Kara Rae

#784-dimensional fez2
#266ASCII shirt7
#1323Ancient Saucehelm2
#834Angelhair Culottes1
#570Argarggagarg's fang3
#69Aura Libre1
#27Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones (used)1
#27Ax of L'rose1
#55Aye Aye, Captain1
#27Baja sopapilla12
#843Bandolier of the Spaghetti Elemental1
#612Baron von Ratsworth's money clip1
#810Baron von Ratsworth's monocle15
🥈Big Candy's tophat1
#58Black Hole1
#143Bling of the New Wave8
#1369Bonerdagon necklace5
#27Boozehounds Anonymous token40
#96Bordeaux Marteaux1
#58Boris's key lime12
#229Boris's key lime pie4
#246Boss Bat bling14
#1244Boss Bat britches9
#30Brain Food Pastaco1
#94Bram's choker1
#827Breathetastic™ Premium Canned Air4
#1504Bulky Buddy Box1
#64Buttery Knob1
#191C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button3
#51Candy Alexander2
#32Caveman Dan's favorite rock2
#123Cherry Cloaca Cola14
#88Choco-Mint patty1
#198Claw of the Infernal Seal5
#63Cloaca grenade232
#555Cloaca-Cola c-rations6
#158Cloaca-Cola fatigues16
#112Cloaca-Cola helmet18
#138Cloaca-Cola shield16
#612Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife1
#15Cobra Bowl3
#281Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration1
#759Codpiece of the Goblin King10
#968Colander of Em-er'il3
#630Cold Hots candy6
#146Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket9
#227Cookbook of the Damned2
#153Copper Alpha of Sincerity16
#104Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket11
#168Corpse Island iced tea31
#84Crimbo salad7
#97Crimbo ukulele2
#926Crown of the Goblin King27
#35D roll265
#534Danglin' Chad's loincloth1
#347Disco 'Fro Pick8
#119Dogsgotnonoz pills2
#212Dolphin King's crown21
#176Dr. Hobo's scalpel20
#84Drac & Tan1
#518Drowsy Sword36
#52Drunken Astrophysicist2
#54Drunken Neurologist1
#58Dump Truck2
#161Dyspepsi grenade83
#654Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations4
#127Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues17
#123Dyspepsi-Cola helmet17
#494Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack4
#120Dyspepsi-Cola shield16
#54Earth, Wind and Firewater2
#177Eau de Guaneau3
#618El Sombrero De Lopez4
#264Elder Turtle Shell8
#654Elf Farm Raffle ticket1
#29Elizabeth's Dollie6
#346Elmley shades2
#26Energy Buzz Pastaco1
#136Everlasting Deckswabber3
#45Falcon™ Maltese Liquor1
#136Fantasma en la Máquina16
#392Feynman gate27
#78Flaming Knob1
#52Flying Caipiranha1
#292Frat Army FGF9
#196Frosty's nailbat1
#35Fuzzy Tentacle3
#337Gaia beads6
#777Galapagosian Cuisses1
#787Garter of the Turtle Poacher1
#91General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket13
#185Glass Balls of the Goblin King12
#41Gnomish sagngria1
#78Gold Velvet™ whiskey2
#45Golden Mean2
#68Good 'n' Slimy3
#105Goodfella contract528
#215Grateful Undead T-shirt2
#725Gravyskin Belt of the Sauceblob1
#46Green Burlap2
#895Green Clover of Justice2
#77Green Giant1
#37Green Muslin2
#41Green Velvet2
#24Grey Guanon2
#1149Heimandatz's heart1
#613Hell ramen1
#46Herring Wallbanger1
#40Highest Bitter1
#298Hippy Army MPE15
#711Instant Karma5
#1676Iron Beta of Industry1
#357Jarlsberg's earring4
#60Jarlsberg's key lime11
#302Jarlsberg's key lime pie2
#568Jolly Roger charrrm4
#692Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet1
#29Jungle Juice3
#228Knob Goblin elite shirt37
#497Knob Goblin harem veil6
#118Knob Goblin lunchbox14
#791Knob Goblin scimitar4
#217Knob pasty2
#178KoL Con 13 T-shirt1
#199Krakrox's Loincloth5
#131La Fantasma y La Oscuridad16
#329La Hebilla del Cinturón de Lopez4
#318Lederhosen of the Night4
#298Lockenstock™ sandals7
