tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite

tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite

Wiki linkwiki

This is little glob of black plastic on a little black plastic pedestal. It could be anything, really, you're just taking the manufacturer's word for it that it's a chunk of depleted Grimacite. It could be a lump of coal, or an old rotten peach, or a really big raisin, or an excised tumor, or a micrometeorite, or... really anything roundish and black.

The bottom of the base reads "Series 2C, 5/5 (U)"































#17Artie Effham, Caseman09 and Samuel2488125


#20Estivarus and Mistress of the Obvious24


#22Lady Luck Fortuna22


#23NancyWolfe, Nikademus, Zelinker and gthegreat20


#27Incarante, Keptuvis, Yoshiko11 and oSfish19


#31Brulak and mmcbride18


#33BabyGravyServer and Prima Vera17


#35Stargazer67 and rounDchilD16


#37DogBiscuit, Marzz_94, Normanreedus, Pumpkinheadme and levidamuppet15


#42ShineyBucket and slayer11714


#44Meru la Renat13


#45Lord Stefano, Pastahead, PixySnot, Tds157 and coconub12


#50Archipelago71, Betty Page, Chickenkong, Clubbrz L337, EvilKOLBot, Hojo Hominygrits, TheBub, Vandaahl, mad mushy, muskratlike, pheonixACE, rukheotw, sEpH101 and zarefore11


#64Athanatos, BuyMEaRound, Eevilcat, Muffin Break, Sabina, SwordsRCool, Williewanks and namelessperson10


#72Buff Muscularo, Caldric, DeathNachos, Elayne, IceScorcher, IdHitIt, Jellyman, JoJoBa, Nick4925, Poncho the Sane, RattyLabray, Somnolent, SufiZak, turtlesrock1, whizdad and wile E Quixote9


#88Bruscettalia, Cryanger, G13, Gaffa, Hlover, IngaTBW, Kruntus, Michifus, MrsPresident, PathetiC, Quaxalot, Rexcor, SignorSenor, TonyV, ds13j, eav, eusst, hoyifung04, jcrkk, peNgoX2, thOngy and willied18


#110AdamPhone, Ashallond, Biohazzard, Buddhakan, Caine, CaptainKid, CrimboWeenie, Flash Gordon, GolfinNinja, Grimdel, JeSSie07, Leopold Jimmleson, Loathario, Lucy is me, MrCodeE, Mrmongoose, OHogan, Optimus747, Vanir, VelvetDreams, bdby112002, cukky, makuta, mule1, sol_racht and werrez7


#136AznHaxor666, Batsubabe, Buzzbuzz, Crimbomaster918, DeathEater, Deeliteful, Ellie Mental, FallDownDrunk, Fell, Gravymaker22, HeavnzRogue, Icehero0003, JudySeagram, LogicalMadness, MaKayla, Maniac Paul, Mars the Infomage, MrEmann, Myspace_will_end_the_world, Mystic Mara Nara, Names, Schnerp, Sir Jefe, SupermanCY, Swinka, Tannerhaus, TinyPlasticScheijan, blik, cliffjam, j1a1g1, mwahaha, onzanzabarsands and sNoWsOuL6


#169Amanda28, Antic the Fearless, Big_Mike_55, CSS_puke, CelexaMaris, Chronocube, Colendez, CozumelKid, DarkSpuddle, Darth Brooks, Deshwitat, Donavin69, Drag0n, Drize1989, Dysamyne, Ekcipher, Elkstra, Eniteris, FrankNBeans, Grinder, Jared_Allen, JhRowlands, Jor_El, Kirbydude616, Kurtispj, Linguinelad, Lukaz, MagikGir, Mariani, Marjod, McDizzle, Nossidge, Odinblade, OminousJackal, Oroku Saki, Radcliff247, Rhatt, RobotMachine, RustyToes, Rutger von Horeburg, SK_Poe, Shadowfyst, Synthetik, THEman123, Thraxus, TunerLord666, TwnK77, Ulrika, VelmaVelma, Viki, Wank, Wil, Wildcat_693, Wolfman X, Wraithkin, Zanchvegas, beer101, demarcis, erTEST1, fyre_tzygrax, jenrose, kmwc666, l4g0s, mflGrMp, muskratlove, rIcHaRdTsO1, sparklerain, that94, vulvacrust, znarf14 and zwier5


