biomechanical crimborg leg armor

biomechanical crimborg leg armor

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This is a combination of exoskeleton, leg armor, and naughty-bits-cover-upper. It's bulletproof, shockproof, fireproof, 50 proof, and rampaging-lemur-proof. I guess they had to cover all the bases, or something. Usually these things come in either red or blue, but this one's painted a festive red and green.

🥇Muffy the werewulf SLAPper2
🥈A Gressive Coffee Addict, A Player, A Tiny Plastic Puddle, ACMuseum, AClanIsWeBot, AJ_Rimmer, APOCALYPSE THROB, ARgon07, ARthuR the human, A_P_Vladimir, Abascis the Sweaty, Abbadon, Abiku, Abnegazzar, AboycalledKill, Abramul, Absolute Bastard, AbsoluteZero, Acarpous, Accordion Abuser, AccordionBoy, AccordionStu, Ace Palarum, AceLogan, Acheran, Achernar, AcornRivr, Adam1WPI, Adamantois, Adatur, AdraLamia, Aduial, Aeann, Aegis Black, Aeodan, Aeralis, Aere0n, Aerin Frost, AeriusPrimus, Aesi, Aestro, Aetuneo, Afrogumby, AgLining, Agapanthus, Agburanar, Agent006, AgnostiK, Airianna, Airika, Akeldama, Akieal, Akros, AkumaExtreme, Al Alizzeza, Al_Diablo, Alakeni, AleCross, AlenAlda, Alex Spence, Alex the Best, Alexander Blackthorne, Alexandra Knight, Alf, Algen, Algor_Langeaux, AliceCat, AlienMarky, Alldarker, Allora, AlmAlphiA, Almar Zamasee, AlmostMeek, Alqarine, Althalus Kirvar, AltheWeird, Altoid, Altrissa, Ama LaRia, AmaraMagma, Amaya_the_Llama, AmishRebel, Amlethus, Ana, Anal Intruder, AnantA, Anastasia Blackthorne, AnchoPete, Anchovy, Ancient Cheese, Ancientofearth, Ander Exelion, Andis, Androcles Antepasta, Andyzero, Anesthesia, Angry1, AngrySeal, Angua von Uberwald, AnkleHumpingHampster, Ankopitch, Ankorite, Anne with an e, Annihilator, Another Account, Anouris, Anta, Antfattener, AntiMoron, Antoids, Anton LeTigre, Antunar, Anuvar, AnxiousHyrax, ApolloYK, Applesauce Bitch, Appleseed, Arbiter, Archeaus, Archipelago71, Arckanghel, AresGodOfWar, Arithil, Arkantos, Arket, Arkose Realgar, Aro CantCatchABreak, Aroura, Arsenal, ArsianDuck, Arska, ArtemisDove, Arthur Dent, Artie Effham, Arutha, Aryies, Asdfghx, Ashallond, Ashes, Ashfox, AsiTtlEr, Asimantos, Asinine, Aslyn2, Asmyr, Ass Pounder, AssClown, AssHat, Asset_NoseGal, Asterdw, Asterea, Astraea, Astraios, Astrane, Astrid Haven, AtalayaLeda, Atan, Athanatos, Atronach, Attila, Augon, AuntBeast, Auntie Fey, Autumn1983, Avanar, Avia, Awkes, Awnnree Bastiche, Axilla Schmutz, Aximili, Ayatollah, Ayslumreject, Azaling Six, Azarael, Azatoth_Zombie, Azoun, Azrane, Azreal, BB Karo, BIG DICK, BMW, BWF Jeff, BaDumBum, Babaganoosh, Babbat56, BabyDragon26, BabyScarface, BabySmasher, Bacchus, Bad Hat Harry, BadTrillian, Badgerus, Bahke, Bahu, Baka, Bala_Shark, Baldwin, Balzo Fyer, Balzoid, Bank of KoL, Bank of Muush, Baranduin, Barbaras, Barbarian, BarbarianBob77, Barnes, Baron von Chickenpants, Barsteward Raz, Bartender_1, Barton26, Bastil, Batda Nojac, Baxter, Bearskinrug, Beatrice_Douche, Becca_007, BeefThief, BeerHead, BeerSandwich, Belero, Belgarion670, Bellona