obsidian dagger

obsidian dagger

🥈Sean Clannery319








#6KingDobbs and salticid228










#12Artie Effham and Kyta180


#14AltaZorn and ckb1175




#17DeadNed and MarcyRoni168




#20Foxy Boxy, Harry Pesto and Optimus747165








#26BabyScarface and DerMagus153


#28Farflier, UomoDellaPasta and greycat152


#31Mana Yachanichu149




#33LastMinuteName and Noskilz146




#36McMoolish and Volc141












#43AscensionsEatYourSoul and stuffandthings130


#45Hrotli and gnoCCo127




#48harumph and talas300124






#52iaruk and tim8160121


#54Ereinion and Lokiator118


#56Blastphemist and rpxx117


#58Ioeth, Kirana and whizdad116


#61Ekeinos, Hagen Black, IceColdFever, Isladar, Nekosoft and Phalocrocorax115


#67ChevellemanX, RICKErscotT and ZaruYache112




#71Lady Tomo110




#73Dannyb0y and O_Dog108


#75Busch Light106


#76FrankNBeans and Vampiregrrl105


#78D L and ErnieR104


#80DeathToRudy, HadesSL, Higardi, HotCha0, InspectorX and Splotz103


#86Morgad and testostronaut102




#89CafeBabe and Lord Stefano100


#91Delilah Jones, Solve_Omnis and Zair99


#94Rutger von Horeburg, Vacated_Cranium, Wize Guy and Zanchvegas98


#98Belly16, Club, SRO and Werefrog97


#102Chartan, Chymes, Tirronius, Wizard_Hat, sensibleb and zmobieDementor96


#108Buzzbuzz, TheBrent, blah35, cptjsparrow and nonvegan95


#113Derbina, FMguru, Major Meat and mtfns94


#117Alsier and takenoko93


#119Bodhazapha, Durf, TheArtfulDodger and Velvet Knight92


#123TheBub and Tibbiara91




#126Sololord and kirByllAmA89


#128Azreal and Lxndr88


#130Brar the Crusader and Curt87


#132Framistan, SarcasMage, cheeser and tbell3086




#137Lew_b81, Mistress of the Obvious and stufff84


#140Chef_Rannos, Macaroni the Bent, Minuit, Nion and Wagr83


#145Chickenkong, Nashtinka, Que Chan Mok and imthebigchief82


#149Bobje Ratata, Efelo, Some Bloke and Zerg_Rush81


#153Prestige, SchrodingerCat and Steam80






#158Bluewoods and slag77


#160PSY and eitak76


#162Jererry, Skent, erTEST1 and silrog75


#166FatQuack, Mayabird, PlastikObst, PolyesterMan, ScUd RuCkInS and xKiv74


#172StrapOnSally, Vacuumus and jCoWLeY73


#175Felyndaer, Merihand, Otto von Cheesebiscuit, RisenJihad, SCOTTICUS and jackman672


#181Master Grimwulf and Smarmaduke71


#183Ginpeporimeg, Slugshadow and SpiderMcFly70




#187DoodyHed, Nikademus, Ruby Eyes and thE tRAveLiNg RetArD68


#191Archipelago71, Chazriel, Heliophage, MeowTiger, ToKoLoSH and Ulysse67


#197Chicken in Black, Cupcakes of Hell, JADE Dragon piece, Lord_Josh and Mongrel the Apathetic66


#202Biobob, Colendez, GCByzantine, Miridian and SuperYepa65


#207MrSqueezeBox, W0rm, canniBALLS, surfer treecko and tbell3164


#212Boxy Brown, DragonOfMany, ElGrande, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, Lildogg747 and MikeMar63


#218BlueThunder, Elachim and alBATross62


#221Hamusutaa, Simon the Mystificator, cankergIRL and thexmanlight61


#225Aravagantos, Glukthar, PrenIqueezEr, Raven Darkchild, Tzabor, Ucibius and apeman132460


#232A Gressive Coffee Addict, Androcles Antepasta, BlackVelveteen, Einhart, FatQuack2, Nightvol, Sir Jefe and StaticMan59


#240Don Quai Poncerello, Evangelist_Nine, MammaBear and Pal58


#244Mansausage, Monarch309, SealclubberX, Shadowlynk, Sven of the Dead, WeatherWarrior, disco basket and muskratlike57


