GligSith_Tcharf, Issira, Moosenoise, Patamunzo Lingananda, Rahenna, Sasori_uk, TrunkleBob, Wagr, l4g0s and misque18


#237Ankopitch, Antipode, Forrozeiro, Johnny the Johner, Keri and blade74017


#243Haminiyah, Prague, WalterEgo, Wilks and pantsthief16


#248CoronaDude, Creepingcrud, DeathAngel, Farfetchedchild, MugWump, Trajolifer, ZelZor, dragonspar, roflcopterlol, stupac2, tinkeron and wexer915


#260Arkham, Barbari0n, DISCokeir, Maharet, Volante, dolphingirl_za, elarrina, mudwog, tOphAT and weijia14


#270Annihilator, Bare_Bear, DataVortex, Geldar, Goodch, Grinder, Jesus, Mexximan, NotArgent, PassionFever, ShaggyJDub, Thelaan, danlimski, h00k, jadziadax, kirByllAmA and meh_64_1213


#287Arc9, Baggerschmakle, Club, Dark Eagle, Derdrom, Gaknar, HeavnzRogue, John Watson, Merik, Metraxis, MissPolka, Nomnominus Rex, Pimpjuice, Tara the Inept, TheNice1, kibi and reinstag12


#304Archipelago71, Astraleaf, Athanatos, BDF Loathers, Betty Page, Clubbrz L337, Donavin69, Doz, DrQuafer, ErsatzHipHop, FlySox, Ha1Ha1Ha, Ice_Nine, Kippia, Kobra, Longuine, Lord_of_Ants, LuvLuvChef, Matt the Fish, Monkeyboyjp, PastaiestChefEver, Phaete, Quietust, RUMlEY, Razorbell, Sad Monkey, Shagie, SiG, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, Sp8z, Spikeykiller, SuperAscender, TarapinTerror, ThunderGate, Toric, UncleBen, Waddle Dee, Werefrog, art_bohemia, chlorophyll, fFATsgnAL, herbmann022, jho mamma, jimmy_hoffa, punicron, rhod_hook, scheijan, silly_na, sleepyjason, spooky kid, udon_rouge and zeeT11


#356APPLE BLOSSOM, Baughbe, Blogzo, BogeyMan, Cassildra, Ceelgohsplatt, Corran, Darmut eDrien, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Entish Power, Escaflowne, Framistan, Gouku, Hachtman, Hero Protagonist, Iffrat, Kyrbis, Lauts, Lord Stefano, Mercenary9, MrBooga, Nathanl, Normanreedus, Perkk, Quaxalot, QueenOfTheNight, SATsucks, Septh, Shadowlord, SlowMotionMagic, Thraxus, ThunderSource, Tuffy, Turkey_Pox, Vaginal Bloodfart, Vidalia, WhiteWizard, Wildcat_693, Xaositects, cinamingirl, feedhead, katneedscrack, kissenger, windmom and zaksquatch10


#401Choochoobear, DreamBreaker, GoodnightMonkey, Jinya, Kit Snicket, KitTheHunter, Mekare, Mitheor, Mooseldorf, Nekosoft, Rip Green, Shadiyah, TheBrent, TheSilentMantis, Wadjet, azupnod, bobdindian, bogseyluke, checkeredkowala42, chestah, galefrost, imbrium, jaqueitche, stillgotit, uncle and xoutkastx39


#427Almanax, Brat forcE, Danimaniac, Deeliteful, Hautrek, Jebustheathiest, Kairen, King_of_Fate, Lorc, Lord Noel, LordTJ, LunaWolvesMan, NeoOfTheWilderness, Paksukainen, Poncho the Sane, Quimble, Qwystin, RttlesnkeWhiskey, Sir Gupp, Southen, Steel Nut Dave, Tarragon, WillGruff, Winzette, caliope, darkjoy, derekvolmering, h0m3r, mongoose51, nakeddave and senon8


#458Abiku, AccordionBoy, Ancient Cheese, Aschen, BlaDeeBlah, Briddy, BucephalusBouncingBall, CatsCat, Divine Bludgeon, Domeus, Eoghnved, EvilTwinSkippy, FoodFest, Gauln, HK_4750, Kerallyn, Mac_Gyver, Pudvirus, Quothz, RedPhred, Rgon, Rutger von Horeburg, Sajer the Forgotten, SkyHouse52, Snapperjack, StePalminall, TNTBioHazard, The Dark Cruisader, The Jackal King, Vbfreak_21, benjaminysmall, delvis_one, dreamisle, gunfighter, hortenweaver, kheelmaster, n0ob, namblue10, octopodey, peachfuzz112, raynstorm, sfwarlock and whofarted7


