
#113"Humorous" T-shirt1
#11491337 7r0uZ0RZ1
#12325-meat staff1
#1404-d camera1
#4414-dimensional guitar1
#3375-Alarm Saucepan1
#9237-Foot Dwarven mattock1
#207-inch discus3
#784ASCII shirt1
#85Abyssal ember1
#413Aluminum Epsilon of Humility1
#1459Amulet of Yendor1
#2231Ancient Saucehelm1
#296Ankh of Badahnkadh1
#27Ax of L'rose1
#75Bag o' Tricks1
#614Baron von Ratsworth's money clip1
#4301Baron von Ratsworth's monocle1
#208Bjorn's Hammer2
#523Blue Diamond of Honesty1
#1679Bonerdagon necklace3
#499Boris's ring3
#902Boss Bat bling3
#2773Boss Bat britches1
#40Brimstone Beret1
#64Brimstone Bludgeon1
#399C.H.U.M. knife2
#183C.H.U.M. lantern1
#85Can-Can skirt1
#163Cerebral Cloche1
#133Cerebral Crossbow2
#188Cerebral Culottes1
#15Chester's Aquarius medallion3
#52Chester's bag of candy2
#174Chester's cutoffs1
#57Chester's moustache2
#81Chester's muscle shirt1
#89Chester's sunglasses1
#88Choker of the Ultragoth1
#1487Cloaca-Cola fatigues1
#1418Cloaca-Cola helmet1
#1428Cloaca-Cola shield1
#354Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife2
#281Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration1
#1558Codpiece of the Goblin King3
#2464Colander of Em-er'il1
#490Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket1
#399Cookbook of the Damned1
#1368Copper Alpha of Sincerity1
#480Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket1
#272Crimbo ukulele1
#6Crimbomination Contraption1
#682Crimboween memo16
#52Crown of Thrones1
#4248Crown of the Goblin King1
#535Danglin' Chad's loincloth1
#2662Disco 'Fro Pick1
#454Disco Banjo1
#1938Dolphin King's crown1
#1105Dr. Hobo's scalpel2
#2741Drowsy Sword1
#1405Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues1
#1416Dyspepsi-Cola helmet1
#1375Dyspepsi-Cola shield1
#580Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen1
#92Earring of Fire1
#1785El Sombrero De Lopez1
#42El Vibrato energy spear1
#45El Vibrato helmet1
#31El Vibrato leg guards1
#5El Vibrato translator3
#2386Elder Turtle Shell1
#469Elmley shades1
🥇French slippers1
#64Frost™ brand sword2
#212Frosty's carrot1
#195Frosty's nailbat1
#17Frosty's old silk hat4
#439Gaia beads3
#776Galapagosian Cuisses1
#787Garter of the Turtle Poacher1
#277Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire1
#439General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket1
#1602Glass Balls of the Goblin King1
#185Gnollish autoplunger1
#788Gnollish flyswatter1
#475Gnollish pie server2
#579Gnollish plunger2
#485Gnollish slotted spoon2
#336Grateful Undead T-shirt1
#723Gravyskin Belt of the Sauceblob1
#1442Green Clover of Justice1
#87Hodgman's almanac1
#22Hodgman's cane2
#95Hodgman's harmonica1
#130Hodgman's lobsterskin pants1
#65Hodgman's lucky sock1
#65Hodgman's metal detector1
#145Hodgman's porkpie hat1
#99Hodgman's varcolac paw1
#15Ice-Cold Aluminum Necklace2
#28Ice-Cold Beer Ring2
#56Ice-Cold Beerring1
#677Iiti Kitty phone charm1
#1675Iron Beta of Industry1
#432Jarlsberg's earring3
#460Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet3
#6Junior Adventurer's merit badge1
#67Kentucky-fried meat crossbow1
#54Kentucky-fried meat staff1
#73Kentucky-fried meat sword1
#107Kentucky-style derby1
#127Kevlar balloon1
#110Kiss the Knob apron1
#430Knob Goblin Uberpants1
#989Knob Goblin elite helm1
#995Knob Goblin elite pants1
#973Knob Goblin elite polearm1
#1051Knob Goblin elite shirt1
#1007Knob Goblin harem pants1
#996Knob Goblin harem veil1
#458Knob Goblin melon baller2
#1044Knob Goblin pants1
#913Knob Goblin scimitar2
#632Knob Goblin spatula2
#962Knob Goblin tongs2
#891Knob Goblin visor1
🥈LARP membership card1
🥇LWA ring1
#227Lead Zeta of Chastity1
#524Lockenstock™ sandals1
#3897Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet1
#257Mace of the Tortoise2
#1985MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech1
#517Maxwell's Silver Hammer2
#403Meat detector1
#103Mer-kin digpick1
#123Mer-kin hookspear3
#180Mer-kin prayerbeads1
#107Mer-kin roundshield1
#131Mer-kin sneakmask1
#191Mer-kin takebag1
#985Mohawk wig1
#171Mr. Balloon1
#597Mr. Joe's bangles1
#72Mudflap-Girl Earring1
#65Mudflap-Girl Necklace1
#85Mudflap-Girl Ring1
#182Mylar balloon1
