
#1141.21 jigawatts1
#11491337 7r0uZ0RZ1
#101630669 scroll1
#122333398 scroll1
#933334 scroll1
#26264067 scroll1
#394668 scroll1
#9237-Foot Dwarven mattock1
#2231Ancient Saucehelm1
#2097Angry Farmer candy1
#502BRICKO brick1
#450BRICKO eye brick1
#587Blatantly Canadian1
#1119CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1)1
#1014CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2)1
#1055CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3)1
#1020CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4)1
#1009CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5)1
#529CRIMBCO lanyard1
#2098CRIMBCO mug1
#1095CRIMBCO scrip45
#1128CRIMBCO wine5
#1223CRIMBCOIDS mints4
#163Cerebral Cloche1
#312Cerebral Crossbow1
#188Cerebral Culottes1
#445Cherry Cloaca Cola1
#1487Cloaca-Cola fatigues1
#1418Cloaca-Cola helmet1
#1428Cloaca-Cola shield1
#281Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration1
#2464Colander of Em-er'il1
#1238Cold Hots candy1
#1848Corpse Island iced tea1
#821Crimbo Candy Cookbook5
#310Crimbo candied pecan40
#350Crimbo fudge33
#313Crimbo peppermint bark40
#750Crimbo pie1
#650Crimbo wreath1
#6Crimbomination Contraption1
#4248Crown of the Goblin King1
#443Diet Cloaca Cola1
#454Disco Banjo1
#536Doc Galaktik's Ailment Ointment1
#737Doc Galaktik's Homeopathic Elixir1
#427Doc Galaktik's Restorative Balm1
#1938Dolphin King's crown1
#1494Dr. Hobo's scalpel1
#537Dramatic™ range1
#1405Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues1
#1416Dyspepsi-Cola helmet1
#1375Dyspepsi-Cola shield1
#654Elf Farm Raffle ticket1
#1005Feng Shui for Big Dumb Idiots1
#277Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire1
#788Gnollish flyswatter1
#673Gnollish pie tin1
#725Gnollish plunger1
#678Gnollish toolbox1
#235Gordon Bennett1
#613Hell ramen1
#1867Imp Ale1
#775Jarlsberg's earring1
#870Jolly Roger charrrm1
🥈Junior LAAAAME merit badge1
#54Kentucky-fried meat staff1
#989Knob Goblin elite helm1
#995Knob Goblin elite pants1
#973Knob Goblin elite polearm1
#183Knob Goblin eyedrops1
#1207Knob Goblin firecracker1
#1007Knob Goblin harem pants1
#996Knob Goblin harem veil1
#1089Knob Goblin love potion1
#85Knob Goblin nasal spray15
#1045Knob Goblin pants1
#738Knob Goblin perfume1
#1057Knob Goblin scimitar1
#826Knob Goblin seltzer1
#939Knob Goblin steroids1
#734Knob Goblin superseltzer1
#1117Knob Goblin tongs1
#891Knob Goblin visor1
#821Knob mushroom1
#443Knob sausage5
#350Knob stuffed shells1
#490Knoll shroomkabob1
#969Lord of the Flies-sized fries1
#1757Mad Train wine1
#307Mae West1
#1110Meleegra™ pills1
#1138Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub1
#985Mohawk wig1
#347Mon Tiki1
#1002Mountain Stream soda1
#2683Mr. Mediocrebar1
#843Orcish baseball cap1
#793Orcish cargo shorts1
#785Orcish frat-paddle1
#309Orcish meat locker1
#886Penultimate Fantasy chest1
#616Pick-O-Matic lockpicks1
#779Pine-Fresh air freshener1
#266Pretty Predator Clawicure Kit1
#470Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit1
#422Regular Cloaca Cola1
#1462Retenez L'Herbe Paté1
#2659Rock Pops1
#1318Senior Mints1
#734Sneaky Pete's breath spray1
#1108Spam Witch sammich1
#1954Tasty Fun Good rice candy1
#1305Trollhouse cookies1
#709Uncle Jick's Brownie Mix1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#1286Wand of Nagamar1
#1105Warm Subject gift certificate1
#476White Citadel burger1
#429White Citadel fries1
#1952Wint-O-Fresh mint1
#2956Yummy Tummy bean1
#1478abominable snowcone1
#1005acid-squirting flower1
#1432amulet of extreme plot significance1