#501AleCross, AngryKlingon, Avanar, DakX, DanElectro, Dark_Horse, Del Ilnaki, Dungeon Princess, El Vibrato, GedTheFlayer, Grimmie, HelloTomorrow, Jack S, JakAtk, Jman22, Keator, KorTehGehn, Kyree, Late nite Ramen, Lumeria, Mikel, Necroman, Nuclear Griffon, Oldy, Oliver Klozov, Oneechan, Quijibo, RustyPilotWrench, Rutiger, Sagragoth, SanGurth, SassQueen, Silas_L_Denturez, Tindomerel, TomTurbo17, TsunemonoPinku, Vlad The Compiler, Wizard_Hat, ZuzusPetal, amplitude, brirye, hokeywebb22, kjacobso, sensibleb, sitka, spemik85 and stannius6


#548AdmiralKit, AeriusPrimus, Alfraida, Annalise Fuller, Anouris, AquaticRes, Bandgor, BoiRDee, Claudia_Balzac, DaGreatMomoVII, Devilpapaya, Dust, Elation, Eldoth, Faizah, FijneVent, Grump the Gump, GryWizard, Jaladan, Joe_da_thug, Johansensen, JustinCarto, Kaley, Kerrian, LdySaphyre, Locutus, Loincloth Boy, Lungbutter, LyingSage, Mr_World, Mysty42, PrincessMisery, QuicksilverFox85, ROdger_FLint, Raventhief, Relim Gorsen, Retro_Thrusters, Roga, Rufus the Sequenced, Slet Varthash, Snowjenni, Talon__crow, Terry, Therum, Timo Tolkki, Underaling, Valten, Viki, Wilbur, cyborgstan, debbie chinique, denominator, foozbat, grovel, malalalalenanana, setrius, within temptation, xephyne and xi muffinman ix5


#607A Tiny Plastic Puddle, Aleke, Alphastrike, Angra Mainu, Aras, Astrocette, Biffle, Bigquack, Bloodyfish, ChaChaCha, CreOsOTe, Darth Spoon, Deetviper, Deimos, Dierdra, Dilldo_Baggins, DiskoChick, Dominator773, Eamon, Egrim, Elfy, Finners101, Fluffy48, Gouda, GreenAiden555, Grippingworm, Gwinnifred, HoPPa, Hooky the Hooker, Iason, Jill_Bob, JudySeagram, Kenpo Karate Boy, Krendel, Loathario, M3ph1st0, MalLardo, Mala the Sad, MeGamer29, Nightvol, Old Ned, Onir, PatTheGreat, PrehensileSpine, PsychoBoy, PunkCerebus, Rebel SMURF, Rumour Rhemer, Samanthra, SatanicJellyBean, Sjcs, Snugglypoo, Sophinator, Southwest, TarendelCymir, Tiffany Anne, Trump, Turbino, VikingGoddess, VileAspirin, Wave the Claw, Z3RO, aerozeppl, baby eater, birthofBlues, bluephoenix, boyrdee, chuckbarris, completebastich, fireandice, happycabbage777, jayvaughn, kiki_the_blonde, kilroi, mervella, missmellieb, mmcbride, oogabooga, payguhn, pgunn, soelo, thoby123, umfum and whiskey0024


