#638 | "DRINK ME" potion | 1 |
#114 | "Humorous" T-shirt | 1 |
#263 | 'WILL WORK FOR BOOZE' sign | 7 |
#1436 | 1-ball | 1 |
#114 | 1.21 jigawatts | 1 |
#43 | 1/6th Pound Cake | 1 |
#72 | 100-Watt bulb | 1 |
#1149 | 1337 7r0uZ0RZ | 1 |
#1425 | 2-ball | 1 |
#31 | 25-meat staff | 11 |
#1455 | 3-ball | 1 |
#1015 | 30669 scroll | 1 |
#1223 | 33398 scroll | 1 |
#932 | 334 scroll | 1 |
#1472 | 4-ball | 1 |
#101 | 4-d camera | 2 |
#441 | 4-dimensional guitar | 1 |
#92 | 4:20 bomb | 1 |
#337 | 5-Alarm Saucepan | 1 |
#1434 | 5-ball | 1 |
#142 | 5-hour acrimony | 1 |
#1424 | 6-ball | 1 |
#263 | 64067 scroll | 1 |
#394 | 668 scroll | 1 |
#921 | 7-Foot Dwarven mattock | 1 |
#1484 | 7-ball | 1 |
#50 | 7-inch discus | 1 |
#2244 | 8-ball | 1 |
#625 | 9-ball | 1 |
#650 | A Beginner's Guide to Charming Snakes | 1 |
#246 | A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 1 | 1 |
#278 | A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 2 | 1 |
#254 | A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 3 | 1 |
#223 | A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 4 | 1 |
#294 | A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 5 | 1 |
#224 | A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 6 | 1 |
#450 | A. W. O. L. commendation | 11 |
#784 | ASCII shirt | 1 |
#87 | Abyssal ember | 1 |
#276 | Alewifeâ„¢ Ale | 1 |
#274 | Alice's Army Alchemist | 1 |
#232 | Alice's Army Bowman | 1 |
#225 | Alice's Army Cleric | 1 |
#232 | Alice's Army Coward | 1 |
#156 | Alice's Army Dervish | 1 |
#259 | Alice's Army Guard | 1 |
#248 | Alice's Army Halberder | 1 |
#213 | Alice's Army Hammerman | 1 |
#229 | Alice's Army Horseman | 1 |
#226 | Alice's Army Lanceman | 1 |
#261 | Alice's Army Mad Bomber | 1 |
#161 | Alice's Army Martyr | 1 |
#256 | Alice's Army Ninja | 1 |
#260 | Alice's Army Nurse | 1 |
#259 | Alice's Army Page | 1 |
#266 | Alice's Army Shieldmaiden | 1 |
#110 | Alice's Army Sniper | 2 |
#252 | Alice's Army Spearsman | 1 |
#257 | Alice's Army Swordsman | 1 |
#257 | Alice's Army Wallman | 1 |
#75 | Aluminum Epsilon of Humility | 4 |
#881 | Ancient Saucehelm | 3 |
#834 | Angelhair Culottes | 1 |
#43 | Angry Farmer candy | 5,069 |
#391 | Angry Farmer's Wife Candy | 1 |
#296 | Ankh of Badahnkadh | 1 |
#27 | Apathargic Bandersnatch | 2 |
#349 | Argarggagarg's fang | 5 |
#234 | Arrrmetia trading card | 1 |
#121 | Asleep in the Cemetery | 10 |
#242 | Atomic Comic | 2 |
#27 | Ax of L'rose | 1 |
#685 | BGE 'cuddly critter' shirt | 1 |
#732 | BGE 'ferocious fruit' shirt | 1 |
#112 | BGE merchandise order form | 37 |
#566 | BGE pocket calendar | 1 |
#797 | BGE shotglass | 11 |
#676 | BGE temporary tattoo | 1 |
#957 | BGE tiny plastic toy | 1 |
#503 | BRICKO brick | 1 |
#451 | BRICKO eye brick | 1 |
#17 | BRICKO gargantuchicken | 1 |
#69 | BRICKO hat | 1 |
#63 | BRICKO pants | 1 |
#112 | BRICKO pearl | 1 |
#32 | BRICKO pyramid | 1 |
#22 | BRICKO reactor | 28 |
#61 | BRICKO sword | 1 |
#61 | BRICKO turtle | 1 |
#85 | BURT | 337 |
#843 | Bandolier of the Spaghetti Elemental | 1 |
#133 | Bangyomaman battle juice | 1 |
#612 | Baron von Ratsworth's money clip | 1 |
#1173 | Baron von Ratsworth's monocle | 10 |
🥈 | Baron von Ratsworth's tophat | 374 |
#591 | Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler | 1 |
#151 | Barulio's bottle | 1 |
#613 | Bash-ÅŒs boxtop | 1 |
#291 | Bash-ÅŒs cereal | 1 |
#102 | Beignet Milgranet | 1 |
#131 | Ben-Galâ„¢ Balm | 11 |
#932 | Better Than Cuddling Cake | 1 |
#28 | Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook | 13 |
🥈 | Big Candy's tophat | 1 |
#761 | Bit O' Ectoplasm | 1 |
#34 | BitterSweetTarts | 306 |
#414 | Bjorn's Hammer | 1 |
#180 | Black Bodyâ„¢ spray | 1 |
#774 | Black No. 2 | 1 |
#748 | Blackfly Chardonnay | 1 |
🥉 | Blatantly Canadian | 68,451 |
#909 | Bling of the New Wave | 1 |
#23 | Blizzards I Have Died In | 16 |
#568 | Blood Light | 1 |
#19 | Blue Diamond of Honesty | 18 |
#534 | Bone's Farm "wine" | 1 |
#8 | Bonerdagon necklace | 393 |
#342 | Boozehounds Anonymous token | 1 |
#96 | Bordeaux Marteaux | 1 |
#232 | Boris's key lime | 1 |
#423 | Boris's key lime pie | 1 |
#924 | Boris's ring | 1 |
#1674 | Boss Bat bling | 1 |
#7 | Boss Bat britches | 393 |
#1742 | Breathetasticâ„¢ Premium Canned Air | 1 |
#68 | Bright Water | 1 |
#1012 | Brimstone Chicken Sandwich | 1 |
#1504 | Bulky Buddy Box | 1 |
#459 | C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button | 1 |
🥈 | C.B.F.G. | 1 |
#293 | C.H.U.M. chum | 1 |
#588 | C.H.U.M. knife | 1 |
#183 | C.H.U.M. lantern | 1 |
#1119 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) | 1 |
#1013 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2) | 1 |
#1054 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) | 1 |
#1019 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) | 1 |
#1009 | CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) | 1 |
#530 | CRIMBCO lanyard | 1 |
#851 | CRIMBCO mug | 11 |
#84 | CRIMBCO scrip | 4,190 |
#1938 | CRIMBCO wine | 1 |
#193 | CRIMBCOIDS mints | 11 |
#203 | CRIMBCOLOAF | 11 |
#112 | CSA all-purpose soap | 11 |
#121 | CSA bravery badge | 11 |
#150 | CSA cheerfulness ration | 11 |
#152 | CSA discount card | 11 |
#335 | CSA fire-starting kit | 10 |
#140 | CSA obedience grenade | 11 |
#155 | CSA scoutmaster's "water" | 11 |
#113 | Camp Scout pup tent | 37 |
#33 | Cerebral Cloche | 6 |
#5 | Cerebral Crossbow | 226 |
#28 | Cerebral Culottes | 6 |
#446 | Cherry Cloaca Cola | 1 |
#29 | Chester's Aquarius medallion | 2 |
#27 | Chester's bag of candy | 3 |
#176 | Chester's cutoffs | 1 |
#57 | Chester's moustache | 2 |
#29 | Chester's muscle shirt | 2 |
#23 | Chester's sunglasses | 2 |
#51 | ChibiBuddyâ„¢ (off) | 1 |
#37 | Choker of the Ultragoth | 2 |
#288 | Cinco Mayo Lager | 1 |
#102 | Clan VIP Lounge invitation | 1 |
#248 | Claw of the Infernal Seal | 4 |
#1496 | Cloaca-Cola | 1 |
#1487 | Cloaca-Cola fatigues | 1 |
#1419 | Cloaca-Cola helmet | 1 |
#1429 | Cloaca-Cola shield | 1 |
#244 | Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau | 1 |
#281 | Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration | 1 |
#6 | Codpiece of the Goblin King | 394 |
#78 | Coilyâ„¢ | 1 |
#402 | Colander of Em-er'il | 6 |
#1237 | Cold Hots candy | 1 |
#264 | Colon Annihilation Hot Sauce | 1 |
#490 | Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket | 1 |
#233 | Connery's Elixir of Audacity | 1 |
#399 | Cookbook of the Damned | 1 |
#1371 | Copper Alpha of Sincerity | 1 |
#481 | Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket | 1 |
#1852 | Corpse Island iced tea | 1 |
#27 | Crepes a la Lune | 1 |
#1047 | Crimbo Candy Cookbook | 3 |
#109 | Crimbo P. R. E. S. S. I. E. | 1 |
#1354 | Crimbo candied pecan | 1 |
#1382 | Crimbo fudge | 1 |
#1369 | Crimbo peppermint bark | 1 |
#755 | Crimbo pie | 1 |
#96 | Crimbo stocking | 1 |
#97 | Crimbo ukulele | 2 |
#350 | Crimbo wreath | 2 |
#6 | Crimbomination Contraption | 1 |
#35 | Crimbough | 2 |
#2022 | Crimboween memo | 2 |
#345 | Crimbuck | 2,818 |
#51 | Crown of Thrones | 1 |
#1498 | Crown of the Goblin King | 14 |
#289 | DNOTC Box | 1 |
#26 | Daffy Taffy | 3,213 |
#534 | Danglin' Chad's loincloth | 1 |
#228 | Das Überkühlraum trading card | 1 |
#145 | Dickory Farms Gift Basket | 37 |
#445 | Diet Cloaca Cola | 1 |
#1168 | Disco 'Fro Pick | 3 |
#455 | Disco Banjo | 1 |
#9 | Discount Telescope Warehouse gift certificate | 67 |
#313 | Divine | 1 |
#737 | Doc Galaktik's Homeopathic Elixir | 1 |
#428 | Doc Galaktik's Restorative Balm | 1 |
#190 | Dogsgotnonoz pills | 1 |
#983 | Double Bacon Beelzeburger | 1 |
#125 | Dramaticâ„¢ range | 11 |
#294 | Drowsy Sword | 65 |
#13 | Dungeon Fist gauntlet | 1 |
#11 | Dyspepsi-Cola | 11,609 |
#1406 | Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues | 1 |
#1417 | Dyspepsi-Cola helmet | 1 |
#1376 | Dyspepsi-Cola shield | 1 |
#423 | Eau de Guaneau | 1 |
#477 | Ecto-Cooler | 1 |
#810 | El Sombrero De Lopez | 3 |
#99 | El Vibrato drone | 1 |
#42 | El Vibrato energy spear | 1 |
#45 | El Vibrato helmet | 1 |
#31 | El Vibrato leg guards | 1 |
#493 | El Vibrato power sphere | 1 |
#81 | El Vibrato punchcard (104 holes) | 1 |
#160 | El Vibrato punchcard (115 holes) | 1 |
#290 | El Vibrato punchcard (129 holes) | 1 |
#257 | El Vibrato punchcard (142 holes) | 1 |
#216 | El Vibrato punchcard (165 holes) | 1 |
#231 | El Vibrato punchcard (176 holes) | 1 |
#227 | El Vibrato punchcard (182 holes) | 1 |
#196 | El Vibrato punchcard (213 holes) | 1 |
#322 | El Vibrato punchcard (216 holes) | 1 |
#297 | El Vibrato punchcard (88 holes) | 1 |
#284 | El Vibrato punchcard (97 holes) | 1 |
#700 | Elder Turtle Shell | 4 |
#653 | Elf Farm Raffle ticket | 1 |
#500 | Elfin shortbread | 1 |
#469 | Elmley shades | 1 |
#72 | Elvish sunglasses | 1 |
#1165 | Ent cider | 1 |
#205 | Everlasting Deckswabber | 1 |
#670 | FDKOL commendation | 37 |
#30 | FDKOL fire hose | 1 |
#167 | FDKOL hotcakes | 37 |
#31 | Familiar-Groâ„¢ Terrarium | 11 |
#1008 | Feng Shui for Big Dumb Idiots | 1 |
#251 | Ferrigno's Elixir of Power | 1 |
#14 | Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy | 11 |
#77 | Flaming Mohobo | 1 |
#31 | Flan in the Moon | 1 |
#21 | Fly-By-Knight Heraldry form | 2 |
#5 | Frat Army FGF | 1,475 |
🥇 | French slippers | 1 |
#214 | Frogade | 1 |
#83 | Fromage Pinotage | 1 |
#126 | Frostâ„¢ brand sword | 1 |
#84 | Frosty's arm | 1 |
#213 | Frosty's carrot | 1 |
#265 | Frosty's frosty mug | 6 |
#16 | Frosty's iceball | 1 |
#196 | Frosty's nailbat | 1 |
#215 | Frosty's old silk hat | 1 |
#121 | Frosty's snowball sack | 1 |
#63 | Frown Exerciser | 1 |
🥈 | Fuzzby | 1 |
#179 | GOTO | 1 |
#607 | Gaia beads | 1 |
#370 | Galapagosian Cuisses | 3 |
#283 | Game Grid ticket | 1 |
#264 | Game Grid token | 1 |
#787 | Garter of the Turtle Poacher | 1 |
#277 | Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire | 1 |
#8 | Genalenâ„¢ Bottle | 3,086 |
#439 | General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket | 1 |
#1026 | Glass Balls of the Goblin King | 2 |
#186 | Gnollish autoplunger | 1 |
#257 | Gnollish casserole dish | 1 |
#789 | Gnollish flyswatter | 1 |
#593 | Gnollish pie server | 1 |
#577 | Gnollish pie tin | 2 |
#727 | Gnollish plunger | 1 |
#594 | Gnollish slotted spoon | 1 |
#64 | Gnollish toolbox | 113 |
#441 | Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizer | 1 |
#467 | Go-Wassail | 37 |
#101 | Good 'n' Slimy | 1 |
#1014 | Goodfella contract | 1 |
#236 | Gordon Bennett | 1 |
#336 | Grateful Undead T-shirt | 1 |
#32 | Gravyskin Belt of the Sauceblob | 21 |
#37 | Green Clover of Justice | 35 |
#85 | Grumpy Bumpkin's Pumpkin Seed Catalog | 1 |
#342 | Gummi-DNA | 1 |
#755 | Gummi-Gnauga | 1 |
#136 | Gummy Brains | 1 |
#680 | Happy Birthday, Claude! cake | 1 |
#41 | Hatorade | 12 |
#601 | Haunted Sorority House staff guide | 1 |
#249 | Hawking's Elixir of Brilliance | 1 |
#43 | Heimandatz's heart | 22 |
🥈 | Hippy Army MPE | 4,829 |
#93 | Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians | 1 |
#88 | Hodgman's almanac | 1 |
#672 | Hodgman's blanket | 1 |