#2607anniversary gift box1
#1079annoying pitchfork1
#852arrrgyle socks1
#1103asbestos ore1
#1077asparagus knife1
#122astral mushroom134
#149astronaut ice-cream3
#1921awful poetry journal1
#1849baby killer bee1
#1884bag of airline peanuts1
#631balaclava baklava1
#961barbed-wire fence1
#367barskin hat1
#186barskin tent1
#941bat guano1
#1017bat wing1
#723beer lens1
#521bell-shaped Crimbo cookie2
#472big rock1
#2563black paisley oyster egg1
#1046black pixel1
#2109black plastic oyster egg1
#812black snowcone1
#2665black striped oyster egg1
#924blob-shaped Crimbo cookie7
#1653blood flower1
#964bloody clown pants1
#2554blue paisley oyster egg1
#1231blue pixel1
#2408blue plastic oyster egg1
#2374blue polka-dot oyster egg1
#878blue snowcone1
#610blue-frosted astral cupcake1
#665bone rattle1
#1328bottle of gin1
#5029bottle of goofballs1
#1583bottle of rum1
#1369bottle of tequila1
#1260bottle of vodka1
#1504bottle of whiskey1
#1136bowl of cottage cheese1
#1334boxed wine1
#318brass stinger1
#1270broken skull1
#614bubblewrap ore1
#955bubbly potion1
#1103bugbear beanie1
#1110bugbear bungguard1
#1095bum cheek1
#533calle de miel1
#547can of fake snow1
#593can of maces1
#1140candied kobold1
#2874candied yams1
#856candy brain1
#4785candy cane1
#2001candy kneecapping stick1
#668candy knuckles4
#1784candy stake4
#609cardboard ore1
#639carob chunk noodles1
#731carob chunks1
#873casino pass1
#687cat appendix1
#1705chaos butterfly1
#1823cheap plastic bottle opener1
#1062chef's hat1
#409chocolate spurs1
#687chorizo brownies1
#983chrome ore1
#429chrome staff1
#966cloudy potion1
#1798clown hammer1
#797clown shoes1
#290cocktail onion1
#1222cocoa egg1
#1227cocoa eggshell fragment1
#1279coconut shell1
#247cog and sprocket assembly1
#248cold hi mein1
#777cold ninja mask1
#508colored-light "necklace"1
#587concentrated magicalness pill1
#745cool mushroom1
#864cool whip1
#223cordial of concentration1
#1821corpse on the beach1
#961dark potion1
#1292dead guy's watch1
#808decorative fountain1
#174delectable catalyst1
#374denim axe1
#1264dense meat stack1
#1095dirty hobo gloves1
#531disbelief suspenders1
#819disembodied brain1
#1852disturbing fanfic1
#1639doll house1
#585dope gangsta bling-bling1
#813drab sonata1
#929draggin' ball hat1
#782dried face1
#1139dry noodles1
#1978drywall axe1
#515ducha de oro1
#896eXtreme mittens1
#854eXtreme scarf1
#945effervescent potion1
#1338elven cellocello15
#666empty meat tank1
#542enchanted barbell1
#603enchanted bean1
#651enchanted toothpick1
#732enormous belt buckle1
#254especially salty dog1
#969evil golden arch1
#1774explosion-flavored chewing gum1
#470extra-strength strongness elixir1
#1988fake fake vomit1
#1794fake hand1
#1377fat stacks of cash1
#412fermenting powder1
#1000filthy corduroys1
#970filthy knitted dread sack1
#956fizzy potion1
#954flaming crutch1
#940flaming talons1
#445flat dough1
#791foolscap fool's cap1
#367forest tears1
#1091frigid ninja stars1
#825frilly skirt1
#731frozen nunchaku1
#152fruit basket1
#236fruit bowl1
#1455furry fur1
#4735fuzzy dice1
#380ghost cucumber114
#551ghost pickle on a stick1
#982ghuol ears1
#1349ghuol egg1
#994ghuol guolash1
#256ghuol-ear kabob1
#2408giant discarded plastic fork1
#1253giant needle1
#2534giant pinky ring1
#896glass of goat's milk1
#1107glowing red eye1
#155gnauga hide buckler1
#79gnauga hide kilt1
#296gnocchetti di Nietzsche1
#769gnoll lips1
#788gnoll teeth1
#820goat beard1
#2658googly eye1
#1108green pixel1
#348green pixel potion1
#842green snowcone1
#594green-frosted astral cupcake1