Kai, BenzDoc, Beren, Berith, Berserkas, Bester, Betafish99, BetsyMcNasty, Betty Page, Betty Wrong, Bibicu, Biff Demiclaws, Biffle, Big Al, Big Boss, Big Dave, BigBadWolf, BigSchtick, Bigba Dron, Bigbadbongo, Bigquack, Bigun, BikeThief, BillDaKat, Binaanne, Bingohost_age, Biohazzard, Bitter Hawk, Biznatch, BlaDeeBlah, Black Belt, Black Easterling, Black Swordsman, BlackEarthZERO, BlackGhost420, BlackShield, BlackThunder, BlackVelveteen, Blanky, Blechbeard, Bleys1, BlindChaos13, BlindMonk, BlindOne, BlodeV2, BloodDoner, Bloodlust, Bloody Sam Hackham, Bloodyfish, BlowHarder, BlubberyBlue, BlueBurro, BlueThunder, BlueWasabi, Bluecoat90, Bluerockworld, Blzbob, BmR, Bo Peep No Sheep, Bob Dole, Bob_Pesterfello, BobaJames, BobbieG, Bobby5, BobbyNoPants, Boberalla, Bobje Ratata, Boboe, Boccolotti, Bogtha, BoiRDee, Bomby, Bonepuppet, BonerCrusher, Boogiecleaver, Boondog_Dan, Boozetron, Boredom Man, BorisTheSpider, Bork, Bors, BoskWoman, Boxwood, Bradley Morris, BranNew, Brandalf, Brandizzle, BrandonMarlo, Brandy_Alexander, Braska, BrassDogma, BraveSirRobin, Braxi, Breizel, Brian Whalen, Brick Chicken, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Briguile, Brinkyhats, Brirad, Broche, Broly_13, BronMac, Brone Filius, Brownstar Tickler, Bruleemix, Buaya, Bubba9265, BubbaNDN, Bubblewrapper, Bubo, BuckNaked, Buckley, Bufferin Head, Buggs Piggy, Bulletproof, Bunegeria, Bungee, Burning Monkey, BurntKechup5, Busch Light, Bushwiggler, ButterLugs, Butterz, BuyMEaRound, Buzzbuzz, C00L, C2H5OH, CA Dude, CBParker, CMOT Dibbler, CaPiCoChEf, CaesarSandy, CafeBabe, Caillean, CainTheGreat, CaitiffsEros, Caldric, Camlost, Canada Joe101, Cantryboy, CapHector, Capn Gnarly, Capn Stabby, Capn Tie, Captain Stupendous, Captain Yaksworth, CaptainChaos, CaptainSilly, CaptainSnarge, CaptainSpam, Carais, CarbonBased, Carmen, Carny Asada, Carrec, CartoonDog, Cashflake, Casteel, Castle Greycat, Castratiti_I_Pervertiti, Catalina, Catan, Cathowl, Caustic Soda, Caya, Ceasar Slaad, CecilBTurtle, Ceelgohsplatt, Celebmacil, Cellsminions, Cendiane, Cerberus111188, Cerebrum, Chansey, Chaos_Rabbit, Chaosrelic, ChaoticGalen, Charha, CharliePaige, ChaseZ, Chasing, ChasteGalahad, Chazriel, CheGuevara, Cheeseboyardee, Cheesecakeman, Cheesemeister, Cheesy One, CheezyGrits, Chef Jeff, Chef Raz, Chef Wolfgang, Chelonia, ChevellemanX, Chewbud, Chi, Chicken n Dumplings, Chickenbox, Chickenfroogle, ChiefWelliger, ChikenAngel, Chim, Chinchilla Rancher, ChipotleChuck, Chocomeister, Chorleywood, Chownzy, Christian Klauser, ChristieBunny, Christoph, Chrysthanium, Chucknorris_666, ChumpChange, Chunky_boo, Chuzza, Cicadalek, Cienheridas, Circaea, Circe, Claudia_Balzac, Cleo, Clinto_Bean, Cloakblade, Clown420, Clown_Loach, Club, Clubbrz L337, Clumsy, Cnorgard, Cobra8644, Cobwebs, Cockerham, Cocomotion, CodSmack, CofLBelgarion, Coldrain, Colonel Canada, Colympian, ComTechDave, CombatWombat, Communist China, Conan the Numismatist, Coochie Coochie Coo, Coogi Hat, Cordum, Corielle, Corisey, Corlain, Cosmosis Kwik, CouncilOfLoathing, CowKiller, Cowbell, Coy_Celine, CrackMaster 