Senior Mints

Senior Mints

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Let me tell ya, young'un, back in my day these were the only candies we could get. None of your fancy Sugar Bombs, or the Holy Crap, This is Sours -- this was all we had. And we liked it!

🥇Man Mobile2,168,101
















#10Sajer the Forgotten135,912


















#19Lord Stefano23,313








#23Tiny Plastic Jase16,206




#25Mistress of the Obvious14,269










#30Stan Maskelyne10,915














#37Poncho the Sane5,757






























#52Hitori Hanso1,979








#56Lord Enzo1,338


#57Mikemtl and Phillllllllll1,337




#60Thy Ramen Man and caducus1,000
























#73Chymes and Mac_Gyver386


#75brent ObeRLin372
















#83Kitcat Muncher266


#84Cri and Garrotte264


#86Master Grimwulf248










#91Boxy Brown221




#93Lord Mellman212






#96Galapagos James203








#100Queen Cool169


#101La Zania and pretzal165


#103Ayyno and Gravinatrix155




#106Sal the Rapacious152






#109Candice Dick147




#111Deimos and Shoop8000144


#113LotsaHair and poorlydrawnman141






#117little lisa134














#124Jaunty and King Texas117


#126Artie Effham and LEMMING53115










#132Adamar, Darkling, Escaflowne, Friznik, Legalpad77, SnowAngel, Tigger101 and Wizunon100


#140BlueThunder and Donhiriel99




#143Miridian and agargan93


#145Blade 392












#151Drok, Pumpkinheadme and Wheremydemonslie81


#154imthebigchief and raney5375


#156Babaganoosh, Clan Mule and whizdad73


#159AnxiousHyrax and Shisoru72


#161IndyClub and Motty71












#168UnC0 and skexiz62


#170Cookiecutter, dman2kn1 and reinstag61


#173Kitcats and Scutter60




#176LBH and d00bie58










#182Gnoogie, Llamoo, Tom808 and mmcbride53




#187AlmAlphiA and Tohru51


#189Brainsander, CasRaven, glaucos and rufuskin50




#194Deranged Cat and Kneegrow48


#196Cool Hunter and sauceclubber47


#198King Candy, Mat and wza46


#201Mashiro, Ninja Karl, Rumour Rhemer and alBATross45






#207Aife, Gorloth, HunterAXL and Shellie_Webster42


#211donky and sadieseaside40


#213Late nite Ramen and Meester Slow39


#215Eroquin, Olorin, Peppa Mint, Splotz and The Cowardly Swagman38


#220Alex Spence, Mega Ogg Boolbar, nailkitty, slugBoy and stone515037


#225Evil1337m3 and KarneLoki36


#227Bobje Ratata, QuiCksteR, soelo and swallybee35


#231BuRNJoB420, Kalira, Punchessa, Quothz, Valryia and micros the tiny34


#237Jusano, Kingfox, Lady Tomo, Mongrel the Apathetic, Ultranibbles and kidMissile33




#244Anavrin and Crazy831


#246Bast, Bomber, Ellis D, Kamikaze777, WalterEgo, Zsakura, flykitty and mangofeet30


#254Tindomerel and Wildcat_69329


#256Doctor Beef, I_Love_Pie, Lime_Burner and TheDotGamer28


#260Decapitator_Of_Souls, Grandpa_Jeb, Pierp, Solve_Omnis and yonpytr27


#265Boba Feta, Dessa, Jacque_D_Charlo, Mana Yachanichu and Rouver26


#270Disco_she, Hellfire_Death, Isla, LastChans, LuckyPuck, MrKeen, Saliea, abbey and mehightemplar25


#279CrazyCatLady, SeanM, Stormhound, buttonmonkey and someone24


#284Grantasaurus, Lil L8, Nazzu, Nitride, Reaper812, Reepicheep, Rissika, eav, jasenm and moriati23


#294Arras, MC Peepants, Mystic_Potato, Wolfman6666, blueflamingo and yuma bich22


#300ButterflyBabe, ChevellemanX, Evileness, Foggy, Head_Moid, Kaos_Demonik, Killerpunk420 and Turleyron21