#726Newman's Own Trousers1
#1570Nickel Gamma of Frugality1
#86Nose Ring of Putrescence1
#216Ol' Scratch's ash can1
#128Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork1
#100Ol' Scratch's manacles1
#197Ol' Scratch's ol' britches1
#93Ol' Scratch's stove door1
#25Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat3
#1272Orange Star of Sacrifice1
#843Orcish baseball cap1
#793Orcish cargo shorts1
#594Orcish frat-paddle2
#188Oscus's dumpster waders1
#108Oscus's garbage can lid1
#195Oscus's pelt1
#146Pasta Spoon of Peril2
#66Pendant of Fire1
#542Pine-Fresh air freshener3
#815Pink Heart of Spirit1
#474Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket1
#233Purple Horseshoe of Honor1
#63Putrid Pendant1
#282Raggedy Hippy doll1
#100Ring of Fire1
#100Ring of the Sewer Snake1
#647Rock and Roll Legend1
#22Saccharine Maple pendant3
#2544Scalp of Gorgolok1
#471Sinful Desires1
#259Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags3
#412Sneaky Pete's breath spray3
#727Snow Queen Crown1
#129Spirit Precipice1
🥇Spooky Putty ball3
🥉Spooky Putty leotard1
🥈Spooky Putty mitre2
🥈Spooky Putty snake1
#31Staff of Blood and Pudding2
🥇Staff of Queso Escusado3
#45Staff of the Black Kettle2
#11Staff of the Grand Flambé2
#12Staff of the Grease Trap2
#39Staff of the Greasefire2
#13Staff of the Kitchen Floor2
#44Staff of the Midnight Snack2
#33Staff of the Short Order Cook2
#121Staff of the Soupbone1
#32Staff of the Teapot Tempest2
#50Staff of the Walk-In Freezer1
#61Staff of the Well-Tempered Cauldron1
#13Staff of the Woodfire1
#85Super Magic Power Sword X2
#70TΤ◊lisman of Baiø‡1
#72The Landscaper's leafblower1
#101The Ring1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#574Tiki lighter1
#158Tropical Crimbo Hat1
#161Tropical Crimbo Shorts1
#189Tropical Crimbo Sword1
#693Tuesday's ruby1
#10Underworld flail1
#12Underworld truncheon1
#72Unspeakable Earring1
#1000Wand of Nagamar2
#205Wand of Oscus1
#63X-37 gun3
#349Ye Olde Navy Fleece1
#1613Yellow Moon of Compassion1
#614Zim Merman's guitar1
#1171Zinc Delta of Tranquility1
#182Zombo's grievous greaves1
#187Zombo's shield1
#105Zombo's shoulder blade1
#23Zombo's skullcap3
#363a butt tuba1
#1005acid-squirting flower1
#1005acoustic guitarrr1
#139aerated diving helmet1
#91albatross necklace1
#116alpha-mail pants1
#126amber aviator shades1
#1099amulet of extreme plot significance3
#201ancient stone fist3
#230ancient stone head1
#26ancient turtle shell helmet2
#678anniversary balloon1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#1079annoying pitchfork1
#268ant hoe1
#253ant pick1
#250ant pitchfork1
#281ant rake1
#258ant sickle1
#885antique greaves1
#894antique helmet1
#904antique shield1
#770antique spear2
#538arrow'd heart balloon1
#553arrrgyle socks3
#432asbestos apron1
#435asbestos crossbow1
#122asbestos helmet turtle1
#387asbestos staff1
#478asbestos sword1
#881asparagus knife2
#2064astronaut pants1
#106automatic catapult1
#352baconstone bracelet1
#55baconstone earring3
#130baconstone pendant3
#84baconstone ring3
#131bad-ass club1
#5943badass belt3
#305balloon helmet1
#105balloon shield1
#202balloon sword2
#121bamboo bokuto2
#57bar whip2
#21bark beret2
#70bark boxers1
#91bark bracelet1
#73barskin buckler1
#110barskin cloak1
#367barskin hat1
#88barskin loincloth1
#112basic meat crossbow1
#98basic meat fez1
#59basic meat foon1
#144basic meat helmet1
#100basic meat kilt1
#129basic meat pants1
#86basic meat skirt1
#78basic meat spork2
#114basic meat staff1
#144basic meat sword1
#89bat hat1
#47bat whip2
#168bat-ass leather jacket1
#227battered hubcap1
#28battered old top-hat1
#49beach ball marble1
#151beach glass necklace3
#170beaten-up Chucks3
#464beer bong2
#149beer goggles3
#671beer helmet1
#428beholed bedsheet2
#79beige clambroth marble1
#85bejeweled accordion strap3
#956bejeweled cufflinks1
#745bejeweled pledge pin1
#44bewitching boots1
#19bezoar ring2
#346big bad voodoo mask1
#395big bass drum1
#26big bumboozer marble1
#774big red clown nose3
#210big stick1
#76big stirring stick1
#103bill bec-de-bardiche glaive-guisarme1
🥈biomechanical crimborg helmet1
🥈biomechanical crimborg leg armor1
#89black belt1
#28black catseye marble1