#691Annalia, Ark42, Artie Effham, AsiTtlEr, Astin, Autumnwinds, Badfurday25, Beautt_had, Bluerockworld, BoB_138, Bolognix, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Ceasarious, Chelonia, Chocolatethunda, Chowdown, Cobra8644, Comtesse de Cork, CosmoCornelius, Cosmosis Kwik, Cowbell, Crack_Rock_Beat, CrazyBrain, Crinkum Crankum, Dallbun, Dark_Seriphim, Darth Elmo, Darth Steve, Dawnshadow, Desiderata, Dingo69, DiscoToon, DonPuza, Eddie Trojan, Egg Scrambler, EnemyX_ Peaches, Eseche, Fluck You, Gamerman, Generic Hero, GoZ The Great, Grabtharr, Hison, Howling Rhombus, Hula Girl, I_am_the_Night, ImperialBest, JR Trolkin, JeffGoldblum, Joorrke, Juntao, Justarius, Kaboon, Kalaria, Kilovian, King Stupid, KnightofCheese, Kodikun, Larkspur, LazyStarfish, Legato89, Lightwolf, LumpyBob, Makka, Malatise, Marchelute, Marlow, McKool, MeJimo, Meatswinger, MissGnomer, MolotovH, Morboe, Pantless Pete, Pastatizer2, Pugnax, QubitsLie, Ramonphilius, Red_Zinger, Respek Knuckles, Revier, Rhps_Elf, Rickton, Rubius, Sau_Kazumi, SeeSaw, Smokey J, Steffi2, StinkyChip, Swine, SwordsRCool, Terpsichore, The Fist, TheOtherSpike, TheVillageIdiot, ThunderTurtle, Tiffish, Tsade, Twobit, VarnishBoy, Vecna_Reborn, Volume Render, WalterSobchak, WelcomeToEarth, Wylin, Zarr, akiraadam, arnoldswartz, chanaleh, cotterpinx, davidgro, donloo, edman18, fayzeshyfft, fezi, flamin_scotsman, frank warshaw, gLEnN_zhoU, greyscale, idgrave, jmkg, koutetsu, nATEn53, noname3794, oh_the_WIT, omegamasterchief, pezdood123, poola, sWITCHie, schmedy, skeeTshOOTer, slag, smokey smokerson, supplieZ21, swordknives, tanstaafl, the_loath_ranger, thorlof, txranger, verbena128, williabr, yonpytr and zoidman3


#834AccordionStu, Agmar, Alycya, AntiMoron, Aramiss, Autumn1983, Azuriel, Baltar, Batwood17, Beaverhausen, BeefThief, Belero, Boman, BoozerBear, Boxwood, BrassDogma, BraveSirRobin, Buffoon, Catan, CathyOak, CeruleanArcher, Chinchilla Rancher, Colonel_Hogs, Communist China, CottonMouth, Craftage, Croow, DJLeethul, Darth Gangsta666, Darth Milo, DavManX, DeathKnight668, Donutmaster, Draco The Silly, Drag0n, DreamertK, FatQuack2, Fawfulhasfury, Feldhorn, Felicity, Fenwald, Flanders, Fodder, FoxyMoxy, Friznik, Frogzilla, Galapagos James, General_Herpes, Glitch 319, Glukthar, Gnomesquid, Grizzor, HBar, HMSRobotman, Halfabee, Harris Pilton, Henrietta Hustler, Henrietta McTwinkie, Hulihuli, I g g y, IceBlake, IcyStikDude, Illarion, InShaneee, Inoko, Itsatrap, Jeetsta, Jerry the evil duck, Johnny Ringo, JoshuaGrey, Junestar, Kamael, Kara Rae, KikiVonHuffleburger, Killin Monkey, King Puff, Kintexu2, Kitch Wing of Angmar, Kneegrow, Krevlornswath, Kruntus, KyRoS, Lance_Winstar, LeperChaun, Lord Merkin, Lord of the Souls, Lowki, LumDaddy, Lutz Turger, MLP, MaadCaat, Magic2729, Maryland, Master Polka, Master Sage, Mercy, Mighty Xerxes, Mirounga Masher, Miss_Kala, Mizer_E, MrSpikey, MzSwan, NML Manticore, Nagol, Naia Macaroni, Nalsa, Nardolin, Nasher, Neithyme, Nobodys Hero, Numinak, Orichette, Panasonic Penguin, PastaWoman, PatrickChua, Phillis, PrecioSura, Presence, Pustulio, QuintiusC, Rasta_Man, RavenMemory, Reekusan, Riznok, Rock Fazer, RroxyBOT, Runus, SCJohns, Saberclaw, Salvationist, Samos, SaxmanAJS, Sayer of Sooth, ScUd RuCkInS, Scarred Angel, Sendaben, Sennin, Sevir, ShawnD, Sheep, Shevy, ShineyBucket, Show No Mercy, SiN wYrM, Sir Clement the Meek, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Porkloin, Slamboy, SnOwFiRe23, SneakySchemer, Soreth, Spifuzz, Spooky666, Strike_Fighter, SultanSalami, Svidrigailov, Tasha8834, Teapot, Terrahawk, TheDanno, The_F34r, The_driver, ThiefDude, Thokmor, Tibbiara and Tirtuatha2