#308BroKor, Claudia_Balzac, Kar Wai, Korlon, LongJacket, PhotoFlow3, Siddavfox, The Shady Lady, Wr3cktangle, c00lb0t and squeally20


#319Decos, Delilah, ElVatoLoco, FERGYball, Huntingrey, IncyWincyQuincy, MARCkind19, Pandorable, TheOtherSpike, frank sinatra and phantom_child_2319


#330CA Dude, Funny_Snake_100, Gessika33, KID6969, Kareth, MaxEarWax, PodVon, Tarragon, Victorinox and cocothegreat18


#340Anne_Tipahzto, Bubble Girl, General_Herpes, Ignoble, Mariance, Salsa Picante, SmellofHarmonica and Terrax17


#348BlackThunder, BranNew, Daye, Dyann, EarWaxMax, Frejman, KnightOfTheRound, LiamAndMe, Misha_Z, Ravag3r, Sahar, Squirt Shorts, TheGreenLing, lngbnna, nATEn53 and revel16


#364El Vibrato, Family Of Salsa, HotTomato, Ibaslomofo, Kismet, Mr Croup, Quixote113, SEPfield, Vidalia, imperator, octopodey, pyrochild42 and xapnomapcase15


#377ARthuR the human, Danger Mouse, ExAcademic, GligSith_Tcharf, Kaley, Minor Annoyance, PleasEaThat, Radcliff247, Sand_Buffalo, Sanguina, Steve_OOOOOOO, Yasmine, dennisrmulljr and dreamisle14


#391Anna Rexia, Brestok, CottonMouth, Count Scrofula, Flybynight, Heavy Q, Jabbit, Kreegah, Lady Kaine, MysteryDarkShadowHeartThePony1, Tara the Inept, Thelaan, future_cow, knlbr, loveBOT, maladrama and serengeti13


#408Ada Min, Amontillado, Antunar, Azarael, Cristao, Dragnchic9, Drucifer, Farfetchedchild, JamminBen, Lord Tasbo Tavoc, MUSIcality, OffaMyLawn, POIEDa, Rakkasan, Stickman281, The Great Gimpy, Treble Maker, WolfLady, dumpybabe, edman18, john1008, maliphik, mervella, pvp channel toastbot, scuttle, smokeyliker and tweeteewee12


#435Andrew, Archipelago71, Bert of the Northwest, Betty Page, Blackmange, Club, Clubbrz L337, DeDiddlyDawg, Dik, Disco Sam, DrewT, EdgarHippo, Gravy Spasm, JawG, Jill_Bob, JimmyJunk, LdySaphyre, LilNinjaPanda, Longuine, Lorith, Mad Matt, Magnus Thunderblade, Maruzze, Mekare, OldBobLeashed, Oroku Saki, Princess Erin, Random String of Letters, Sailintony, Somersaulter, StinkyChip, Tape Ball, Thurlingdrome, Tinfoil Chef, YuukiHideki, beansprout, extremo113, petreska, rosa blanco, shylarah, spooky kid, wexer9 and yukonjack11


#478AccordionBoy, Albertstone, Alexandrine, Avenger007, BlueSeashell, Captain Kirk, DaisyInari, Dane, Danger, Dark Porygon, Darkwar89, Dazzle, Dungeon Princess, Fopeboy, Fredrica, Grimrealities, Magister30, Master Betty, MysticPearl, MysticalMolly, Neptune, NewtTheGreater, NooBnooB123, OZxAlucard, OlWotchamakalit, PaSTE, PinkLady, Pixie Pillager Patty, Pooper_Scooper, Raph Fury, Ratenela, Roy, SassyMcAsspants, Spartandude, Thraxus, Tsunam1Bomb, ViRtUaLheretic, Warrior93, bocaj, cheesedoom, copperbottom chef, denial, denominator, elspeth, kalysto, mellorisagayafrobear, mstieler and shadowulf10