#86black cowboy hat1
#694black greaves1
#694black helmet1
#389black kettle drum1
#666black shield1
#569black sword2
#269blackberry combat boots1
#220blackberry moccasins1
#226blackberry slippers1
#964bloody clown pants1
#472blue glowstick3
#253blue plastic baby1
#174bobble-hip hula elf doll1
#428bone flute1
#399bone rattle3
#105booty chest charrrm bracelet1
#981borg sock monkey1
#58bottle of Goldschnöckered1
#544bottle opener belt buckle1
#86bottlecap turtle3
#32bounty-hunting pants1
#38bounty-hunting rifle1
#771bouquet of circular saw blades1
#230box turtle1
#143boxing glove3
#21boxing glove on a spring3
#50brand new key3
#49brass dorsal fin1
#41brazen bracelet1
#232broken carburetor1
#501broken sword2
#588bronze breastplate1
#110bronze handcuffs1
#247brown crock marble1
#447brown plastic baby1
#96bubble bauble bow1
#93bubblewrap bottlecap turtleban1
#66bubblewrap crossbow1
#55bubblewrap staff1
#58bubblewrap sword2
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#108buffalo blade1
#1103bugbear beanie1
#1110bugbear bungguard1
#44bugged bön±Ã©t1
#70bugged balaclava1
#593bullet-proof corduroys1
#1095bum cheek1
#155bumblebee marble1
#185calavera concertina1
#98can cannon1
#547can of fake snow1
#402can of maces2
#1032candy knuckles3
#80cannonball charrrm bracelet1
#1811carbon nanotube frame1
#80cardboard box turtle1
#56cardboard crossbow1
#221cardboard katana2
#57cardboard staff1
#55cardboard sword2
#521cardboard wakizashi2
#77carob cannon1
#153cast-iron legacy paddle1
#83catskin cap1
#324cement sandals3
#115chain-mail monokini1
#89charged magnet1
#234charming flute1
#943cheap elven gloves3
#95cheap plastic blowgun3
#1514cheap plastic bottle opener2
#738cheap studded belt3
#1062chef's hat1
#391chintzy accordion pin1
#544chintzy disco ball pendant1
#509chintzy noodle ring1
#507chintzy saucepan earring1
#576chintzy seal pendant1
#527chintzy turtle brooch1
#939chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses1
#452chrome crossbow1
#253chrome helmet turtle1
#429chrome staff1
#522chrome sword1
#1275chunk of depleted Grimacite5
#31clingfilm cap1
#40clingfilm slippers1
#34clingfilm trousers1
#33clockwork crossbow2
#43clockwork detective skull1
#102clockwork hat1
#101clockwork pants1
#46clockwork staff1
#70clockwork sword1
#154clockwork trench coat1
#1644clown hammer2
#557clown shoes3
#73clown whip2
#185clown wig1
#120clownskin belt3
#111clownskin buckler1
#202clownskin harness1
#1979club necklace3
#11club of corruption3
#48club of the five seasons2
#176coconut bikini top1
#1279coconut shell1
#595coffin lid1
#777cold ninja mask1
#55collapsible baton1
#508colored-light "necklace"1
#880commemorative war stein1
#652cool whip2
#36copper ha'penny charrrm bracelet3
#388corn holder2
#568corncob pipe1
#18corrupt club of corrupt corruption3
#7corrupt club of corruption3
#259costume sword2
#19creepy-ass club1
#113crotchety pants1
#126crown-shaped beanie2
#27crumpled felt fedora1
#597cup of infinite pencils1
#36cursed breeches1
#27cursed cutlass2
#42cursed eyepatch1
#920cyborg doll1
#1245cyborg stompin' boot2
#32dead guy's memento1
#1292dead guy's watch1
#27decaying wooden oar1
#15deck of lewd playing cards1
#618deck of tropical cards1
#1479defective skull1
#409delicious salad135
#93demon buckler1
#51demon whip2
#134demon-horned hat1
#164demonskin jacket1
#158demonskin trousers1
#374denim axe1
#49dense meat crossbow1
#63dense meat staff1
#84dense meat sword1
#332dented harmonica3
#25depleted Grimacite astrolabe1
#42depleted Grimacite grappling hook1
#41depleted Grimacite gravy boat1
#47depleted Grimacite hammer1
#154depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick3
#12depleted Grimacite ninja mask2
#22depleted Grimacite shinguards1
#32depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt1
#153detective skull1
🥇detour shield1
#1956diamond necklace3
#850diamond-studded cane2
#913dirty hobo gloves3
#316disbelief suspenders3
#1648disco ball2
#1715disco mask1
#291disembodied smile1
#585distressed denim pants1
#1852disturbing fanfic1
#112diving muff1
#286dope gangsta bling-bling3
#189double-barreled sling3
#929draggin' ball hat1
#297dreadlock whip2