#5337grue egg1
#533guano coffee cup1
#870guitar pick1
#655hair spray1
#211handful of drink tickets1
#601handsomeness potion1
#1193heavy D1
#455heavy metal sonata1
#540heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr1
#861hellion cube1
#1877helmet turtle1
#892hemp string1
#1241herb brownies1
#966hill of beans1
#186homeopathic healing powder1
#432horizontal tango1
#998hot katana blade1
#460hot wad1
#728hypodermic needle1
#275ice stein1
#1763ice-cold Sir Schlitz1
#1603ice-cold Willer1
#1355ice-cold fotie1
#1092ice-cold six-pack1
#615icy katana hilt1
#739infernal insoles1
#1282iron pasta spoon1
#978irradiated candy cane5
#1193jabañero-flavored chewing gum1
#1831jazz soap1
#365jewelry-making pliers1
#559jumbo olive1
#188jumping bean burrito1
#909ketchup hound1
#499kickback cookbook1
#1897kneecapping stick1
#183ladle of mystery1
#349large box11
#2060laser-broiled pear11
#2180lavender paisley oyster egg1
#2306lavender plastic oyster egg1
#2028lavender polka-dot oyster egg1
#1764lavender striped oyster egg1
#1294lead necklace1
#690leather chaps1
#894leather mask1
#1750length of string1
#1007lihc eye1
#623lihc eye pie1
#903lihc face1
#1208lime-and-chile-flavored chewing gum1
#868linoleum ore1
#437linoleum staff1
#1295little paper umbrella1
#1942loaded serum blowgun1
#930long skinny balloon1
#1452loose teeth1
#912lowercase N1
#228lumbering jack1
#1894magical ice cube with a fly in it1
#1217magical ice cubes1
#387magnifying glass1
#676maiden wig1
#309mandarina colada1
#750many-eyed glasses1
#734maple syrup2
#1299mariachi pants1
#1321marzipan skull1
#1983mauve paisley oyster egg1
#1845mauve polka-dot oyster egg1
#2384mauve striped oyster egg1
#691meat from yesterday1
#985meat paste1
#1046meat stack1
#1087meat vortex1
#335meatcar model1
#265menudo ravioli1
#668mesh cap1
#1203metallic A1
#936milky potion1
#897mind flayer corpse1
#790miner's helmet1
#785miner's pants1
#598mullet wig1
#292munchies pill1
#909murky potion1
#2526nanite-infested candy cane3
#2559nanite-infested eggnog2
#1963nanite-infested fruitcake3
#1085nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear5
#568necklace chain1
#858ninja hot pants1
#2532off-white plastic oyster egg1
#231oil of slipperiness1
#217oil of stability1
#329ointment of the occult1
#218onion shurikens1
#860orange snowcone1
#555orange-frosted astral cupcake1
#1170original G1
#865oriole-feather headdress1
#1889oyster basket1
#396palm-frond toupee1
#244pants kit1
#1584pants of the Slug Lord1
#1564pasta spoon1
#912patchouli incense stick1
#1276penguin skin1
#472perpendicular hula1
#2716pet rock1
#1883pet rock "Snooty" disguise1
#495petrified time1
#841phat turquoise bead1
#368philter of phorce1
#1170phonics down1
#1144photoprotoneutron torpedo1
#1233pickle-flavored chewing gum1
#321pie crust1
#537piercing post1
#1094pile of candy1
#660pile of jumping beans1
#332pine tar1
#592pink pony1
#524pink-frosted astral cupcake1
#727pirate pelvis1
#93pirate skull1
#288pixel hat1
#428plain pizza1
#1281plot hole1
#1433portable corkscrew1
#1167potato sprout1
#235potion of potency1
#987pr0n legs1
#263pregnant mushroom1
#1165probability potion1
#1187procrastination potion1
#730prosthetic forehead1
#336prussian cathouse1
#2034puce paisley oyster egg1
#1644puce striped oyster egg1
#891purple snowcone1
#646purple-frosted astral cupcake1
#1303rag doll1
#1502ravioli hat1
#962razor-sharp can lid1
#2227red paisley oyster egg1
#795red pixel1
#662red pixel potion1
#2536red plastic oyster egg1
#2205red polka-dot oyster egg1
#846red snowcone1