#119 | Hodgman's bow tie | 1 |
#81 | Hodgman's cane | 1 |
🥉 | Hodgman's disgusting technicolor overcoat | 5 |
#12 | Hodgman's garbage sticker | 3 |
#95 | Hodgman's harmonica | 1 |
#8 | Hodgman's imaginary hamster | 1 |
#39 | Hodgman's journal #1: The Lean Times | 2 |
#125 | Hodgman's journal #2: Entrepreneurythmics | 1 |
#57 | Hodgman's journal #3: Pumping Tin | 2 |
#164 | Hodgman's journal #4: View From The Big Top | 1 |
#129 | Hodgman's lobsterskin pants | 1 |
#65 | Hodgman's lucky sock | 1 |
#66 | Hodgman's metal detector | 1 |
#146 | Hodgman's porkpie hat | 1 |
#97 | Hodgman's varcolac paw | 1 |
#24 | Hodgman's whackin' stick | 1 |
#247 | Hollandaise helmet | 17 |
#76 | Humanitini | 1 |
#61 | Ice-Cold Aluminum Necklace | 1 |
#95 | Ice-Cold Beer Ring | 1 |
#56 | Ice-Cold Beerring | 1 |
#679 | Iiti Kitty phone charm | 1 |
#75 | Imp Ale | 3,972 |
#18 | Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration | 51 |
#1205 | Instant Karma | 1 |
#718 | Iron Beta of Industry | 8 |
#1198 | Jack-in-the-box | 1 |
#775 | Jarlsberg's earring | 1 |
#396 | Jarlsberg's key lime pie | 1 |
#305 | Jocko Homo's head | 6 |
#870 | Jolly Roger charrrm | 1 |
#692 | Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet | 1 |
#1017 | Jumbo Dr. Lucifer | 1 |
#67 | Kentucky-fried meat crossbow | 1 |
#54 | Kentucky-fried meat staff | 1 |
#73 | Kentucky-fried meat sword | 1 |
#33 | Kentucky-style derby | 11 |
#127 | Kevlar balloon | 1 |
#110 | Kiss the Knob apron | 1 |
#839 | Kissin' Cousins | 1 |
#227 | Kitty the Zmobie Basher trading card | 1 |
#430 | Knob Goblin Uberpants | 1 |
#211 | Knob Goblin deluxe scimitar | 1 |
#820 | Knob Goblin elite helm | 2 |
#997 | Knob Goblin elite pants | 1 |
#792 | Knob Goblin elite polearm | 2 |
#35 | Knob Goblin elite shirt | 269 |
#183 | Knob Goblin eyedrops | 1 |
#1095 | Knob Goblin firecracker | 2 |
#781 | Knob Goblin harem pants | 2 |
#802 | Knob Goblin harem veil | 2 |
#165 | Knob Goblin learning pill | 1 |
#44 | Knob Goblin love potion | 626 |
#629 | Knob Goblin lunchbox | 1 |
#578 | Knob Goblin melon baller | 1 |
#190 | Knob Goblin nasal spray | 1 |
#912 | Knob Goblin pants | 2 |
#626 | Knob Goblin perfume | 2 |
#315 | Knob Goblin pet-buffing spray | 1 |
#913 | Knob Goblin scimitar | 2 |
#826 | Knob Goblin seltzer | 1 |
#34 | Knob Goblin spatula | 2,083 |
#51 | Knob Goblin steroids | 421 |
#735 | Knob Goblin superseltzer | 1 |
#962 | Knob Goblin tongs | 2 |
#745 | Knob Goblin visor | 2 |
#152 | Knob Kitchen grab-bag | 1 |
#149 | Knob jelly donut | 1 |
#172 | Knob lo mein | 1 |
#822 | Knob mushroom | 1 |
#239 | Knob nuts | 1 |
#343 | Knob pasty | 1 |
#647 | Knob sausage | 1 |
#122 | Knob sausage stir-fry | 1 |
#130 | Knob shroomkabob | 1 |
#136 | Knob stir-fry | 1 |
#194 | Knob stroganoff | 1 |
#352 | Knob stuffed shells | 1 |
#132 | Knoll lo mein | 1 |
#1016 | Knoll mushroom | 1 |
#492 | Knoll shroomkabob | 1 |
#111 | Knoll stir-fry | 1 |
#199 | Krakrox's Loincloth | 5 |
🥈 | LARP membership card | 1 |
#481 | LED block | 2 |
🥇 | LWA ring | 1 |
#815 | La Hebilla del Cinturón de Lopez | 1 |
#138 | Lars the Cyberian | 3 |
#39 | Lead Zeta of Chastity | 3 |
#778 | Lederhosen of the Night | 1 |
#520 | Let Me Be! | 3 |
#134 | Li'l Businessman Kit | 1 |
#144 | Libram of Candy Heart Summoning | 1 |
#112 | Libram of Love Songs | 1 |
#31 | Lobos Mints | 37 |
#145 | Lobster qua Grill | 1 |
#524 | Lockenstockâ„¢ sandals | 1 |
#112 | Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet | 171 |
#970 | Lord of the Flies-sized fries | 1 |
#837 | Loudmouth Larry Lamprey | 2 |
#87 | Lumineux Limnio | 1 |
#1200 | M-242 | 1 |
#216 | MSG | 1 |
#260 | Mace of the Tortoise | 2 |
#100 | Mad Train wine | 1,120 |
#308 | Mae West | 1 |
#1985 | MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech | 1 |
#402 | Manetwich | 1 |
#259 | Mariner's Friend cough drops | 1 |
#478 | Marquis de Poivre soda | 1 |
#224 | Massive Manual of Marauder Mockery | 1 |
#848 | Maxing, Relaxing | 1 |
#17 | Maxwell's Silver Hammer | 586 |
#30 | McMillicancuddy's Special Lager | 556 |
#403 | Meat detector | 1 |
#148 | Meat maid body | 1 |
#38 | Medicinal Herb's medicinal herbs | 304 |
#1110 | Meleegraâ„¢ pills | 1 |
#103 | Mer-kin digpick | 1 |
#182 | Mer-kin fastjuice | 1 |
#172 | Mer-kin foodbucket | 1 |
#175 | Mer-kin healscroll | 1 |
#140 | Mer-kin hidepaint | 1 |
#184 | Mer-kin hookspear | 1 |
#192 | Mer-kin killscroll | 1 |
#105 | Mer-kin pinkslip | 1 |
#181 | Mer-kin prayerbeads | 1 |
#112 | Mer-kin pressureglobe | 1 |
#107 | Mer-kin roundshield | 1 |
#190 | Mer-kin takebag | 1 |
#162 | Mer-kin thingpouch | 1 |
#1134 | Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler | 1 |
#31 | Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub | 4,223 |
#576 | Microplushie: Bropane | 12 |
#370 | Microplushie: Dorkonide | 9 |
#627 | Microplushie: Ermahgerdic Acid | 4 |
#508 | Microplushie: Fauxnerditide | 3 |
#642 | Microplushie: Gothochondria | 7 |
#513 | Microplushie: Hippylase | 17 |
#579 | Microplushie: Hipsterine | 1 |
#428 | Microplushie: Hobomosome | 12 |
#642 | Microplushie: Otakulone | 11 |
#524 | Microplushie: Raverdrine | 10 |
#613 | Microplushie: Sororitrate | 9 |
#397 | Miniborg beeper | 1 |
#362 | Miniborg hiveminder | 1 |
#394 | Miniborg laser | 1 |
#444 | Miniborg stomper | 1 |
#405 | Miniborg strangler | 1 |
#26 | Mint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog | 2 |
#16 | Mint-in-box Moonthril Circlet | 1 |
#15 | Mint-in-box Moonthril Cuirass | 1 |
#11 | Mint-in-box Moonthril Flamberge | 1 |
#14 | Mint-in-box Moonthril Greaves | 1 |
#13 | Mint-in-box Moonthril Longbow | 1 |
#2244 | Mob Penguin cellular phone | 1 |
#988 | Mohawk wig | 1 |
#348 | Mon Tiki | 1 |
#591 | Monstar energy beverage | 1 |
#72 | Moon Pie | 1 |
#27 | Moonthril Schnapps | 1 |
#50 | Moping Artistic Goth Kid | 1 |
#232 | Morbidda trading card | 1 |
#105 | Morto Moreto | 1 |
#36 | Mountain Stream soda | 3,731 |
#171 | Mr. Balloon | 1 |
#597 | Mr. Joe's bangles | 1 |
#55 | Mr. Mediocrebar | 1,687 |
#72 | Mudflap-Girl Earring | 1 |
#92 | Muschat | 1 |
#20 | My Own Pen Pal kit | 2 |
#182 | Mylar balloon | 1 |
#374 | NG | 1 |
#633 | NPZR chemistry set | 1 |
#283 | Nardz energy beverage | 1 |
#132 | Necbro wafers | 1 |
#282 | Necrotelicomnicon | 2 |
#19 | Neuromancer | 196 |
#129 | New Cloaca-Cola | 1 |
#205 | Newbiesportâ„¢ tent | 16 |
#151 | Newman's Own Trousers | 7 |
#611 | Nickel Gamma of Frugality | 8 |
#398 | Nightstalker perfume | 1 |
#98 | Northern pemmican | 1 |
#31 | Nose Ring of Putrescence | 2 |
#59 | Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter I | 41 |
#59 | Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter II | 54 |
#49 | Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter III | 55 |
#42 | Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter IV | 32 |
#36 | Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter V | 34 |
#45 | Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter VI | 30 |
#245 | Nuclear Blastball | 1 |
#508 | Oil of Parrrlay | 1 |
#122 | Okee-Dokee soda | 1 |
#15 | Ol' Scratch's ash can | 5 |
#128 | Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork | 1 |
#32 | Ol' Scratch's manacles | 2 |
#9 | Ol' Scratch's ol' britches | 5 |
#630 | Ol' Scratch's salad fork | 1 |
#17 | Ol' Scratch's stove door | 3 |
#187 | Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat | 1 |
#43 | Orange Star of Sacrifice | 32 |
#845 | Orcish baseball cap | 1 |
#794 | Orcish cargo shorts | 1 |
#785 | Orcish frat-paddle | 1 |
#308 | Orcish meat locker | 1 |
#114 | Order of the Silver Wossname | 6 |
#15 | Oscus's dumpster waders | 4 |
#100 | Oscus's flypaper pants | 1 |
#16 | Oscus's garbage can lid | 3 |
#8 | Oscus's neverending soda | 1 |
#25 | Oscus's pelt | 3 |
#6 | PADL Phone | 4,697 |
#92 | PB&BP | 1 |
#29 | PVC staff | 1 |
#237 | Pack of Alice's Army Cards | 1 |
#51 | Pain Dip | 11 |
#32 | Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster | 41 |
#292 | Pasta Spoon of Peril | 1 |
#66 | Pendant of Fire | 1 |
#886 | Penultimate Fantasy chest | 1 |
#617 | Pick-O-Matic lockpicks | 1 |
#195 | Piddles | 1 |
#780 | Pine-Fresh air freshener | 1 |
#465 | Pink Heart of Spirit | 2 |
#135 | PlexiPips | 1 |
#881 | Pokëmann figurine: Bloodkip | 1 |
#774 | Pokëmann figurine: Duck | 1 |
#592 | Pokëmann figurine: Frank | 1 |
#810 | Pokëmann figurine: Galumpagump | 1 |
#774 | Pokëmann figurine: Hoboking | 1 |
#797 | Pokëmann figurine: Kagosan | 1 |
#880 | Pokëmann figurine: Magikrap | 1 |
#565 | Pokëmann figurine: Moog | 1 |
#778 | Pokëmann figurine: Nothing | 1 |
#891 | Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu | 1 |
#580 | Pokëmann figurine: Shoggoth | 1 |
#899 | Pokëmann figurine: Smugleaf | 1 |
#897 | Pokëmann figurine: Twitter | 1 |
#866 | Pokëmann figurine: Vegemite | 1 |
#889 | Pokëmann figurine: Vermouth | 1 |
#192 | Polka Pop | 1 |
#475 | Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket | 1 |
#60 | Purple Horseshoe of Honor | 3 |
#113 | Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit | 11 |
#283 | Raggedy Hippy doll | 1 |
#212 | Ralph IX cognac | 1 |
#18 | Ram's Face Lager | 7,532 |
#143 | Really Expensive Jewelry and You | 1 |
#26 | Red Balloon of Valor | 7 |
#129 | Red Pill | 3 |
#766 | Red Rover BB gun | 1 |
#1463 | Retenez L'Herbe Paté | 1 |
#100 | Ring of Fire | 1 |
#36 | Ring of the Sewer Snake | 2 |
#31 | Rock Pops | 1,928 |
#647 | Rock and Roll Legend | 1 |
#204 | Roo trading card | 1 |
#963 | SPF 451 lip balm | 1 |
#118 | Saccharine Maple pendant | 1 |
#393 | Safari Jack's moustache | 4 |
#39 | Saison du Lune | 1 |
#662 | Scalp of Gorgolok | 5 |
#23 | Schmalz's First Prize Beer | 2 |
#129 | Scratch 'n' Sniff Sticker Tome | 1 |
#974 | Sensual Massage for Creeps | 1 |
#212 | Serenity trading card | 1 |
#471 | Sinful Desires | 1 |
#619 | Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags | 1 |
#734 | Sneaky Pete's breath spray | 1 |
#212 | Sneaky Pete's key lime | 1 |
#399 | Sneaky Pete's key lime pie | 1 |
#29 | Spaghetti with Moonballs | 1 |
#1110 | Spam Witch sammich | 1 |
#129 | Spirit Precipice | 1 |
#15 | Spooky Surprise Egg | 1,229 |
#478 | Spooky-Gro fertilizer | 1 |
#774 | St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket | 6 |
#85 | Staff of the Greasefire | 1 |
#34 | Staff of the Kitchen Floor | 1 |
#91 | Staff of the Midnight Snack | 1 |
#66 | Staff of the Short Order Cook | 1 |
#668 | Sugar Cog | 1 |
#946 | Summer Nights | 1 |
#172 | Super Magic Power Sword X | 1 |
#737 | Supernova Champagne | 1 |
#506 | Swabbieâ„¢ swab | 1 |
#938 | Tales from the Fireside | 1 |
#9 | Tasty Fun Good rice candy | 14,431 |
#598 | The Art of Slapfighting | 1 |
#137 | The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder | 1 |
#853 | The Big Book of Pirate Insults | 1 |
#218 | The Grand Poo-Bah trading card | 1 |
#73 | The Landscaper's leafblower | 1 |
#705 | The Mariachi's guitar case | 2 |
#33 | The Necbromancer's Hat | 1 |
#38 | The Necbromancer's Stein | 1 |
#59 | The Necbronomicon (used) | 1 |
#102 | The Ring | 1 |
#96 | The Six-Pack of Pain | 1 |