#79dripping meat crossbow1
#76dripping meat staff1
#55dripping meat sword2
#1978drywall axe1
#81duct tape buckler1
#129duct tape dockers1
#93duct tape fedora1
#75duct tape sword2
#44dueling banjo1
#552dungeoneer's dungarees1
#29dwarvish war helmet2
#46dwarvish war kilt1
#18dwarvish war mattock3
#398eXtreme Bi-Polar Fleece Vest1
#114eXtreme meat crossbow1
#111eXtreme meat staff1
#138eXtreme meat sword1
#610eXtreme mittens3
#95eXtreme nose ring3
#854eXtreme scarf1
#5141easter egg balloon1
#18eelskin hat2
#28eelskin pants1
#35eelskin shield1
#210elephant stinger1
#970elven socks3
#36elven whittling knife3
#184enchanted brass knuckles1
#205enchanted eyepatch1
#132enchanted handwarmer1
#651enchanted toothpick1
#1181encoder ring1
#540energy drink IV1
#304enormous hoop earring3
#6evil flaming eyeball pendant1
#1096evil googly eye2
#27evil-ass club1
#199extra-large palm-frond toupee1
#216eye of the Tiger-lily1
#1231fake hand9
#67fancy ball mask2
#925fancy opera glasses1
#1163festive holiday hat2
#303fez of etymology1
#24filigreed hamethyst earring3
#82filigreed hamethyst necklace1
#106filigreed hamethyst ring1
#1000filthy corduroys1
#323filthy hippy poncho1
#970filthy knitted dread sack1
#486filthy pestle2
#195finger cymbals3
#528fire poi1
#82fish bazooka1
#35fish scimitar3
#80fish stick1
#86fishy wand1
#498flamin' bindle1
#55flaming cardboard sword2
#810flaming crutch2
#379flaming glowsticks1
#9flaming juggler's balls1
#940flaming talons1
#38flamingo mallet1
#469flashing novelty button3
#7floaty rock pants1
#268floral print shirt1
#383flowing hippy skirt1
#84flyest of shirts1
#63flypaper staff1
#292foam noodle3
#791foolscap fool's cap1
#71foon of fearfulness1
#66foon of fleshiness1
#67foon of foulness1
#66foon of frigidity1
#70foon of fulmination1
#99football helmet1
#578frayed rope belt1
#459freezin' bindle1
#254frigid hankyū1
#45frigid-ass club1
#426frilly shirt1
#825frilly skirt1
#731frozen nunchaku1
#36frozen seal spine3
🥇funny paper hat1
#540furniture dolly1
#24furry green earmuffs3
#195furry green turtle1
#86furry kilt1
#427furry pants1
#67furry skirt1
#3219fuzzy dice2
#642ga-ga radio1
#59ganger bandana2
#132gatorskin umbrella2
#183gauze shorts1
#324gearbox necklace3
#292giant cactus quill2
#78giant cheesestick1
#987giant designer sunglasses1
#1637giant discarded bottlecap1
#2408giant discarded plastic fork1
#1516giant discarded torn-up glove1
#135giant driftwood sculpture1
#28giant fishhook1
#452giant foam finger2
#1253giant needle1
#2534giant pinky ring1
#78giant stuffed bugbear1
#209gingham blouse1
#89glass gnoll eye1
#72glistening staff1
#51glow-in-the-dark dart gun3
#152glow-in-the-dark stuffed burrowgrub1
#263glow-in-the-dark wristwatch1
#86glowing esca1
#871glowing red eye3
#73gnatwing earring3
#155gnauga hide buckler1
#149gnauga hide chaps1
#79gnauga hide kilt1
#48gnauga hide skirt1
#102gnauga hide vest1
#88gnauga hide whip2
#97gnoll-tooth necklace3
#820goat beard1
#428goatskin umbrella2
#162goblin autoblowgun1
#159goblin hunting spear1
#394gold lamé pants1
#92goofily-plumed helmet1
#697googly eye19
#1168goth kid t-shirt1
#73grass blade2
#193grass hat1
#188grass skirt1
#33grass whistle3
#328grassy cutlass2
#499grave robbing shovel1
#1070gray bow tie3
#63grease gun2
#882green balloon1
#540green glowstick3
#278green peawee marble1
#70groovy prism necklace1
#103grumpy old man charrrm bracelet1
#391grungy bandana1
#368grungy flannel shirt1
#276guard turtle collar1
#351guard turtle shell1
#88hairy staff1
#323half-sized guitar1
#215hamethyst bracelet1
#53hamethyst earring3
#328hamethyst necklace1
#87hamethyst ring3
#236handmade hobby horse1
#570harem girl t-shirt1
#324headhunter necktie1
#1453heart-shaped balloon1
#540heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr1
#25helm of the white knight2
#1877helmet turtle1
#729hemp string3
#134hippo skin buckler1
#89hippo whip2
#77hippopotamus kilt1
#125hippopotamus pants1
#57hippopotamus skirt1
#147hipposkin poncho1
#217hippy bongo3
#549hippy medical kit1
#577hippy protest button1
#19hobo dungarees1
#27hobo stogie1
#204hopping socks1
#459hors d'oeuvre tray1
#61hot cross bow1
#357hot pink lipstick1
#24hot-ass club1
