special sauce glove

special sauce glove

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This is a glove which has been imbued with some sort of special sauce. It could be used to protect you from the damaging effects of cold beverages, but it'd be better if you used it to wield your staff against, oh, I dunno. Some Rodeo Clowns or something.

🥇Mistress of the Obvious137


🥉Artie Effham65














#10eav and robin hood21


#12Isvarka and TheFatMan20






#16SwordsRCool and slasher3314




#19Aife, Archipelago71, Donavin69, DrewT, Tara the Inept and spooky kid11


#25Escaflowne and Lord Stefano10


#27Oroku Saki9






#30LuckyPuck, Mongrel the Apathetic and Pumpkinheadme6


#33CBParker, Retro_Thrusters, acollectorisme, aenimus, lupus4 and sensibleb5


#39Sal the Rapacious, Stargazer67, Terrapin_Man, kirByllAmA, rowanthorn and testostronaut4


#45Avanar, BarbarianBob77, BeefThief, CA Dude, Cookiecutter, Greycloak, InspectorX, JR Trolkin, Noskilz, Poncho the Sane, TheBrent, The_Smartass, Valryia, Yorick, gaihtf, gargirl, kartez, poorlydrawnman and salticid3


#64AKU, Antunar, Ashles, AtalayaLeda, BenzDoc, Black Easterling, BlueWasabi, Caplin, Darmut eDrien, Darth Elmo, Derdrom, Dick Rogers, Diellan, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Doctor Nick, DreamTune, Earth3141, ElronBean, Evangelist_Nine, FatQuack, FrenchiePoo, Habib the Unsightly, Jaydog, Jimmy da Pooh, Legato89, Lord Zathrus, Lord_of_Ants, MCsalsa, Mad Dudy, Magister30, Magnus Thunderblade, Mellissaleo, Miss Informed, MotherMary13, Myndweb, Nanimonai3, Nappa, Nectaris, OHogan, PixySnot, Quothz, Rabi the Sheath, Saucy_Sistah, SchrodingerCat, Skent, Slugshadow, Solve_Omnis, Stanley the slight, Swinka, TamerAlt, The Dork Knight, TheDarkening, TheDotGamer, The_driver, Trullum, Widget1985, Winsome, Xanthia_Althor, completebastich, habeansha, ikazuchi, jcrkk, loudgrrl4_ever, lucyinthesky, mervella, mhwombat, ohmygodisuck, scole, silly_na, sombrehippie, verbena128, whereswierdo, whizdad and zootaroonee2