#209 | The Snake trading card | 1 |
🥈 | The Spirit of Crimbo | 1 |
#217 | Thorny Toad trading card | 1 |
#101 | Thwaitgold bee statuette | 11 |
#1016 | Thwaitgold butterfly statuette | 1 |
#673 | Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette | 5 |
#1820 | Thwaitgold maggot statuette | 1 |
#148 | Thwaitgold praying mantis statuette | 5 |
#769 | Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette | 11 |
#171 | Thwaitgold woollybear statuette | 6 |
#289 | Tiger-lily's milk | 1 |
#574 | Tiki lighter | 1 |
#562 | Tom's of the Spanish Main Toothpaste | 1 |
#114 | Tome of Clip Art | 1 |
#108 | Tome of Sugar Shummoning | 1 |
#938 | Travels with Jerry | 1 |
#1307 | Trollhouse cookies | 1 |
#157 | Tropical Crimbo Hat | 1 |
#160 | Tropical Crimbo Shorts | 1 |
#189 | Tropical Crimbo Sword | 1 |
#14 | Tuesday's ruby | 993 |
#756 | Typical Tavern swill | 1 |
#1250 | Uncle Crimbo's Rations | 1 |
#710 | Uncle Jick's Brownie Mix | 1 |
#72 | Unspeakable Earring | 1 |
#54 | Uranium Omega of Temperance | 4 |
#2407 | Valentine | 1 |
#48 | Van der Graaf helmet | 7 |
#183 | Venus flytrap | 1 |
#216 | Volartta's bellbottoms | 6 |
#237 | WA | 1 |
#1286 | Wand of Nagamar | 1 |
#32 | Wand of Oscus | 3 |
#106 | White Hyborian | 1 |
#96 | Wint-O-Fresh mint | 293 |
#228 | Woldo trading card | 1 |
#472 | Wolfman Nardz | 1 |
#771 | Workytime Tea | 1 |
#88 | Wrecked Generator | 1 |
#134 | X-37 gun | 1 |
#1121 | Yakisoba's hat | 1 |
#348 | Ye Olde Navy Fleece | 1 |
#279 | Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher | 1 |
#126 | Yellow Moon of Compassion | 19 |
#20 | Yummy Tummy bean | 19,986 |
#269 | Zim Merman's guitar | 3 |
#154 | Zinc Delta of Tranquility | 8 |
#17 | Zombo's empty eye | 1 |
#51 | Zombo's grievous greaves | 2 |
#29 | Zombo's shield | 3 |
#7 | Zombo's shoulder blade | 5 |
#85 | Zombo's skull ring | 1 |
#51 | Zombo's skullcap | 2 |
#92 | Zoodriver | 1 |
#916 | Zu Mannkäse Dienen | 1 |
#364 | a butt tuba | 1 |
#48 | a cute angel | 1 |
#707 | a little sump'm sump'm | 1 |
#335 | abandoned candy | 1 |
#207 | abominable blubber | 1 |
#1478 | abominable snowcone | 1 |
#504 | accidental cider | 1 |
#1005 | acid-squirting flower | 1 |
#1006 | acoustic guitarrr | 1 |
#821 | adder bladder | 1 |
#109 | adhesive tape dolly | 1 |
#681 | adorable seal larva | 4 |
#138 | aerated diving helmet | 1 |
#361 | agua de vida | 1 |
#705 | all-purpose cleaner | 1 |
#129 | all-purpose flower | 1 |
#22 | alpha-mail pants | 11 |
#623 | alphabet gum | 1 |
#85 | amber aviator shades | 2 |
#20 | amphibious tophat | 1 |
#35 | amulet of extreme plot significance | 823 |
#656 | ancient Magi-Wipes | 1 |
#64 | ancient calendar fragment | 4 |
#219 | ancient cursed foot locker | 1 |
#639 | ancient frozen dinner | 1 |
#182 | ancient ice cream scoop | 1 |
#124 | ancient poisoned dart | 23 |
#671 | ancient protein powder | 1 |
#534 | ancient spice | 1 |
#251 | ancient stone fist | 1 |
#232 | ancient stone head | 1 |
#52 | ancient turtle shell | 1 |
#58 | ancient turtle shell helmet | 1 |
#25 | ancient turtle shell powder | 1 |
#3681 | ancient unspeakable fruitcake | 1 |
#610 | ancient vinyl coin purse | 1 |
#142 | anemone nematocyst | 1 |
#53 | angel-food cake | 1 |
#140 | angst burger | 1 |
#680 | anniversary balloon | 1 |
#227 | anniversary chutney sculpture | 1 |
#1455 | anniversary gift box | 3 |
#1081 | annoying pitchfork | 1 |
#630 | ant agonist | 1 |
#35 | ant antidepressant | 1 |
#271 | ant hoe | 1 |
#254 | ant pick | 1 |
#253 | ant pitchfork | 1 |
#284 | ant rake | 1 |
#260 | ant sickle | 1 |
#482 | anti-anti-antidote | 1 |
#1062 | anticheese | 1 |
#736 | antique 8-Bit Power magazine | 1 |
#375 | antique bottle of cough syrup | 1 |
#626 | antique bottle opener | 1 |
#887 | antique greaves | 1 |
🥈 | antique hand mirror | 37,987 |
#899 | antique helmet | 1 |
#497 | antique packet of ketchup | 1 |
#535 | antique painting of a landscape | 1 |
#573 | antique pair of blue jeans | 1 |
#933 | antique record album | 1 |
#906 | antique shield | 1 |
#383 | antique souvenir drawing | 2 |
#105 | antique spear | 111 |
#147 | apathetic lizardman doll | 1 |
#44 | aquaviolet jub-jub bird | 1 |
#24 | armgun | 300 |
#489 | around the world | 1 |
#855 | arrrgyle socks | 1 |
#135 | arse-a'fire elixir | 1 |
#81 | asbestos apron | 15 |
#435 | asbestos crossbow | 1 |
#174 | asbestos crossbow string | 1 |
#122 | asbestos helmet turtle | 1 |
#73 | asbestos meat stack | 1 |
#1106 | asbestos ore | 1 |
#387 | asbestos staff | 1 |
#171 | asbestos stick | 1 |
#478 | asbestos sword | 1 |
#176 | asbestos sword hilt | 1 |
#1080 | asparagus knife | 1 |
#140 | asparagus lo mein | 1 |
#125 | asparagus stir-fry | 1 |
#769 | aspirin | 1 |
#35 | asshat | 444 |
#1192 | astral mushroom | 1 |
#2064 | astronaut pants | 1 |
#1088 | atomic vector plotter | 1 |
#115 | attention spanner | 1 |
#16 | automatic catapult | 11 |
#83 | awful poetry journal | 3,086 |
#359 | bätzle | 1 |
#188 | baby cuddlefish | 1 |
#1853 | baby killer bee | 1 |
#183 | babycakes | 1 |
#2453 | baconstone | 1 |
#239 | baconstone bracelet | 2 |
#186 | baconstone earring | 1 |
#408 | baconstone pendant | 1 |
#262 | baconstone ring | 1 |
#132 | bad penguin egg | 1 |
#25 | badass belt | 434 |
#952 | bag of Cheat-Os | 1 |
#148 | bag of GORF | 11 |
#158 | bag of GORP | 11 |
#151 | bag of QWOP | 11 |
#502 | bag of bones | 1 |
#504 | bag of lard | 2 |
#132 | bag of many confections | 1 |
#599 | baggie of powdered sugar | 20 |
🥉 | balaclava | 11,153 |
#4 | balaclava baklava | 67,677 |
#2044 | ball | 1 |
#305 | balloon helmet | 1 |
#1031 | balloon monkey | 1 |
#105 | balloon shield | 1 |
#312 | balloon sword | 1 |
#23 | ballroom blintz | 773 |
#31 | bamboo bokuto | 11 |
#1147 | banana | 1 |
#339 | banana cream pie | 1 |
#654 | banana peel | 1 |
#389 | banana smoothie | 1 |
#208 | banana spritzer | 1 |
#1024 | banana-frosted king cake | 1 |
#968 | bananagate | 1 |
#94 | bananarama bangle | 1 |
#138 | baneful bandolier | 1 |
#218 | banjo strings | 1 |
#47 | baobab sap | 1 |
#10 | bar skin | 5,307 |
#961 | barbed-wire fence | 1 |
#307 | bargain flash powder | 1 |
#72 | bark beret | 1 |
#70 | bark boxers | 1 |
#91 | bark bracelet | 1 |
#2130 | barrrnacle | 1 |
#73 | barskin buckler | 1 |
#110 | barskin cloak | 1 |
#367 | barskin hat | 1 |
#88 | barskin loincloth | 1 |
#49 | bartender skull | 1 |
#197 | bartender-in-the-box | 1 |
#67 | bartender-skull-in-the-box | 1 |
#899 | baseball | 1 |
#98 | basic meat fez | 1 |
#144 | basic meat helmet | 1 |
#100 | basic meat kilt | 1 |
#129 | basic meat pants | 1 |
#32 | bat guano | 1,705 |
#89 | bat hat | 1 |
#1017 | bat wing | 1 |
#144 | bat wing stir-fry | 1 |
#167 | bat-ass leather jacket | 1 |
#1914 | bat-shaped Crimboween cookie | 1 |
#784 | batblade | 1 |
#1172 | batgut | 1 |
#451 | bath ball gift set | 11 |
#1663 | battered Crimbo Crate | 1 |
#227 | battered hubcap | 1 |
#28 | battered old top-hat | 1 |
#397 | bazookafish bubble gum | 1 |
#682 | beach glass bead | 1 |
#288 | beach glass necklace | 1 |
#282 | beanbag chair | 1 |
#455 | beaten-up Chucks | 1 |
#643 | bed of coals | 1 |
#233 | beefy fish meat | 1 |
#4 | beer bomb | 13,070 |
#571 | beer bong | 1 |
#50 | beer cartilage | 11 |
#254 | beer goggles | 1 |
#15 | beer helmet | 615 |
#725 | beer lens | 1 |
#329 | beer-scented teddy bear | 1 |
#207 | beer-soaked mop | 1 |
#788 | beertini | 1 |
#417 | begpwnia | 1 |
#690 | beholed bedsheet | 1 |
#79 | beige clambroth marble | 1 |
#955 | bejeweled cufflinks | 1 |
#745 | bejeweled pledge pin | 1 |
#44 | bewitching boots | 1 |
#1022 | bi-lateral logic compressor | 1 |
#347 | big bad voodoo mask | 1 |
#394 | big bass drum | 1 |
#381 | big boom | 1 |
#154 | big bundle of chamoix | 1 |
#145 | big glob of skin | 1 |
#1007 | big red clown nose | 1 |
#475 | big rock | 1 |
#113 | big slimy cyst | 1 |
#210 | big stick | 1 |
#76 | big stirring stick | 1 |
#117 | bigger stick | 1 |
#39 | bilge wine | 1,561 |
#26 | bill bec-de-bardiche glaive-guisarme | 11 |
#5 | bindle of joy | 32 |
#701 | bindlestocking | 1 |
🥈 | biomechanical crimborg helmet | 1 |
🥈 | biomechanical crimborg leg armor | 1 |
#378 | bird rib | 1 |
#94 | birthday party jellybean cheesecake | 1 |
#1496 | bit of clingfilm | 1 |
#650 | bit-o-cactus | 1 |
#585 | bite-me-red lipstick | 1 |
#589 | black & tan | 1 |
#75 | black BRICKO brick | 1 |
#89 | black belt | 1 |
#872 | black candy heart | 1 |
#86 | black cowboy hat | 1 |
#510 | black eyedrops | 1 |
#669 | black forest cake | 1 |
#552 | black forest ham | 1 |
#694 | black greaves | 1 |
#695 | black helmet | 1 |
#389 | black kettle drum | 1 |
#26 | black lotus | 5 |
#2563 | black paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#610 | black pension check | 1 |
#577 | black pepper | 1 |
#461 | black picnic basket | 1 |
🥈 | black pixel | 45,705 |
#2110 | black plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#2088 | black polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#634 | black pudding | 1 |
#193 | black sheepskin diploma | 1 |
#667 | black shield | 1 |
#852 | black snake skin | 1 |
#465 | black spot | 1 |
#2666 | black striped oyster egg | 1 |
#726 | black sword | 1 |
#918 | black-and-blue light | 1 |
#893 | blackberry | 1 |
#269 | blackberry combat boots | 1 |
#142 | blackberry galoshes | 1 |
#220 | blackberry moccasins | 1 |
#151 | blackberry polite | 1 |
#226 | blackberry slippers | 1 |
#64 | blammer | 1 |
#160 | blended frozen swill | 1 |
#145 | blind-packed capsule toy | 111 |
#3305 | blob-shaped Crimbo cookie | 1 |
#1656 | blood flower | 1 |
#290 | blood of the Wereseal | 1 |
#1034 | bloody beer | 1 |
#964 | bloody clown pants | 1 |
#621 | bloody mary | 1 |
#827 | blue class ring | 1 |
#759 | blue glowstick | 1 |
#2555 | blue paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#6 | blue pixel | 39,796 |
#377 | blue pixel potion | 1 |
#942 | blue plasma ball | 1 |
#2409 | blue plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#2376 | blue polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#75 | blue raspberry troll doll | 1 |
🥈 | blue ribbon | 1 |
#876 | blue snowcone | 1 |
#2623 | blue striped oyster egg | 1 |
#83 | blue suede shoes | 1 |
#125 | blue velvet cake | 1 |
#610 | blue-frosted astral cupcake | 1 |
#624 | blueberry-frosted king cake | 1 |
#333 | blundarrrbus | 1 |
#70 | blunt cat claw | 1 |
#174 | bobble-hip hula elf doll | 1 |
#71 | bobcat grenade | 1 |
#243 | boilermaker | 1 |
#36 | bone and arrows | 1 |
#41 | bone aperitif | 11 |
#945 | bone chips | 1 |
#213 | bone collar | 1 |
#52 | bone crusher | 1 |
#428 | bone flute | 1 |
#40 | bone meal | 11 |
#665 | bone rattle | 1 |
#76 | bone spurs | 1 |
#61 | boneana hammock | 1 |
#63 | bonedanna | 1 |
#53 | bonerang | 1 |
#58 | boning knife | 1 |
#17 | booty chest charrrm | 1,503 |
#105 | booty chest charrrm bracelet | 1 |
#263 | booze-soaked cherry | 1 |
#52 | boozebomb | 1 |
#280 | boring spaghetti | 1 |
#182 | borrowed time | 1 |
#316 | bottle of Blank-Out | 37 |
#392 | bottle of Calcutta Emerald | 1 |
#378 | bottle of Definit | 1 |