#39London frog1
#752Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet36
#253Mae West2
#345Marquis de Poivre soda6
#848Maxing, Relaxing1
#278Maxwell's Silver Hammer7
#416McMillicancuddy's Special Lager3
#100Meat detector6
#86Medicinal Herb's medicinal herbs114
#325Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler12
#36Miniborg beeper12
#87Miniborg hiveminder5
#105Miniborg laser5
#117Miniborg stomper5
#109Miniborg strangler5
#68Mint Yulep2
#43Miserable Pie1
#89Misty Cape26
#174Misty Cloak9
#251Misty Robe5
#272Mon Tiki2
#68Moonshine Mohobo1
#31More Humanitini than Humanitini4
#28Morlock's Mark Bourbon7
#76Mountain Stream soda1,140
#54New Zealand iced tea224
#158Newbiesport™ tent32
#726Newman's Own Trousers1
#853Nickel Gamma of Frugality4
#79Oh, the Humanitini1
#1271Orange Star of Sacrifice1
#67Orangemageddon wine cooler2
#308Orcish meat locker1
#306Order of the Silver Wossname2
#111Oreille Divisée brandy1
#187Oscus's dumpster waders1
#224PEEZ dispenser23
#388Penultimate Fantasy chest41
#476Pick-O-Matic lockpicks2
#818Pink Heart of Spirit1
#67Plague of Locusts1
#129Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket10
#56Professor What T-Shirt20
#113Psychotic Train wine4
#523Retenez L'Herbe Paté4
#134Rompedores de Fantasmas16
#259SPF 451 lip balm9
#118Saccharine Maple pendant1
#95Sacramento wine2
#514Safari Jack's moustache3
#82Sangria de Menthe1
#338Scalp of Gorgolok8
#927Senior Mints3
#117Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip6
#92Shot of the Living Dead1
#471Sinful Desires1
#63Sizzling Sinner1
#33Sloe Comfortable Zoo4
#395Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags2
#54Sneaky Pete's breath spray20
#58Sneaky Pete's key lime13
#151Sneaky Pete's key lime pie8
#862St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket5
#454Steal This Candy3
#46Stephen's lab coat6
#50T.U.R.D.S. Key42
#25Taco Dan's Basic Taco Dan Taco2
#729Taco Dan's Taco Stand Taco3
#100Tequiz Navidad1
#22The Art of Slapfighting (used)1
#434The Mariachi's guitar case4
#59Thinknerd Blind-Packed Toy5
#426Thwaitgold ant statuette3
#659Thwaitgold butterfly statuette2
#312Thwaitgold cockroach statuette2
#545Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette9
#673Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette5
#956Thwaitgold spider statuette1
#157Tropical Crimbo Hat1
#160Tropical Crimbo Shorts1
#189Tropical Crimbo Sword1
#199Typical Tavern swill39
#919Uncle Greenspan's Bathroom Finance Guide1
#102Valentine's Day cake5
#85Vodka Matryoshka1
#144Volartta's bellbottoms8
#553Wand of Nagamar8
#113Wet Russian2
#106White Hyborian1
#128Whoompa Fur Pants2
#1632Wint-O-Fresh mint2
#62Wrecked Generator3
#732Yakisoba's hat2
#746Yellow Moon of Compassion4
#618Zim Merman's guitar1
#121accordionoid rocca1
#76actual tapas9
#552adorable seal larva5
#39agnolotti arboli2
#14alien source code printout (used)1
🥇all-year sucker1
#1018ammonite fossil1
#152ancient oil painting of yourself1
#140ancient unspeakable fruitcake29
#117anniversary gift box10
🥈anniversary pewter cape1
#159annoying pitchfork16
#186ant hoe2
#98ant pick4
#79ant pitchfork6
#89ant rake6
#166ant sickle2
#248antique hand mirror16
#110antique machete7
#120around the world30
#118arrow'd heart balloon5
#104asbestos apron12
#92asbestos thermos1
#229astral mushroom57
#1619astronaut pants2
#1088atomic vector plotter1
#208baby killer bee45
#55baconstone pendant6
#1090badass belt50
#105badass pie1
#86badger badge2
#504bag of lard2
#389balloon monkey4
#109banjo kazoo mount1
#121baritone accordion1
#102barrel-aged martini1
#93bat-shaped Crimboween cookie12