#476huge spoon2
#323iced-out bling1
#425icy-hot katana1
#134imitation nice watch1
#1919immense cyborg hand2
#1370incredibly creepy marionette1
🥈indie comic hipster glasses1
#356infernal fife1
#546infernal insoles3
#27infernal toilet brush6
#344inflatable duck3
#30insane tophat2
#419invisible bag2
#682irate sombrero1
#1061iron pasta spoon2
#227jack flapper2
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#123jet bennie marble1
#284jungle drum1
#505keg shield1
#529kick-ass kicks1
#499kickback cookbook1
#1288killer rag doll1
#1602kneecapping stick2
#254knob bugle3
#232knobby helmet turtle1
#27knobby kneepads3
#55ladle of mystery3
#137lawn dart3
#162lawnmower blade1
#1294lead necklace1
#117lead yo-yo2
#690leather chaps1
#894leather mask1
#164left half of a heart necklace3
🥉left-handed melodica1
#174lemonade marble1
#937lewd playing card1
#11liar's pants1
#903lihc face1
#328limburger biker boots1
#456linoleum crossbow1
#114linoleum helmet turtle1
#437linoleum staff1
#521linoleum sword1
#1204little paper umbrella2
#209little round pebble1
#331live wire3
#147loathing eagle baby-doll shirt1
#279longhaired hippy wig2
#377los chinos1
#100lucky ball-and-chain1
#563lucky bottlecap1
#55lucky lighter1
#1369lucky rabbit's foot3
#307lupine sword2
#1349mad scientist's sock monkey1
#384magic lamp1
#292magic whistle3
#1217magical ice cubes1
#491magilaser blastercannon1
#676maiden wig1
#102makeshift cape3
🥉makeshift castanets1
#171makeshift skirt1
#181makeshift turban1
#71manly bloomers1
#25mannequin leg3
#750many-eyed glasses1
#1299mariachi pants1
🥉marinara jug1
#575marionette collective1
#180massive sitar1
#118meat cowboy hat1
#34meat shield1
#136meatloaf helmet1
#132meatspout staff1
#95meaty helmet turtle1
#668mesh cap1
#47metallic foil cat ears1
#790miner's helmet1
#785miner's pants1
#145miniature antlers1
#302miniature carton of clove cigarettes1
#487miniature stuffed Goth Giant1
#109misfit dolly1
#106misfit hobby horse1
#109misfit teddy bear1
#82moist sailor's cap2
#152monster bait1
#642mood ring3
#20mostly rat-hide leggings1
#145moxie magnet1
#80muculent machete2
#598mullet wig1
#909mummy costume2
#218mummy mask1
#37musty moccasins1
#96nasty rat mask1
#20nasty-ass club1
#1126night-vision goggles1
#858ninja hot pants1
#627ninja mop1
#24non-stick pugil stick1
#125nurse's hat1
#2849obsidian dagger2
#467ocarina of space1
#83octopus's spade3
#119office-supply crossbow1
#71old school Mafia knicke½æ3
#255old school flying disc1
#28old soft shoes1
#440opera mask1
#435orange peel hat1
🥉origami "gentlemen's" magazine1
#7origami pasties1
🥉origami riding crop2
#865oriole-feather headdress1
#189out-of-tune biwa1
#1956oversized fish scaler1
#519oversized pipe2
#725oversized pizza cutter2
#1889oyster basket1
#137oyster egg balloon1
#129padded tortoise1
#56painted shield1
#1325pair of bolt cutters1
#189palm-frond capris1
#239palm-frond cloak1
#396palm-frond toupee1
#88palm-frond whip2
#582panhandle panhandling hat1
#1584pants of the Slug Lord1
#80paper-plate-mail pants1
#86parasitic claw3
#75parasitic headgnawer2
#233parasitic strangleworm1
#190parasitic tentacles1
#806party hat1
#1681passable elf mask1
#1390pasta spoon2
#340pat-a-cake pendant3
#1039patent leather shoes3
#135peace-sign necklace3
#150penguin shorts1
#147penguin skin buckler1
#1464penguin thesaurus1
#98penguin whip2
#90penguinskin mini-kilt1
#84penguinskin mini-skirt1
#100pentacorn hat1
#610perforated battle paddle1
#1652pet rock "Groucho" disguise1
#1883pet rock "Snooty" disguise1
#165phat turquoise bracelet3
#293pig-iron bracers1
#281pig-iron shinguards1
#82pilgrim shield1
#87pimpin' meat hat1
#688pink glowstick3
#35pink pinkslip slip1
#382pink plastic baby1
#43pipe wrench3
#30pirate fledges3
#681pirate shirt1
#31pixel boomerang3
#13pixel chain whip3
#288pixel hat1
#21pixel morning star3
#162pixel pants1
#72pixel shield1
#101pixel sword2
#30pixel whip3
#465plastic guitar1
#268pocket theremin1
#1231pocketwatch on a chain1
#326pointed stick2
#171pointy red hat2
#622poison pen3
#176polka-dot bow tie3
#2127polyalloy shield1
#180poodle skirt1
#1183pool cue1
#100porquoise bracelet3
#51porquoise eyebrow ring3
#95porquoise necklace3
