candy brain

candy brain

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This is a candy brain, made out of a little of this and a little of that. Well, mostly sugar. But it makes it feel like it's seventy-two degrees in your head... all... the... time!

🥇Mistress of the Obvious7,669






#5Fat Sassy Wrath3,253








#9fresh curd1,770












#15V3it Thug1,213






#18little lisa973






#21Ima RN468








#25Dr Strange372


#26Bubble Girl345






























#41Lord Stefano206




#43DarkSpuddle and wOrLDs_NumbER_1_granDpa200




#46Poncho the Sane164


#47Far Fallen and QueenBowie 2158


#49boy howdy148






#52LadyBoobsalot and MeLcator139






#56Blythe and whizdad127






#60Issira and Nanimonai3116




#63Candice Dick114


#64Banker Bob and hiupotato113


#66Magnus Thunderblade and Razorbell111




#69Candy Girl103




#71Darkling, Friznik, SnowAngel, TheMonkofDestiny and caducus100


#76Duhric and Tettsuo97








#81BlueThunder and jessishere88






#85Maximum Taco82


#86Ultima_Wraith and Wheremydemonslie81


#88Malik and Stargazer6780






#92Arras and LT_Vicious77


#94KarneLoki and MonkeeBuddah73


#96Niktu, shylarah and stone515072


#99Shezera and windmom71




#102Barbari0n and Betrayer69


#104Galapagos James, ToneDeafBawb and eav65


#107ErikTheRed and rufuskin63




#110tush the pastagirl61




#112brent ObeRLin57






#115Calamus Root, LiamAndMe and OHogan52


#118AlmAlphiA and Jesus51


#120CasRaven, Le Canard and polly chrome50


#123Olorin and s l a y e r49


#125Avisceria, Demonic_Penguin, MissbHaven and o0Succubus0o48


#129Brestok and maladJUSTedSocIaLLY47






#133Butt Pirate41


#134Garthalimu, Godfighter, GoodnightMonkey, LaNz, Oldsfrk, Tarotina and winterjade40


#141Master Polka, Mekare, Photon Chang and Scroffy38


#145Kittwin, Kspades, OSUfootball102, OffaMyLawn and jimmy_hoffa37


#150LordPompous and VileAspirin36


#152Disco_she, Miss Informed and Salsa Picante35


#155Baughbe, Brat forcE and KiraBounce34


#158V a n e s s a32




#160Brialta and MynX30


#162Krios, Nikkifer, RustyShacklford, mumbeeni and shaggy10029


#167Ereshkigal and Esmi28


#169IncyWincyQuincy and meh1meh1meh27


#171Grantasaurus, Kool23kid, Pumpkinheadme, Solve_Omnis, The Mother Of All That Is Evil and gleeman26


#177Ancient Cheese, SeaSparkzz, So and So and TastesLikeChicken25


#181Angry Villager, Cryanger, Death by Gnocchi, Gauth, Maruzze, Old Ned, The Hogfather and ThelmaHC24


#189Kaley, Lexicon and blueflamingo23


#192Oroku Saki, Sheik Ahmed, squeally and zhuge22


#196Derdrom, Framistan, Garrotte and Liadan21


#200Aione, DeathofPasta, DerektheDead, Dungeon Princess, Huntingrey, LilMissFirefly, Maclind, Tamsin, Tom808, Zurin and liffe20


#211Chelonia, Count Scrofula, MotdAkasha, Zounds and foofroboatmeal19


#216Aldieb, Danthemanowar, Lady Tomo, OnyxRazor, RubyDallas, Sand_Buffalo, ZombieKiller13, dumpybabe and sweet maple18


#225El Vibrato, Elizabeth Lee, FlySox, Ibaslomofo, Kolyn, TeaseMe and petreska17


#232DarkNewton, Inuyaustin, Leanna, Magister30, QuietOne, Rakkasan, Yasmine, chlorophyll, hughmongous, mtiger, myrth77, rotinisha and xapnomapcase16


#245BarbarianBob77, Fredrica, HotTomato, JoshuaGrey, Lobster, MysteryDarkShadowHeartThePony1, QuiCksteR, Ravag3r, Subacai, Xerin and weeleigh15


