Miniborg stomper

Miniborg stomper

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This is a miniature version of one of the Crimborg stompers -- it's got tiny little giant boots. Which... I guess makes them just small. They're still way out of proportion with the rest of him.

🥇Peth Avenfield397




#4Tiny Plastic Grimmy105




#6Mistress of the Obvious95


#7RettaBear and hagrid33357










#13Crazy Larry and mmcbride34


#15Meru la Renat and Zero_Sen30


#17Ryouki, Sir Slaughter and moddey28






#22JustABass01 and lechef20


#24Blart DudaBarra, MrsPresident and yodaBABE19


#27Grokly and Mystic_Potato17




#30Depro Fundis and Ethanson15


#32Bandanaman, Skent and hoyifung0514


#35Mallatan, Nikademus, Stargazer67 and eusst13


#39Kaloula and jgingrey12


#41Archipelago71, Bobby5, CSS_puke, Club, Clubbrz L337, Danger, Donavin69, KydrouKair, Lord_of_Ants, MeatMachine, TheBub and spooky kid11


#53BarbarianBob77, Escaflowne, Lord Stefano, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monster Hunter 2, Pringle, TheNice1, medusa, muskratlove and volf10


#63Equestrian, Nick4925, Poncho the Sane and willied19


#67LEMMING53, Quaxalot, Sajer the Forgotten, Sendaben and vulvacrust8


#72Dante Kinkade, DragonSin, JudySeagram, Oldsfrk, R4ng3 Bl4sts, Ranger, ShineyBucket, SnuggleFluff, Vandaahl, cankergIRL, eight bit hero, gunfighter, iaruk, jdfalcon06, onzanzabarsands, thedj and whizdad7


#89Androcles Antepasta, AuntBeast, Chickenkong, Cnorgard, DarkMaiden, Dyann, JiK4eva, Jmoen, Kaspersai, L0tech, Leopold Jimmleson, Loathario, Magic2729, MikeMar, MugWump, Prima Vera, Shadowlord, SilentMystFaery, SupermanCY, Suspect, Terps, VikingGoddess, baloume, kashara, maestro13, metalsk813, murphs and mwahaha6


#117Babycakes, BurntKechup5, BuyMEaRound, CrimboWeenie, Deathmax, Disneeyore1, Drade, Grinder, HeavnzRogue, Hojo Hominygrits, Kara Rae, Luc1fer, Mars the Infomage, Ne Idiot, Nymall, Papillon, PsychicBlade, RattyLabray, Shivora, Thraxus, Tsolarok, UnDucky, Viki, almypal326, brirye, falconj, justhappytobehere, la fee Verte, mflGrMp, morjax, nitaeatspaste, noinamg, pOOx, pyrostick, tiny plastic kaiou, tush the pastagirl, wAvedaSheS, werrez, xsneAkeR07x and zwier5


#157Batwood17, Cappas420, Cobra8644, D3tox, Darck, Egidio, FrankNBeans, IROCK21, JRRTolkienNut, Loffull, MagikGir, NeonREV, OHogan, Oroku Saki, PhilipJFry, Polyphema, Protector of Felines, RDOlivaw4, Radcliff247, Rubius, Rutger von Horeburg, SZINN, Sayick, ScUd RuCkInS, SikSyko, Teaxe, Teufel, aClArie, allen_zhangcool, coolperson75, d00bie, eL JoEy, herpman, l4g0s, madamkiss, mooie, teh swabs and wholelottaman2wash4


#195Airika, Akara, Anselm, Anta, Ashallond, Ashfox, BankofStonered, Beljeferon, BobbyNoPants, Borachio, Broly_13, Capn Stabby, CathyOak, Cereal Killer 024, Christoph, Crazy Ernie, Crimbomaster918, Dammit Janet, Darmut eDrien, Darth Steve, Deth Halo, DisComBoBulAteD, Drag0n, DropShock, Dungy, Fallen2004, Ferrex, Fiddler2, Fighting Hippie, Generic Hero, Grosspointte, Gumbyman, HansGruber, I be Will, Jake_the_Mighty, JayCrow, Jugger13, Kannayen, Kneegrow, Logmo, Lord of the Souls, LustyPirateWench, Minda, Moggil, Morganfyre, Mud Duck, Muttolomule, Nightvol, Ninja Karl, Nodosaurus, Not Quite Right, Odinsatan, Retro_Thrusters, Robur Velvetclaw, Scarydave, Sir Jefe, SirGawain, Sombody Else, Sprucer, Squidrella, TheBrent, TheOtherBarber, ThunderGate, ViRtUaLheretic, Watter, alan0823, daehtihS, evil_dead, gunners74, hellfire15, jenrose, justmatt9283, karma_247, laurathequeen, porktron2, ratbert, raynstorm, rogue of Doom, rylie, sealmaster55 and warriorwarrior3