3000, Craggle, CrankyYankee, CrashCoredump, CrassMandoo, Crawldad, Crazy Bob, Crazy Sauce, CreOsOTe, Cricket McGee, Crimbomaster918, Crinkum Crankum, Cristop, Croft, Crumpet, Crysalim, Crystal Luna, Cucumber Stan, Cupcakes of Hell, Curt, Cuz, CyberTurtle, Cyphotrix, Cyrilis, Cysteine, Czuki Czyzz, D0rk, D3tox, DISCokeir, DJRubberducky, DUMb_Pinhead, DaBaddestHic, DaEffinGleezus, Dadacanaidu, Daeren, DaffodilReborn, Dafro, Daigotsu_Soetsu, DaisyMaesy, Daisy_Dukes, Dakios, Dalton Hilliard, Daltonator, Damic, Dan Pygoscelis, Dan The Third, DanBob, DanElectro, Danger, Danielle Marie, Dankia_Talos, Dannyb0y, Dante Kinkade, DanteDim, Daphen, Darama, Darene, Dark Warrior, DarkMaiden, DarkNewton, Dark_Seriphim, Darkenmeat, Darmut eDrien, Daron, Darth, Darth Elmo, DarthScorpian, DarthTater5, DarthThaddeus, DasFrannen, DataVortex, DaveSteve, Davyboy, Dawgpatch, Dawnn, Daywalker, Dcglenn, Dead_Phoenix, DeathAngel, DeathEmperor, DeathKnight668, DeathNight, DeathToRudy, Deathmax, Deathridge, Deatvert, Debs, Decil, Decomposer, DeejValen, Deeliteful, Deeter, Defenestrating_Professor, Deimos, Deke, Delekahn, Delia Darby, Delilah, Deman95, Dement, Dementai, Demicanadian, Demius, Demonic, Der Zilla, Der_Koenig, Deranged Cat, DesertMagic, Deshwitat, Dessalvara, Destaven Fireheart, Deth Halo, DevNull657, Devan, Devdogg, DevilCreme, Devine, Devlesa, Diamond Stud, Dibbin, DickLeaky, Dierdra, Dihard, Dimack, Dingo69, DioLlama, Dirk Gently, Dirty Immigrant, Dis Coban Dit, DisComBoBulAteD, Disco Bandit, Disco Dancing, Disco Fire, Disco Lord Ross, Disco Princess, Disco Sam, DiscoFevaDiva, DiscoGrim, DiscoKiller, DiscordantSong, DiskoChick, Disneeyore, Disneeyore1, Disposable Hero, Dissonus, Dizhei, Dizzit, Dizzy Flores, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, DocSauce, Doctor Fabolus, Doctor Jones, Doctor Nick, DoctorMcMinty, Dodgy Git, Dogbonius, Don Quai Poncerello, Donkey Forker, Donny The Retard, Doodleman1, Doogmonger, DoomKnight2, Dorkzilla, Dough123, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Doxical, DoxieDog, Doz, Dr NutButter, Dr RedRum, DrEvi1, DrTee, DrWolf, Dr_Bruiser, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Drachefly, DraconisUK, Drade, DragnMaster8, DragonDung, Dragons Midnight, Drar, Draven, DreamertK, Drew Carey, DrewT, Drewsie, Drider, Drondh, DropShock, DrunkDuckie, DrunkenBob, DuRhone, DuckApe, Duckie Sweetleaf, Duena, Duffkiligan, Dumpkins, Dun, Dungy, Duo245, Durf, Duriel_89, Duty, Dweldy, Dyad, Dyann, Dytrppr, Dyzzyah, EEPiccolo, EarL LLama, EarWaxMax, Earl Good Boi, Ebola, Ecce Idle, Ecchi_Kitty, Eddie Fantastic, Eddie Trojan, Edgy, Efelo, EhSteve, Ehm Cue, Eiesser, Eihachew, Eileen, Einherjar, Eisbrecher, Ekeinos, El Dude, El Lombris, El Trasero, El Vibrato, Elcid_Barrett, Electro, Elektra, Eleriand, Eleval, Eliahna, Elijah Baley, Elixir, Elle Driver, Ellos, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Eloquent Rune, ElroyJetson, EmKay, Emerilla, EmoReject, Enameless, Ender, Enevhar, Engorged Weapon, Enigma, Eniteris, Enkidubious, Entwhistle, Enzian, Eoghnved, Ephraim, Equestrian, Er_Murazor, Erectorious