
#468Bit O' Ectoplasm4
#423Boris's key lime pie1
#925Boris's ring1
#1365Cloaca grenade4
#630Cold Hots candy6
#594Crimboween memo18
#1524Daffy Taffy8
#1206Dyspepsi grenade5
#594Gnollish pie server1
#673Gnollish pie tin1
#775Jarlsberg's earring1
#396Jarlsberg's key lime pie1
#430Knob Goblin Uberpants1
#989Knob Goblin elite helm1
#995Knob Goblin elite pants1
#973Knob Goblin elite polearm1
#1051Knob Goblin elite shirt1
#183Knob Goblin eyedrops1
#1207Knob Goblin firecracker1
#1007Knob Goblin harem pants1
#996Knob Goblin harem veil1
#164Knob Goblin learning pill1
#796Knob Goblin love potion4
#578Knob Goblin melon baller1
#190Knob Goblin nasal spray1
#1045Knob Goblin pants1
#738Knob Goblin perfume1
#315Knob Goblin pet-buffing spray1
#1057Knob Goblin scimitar1
#826Knob Goblin seltzer1
#130Knob Goblin sharpening spray1
#746Knob Goblin spatula1
#717Knob Goblin steroids4
#163Knob Goblin stink bomb1
#734Knob Goblin superseltzer1
#1117Knob Goblin tongs1
#891Knob Goblin visor1
#152Knob Kitchen grab-bag1
#169Knob lo mein1
#821Knob mushroom1
#647Knob sausage1
#121Knob sausage stir-fry1
#130Knob shroomkabob1
#136Knob stir-fry1
#350Knob stuffed shells1
#284Now and Earlier13
#927Senior Mints3
#399Sneaky Pete's key lime pie1
#436Sugar Cog4
#1377Tasty Fun Good rice candy9
#1099Wint-O-Fresh mint7
#406alphabet gum3
#170asbestos crossbow string1
#185baconstone earring1
#261baconstone ring1
#218banjo strings1
#798black paisley oyster egg6
#1130black plastic oyster egg3
#728black polka-dot oyster egg6
#966black striped oyster egg5
#811blue paisley oyster egg5
#1032blue plastic oyster egg4
#1001blue polka-dot oyster egg4
#1113blue striped oyster egg4
#279boring spaghetti1
#1169bottle of gin2
#1437bottle of rum2
#1126bottle of vodka2
#1214bottle of whiskey4
#558candied kobold5
#57candied yam pinky ring1
#540candy brain4
#900candy cane39
#272cherry pie1
#775chewing gum on a string1
#509chintzy noodle ring1
#507chintzy saucepan earring1
#163chrome crossbow string1
#54clockwork rings1
#433cream pie1
#185crossbow string1
#779dwarf bread4
#229eXtreme nose ring1
#96flashing novelty button7
#274flower petal pie1
#363foie gras2
#2534giant pinky ring1
#511gingerbread bugbear46
#145gnatwing earring1
#197hamethyst earring1
#263hamethyst ring1
#828herb brownies7
#305hovering sombrero1
#145knob mushroom wine1
#1085lavender paisley oyster egg3
#929lavender plastic oyster egg4
#559lavender polka-dot oyster egg5
#607lavender striped oyster egg4
#285lemon meringue pie2
#1750length of string1
#623lihc eye pie1
#132linoleum crossbow string1
#228lumbering jack1
#609maple syrup4
#707mariachi G-string1
#480mauve paisley oyster egg6
#1188mauve plastic oyster egg3
#938mauve polka-dot oyster egg3
#1233mauve striped oyster egg3
#656off-white paisley oyster egg3
#1370off-white plastic oyster egg3
#900off-white polka-dot oyster egg3
#527off-white striped oyster egg5
#99orange glowstick15
#832oyster basket4
#321pie crust1
#1206piece of wedding cake1
#537piercing post1
#1364pixellated candy heart4
#186porquoise eyebrow ring1
#251porquoise ring1
#359puce paisley oyster egg7
#1069puce plastic oyster egg3
#1171puce polka-dot oyster egg3
#485puce striped oyster egg5
#334purple pixel pie1
#123ram-battering staff1
#851red paisley oyster egg4
#599red plastic oyster egg8
#676red polka-dot oyster egg5
#807red striped oyster egg3
#366ring of adornment1
#1128ring of aggravate monster1
#352ring of cold resistance1
#376ring of conflict1
#338ring of fire resistance1
#341ring of gain strength1
#1135ring of half-assed regeneration1
#414ring of increase damage1
#173ring setting1
#318rusty metal ring1
#325rusty metal shaft1
#96sack of doorknobs1
#2956shiny ring1
#97sinewy crossbow string1
#438skeleton key ring1
#56smoldering staff1
#318strawberry pie1
#2260string of blue beads1
#2259string of green beads1
#2245string of red beads1
#414sugar-coated pine cone4
#685walrus-tusk earring1
#1935whoopie cushion1
#2053wind-up chattering teeth1
#542yellow paisley oyster egg5
#1582yellow plastic oyster egg3
#631yellow polka-dot oyster egg3
#775yellow striped oyster egg3

Wow, that's 563 items total!

what items are this player missing?