#256ARthuR the human, Big_Papa_55, Bobje Ratata, Donavin69, FeaRLeSS_Gaia, Jabbit, Jujudragon, KID6969, Meru la Renat, Nancy Callahan, Spooky666, Wendigo, john1008, mediaboy and micros the tiny14


#271BranNew, DulocInfoKiosk, Fat Tummy, Firetitan8, Hyperla, Kaos_Demonik, Misha_Z, MoxiousMonkey, Mr Hardnoodle, RedGeisha, Snapperjack, Stroby, Tara the Inept, Thelaan, aldervan, bluephoenix, epithet and schmedy13


#289BlackThunder, Delilah Jones, EFFING THUG RYE, Laul, Mars the Infomage, Maynard the Foul, Mongrel the Apathetic, Pasta Thief, PollyEster, Q_tip, Random String of Letters, Shayol Ghul, Terrapin_Man, dcfiregirl, grifftheimac, guymansir and octopodey12


#306Archipelago71, Arutha, Castratiti_I_Pervertiti, Cheezinator, Club, Clubbrz L337, Dark Trooper, Eddie_Polka, El Dude, Elsynoodle, Genea, Hairshirt, Hobobuff_Zelinker, Jidam, Jill_Bob, JimmyJunk, Lewdguini, LilNinjaPanda, Longuine, Lord_NI, Minke, MysticalMolly, OldBobLeashed, Pandy Pandora, Princess Erin, Schmoola, Sundkvist, Tinfoil Chef, TropicalPineapple, hanna_the_dream, herpman, hotdeth, ikazuchi, jho mamma, kidMissile, nailkitty, reinstag and spooky kid11


#344Ailhanna, Antfattener, BlueRoux, Captain Kirk, Ceri, Cri, Danger, Disco Sam, Doxical, Escaflowne, Flabberjack, Humiliations Galore, Kitschycat, Lao Ming, LisaTheMad, Lyzaria, MysticPearl, Nienor, Rouver, SatireSloth, Schnerp, Snarla, Tarragon, Westcliffe, Wolfman6666, Zissou, copperbottom chef, echostate, grimwald, kissenger, lupus4, mmcbride, shARd, vloky, wildebeest, wrassler and yvanehtnioj10


#381BigdoG, Bluettucini, Cold Pizza, Haminiyah, HereTicSaint, Jenesta, Lord_of_Ants, MorriesOtherAccount, OlympiaS, PodVon, Rutger von Horeburg, SanGurth, SapphirePhoenix, SassyMcAsspants, Vidalia, Wilbur, ZeroGman, dedhed, gromit, herbmann022, smkydz, sweet freak and zacius9


#404AgentRocko, Anavrin, Aro CantCatchABreak, Bart Logan, Daisy_Dukes, Devan, Discord_Times, Habby, Kneegrow, Kreegah, Mac_Gyver, Marcyss, PoobahMa, Quothz, RipleyKicksButt, bickel, delvis_one, jackman6, mskc, ragnar0K and turtlesrock18


#425Arthas, Brieanna, BronMac, Chasing, Crazy Tourist, DeDiddlyDawg, DjTeriyaki, Dyann, El Juno, Ewie, ExAcademic, Grandpa_Jeb, Gyric, HushAngelico, Kamael, Lime_Burner, Loopylou, Moosenoise, Shadowlord, Sophronios, Wargolem, WolfLady, Xentrix, apisguy, cfbandit, crackmonkey, jolly man, mini mer, missmouse, smokey smokerson and theartofmegann7


#456Ada Min, AnxiousHyrax, Baggerschmakle, Critchley, GARYZHEN, Grokly, IngaTBW, La Zania, Lady_Deimos, PinballLizard, Ragamonster, Scattaloquarious, SealClubberForLife, SmellofHarmonica, Spikeykiller, Tara Peen, The_SLY_Raven, Ubiq, Void11GM2, Weavr, Xyrn, denial, dontSing, gabrielgray, jenrose, jinkles, nATEn53, ohNOanotherPUTZ, rosa blanco, sensibleb, superfoot and testostronaut6