#240AaronBSam, AlexandertheGreat, Antonyious, AuntBeast, Beljeferon, Bl4ckDl2agon, Booberry, Boyscout, Chainblade, CoryAnder, DWRye, DarkAxz, DarkStanley, Dark_Seriphim, Darobi, Egidio, Erichwanh, ErnieR, Fireskull16, Glonker, IceDomina, Jeny, Jhonny Dishwasher, Johnny Ringo, Kerchara, Kiwin, KoL Honey, KydrouKair, Kyta, LiamAndMe, Machiavelli, MaidenIndigo, Mansausage, Metalthor, Mistress Darkmoon, Monadnock, Moonite Man, Mr Boombastic, NEBR8D, NubCake, Orlando, Perez, Punished Rufus, Rick Rolled, Roebuck Teeth, Rogorx_THEmadd, Rubius, Saddy, Sal the Rapacious, ScUd RuCkInS, Secevalliv, Shada, SirSwank, Smithymat, Sp8z, Spiffie, The Kefka, TheDarkOne, Throwic, Tiny Plastic Grimmy, Tiny Plastic Traveler, Ucibius, UdderMaddness, UltraSuperboy, WaaNaNa, XionXIV, Zwickle, agargan, almypal326, amplitude, artist_bee, awaj2006, blackmyth, bluespacething, chinesewaterbuffalo, dark lotus, guubear, hellfire15, idfku, iphone clan slave, jOsEpHwEi, jero, jlc2, joe357, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, kelsonkoh, kitkat, nooBsAucE, robin hood, stu22, testostronaut, toastybrown and xsneAkeR07x4


#333Aaron31195, Aelaendraeli, Airika, Albino Bigfoot, Angry Elf, Anouris, Attila, AuDz, Autumn1983, Azarael, B0uzdreauX, Backdoorbandit, Bandanaman, Baranduin, Big dAdDy grImm, BigBadWolf, Bucky Lazac, Cait, Cappas420, Carnivorous Sheep, CathyOak, Caveman1337, CeruleanArcher, Chathzzar, Christineressiatulanie, ClaudioFratelino, Crab Legs, DaffodilReborn, Darth Steve, DeDiddlyDawg, DeathStriker24, Demicanadian, DemonChild, Digit, Disisik, DocGonzo, Drok, Dyann, DylonMcNickle, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Eggsaladdin, El Ponando, Eron, Farfalle al Dente, Generic Hero, Gerkistar, Ghostface Killah, Glamhag, Gogglz, Grand Puuba, GraniteGrizz, Groteskreeple, Gustavef, Hagen Black, Hunter200007, IceColdFever, Ichiban Dashi, Imperial Exchange, JR Trolkin, Jaromil, JayCrow, Joe Anon, Joyce100, Juha, JumpUpAndGetDown, Kallo, Kargos, Kizzam79, KoIKing, Krinex, Krukedogg, LethalFlatulence, LoisGriffin, LordTshil, Lotan, Lowki, LuckyPuck, Lunamis, Lyndis, ME1, Mad Dudy, MadEyePixie, Magister30, Makoiyi, Maloki, Managwa, MaryAnarchy, Master Grimwulf, McBain77, Meaticus, Mictlan, MomMoMoke, Mongrel the Apathetic, MonkeyMan200, Morticle, Mossberg, Mr Terrorist, Muhfin, Nachtmahr, Nohbody, Ohyes, Onilinkx, OwlSaint, PLUTONIUM, PetesSake, Pizzaboy, Portis51, PrinceParadox, Qbr12, Raever, Rebbulc, Rebel SMURF, Rotated8, SABER, Sagachaca, Sakurazaki, Sarge247, Scarydave, Schlemiel, Shafedog0, Shamgar the Bold, ShinyPlatypus, ShoTheBandit, Shorty007, Shrapnel, SigmundZ, Snoopy, Somber Goat, Sombody Else, SonDEnise, Splendor, Spoon37, StaffordMeister, Starbearer, StickClown, Studdleif, SuperDave1989, Susurrate, Swashbucklaarh, Synnia, TNGRspacecadet, Tape Roll, Targrod, TheBrent, TheFishIsBig, TheaterDemon, ThunderGate, Turleyron, Uzziah, Vambann, VanDamien, ViCiCcI, Volotani, VoraciousVulva, WhiteCornFed, Wilfenite, Wolfman6666, Wookiez, YorickU54, YorkieThompson, aClArie, airdaan, akiraadam, allen_zhangcool, aukermdr, bad_player, blace89, blahloki, blixa, bluedancer, bri_anorexia, christog, clacklack2, dudeofthecountry14, fcj, franz1, gameslayer, garanimalstains, girl007, iambob, imtalking2u, kenfowler, lil puke in Con3, mR yUMz yumz, maloney4545, mangojuice14, marnaza, marshal 13, moot0009, noodleEd, phanty, pucakuro, rexbo, riseandfall, shadowpage5, slag, slayer_78372, superfoot, swanekilda, tantanuy11, thestorysofar, tristan, tush the pastagirl, warjunkie, wavedash, xEggy and zacius3