#336batskin belt1
#49beach ball marble1
#282beanbag chair1
#455beaten-up Chucks1
#133beer-battered accordion1
#73beer-scented teddy bear15
#79beige clambroth marble1
#58berry-infused sake2
#1022bi-lateral logic compressor1
🥈biomechanical crimborg helmet1
🥈biomechanical crimborg leg armor1
#83birdbone corset4
#459bit of clingfilm9
#210black & tan12
#29black brandy2
#28black catseye marble1
#510black eyedrops1
#144black paisley oyster egg29
#189black plastic oyster egg22
#90black polka-dot oyster egg50
#258black spot3
#392black striped oyster egg13
#24blended frozen swill23
#518blind-packed capsule toy1
#11blind-packed die-cast metal toy1,239
#3305blob-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#74blood and blood2
#318blood-faced volleyball1
#59blood-red mushroom wine1
#92blue class ring48
#77blue grass22
#56blue paisley oyster egg42
#536blue plastic oyster egg9
#615blue polka-dot oyster egg7
#48blue striped oyster egg71
#61bobble-hip hula elf doll2
#428bone flute1
#64boot knife2
#668booty chest charrrm2
#106booze-soaked cherry5
#392bottle of Calcutta Emerald1
#378bottle of Definit1
#413bottle of Domesticated Turkey1
#386bottle of Jorge Sinsonte1
#400bottle of Lieutenant Freeman1
#175bottle of Mystic Shell5
#119bottle of antifreeze8
#313bottle of goofballs78
#83bottle of norwhiskey1
#213bottle of pirate juice4
#155bottle of realpagne3
#152bottle of rhinoceros hormones3
#109bottle of single-barrel whiskey9
#157bottle of wine1
#141bottlecap turtle1
#81bowl of eyeballs1
#570bowl of fishysoisse1
#61bowl of mummy guts2
#156bowling ball4
#363boxed champagne1
#397bread line1
#118breakfast mess37
#141breakfast miracle1
#41brocolate brogurt1
#232broken carburetor1
#228bronze breastplate7
#247brown crock marble1
#84browser cookie1
#176buñuelos Jaliscos5
#155bumblebee marble1
#639bunny liver4
#85burst hellseal brain149
#1020can of Binarrrca7
#71can of Drooling Monk1
#299can of V-111
#98can of spinach18
#362can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce25
#14candied bolts48
#16candied nuts40
#23candied sweet potatoes3
#339candied yams27
#3288candy cane4
#83candy cigarette35
#85candy knife2
#353candy stake16
#603cannonball charrrm3
#470capacitor relay23
#530carbon nanotube frame20
#77charrrm bracelet4
#53cheap cigar butt79
#998cheap toaster2
#921chef's hat2
#115children of the candy corn3
#258chintzy disco ball pendant3
#41chocolate Ogre Chieftain1
#715chocolate filthy lucre1
#98chocolate seal-clubbing club6
#23chocolate spurs24
#581chocolate-covered scarab beetle1
#303chrome crossbow2
#133chrome helmet turtle2
#429chrome staff1
#372chrome sword2
#68cinnamon troll doll1
#1149circular CRIMBCOOKIE2
#96clay peace-sign bead79
#127clockwork key12
#144clownskin harness2
#479club necklace14
#509cocoa egg17
#107cold mashed potatoes1
#131comfy pillow4
#883commemorative war stein1
#244communal gobstopper4
#52complex mushroom wine1
#805computronic processing unit2
#71cool jelly donut1
#201cool mushroom wine1
#645copper ha'penny charrrm2
#142corpse on the beach34
#87crystal skeleton vodka2
#920cyborg doll1
#1826cyborg stompin' boot1
#268cyclops eyedrops1
#14deactivated MicroMechaMech14
#1038dead guy's watch2
#112dead lights pie1
#103dead meat bun1
#208death blossom1
#70deck of tropical cards5
#147depleted uranium seal figurine5
#94dew yoana lei1
#52dew yoana salacious lei2
#316diamond necklace18
#851diamond-studded cane2
#128digital key lime4
#282digital key lime pie2
#482dire fudgesicle1
#666disassembled clover52
#129distilled fortified wine18
#107donkey flipbook7
#80double daisy5
#188double-barreled sling3