#488Ahante, Amontillado, AquaticRes, Badde Hugs, BaronMalakai, Bellae, BlueStu, Davidson, Deeliteful, DocValance, Dwaggy, Hallan Meras, Hison, Jacque_D_Charlo, KiMMi, King Candy, Lord Baldrick, Mardie, Miridian, MorriganMordred, NightShayde, Ninja Karl, Pun, Qwystin, Ragnok, Retro_Thrusters, Sadness679, Sanrob, Saucy_Sistah, Sweetbeef, TC0418, Tangent240d, Teeese, Thraxus, Turleyron, Victorinox, Weylin, WunderButt, Zsakura, chimericthorn, d_w, danakatz88, kaberrykablerg, kaeboragaebora, krakhoar, liliaceae83, mutigers, necrohades, pLaster, pretzal, princess Pixie, themezzosoprano, vatriala and wonkette5


#542Adran, Aerin Frost, Angra Mainu, AutymnJade, Babaganoosh, Bassvamp, Bluerockworld, Bob_Pesterfello, Bogger275, Brono Trigger, Caplin, Chaiden, Chrisauceror, Cypher3, Damic, Darth Gangsta666, Darth Milo, DickLeaky, Envoy, Faded, Fallen Samurai, FiNnighan britton, Fluffy48, Griffonics, Hamfish, Hogsbreath, Hot_Buns_Julie, Hulyen, Jacques Pepin, KevinTheLucario, KittenOfWoe, Klutzygirl, Korlon, Lady Miss Wolfie, Mat Cauthon, Mayting, MrCreasote, Nalsa, Optimus747, Otterpuss, P o o P, Pertelote, Phantom Stag, RuncibleSpoon, Saanen, Sal the Rapacious, Sammie, Shoop8000, Shylok, Snarfla, Sonteloo42, Sprite Lee, Stabotron, Stan Maskelyne, SupermanCY, SwordsRCool, TaDaah, Targrod, Whitefiver, Yarple, Zhimena, acm, cumsomme, denominator, donatebloodplease, hydra_shok, j00, jWang, mr0t, newbie12121, poorlydrawnman, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, rowanthorn, sirormaam, stAx, trotsky90, within temptation and zip the toneless4


#620Alyas, Androcles Antepasta, Anna Rexia, Ataug, BenzDoc, Beren LeStrange, BigglesWorth, Bitsy, BoiRDee, Buckley, CaptainRondo, Carny Asada, Cobain Dougans, Crosnore, Dancelot, DevilishOne, DisComBoBulAteD, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Doomdog91, EdFlash, Evil Spawn of Molly, Family Of Salsa, General_Herpes, Greivous, HammeredOne, Hamperster, Hanson The Mighty, HappyCakeOven, HitPR, JR Trolkin, Jaxnoth, JoeyBaggadonuts, Jugger14, Kennith_The_Emo_Slayer, Krevlornswath, Laquicha, Lilli, Lord Lambshanx, Lucius Brimstone, LumDaddy, LunaWolvesMan, MadBloodletter, MadMad, Master_of_Doom, MaxEarWax, McKool, Meat__pUPPET, Medrawd, Meester Slow, Mishau, MrBiggg, MrBooga, MysticMelvin, Nightvol, Nora Batty, PAK215, PokeyMan, QVamp, Quixote, Radcliff247, RedNeckReb, Robolizard, Shadiyah, Shagie, SignorSenor, Tagiatella, TheDotGamer, TheMightyDOOM, Thigwig, Third Burglar, WaaNaNa, Wagr, Widget1985, Xanthia_Althor, Xerada, Zazilia, anniesavoy, bluetorch18, buffyangel, crystal_ingram, edman18, feytenet, fl0aty, gaihtf, godofblack62, maliphik, more better, muskratlove, peacespiral, raynstorm, slotwin, stpatgirl1987, swallybee, thanthos, xxsuccubusxx and zombiedust3