#413 | bottle of Domesticated Turkey | 1 |
#58 | bottle of Goldschnöckered | 1 |
#386 | bottle of Jorge Sinsonte | 1 |
#400 | bottle of Lieutenant Freeman | 1 |
#743 | bottle of Monsieur Bubble | 1 |
#565 | bottle of Mystic Shell | 1 |
#334 | bottle of Ooze-O | 1 |
#215 | bottle of Pete's Sake | 1 |
#624 | bottle of Pinot Renoir | 1 |
#456 | bottle of Vangoghbitussin | 1 |
#698 | bottle of alcohol | 1 |
#671 | bottle of antifreeze | 1 |
#714 | bottle of bubbles | 1 |
#514 | bottle of cooking sherry | 1 |
#216 | bottle of fire | 37 |
#1329 | bottle of gin | 1 |
#408 | bottle of peppermint schnapps | 1 |
#679 | bottle of pirate juice | 1 |
#680 | bottle of popskull | 1 |
#385 | bottle of rhinoceros hormones | 1 |
#1584 | bottle of rum | 1 |
#344 | bottle of sake | 1 |
#662 | bottle of sewage schnapps | 1 |
#1073 | bottle of single-barrel whiskey | 1 |
#1367 | bottle of tequila | 1 |
#331 | bottle of ultravitamins | 1 |
#1260 | bottle of vodka | 1 |
#1505 | bottle of whiskey | 1 |
#543 | bottle opener belt buckle | 1 |
#26 | bottled green pixie | 2 |
#317 | bottled inspiration | 1 |
#321 | boulder | 1 |
#38 | bounty-hunting helmet | 1 |
#32 | bounty-hunting pants | 1 |
#38 | bounty-hunting rifle | 1 |
#142 | bow staff | 1 |
#1139 | bowl of cottage cheese | 1 |
#570 | bowl of fishysoisse | 1 |
#12 | bowl of lucky charms | 121 |
#170 | bowl of rye sprouts | 1 |
#150 | bowlegged pants | 1 |
#134 | bowler | 1 |
#1053 | box | 1 |
#133 | box of Familiar Jacks | 1 |
#204 | box of Pokëmann band-aids | 1 |
#74 | box of hammers | 1 |
#6720 | box of sunshine | 2 |
#92 | box-in-the-box | 1 |
#180 | box-in-the-box-in-the-box | 1 |
#363 | boxed champagne | 1 |
#1335 | boxed wine | 1 |
#241 | boxing glove | 1 |
#66 | boxing glove on a spring | 1 |
#455 | brain-meltingly-hot chicken wings | 1 |
#247 | brains casserole | 1 |
#73 | brainwave-controlled unicorn horn | 1 |
#92 | brand new key | 1 |
#318 | brass stinger | 1 |
#29 | breaded beer | 11 |
#228 | breath mint | 1 |
#2709 | brick | 1 |
#436 | brick of sand | 1 |
#747 | briefcase | 1 |
#232 | broken carburetor | 1 |
#41 | broken clock | 2 |
#1268 | broken skull | 1 |
#624 | broken sword | 1 |
#589 | bronze breastplate | 1 |
#110 | bronze handcuffs | 1 |
#540 | bronzed locust | 1 |
🥈 | brown pixel | 25,776 |
#447 | brown plastic baby | 1 |
#678 | brown sugar cane | 1 |
#96 | bubble bauble bow | 1 |
#296 | bubble-wrap simulator | 1 |
#94 | bubblewrap bottlecap turtleban | 1 |
#615 | bubblewrap ore | 1 |
#98 | bubblewrap sword | 1 |
#116 | bubbling tempura batter | 1 |
#956 | bubbly potion | 1 |
🥇 | bucket of anniversary lard | 1 |
#336 | bucket of honey | 1 |
#118 | bucket of wine | 3 |
#249 | buckler buckle | 1 |
#1630 | buckyball | 1 |
#1102 | bugbear beanie | 1 |
#1109 | bugbear bungguard | 1 |
#98 | bugbear detector | 1 |
#95 | bugbear purification pill | 3 |
#70 | bugged balaclava | 1 |
#591 | bullet-proof corduroys | 1 |
#1096 | bum cheek | 1 |
#155 | bumblebee marble | 1 |
#939 | bunch of bananas | 1 |
#579 | bunch of square grapes | 1 |
#467 | bungle in the jungle | 1 |
#969 | bunny liver | 1 |
#374 | buoybottoms | 1 |
#408 | burnt flower | 1 |
#228 | burrowgrub hive | 1 |
#853 | burst hellseal brain | 1 |
#226 | bus pass | 1 |
#538 | cactus fruit | 1 |
#28 | cactus monocle | 1 |
#117 | caipifruta | 1 |
#535 | calle de miel | 1 |
#98 | can cannon | 1 |
#1816 | can of Binarrrca | 1 |
#189 | can of CRIMBCOLA | 11 |
#351 | can of Ghuol-B-Goneâ„¢ | 1 |
#44 | can of Rain-Doh | 1 |
#1106 | can of Red Minotaur | 1 |
#13 | can of Swiller | 777 |
#208 | can of black paint | 1 |
#130 | can of depilatory cream | 1 |
#545 | can of fake snow | 1 |
#396 | can of franks 'n' beans | 1 |
#592 | can of maces | 1 |
#956 | can of spinach | 1 |
#164 | can of starch | 1 |
#151 | can of sterno | 1 |
#2975 | can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce | 1 |
#1140 | candied kobold | 1 |
#2874 | candied yams | 1 |
#857 | candy brain | 1 |
#2093 | candy cane | 11 |
#110 | candy cornucopia | 1 |
#2000 | candy kneecapping stick | 1 |
#1852 | candy knuckles | 1 |
#240 | candy skeleton | 1 |
#3832 | candy stake | 1 |
#30 | cane-mail shirt | 1 |
#19 | cannonball charrrm | 1,277 |
#586 | canopic jar | 1 |
#34 | canteen of wine | 369 |
#1757 | capacitor relay | 1 |
#1811 | carbon nanotube frame | 1 |
#529 | carbonated soy milk | 1 |
#14 | carbonated water lily | 4,670 |
#56 | cardboard crossbow | 1 |
#329 | cardboard katana | 1 |
#608 | cardboard ore | 1 |
#683 | cardboard wakizashi | 1 |
#146 | caret | 1 |
#173 | carob brownies | 1 |
#77 | carob cannon | 1 |
#667 | carob chunk cookies | 1 |
#640 | carob chunk noodles | 1 |
#731 | carob chunks | 1 |
#873 | casino pass | 1 |
#1030 | cast | 1 |
#687 | cat appendix | 1 |
#819 | catgut | 1 |
#216 | catgut taco | 1 |
#109 | catskin buckler | 1 |
#83 | catskin cap | 1 |
#169 | catsup | 1 |
#234 | caustic slime nodule | 1 |
#803 | cement sandals | 1 |
#691 | centipede eggs | 1 |
#26 | chain-mail monokini | 11 |
#57 | chamoisole | 1 |
#321 | chaos butterfly | 777 |
#89 | charged magnet | 1 |
#234 | charming flute | 1 |
#39 | charpuce jub-jub bird | 1 |
#144 | charrrm bracelet | 1 |
#418 | cheap cigar butt | 1 |
#157 | cheap plastic blowgun | 1 |
#1514 | cheap plastic bottle opener | 2 |
#15 | cheap plastic kazoo | 1 |
#125 | cheap studded belt | 477 |
#1660 | cheap toaster | 1 |
#90 | cheezburger | 1 |
#83 | chef skull | 1 |
#1062 | chef's hat | 1 |
#235 | chef-in-the-box | 1 |
#110 | chef-skull-in-the-box | 1 |
#665 | cherry | 1 |
#274 | cherry pie | 1 |
#775 | chewing gum on a string | 1 |
#178 | children of the candy corn | 1 |
#4 | chintzy accordion pin | 1,155 |
🥉 | chintzy disco ball pendant | 2,942 |
#4 | chintzy noodle ring | 4,421 |
#4 | chintzy saucepan earring | 2,865 |
#6 | chintzy seal pendant | 1,115 |
#5 | chintzy turtle brooch | 2,157 |
#116 | chisel | 1 |
#5 | chloroform rag | 1,788 |
#54 | chocolate box | 2 |
#166 | chocolate cigar | 11 |
#6 | chocolate filthy lucre | 3,337 |
#70 | chocolate frosted sugar bomb | 1 |
#230 | chocolate pasta spoon | 1 |
#72 | chocolate saucepan | 17 |
#409 | chocolate spurs | 1 |
#212 | chocolate stolen accordion | 1 |
#106 | chocolate-covered caviar | 1 |
#581 | chocolate-covered scarab beetle | 1 |
#815 | chocolate-frosted king cake | 1 |
#823 | chopsticks | 1 |
#689 | chorizo brownies | 1 |
#765 | chorizo taco | 1 |
#452 | chrome crossbow | 1 |
#163 | chrome crossbow string | 1 |
#253 | chrome helmet turtle | 1 |
#64 | chrome meat stack | 1 |
#985 | chrome ore | 1 |
#429 | chrome staff | 1 |
#168 | chrome stick | 1 |
#522 | chrome sword | 1 |
#170 | chrome sword hilt | 1 |
#2110 | chunk of depleted Grimacite | 1 |
#446 | chunk of rock salt | 1 |
#1755 | circular CRIMBCOOKIE | 1 |
#23 | class five ecto-larva | 2 |
#617 | clay peace-sign bead | 1 |
#31 | clingfilm cap | 1 |
#40 | clingfilm slippers | 1 |
#50 | clingfilm tangle | 1 |
#34 | clingfilm trousers | 1 |
#56 | clock-cleaning hammer | 1 |
#117 | clockwork bartender-in-the-box | 1 |
#120 | clockwork chef-in-the-box | 1 |
#43 | clockwork detective skull | 1 |
#747 | clockwork key | 1 |
#134 | clockwork maid | 1 |
#101 | clockwork pants | 1 |
#159 | clockwork sphere | 1 |
#97 | clockwork thingamajig | 1 |
#968 | cloudy potion | 1 |
#798 | clown shoes | 1 |
#816 | clown skin | 1 |
#115 | clown whip | 1 |
#185 | clown wig | 1 |
#238 | clownskin belt | 1 |
#111 | clownskin buckler | 1 |
#202 | clownskin harness | 1 |
#3277 | club necklace | 1 |
#118 | club of the five seasons | 1 |
#68 | club sandwich | 8 |
#205 | cob of corn | 1 |
#34 | cocktail napkin | 344 |
#290 | cocktail onion | 1 |
#1227 | cocoa egg | 1 |
#1228 | cocoa eggshell fragment | 1 |
#1284 | coconut shell | 1 |
#56 | coffee pixie stick | 1 |
#596 | coffin lid | 1 |
#1140 | cog | 1 |
#248 | cog and sprocket assembly | 1 |
#248 | cold hi mein | 1 |
#778 | cold ninja mask | 1 |
#360 | cold nuggets | 1 |
#297 | cold powder | 1 |
#374 | cold wad | 1 |
#122 | cold-filtered water | 1 |
#404 | collection of tiny spooky objects | 1 |
#154 | cologne of contempt | 1 |
#507 | colored-light "necklace" | 1 |
#8 | colorful plastic ball | 11,486 |
#716 | comfy coffin | 1 |
#254 | comfy pillow | 1 |
#36 | communications windchimes | 555 |
#129 | concentrated cordial of concentration | 1 |
#555 | concentrated garbage juice | 1 |
#587 | concentrated magicalness pill | 1 |
#95 | congratulatory cake | 1 |
#65 | cool cat claw | 1 |
#63 | cool cat elixir | 1 |
#71 | cool jelly donut | 1 |
#748 | cool mushroom | 1 |
#171 | cool mushroom casserole | 1 |
#80 | cool whip | 126 |
#12 | copper ha'penny charrrm | 1,459 |
#226 | cordial of concentration | 1 |
#522 | corn holder | 1 |
#568 | corncob pipe | 1 |
#44 | corned-beef Reuben | 96 |
#849 | cornuthaum | 1 |
#1824 | corpse on the beach | 1 |
#218 | corpsebite | 1 |
#1818 | corpsedriver | 1 |
#1812 | corpsetini | 1 |
#174 | correction fluid | 1 |
#7 | corroded breeches | 1 |
#6 | corrosive cowl | 1 |
#351 | corrupted data | 37 |
#362 | costume sword | 1 |
#246 | cottage | 1 |
#116 | cotton candy bale | 1 |
#187 | cotton candy cone | 1 |
#31 | cotton candy cordial | 1 |
#165 | cotton candy pillow | 1 |
#106 | cotton candy pinch | 1 |
#142 | cotton candy plug | 1 |
#120 | cotton candy skoshe | 1 |
#121 | cotton candy smidgen | 1 |
#138 | cracker | 1 |
#63 | cranberries | 777 |
#168 | cranberry cordial | 1 |
#486 | cranberry schnapps | 1 |
#9 | crazy little Turkish delight | 13,136 |
#165 | cream of pointy mushroom soup | 1 |
#434 | cream pie | 1 |
#570 | cream stout | 1 |
#541 | creamsicle | 1 |
#185 | crossbow string | 1 |
#113 | crotchety pants | 1 |
#161 | crowbar | 1 |
#705 | crowbarrr | 1 |
#198 | crown-shaped beanie | 1 |
#12 | cruelty-free wine | 1,791 |
#362 | crumbling rat skull | 1 |
#223 | crusty hula hoop | 1 |
#20 | cryptic puzzle box | 2 |
#104 | crystal skull | 1 |
#260 | crystallized memory | 1 |
#200 | cube of billiard chalk | 1 |
#597 | cup of infinite pencils | 1 |
#459 | cup of primitive beer | 1 |
#182 | cupcake-in-a-cup | 1 |
#104 | curdflinger | 1 |
#403 | curmudgel | 1 |
#487 | cursed black pearl onion | 1 |
#494 | cursed bottle of black-label rum | 1 |
#513 | cursed bottle of rum | 1 |
#36 | cursed breeches | 1 |
#418 | cursed cannonball | 1 |
#64 | cursed cutlass | 1 |
#455 | cursed dirty joke scroll | 1 |
#42 | cursed eyepatch | 1 |
#377 | cursed piece of thirteen | 1 |
#460 | cursed sea biscuit | 1 |
#432 | cursed voodoo skull | 1 |
#115 | cyber-mattock | 1 |
#1826 | cyborg stompin' boot | 1 |
#268 | cyclops eyedrops | 1 |
#1026 | daisy | 1 |
#585 | dance card | 1 |
#58 | dandy lion cub | 1 |
#133 | dangerous jerkcicle | 1 |
#963 | dark potion | 1 |
#65 | das boot | 2 |
#32 | dead guy's memento | 1 |
#1292 | dead guy's watch | 1 |
#615 | deadly lampshade | 1 |
#57 | deadly nightshade | 1 |
#181 | decanter of fine Scotch | 1 |
#583 | decaying goldfish liver | 1 |
#27 | decaying wooden oar | 1 |
#618 | deck of tropical cards | 1 |
#809 | decorative fountain | 1 |
#715 | dehydrated caviar | 1 |
#175 | delectable catalyst | 1 |