#54dream of a dog2
#764drum machine1
#1370drywall axe4
#381duct tape99
#54eXtreme Bi-Polar Fleece Vest33
#510eXtreme mittens5
#686easter egg balloon36
#150eldritch effluvium502
#91eldritch extract1
#224electrical thingamabob39
#152eleven-foot pole1
#75empty Cloaca-Cola bottle159
#944ennui-flavored potato chips5
#23enticing mayolus2
#138evil googly eye36
#598evil teddy bear22
#51exotic parrot egg1
#40extremely slippery nipple1
#591facsimile dictionary16
#100fake blood11
#71fancy but probably evil chocolate42
#1418fancy dress ball5
#223fat loot token13
#310fertilized ghuol egg1
#42fettucini épines Inconnu1
#323fettucini Inconnu1
#107figurine of a charred seal25
#487figurine of a cold seal10
#242figurine of a shadowy seal5
#87figurine of a sleek seal24
#113figurine of a slippery seal16
#641figurine of a stinking seal1
#81figurine of a wretched-looking seal15
#12figurine of an ancient seal200
#126filet of The Fish1
#384filthy lucre99
#743fine wine2
#220[2426]fire flower5
#101flaming glowsticks5
#323flaming mushroom wine1
#838flashing novelty button2
#133flask of Amontillado1
#91flat mushroom wine2
#281freezerburned ice cube1
#141frigid fudgepuck31
#81frigid mote9
#31frilly shirt16
#59frost flower6
#126frozen Mob Penguin19
#110fruit bowl3
#32fruity girl swill14
#729fudge lily2
#63fudge pocket square1
#105fudge-shaped hole in space-time2
#65fusilli marrownarrow1
#103future drug: Coolscaline18
#91future drug: Muscularactum22
#85future drug: Smartinex26
#311fuzzy busby9
#983fuzzy dice6
#347fuzzy earmuffs5
#183fuzzy montera16
#949garish pinky ring1
#444gearbox necklace2
#100ghost accordion1
#74ghost key7
#239ghost of a necklace18
#377ghost pickle on a stick2
#60ghost toga8
#481ghuol egg29
#816giant discarded bottlecap5
#1517giant discarded torn-up glove1
#98giant marshmallow4
#303giant pinky ring53
#182gilded ancient cursed key1
#130gin-soaked blotter paper6
#1655gingerbread bugbear9
#139gingerbread horror32
#110gingerbread robot6
#95gingham blouse3
#252glass of herbal tequila1
#277gloomy black mushroom12
#365gloomy mushroom wine1
#58gnawed-up dog bone1
#821goat beard1
#45gold Boozehounds Anonymous token30
#250gold wedding ring32
#408golden ring59
#1178googly eye9
#221goth kid t-shirt24
#27green bean casserole2
#1297green beer5
#118green clay bead104
#466green gummi ingot53
#36green smoke bomb100
#500gremlin juice2
#178grinning turtle1
#696grue egg38
#588grue egg omelette2
#103grungy flannel shirt8
#124guard turtle collar7
#193guard turtle shell12
#984guy made of bee pollen1
#328hamethyst necklace1
#184handful of Crotchety Pine needles1
#1077handful of confetti38
#367handful of hand chalk77
#132hardened slime belt1
#79hardened slime hat2
#31hardened slime pants5
#405harem girl t-shirt2
#639heart necklace11
🥇heart of dark chocolate1
#416heart of the volcano17
#29hellseal claw1,214
#50hellseal whisker500
#105hemp candy necklace6
#317herbal stuffing25
#490hideous egg3
#894high-resistance ultrapolymer plating2
#160holiday log1
#182honey stick1
#96hot mint schnocolate1
#178hot pink lipstick5
#306hovering sombrero1
#780hyperbolic plasma focuser2
#263hypodermic needle6
#50ice rice1
#39ice wine1
#29iceberg lettuce1
#209iced-out bling2
#275icy mushroom wine1
#57igloo pie2
#89imbued seal-blubber candle5
#15imitation crab zoea3
#1918immense cyborg hand2
#260imp unity ring7
#142incredible pizza1
#24infernal toilet brush7
#631ion grid18
#834ion-pulse modulation stabilizer2
#29irradiated pet snacks24
#123jet bennie marble1
#113jewelry-making pliers4
#61jive turkey leg53
#81karma shawarma1
#35keel-haulin' knife8