#138AbuBamsry, AccordionStu, Ace Palarum, Acheran, Acorn Express, Acoustic_shadow, Agliata, Akipa, Al Frodo, Al_Diablo, Albenis, Aldamari, Alf, Allikat, Allora, AlmAlphiA, Amarand, Amrothlin, Anarch, AnchoPete, Androcles Antepasta, Angel of Music, AquaticRes, Arckanghel, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Aribar Hunter, Arkose Realgar, Armondo, Asereth, Asinine, Asmoridin, Asmyr, Astin, Athanatos, Atomic Dog, Avigdor, Awnnree Bastiche, Azoun, BDF Loathers, Baby_Girl_1979_2005, Balmung 09, Bam_A_Pinniped, Barbarian, Baron von Chickenpants, Barrow_Troll, Bart Logan, Bastard of Disastard, Batisaw, Bawb, Beavis P_Ness, Bellae, Bellicose_Brewer, Betty Page, Bewitched, Bicycle joe, BillePiper, Billyspeed, Binaanne, Bizarro Murphy, BlaDeeBlah, BlackThunder, Black_Cat, BlindMonk, BlueThunder, Bobje Ratata, BonesHurt, Book_Babe, Boondog_Dan, BorDeaUX523, Brannon, Breckenrogue, Brick Steakface, Brirad, Bronwyn, CGSFSS, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Candice Dick, CapHector, CaptainRondo, Cardinal Fang, Ceasarious, Celebmacil, Chaotic Chili, Charasa, Charasan, Chartan, Chimera77, Chrisauceror, Clan Mule, Clinto_Bean, Club, CoRaLiNo, Cobwebs, CodSmack, Color Printer, Cookie, Cosmosis Kwik, CreOsOTe, Cryanger, Cyan Luna, DaBaddestHic, Daav, Dadacanaidu, Dah Cheese, Damascus, Damasta, Danielle Marie, DarkBlazeD, DarkLord75253, Darkenmeat, Darth Steve, Darth_Noodle, Daryoon, DeathStyles, Decomposer, Decos, Defenseman, Deimos, Demonic, Derbina, Dessalvara, Destaven Fireheart, Devilpapaya, Devious Dave, Devitt, Dik, Dino1626, Dinosaur Dentist, DisComBoBulAteD, Disowned, Doctor Fabolus, Doomsayer, Dorkzilla, Douglas Hossenfeffer, DrEvi1, DrZaius, DracoPlatinum, Dragon56, DreamertK, Drider, Droidlocks, Drommond, DuRhone, Ducky, Duff McKagan, Durzo, ELROSS, Edwizzle, EhSteve, El Geedo, El Lombris, ElVatoLoco, ElephantMan, Elle Mariachi, Emerilla, Eoghnved, Ephimeteus, Evil Bovine, EvilLlama, Eyescream, FMguru, Falcos, Fearium, Feckless Wanderer, Fenghuang, FettucineQueenie, Firvagor, Fitje, Flint firestarter the 1st, Flora, Fluffmullen_the_Bad, Foggy, Foole, Framistan, FrankNBeans, FreAkWerKs, Fremen, Friar Bacon, Fronobulax, Fryguy9, GMoneyClip, GadTheHero, Galgon, Garg Thanothorp, Garthim, General_Herpes, Gezol, Gigglii, Giglipuff, GimpGuru, Goldfish_Samurai, Gollum, Goodbar, Gordon Freeman, Gracie Law, GreenAiden555, Greeny30, GroovingGreta, Grubsnar, GryWizard, Gug, Guppopolis, Guthlaf, Guy Bone, GuyWhoCooks, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hagen Black, Halueth, HappyDeadChicken, Hareless, Harlem, Head_Moid, Highbeam, Hison, Hulyen, IAmSteve, IAmtheDisco, I_am_the_Night, Idran, ImJohnGalt, Introspectrix, Ironbar Blackfinger, Ironfist, Isibeal, IsidoreStabby, Isla, Ithrildor, JCS, JK Phoenix, Janine White, Jantastic, Jarod Smith, Jashler, Jaylee, Jechor, JediKnight219, Jenny, Jidam, JinYe, JinnyVicious, JoeyBaggadonuts, Jokaos, Jono_Kun, Jor_El, Jpatton, Jubblegum, Justin Smoak, Kabunty, Kache, Kae0s, KageOokami, Kaiser