
#1139Angry Farmer candy26
#1074Crimboween memo10
#4248Crown of the Goblin King1
#845Daffy Taffy31
#1938Dolphin King's crown1
#1668Dyspepsi grenade1
#970Feynman gate8
#1560MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech2
#916Meleegra™ pills3
#1278Mr. Mediocrebar30
#1283Rock Pops31
#1816Tasty Fun Good rice candy2
#574Tiki lighter1
#527Valentine's Day cake1
#1323Yummy Tummy bean104
#3681ancient unspeakable fruitcake1
#538arrow'd heart balloon1
#2064astronaut pants1
#1088atomic vector plotter1
#1462awful poetry journal7
#1912bat-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#2563black paisley oyster egg1
#2088black polka-dot oyster egg1
#2665black striped oyster egg1
#2408blue plastic oyster egg1
#2621blue striped oyster egg1
#174bobble-hip hula elf doll1
#547can of fake snow1
#723candy cane50
#648capacitor relay15
#896carbon nanotube frame10
#109chocolate box1
#409chocolate spurs1
#1056computronic processing unit1
#618deck of tropical cards1
#1418disturbing fanfic8
#395double daisy1
#83dusty right third front claw5
#484dwarf bread8
#114eXtreme meat crossbow1
#1391evil googly eye1
#2681evil teddy bear1
#1645explosion-flavored chewing gum2
#3836fancy but probably evil chocolate1
#2422fancy dress ball1
#1128furry fur9
#521gingerbread bugbear45
#824gob of wet hair1
#714heavy D26
#601high-resistance ultrapolymer plating4
#1026hyperbolic plasma focuser1
#225ice-cold Sir Schlitz1,045
#957incredibly creepy marionette2
#868ion grid11
#835ion-pulse modulation stabilizer2
#647jabañero-flavored chewing gum8
#312jack flapper1
#883killer rag doll2
#2180lavender paisley oyster egg1
#2306lavender plastic oyster egg1
#2028lavender polka-dot oyster egg1
#1764lavender striped oyster egg1
#795lime-and-chile-flavored chewing gum5
#686logic synthesizer13
#367lowercase N28
#939mad scientist's sock monkey2
#774marzipan skull8
#1983mauve paisley oyster egg1
#2254mauve plastic oyster egg1
#718metallic A17
#487miniature stuffed Goth Giant1
#2532off-white plastic oyster egg1
#700original G25
#1889oyster basket1
#2716pet rock1
#237piece of wedding cake31
#402pixellated candy heart38
#2220possessed top1
#1614prehistoric spear1
#623pretty bouquet1
#849pretty flower40
#2103puce plastic oyster egg1
#390puce polka-dot oyster egg10
#1068quantum polarity inducer1
#1795razor-tipped yo-yo2
#487red plastic oyster egg10
#3658rubber WWSPD? bracelet1
#1960rubber emo roe1
#401ruby W27
#421severed rocking horse head1
#938skull-shaped Crimboween cookie2
#1126spooky eggnog5
#1365spooky felt4
#1071spooky length of string8
#1600spooky stuffing1
#639spooky toy wheel8
#1505spooky wooden block2
#762stringy sinew11
#8938stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech1
#2344stuffed alien blob2
#8863stuffed angry cow1
#1465stuffed can of asparagus1
#8831stuffed cocoabo1
#1575stuffed dodecapede1
#8971stuffed frozen gravy fairy1
#950stuffed ghuol whelp1
#2253stuffed shoulder parrot7
#8957stuffed sleazy gravy fairy1
#8878stuffed stinky gravy fairy1
#8891stuffed undead elbow macaroni1
#1049sub-molecular interocitor1
#1223sunken chest1
#958tamarind-flavored chewing gum3
🥇time sleigh1
#6223tiny plastic Cheshire bat2
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#8208tiny plastic angry goat1
#8249tiny plastic baby gravy fairy1
#8119tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#8169tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#8089tiny plastic cocoabo1
#8149tiny plastic fuzzy dice1
#8185tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#8088tiny plastic ghuol whelp1
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#8055tiny plastic grue1
#8123tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#8064tiny plastic killer bee1
#6168tiny plastic leprechaun2
#8100tiny plastic levitating potato1
#8107tiny plastic mosquito1
#2600tiny plastic pastamancer2
#6131tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime2
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#6196tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton2
#8155tiny plastic stab bat1
#8133tiny plastic star starfish1
#1864tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#2527toothsome rock1
#114tortoise's blessing33
#2400toy crazy train1
#2209toy jet pack1
#2127toy mercenary1
#2475toy ray gun1
#2262toy space helmet1
#2765tree-eating kite2
#600tropical paperweight1
#1132tropical wrapping paper1
#2411valuable trinket1
#2525vampire duck-on-a-string1
#902white balloon1
#1935whoopie cushion1
#1455x-ray specs1
#1797yellow paisley oyster egg1
#554yellow plastic oyster egg11
#1327yellow polka-dot oyster egg1
#718yeti fur85

Wow, that's 2,195 items total!

what items are this player missing?