#526Beagle, Candy Girl, Cute_tiger, Deffener, Diatonic, Droidlocks, KittyBear_, LasagnaAddict, Lord Zathrus, Lumeria, Meat__pUPPET, Mr Socko, Nocciola, Orion137, Ragamonster, RoseRed, Shellfish Jane, Sp8z, Spaghettini, Splendor, TullyLao, Westcliffe, jWang, rabidgirl, skulz13, trafficjam29, verticalx and xephyne9


#554Aione, Angel of Music, Bambii, BurntKechup5, Deeliteful, Disowned, Elizabeth Lee, Framistan, Hallan Meras, JK Phoenix, Laplaya, LisaTheMad, Malicious Tubbs, Mayting, Mutcha, NooDel, OnyxRazor, Phantom Stag, Picker, PyroStar, Sir Beavis Poopsalot, SqueegeeMaster, Stargazer67, Subacai, Tobioas, TurtleTamer400, Tux299, VileAspirin, Wasabi NINJA, Xena_Ohki, Zebulon, alasen, benchilada, daR06, fuzziwuzzi, hippychick, homefrombasic, idamay, lupus4, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, meggiemay, mothramon, nordmert and themezzosoprano8


#598Acorn Express, Alfraida, Arthas, Artix The Seeker, Barrow_Troll, Baughbe, Birdy, Bluerockworld, Breizel, Conclavidor, Darknight123, Dax, Depro Fundis, Doom Rider, Dutton, EdFlash, EggNogIceCream, Eseche, Evil Spawn of Molly, Griffonics, Gyric, Lady Maria, Lady_Deimos, Lucca, Lyzaria, Master Spam, Maynard the Foul, Miss Informed, MrBiggg, Othar, Q_tip, RabbitAvenger, Rouskis, Saucy Wizard, Simetra, Skylancer1048576, Spelling_Police, Sweetbeef, TinyZu, Tod Booster, Underlord76, Wargolem, apisguy, blndbby, gargirl, nomeat4you, ragnar0K, sheldonbunny and sombrehippie7


#647Achmedkhalim, BenzDoc, BludgeonedSalmon, Butt Pirate, Candelabra, Cara Mia, Cprime101, CriticalGirl, Dancelot, Dark343434, DjTeriyaki, EddieLoo, Elwin, Gemdrina, Goodch, Haminiyah, JustinCarto, Kache, KnifeCzar, Krios, Lardistic, Laul, Lexicon, Livnmenwalk, Loopylou, Love_Storm, MAnicDepressive, Mickey Cacciatore, NPFan, Nancy Callahan, OHogan, PapaSloth, PrinceCandyAss, Razor Eater, SaucyLady, Shayol Ghul, Snapperjack, SoupMama, TheBrent, Uurson, Vampqueen, Wally Okernbacher, Widget1985, Witch Childe, ZombieKiller13, aldervan, annu, chlorophyll, corvi, denial_land, gen0615, kissenger, malenfant, odaffer98, quinn_julia, rando, seekthelable, sensibleb, slotwin, spankeyhamsbro, tanstaafl, warbix and wikkest6


#710Accentra, Alyssa, Andle, Bart Logan, CBParker, CleoNJace, Confuzed, Crosnore, Darth Milo, Draven, ElSparkster, Elsynoodle, Feralmonkey, FlySox, Franksinistera, FrenchiePoo, GARYZHEN, Impalator, Jago_ji, Jettcat, Juha, Jujudragon, Keloid Milk, LastResortMan, LilyNoire, Liquid Sasquatch, LunaWolvesMan, Machiko, Makatiel, Martina, Moxious Mystery, Mud Duck, Nicarra, PastryPusher, PolkaPsycho, Quicklime, Ragnok, Randomrape, Saemir, Saucy_Sistah, Schmoola, Sea Hag007, Septh, Shantalya, Snail Eater, Steventity, Strych, SuperSaraSonic, Suspect, Sweet_Irene, TC0418, Tefnut, TheDevilsTears, Thix Darkmoor, Threesomes, Tolim, Twin Lefty, Vulturas, Weylin, Whitefiver, Xerada, bangersnmash, booberrymel, chanaleh, cumsomme, danakatz88, dragonhat, drjohndee, eddy, erimus, jacksonmang, kryXtyn2, lyralice, mOrBiDaNgEL, mechapanda, minders, misnomer1, mooie, motheshmo, necrohades, ophelia_in_red, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, rebrane, rhod_hook, rock_action, shkspr, stpatgirl1987, tyman12349, whitewitch and windmom5