#85porquoise ring3
#1433portable corkscrew1
#66potato pistol2
#11pottery club2
#51pottery hat1
#13pottery yo-yo3
#74poutine pole1
#168powdered wig2
#1150prehistoric spear2
#76projectile icemaker1
#24propeller beanie2
#730prosthetic forehead1
#321psycho sweater1
#16pulled porquoise earring3
#106pulled porquoise pendant1
#92pulled porquoise ring1
#1005pumpkinhead mask2
#421purple glowstick3
#377pygmy nose-bone1
#199pygmy spear2
#586radio button candy1
#1303rag doll1
#35rainbow crossbow2
#471ram stick2
#123ram-battering staff1
#100raspberry beret1
#86ratskin belt1
#45rattail whip2
#389rave whistle3
#1502ravioli hat1
#1220really dense meat stack3
#217red China marble1
#229red balloon1
#326red plastic baby1
#651red-and-green sweater1
#577reinforced beaded headband1
#29reinforced furry underpants3
#72repeating crossbow1
#308rhinestone cowboy shirt1
#1299rib of the Bonerdagon1
#609rice bowl1
#1121ridiculously huge sword1
#665ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapon1
#207right half of a heart necklace3
#178ring of adornment3
#811ring of aggravate monster3
#168ring of cold resistance3
#376ring of conflict1
#164ring of fire resistance3
#173ring of gain strength3
#1135ring of half-assed regeneration1
#203ring of increase damage3
#46ring of teleportation3
#25rope with some soap on it1
#387round green sunglasses1
#513round purple sunglasses3
#2146rubber WWBD? bracelet3
#2222rubber WWJD? bracelet3
#2765rubber WWSPD? bracelet2
#2124rubber WWtNSD? bracelet3
#558rubber axe1
#29rum barrel charrrm bracelet3
#595rusty chain necklace3
#112rusty compass1
#26rusty diving helmet2
#848rusty grave robbing shovel1
#33rusty metal greaves1
#37rusty old lantern1
#142rusty piece of rebar3
#54rusty speargun3
🥇rxr shield1
#761sabre teeth2
#96sack of doorknobs1
#682safarrri hat1
#155safety vest1
#20samurai turtle helmet2
#39savory crossbow1
#40savory staff1
#41savory sword2
#1036sawblade shield1
#316scorpion whip2
#1486seal-clubbing club2
#1054seal-skull helmet1
#31sealhide belt3
#76sealhide buckler1
#63sealhide cloak1
#29sealhide gloves3
#38sealhide hood2
#63sealhide leggings1
#68sealhide moccasins1
#33sealhide whip3
🥉sealskin drum1
#68sebaceous shield1
#104sequined fez1
#282serpentine sword2
#1088servomechanical torsion facilitator1
#210set of jacks1
#72severed flipper3
#180sewer turtle1
#82shadowy seal eye1
#32shapeless wide-brimmed hat1
#121shark jumper1
#53shark tooth necklace1
#368shimmering rainbow sand1
#330shiny butcherknife2
#261shiny hood ornament3
#2313shiny ring3
#227shiny tribal beads3
#56silver cheese-slicer3
#39silver paté knife3
#620silver shrimp fork2
#81silver tongue charrrm bracelet1
#100six-rainbow shield1
#55skate blade3
#54skate board1
#1319skeleton bone2
#509skewer-mounted razor blade1
#511sleazy bindle1
#92slightly peevedbow1
#33slime-covered shovel1
🥉slippery when wet shield1
#56smoldering staff1
#31snailmail breeches1
#13snailmail coif2
#349snake shield1
#208snapdragon pistil1
#397snarling wolf shield1
🥉snow belly1
#7snow hat2
🥉snow pants1
#801snowboarder pants1
#94sock garters1
#1348sock monkey1
#281soggy wofl t-shirt1
#83solid baconstone earring1
#78solid baconstone necklace1
#101solid baconstone ring1
#2328solid gold bowling ball2
#747solid gold pegleg1
#478souvenir ski t-shirt1
#72soylent staff1
#1975spade necklace3
#308spaghetti cult mask2
#261spaghetti cult rosary3
🥈spaghetti-box banjo1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#251spangly mariachi pants1
#213spangly mariachi vest1
#201spangly sombrero2
#305spark plug earring3
#138special sauce glove1
🥈speed limit shield1
#625spiked femur2
#28spiky turtle helmet2
#63spiky turtle shield1
#45sponge helmet1
#53spongy shield1
#978spooky bicycle chain2
#554spooky bindle1
#1655spooky felt2
#1478spooky hockey mask1
#1700spooky length of string2
#277spooky staff1
#1220spooky stick1
#1157spooky stuffing3
#1321spooky toy wheel2
#1505spooky wooden block2
#69squeaky staff1
#1582stainless steel skullcap2
#79star boomerang2
#310star buckler1
#460star crossbow1
#606star hat1
#330star pants1
#288star shirt1
#73star spatula2
#308star staff1
#65star stiletto2
#420star sword1
#32starchy crossbow2
