#921 | 7-Foot Dwarven mattock | 1 |
#2708 | Baron von Ratsworth's monocle | 3 |
#1487 | Cloaca-Cola fatigues | 1 |
#1419 | Cloaca-Cola helmet | 1 |
#1429 | Cloaca-Cola shield | 1 |
#1406 | Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues | 1 |
#1417 | Dyspepsi-Cola helmet | 1 |
#1376 | Dyspepsi-Cola shield | 1 |
#2385 | Elder Turtle Shell | 1 |
#1008 | Feng Shui for Big Dumb Idiots | 1 |
#1166 | Feynman gate | 5 |
#991 | Knob Goblin elite helm | 1 |
#997 | Knob Goblin elite pants | 1 |
#973 | Knob Goblin elite polearm | 1 |
#1007 | Knob Goblin harem pants | 1 |
#997 | Knob Goblin harem veil | 1 |
#669 | LED block | 1 |
#3362 | Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet | 2 |
#845 | Orcish baseball cap | 1 |
#794 | Orcish cargo shorts | 1 |
#785 | Orcish frat-paddle | 1 |
#1611 | Scalp of Gorgolok | 2 |
🥈 | The Spirit of Crimbo | 1 |
#60 | Tropical Crimbo Sword | 2 |
#1250 | Uncle Crimbo's Rations | 1 |
#761 | Wand of Nagamar | 4 |
#1252 | ancient unspeakable fruitcake | 5 |
#227 | anniversary chutney sculpture | 1 |
#887 | antique greaves | 1 |
#899 | antique helmet | 1 |
#906 | antique shield | 1 |
#949 | antique spear | 1 |
#430 | balaclava | 1 |
#1062 | battered Crimbo Crate | 5 |
#673 | beer helmet | 1 |
#745 | bejeweled pledge pin | 1 |
#438 | bi-lateral logic compressor | 7 |
#1007 | big red clown nose | 1 |
🥈 | biomechanical crimborg leg armor | 1 |
#694 | black greaves | 1 |
#695 | black helmet | 1 |
#667 | black shield | 1 |
#726 | black sword | 1 |
#925 | blob-shaped Crimbo cookie | 7 |
#964 | bloody clown pants | 1 |
#3304 | bottle of goofballs | 4 |
#591 | bullet-proof corduroys | 1 |
#2745 | candy cane | 6 |
#704 | candy kneecapping stick | 4 |
#666 | candy knuckles | 4 |
#1784 | candy stake | 4 |
#1215 | capacitor relay | 5 |
#1278 | carbon nanotube frame | 5 |
🥈 | carbonite visor | 1 |
#1660 | cheap toaster | 1 |
#102 | clockwork hat | 1 |
#101 | clockwork pants | 1 |
#154 | clockwork trench coat | 1 |
#798 | clown shoes | 1 |
#3277 | club necklace | 1 |
#527 | computronic processing unit | 5 |
#1026 | daisy | 1 |
#3289 | diamond necklace | 1 |
#532 | disbelief suspenders | 1 |
#587 | distressed denim pants | 1 |
#807 | dusty Crimbo crate | 10 |
#1043 | dusty bottle of Marsala | 1 |
#1064 | dusty bottle of Merlot | 1 |
#1031 | dusty bottle of Pinot Noir | 1 |
#1062 | dusty bottle of Port | 1 |
#1017 | dusty bottle of Zinfandel | 1 |
#897 | eXtreme mittens | 1 |
#856 | eXtreme scarf | 1 |
#1116 | empty Cloaca-Cola bottle | 1 |
#341 | evil googly eye | 12 |
#1086 | eyepatch | 1 |
#1633 | fake hand | 2 |
#855 | festive holiday hat | 4 |
#1000 | filthy corduroys | 1 |
#972 | filthy knitted dread sack | 1 |
#792 | foolscap fool's cap | 1 |
#428 | furry pants | 1 |
#2298 | fuzzy dice | 3 |
#1641 | giant discarded bottlecap | 1 |
#2409 | giant discarded plastic fork | 1 |
#1517 | giant discarded torn-up glove | 1 |
#2824 | gingerbread bugbear | 3 |
#2303 | gingerbread horror | 3 |
#2812 | gingerbread mutant bugbear | 1 |
#236 | handmade hobby horse | 1 |
#402 | high-resistance ultrapolymer plating | 7 |
#529 | hyperbolic plasma focuser | 5 |
#1169 | iGoogly | 6 |
#1375 | ion grid | 4 |
#548 | ion-pulse modulation stabilizer | 5 |
#2408 | irradiated candy cane | 2 |
#43 | jar of anniversary jam | 1 |
#1188 | logic synthesizer | 5 |
#378 | los chinos | 1 |
#1348 | mad scientist's sock monkey | 1 |
#247 | makeshift cape | 1 |
#171 | makeshift skirt | 1 |
#181 | makeshift turban | 1 |
#791 | miner's helmet | 1 |
#785 | miner's pants | 1 |
#2525 | nanite-infested candy cane | 3 |
#2561 | nanite-infested eggnog | 2 |
#1963 | nanite-infested fruitcake | 3 |
#764 | nanofiber cloth | 5 |
#1889 | oyster basket | 1 |
#1558 | pack of KWE trading card | 1 |
#363 | parasitic claw | 1 |
#228 | parasitic headgnawer | 1 |
#234 | parasitic strangleworm | 1 |
#191 | parasitic tentacles | 1 |
#289 | pixel hat | 1 |
#163 | pixel pants | 1 |
#72 | pixel shield | 1 |
#211 | pixel sword | 1 |
🥈 | plexifoam chin strap | 1 |
#359 | polka-dot bow tie | 1 |
#475 | quantum polarity inducer | 6 |
#490 | recursive spline reticulator | 5 |
#576 | reinforced beaded headband | 1 |
#547 | reverse-oscillating klystron | 5 |