#89 | delicious comfit? | 1 |
#1796 | delicious salad | 1 |
#229 | delicious spicy noodles | 1 |
#167 | delicious stinkbug | 1 |
#384 | deluxe fax machine | 1 |
#93 | demon buckler | 1 |
#923 | demon skin | 1 |
#97 | demon whip | 1 |
#134 | demon-horned hat | 1 |
#164 | demonskin jacket | 1 |
#158 | demonskin trousers | 1 |
#375 | denim axe | 1 |
#351 | dense meat stack | 493 |
#439 | dented harmonica | 1 |
#591 | deodorant | 1 |
#7 | depantsing bomb | 1,993 |
#46 | depleted Grimacite hammer | 1 |
#507 | depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick | 1 |
#147 | depleted uranium seal figurine | 5 |
#16 | desiccated apricot | 1,701 |
#1155 | designer handbag | 1 |
#154 | detective skull | 1 |
#46 | dethklok | 2 |
🥇 | detour shield | 1 |
#41 | devil's-food cake | 1 |
#205 | devilish folio | 1 |
#15 | diabolical crossbow | 1 |
#3289 | diamond necklace | 1 |
#1064 | diamond-studded cane | 1 |
#177 | diamond-studded fronts | 1 |
#596 | didgeridooka | 1 |
#220 | digital key lime | 1 |
#383 | digital key lime pie | 1 |
#59 | digital underground potion | 1 |
#1622 | dill | 1 |
#71 | dinged-up triangle | 1 |
#209 | dingy planks | 1 |
#482 | dire fudgesicle | 1 |
#1099 | dirty hobo gloves | 1 |
#1629 | disassembled clover | 1 |
🥉 | disbelief suspenders | 17,813 |
#1849 | disco ball | 1 |
#1718 | disco mask | 1 |
#1024 | disease | 1 |
#819 | disembodied brain | 1 |
#291 | disembodied smile | 1 |
#343 | dishrag | 1 |
#12 | disintegrating quill pen | 3,601 |
#476 | disintegrating sheet music | 1 |
#225 | disintegrating spiky collar | 1 |
#677 | displaced fish | 1 |
#986 | distilled fortified wine | 1 |
#587 | distressed denim pants | 1 |
#92 | disturbing fanfic | 2,811 |
#549 | divine blowout | 1 |
#561 | divine can of silly string | 1 |
#573 | divine champagne flute | 1 |
#447 | divine champagne popper | 1 |
#479 | divine cracker | 1 |
#547 | divine noisemaker | 1 |
#113 | diving muff | 1 |
#1640 | doll house | 1 |
#58 | dollar sign | 1 |
#953 | dollhive | 5 |
#655 | donkey flipbook | 1 |
#586 | dope gangsta bling-bling | 1 |
#356 | dope wheels | 1 |
#268 | double-barreled sling | 1 |
#80 | double-ice box | 1 |
#104 | double-ice britches | 1 |
#171 | double-ice cap | 1 |
#813 | drab sonata | 1 |
#930 | draggin' ball hat | 1 |
#297 | dragon snaps | 1 |
#114 | dragonfish caviar | 1 |
#373 | dreadlock whip | 1 |
#13 | dried face | 1,221 |
#79 | dripping meat crossbow | 1 |
#98 | drone self-destruct chip | 2 |
#20 | drop of water-37 | 1,337 |
#764 | drum machine | 1 |
#367 | drum of pomade | 1 |
#266 | dry martini | 1 |
#1142 | dry noodles | 1 |
#214 | dry vodka martini | 1 |
#27 | drywall axe | 282 |
#517 | ducha de oro | 1 |
#2320 | duct tape | 1 |
#80 | duct tape buckler | 1 |
#127 | duct tape dockers | 1 |
#92 | duct tape fedora | 1 |
#108 | duct tape shirt | 1 |
#232 | duct tape sword | 1 |
#255 | duct tape wallet | 1 |
#469 | dull fish scale | 1 |
#139 | dull ninja crampons | 1 |
#553 | dungeoneer's dungarees | 1 |
#1576 | dusty Crimbo crate | 1 |
#87 | dusty animal skull | 1 |
#1043 | dusty bottle of Marsala | 1 |
#1064 | dusty bottle of Merlot | 1 |
#1032 | dusty bottle of Muscat | 1 |
#1031 | dusty bottle of Pinot Noir | 1 |
#1062 | dusty bottle of Port | 1 |
#1017 | dusty bottle of Zinfandel | 1 |
#291 | dusty eighth caudal vertebra | 1 |
#278 | dusty left sixth rib | 1 |
#310 | dusty right first front claw | 1 |
#1281 | dwarf bread | 1 |
#425 | dwarvish magazine | 1 |
#55 | dwarvish war helmet | 1 |
#46 | dwarvish war kilt | 1 |
#48 | dwarvish war mattock | 1 |
#399 | eXtreme Bi-Polar Fleece Vest | 1 |
#114 | eXtreme meat crossbow | 1 |
#111 | eXtreme meat staff | 1 |
#138 | eXtreme meat sword | 1 |
#897 | eXtreme mittens | 1 |
#229 | eXtreme nose ring | 1 |
#856 | eXtreme scarf | 1 |
#39 | easter egg balloon | 189 |
#112 | eel skin | 1 |
#28 | eelskin pants | 1 |
#947 | effervescent potion | 1 |
#14 | effluvious emerald | 178 |
#336 | eggbeater | 1 |
#134 | eggman noodles | 1 |
#2834 | eggnog | 1 |
#106 | elderly jawbreaker | 1 |
#173 | eldritch dough | 1 |
#111 | electric crutch | 1 |
#63 | electronic dulcimer pants | 1 |
#210 | elephant stinger | 1 |
#1813 | elven limbos gingerbread | 1 |
#2080 | elven cellocello | 1 |
#292 | elven hardtack | 1 |
#35 | elven magi-pack | 1,300 |
#37 | elven medi-pack | 1,305 |
#1586 | elven moonshine | 1 |
#1397 | elven socks | 1 |
#305 | elven squeeze | 1 |
#1910 | elven suicide capsule | 1 |
#1116 | empty Cloaca-Cola bottle | 1 |
#1305 | empty agua de vida bottle | 1 |
#666 | empty meat tank | 1 |
#283 | enchanted barbell | 6 |
#605 | enchanted bean | 1 |
#208 | enchanted bean burrito | 1 |
#205 | enchanted eyepatch | 1 |
#44 | enchanted fire extinguisher | 1 |
#132 | enchanted handwarmer | 1 |
#8 | enchanted leopard-print barbell | 141 |
#652 | enchanted toothpick | 1 |
#124 | enchantlers | 1 |
#540 | energy drink IV | 1 |
#1144 | ennui-flavored potato chips | 1 |
#733 | enormous belt buckle | 1 |
#477 | enormous hoop earring | 1 |
#315 | epic wad | 1 |
#256 | especially salty dog | 1 |
#84 | essential cameraderie | 1 |
#969 | evil golden arch | 1 |
#354 | evil golden arches | 1 |
#1391 | evil googly eye | 1 |
#191 | evil teddy bear sewing kit | 1 |
#145 | exotic orchid | 1 |
#155 | expensive cigar | 1 |
#90 | expired bottle of peppermint schnapps | 1 |
#84 | expired can of franks 'n' beans | 1 |
#405 | exploding hacky-sack | 1 |
🥈 | extra special Crimbo stocking | 1 |
#144 | extra-fancy ring setting | 1 |
#745 | extra-greasy slider | 1 |
#199 | extra-large palm-frond toupee | 1 |
#163 | extra-potent gremlin mutagen | 1 |
#289 | extra-see-thru nightie | 1 |
#470 | extra-strength strongness elixir | 1 |
#314 | extremely skinny jeans | 1 |
#1017 | eye of newt | 1 |
#216 | eye of the Tiger-lily | 1 |
#401 | eye-pod | 1 |
#191 | eyedrops of newt | 1 |
#227 | eyedrops of the ermine | 1 |
#130 | eyedrops of the ocelot | 1 |
#1086 | eyepatch | 1 |
#952 | f3d0r4 | 1 |
#260 | facehugging alien | 1 |
#33 | facsimile dictionary | 173 |
#532 | fairy gravy boat | 1 |
#79 | fairy-worn boots | 1 |
#761 | fake blood | 1 |
#1985 | fake fake vomit | 1 |
#163 | fake plastic grass | 11 |
#291 | false eyelashes | 1 |
#12 | fancy bath salts | 2,554 |
#138 | fancy beef jerky | 1 |
#14 | fancy black tie | 1 |
#3837 | fancy but probably evil chocolate | 1 |
#2520 | fancy chocolate | 1 |
#1882 | fancy chocolate car | 1 |
#2422 | fancy dress ball | 1 |
#924 | fancy opera glasses | 1 |
#14 | fancy tophat | 1 |
#16 | fancy tuxedo pants | 1 |
#294 | fat bottom quark | 1 |
#1373 | fat stacks of cash | 1 |
#2393 | felt | 1 |
#74 | fermenting powder | 102 |
#15 | ferret bait | 2,817 |
#1427 | festive holiday hat | 1 |
#1175 | festive sausage | 1 |
#737 | fetid feather | 1 |
#42 | fettucini épines Inconnu | 1 |
#323 | fettucini Inconnu | 1 |
#184 | fiery wing | 37 |
#780 | figurine of a charred seal | 1 |
#905 | figurine of a cold seal | 1 |
#504 | figurine of a shadowy seal | 1 |
#769 | figurine of a sleek seal | 1 |
#585 | figurine of a slippery seal | 1 |
#641 | figurine of a stinking seal | 1 |
#422 | figurine of a wretched-looking seal | 1 |
#305 | figurine of an ancient seal | 1 |
#507 | filet of tangy gnat ("fotelif") | 1 |
#86 | filigreed hamethyst earring | 1 |
#82 | filigreed hamethyst necklace | 1 |
#106 | filigreed hamethyst ring | 1 |
#634 | filth-encrusted futon | 1 |
#1000 | filthy corduroys | 1 |
#324 | filthy hippy poncho | 1 |
#972 | filthy knitted dread sack | 1 |
#2033 | filthy lucre | 1 |
#602 | filthy pestle | 1 |
#527 | filthy poultice | 1 |
#38 | fin-bit wax | 1 |
#65 | finger cuffs | 1 |
#298 | finger cymbals | 1 |
#1764 | fire | 1 |
#39 | fire axe | 1 |
#693 | [2426]fire flower | 1 |
#528 | fire poi | 1 |
#81 | fireman's helmet | 1 |
#168 | fish juice box | 1 |
#80 | fish stick | 1 |
#18 | fish-liver oil | 3,943 |
#141 | fishy fish | 1 |
#153 | fishy fish casserole | 1 |
#119 | fishy fish lasagna | 1 |
#86 | fishy wand | 1 |
#957 | fizzy potion | 1 |
#498 | flamin' bindle | 1 |
#954 | flaming crutch | 1 |
#856 | flaming feather | 1 |
#378 | flaming glowsticks | 1 |
#886 | flaming mushroom | 1 |
#323 | flaming mushroom wine | 1 |
#11 | flaming talons | 2,161 |
#619 | flange | 1 |
#9 | flaregun | 6,413 |
#838 | flashing novelty button | 2 |
#82 | flask of baconstone juice | 1 |
#77 | flask of hamethyst juice | 1 |
#67 | flask of porquoise juice | 1 |
#445 | flat dough | 1 |
#103 | flavored foot massage oil | 557 |
#258 | flimsy clipboard | 1 |
#789 | flirtatious feather | 1 |
#151 | floaty gravel | 1 |
#164 | floaty inverse geode | 1 |
#417 | floaty pebbles | 1 |
#7 | floaty rock helmet | 1 |
#7 | floaty rock necklace | 1 |
#7 | floaty rock pants | 1 |
#987 | floaty sand | 1 |
#77 | floaty stone sphere | 1 |
#268 | floral print shirt | 1 |
#275 | flower petal pie | 1 |
#4 | flowing hippy skirt | 355 |
#17 | flute of flat champagne | 1,834 |
#84 | flyest of shirts | 1 |
#63 | flypaper staff | 1 |
#163 | flytrap pellet | 1 |
#815 | foam dart | 1 |
#27 | foggy glass globe | 1 |
#792 | foolscap fool's cap | 1 |
#270 | foon | 1 |
#71 | foon of fearfulness | 1 |
#67 | foon of foulness | 1 |
#66 | foon of frigidity | 1 |
#20 | foot-long hot daub | 1 |
#24 | football helmet | 11 |
#68 | forbidden danish | 1 |
🥉 | foreign box | 521 |
#368 | forest tears | 1 |
#378 | fossilized baboon skull | 1 |
#329 | fossilized bat skull | 1 |
#312 | fossilized demon skull | 1 |
#767 | fossilized limb | 1 |
🥈 | fossilized necklace | 1 |
#405 | fossilized serpent skull | 1 |
#306 | fossilized spider skull | 1 |
#701 | fossilized spike | 1 |
#563 | fossilized spine | 1 |
#710 | fossilized torso | 1 |
#696 | fossilized wing | 1 |
#371 | fossilized wyrm skull | 1 |
#325 | frat brats | 1 |
#141 | frayed ninja rope | 1 |
#578 | frayed rope belt | 1 |
#281 | freezerburned ice cube | 1 |
#460 | freezin' bindle | 1 |
#450 | fricasseed brains | 1 |
#1039 | friendly cheez blob | 2 |
#776 | frightful feather | 1 |
#562 | frigid air mattress | 1 |
#741 | frigid fudgepuck | 1 |
#255 | frigid hankyū | 1 |
#502 | frigid mote | 1 |
#133 | frigid ninja stars | 400 |
#427 | frilly shirt | 1 |
#826 | frilly skirt | 1 |
#222 | frost-rimed seal hide | 1 |
#91 | frosty halo | 1 |
#577 | frozen Mob Penguin | 1 |
#707 | frozen banquet | 1 |
#66 | frozen danish | 1 |
#810 | frozen feather | 1 |
#827 | frozen mushroom | 1 |
#730 | frozen nunchaku | 1 |
#98 | frozen seal spine | 1 |
#152 | fruit basket | 1 |
#236 | fruit bowl | 1 |
#3427 | fruitcake | 1 |
#134 | fruity girl swill | 1 |
#187 | fry-oil-flavored Hob-O | 1 |
#379 | fudge bunny | 1 |
#197 | fudge cube | 1 |
#51 | fudge lily | 111 |
#338 | fudgecule | 4,576 |
#177 | fudgecycle | 1 |
#149 | full meat tank | 1 |
#324 | funhouse mirror | 1 |
#158 | funky brass fez | 1 |
#782 | funky dried mushroom | 1 |
#541 | furniture dolly | 1 |
#1457 | furry fur | 1 |
#64 | furry green earmuffs | 1 |
#78 | furry halo | 1 |
#86 | furry kilt | 1 |
#428 | furry pants | 1 |
#67 | furry skirt | 1 |
#171 | fustulent seal grulch | 1 |
#605 | fuzzbump | 1 |