#57starchy staff1
#44starchy sword2
#61steely marble1
#752stick-on eyebrow piercing3
#87sticky meat kilt1
#111sticky meat pants1
#62sticky meat skirt1
#493stinkin' bindle1
#4stinky cheese diaper1
🥇stinky cheese eye3
🥇stinky cheese sword3
🥈stinky cheese wheel1
#1824stolen accordion1
#273stone banjo1
#323stone baseball cap1
#102straw hat2
#1866string of blue beads3
#1868string of green beads3
#1837string of red beads3
#1412stringy sinew4
#185studded leather boxer shorts1
#3127stuffed Baron von Ratsworth1
#8936stuffed Cheshire bitten1
#8937stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech1
#3103stuffed Meat1
#167stuffed Mob Penguin1
#8973stuffed astral badger1
#8950stuffed baby gravy fairy1
#165stuffed bandersnatch1
#1465stuffed can of asparagus1
#161stuffed carpenter1
#8831stuffed cocoabo1
#1319stuffed crazy bastard sword3
#1575stuffed dodecapede1
#200stuffed dodo1
#8922stuffed flaming gravy fairy1
#8971stuffed frozen gravy fairy1
#950stuffed ghuol whelp1
#8978stuffed hand turkey1
#2669stuffed key1
#1963stuffed martini1
#8910stuffed mind flayer1
#2739stuffed mink3
#3100stuffed monocle1
#1715stuffed ninja snowman1
#208stuffed pocketwatch1
#142stuffed porpoise1
#83stuffed sabre-toothed lime1
#8943stuffed scary death orb1
#3417stuffed shoulder parrot3
#8957stuffed sleazy gravy fairy1
#8803stuffed snowy owl1
#8881stuffed spooky gravy fairy1
#3041stuffed spooky mushroom1
#246stuffed stab bat1
#8878stuffed stinky gravy fairy1
#3125stuffed teddy butler1
#3096stuffed tin of caviar1
#2694stuffed treasure chest1
#8890stuffed undead elbow macaroni1
#179stuffed walrus1
#152stuffed yeti1
#553stuffed yo-yo1
#776stuffed zmobie1
#41styrofoam crossbow1
#45styrofoam staff1
#51styrofoam sword2
#766sucky decal1
#103suede shortsword2
#89sugar chapeau2
#55sugar shank3
#183sugar shield1
#79sugar shillelagh1
#119sugar shirt1
#147sugar shorts1
#56sugar shotgun3
#1041support cummerbund3
#592supportive bra1
#963swashbuckling pants1
#412sweet ninja sword2
#284sword behind inappropriate prepositions1
#101sword of static2
#57tail o' nine cats2
#504tap shoes1
#72tarrrnished charrrm bracelet1
#468tattered paper crown2
#29teflon shield1
#14teflon spatula3
#38teflon swim fins1
#219third-hand nunchaku1
#148thought balloon1
#1220throwing wrench3
#142tighty whiteys1
🥇time sleigh1
#174tin star1
#185tiny fly glasses1
#416tiny ninja sword2
#2178tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf3
#2120tiny plastic Axe Wound3
#1511tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth3
#1546tiny plastic Beelzebozo3
#2196tiny plastic Black Knight3
#1508tiny plastic Bonerdagon3
#1493tiny plastic Boss Bat3
#4911tiny plastic Cheshire bat3
#2453tiny plastic Crimbo elf3
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#577tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#1500tiny plastic Felonia3
#2169tiny plastic G Imp3
#2172tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser3
#2162tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester3
#2169tiny plastic Hellion3
#2163tiny plastic Iiti Kitty3
#1491tiny plastic Knob Goblin King3
#2195tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter3
#2166tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl3
#2181tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist3
#2140tiny plastic Knott Yeti3
#84tiny plastic Lord Spookyraven1
#369tiny plastic Mob Penguin3
#2119tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy3
#2182tiny plastic Protagonist3
#521tiny plastic Scream Queen3
#2121tiny plastic Spam Witch3
#2135tiny plastic Spunky Princess3
#1519tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski3
#1520tiny plastic The Man3
#2150tiny plastic Trouser Snake3
#1283tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo3
#2158tiny plastic XXX pr0n3
#1792tiny plastic accordion thief3
#608tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll3
#2206tiny plastic angry bugbear3
#4841tiny plastic angry goat3
#2192tiny plastic anime smiley3
#2159tiny plastic apathetic lizardman3
#2136tiny plastic astronomer3
#4862tiny plastic baby gravy fairy3
#4898tiny plastic barrrnacle3
#2162tiny plastic beanbat3