Sose, Kaljatukku, Kami_no_Musha, Kareth, Katarina, Katarra, Kcirtap, Keator, Keranita_ye, Kevlar, Khanas, Kiera, Kiki313, KillerNoj, King Texas, KingRatt, King_of_Fate, Kishibe, Kneegrow, Knight of Columbus, Knitbone, KoLAddictIsMe, Koriandr, Kwycstix, KyRoS, LINGUINI, Ladies Against Women, Ladril, Lady Bladethrust, Lady_Blueshift, Lamer xxiixx, Laurelly, LazyStarfish, LeafRivr, Lendezco, LepRECon, Lewdguini, LilNinjaPanda, Lildogg747, LimboLimboLimbo, LinaCandle, Loachette, LordBobXIII, LordOfCreepers, LordTshil, Luis Sol y Sombrero, LunaWolvesMan, LustyPirateWench, MGYoda, Mac_Gyver, MadddddDog, Magic2729, Magic_Ladle, Magnamanus, Marcella, Marquis de Carabas, Mars the Infomage, Martavius, MartinMD1, MasterCheif5, Mc7Man, Me Hokkien, Meery Nara, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Mentaiko, MiB, Miatog, Mike Antleg, Milo Jones, Miridian, Mirth II, Misha_Z, Mishey22, MistStlkr, Mister_Turd, Mistress_Shock, Mme_Defarge, Moggil, Monkeyboyjp, Moozer, MoxFulder, Mr Ascender, Mr Rusty, MrForklift, Msyjsm, Muffin Break, MugWump, Mussolini, Mutcha, Muush, Mynar, Mystic_Potato, MysticalMolly, Nat Wunty, Natedogg, Necrophage, Neithyme, NeoPariah, NightRipper, NightShayde, Nikikins, Nimnak, Ninja Karl, Nirsh, Nodosaurus, Nonia, NoodlyAppendage, NotsupposedtobeherE, Notwau, Numeron, Old Ned, Old Opal, OldBobLeashed, Oldsfrk, OmegaZone, Omnibus, Onionne, OnyXx, Optimus747, Originalcyn, Orion137, Orochi, Orus, Osbert, Otterbee, PSY, PaedragGaidin, PanSolo, PansieMan, Passacaglia, PassionFever, Path1102, PeacefulSin, Peachy Princess, Pen 13, Pennelahpy, Pepto, Perkk, Peu4000, Phamman, Phlylgenion, Phred711, Phrim, Picklez, PinballLizard, Pizzaboy, Pizzleman, Plaid Avenger, Plushie Master Marth, PoJMFarmer, Pokeyco, PollyEster, PolyesterMan, Pompo_Schmelkin, Poobug, Porny Stroker, Presence, Presto Ragu, PrinceCandyAss, Princess Erin, Pronell, PsyMar, Psychonaut, PuppetMaster, QVamp, Qpnaosc, QueenBea, QuiCksteR, Quimble, Quixote113, RUMlEY, Radcliff247, Raden, Rakkasan, Ramonphilius, Rapunzell, Rathskellar, Ravag3r, Rayi, Rebel SMURF, RedIrish, Redcap04, Reiko Ishikawa, Repo Man, Rhatt, Riibu, Ritzenbunnik, Rizzen, Roger_B, Rogorx_THEmadd, Roogal88, RubyLucky, Rutger von Horeburg, Ryaan1234, Ryo_Sangnoir, S3phirothsdemise, SDLynn, SUspiCious looKING GAL, Sajauna, Samos, Samunwise Grungy, Sanguina, SapphirePhoenix, Sassiest, Saucy Sauceror, SaucySista, Sceezmo, SealClubberForLife, Selen, Selenia Wolfwood, Senor Velasco, Service Dude, Shellie_Webster, Sheman, Shinebox, ShoTheBandit, Sir Beavis Poopsalot, Sir Cadogan, Sir Sir for Sure, Sjakie, Slamboy, SmarmKing, Smiling Spectre, SnottyRag, SnowyTigress, Snugglypoo, Sondroch, Southen, Space Ace, SpaghettiGoon, Splendor, Sprite Lee, Spudgy, Spunky, Stabby Pete, Stabotron, StaffordMeister, StanTheManly, Stangus, Steven9000, StickDudeofDoom, StinkyChip, Strych, Styre, Sunrise, SupernovaMe, Svidrigailov, Swamp Knight, SweeneyTodd, Sylph Aldente, TC0418, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TNTBioHazard, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, TangoLady, Tarl, TeabagPotleaf, Telepe, Tenchikun, Terrabull, That