
#338Angry Farmer candy353
#1238Cold Hots candy1
#1067Daffy Taffy21
#821Knob mushroom1
#1015Knoll mushroom1
#1629Mad Train wine2
#401MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech21
#231Morbidda trading card1
#171Mr. Balloon1
#298Mr. Mediocrebar185
#643Now and Earlier2
๐Ÿฅ‡Raggedy Hippy doll11,046
#2659Rock Pops1
#554Senior Mints8
#382Tasty Fun Good rice candy137
#183Venus flytrap1
#712Wint-O-Fresh mint13
#122Yummy Tummy bean1,955
#1652ancient unspeakable fruitcake4
#996astronaut pants6
#951bag of Cheat-Os1
#998bat-shaped Crimboween cookie2
#222boxed wine133
#7bubble bauble bow188
#608candy cane60
#1327candy stake5
#8carob chunk cookies3,055
#99casino pass42
#25cocoa eggshell fragment4,523
#745cool mushroom1
#44cool mushroom wine9
#166evil teddy bear95
#145exotic orchid1
#1288fancy but probably evil chocolate4
#1134fancy dress ball8
#273fine wine23
#885flaming mushroom1
#321flaming mushroom wine1
#826frozen mushroom1
#3042gingerbread horror2
#10goat cheese pizza1,697
#176guy made of bee pollen18
#56heart-shaped balloon995
#27herb brownies702
#36hippy herbal tea167
#237hot wing369
#274icy mushroom wine1
#1288killer rag doll1
#156knoll mushroom wine1
#140mad scientist's sock monkey21
#316patchouli incense stick68
#876pile of candy3
#1088pixellated candy heart7
#702pointy mushroom1
#811potted cactus1
#272potted fern2
#263pregnant mushroom1
#213prehistoric spear18
#623pretty bouquet1
#1795razor-tipped yo-yo2
#1174roll of toilet paper30
#2624spooky eggnog2
#1351spooky mushroom5
#233spooky mushroom wine1
#821stinky mushroom1
#249stinky mushroom wine1
#277strawberry wine5
#5207stuffed Cheshire bitten6
#5734stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech5
#5349stuffed astral badger6
#5769stuffed baby gravy fairy5
#907stuffed can of asparagus2
#7693stuffed cocoabo2
#1575stuffed dodecapede1
#4303stuffed flaming gravy fairy9
#7024stuffed frozen gravy fairy3
#6330stuffed hand turkey4
#4946stuffed mind flayer7
#6373stuffed scary death orb4
#4293stuffed sleazy gravy fairy9
#6196stuffed snowy owl4
#4586stuffed spooky gravy fairy8
#1685stuffed spooky mushroom4
#246stuffed stab bat1
#6280stuffed stinky gravy fairy4
#5781stuffed undead elbow macaroni5
#553stuffed yo-yo1
#36t8r tots616
๐Ÿฅ‡time sleigh1
#8186tiny plastic Cheshire bat1
#4312tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#4234tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer1
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#8208tiny plastic angry goat1
#8249tiny plastic baby gravy fairy1
#8119tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#4474tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#8169tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#8089tiny plastic cocoabo1
#8217tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#4494tiny plastic disco bandit1
#8149tiny plastic fuzzy dice1
#8185tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#8088tiny plastic ghuol whelp1
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#8055tiny plastic grue1
#8123tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#8064tiny plastic killer bee1
#8198tiny plastic leprechaun1
#8100tiny plastic levitating potato1
#8107tiny plastic mosquito1
#4343tiny plastic pastamancer1
#8098tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime1
#4463tiny plastic sauceror1
#4450tiny plastic seal clubber1
#8221tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#8155tiny plastic stab bat1
#8133tiny plastic star starfish1
#4038tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#1864tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#109toothsome rock83
#184toy crazy train52
#473toy jet pack16
#149toy mercenary49
#642toy ray gun13
#463toy space helmet19
#147tree-eating kite241
#193vampire duck-on-a-string62

Wow, that's 27,540 items total!

what items are this player missing?