#540ADA WONG, Abby Normal, AccordionStu, Ace Palarum, Alan8or, AlbaCorbis, Alexander the Great, AllThumbs, Androcles Antepasta, Andus T, Anta, Applesauce Bitch, Aro CantCatchABreak, Asche, Asset_NoseGal, Aubra, Axilla Schmutz, Aximili, BARON VON KILL, Bloodyfish, BoBMudd2, BorisTheSpider, Bors, Brianos, BuZZT, Bublik, Buoyant, CA Dude, CYJ, Calen, CapN Rocket Turtle, CecilBTurtle, Cereal Killer 024, CeruleanDonut, Chaos0, Chee, Cherry Pie, ChesterArthurXXI, Chocolate Man, Corgano, Cosmosis Kwik, Crack_Rock_Beat, Cri, Crowbar, Crunch10000, DMag_oshc, DanElectro, Dannyb0y, Dark Guy177, Darkness_8, Darth Traci, Demonsquiggle, Deranged, Dik, DirtyChurro, Djigimon, DocSauce, Doogmonger, Dorkomatic, Dr_Obvious, Drunken Chicken, Dulcis Angelus, EaterOfSorrow, Ecchi_Kitty, El_Pirateo, Elmo_The_Thundergod, EmilyGrant, Ephesos, Eroquin, Evil Pez, FaeRiEDancer, FairyQueen17, Fe1nt, Felyndaer, Forneus Brewer, ForteSP, FrankenBritches, FreezerBurn, FrenchiePoo, FrogNinja, Furbulae, Ganguran, Gawea, Geldar, Ghettoflower, GirlsRule, Goobertina, Goodch, Gourdy, Grimeaper, GroovyTeacosy, Grumble Guy, Gumbyman, Hairshirt, Hamo_Boy, Happyhamster, Heart_Breaker, Hellbear88, Holmboy, Hot Mamma, IIIII, ILikeApplePi, Iljanthara, Isukuno, JB77, JCS, Jadyte, Jamesacus, JellOey thE thirsty, Jezdar, Jillybean, Jirikki, Jirrika, Johnny McEvilguy, Johnson, Jommy69, Jonzo, JoshZero, JozanGalanodel, Jzzybbe, Kaley, Kalphbeir, Karbadin Herttuatar, Kariellie, Katarra, Katz, Kayess, Kelne, Kev2426, KevDeneen, Kiera, Killer8256, Killjoy, Kira, KittyEatsYou, Kittyfang, Klaithe, Klubbern, Krogath, Kwaidan, Ladler, LadyHobbitt, Lazer, Leo, LeoGeo, Leviathan90, Lexicon, Likal Coraer, Locust163, Logmo, Lolly_Lives, Lord Bob X, Lord Travothious, LordAo, Lord_Josh, Loretta McFunk, Lou Nasadah, Lracuda, Lucas Riley Io, Magic2729, MajorLandmark, Maplian, Maroon Clay, Marshplank, Me Hokkien, MelonCollie, Metwe, Midgy, Mike Czech, Minuit, Miridian, Mistress_Shock, MitchFrenzal, Moggil, MooCow1, Moonflame, MoxieMozzie, MrBlack, MrGrimm, Murmur, MynX, Mynar, Myriad69, Mystic Knite, Nabster, Naddu, Naigg, Nardolin, Nathanl, Necrogetti, Necros, Negarro, Nick1995, Nigella Noswal, Nihilistiskism, Ninja Karl, Nodosaurus, Nomnominus Rex, Nychiesel, OatWillie, Oldsfrk, Pale, Pants_O_Rama, Pastatrix, Patamay, Peter Porker, Phaet, Phydeauxx, Pinksu, Poet Fury, PokeyMan, PollyEster, PorkHunt, Porkhead, PowderdToastMan, Princesoul, Pryderi, PsYcHoJoE, QhRiZ, Quothz, ROdger_FLint, Racso, Raian, Ranava, Ranger, Rarity5, Ravenous Muffin, Reaper_Monkey, Rectron Of Death, Reekusan, Rejem, Rev Razna, Ric Fule, Rissika, Robur Velvetclaw, Rock