#4474tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#4839tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball3
#2198tiny plastic blooper3
#2217tiny plastic brainsweeper3
#2146tiny plastic briefcase bat3
#333tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite3
#4872tiny plastic cocoabo3
#4885tiny plastic coffee pixie3
#1502tiny plastic conservationist hippy3
#2150tiny plastic cubist bull3
#2189tiny plastic demoninja3
#1821tiny plastic disco bandit3
#2157tiny plastic drunk goat3
#354tiny plastic fat stack of cash3
#2137tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus3
#2203tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker3
#2182tiny plastic fluffy bunny3
#2149tiny plastic fruit golem3
#4882tiny plastic fuzzy dice3
#4856tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick3
#4807tiny plastic ghuol whelp3
#2136tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers3
#637tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire3
#2163tiny plastic goth giant3
#4809tiny plastic grue3
#2113tiny plastic handsome mariachi3
#1832tiny plastic hermit3
#4850tiny plastic howling balloon monkey3
#4792tiny plastic killer bee3
#2183tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box3
#4875tiny plastic leprechaun3
#4835tiny plastic levitating potato3
#2170tiny plastic lobsterfrogman3
#4848tiny plastic mosquito3
#368tiny plastic mutant elf3
#2155tiny plastic ninja snowman3
#1797tiny plastic pastamancer3
#4798tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime3
#1813tiny plastic sauceror3
#2176tiny plastic scary clown3
#1765tiny plastic seal clubber3
#2172tiny plastic senile lihc3
#2160tiny plastic smarmy pirate3
#2144tiny plastic spiny skelelton3
#4897tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton3
#2193tiny plastic spooky vampire3
#4862tiny plastic stab bat3
#4890tiny plastic star starfish3
#319tiny plastic strand of DNA3
#2292tiny plastic sweet nutcracker3
#2148tiny plastic taco cat3
#2152tiny plastic topiary golem3
#1829tiny plastic turtle tamer3
#2192tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni3
#2123tiny plastic warwelf3
#2108tiny plastic whitesnake3
#2165tiny plastic zmobie3
#1124tiny shaker of salt1
#488tip jar1
#872titanium assault umbrella2
#37torquoise ring1
#33tortoboggan shield1
#2400toy crazy train1
#653toy hoverpad17
#2209toy jet pack1
#921toy maglev monorail1
#1815toy ray gun2
#2262toy space helmet1
#1384toy train1
#479tree skirt1
#600tropical paperweight1
#53trousers of the white knight1
#8trusty torch1
#442tube sock1
#49turtle wax greaves1
#29turtle wax helmet2
#87turtle wax shield1
#101turtlemail breeches1
#46turtlemail coif2
#112turtlemail hauberk1
#183tuxedo shirt1
#119two-handed depthsword1
#185ultimate ultimate frisbee3
#110union scalemail pants1
#667vampire collar1
#1912vampire duck-on-a-string2
#47vampire pearl earring1
#44vampire pearl necklace1
#45vampire pearl ring1
#36velcro boots1
#18velcro broadsword3
#12velcro paddle ball3
#28velcro shield1
#1821vertebra of the Bonerdagon1
#2321vibrating cyborg knife2
#1041viking helmet1
#27vinyl boots1
#736vorpal blade2
#358walrus-tusk earring3
#406war tongs2
🥈washboard shield1
#274water wings3
#122water-polo cap2
#88water-polo mitt1
#902white balloon1
#24white belt3
#354white collar3
#602white hat hacker T-shirt1
#808white satin pants1
#581white satin shield1
#122white snakeskin duster1
#689white sword2
#51white whip2
#511wicker shield1
#26willowy bonnet2
#388witch hat2
#475witty rapier2
#1246wolf mask1
#949wolfman mask2
#428wonderwall shield1
#363wooden axe1
#102wooden salad bowl1
#636wooden stakes2
#595wool hat1
#173world's smallest violin3
#552worn tophat1
#332woven baling wire bracelets3
#333wreath of laurels2
#694wrench bracelet3
#79wristwatch of the white knight1
#12wumpus-hair loincloth1
#11wumpus-hair sweater1
#7wumpus-hair whip3
#6wumpus-hair wig2
#1265x-ray specs3
#176yak anorak1
#80yak toupee1
#69yak whip2
#109yakskin buckler1
#80yakskin kilt1
#106yakskin pants1
#63yakskin skirt1
#228ye olde golde frontes1
#439yellow glowstick3
#101yellow plastic hard hat1
#1863zombie pineal gland1

Wow, that's 2,435 items total!

what items are this player missing?