toy mercenary

toy mercenary

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Mercy me, it's a mercenary! This is the little guy that lurks in the miniature underbrush, looking to garrote your toy soldiers and steal their supplies. He's not the most pleasant guy to have around, but he is fiercely loyal, in that he stays bought.

🥇Flatt U Lance37,152






#5Lord Zathrus626






#8Mistress of the Obvious420






























#23Zendra and tHe_pOst200




#26Larry Trousers175












#32DarkSerge and bob128155














#40FlySox and Ytterbium Manganese132




#43Issira and punctual operation122


#45Rata Tooey and kahroo121




#48Item Dude115
















#56Audioman, Bacon Stoned, GlAcIeR, MarinaraMario and Skent100


#61Show No Mercy99






#64Danger, Matt the Fish and Sella93


#67AmpleHacksaw and Neenie291




#70Mingha, bboyTEK and reddening87




#74Ceelgohsplatt and MayaOwhy84


#76Stargazer67 and swankidelic82


#78Alomir and Marr81


#80Da_Poofhead, Sarg Slapahoe, kashara and penguinofdoom80




#85Pasta Far Eye78




#87Arutha and Gulf of Roo75




#90Kareth and zaksquatch73


#92Daragonth, EvilPorate and Korlon72


#95Astrocette, Barata and Simon Orbit71


#98clichecow and tinkeron70


#100devjoe, guissmo and silly_na69


#103Goldorak, LadyDelilah and Mr Salieri68




#107CPF, Luis Sol y Sombrero and stAx66


#110CheezyZombie, Phelonius, alibulibadaha and jadziadax65


#114Prima Vera and Succubus64


#116Draven1, jackal73 and kissenger63


#119Daniel Lockheart, HansGruber and ladderman62


#122Alqarine, Ceirdwyn and Imp y Clelyn60


#125Poncho the Sane and Samos57


#127meh_64_12 and mkanoap56


#129KittYhm, mndsm and will454555


#132EquiLeen, FluffyThumbTacks and Tom the Mighty52


#135JimHip, Thraxus, Whomhead, eddo189, fARther, herbmann022, imthebigchief and plk51


#143DestinyScarlatti, LeMuffin, Luc1fer, MisterFishey, SamEvening and inuss35250


#149Oldsfrk, dunkyb and hippychick49


#152Mal Sanguine and d_w48


#154GoodnightMonkey, Waring and malalalalenanana47




#158Biohazzard, PassionFever and WunderButt45


#161Lira and renji44


#163BabyStewy, Justin Credible, PC_Goldman, Shadowlord, Telgar the Blue and TwilightSun43


#169AubriAnne, BjornStronginthearm, Sand_Buffalo, Sasori_uk, ZeddWhyte, mmcbride and shaggy10042


#176Creepingcrud, Fisty Cuffs, Foggy, Oroku Saki, PH Stuff, Rakkasan, Roga and Sen41


#184Gorg, SquishSquish, azupnod and sofpunisher40


#188Grokly, Requium, SekJal, SquishyGuy, Vesiv, mooie and panne39


#195BleachedBaby, Bronzesse, Dik, Fat Ninja, JawG and Owlish38


#201Crowther, Killa K, Merkan, Qdo, Zard and docmARionum137


#207Arkham, Butterz, Dr NutButter, Tortica, jojotheimp, rufuskin and stabby36


#214Annihilator, Arc9, Elfea, Relim Gorsen, Suicide_TVS, misque and someone35


#221MephistoWolf, Shlhu, Wraithtech, hitsugaya and oreo34


#226BB Karo, Josef2, Killa Kay, MetalHeart, Sarrow_icy and smck3433


#232Bandanaman, Cockroach, DocValance, Hellbear88, Mabster, Respek Knuckles, Sendaben, Timble3, Volante, drinks galore, sirCoOlWhip and vonschiller32


#244Catatonia, Traverser, Xaositects and geopetal31


#248Dark_Horse, Devan, Droidlocks, GiveMeANameDammit, Jmoen, Likal Coraer, Liquid Sasquatch, Punchessa, Thunderclees, feedhead and senon30


#259Chicken n Dumplings, Delgato, Family Of Salsa, Rachiannka, SgtMango, dfens73 and frank warshaw29