#252Atronach, Deimos, Gingdingthing, Sunday, cheesedude and wOrLDs_NumbER_1_granDpa56


#258Akaiya, Galapagos James, Galith, Solazy, Wraithtech, flerdle and lindsay lohan55


#265Benevolent Familiar, ElVatoLoco, Juub, Methusalah, Nathanl, Placeholder, Shogun42, bumblebea, motoXXXozzy and teke18454


#275Cristiona, Edir, George P Burdell, GrooVay, Ms Bus Driver, Pierp, Sal the Rapacious, Zyrtec and maggotheart53


#284Churchie, Hairshirt, Introspector, Keogh, Krukedogg, Mad Dudy, MoxieMolly, Mystic_Potato, Plucky, Shaudius, Yorick, dab, octopodey and tekDragon52


#298BigPickle, BubbaNDN, Chipchaw, CoupleK, DYFFrynTHEdrunKENgael, Farfalle al Dente, Kwon, Lizmeis, Metraxis, Moonflame, Nickles, TheOtherSpike, Tricksy, mx indigo and wildflowered51


#313Erik the Lemming, Higgy, Jantastic, K2_Fujative, PokeyMan, Rokusho999, Sir Biff, eFloss, entchen, queenoftheNAUGHTiez and tristan50


#324BWF Jeff, Gnocchus, Immelan, Lorad, Prima Vera, Segatron, Snugglypoo, UrbanSuicideJunkie, Xenthes, Zog_the_Flatulent and meh_64_1249


#335Auntie Pasta, Die Howler, Elle Driver, Flaming Turtle, Grchwrkz, Mashiro, Olorin, Phred Green, Roger Ramjet, SkyElf and krae48


#346Ahorriblesn, Alkaris, MI4 REALs Ascension Account, MagonKody, Seth_OS, TaDfG, Yatsufusa and herpman47


#354AprilFools, CafeBoob, Lyle332, Nim, Palissandre, Poncho the Sane, Slavoc, Snott, TVirus26, Tableau and aDmiRaLAwesoME46


#365Ashallond, Balala, Chef Jeff, High Voltage, Yarvin, Yavnik, Zob Rombie, koutetsu and mtnfs45


#374Anesthesia, CBParker, Cheesy One, Eileen, Ford Fairlane, Herustari, Izhebel, Seaxburh, glaucos, gonzo1399, gourry_gabriev610, vpnLibrarian and wickedwillie4444


#387Athanatos, Casteel, Guwuffle, Han FalconFlyer, JanvierBellefeuille, Oldsfrk, Paran, Ramonphilius, Ranava, Schmaltz, Triffels, chalon9 and the_postman43


#400Agliata, Aximili, Baron Meriwether, Bioland, Brew Geared, Darmut eDrien, DeathNight, GecoLupesco, Homusexual, Jett, LuvLuvChef, Mekgineer, SkullRock, TogashiKokujin, Turtlini, agargan and tanstaafl42


#417BagelJr, Caelith, Caplin, Einherjar, FufuBunnySlayer, GarrisonKiller, Gnomam, Gracious Gasoline Crotch, Irresponsibility, Johnatton, Ka Naram, KingFelix, Mc7Man, Sai Guru, SandyFlash, Vkkhamul, WalterEgo, Wussy Pride, andrew3, awaj2006, clalibus, davidsan, gamma_RAy, xanatos_s and zombiedust41


#442Ay7k, Caillean, Daywalker, FearlessX, Kurtispj, Leef, RazorGerbil, Roy, Sequin, Swiffer, cromulentia and hotdeth40


#454Accordion Abuser, BlueWasabi, CancerMan, ERJ1024, Meepoo, Mr HeadCase, Ravengyre, StrongbadfanEX, The molehIll ThaT rIdES, Tommy, Vorthox and Zumacher39


#466ABooRCKS123, Dirk Gently, Flammo, HasteBro, Kaine, Kostej Kostejsson, Landamus, Ninja Karl, Othniel, VoltTacklE, Zock, blik, tOphAT and warebar38


#480Afrogumby, Caldric, Grollo, Hastings, Hunkpapa, IP_69_16_150_196, JizzMasterZero, Legalese, Lucilla Teatime, Managwa, Mellissaleo, Prefect, PsyMar, Sharp Dressed Man, Tz_BG, bjackleg, dmack293 and mtanders37