raptor, Ronzonius, Rooster21, Rutiger, S3phirothsdemise, SHRINER, Sahar, Samurai Boy, Sardonic, Sceptileus, Sennin, Sephirotic Kitten, SexInYourCoffee, Sexy Sock, SexyMomma, Shadowknightx, Shanrak, Shzam, Sidney_hunter, Sir Joe the Great Pie, Sir Sir for Sure, Sir Speshkitty, Skinz, SmileyByte, SnowsaNinja, Snugglypoo, Solid Gold, SpamooFighter, SpecialPolak522, SpitinThyme, Squidpickles, Squirefred, StarryEyed, Stevo56, Stonecat, Strumsie, StuffedSandyGunfox, Sugarcube717, Sujamma, Sumo, Super Soviet Missile Mastar, SuperMentos, SupernovaMe, Sweet Miss Nanette, Tarred, Tazy, Teh_SleepeR, Terps, Thaddeus Sivana, The Clown Prince of Crime, The Funktipus, The Rogue Fedora, The Shopkeeper, TheCloverMan, TheGreatReferencer, Thomas17, Thor, Thudder, Timmy Terapin, Titus_W_Blotter, Transplanted_Entwife, Traven1, Trazka, Turtle Juice, Twiggie, Two__T, Udonotknowme1, UltimateChaos, UncleWalter, V a n e s s a, Valkyrie_Singer, Valten, Vashnar, Victorinox, Vinther Dippus, Vlinderke, Volc, Von Bek, Vonage, WalterEgo, WeaverOfFates, WickedTitties, Wintermute, Wolffauer, Wot Dabny, Wraithtech, WreckedEm, Xena, Yasmine, Zaic, ZatoIchi, Zephro, Zilith Ultimate, Zorkov, adgramaine, alLANrox1, alan0823, anahera, anakha, anonymouspseudonym, antistotic, aquateen, arcezzu, asmadeos, awesomedawson, balbriggan, bogseyluke, bruteforcePWNsYou, busdrivertohell, cabbage08, chaos_assasain, chewman, coltsbane, cvutsin, dagNOME, darkbladed, darkclaw555, dcfiregirl, ddumoor, discordance, djmobile4u627, edboyvmm, eddo189, egirl100, emu, esko, excellente, falconj, feAr_tOwn, figarofigaro1, fleshy, frankenrella, freakyguy99999, frogprince, glitterboy, gumpy13, guymansir, hairgirl, helltoupay, hippogasmo, hiupotato, hoosTin, ickygoblin, icy toes, iiO, infected_blanket, infern0, infinus, insanerd, jWang, kemmler, kimiiko, kindia, kirByllAmA, kiwanomelon, knineu02, koMmiEs, la fee Verte, laparapa, laxattack, lazysloth, lich135, lulubelle1956, magshift, markula3000, matter over mind, meh_64_12, mhwombats notsoevil twin, miBStEr, misque, mk98mod4, mojo20, moonspider, moopill_2, mr0t, mrRogersfreind, murphs, nnanji, nospiNe, noxious, ogto, okc_bmxer, orwellmbc77, ozelot, pLaster, peter_damien20021, phinny, potatohead69, quinn_julia, raynstorm, robotworld, saneroz, sealmaster55, shadowy96, shylarah, sitrukpc, soulcarver, starksroadkill, store_bought57, swann_88, tekDragon, tezlovespez, the dARKness, theflamingokid, tiff, townloony, txster, volcanomace, vuzha, waterhead, watts, xKiv, xorono and xroflcopter2


#989A Gressive Coffee Addict, A Inconspicuous Person, A Shrubbery, A Tiny Plastic Puddle, ACMuseum, AClanIsWeBot, ADeadHeart, AFallenLover, AHHKellyClarkson, AKenny47 and ALAVG1