#716AKU, AKenny47, Ainosenshi Noni, Anarch, ArikAndre, Artie Effham, Athanatos, Azarael, BabaRam dAss, BanditAlt, Beljeferon, Blizzard, Carbon_chicken, Cleo, Crapbucket, CreOsOTe, Dante Kinkade, Davolta, Desmondman1, Diamond Stud, Don Quai Poncerello, Doodleman1, DuchessInky, Eetchoo, ErnieQ, Eroquin, Etheralled, FireBlossom, Foggy, Frisbee, Gravinatrix, Helicobacter, Heliouse, Honeyduck, Hot Mamma, IAmtheDisco, IgU, Istarriel, Jasonbot, Jaydog, Jeddiah, Jehanmandeville, Jonny Extreme, JugaJo, JuggleMage, KeineAngst, Kelyva, Keranita_ye, L4ckey, Lauts, Leona Helmsley, Lorith, Lungbutter, Mala the Sad, Malorinaka, Maminka Muminka, MaybeBoB, MeatMachine, Miestese, MistressTera, Mitheor, MotherMary13, Mrjingjing, Mugglywumply, Nary, Neenie2, Neithyme, Nick4925, No1 Windowlicker, Paalikles, PastryPusher, PenguinCheese, Polka_Dot, PookieTicklePants, Prophecy, Psycho Sledge, Qdo, Quicklime, Roland Of Gilead, SchrodingerCat, Sennin, Serfafina TeaLead, Simon the Mystificator, Snavley, Sony11, Sp8z, SpiderMcFly, Spiffie, StuartLarkin, Svidrigailov, SwordsDancer, The Bitchslapper, TheOtherSpike, ThiefAlt, Tortica, Trumpeteer, Vacuumus, Vehlenn, VioletRay, WarLord Tey, Wheezer, Xantica, Zerai, Zolobatron, antic THE FEARless, bulbocapnine, candy eastwood, chebutykin, completebastich, doris, drIal, ebay123, eibbeD, felstrex, fireandice, geekrockgirl85, girlina, gregtron, jairen1, jcrkk, kryXtyn2, minders, nachothesecond, oogabooga, papaya736, pikachubuffbot, pubkid, purple_queen, queen sissy, red grog, retnuh4, salticid, scout42, secondsun, thesandslv, tzIelund, uptight flea, xephyne, yoshIeGGY and zoidman2


#856ACDCFreaK, Aaramir North, AccordionBoy, Acorn Express, Adeeda, Aeodan, Akaiya, Akrim, Al Frodo, Albertstone, Aldarana, Aldus, Alf, Alldarker, Allora, AmandaJo, AmericanStoner420, AminRa, Amrothlin, Andis, Ankopitch, Anselm, Aras, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Arsinoe83, Artix The Seeker, Asinine, Astin, Astraleaf, Aubzilla, Avanar, Aybara, Azarid, Aznlegend1991, Azoun, B A Takaline, BB Karo, Baalbarith, BabySmasher, Badgerman of DOOM, Bannana, Baron von Chickenpants, BashTheFash, Batwithanailinitman, Beavis P_Ness, Betty Page, Biff Demiclaws, Binary StarS, Biskaja, Bizarro Murphy, Blend, Blit, Blue Dragon, BlueElf, BlueSeashell, Bobo Gorbo, Bobofred, BongSwatMatt, Boondog_Dan, Boxy Brown, BrAD soup, Brannon, Brickus, Brirad, Buffoon, Bursley, CA Dude, CBParker, CGSFSS, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Calamity Cat, CapHector, CaptainRandom, Castiel, Catscan, Cecil B Demented, Cereal Killer 024, CeruleanArcher, Charasan, Charliss, Chartan, ChiaJY, ChickK, Chimera77, Choochoobear, Choolies, Chow Chow, Chuck McKnives, Claudia_Balzac, Cobwebs, CodSmack, CoolHunter11, CottonMouth, Cprime101, Crimbo Grimm, Crimbo Vindicator, Crovizzle, CsCaudata, CuddlyBear, Culculhen, DJ_Axon, DaBaddestHic, DaDuke, Dah Cheese, DaisyInari, Dalyia, Damascus, Dante87336, DarkLord75253, Dark_Heart, Darren1004, Darth_Noodle, Daryoon, Das Tier, Daultimate, Death T200, DeathEmperor, Debobe, Deckard, Decomposer, DellyBelly, Derekwr, Desion, Desp, Dessalvara, DevilCreme, Devious Dave, Dick Rogers, Digit, Dik, DiscoDoris, Doctor Nick, Domloid, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dr RedRum, DrEvi1, DraconisUK, Dragonchild_Von_Talemore, DreamTune, DreamertK and Drewsie1