#276AccordionStu, Ace Palarum, Alex Blaine Layder, Alldarker, Anjul of Grace, Antipode, Arthas, Atomic Dog, Avisamo, Bangaroo, Beornald, Big Boss, BlaDeeBlah, BoiRDee, Borimerx, Bors, CA Dude, Cantryboy, Cerberus111188, CeruleanArcher, Cheeseboyardee, Chewbud, Chocomeister, Claudia_Balzac, DaBaddestHic, DeathAngel, Deeliteful, Deimos, DevilCreme, Digit, Dilldo_Baggins, Dyad, Dysamyne, EXOR169, Filmore, Flash Gordon, Flurry, Fokai, ForteSP, Gaffa, Goatchoad, Goof, GpHerder, Grahf616, Grchwrkz, Grommitt, HairyAngel, HellFyre, IceDomina, Imitation Plastic Bobba Fett, Inferno_dmn6, Joyce100, Kalphbeir, Karistina Sedai, Karnyvore, KatanaMaster, Katarra, Kevin Kirkpatrick, Krukedogg, LiamAndMe, LogicalMadness, Lord Elmo, LordMayheM, LoverPrimeNumbah, Lucrio, LyingSage, Magnus Thunderblade, Mala the Sad, Mamph the Maladjusted, Mansausage, Mariani, Marina, Martavius, MaryAnarchy, Me Hokkien, Meteshjj, Mike Czech, MrZesty, Mrmongoose, Muhfin, MzSabrina2, Nomnominus Rex, OminousJackal, Oopsiedaisy, OracleofDreams, PassionFever, Pastatizer2, Pastfinder, Ph0r00mites Contest Multi, Photon Chang, Pixel Knight, Presence, PrinceCandyAss, Raisins, Ranava, Rettulf, RockClimb, Samos, Sasori_uk, SatireSloth, SexyMomma, Shellie_Webster, ShoTheBandit, Sir Jimeth, SkraveLe, Somber Goat, Sowyrd, Spengles, Splendor, SwordsRCool, Taco Eater, Tarotina, Tazy, Tegestologista, Terrapin_Man, Tess LaCoil, Timmy Terapin, TriassicGrrl, Vambann, VoltTacklE, Wagr, WalterEgo, Wasabii, Wintermute, Xanphia, Xanthia_Althor, Xclockwatcher, Yurie08, Zennie, Zoowaerter, adgramaine, amplitude, baby eater, blik, boy howdy, bungleboy315, cheesepink, chickstar, crann777, crusaderV1, dcfiregirl, diepengindie1, dudeofthecountry14, eav, eddo189, estherlxl, excellente, fezzer, firstplaceloss, glaucos, imtalking2u, jWang, jcrkk, jojomojo, kirByllAmA, laire256, lenny larker, lich135, meatpie, meh_64_12, monarch918, mr_hon, noodleEd, pisksy, rheabalki, salticid, superstraw and watts2