#688 | fuzzy busby | 1 |
#983 | fuzzy dice | 6 |
#382 | fuzzy montera | 4 |
#642 | ga-ga radio | 1 |
#949 | garish pinky ring | 1 |
#7 | gas balloon | 3,453 |
#601 | gator skin | 1 |
#188 | gatorskin umbrella | 1 |
#8 | gauze garter | 4,936 |
#121 | gauze hammock | 1 |
#183 | gauze shorts | 1 |
#696 | gearbox necklace | 1 |
#976 | ghost cucumber | 33 |
#103 | ghost protocol | 7 |
#59 | ghost trap | 33 |
#163 | ghostly body paint | 33 |
#983 | ghuol ears | 1 |
#1349 | ghuol egg | 1 |
#556 | ghuol egg quiche | 1 |
#997 | ghuol guolash | 1 |
#257 | ghuol-ear kabob | 1 |
#100 | giant book of ancient carols | 1 |
#386 | giant cactus quill | 1 |
#78 | giant cheesestick | 1 |
#122 | giant clay ashtray | 1 |
#986 | giant designer sunglasses | 1 |
#1641 | giant discarded bottlecap | 1 |
#2409 | giant discarded plastic fork | 1 |
#1517 | giant discarded torn-up glove | 1 |
#564 | giant foam finger | 1 |
#398 | giant glass of brandy | 1 |
#21 | giant green gummi bear | 37 |
#243 | giant marshmallow | 1 |
#642 | giant moxie weed | 1 |
#1254 | giant needle | 1 |
#2536 | giant pinky ring | 1 |
#27 | giant red gummi bear | 37 |
#78 | giant stuffed bugbear | 1 |
#23 | giant yellow gummi bear | 37 |
#427 | gift-a-pult | 1 |
#196 | gilded ancient cursed chest | 1 |
#182 | gilded ancient cursed key | 1 |
#82 | gilded lily | 1 |
#275 | gimlet | 1 |
#320 | gin-soaked blotter paper | 1 |
#3941 | gingerbread bugbear | 1 |
#48 | gingerbread horror | 111 |
#608 | gingerbread house | 1 |
#2812 | gingerbread mutant bugbear | 1 |
#171 | ginormous pumpkin | 1 |
#65 | glacial clock | 1 |
#20 | glacial sapphire | 64 |
#89 | glass gnoll eye | 1 |
#246 | glass of baboon milk | 1 |
#897 | glass of goat's milk | 1 |
#47 | glimmering buzzard feather | 1 |
#64 | glimmering great tit feather | 1 |
#237 | glistening fish meat | 1 |
#72 | glistening staff | 1 |
#129 | glittery mascara | 11 |
#288 | glob of green slime | 1 |
#108 | globe of Deep Sauce | 1 |
#365 | gloomy mushroom wine | 1 |
#224 | glow-in-the-dark dart gun | 1 |
#263 | glow-in-the-dark wristwatch | 1 |
#86 | glowing esca | 1 |
#65 | glowing frisbee | 1 |
#200 | glowing fungus | 1 |
#1108 | glowing red eye | 1 |
#99 | gnat lasagna | 1 |
#99 | gnatloaf | 1 |
#24 | gnatwing | 600 |
#145 | gnatwing earring | 1 |
#736 | gnauga hide | 1 |
#155 | gnauga hide buckler | 1 |
#149 | gnauga hide chaps | 1 |
#48 | gnauga hide skirt | 1 |
#88 | gnauga hide whip | 2 |
#296 | gnocchetti di Nietzsche | 1 |
#770 | gnoll lips | 1 |
#788 | gnoll teeth | 1 |
#394 | goat | 1 |
#821 | goat beard | 1 |
#60 | goat cheese | 888 |
#949 | goat cheese pizza | 1 |
#171 | goat cheese taco | 1 |
#572 | goatskin umbrella | 1 |
#25 | gob of wet hair | 3,149 |
#162 | goblin autoblowgun | 1 |
#159 | goblin hunting spear | 1 |
#394 | gold lamé pants | 1 |
#211 | golden plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#119 | golden ring | 150 |
#340 | good brain | 1 |
#15 | goofily-plumed helmet | 11 |
#2658 | googly eye | 1 |
#14 | googly-ball hat | 1 |
#6 | googly-heart hat | 1 |
#11 | googly-star hat | 1 |
#1168 | goth kid t-shirt | 1 |
#785 | gr8ps | 1 |
#70 | grape troll doll | 1 |
#773 | grapefruit | 1 |
#829 | grapes | 1 |
#223 | grass blade | 1 |
#231 | grass clippings | 1 |
#194 | grass hat | 1 |
#188 | grass skirt | 1 |
#427 | grassy cutlass | 1 |
#500 | grave robbing shovel | 1 |
#80 | graveyard snowglobe | 1 |
#1386 | gray bow tie | 1 |
#122 | grease gun | 1 |
#882 | green balloon | 1 |
#1909 | green beer | 1 |
#54 | green candy heart | 700 |
#1028 | green clay bead | 1 |
#1010 | green gummi ingot | 1 |
#100 | green hamhock | 1 |
#197 | green peawee marble | 2 |
#9 | green pixel | 23,017 |
#348 | green pixel potion | 1 |
#34 | green smoke bomb | 105 |
#841 | green snowcone | 1 |
#594 | green-frosted astral cupcake | 1 |
#9 | gremlin juice | 801 |
#199 | gremlin mutagen | 1 |
#6 | grisly shield | 1 |
#549 | grog | 1 |
#70 | groovy prism necklace | 1 |
#9 | grouchy restless spirit | 42,461 |
#90 | groupie bra | 1 |
#123 | groupie lipstick | 1 |
#34 | grue egg | 341 |
#633 | grumpy old man charrrm | 1 |
#391 | grungy bandana | 1 |
#368 | grungy flannel shirt | 1 |
#533 | guano coffee cup | 1 |
#276 | guard turtle collar | 1 |
#351 | guard turtle shell | 1 |
#27 | guitar pick | 526 |
#171 | gummi ammonite | 1 |
#165 | gummi belemnite | 1 |
#68 | gummi bowtie | 1 |
#197 | gummi canary | 1 |
#241 | gummi snake | 1 |
#170 | gummi trilobite | 1 |
#119 | gun cleaning kit | 1 |
#984 | guy made of bee pollen | 1 |
#1227 | gyroscope | 1 |
#151 | hair of the calf | 1 |
#352 | hair spray | 12 |
#88 | hairy staff | 1 |
#260 | half-baked potion | 1 |
#401 | half-orchid | 1 |
#323 | half-sized guitar | 1 |
#375 | halfberd | 1 |
#96 | halibut | 1 |
#2400 | hamethyst | 1 |
#215 | hamethyst bracelet | 1 |
#198 | hamethyst earring | 1 |
#328 | hamethyst necklace | 1 |
#263 | hamethyst ring | 1 |
#47 | hammerus | 1 |
#138 | hand grenegg | 1 |
#183 | handful of Crotchety Pine needles | 1 |
#190 | handful of Laughing Willow bark | 1 |
#183 | handful of confetti | 171 |
#1282 | handful of hand chalk | 1 |
#200 | handful of honey | 37 |
#52 | handful of juicy garbage | 1 |
#4 | handful of moss | 7,568 |
#46 | handful of numbers | 7 |
#409 | handful of nuts and berries | 1 |
#452 | handful of pine needles | 1 |
#9 | handful of sand | 6,966 |
#631 | handful of sawdust | 1 |
#12 | handful of walnuts | 1,200 |
#602 | handsomeness potion | 1 |
#21 | happiness | 658 |
#5 | hardened slime belt | 12 |
#23 | hardened slime hat | 6 |
#6 | hardened slime pants | 15 |
#570 | harem girl t-shirt | 1 |
#324 | headhunter necktie | 1 |
#3383 | heart necklace | 1 |
🥇 | heart of dark chocolate | 1 |
#1679 | heart of the volcano | 1 |
#1453 | heart-shaped balloon | 1 |
#55 | heavy D | 3,129 |
#160 | heavy leather-bound tome | 1 |
#454 | heavy metal sonata | 1 |
#540 | heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr | 1 |
#130 | heavy necklace chain | 1 |
#861 | hellion cube | 1 |
#128 | hellseal claw | 246 |
#219 | hellseal whisker | 101 |
#60 | helm of the white knight | 1 |
#209 | helmet recipe | 1 |
#1877 | helmet turtle | 1 |
#180 | hemp net | 1 |
#892 | hemp string | 1 |
#384 | henna face paint | 1 |
#374 | henna tattoo | 1 |
#1241 | herb brownies | 1 |
#2516 | herbal stuffing | 1 |
#995 | herbs | 1 |
#249 | hermit permit | 12 |
#1881 | herringcello | 1 |
#38 | hibernating robot reindeer | 1 |
#29 | hideous egg | 48 |
#1110 | high-resistance ultrapolymer plating | 1 |
#967 | hill of beans | 1 |
#134 | hippo skin buckler | 1 |
#161 | hippo whip | 1 |
#77 | hippopotamus kilt | 1 |
#125 | hippopotamus pants | 1 |
#147 | hipposkin poncho | 1 |
#313 | hippy bongo | 1 |
#320 | hippy herbal tea | 1 |
#549 | hippy medical kit | 1 |
#577 | hippy protest button | 1 |
#19 | hobo dungarees | 1 |
#182 | hobo fortress blueprints | 1 |
#1290 | hobo nickel | 1 |
#27 | hobo stogie | 1 |
#867 | holiday cheese log | 1 |
#208 | holistic headache remedy | 1 |
#71 | holly-flavored Hob-O | 1 |
#186 | homeopathic healing powder | 1 |
#11 | honey dipper | 1 |
#39 | honey mead | 1 |
#181 | honey stick | 1 |
#236 | honey-dew | 1 |
#8 | honey-dipped locust | 872 |
#8 | honeybritches | 1 |
#19 | honeycap | 1 |
#434 | horizontal tango | 1 |
#14 | hors d'oeuvre tray | 301 |
#258 | hot buttered roll | 1 |
#61 | hot cross bow | 1 |
#16 | hot date | 5,729 |
#153 | hot daub | 1 |
#18 | hot daub bun | 1 |
#16 | hot daub stand | 1 |
#267 | hot hi mein | 1 |
#999 | hot katana blade | 1 |
#384 | hot nuggets | 1 |
#358 | hot pink lipstick | 1 |
#342 | hot plate | 1 |
#17 | hot powder | 501 |
#460 | hot wad | 1 |
#1288 | hot wing | 1 |
#306 | hovering sombrero | 1 |
#179 | huge pumpkin | 1 |
#605 | huge spoon | 1 |
#184 | hyperinflated seal lung | 1 |
#728 | hypodermic needle | 1 |
#275 | ice stein | 1 |
#1764 | ice-cold Sir Schlitz | 1 |
#8 | ice-cold Willer | 18,122 |
#1357 | ice-cold fotie | 1 |
#1092 | ice-cold six-pack | 1 |
#325 | iced-out bling | 1 |
#101 | icicle katana | 1 |
#616 | icy katana hilt | 1 |
#275 | icy mushroom wine | 1 |
#425 | icy-hot katana | 1 |
#164 | imbued seal-blubber candle | 1 |
#180 | imitation crab crate | 1 |
#308 | imitation crab meat | 1 |
#35 | imitation whetstone | 1 |
#2350 | immense cyborg hand | 1 |
#207 | imp air | 1 |
#198 | imp unity ring | 16 |
#29 | infant sandworm | 2 |
#355 | infernal fife | 1 |
#740 | infernal insoles | 1 |
#14 | infernal toilet brush | 20 |
#13 | inflatable baseball bat | 1 |
#577 | inflatable duck | 1 |
#109 | ink bladder | 1 |
#668 | inkwell | 1 |
#63 | insane tophat | 1 |
#8 | insanely spicy bean burrito | 3,311 |
#246 | insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito | 1 |
#194 | insanely spicy jumping bean burrito | 1 |
#30 | intriguing puzzle box | 9 |
#22 | invisibility potion | 37 |
#691 | invisible bag | 1 |
#1080 | ion-pulse modulation stabilizer | 1 |
#683 | irate sombrero | 1 |
#1282 | iron pasta spoon | 1 |
#75 | ironic oversized sunglasses | 1 |
#2794 | irradiated candy cane | 1 |
#26 | irresistibility potion | 37 |
#27 | irritability potion | 37 |
#139 | ivory cue ball | 1 |
#1194 | jabañero-flavored chewing gum | 1 |
🥉 | jack flapper | 23,726 |
#149 | jamfish jam | 1 |
#140 | jar full of wind | 1 |
#211 | jar of "Creole Lady" marrrmalade | 1 |
#699 | jar of fermented pickle juice | 1 |
#581 | jar of squeeze | 1 |
#648 | jar of swamp gas | 32 |
#1862 | jawbruiser | 1 |
#1828 | jazz soap | 1 |
#510 | jerky coins | 37 |
#123 | jet bennie marble | 1 |
#364 | jewelry-making pliers | 1 |
#41 | jingle bell | 1 |
#1715 | joybuzzer | 2 |
#71 | jug of Gnomochloric acid | 1 |
#81 | jug of baconstone juice | 1 |
#65 | jug of hamethyst juice | 1 |
#78 | jug of porquoise juice | 1 |
#544 | jug-o-magicalness | 1 |
#560 | jumbo olive | 1 |
#189 | jumping bean burrito | 1 |
#131 | jumping bean taco | 1 |
#212 | jungle drum | 2 |
#151 | juniper berries | 2 |
#140 | kamicorpse-ee | 2 |
#418 | keg shield | 2 |
#17 | ketchup hound | 1,960 |
#530 | kick-ass kicks | 1 |
#499 | kickback cookbook | 1 |
#2499 | killing feather | 2 |
#147 | king cookie | 1 |
#2061 | kite | 1 |
#376 | kiwi | 1 |
#1897 | kneecapping stick | 1 |
#80 | knight cookie | 1 |
#367 | knob bugle | 1 |
#349 | knob ka-bobs | 1 |
#147 | knob mushroom wine | 1 |
#67 | knobby kneepads | 1 |
#1515 | knuckle sandwich | 1 |
#467 | kumquartz | 11 |
#85 | kumquartz ring | 1 |
#306 | kumquat | 1 |
#183 | ladle of mystery | 1 |
#632 | large box | 1 |
#280 | large cocoa eggshell fragment | 1 |
#213 | laser-broiled pear | 36 |
#1165 | lavender candy heart | 1 |
#2180 | lavender paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#2308 | lavender plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#2029 | lavender polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#1767 | lavender striped oyster egg | 1 |
#267 | lawn dart | 1 |
#162 | lawnmower blade | 1 |
#1295 | lead necklace | 1 |
#27 | lead yo-yo | 11 |
#202 | leaf of grass | 1 |
#457 | leaflet | 1 |
#46 | leather aviator's cap | 1 |
#201 | leather bookmark | 1 |