#1121ridiculously huge sword1
#1128ring of aggravate monster1
#341ring of gain strength1
#1135ring of half-assed regeneration1
#493roll in the hay1
#101roll of drink tickets1
#853royal jelly1
#558rubber axe1
#1960rubber emo roe1
#1005ruby W1
#848rusty grave robbing shovel1
#318rusty metal ring1
#325rusty metal shaft1
#884sabre teeth1
#682safarrri hat1
#98sauce of the ages1
#1294scroll of drastic healing1
#191scrumdiddlyumptious solution1
#1112scrumptious reagent1
#1671seal-clubbing club1
#387secret blend of herbs and spices1
#412serum of sarcasm1
#312shaving cream1
#2956shiny ring1
#412shock collar1
#698shot of orange schnapps1
#1412skeleton bone1
#943skeleton key1
#438skeleton key ring1
#509skewer-mounted razor blade1
#938skull-shaped Crimboween cookie2
#1097sleeping snowy owl1
#425slip 'n' slide1
#588small box1
#1014smart skull1
#940smoky potion1
#801snowboarder pants1
#1348sock monkey1
#522soda water1
#1335soft green echo eyedrop antidote1
#352spaghetti with Skullheads1
#138special sauce glove1
#3789spectre scepter1
#180spicy bean burrito1
#1160spider web1
#821spiked femur1
#1126spooky eggnog5
#1573spooky mushroom1
#277spooky staff1
#1220spooky stick1
#440spray paint1
#310star buckler1
#918star chart1
#460star crossbow1
#606star hat1
#330star pants1
#308star staff1
#420star sword1
#446stench wad1
#111sticky meat pants1
#1824stolen accordion1
#1394stone of eXtreme power1
#696strawberry daiquiri1
#3202stuffed doppelshifter1
#4800stuffed shoulder parrot1
#3041stuffed spooky mushroom1
#564styrofoam ore1
#595sugar-coated pine cone1
#1223sunken chest1
#718suntan lotion of moxiousness1
#1295super-spiky hair gel1
#963swashbuckling pants1
#524sweet ninja sword1
#926swirly potion1
#807t8r tots1
#830taco shell1
#1210tamarind-flavored chewing gum1
#728tambourine bells1
#384targeting chip1
#2033teddy bear1
#269teddy bear sewing kit1
#1057ten-leaf clover2
#601tenderizing hammer1
#259teqiwila slammer1
#1620thin black candle1
#325tiny Mountie hat1
#411tiny balloon knife1
#1701tiny house1
#382tiny knife and fork1
#463tiny maracas1
#4312tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#4234tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer1
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#8119tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#4038tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#1050titanium assault umbrella1
#2806tofurkey gravy1
#2812tofurkey leg1
#1864tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#767tortoise's blessing1
#1190toy soldier1
#1384toy train1
#1821toy wheel1
#479tree skirt1
🥇tropical Crimbo pressie1
#1789turtle totem1
#1078twinkly wad1
#678uncooked chorizo1
#2411valuable trinket1
#321vial of patchouli oil1
#1041viking helmet1
#257vodka stratocaster1
#893vorpal blade1
#1098wad of dough1
#695wad of tofu1
#685walrus-tusk earring1
#78weegee sqouija1
#739white chocolate chip cookies1
#586white collar1
#1102white lightning1
#804white picket fence1
#1025white pixel1
#808white satin pants1
#581white satin shield1
#1058white snake skin1
#853white sword1
#1935whoopie cushion1
#2053wind-up chattering teeth1
#1246wolf mask1
#363wooden axe1
#1222wooden block1
#191wooden figurine1
#811wooden stakes1
#1045wussiness potion1
#355yak skin1
#109yakskin buckler1
#106yakskin pants1
#335yellow brick road1
#1797yellow paisley oyster egg1
#2816yellow plastic oyster egg1
#1327yellow polka-dot oyster egg1
#2118yellow snowcone1
#1737yeti fur1
#1863zombie pineal gland1

Wow, that's 1,467 items total!

what items are this player missing?