#266Amnerys, Loqub, Mal2Mult, Necco Wafer, Nikademus, mailbox head and xxsuccubusxx28


#273Frita Bandita, Gheed, Gobbla, HushAngelico, Park, RGlock, Rutiger, Spiffie, Two__T, melonmuncher, red grog and stanley27


#285Azzedar, John Ramen, Joyce100, LIVERflukes, Mr_Crac, Nurishi, Triskelion, elljaeT and glaucos26


#294Anarch, BobbyMcBain, Disneeyore1, Dyann, GondomWing, MysticPearl, Obsidean_00, Rev Noodlyson, The Big O, Trixar Fo Kids, Vaan, Vidalia, jedi_knightamu902005, latrodectus, robbahood and rtaylor25


#310DoomKnight2, FFL2and3rocks, Lord Noel, NEURION, Nine Jack Nine, Nobodys Hero, Wobut, Xortag, denominator, mwahaha, orwellmbc77, verbena128 and warjunkie24


#323Al Dante, Blythe, Bruce the Hoon, Clarrissa Lockjaw, Luxxor, SkyHouse52, ikazuchi and nospiNe23


#331Clumsy, Edwizzle, ExAcademic, IdHitIt, KyRoS, Mizzatb, Moxious Mystery, MrSnerg, Poochy, RockClimb, Rumour Rhemer, Satire, UmbrageOfSnow, Weldsoft, bauhaus, granjero, kevinzhou3, legom7, olleH and weijia22


#351Alteff, Ask your Doctor about Levitra, BlueWasabi, ChaoticGalen, Fedorahman, Griv, Katrina Semolina, Locatelli, Magnus Loki, Malik, Maryland, Noskilz, Orlando, Revier, Rouver, SassyMcAsspants, Shimbo, TrunkleBob, Ziir, iceangel666, lizzydgreatest, phrainck, seong lIkes bulls, tom93 and wexer921


#376BronMac, CaptainSpam, Envoy, Ereshkigal, Ewie, Gaddse, Haminiyah, Hardy24, Haughty, Holzwurm, John Watson, KID6969, Karmelya, Kitty Baggins, LuvLuvChef, Mitheor, Niktu, QuiCksteR, SoupMama, hiimchels, oddfellow and rebrane20


#398Duhric, Kemistry, KingFelix, KydrouKair, LdySaphyre, Parmesan Marshmallow, Pure Mania, pantsthief and whitehatluck19


#407ChagChag, El_Pirateo, Hsilwo, Jman22, Lucre, Marshall, Master Bates, Neotemplar, ezrick, fly_boy42, fotze and moop18


#419BettyRubble, CrimsonHalo, FauxPasIII, Gauln, Highwaywoman, Johansensen, Mighty Xerxes, Shadowglaze, She Who Twaddles Turnips, emerson, jeffk42, johns test multi, penguinGRI and yvanehtnioj17


#433Ashfox, Barbari0n, Crinkum Crankum, Deimos, ErisDiscordia, IpaIpa, Jorgensen, KitTheHunter, LadySharky, Lilkeith07, Malevolus, MrSqueezeBox, Rithlander, Romius, Saucy_Sistah, Snott, Thistlehair, Trouser Fetish, WeToddEd, anticosmo, eav, julipuli, lora and yodaBABE16


#457Ancient Cheese, Bad Hat Harry, CA Dude, DataVortex, Diss, Dyzzyah, Flash Gordon, GroggBeoir, Kerrian, Knobbes, Legend Killers, MonkeeBuddah, Natlach, Nectaris, Puttan Esca, Ralph The Wonder Llama, ShaggyJDub, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, TC0418, Waldergrave, cheshirecat387, h00k and stoicheroic15


#480A Tiny Plastic Puddle, AdmiralKit, Annia, Error1, Jpatton, Junestar, MysticMelvin, Pacone, Rendar69, Weylin, arikamuji, crimsonblind, cyborgstan, jgingrey, pLaster and sensibleb14