#691 | leather chaps | 1 |
#730 | leather mask | 2 |
#743 | leathery bat skin | 1 |
#795 | leathery cat skin | 1 |
#588 | leathery rat skin | 1 |
#492 | left half of a heart necklace | 1 |
#206 | left parenthesis | 1 |
#178 | leftover Crimbo rations | 1 |
#616 | leftovers of indeterminate origin | 1 |
#1235 | lemon | 1 |
#362 | lemon meringue pie | 1 |
#104 | lemon popsicle | 1 |
#1752 | length of string | 1 |
#670 | leotarrrd | 1 |
#412 | leprechaun hatchling | 1 |
#432 | lesser grodulated violet | 1 |
#170 | letterman's jacket | 1 |
#936 | lewd playing card | 1 |
#11 | liar's pants | 1 |
#210 | libation of liveliness | 1 |
#1830 | licorice garrote | 1 |
#203 | licorice root | 37 |
#913 | lihc eye | 2 |
#624 | lihc eye pie | 1 |
#750 | lihc face | 2 |
#328 | limburger biker boots | 1 |
#897 | lime | 1 |
#1210 | lime-and-chile-flavored chewing gum | 1 |
#1026 | line | 1 |
#14 | linoleum crossbow | 26 |
#133 | linoleum crossbow string | 1 |
#114 | linoleum helmet turtle | 1 |
#54 | linoleum meat stack | 1 |
#871 | linoleum ore | 1 |
#437 | linoleum staff | 1 |
#120 | linoleum stick | 1 |
#12 | linoleum sword | 33 |
#127 | linoleum sword hilt | 1 |
#326 | lion oil | 1 |
#105 | little box of fireworks | 1 |
#1297 | little paper umbrella | 1 |
#50 | little parachute guy | 1 |
#209 | little round pebble | 1 |
#24 | little wooden mannequin | 1 |
#836 | live wire | 1 |
#115 | liver popsicle | 1 |
#43 | llama lama cria | 2 |
#405 | llama lama gong | 1 |
#22 | lollipop stick | 2,222 |
#481 | long pork | 1 |
#102 | long pork casserole | 2 |
#141 | long pork chop sandwiches | 1 |
#105 | long pork lasagna | 1 |
#931 | long skinny balloon | 1 |
#589 | long-stemmed rose | 1 |
#456 | longhaired hippy wig | 1 |
#132 | loose ninja carabiner | 1 |
#97 | loose teeth | 1,104 |
#5 | los chinos | 9,534 |
#195 | lost key | 1 |
#232 | lotion of coldness | 1 |
#236 | lotion of hotness | 1 |
#240 | lotion of sleaziness | 1 |
#242 | lotion of spookiness | 1 |
#222 | lotion of stench | 1 |
#329 | love song of disturbing obsession | 1 |
#289 | love song of icy revenge | 1 |
#340 | love song of naughty innuendo | 1 |
#346 | love song of smoldering passion | 1 |
#325 | love song of sugary cuteness | 1 |
#320 | love song of vague ambiguity | 1 |
#571 | lovecat tail | 1 |
#7 | lowercase N | 7,305 |
#22 | lucky ball-and-chain | 11 |
#563 | lucky bottlecap | 1 |
#259 | lucky rabbit's foot | 24 |
#8 | lumbering jack | 222 |
#193 | lump of Saccharine Maple sap | 1 |
#251 | lump of coal | 1 |
#567 | lump of diamond | 1 |
#342 | lunar isotope | 1 |
#425 | lupine sword | 1 |
#1431 | macaroni duck | 1 |
#125 | machetito | 1 |
#1348 | mad scientist's sock monkey | 1 |
#2077 | mafia aria | 1 |
#386 | magic lamp | 1 |
#396 | magic whistle | 1 |
#1220 | magical ice cubes | 1 |
#613 | magical mystery juice | 2 |
#27 | magicalness-in-a-can | 297 |
#36 | magilaser blastercannon | 202 |
#25 | magnetic field | 1 |
#387 | magnifying glass | 1 |
#131 | magnolia blossom | 1 |
#677 | maiden wig | 1 |
#247 | makeshift cape | 1 |
#171 | makeshift skirt | 1 |
#181 | makeshift turban | 1 |
#16 | malevolent medallion | 1 |
#310 | mandarina colada | 1 |
#72 | manly bloomers | 1 |
#750 | many-eyed glasses | 1 |
🥇 | maple leaf | 16,691 |
#5 | maple syrup | 48,385 |
#298 | margarita | 5 |
#708 | mariachi G-string | 1 |
#259 | mariachi hat | 14 |
#42 | mariachi pants | 1,216 |
#90 | mariachi toothpaste | 1 |
🥉 | marinara jug | 1 |
#482 | marshmallow flambé | 1 |
#403 | martini | 5 |
#25 | marzipan skull | 2,913 |
#45 | mass of wriggling tentacles | 1 |
#95 | mauve paisley oyster egg | 23 |
#49 | mauve plastic oyster egg | 58 |
#28 | mauve polka-dot oyster egg | 90 |
#87 | mauve striped oyster egg | 29 |
#118 | meat cowboy hat | 1 |
#499 | meat engine | 1 |
#694 | meat from yesterday | 1 |
#75 | meat golem | 1 |
#41 | meat paste | 1,128,526 |
#152 | meat stack | 462 |
#16 | meat vortex | 8,882 |
#335 | meatcar model | 1 |
#136 | meatloaf helmet | 1 |
#131 | meatsmithing guide | 2 |
#132 | meatspout staff | 1 |
#80 | medium slimy cyst | 1 |
#629 | megatofu | 1 |
#53 | melon-infused sake | 2 |
#479 | melted Jell-o shot | 1 |
#312 | memory of a C | 1 |
#76 | memory of a CA base pair | 1 |
#90 | memory of a CG base pair | 1 |
#83 | memory of a CT base pair | 1 |
#322 | memory of a G | 1 |
#91 | memory of a GT base pair | 1 |
#312 | memory of a T | 1 |
#307 | memory of an A | 1 |
#88 | memory of an AG base pair | 1 |
#98 | memory of an AT base pair | 1 |
#17 | memory of some delicious amino acids | 307 |
#199 | menorette | 1 |
#168 | menudo | 1 |
#268 | menudo ravioli | 1 |
#74 | mermaid's purse | 1 |
#670 | mesh cap | 1 |
#26 | metallic A | 6,222 |
#42 | metallic foil radar dish | 1 |
#35 | metrognome | 1 |
#37 | microwave stogie | 1 |
#334 | milk of magnesium | 1 |
#938 | milky potion | 1 |
#580 | mime soul fragment | 1 |
#119 | mimosette | 1 |
#35 | mind flayer corpse | 710 |
#791 | miner's helmet | 1 |
#785 | miner's pants | 1 |
#69 | mini-zeppelin | 1 |
#145 | miniature antlers | 1 |
#303 | miniature carton of clove cigarettes | 1 |
#63 | miniature coffin | 2 |
#49 | mirrored aviator shades | 1 |
#107 | misfit hobby horse | 1 |
#314 | mixed wildflower greens | 1 |
#5 | moist sack | 12 |
#132 | moist sailor's cap | 1 |
#468 | mojo filter | 1 |
#109 | mole molé | 1 |
#587 | molotov cocktail cocktail | 1 |
#452 | molten brick | 1 |
#2029 | monomolecular yo-yo | 1 |
#152 | monster bait | 1 |
#130 | monster pants | 1 |
#364 | moonglasses | 1 |
#20 | mostly rat-hide leggings | 1 |
#11 | mother's little helper | 4,228 |
#136 | mother's secret recipe | 1 |
#1341 | motivational poster | 1 |
#9 | moxie weed | 6,504 |
#152 | muculent machete | 1 |
#689 | mugcake | 1 |
#491 | mulled cider | 1 |
#599 | mullet wig | 1 |
#991 | mummy costume | 1 |
#219 | mummy mask | 1 |
#56 | mummy wrapping | 699 |
#911 | murky potion | 1 |
#74 | mushroom fermenting solution | 95 |
#378 | mushroom pizza | 1 |
#37 | musty moccasins | 1 |
#1341 | mylar scout drone | 2 |
#32 | mysterious chest | 2 |
#444 | mysterious silver lapel pin | 2 |
#21 | nanite-infested candy cane | 1,338 |
#3220 | nanite-infested eggnog | 1 |
#3326 | nanite-infested fruitcake | 1 |
#3424 | nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear | 1 |
#1183 | nanofiber cloth | 1 |
#96 | nasty rat mask | 1 |
#363 | natty blue ascot | 1 |
#492 | natural fennel soda | 1 |
#568 | necklace chain | 1 |
#520 | necrotizing body spray | 1 |
#198 | neurostim pill | 1 |
#1125 | night-vision goggles | 1 |
#857 | ninja hot pants | 1 |
#628 | ninja mop | 1 |
#24 | non-stick pugil stick | 1 |
#225 | not-a-pipe | 1 |
#262 | nothing-in-the-box | 1 |
#56 | nothing-in-the-box-in-the-box | 1 |
#49 | noxious gas grenade | 1 |
#125 | nurse's hat | 1 |
#177 | nutty organic salad | 1 |
#63 | obnoxious riddle | 5 |
#165 | obsidian dagger | 74 |
#470 | ocarina of space | 1 |
#69 | occult jelly donut | 1 |
#530 | ocean motion | 1 |
#146 | octopus's spade | 1 |
#114 | off-white paisley oyster egg | 18 |
#47 | off-white plastic oyster egg | 59 |
#28 | off-white polka-dot oyster egg | 64 |
#249 | off-white striped oyster egg | 12 |
#119 | office-supply crossbow | 1 |
#218 | oil of expertise | 1 |
#233 | oil of oiliness | 1 |
#231 | oil of slipperiness | 1 |
#217 | oil of stability | 1 |
#27 | oily mushroom wine | 22 |
#329 | ointment of the occult | 1 |
#691 | old coin purse | 1 |
#676 | old leather wallet | 1 |
#103 | old school Mafia knicke½æ | 1 |
#255 | old school flying disc | 1 |
#28 | old soft shoes | 1 |
#1276 | old sweatpants | 21 |
🥇 | old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie | 1 |
#796 | olive | 1 |
#156 | olive lo mein | 1 |
#81 | one-winged stab bat | 1 |
#2436 | oozenog | 1 |
#942 | orange | 1 |
#849 | orange and black Crimboween candy | 1 |
#1227 | orange candy heart | 1 |
#896 | orange glowstick | 2 |
#139 | orange leather lanyard | 1 |
#436 | orange peel hat | 1 |
#101 | orange popsicle | 1 |
#860 | orange snowcone | 1 |
#555 | orange-frosted astral cupcake | 1 |
#34 | organ grinder | 1 |
#48 | original G | 4,418 |
#191 | ornate ancient cursed chest | 1 |
#179 | ornate ancient cursed key | 1 |
#189 | out-of-tune biwa | 1 |
#153 | outrageous sombrero | 1 |
#157 | oven mitts | 1 |
#70 | overclocked avian microprocessor | 1 |
#205 | overcookie | 1 |
#1955 | oversized fish scaler | 1 |
#35 | oversized pipe | 586 |
#617 | oversized pizza cutter | 4 |
#70 | oversized snowflake | 1 |
#34 | ovoid leather thing | 1,614 |
#1889 | oyster basket | 1 |
#71 | pacification grenade | 1 |
#53 | pack of KWE trading card | 43 |
#255 | pack of chewing gum | 1 |
#926 | pack of pogs | 1 |
#241 | packet of beer nuts | 1 |
#133 | packet of mayfly bait | 1 |
#105 | packet of orchid seeds | 1 |
#161 | packet of tofurkey gravy | 1 |
#1491 | pail | 2 |
#187 | painful penne pasta | 1 |
#190 | paint bomb | 1 |
#56 | painted shield | 1 |
#1325 | pair of bolt cutters | 1 |
#141 | pair of pearidot earrings | 1 |
#9 | palm frond | 7,107 |
#189 | palm-frond capris | 1 |
#239 | palm-frond cloak | 1 |
#152 | palm-frond fan | 1 |
#121 | palm-frond net | 1 |
#396 | palm-frond toupee | 1 |
#214 | palm-frond whip | 1 |
#285 | panhandle panhandling hat | 5 |
#84 | panicked kernel | 1 |
#245 | pants kit | 1 |
#1584 | pants of the Slug Lord | 1 |
#157 | panty raider camouflage | 11 |
#28 | papaya | 3,137 |
#528 | papaya sling | 1 |
#620 | papaya slung | 1 |
#538 | papaya taco | 1 |
#20 | paper-plate-mail pants | 11 |
#1217 | paperclip | 1 |
#103 | paperclip cape | 1 |
#99 | paperclip pants | 1 |
#91 | paperclip turban | 1 |
#101 | paperclip-on tie | 1 |
#170 | papotion of papower | 1 |
#401 | paranormal ricotta | 1 |
#363 | parasitic claw | 1 |
#228 | parasitic headgnawer | 1 |
#234 | parasitic strangleworm | 1 |
#191 | parasitic tentacles | 1 |
#1682 | passable elf mask | 1 |
#1564 | pasta spoon | 1 |
#52 | patchouli incense stick | 569 |
#378 | patchouli oil bomb | 1 |
#1303 | patent leather shoes | 1 |
#6 | pawn cookie | 756 |
#257 | peach | 1 |
#122 | peach lozenge | 1 |
#225 | peach pie | 1 |
#571 | peanut brittle shield | 2 |
#240 | pear | 1 |
#128 | pear lozenge | 1 |
#191 | pear tart | 1 |
#892 | pearidot | 1 |
#1811 | penguin focaccia bread | 1 |
#147 | penguin skin buckler | 1 |
#1464 | penguin thesaurus | 1 |
#192 | penguin whip | 1 |
#20 | pentacorn hat | 11 |
#180 | percent sign | 1 |
#610 | perforated battle paddle | 1 |
#149 | perfume of prejudice | 1 |
#16 | pernicious cudgel | 1 |
#473 | perpendicular hula | 1 |
#739 | personal massager | 1 |
#682 | personalized birthday cake | 2 |
#982 | personalized coffee mug | 1 |
#104 | pestoblade | 1 |
#1651 | pet rock "Groucho" disguise | 1 |
#1882 | pet rock "Snooty" disguise | 1 |
#106 | petrified noodles | 1 |
#897 | petrified wood | 1 |
#27 | phase-tuned shield generator belt | 1 |
#290 | philosopher's scone | 1 |
#368 | philter of phorce | 1 |
#60 | phonics down | 2,100 |
#1146 | photoprotoneutron torpedo | 1 |
#225 | physiostim pill | 1 |
#1233 | pickle-flavored chewing gum | 1 |