#498Crunchy Hamster, Duty, Ferdinard, HansGruber, Lungbutter, RenRetard, Rolagza, Zoomiin, eddo, shameonme, silly_na and weggiecat36


#510Akadia, Arket, Evanzedd, Infidelbert, JiK4eva, Metal_Mickey, Misha_Z, NCSorcerer, SourMilk, StrawberryLetter23, Tannerhaus, The Alchemyst, Turtlegeuse, iniquitous, regenald, sepos and tezlovespez35


#527Akrim, AmandaJo, Amarand, Chez, DownriverRatt, Dyna Fire, ErstwhileWarrior, Katezilla, SaladBowl, Squall Thrawn, VampireCake, Vigilamus, Viridinia, Xu Bhu, camelheel, garanimalstains, iMMASMASHYOFACE, kaotix, n00beast, sciFIwiZ and theDork34


#548Ballroom Blitz, Bigquack, Chineselegolas, Eloquent Rune, Gryphon, HawkinVXN, Jahamana, Legomancer, Lupperi, Magnamanus, Majsju, MinusForty, Mr Banana, NTesla, Natano0, NothingBetter2Do, Omri, Quackosaur, Salsus, ShadowMonk, Wallace, scratch and xain33


#571Casca, Faulin, Fiery1, Fork Pastawalker, Kemistry, Loch Lomond, MrMonkeyshoes, StrijdjeS, TTBoyArDee, TVsGrady, The Toastmaster General, evilMatt, gulaschkanone and zippyboingo32


#585Baeltor, Borishaughingoff, Cyan Luna, Dumb333, Fellatrix, Foggy, Forehead69, Ingemarr_Dinkyweiner, LMTR14, Mimulus, PastaLaVistaBaby, Quialiss, bumcheekcity2, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, mrf, sistinas and welenchia31


#602Apollyon, Darsabre, DrHaggis, DraconisUK, Gleamglade, Grimm Tooth, HammeredOne, JennyTurpentine, Joltykun, KidNot, Lilandra, Llamaface, Lordhack, LuckyPuck, Marie Elin, MissGnomer, Mister Tambourine Man, Pastahead, RedNeckReb, Sir Jimeth, Weatherboy, ZweiBlummen, ladderman, lassaebola, olleH and txster30


#628Disco Dancing, Erathaol, Fearium, Kizehk, Kspades, Muhandes, Parry Hotter, PhilipJFry, ShinyPlatypus, TheNice1, Xiombarg, allen_zhangcool, burns14hs, eXtyNT, hipchicken, jilscott, kasanax, littlecatb, potatohead69, soelo and windmilan29


#649Agapanthus, Atriedes, BobDoleSuperior, BobDragonslayer, Boondog_Dan, CA Dude, DancesWithWar, DownriverRat, FettucineQueenie, FortyElectrons, Inconceivably OO, LordAo, Phoenix512, Rokov, Soubrette, Tebryn, Tenebrae, Tyrmon, Vajalyn, Xcaret, alphaxion, doublefistodoom, gxam and lowrezster28


#673Ahrimen, BadLuckBlacky, CarltheChemist, Davolta, Dirty Immigrant, Dita of the Motley, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, EEPiccolo, Godspeed, HappyBizu, JoshZero, Korel, Kristofski, Llabak, MauveBerry, Mr Nice, Nasher, OHogan, Penguin Overlord, Rebeccah Sharp, Soldan, Targrod, Unknownzzzz, Zenzizenzizenzic, nimrod_1 and typelogin27


#699Blzbob, Bodito, Coldrain, Derrikan, Discdeath, Laughterofgods, LiamAndMe, Not another Bob, Omnibus, Redeyedpreacher, Roma, Shrapnel, SilentBalance957, Underpants Girl, kidMissile, lupus4, oodleook, petreska and tHegERb26


#718Allikat, Arthur Dent, Baethan, Baka, Betafish99, Binaanne, CaptainChaos, Dibzdevil, EsCHat0n, GorgeousGeorge, Kamikaze Tool, KarmaHunter, Kruncho, Loathario, LuxNecronis, Meezer_Wrangler, Moe Himself, Monkboy, Mowglia, Mystiballs, Siennaschall, Soror 666, Sunpocket, TangerineTiger, Tze, Xen of Borg, Xtabay, jay76, seatillk and sue25