#131kickback cookbook5
#1093killing feather40
#147king cookie1
#341kneecapping stick43
#147knob mushroom wine1
#94knoll mushroom wine2
#58large tankard of ale1
#384laser-broiled pear23
#2180lavender paisley oyster egg1
#36lavender plastic oyster egg78
#475lavender polka-dot oyster egg6
#76law-abiding citizen cane7
#98lawn dart5
#686lead necklace8
#106legitimate business on the beach41
#174lemonade marble1
#94leprechaun hatchling5
#40letterman's jacket6
#18li'l candy corn costume8
#20li'l unicorn costume5
#432licorice root7
#148limburger biker boots3
#42linguini immondizia bianco2
#32liquid shifting time weirdness43
#40literal grasshopper1
#585logic synthesizer16
#55lucky lighter1
#259lucky rabbit's foot24
#1430macaroni duck1
#387magnifying glass1
#195makeshift crane1
#77mana-coated yams1
#345many-eyed glasses5
#250maple leaf2
#1984mauve paisley oyster egg1
#618mauve plastic oyster egg6
#939mauve polka-dot oyster egg3
#1233mauve striped oyster egg3
#335meatcar model1
#70meatspout staff2
#73melon-infused sake1
#85metal band T-shirt1
#71mid-level medieval mead1
#40midriff scrubs49
#117miniature carton of clove cigarettes5
#112miniature stuffed Goth Giant5
#468mojo filter1
#452molten brick1
#1765monomolecular yo-yo2
#120muffled muffuletta4
#164mushroom fermenting solution46
#31mutant gila monster egg1
#144mysterious silver lapel pin11
#965nanite-infested candy cane11
#210nanite-infested eggnog21
#249nanite-infested fruitcake17
#222nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear18
#1183nanofiber cloth1
#363natty blue ascot1
#54nut-shaped Crimbo cookie15
#2031obsidian dagger5
#69occult jelly donut1
#876off-white paisley oyster egg2
#68off-white plastic oyster egg41
#406off-white polka-dot oyster egg8
#216off-white striped oyster egg13
#188old school flying disc2
#438old sweatpants174
🥇old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie1
#157orange peel hat3
#137orcish stud-finder2
#179ornate ancient cursed key1
#133ornate picture frame17
#52overpowering mushroom wine1
#885oversized fish scaler6
#296oyster basket14
#275pack of KWE trading card11
#161packet of tofurkey gravy1
#127palm-frond cloak2
#15palm-frond toupee30
#122pants of the Slug Lord29
#401paranormal ricotta1
#274pat-a-cake pendant4
#95pawn cookie3
#84peace accordion1
#85pentatonic accordion1
#83perfect old-fashioned1
#523personalized birthday cake3
#2035pet rock2
#39petit 4.117
#430petit fortran2
#151pewter claymore1
#59phish stick18
#205pie man was not meant to eat10
#157pile of gold coins14
#114pink clay bead182
#387pink glowstick6
#517pirate shirt2
#35pixel beer3
#2047pixellated candy heart1
#166plastic ingot52
#329plexiglass pikestaff1
#17plush mutated alielephant1
#654polyalloy shield6
#159pool cue50
#56popular tart12
#175pork elf goodies sack44
#273porquoise bracelet1
#149porquoise necklace2
#937portable corkscrew6
#79potato sprout20
#854powdered candy sushi set1
#46pregnant gloomy black mushroom4
#391pretty flower355
#43prosthetic forehead27
#337prussian cathouse1
#130puce paisley oyster egg16
#194puce plastic oyster egg17
#29puce polka-dot oyster egg86
#253puce striped oyster egg10
#27punk rock jacket129
#139purple clay bead33
#1068quantum polarity inducer1
#613quasi-ethereal macaroni fragments1
#10rack of dinosaur ribs53
#977radium-flavored potato chips5
#59raw turkey1
#1796razor-tipped yo-yo2
#324really dense meat stack20
#1005recursive spline reticulator1
#217red China marble1
#43red book13
#119red class ring156
#54red coat5
#505red gummi ingot42
#471red paisley oyster egg7
#1391red plastic oyster egg3
#1458red polka-dot oyster egg2