#800Alycya, Anarch, Aroking, Ayako, Baggerschmakle, Beren LeStrange, Bitzer, Black_Dahlia, Blondie, Bogger275, Brown Eyed Phoenix, Budselect, Caerwen, CaptainCharisma, ChaosTheDarkMage, Cheese Cracker, Cthon98, CyberJanet, DaBaddestHic, DarkLord75253, Davisbig, Debobe, Deks, Devan, DevinBair123, Disco Fire, DocValance, EFFING THUG RYE, El Juno, Elyas Machera, FIshi, FSM Worshipper, Faded, GorgeousGeorge, Habby, Hairshirt, HereTicSaint, Hexxx, HorseloverFat, Hos_Kryptic, Hulyen, Igor Priapus, Jai_Milanthi, Jeffie, JoeyBaggadonuts, Jonzay, Ladies Against Women, Lady Ladle, LazloFruvous, LissaGail, Lord Baldrick, MarVellJones, Marcyss, Mentaiko, Mighty Kes, MotdAkasha, MrWee, Neithyme, Noisyhand, Ocpus, OlympiaS, PaedragGaidin, Pasta Thief, Pertelote, Redhandedstealer, RileyMonster, SCYankee, SallyDammerung, Salvationist, SapphirePhoenix, Scattaloquarious, Sherman Potter, Shylok, Skittles the Sexy, Space Ace, Spooky666, Stormcaller58, SuperDood, Sustre, TerraAire, Tes, The_SLY_Raven, Thud the Boy Blunder, TigerMom, Tiny Plastic Miestese, Trump, UKalien13, Unilin, VampireCake, White Candy, WhiteStarNorth, Xapeck, Xentrix, Yarple, Zazilia, Zeki, acm, charm, crystal_ingram, december_saige, hotc17, hotdeth, howlin_mad, hughmongous, julianne, kaoskiller1, kartez, megan9mm, mintie, mumbeeni, newbie12121, nimrod_1, o0Succubus0o, pLaster, red grog, rowanthorn, saphfieryangel, serpentmuse, skareeno, stAx, suwakia, sweetie, timeforloathing, tush the pastagirl, volf and wertperch4


#926AKU, Aamrie, Adler, Ahante, Ancientofearth, Antarctica, Antic the Fearless, ArgghFW, Ataug, Athanatos, Baerie Bryr, Bobathan McJekt, BoiRDee, Boylestad, Brick Chicken, Buck Turgidson, Bucket de Mowbray, Chasing, ChiaJY, ChrisMcG, CometStarmet, Comm911, Consorts with Dragons, Cothan, Crapbucket, Curly Howard, DancesWithTrekkies, DarkNewton, Davidson, Desmondman1, Diamond Stud, Dick Shunary, Doc Trauma, Don Quai Poncerello, Doolin, DrWolf, Envoy, Evil_chickens, FeaRLeSS_Gaia, Firetitan8, GheyRay, Gouddha, Grimmie, Gypsum, Hexidimentional, Hot_Buns_Julie, Irk2, Issira, JR Trolkin, Jamez EX, Jaylee, Jeddiah, Jenny Saucepn, Jherskow, JiggaBoo, JoshuaGrey, Kaiden_AoP, Kara Rae, Ken Saubbie, Kerringar, Ladybug, Lord Nightmare, Lord_of_Ants, Marlee, McPedro, Merr, Modiste, MorriganMordred, MrAnnouncer, MrCreasote, MrDeFault, Nagol, Nary and NeuroticPunk3