#748CaptainRondo, CrassMandoo, Knitbone, Nikki xx, Odinsatan, QueenBowie, Scizzle, Smiling Spectre, Snazz, Snotten, Turlo, Zermelo, Zs_and_Ys, crash bang boom, davidnjw, ductapelosergirl, ssj3nappa, tradwolley and zoutroi24


#767Burk, CaptainRandom, ClaudioFratelino, Gannet Swift, Gitaroo Man, Glops, Greystoke, Helicam, HighPlainsChef, Hulyen, Isobelle, Kareth, Likal Coraer, Lord Enzo, MaryAchi, MojoMonkey, Nectaris, NotArgent, Rasputina, SmallBlueSphere, TheCynicalOne, TheSilentMantis, Themrog, WannabeCoder, WeeBuffBot, Xarite, Xaxor, XinK, blider, bluebear, cole_the_invincible, cometdave, eskimodave, guesTVacancy, howlin_mad, jlchamberlain49, maxlex, n00bandl33tsauce, polkapolka and zmb23


#807AMIELLE, Boadicea, Bufferin Head, CDF4796, CNminus, Conan the Numismatist, Delilah, DjTeriyaki, Electra, Ffthed, Imitation Plastic Uncle Crimbo, Kurtispj3, L0tech, MadddddDog, Mauve the Impaler, Mixie, Nilyi, OstrichJockey, PMega, Phleefi, StinkyWizzleteats, Sweet Honey, The Rabid Baby, TheSunbird, Xclockwatcher, ZmFlavius, alex_avsfan, bad_player, bruteforcePWNsYou, creatureparade, darkbladingzeratul, effensee, izchak, jerusha, kindia, muskratlove, punchodex and t4kato22


#845Ass Pounder, Baronsamsquee, Deatvert, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Gracefire, Gradis, Graev, InvIsIble, JamPaladin, Kathlan, Ken_Zevo, Kipling, Luke, Millenium Hand and Shrimp, Otto of Prussia, Pasta Far Eye, PsychicBologna, Rsm_lazarus, Rykoshet, Sasori_uk, SomethingWicked, Sprucer, Stabotron, Strife, TheDarkOne, Thorgarl, VRoscioli, Walking, Zanch Pornoflict, atomfarin, cukky, culcube, diordna, dyeote, fixer, matato, slotwin and sunbird21


#883Chacho, Cookiemonster123, Dr_Bruiser, Edda, Empra1234, Hut Sut Rawlson, Ishamaell, Janno, Jehanmandeville, LarryB, Loathariette, MaCareno, Maddog Doan, RasputinTimelord, Reydien, Sadglad, Spazfeet, badaduci, brION_tHenOTgiant, cakyrespa, chestah, evaine, iloveturtles, insecticon3000, jmkg, raorn, ted the red and theflamingokid20


#911ACMuseum, A_P_Vladimir, Almar Zamasee, Carny Asada, Catachresis Rex, Cheesecake102, Cyrilis, D3tox, Drinkerbell, Ferner, Fish, Goobris, Hedgemonster, Jill_Bob, Lord_Towers, MadonnaOfTheWasps, Maikeruu, Majromax, MereMortal, Newbot, Olmec, PapaCap, PastaDurf, Pat McGroin, Puchie, Rainmaker, ResidentDufus, SZINN, Seathy, SleepIsTheBrotherOfDeath, Stickler, StormCrow42, StrLikeCrazy, Tatterwasp, The Serised, Tiltias, Tinfoil Chef, Turkney Sol, Whale Clubber, Willwork4food, case, completebastich, didion, nordmert, poorlydrawnman, safeforwork, wafLtrOnic and younguancho19


#959Abramul, Aelfredo, AlbinoWino, Ascensor, Betmen Brkic, Cheloni, Coogi Hat, Darth Steve, DiscoKiller, Duffkiligan, EAF Marine, Flybynight, Loachette, MickeyG42, Nfika, Nohbody, Notwau, Radcliff247, Saucalicious, SomethingSnappy, Terps, TheEruditeCarrot, Valdus, WynnIf, dammed if I do, decapod_claw, kbe, noxious, sfwarlock, tangerineBaer and teh swabs18


#990Ammishdave, Barsteward Raz, Bingo the Wallaby, Boozman, Cleo, Cookiecutter, DeathofPasta, Decil, Dis Coban Dit and Disco Princess17