#749 | picture of a dead guy's girlfriend | 1 |
#1207 | piece of wedding cake | 1 |
#537 | piercing post | 1 |
#293 | pig-iron bracers | 1 |
#307 | pig-iron helm | 1 |
#284 | pig-iron shinguards | 1 |
#1096 | pile of candy | 1 |
#704 | pile of dusty animal bones | 1 |
#511 | pile of gold coins | 1 |
#661 | pile of jumping beans | 1 |
#87 | pimpin' meat hat | 1 |
#125 | pin-stripe slacks | 1 |
#331 | pine tar | 1 |
#1152 | pink candy heart | 1 |
#1003 | pink clay bead | 1 |
#1205 | pink glowstick | 1 |
#382 | pink plastic baby | 1 |
#596 | pink pony | 1 |
#524 | pink-frosted astral cupcake | 1 |
#102 | pipe wrench | 1 |
#150 | pirate pamphlet | 1 |
#728 | pirate pelvis | 1 |
#681 | pirate shirt | 1 |
#94 | pirate skull | 1 |
#592 | pitchfork | 1 |
#68 | pixel boomerang | 1 |
#123 | pixel cross | 6 |
#289 | pixel hat | 1 |
#193 | pixel holy water | 2 |
#66 | pixel morning star | 1 |
#71 | pixel orb | 1 |
#163 | pixel pants | 1 |
#211 | pixel sword | 1 |
#41 | pixel whip | 2 |
#1239 | pixellated candy heart | 5 |
#124 | pixellated moneybag | 7 |
#428 | plain pizza | 1 |
#242 | plastic Crimbo reindeer | 3 |
#323 | plastic cup of beer | 1 |
#10 | plastic guitar | 1,110 |
#192 | plastic ingot | 27 |
#18 | plastic spider ring | 1 |
#80 | plot hole | 3,888 |
#266 | plum | 1 |
#27 | plush alielf | 1 |
#16 | plush alien hamsterpus | 1 |
#17 | plush dogcat | 1 |
#16 | plush ferrelf | 1 |
#34 | plush hamsterpus | 1 |
#17 | plush mutated alielephant | 1 |
#12 | plush mutated alielf | 1 |
#268 | pocket theremin | 1 |
#1230 | pocketwatch on a chain | 1 |
#482 | pog #04 (skleleton) | 1 |
#501 | pog #05 (ninja snowman) | 1 |
#494 | pog #07 (orcish frat boy) | 1 |
#495 | pog #08 (hellion) | 1 |
#492 | pog #09 (pirate) | 1 |
#513 | pog #10 (hobo) | 1 |
#498 | pog #11 (Naughty Sorceress) | 1 |
#450 | pointed stick | 1 |
#702 | pointy mushroom | 1 |
#224 | pointy red hat | 1 |
#1088 | poison pen | 1 |
#196 | poisonous caviar | 1 |
#359 | polka-dot bow tie | 1 |
#530 | poltergeist-in-the-jar-o | 1 |
#2126 | polyalloy shield | 1 |
#1183 | pool cue | 1 |
#180 | pool of liquid metal | 1 |
#208 | pool torpedo | 1 |
#319 | popsicle stick | 1 |
#722 | pork elf goodies sack | 8 |
#2214 | porquoise | 1 |
#294 | porquoise necklace | 1 |
#251 | porquoise ring | 1 |
#446 | portable corkscrew | 16 |
#39 | portable motorcycle | 1 |
#1024 | portable photocopier | 1 |
#150 | possessed tomato | 3 |
#2223 | possessed top | 1 |
#143 | potato pistol | 1 |
#1170 | potato sprout | 1 |
#118 | potent potion of potency | 1 |
#48 | potion of animal rage | 1 |
#236 | potion of potency | 1 |
#60 | potion of punctual companionship | 1 |
#389 | potion of temporary gr8ness | 1 |
#55 | potion of the captain's hammer | 1 |
#70 | potion of the field gar | 1 |
#812 | potted cactus | 1 |
#489 | potted fern | 1 |
#37 | pottery barn owl figurine | 1 |
#43 | pottery club | 1 |
#52 | pottery hat | 1 |
#42 | pottery shield | 1 |
#43 | pottery training pants | 1 |
#63 | pottery yo-yo | 1 |
#448 | poultrygeist | 1 |
#5 | poutine | 70,940 |
#74 | poutine pole | 1 |
#305 | powdered donut | 1 |
#491 | powdered organs | 1 |
#198 | powdered wig | 1 |
#209 | pr0n cocktail | 1 |
#16 | pr0n legs | 3,327 |
#243 | pr0n m4nic0tti | 1 |
#145 | pr0n stir-fry | 1 |
#202 | pr0n taco | 1 |
#119 | precious piercing post | 1 |
#11 | pregnant mushroom | 71 |
#1615 | prehistoric spear | 1 |
#532 | press-on ribs | 1 |
#70 | pressurized potion of perspicacity | 1 |
#59 | pressurized potion of proficiency | 1 |
#68 | pressurized potion of puissance | 1 |
#71 | pressurized potion of pulchritude | 1 |
#623 | pretty bouquet | 1 |
#115 | pretty flower | 4,282 |
#40 | pretty pink bow | 1 |
#438 | prismatic wad | 1 |
#43 | pristine fish scale | 13 |
#34 | probability potion | 3,550 |
#36 | procrastination potion | 3,627 |
#76 | projectile icemaker | 1 |
#730 | prosthetic forehead | 1 |
#139 | protein paste | 1 |
#337 | prussian cathouse | 1 |
#321 | psycho sweater | 1 |
#2035 | puce paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#2103 | puce plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#2254 | puce polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#1645 | puce striped oyster egg | 1 |
#179 | puff of smoke | 1 |
#157 | pufferfish spine | 1 |
#67 | pulled porquoise earring | 1 |
#106 | pulled porquoise pendant | 1 |
#93 | pulled porquoise ring | 1 |
#1512 | pulsing flesh | 1 |
#203 | pumpkin | 1 |
#268 | pumpkin beer | 1 |
#63 | pumpkin bomb | 1 |
#130 | pumpkin juice | 1 |
#1102 | pumpkinhead mask | 1 |
#778 | purple clay bead | 1 |
#218 | purple corpsel | 1 |
#889 | purple snowcone | 1 |
#646 | purple-frosted astral cupcake | 1 |
#485 | pygmy blowgun | 1 |
#376 | pygmy nose-bone | 1 |
#442 | pygmy pygment | 1 |
#278 | pygmy spear | 1 |
#48 | quadroculars | 1 |
#52 | quake of arrows | 1 |
#28 | quantum disintegrator pistol | 1 |
#125 | quantum nanopolymer spider web | 1 |
#844 | quantum taco | 1 |
#613 | quasi-ethereal macaroni fragments | 1 |
#283 | queen cookie | 1 |
#64 | radioactive chew toy | 1 |
#1174 | radium-flavored potato chips | 1 |
#96 | rainbow crossbow | 1 |
#271 | raisin | 1 |
🥉 | ram horns | 7,188 |
#4 | ram stick | 7,523 |
#123 | ram-battering staff | 1 |
#304 | raspberry | 1 |
#822 | rat appendix | 1 |
#457 | rat appendix kabob | 1 |
#149 | rat appendix stir-fry | 1 |
#90 | rat head balloon | 1 |
#140 | rat scrapple | 1 |
#127 | ratarang | 1 |
#508 | ratgut | 1 |
#86 | ratskin belt | 1 |
#75 | rattail whip | 1 |
#488 | rave whistle | 1 |
#223 | ravioli della hippy | 1 |
#211 | ravioli hat | 165 |
#37 | razor-sharp can lid | 866 |
#40 | really dense meat stack | 84 |
#68 | recording of Benetton's Medley of Diversity | 11 |
#60 | recording of Chorale of Companionship | 11 |
#139 | recording of Donho's Bubbly Ballad | 1 |
#67 | recording of Elron's Explosive Etude | 11 |
#51 | recording of Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration | 11 |
#60 | recording of Prelude of Precision | 11 |
#62 | recording of The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder | 11 |
#229 | red balloon | 1 |
#1023 | red class ring | 1 |
#993 | red gummi ingot | 1 |
#2228 | red paisley oyster egg | 1 |
🥉 | red pixel | 19,551 |
#326 | red plastic baby | 1 |
#2537 | red plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#2206 | red polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#1647 | red striped oyster egg | 1 |
#231 | red wagon | 1 |
#648 | red-and-green sweater | 1 |
#29 | red-headed corpse | 11 |
#316 | redrum | 4 |
#73 | reflection of a map | 11 |
#11 | refrigerated biohazard container | 2 |
#177 | reinforced beaded headband | 37 |
#774 | reodorant | 1 |
#151 | resolution: be feistier | 1 |
#131 | resolution: be happier | 1 |
#101 | resolution: be kinder | 1 |
#115 | resolution: be luckier | 1 |
#113 | resolution: be more adventurous | 1 |
#155 | resolution: be sexier | 1 |
#146 | resolution: be smarter | 1 |
#147 | resolution: be stronger | 1 |
#126 | resolution: be wealthier | 1 |
#99 | respected companion biscuit | 3 |
#1107 | reverse-oscillating klystron | 1 |
#417 | rewinged stab bat | 1 |
#406 | rhesus monkey | 1 |
#309 | rhinestone cowboy shirt | 1 |
#1300 | rib of the Bonerdagon | 1 |
#402 | ribbon candy | 1 |
#610 | rice bowl | 1 |
#67 | rickety old unicycle | 1 |
#72 | ridiculous earring | 1 |
#856 | ridiculous sandwich | 1 |
#1123 | ridiculously huge sword | 1 |
#665 | ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapon | 1 |
#553 | right half of a heart necklace | 1 |
#108 | right parenthesis | 1 |
#1652 | rigid carapace | 1 |
#369 | ring of adornment | 1 |
#1131 | ring of aggravate monster | 1 |
#376 | ring of conflict | 1 |
#338 | ring of fire resistance | 1 |
#341 | ring of gain strength | 1 |
#1135 | ring of half-assed regeneration | 1 |
#414 | ring of increase damage | 1 |
#100 | ring of teleportation | 1 |
#1556 | roasted marshmallow | 1 |
#1965 | robotronic egg | 1 |
#1432 | [2108]rock | 1 |
#170 | rockfish stomach | 1 |
#454 | rockin' wagon | 1 |
#17 | rocky raccoon | 14,079 |
#17 | roll of toilet paper | 5,822 |
#143 | rolling pin | 1 |
#78 | rum barrel charrrm bracelet | 1 |
#346 | rusty bonesaw | 1 |
#66 | rusty broken diving helmet | 1 |
#1021 | rusty chain necklace | 1 |
#112 | rusty compass | 1 |
#848 | rusty grave robbing shovel | 1 |
#142 | rusty metal key | 1 |
#319 | rusty metal ring | 1 |
#324 | rusty metal shaft | 1 |
#37 | rusty old lantern | 1 |
#230 | rusty piece of rebar | 1 |
#55 | rusty porthole | 1 |
#114 | rusty rivet | 1 |
#120 | rusty speargun | 1 |
#42 | sabre teeth | 930 |
#462 | sabre-toothed lime cub | 1 |
#20 | sack of doorknobs | 11 |
#683 | safarrri hat | 1 |
#155 | safety vest | 1 |
#5 | sake bomb | 10,014 |
#190 | salamander slurry | 1 |
#27 | salamander spleen | 867 |
#191 | salinated mint julep | 1 |
#855 | salty dog | 1 |
#623 | salty slug | 1 |
#19 | sandwich of the gods | 52 |
#115 | sane hatrack | 1 |
#336 | sangria | 1 |
#17 | saucepan | 8,590 |
#379 | sausage bomb | 1 |
#115 | sausage wonton | 1 |
#23 | savoy truffle | 1,931 |
#2589 | sawblade fragment | 1 |
#1031 | sawblade shield | 1 |
#681 | scented massage oil | 1 |
#441 | scorpion whip | 1 |
#590 | screwdriver | 1 |
#559 | scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil | 1 |
#1294 | scroll of drastic healing | 1 |
#1479 | scroll of pasta summoning | 1 |
#1113 | scrumptious reagent | 1 |
#228 | sea blueberry | 1 |
#222 | sea broccoli | 1 |
#210 | sea cauliflower | 1 |
#125 | sea lychee | 1 |
#215 | sea persimmon | 1 |
#116 | sea salt scrubs | 1 |
#1104 | seal tooth | 1 |
#353 | seal-clubbing club | 102 |
#1054 | seal-skull helmet | 1 |
#160 | seaode | 1 |
#154 | seaweed | 1 |
#68 | sebaceous shield | 1 |
#389 | secret blend of herbs and spices | 1 |
#124 | secret from the future | 1 |
#104 | sequined fez | 1 |
#398 | serpentine sword | 1 |
#412 | serum of sarcasm | 1 |
#179 | sewer turtle | 1 |
#351 | sewer wad | 1 |
#82 | shadowy seal eye | 1 |
#173 | sham champagne | 1 |
#32 | shapeless wide-brimmed hat | 1 |
#130 | shark cartilage | 1 |
#312 | shaving cream | 1 |
#477 | shimmering tendrils | 1 |
#34 | shingle | 350 |
#436 | shiny butcherknife | 1 |
#410 | shiny hood ornament | 1 |
#96 | shiny ring | 196 |
#264 | shiny tribal beads | 1 |
#125 | shirt kit | 2 |
#412 | shock collar | 1 |
#233 | shot of blackberry schnapps | 1 |
#26 | shot of flower schnapps | 112 |
#358 | shot of rotgut | 1 |
#309 | shrinking powder | 1 |
#89 | shuddersword | 1 |
#71 | silver keg | 1 |
#893 | silver shrimp fork | 1 |
#15 | silver tongue charrrm | 1,343 |
#97 | sinewy crossbow string | 1 |
#253 | single-serving herbal stuffing | 1 |
#318 | sinister altar fragment | 1 |
🥇 | six pack of Mountain Stream | 14,786 |
#100 | six-rainbow shield | 1 |
#533 | sk8board | 1 |
#73 | skeleton bone | 1,300 |
#944 | skeleton key | 1 |
#439 | skeleton key ring | 1 |
#704 | skewer | 2 |
#509 | skewer-mounted razor blade | 1 |
#184 | skewered cat appendix | 1 |
#183 | skirt / kilt kit | 1 |
#16 | skull-shaped Crimboween cookie | 156 |