#58red shirt5
#1647red striped oyster egg1
#199reflection of a map2
#45reusable shopping bag1
#843reverse-oscillating klystron2
#190rewinged stab bat4
#63rhesus monkey15
#807rib of the Bonerdagon2
#274ribbon candy3
#163ring of Detect Boring Doors1
#721ring of half-assed regeneration3
#919robotronic egg30
#1815rogue swarmer32
#731roll of toilet paper88
#55rook cookie2
#462rubber WWBD? bracelet15
#481rubber WWJD? bracelet15
#368rubber WWSPD? bracelet18
#534rum barrel charrrm1
#596rusty chain necklace3
#179sabre-toothed lime cub7
#356salamander spleen25
#1377sawblade fragment40
#436sawblade shield6
#39scary death orb3
#20scotch on the rocks78
#187screwing pooch1
#1301scroll of pasta summoning2
#121seal lube2
#14seal-blubber candle415
#25sealhide belt5
#24sealhide buckler6
#22sealhide cloak6
#22sealhide gloves6
#22sealhide hood6
#20sealhide leggings6
#23sealhide moccasins5
#12sealhide seal doll383
#14sealhide snare168
#24sealhide whip5
#1088servomechanical torsion facilitator1
#149severed flipper1
#273shiny butcherknife3
#665shiny ring37
#287shiny stones8
#247shot of mescal1
#57shrapnel jelly donut1
#81shredded hellseal hide145
#84silver cheese-slicer2
#95silver salt-shaker2
#151silver shrimp fork15
#646silver tongue charrrm2
#35single entendre1
#100single swig of vodka1
#25six pack of Mountain Stream1,133
#79six-pack of New Cloaca-Cola3
#991skeleton bone10
#204skeleton key40
#198skeleton key ring4
#422skull of the Bonerdagon1
#441skull-shaped Crimboween cookie4
#61skulldozer egg1
#94slap and slap again1
#57sleep mask2
#849sleeping snowy owl2
#171slime convention swag bag3
#216smiling rat1
#72smoking talon1
#26smut orc keepsake box42
#34snailmail coif1
#43snailmail hauberk1
#397snarling wolf shield1
#120soap knife5
#86soft green echo eyedrop antidote martini2
#66software glitch1
#583solid gold bowling ball30
#16solid shifting time weirdness9
#179space beast fur6
#699spade necklace10
#90spaghetti cult mask16
#51spaghetti cult rosary25
#354spaghetti with Skullheads1
#43spaghetti with ghost balls2
#204spangly mariachi pants2
#214spangly mariachi vest1
#149spangly sombrero4
#302spark plug earring3
#860spectre scepter37
#452spiked femur5
#99spiritual candy cane3
#97spiritual eggnog3
#193spiritual fruitcake2
#190spiritual gingerbread2
#49sponge cake23
#168spooky bicycle chain12
#217spooky cosmetics bag10
#196spooky eggnog21
#1094spooky felt7
#1007spooky length of string9
#107spooky mushroom wine4
#444spooky pirate skeleton3
#942spooky stick3
#682spooky stuffing8
#172spooky toy wheel29
#1325spooky wooden block3
#993squashed frog2
#1282stainless steel scarf2
#1403stainless steel shillelagh3
#933stainless steel skullcap4
#1706stainless steel slacks2
#1863stainless steel solitaire1
#122star key lime3
#62star key lime pie22
#136star starfish3
#61steely marble1
#251stinky mushroom wine1
#116stolen necklace2
#426stolen office supplies1
#79stomach turnover1
#225strawberry supersucker1
#792stray chihuahua3
#450string of blue beads26
#618string of green beads20
#351string of red beads31
#1194stringy sinew6
#2010stuffed Baron von Ratsworth12
#482stuffed Cheshire bitten85
#574stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech77
#1676stuffed Meat19
#1829stuffed alien blob3
#522stuffed angry cow83
#554stuffed astral badger82
#565stuffed baby gravy fairy81
#7697stuffed cocoabo2
#479stuffed flaming gravy fairy89
#565stuffed frozen gravy fairy81
#418stuffed hand turkey96
#1872stuffed key10
#1466stuffed martini3
#631stuffed mind flayer74
#1536stuffed mink22
#1690stuffed monocle19
#498stuffed scary death orb87