Maximous, Ereinion, Erik Raven, Erindrea, ErisDiscordia, Eroquin, ErstwhileWarrior, Eseche, EtchASketch, Euan McLeod, Eve DE, Evil Moog, EvilKOLBot, EvilPanda, EvilTwinSkippy, Evil_Angry_Hobo, Evincar, Exavier Zelock, Exhibit A, Extirpator, FMguru, FUzzy moNKeY, Fadecaw, FairyCharmed, Faizah, Falcon01, Falcos, Falinda, Falkirk Castle, Fallen2004, Fallstonite, FalseNames, Fannypack, FantasticSpandex, FarceFenrir, Faress, FatQuack, FatQuack2, FauxPasIII, Fawfulhasfury, Fegan, Fellatrix, Fellene, Felyndaer, FengShuiNinja, Fenric, Ferrex, FettucineQueenie, FiLLL, Ficlogic, Fiddlemeister, Fiddlershare, Fiery1, Figmentia, Filmore, Finngall, FireBlossom, Firebyrdx, Firheruwen, FirstMateNora, Firvagor, Fish, Fitje, Five, Flaming Gummi Ork, Flammo, Flanders, FlawlessWalrus, Flingo, FluffyThumbTacks, Flurry, Fokai, FoneBone, FootStepsOfMeat, Forehead69, Forex, Fork Pastawalker, Forneus Brewer, ForteSP, Foryst, Foxy Boxy, FoxyMoxy, Framistan, FranDeNut, Franco the Corsair, FrankNBeans, Fraxinus, Fred Nefler, FredRulz, Fredmaehn, Fredric Von Dothelmyer, Freman, Fremen, Frenchy LeFrench, FriedFish, FriedTofu, Friend of Gamera, Frisbee, Frita Bandita, Frobisher, Frodo Ramone, Froggie Legs, Fronobulax, FrostbiteXIII, Frozen Flame, Frumious B, Frxnix, FuManchu, Fuegofrio, Funky Freep, FurryBird, FurryPanther, Fury Some, Fylgia, GAH, GMK, GSX, GadTheHero, Gaephrius, Gaffa, Gaijin_Grl, Galapagos James, Galilee, Gannet Swift, Ganusay, Garath_McGrath, GarlicGrim, Garnet Rene, Gauln, Gaunt, Gazan, Geenius, Gehanii Grimsane, Geige_Meister, Geldar, Genbu Cosplayer, GeneralStark, General_Kurt, Generic Hero, Genius, Geologygirl, George P Burdell, Gerbilman, Ghorroj, Giantsumatranrat, Giffca, Gigglii, Gillie, Gillis, Gingdingthing, Glamhag, GleepGlopGluup, Gleezus, Glitch 319, Glsbnewt1, Gnakgnim, Gnocci Man, Gnomam, Gnomesquid, Gnut, Gobberwart, Goblingrin II, Godspeed, Gogglz, Golden Stew, Goldiechick, Goldorak, Gonain, Gone, Goo Goo, Goobertina, GoodEats, Goopy Goober, Gordon McStats, Gorgoth the Unmaker, Gorillo, Gork Grom, Gortsaus, Gouku, Gozgim, GpHerder, Gracefire, Graev, Grahf616, Grandpa_Jeb, Grayson, Grchwrkz, Gredashe, GreenAiden555, GreyBeer, Greycloak, Greylin, Greystoke, Greywords, Griffin77777, Grimm Tooth, Grinder, Grippingworm, GroggBeoir, Grogum, Grokly, Grosspointte, Gruh, GruntPuppy, Guchuko, Guimoiun, Guinevere, Gumbyman, Gumog, GunnarKarotte, Gustalph, Guwuffle, GuyWith4Arms, Gwenhwyfar, HAEDUS, HOldeRofSecrEts, Ha1Ha1Ha, Hagen Black, Hairshirt, Hakaiya, Hale_Yeah, HalfManHalfMachine, HaliBoranje, Hallan Meras, Halueth, HammeredOne, Hamon, Hanna, HansGruber, Happy Squirrel, HappyHead, HappyJ, Hard Day Eh, Hare Raiser, Hareless, Harleagh, Harry Pesto, HastaLaPasta, HatshepsutLecter, Havoc Jack, Hawkie, Hawksmoor, Head_Moid, Headlock, Heady, Hearshys, HedwARDs, Heffed, HelbaQ, HellFyre, Hellbear88, Hellkudus, Hen3ry, Henrietta Hustler, Hero of the Lidless, Hetchman, Hi132, HideInMyShell, Higardi, High Tower, Highwaywoman and Hippie Boy1