#444A Tiny Plastic Puddle, AEMMac, AHHKellyClarkson, ARgon07, Abascis the Sweaty, AbsoluteZero, AccordionBoy, AceLogan, Ace_Element, Adagia, Admiral, AdmiralBob, Adrien, Aegis Black, Aere0n, Aetuneo, Afrodietie, Ahnotahm, Akrim, Akros, Akuji, AkumaExtreme, AlBassoon, Al_Diablo, Alakeni, Aldus, AlexHahn82, Alexandra Knight, Alexandrine, Alfonso the Great, Algor_Langeaux, AliceCat, Allen_36s, Allora, Alloy, Allypeanut, AlmAlphiA, AlmostBob, Alqarine, AltheWeird, Altoid, Altrissa, Alycya, Am33, AmaraMagma, Anagram, AnantA, Anchovy, Ancient Cheese, Ancientofearth, Ander Exelion, Andranovich3, AndrewTwarogsLover, Anesthesia, Angelic_bookwoRm, Angry1, Ankhram, Ankopitch, Annalia, Annihilator, Anouris, AntiMoron, Anti_MacGyver, Antunar, Anubis 9, ApolloYK, Aramiss, Arantor, Arbiter, Arbuckle Jon, AresGodOfWar, ArgonZero, Argrus, Arkantos, Arkose Realgar, ArsianDuck, Arthur Dent, Artie Effham, Arya Stark, Asgaroth, Ashes, Asinine, AssHat, Asset_NoseGal, Astin, Astraea, Astronautty, Athanatos, AtlanteanScion, AtomicLobsters, Aubra, Augon, Autumn Rose, Avanar, Avatar, Avia, Aviendha, Axilla Schmutz, Aximili, Axoid, Ayatollah, Ayla, Azaling Six, Azdubriel Vekt, Azoun, Azrane, BAbyDufus, BB Karo, BMyers, BabaRam dAss, Babaganoosh, Babbat56, BabyGirlTigger05, Baby_Girl_1979_2005, Bad Hair Day, Bad Hat Harry, Badde Hugs, Badgerman of DOOM, Baethan, Bahke, Baka, Ballsworthy, Balzoid, BanditAlt, Baron von Chickenpants, Bart Logan, BatWinger, Battleduck, Baxter, Baythan, Bazo, Bearded Clam, Beastman4640, Beavis P_Ness, Beezu, Belli, Beren, Beswycke Bechamel, BetsyMcNasty, Betty Page, Biblio1, Biffle, Bifrons, Big Dave, BigBadWolf, Big_Mike_55, Bigba Dron, BigdoG, BigglesWorth, Biggysmalls, Bigquack, BinarySword, Bingohost_age, Birgette, Bitsy, Biznatch, Black Easterling, Black Swordsman, BlackEarthZERO, BlackOpsElf, BlackThunder, Blechbeard, BlindChaos13, Blizzard, Bloodwiggle Bob, BloodyStupidJohnson, BlowHarder, BlueBurro, BlueHawk, BlueThunder, Bluerockworld, Blurg, Bo Peep No Sheep, Bob the Joker, Bob_Pesterfello, Boberalla, Bobje Ratata, Bobofred, Boccolotti, Bombastus, BonesHurt, BongSwatMatt, Boo_Hiss, Boondog_Dan, BoozerBear, BoskWoman, BoxerBoy, Boyks, Boylestad, Brandon_The_Sage, Brandytook, BrassDogma, Braxi, BraydenKyler, Brew Geared, Brianna, Brick Chicken, BrickTracy, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Brirad, Brobdingna, Broken Golem, Bronzer, Bronzesse, BrvYnky, BubbaNDN, Bubblewrapper, Buckley, Buggs Piggy, Bullson, Burry, Busta Moves, ButterflyBabe, Butterz, Byron the Slug, C00L, CBParker, CK_, CaPiCoChEf, Caelith, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Caillean, CainTheGreat, CapHector, CapeKaptainKrunch, Caplin, CapnJackette, Cappy Carl, Captain Happy, CaptainRondo, CaptainSilly, Carbon_chicken, Carrec, Casteel, Castratiti_I_Pervertiti, Catan, Cathowl, Catypoo, Ceasarious, CecilBTurtle, Celebmacil, Celestria, CelticAire, Chainsaw, Channary, Chansey, Chaos_Rabbit, ChaotiX the Conquer, Chaotic Chili, Charasan, CharlesMartel, CharliePaige, Chartan, ChaseZ, ChasteGalahad, Chastity Faewood, Cheese Invader, CheezyGrits, Chef Wolfgang, Chelonia, Cherek, ChevellemanX, ChiaJY, Chichiking2, ChikenAngel, Chim, Chineselegolas, Chiori Blackember, Chondara, Chris182, Chrysalis, Chrysthanium, Clackling, Clan Cat, Clinger, Cloud Vaan, ClubbermanTk, Cobbee, Cobwebs, Cockerham, CodSmack, Colonel