#1924stuffed shoulder parrot9
#484stuffed sleazy gravy fairy89
#414stuffed snowy owl96
#509stuffed spooky gravy fairy87
#771stuffed spooky mushroom11
#511stuffed stinky gravy fairy84
#1766stuffed teddy butler17
#2094stuffed tin of caviar11
#1588stuffed treasure chest17
#399stuffed undead elbow macaroni98
#776sub-molecular interocitor2
#269sucker bucket1
#256sucker hakama1
#219sucker kabuto1
#720sucker scaffold2
#278sucker tachi1
#17sucky decal66
#54suggestive strozzapreti1
#504sunken chest20
#73superheated fudge67
#82surgical apron5
#736sweet mochi ball6
#171sword behind inappropriate prepositions2
#102tangle of rat tails3
#384targeting chip1
#75tasteful black bow tie1
#40tasty tart39
#89tattered scrap of paper100
#812teddy borg9
#19teeny-tiny magic scroll19
#49tempura avocado1
#48tempura green and red bean1
#261teqiwila slammer1
#35thanksgiving turkey1
#298thermos full of Knob coffee2
#61throwing candy32
#46thyme jelly donut3
🥇time sleigh1
#71tin of submardines1
#411tiny balloon knife1
#67tiny bowler19
#938tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer1
#957tiny die-cast CrimboTown Toy Factory1
#938tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer1
#612tiny die-cast Don Crimbo1
#930tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer1
#602tiny die-cast Father Crimbo1
#633tiny die-cast Father Crimborg1
#932tiny die-cast Grumpy the Reindeer1
#929tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer1
#613tiny die-cast Rudolphus of Crimborg1
#935tiny die-cast Sleepy the Reindeer1
#947tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer1
#565tiny die-cast Swiss hen1
#591tiny die-cast Uncle Hobo1
#941tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign1
#939tiny die-cast Zeppo the Reindeer1
#563tiny die-cast arc-welding Elfborg1
#593tiny die-cast blade a-spinning1
#586tiny die-cast death ray in a pear tree1
#953tiny die-cast factory worker elf1
#928tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf1
#554tiny die-cast golden ring1
#569tiny die-cast goose a-laying1
#550tiny die-cast killing bird1
#950tiny die-cast middle-management elf1
#951tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf1
#581tiny die-cast ribbon-cutting Elfborg1
#940tiny die-cast stocking-stuffer elf1
#552tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming1
#567tiny die-cast turtle mech1
#201tiny knife and fork3
#31tiny maracas14
#3991tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf1
#95tiny plastic Big Candy3
#3945tiny plastic Black Knight1
#3179tiny plastic Bonerdagon1
#8195tiny plastic Cheshire bat1
#88tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva1
#87tiny plastic Crimborgatron1
#197tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram6
#3125tiny plastic Felonia1
#103tiny plastic Fudge Wizard3
#3834tiny plastic G Imp1
#175tiny plastic GORM-81
#88tiny plastic Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej1
#3886tiny plastic Iiti Kitty1
#794tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker1
#59tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S.3
#3874tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl1
#3916tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist1
#83tiny plastic Rudolph the Red1
#151tiny plastic Scream Queen7
#3895tiny plastic Spunky Princess1
#91tiny plastic Tammy the Tambourine Elf1
#99tiny plastic Toybot2
#2760tiny plastic XXX pr0n2
#114tiny plastic abominable fudgeman3
#4544tiny plastic accordion thief1
#303tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll5
#8217tiny plastic angry goat1
#3943tiny plastic anime smiley1