#496Alphonse_Elric, Amazonian, Antipode, AtlanteanScion, Christoph, CreOsOTe, Dante Kinkade, DeathAngel, Dirty Immigrant, Dr_Snugglebunny, Flabberjack, GligSith_Tcharf, Immelan, Jill_Bob, Justice1234, Kevin, Mac_Gyver, Mala the Sad, Mansausage, Maryam, Mesth, Metraxis, MissPolka, NotArgent, QuicksilverFox85, Quimble, Red_Zinger, Rixius, Schwetty, Slick Devlan, Thelaan, TurtleGirlPower, WhiteWizard, bigboy2, bogseyluke, dudeofthecountry14, evilzombieking, fourandtwentyblackbirds, jackman6, jinkles, l4g0s, raynstorm and sweet maple13


#539Big_Mike_55, Briddy, CSS_puke, ChasteGalahad, DanElectro, Derdrom, DonPuza, ElroyJetson, Farfetchedchild, Fezzik28, Flinguine, FurryBird, IdlnPb, Karistina Sedai, KiMMi, King Stupid, Lalorelei, LasagnacTheGreat, Lyxia, Merik, MineralWater, NeoOfTheWilderness, Newman, Ninja Karl, PuccaGirl, Pudvirus, Quixote113, Rahenna, Sir Jimeth, Tara the Inept, ThunderTurtle, Unzeitgeist, Will the Warrior, Xentrix, Zeryl, dontSing, dr jimmy, grimwald, j01041999, jbnimble, kjacobso, missmouse and rifa12


#582Adam1WPI, Allen_36s, Annieshka, Archipelago71, Averion, Barbecue Sauce, Bare_Bear, Brap, Briband, CaitiffsEros, ChaseCross, Club, Clubbrz L337, Crazy As Pants, CrazyWeirdo, Cynara, DeathKnight668, DerMagus, Donavin69, Doz, DrewT, Enameless, ErsatzHipHop, ExDeAtH, Femme Bot, FufuBunnySlayer, GpHerder, Ha1Ha1Ha, Jabbie, Janno, JimmyJunk, Joey Jojo Jr Shabadoo, LanstuL, Lobster, Longuine, Lorc, Lord Jareth, Lord Merkin, Lord_of_Ants, LyingSage, Maharet, Miss Sexualconduct, Monkeyboyjp, Mr Croup, MrExploiter, Naners, NubbinNod, Paksukainen, Phaete, Playfair, Pustulio, Quietust, Ragin_Rigatoni, Ranger, Roger_B3, Rutger von Horeburg, Salydra, Scat, Shagie, SiG, SonDEnise, Southen, StinkyChip, SuperAscender, Sutra, TarapinTerror, ThunderGate, Toric, TropicalPineapple, UncleBen, Viridinia, Xtanstic, Yamcha, allmitybob, broodwich, jho mamma, jimmy_hoffa, joecarst, mumbeeni, n3bul4, rpgmarker35, scheijan, spooky kid, stepinrazor, viZion, whizdad and zeeT11


#669BambaBaby, Big_Papa_55, Bootz, Boudica, Crack Jackie, DaGreatMomoVII, Dammit Janet, Dante5454, Dark Eagle, Darkspy, Despard, Ecce Idle, ElCankerSore, Entish Power, Escaflowne, FZero, FooBarBaz, Geebee, Grabtharr, Kayarath, Kev015, Kolcat001, Krendel, Lauts, Loathario, Lord Stefano, Mandible Jones, Marfer, Mayfly182, MelonCollie, Meru la Renat, Nomnominus Rex, Peccance, Penguin_Knight, Perkk, Pringle, Raefyn, Raph Fury, RobN, Septh, Seven Drunken Pirates, Shellie_Webster, SlowMotionMagic, Spaceboy9702, Spiffulous Mall Multi, Spikeboi2007, SupremeKingTom, SwinginCelt, Swinka, ThunderSource, Traven, TsunemonoPinku, Vasilii, Vedekka, Wadjet, WallaWalla23, Wendella, Zaraki, Zelda459, Zinc Saucier, beeger, blaisenwolf, blueberry, bluedancer, goldfischegirl, hortenweaver, iamSoupCombust, kilroi, kingPOGo, mrdAvid37, murphs, spammagnet23 and uffda10