#1103 | roboduck-on-a-string | 1 |
#638 | round purple sunglasses | 1 |
#3640 | rubber WWBD? bracelet | 1 |
#3662 | rubber WWSPD? bracelet | 1 |
#545 | servomechanical torsion facilitator | 5 |
#803 | snowboarder pants | 1 |
#106 | spandex anniversary shorts | 1 |
#1950 | spooky eggnog | 3 |
#846 | spooky felt | 10 |
#856 | spooky length of string | 11 |
#760 | spooky toy wheel | 6 |
#862 | spooky wooden block | 7 |
#310 | star buckler | 1 |
#606 | star hat | 1 |
#330 | star pants | 1 |
#420 | star sword | 1 |
#7011 | stuffed Cheshire bitten | 3 |
#7830 | stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech | 2 |
#1085 | stuffed alien blob | 6 |
#6275 | stuffed angry cow | 4 |
#7021 | stuffed astral badger | 3 |
#6374 | stuffed baby gravy fairy | 4 |
#1466 | stuffed can of asparagus | 1 |
#6184 | stuffed cocoabo | 4 |
#1581 | stuffed dodecapede | 1 |
#1170 | stuffed doppelshifter | 8 |
#5809 | stuffed flaming gravy fairy | 5 |
#7027 | stuffed frozen gravy fairy | 3 |
#2498 | stuffed gray blob | 2 |
#8983 | stuffed hand turkey | 1 |
#6295 | stuffed mind flayer | 4 |
#6377 | stuffed scary death orb | 4 |
#4805 | stuffed shoulder parrot | 1 |
#4602 | stuffed sleazy gravy fairy | 8 |
#6202 | stuffed snowy owl | 4 |
#5814 | stuffed spooky gravy fairy | 5 |
#3044 | stuffed spooky mushroom | 1 |
#4568 | stuffed stinky gravy fairy | 8 |
#7022 | stuffed undead elbow macaroni | 3 |
#2643 | stuffing | 1 |
#1276 | sturdy Crimbo crate | 5 |
#964 | swashbuckling pants | 1 |
#701 | synthetic stuffing | 7 |
#1114 | theoretical string | 5 |
🥇 | time sleigh | 1 |
#3116 | tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth | 1 |
#2851 | tiny plastic Cheshire bat | 6 |
#1550 | tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram | 1 |
#3961 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter | 1 |
#3874 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl | 1 |
#1056 | tiny plastic Mob Penguin | 1 |
#1530 | tiny plastic Scream Queen | 1 |
#3929 | tiny plastic Trouser Snake | 1 |
#2160 | tiny plastic XXX pr0n | 3 |
#4544 | tiny plastic accordion thief | 1 |
#1733 | tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll | 1 |
#6126 | tiny plastic angry goat | 2 |
#3979 | tiny plastic apathetic lizardman | 1 |
#3978 | tiny plastic baby gravy fairy | 4 |
#4905 | tiny plastic barrrnacle | 3 |
#2574 | tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar | 2 |
#6192 | tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball | 2 |
#989 | tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite | 1 |
#6136 | tiny plastic cocoabo | 2 |
#4889 | tiny plastic coffee pixie | 3 |
#4501 | tiny plastic disco bandit | 1 |
#3879 | tiny plastic drunk goat | 1 |
#1017 | tiny plastic fat stack of cash | 1 |
#3927 | tiny plastic fruit golem | 1 |
#3348 | tiny plastic fuzzy dice | 5 |
#4862 | tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick | 3 |
#4813 | tiny plastic ghuol whelp | 3 |
#3904 | tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers | 1 |
#1738 | tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire | 1 |
#3863 | tiny plastic goth giant | 1 |
#6106 | tiny plastic grue | 2 |
#4600 | tiny plastic hermit | 1 |
#6152 | tiny plastic howling balloon monkey | 2 |
#3270 | tiny plastic killer bee | 5 |
#3893 | tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box | 1 |
#4882 | tiny plastic leprechaun | 3 |
#4844 | tiny plastic levitating potato | 3 |
#3842 | tiny plastic lobsterfrogman | 1 |
#6167 | tiny plastic mosquito | 2 |
#1037 | tiny plastic mutant elf | 1 |
#2601 | tiny plastic pastamancer | 2 |
#6138 | tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime | 2 |
#4467 | tiny plastic sauceror | 1 |
#3896 | tiny plastic scary clown | 1 |
#4452 | tiny plastic seal clubber | 1 |
#1559 | tiny plastic skeletal reindeer | 1 |
#6205 | tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton | 2 |
#4867 | tiny plastic stab bat | 3 |
#4898 | tiny plastic star starfish | 3 |
#979 | tiny plastic strand of DNA | 1 |
#3864 | tiny plastic taco cat | 1 |
#1832 | tiny plastic turtle tamer | 3 |
#3855 | tiny plastic whitesnake | 1 |
#401 | toast | 2,642 |
#1343 | toy hoverpad | 3 |
#2209 | toy jet pack | 1 |
#1244 | wolf mask | 1 |