#3978tiny plastic apathetic lizardman1
#8256tiny plastic baby gravy fairy1
#8131tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#4482tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#8180tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#3927tiny plastic blooper1
#3958tiny plastic brainsweeper1
#3912tiny plastic briefcase bat1
#8100tiny plastic cocoabo1
#8224tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#77tiny plastic colollilossus4
#3940tiny plastic demoninja1
#4500tiny plastic disco bandit1
#3912tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker1
#8156tiny plastic fuzzy dice1
#8194tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#8099tiny plastic ghuol whelp1
#195tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire7
#8064tiny plastic grue1
#3897tiny plastic handsome mariachi1
#4599tiny plastic hermit1
#8132tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#8073tiny plastic killer bee1
#3893tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box1
#8203tiny plastic leprechaun1
#8105tiny plastic levitating potato1
#8118tiny plastic mosquito1
#8104tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime1
#4467tiny plastic sauceror1
#3896tiny plastic scary clown1
#4452tiny plastic seal clubber1
#268tiny plastic skeletal reindeer5
#8228tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#3939tiny plastic spooky vampire1
#6132tiny plastic stab bat2
#6172tiny plastic star starfish2
#3863tiny plastic topiary golem1
#83tiny plastic trollipop4
#66tiny plastic warbear3
#60tiny plastic warbear fortress3
#3875tiny plastic warwelf1
#3854tiny plastic whitesnake1
#3851tiny plastic zmobie1
#344tiny shaker of salt7
#30toast with spooky jelly1
#76toasted brie1
#80tobiko-infused sake2
#544tofurkey gravy16
#759tofurkey leg11
#111tofurkey nugget2
#158tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie9
#603toothsome rock16
#128topiary nugglet8
#80torn hellseal sinew155
#553toy crazy train16
#2209toy jet pack1
#1116toy mercenary4
#1815toy ray gun2
#517toy soldier3
#1722toy space helmet2
#216transparent nog2
#1608tree-eating kite10
#828trilobite fossil2
🥇tropical Crimbo pressie1
#599tropical paperweight1
#18tropical swill30
#388tropical wrapping paper3
#225tube of cranberry Go-Goo1
#259tube sock2
#46turtling rod3
#184tuxedo shirt1
#46twitching time capsule16
#133una poca de gracia4
#72unnatural gas4
#76unquiet spirits28
#28unrefined Mountain Stream syrup1,110
#101unrequired jacket1
#2125unstable laser battery23
#1355untamable turtle1
#377unusual disco ball7
#79unwound clockwork grapefruit2
#602valuable trinket122
#287vampire collar6
#1601vampire duck-on-a-string3
#506vertebra of the Bonerdagon20
#77very hot lunch1
#120very overdue library book5
#1266vibrating cyborg knife6
#591viking helmet10
#119vitachoconutriment capsule35
#31vodka stinger1
🥇wand of fudge control1
#438warbear beeping telegram1
#308warbear drone assembler1
#106warbear feasting mead6
#198warbear oil pan1
#364warbear procedural hilarity drone2
#420warbear robo-camouflage unit1
#356warbear whosit287
#32warm gravy1
#31wax pancake1
#119white Xanadian4
#113white class ring98
#188white hat hacker T-shirt7
#360white rice2
#91willowy bonnet1
#831wind-up meatcar1
#1065wintergreen-flavored potato chips2
#896worthless gewgaw1
#591wreath of laurels1
#325wrench bracelet10
#337yellow brick road1
#465yellow gummi ingot54
#34yellow paisley oyster egg69
#116yellow plastic oyster egg36
#17yellow polka-dot oyster egg100
#1637yellow striped oyster egg1

Wow, that's 25,212 items total!

what items are this player missing?