Canada, ComTechDave, CombatWombat, Conan the Numismatist, Coochie Coochie Coo, Corwin, Cosmosis Kwik, CoyoteGrrrl, CrAcksHoT, Craggle, CrashCoredump, Crashdummy1996, Crawford095, Crazy Sauce, CrazyMidget, CreOsOTe, Creinu, Crinkum Crankum, Croft, CrowManyClouds, Cruor Extrahorum, Cryanger, Cryptodira, Crystallina, CsCaudata, CyberTurtle, Cyphotrix, D L, DAMNEDguy, DGag453, DR YUK, Da Mullet, Daav, Dafro, Dah Cheese, Dahlie, DaisyDewk, DaisyMaesy, Dakios, Daltonator, Damascus, Damic, DanElectro, Dancin Fool, Dandypoof, Darien Ashcroft, Dark Frank, DarkLady, DarkNewton, DarkSpuddle, Dark_Future, Dark_Heart, Darkenmeat, Darkflame, Darknight123, DarthB1, DarthScorpian, Dawgpatch, Deadhound17, Death by Gnocchi, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Debs, Decomposer, DeeDee, Defman, Del the Finn, Delekahn, Delilah, Dement, Demeos_9999, Demonic, Der Zilla, DerMagus, Der_Koenig, Derrikan, Deshwitat, Dessalvara, Destaven Fireheart, Devan, Devine, Devlesa, Dhivael, DickLeaky, Dimack, DioLlama, Dire Seaslug, Disco Fire, Disco Lord Ross, DiseasedRiddenBarmaid, DiskoChick, Diss, Dizzit, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Doc Rock, DocValance, Doctor Fabolus, Doctor Nick, DoctorThaddeusPaine, DogBiscuit, Doktor Noodles, Domloid, DonPuza, Donutmaster, Doodleman1, Dootsie, Dorkzilla, Dornkus, Doryna, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Doxical, DoxieDog, Doz, Dr RedRum, DrBoneGagger, DrEvi1, DrWolf, Dr_Bruiser, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, DraconisUK, DragonDung, DragonKing, Dragoon Sage, Drathro, Dread Pirate Roberts1, Dreamthief, Drider, Drondh, Drool, DrunkDuckie, Dryhad, Duckyguy, Duena, Duhric, Dumpkins, Dun, Dursus_Rencius, Dvorak, Dweldy, Dytrppr, Dyzzyah, EEPiccolo, ELVIS PELVIS IS BACK, ERBC, EarWaxMax, Earl Good Boi, EbolaWoman, Ecchi_Kitty, Eddie Trojan, Edwin Falkirk, EggNogIceCream, Eglath, Eihachew, Eileen, El Lombris, El Pollo Diablo, El Trasero, ElGrande, ElVatoLoco, Elation, Elektra, ElementaryPenguin, Eleriand, Eleval, Elijah Baley, Elle Driver, Eloquent Rune, ElronBean, EmAragu, Emerilla, Enameless, Enigma, Eniteris, EpicLevelRegina, Eplixx, Erajia, Ereinion, Erik Raven, ErisDiscordia, ErsatzHipHop, Eseche, Eskemo, Etienne De Crunaeyere, Ev3r, EvaSaDiablo, Eve DE, Evil Moog, EvilGrapefruit, EvilJekyll, EvilPanda, EvilPieMistress, EvilTwinSkippy, EwokEater, EyeYam, Eyowzitgoin, FMguru, FUzzy moNKeY, FZero, FactWino, Fadecaw, FaeRiEDancer, FairyCharmed, Falcon01, Fallstonite, Fannypack, Faress, Fatbob, Faustus Fusilli, Fawfulhasfury, Fee, Feldhorn, Felicity, Fellatrix, Feminine Dave, Fenghuang, Fenric, FerretKnight, FiLLL, Fiddlemeister, Figfewdisgewd, Figmentia, Finngall, FireBlossom, Firestorm ZERO, FirmaMentalFalcon, FirstMateNora, Firvagor, Fish_and_Chips, FitzTheDestroyer, Five, Flailsquared, Fleegle, Flingo, FloydThe, Foamy The PastaMancer, FoneBone, FootStepsOfMeat, Forneus Brewer, Fossa, Foxy Boxy, FoxyMoxy, Framistan, FredRulz, Freddy Mercury, Frediablo, Free Martha, Frejman, Frenchy LeFrench, FrickityFrickFrickFrick, FriedFish, Froggie Legs, Fronobulax, Frozen Flame, Frxnix, Fryguy9, Fuegofrio, FufuBunnySlayer, Fuzzinskaya One Eye, GAH, GSX, Gaddse, Galapagos James, Galilee, Ganusay, Garnet Rene, Gassits Meat Ho, Gauln, Gawd uv Rawk, Gay Sauce, Gean Lynch, Gedren, Geenius, Gehanii Grimsane, Genbu Cosplayer and General Valt1