#742Acorn Express, Angelic_bookwoRm, Angry1, Ashtar the Second, Asimantos, AssHat, BabyGirlTigger05, Beatdown, Blizzy, Blue Dragon, Boxwood, Ceasarious, ChevellemanX, Dave of the Hill People, Dilldo_Baggins, DropShock, EnemyX_ Peaches, Firebyrdx, Gouku, JToomey, Lord Kobel, LunaWolvesMan, M3ph1st0, Makka, Manion, Mars the Infomage, Miss Adventure, Mony Tanero, Mysty42, Northern Sahaqiel, PetesSake, Southwest, Steel Nut Dave, Tealsac, TheOtherSpike, Tiffany Anne, ToneDeafBawb, Valandilv, VoraciousVulva, WelcomeToEarth, ZuzusPetal, alfabit, bioterror123, blornferter, bugzilla, creeping wedgie, donloo, hipernerd, karma_247, magic miss ile, menggu, ragnarok_now, robin hood, roflcopterlol, sotar, superfoot, tehjebus and thorlof9


#800Alinoe, Altoid, AngrySeal, Beljeferon, Blogzo, BlueThunder, Byrallyn, Chelonia, CoronaDude, Critchley, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Generic Hero, Gracie Law, Halueth, Hot Mamma, Idesofmarch, Jimmy da Pooh, Llathias, Quothz, SadOatcakes, ScoopKW, Soylent Black, Tangerine Kumquat, The Hogfather, Vanir, Vuvuzela Virtuoso, Webley, WillGruff, Wylin, benjaminysmall, kerrold, mx indigo, rhesuspieces00, tush the pastagirl, wavedash and weird8


#836Anta, Aro CantCatchABreak, Arthas, Astrocreep, Avatar, Baughbe, Biotchka, Bolognix, Darmut eDrien, DmtEEtop2, Drider, ElVatoLoco, Electro, Emtu, Eoghnved, Galapagos James, GreenAiden555, Grippingworm, Inferno_dmn6, JK Phoenix, JudySeagram, Kaghne, Koshchei, LuxChroma, Melia, Mister Saturn, P o o P, PolyesterMan, Raylin, SealClubber363, Sean_Seannery, Sluggs, Sours, Spramen, Squeeman, Tania Australis, The Funktipus, TheMakeOutHobo, Underaling, Verklompen, bizkut, daehtihS, disco_sargon, elsen, feytenet, goblinishgoblin, gunfighter, kevtron, larky lion, loir1, mittensss, necronomicon, notty_girl, nvx, schmedy, snooty, snstrx, spemik85, tamara, the_Khamul and vatriala7


#897Aaissa, Alfonso the Great, AmISam, Ankopitch, Aremedis, BDF Loathers, BMW, Biffle, BogeyMan, Branwen101, Brinta, Bronwyn Ddu, CRX, Chaosrelic, Cicadalek, Clandestine, Claudia_Balzac, Creepybutt, DISCokeir, Davidson, DiscoKiller, Doctor Beef, Don Quai Poncerello, Doxical, Dust, Ekeinos, Fellatrix, FirstMateNora, Framistan, FrostyBoy, GSrider, Gobberwart, Greystoke, Habby, Harris Pilton, Jack Vermicelli, MadMad, Mason Stone, Miaire, Miestese, Minor Annoyance, Mr Hardnoodle, MrConspiracy, MrSpikey, MsFinch, NeuroticGalen, NeuroticPunk, Pryderi, Raine, Redcap04, Silimike, Somerset Lopez, Spiff, Strike_Fighter, Swine, ThaSupafly, Thiefmeister, Thrawn, UnknownUser, VikingGoddess, Waffie, ZombieElvisImpersonator, alan0823, darknexus, dirka15243dirka, drabber, fishh, gen0615, hedonia, krodoc, larah, laurathequeen, mervella, mongoose51, octopodey, rexfelis, s l a y e r, shepherd, some newbie and venger6


#977AdmiralBob, Aleke, Augon, Autumn1983, BoiRDee, Boman, Bors, Bubble Girl, Cappas420, CottonMouth, Cowbell, CrazyBrain, DJBling, DakX, DavManX, Decaying_corpse, Del Ilnaki, DiscoFevaDiva, Doctor Pepper, DragnMaster8, Dreabob, Drucifer and EbolaWoman5