Guy Person, The Great Went, The Green Fairy, The Head Librarrrian, The Mother Of All That Is Evil, The Muffin Man, The Mushboom, The Other None, TheGreenLing, TheLetterM, TheMissingCreedence, TheSilentMantis, The_Herald, The_Hick, ThiefDude, Thingy, Thucydides, Thurnundtaxis, Thylacinus the Subgenii, TiCaudata, TigerMom, TightyWhities, Tiny Plastic Lehks, Tirg08, ToinetteC, Tolim, TorgTheNinja, Towanda, Trakkur, Trixie the Fairy, Trompe Loeil, Tsuruko Miaguchi, Tuesday Night Fever, TurtleGirlPower, TurtleHeadPokingOut, Tut, TwoDrink, Tykinruoka, Tz_BG, Ubiq, Ultimate_Timmeh, Valarauko, ValentinaSnow, Valimus, Veter, Vi73 hippy, Viridis, Vitrier, Vlad, Vorzer, Voyager, Wagr, WakeoftheBounty, Waldergrave, Waltz, Wambua, WarTrash, Warlock, Webley, Wes Aaronson, Widjit, Wierd Ali, Wildcat_693, Wissa, Witchy, Wolfman6666, Woolfben, WorkerDrone, Xander Whilkes, Xclockwatcher, Yankovik, Yapper, Yarble, Yaro, Yarple, Yatsufusa, YertElita, Yobo Seyo, Yoohoo, Z3RO, Zai, Zanbatouza, Zanchvegas, Zauc, Zelda459, Zenzizenzizenzic, Zerai, Zermelo, Zerstu, Zinc Saucier, Zock, Zombie Glen Danzig, ZombieKiller13, Zoolagarl, Zvetiki, Zyrtec, aClArie, agargan, alfabit, alreadytaken, altmin, amrodg, angelrider, annu, apisguy, arf arfmaster arf, ava nottingham, azunder, bawb1, benchilada, blik, bubba0823, bum51, burgie12, caducus, cakyrespa, calculon26, candy eastwood, ccox10, chanaleh, cherubin, chica, copperbottom chef, corneliusv, coryvanmeter, crystal_ingram, d00bie, daanolav, debobe2, delFuego, delvis_one, denmaster, dennisrmull, dominat3rz jr, dorian78, dumpybabe, eRiCtHeGoD, edman18, edud the III, eskimodave, fugitive247, fuzzdecay, gabrayle, gobblinal, grapey, grave rober zmobie, grimwald, gwesj, h00k, hluirfbncw, hotdeth, hyper, iMMASMASHYOFACE, iconoplast, idiotboxer, imthedci, indigolady, insecticon3000, j01041999, jWang, jalana, jaycdu, jessishere, jmkg, jon316, jonrock, juriel, jzen, kissenger, l4g0s, ladderman, larky lion, lauranotthequeen, leprECHUm, linzic, llahbocaj, luvikaS maybE, madamkiss, magic miss ile, magusauce, maliphik, maln, mastad0n, meatcheese, meggiemay, mellorisagayafrobear, meringue, micros the tiny, misterLEE, misterhola, mizmoose, mmcbride, moomookitty, morwen, mr0t, mskc, mtgscott, myrth77, nimrod_1, njpath, noefex, noxious, nyteraven, pLaster, pOOx, pariswhitney, pestodigator, phrainck, popovich, proven, quEEnbailey, questlove, raynstorm, rcog, renkars, rgarz1, rickyfingers, roninkakuhito, rpxx, runeslayer, rutted road, santifaller, sciFIwiZ, scott321990, seong lIkes bulls, sfwarlock, shengii, shkspr, silverboy, skareeno, skulz13, sloop, slotwin, slurpz, snarfies, snyper, soandso, sotar, spanktastic, starpitcher, steady, suPer mACho MAN, superfoot, supervillain, tHeEvIlIsHiE3, takenoko, taltamir, the LAGbeast, theDr0w, the_postman, thebeees, thebrucolac, trillian1977, twinkel, unisus80, us3r1d, vainpity, watson387, wednesdaylol, wudy, xDanELx, xKiv, xain, xephyne, yenrec, zcearo, zmb and zoidman1
