
#2232Ancient Saucehelm1
#128Angry Farmer candy1,337
#612Baron von Ratsworth's money clip1
#752Baron von Ratsworth's monocle16
#611Baron von Ratsworth's tophat3
#932Better Than Cuddling Cake1
#1369Bonerdagon necklace5
#613Boss Bat bling5
#1244Boss Bat britches9
#350Breathetasticâ„¢ Premium Canned Air11
#185Chester's moustache1
#895Codpiece of the Goblin King8
#2465Colander of Em-er'il1
#1452Corpse Island iced tea2
#2663Disco 'Fro Pick1
#1789El Sombrero De Lopez1
#173El Vibrato power sphere7
#2385Elder Turtle Shell1
#16Frosty's iceball1
#58Frosty's nailbat2
#215Frosty's old silk hat1
#121Frosty's snowball sack1
#396Glass Balls of the Goblin King6
#119Hodgman's bow tie1
#146Hodgman's porkpie hat1
#97Hodgman's varcolac paw1
#174Imp Ale1,337
#1676Iron Beta of Industry1
#41Knob Goblin lunchbox71
#1985MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech1
#44March hat1
#124Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub777
#65Mint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog1
#630Ol' Scratch's salad fork1
#187Oscus's dumpster waders1
#100Oscus's flypaper pants1
#194Oscus's pelt1
#253Retenez L'Herbe Paté7
#62Tome of Clip Art2
#34Tome of Snowcone Summoning1
#183Uncle Crimbo's Rations7
#98Uncle Greenspan's Bathroom Finance Guide138
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#527Valentine's Day cake1
#204Wand of Oscus1
#141Warm Subject gift certificate1,337
#85Zombo's skull ring1
#191Zombo's skullcap1
#2225ancient unspeakable fruitcake3
#680anniversary balloon1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#2609anniversary gift box1
#538arrow'd heart balloon1
#135arse-a'fire elixir1
#1192astral mushroom1
#2064astronaut pants1
#217awful poetry journal777
#352baconstone bracelet1
#1421badass belt39
#221banana cream pie2
#222banana daiquiri1
#654banana peel1
#285banana smoothie2
#19bat-ass leather jacket101
#1001bat-shaped Crimboween cookie2
#877battered Crimbo Crate8
#94birthday party jellybean cheesecake1
#479blob-shaped Crimbo cookie14
#607blue plasma ball30
#82bottle of bubbles138
#610bottle of goofballs42
#67bottle of single-barrel whiskey13
#771bouquet of circular saw blades1
#142bow staff1
#1378box of sunshine134
#939bunch of bananas1
#278bungle in the jungle3
#1730candy cane16
#1327candy stake5
#871canteen of wine23
#212chaos butterfly1,337
#939chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses1
#95congratulatory cake1
#1215corpse on the beach3
#255corrupted data68
#51cyclops eyedrops21
#32deactivated nanobots1
#618deck of tropical cards1
#109divine champagne popper101
#328doll house16
#395double daisy1
#458duct tape78
#643easter egg balloon38
#877elven limbos gingerbread12
#630elven moonshine15
#1180encoder ring1
#639evil teddy bear20
#745extra-greasy slider1
#1288fancy but probably evil chocolate4
#968fancy chocolate3
#236fruit bowl1
#816giant discarded bottlecap5
#368giant discarded plastic fork27
#489giant discarded torn-up glove9
#567giant pinky ring26
#2479gingerbread bugbear4
#1747gingerbread horror4
#1883gingerbread mutant bugbear3
#372gloomy black mushroom8
#65glowing frisbee1
#89grue egg omelette39
#765guy made of bee pollen2
#2692handful of confetti10
#1453heart-shaped balloon1
#113heavy D1,337
#702high-resistance ultrapolymer plating3
#76hot wing1,337
#40irradiated candy cane74
#41irradiated pet snacks13
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#1198knuckle sandwich6
#36less-than-three-shaped box11
#141llama lama cria1
#18love song of disturbing obsession1,480
#17love song of icy revenge1,113
#19love song of naughty innuendo1,542
#21love song of smoldering passion1,514
#19love song of sugary cuteness1,193
#20love song of vague ambiguity1,573
#88maple syrup101
#54miniature antlers2
#487miniature stuffed Goth Giant1
#296mushroom fermenting solution26
#1463nanite-infested candy cane6
#846nanite-infested eggnog6
#3326nanite-infested fruitcake1
#2715nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear2
#48oily golden mushroom8
🥇old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie1
#116original G1,337
#1558pack of KWE trading card1
#84panicked kernel1
#363parasitic claw1
#228parasitic headgnawer1
#234parasitic strangleworm1
#191parasitic tentacles1
#1060personalized birthday cake1
#1882pet rock "Snooty" disguise1
#494petrified time1
#332phish stick3
#167pixellated candy heart101
#61plain brown wrapper21
#161plot hole1,337
#200prismatic wad14
#136probability potion777
#81procrastination potion1,337
#321psycho sweater1
#271pulsing flesh11
#456razor-tipped yo-yo19
#141rhinestone cowboy shirt3
#373rib of the Bonerdagon5
#412rigid carapace10
#677roll of toilet paper101
#10rose-colored glasses1
#115sane hatrack1
#111scary death orb1
#140six pack of Mountain Stream101
#942skull-shaped Crimboween cookie2
#2845solid gold bowling ball1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#1074spectral pickle3
#1950spooky eggnog3
#305spooky hockey mask5
#321squirming egg sac37
#2261string of blue beads1
#2260string of green beads1
#2246string of red beads1
#466stuffed Cheshire bitten87
#410stuffed Hodgman1
#332stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech107
#2343stuffed alien blob2
#409stuffed angry cow98
#453stuffed astral badger93
#340stuffed baby gravy fairy113
#1466stuffed can of asparagus1
#391stuffed cocoabo98
#1878stuffed crazy bastard sword1
#1581stuffed dodecapede1
#362stuffed doppelshifter40
#357stuffed flaming gravy fairy110
#276stuffed frozen gravy fairy131
#2147stuffed gray blob3
#427stuffed hand turkey95
#1972stuffed martini1
#312stuffed mind flayer117
#3081stuffed mink1
#1714stuffed ninja snowman1
#352stuffed scary death orb109
#568stuffed sleazy gravy fairy80
#672stuffed snowy owl67
#605stuffed spooky gravy fairy75
#750stuffed stinky gravy fairy62
#512stuffed undead elbow macaroni84
#75stuffed-shirt scarecrow1
#1071sturdy Crimbo crate9
#110t8r tots101
#829teddy bear7
#309thin black candle777
#148thought balloon1
#509three-tiered wedding cake1
🥇time sleigh1
#4313tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#55tiny plastic Mob Penguin14
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#1733tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#88tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite8
#354tiny plastic fat stack of cash3
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#579tiny plastic mutant elf2
#1559tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#535tiny plastic strand of DNA2
#4041tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#194toothsome rock51
#818toy crazy train10
#1400toy jet pack3
#2475toy ray gun1
#2262toy space helmet1
#444toy wheel21
#3145tree-eating kite1
#1040tree-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#1132tropical wrapping paper1
#539twinkly wad101
#625twitching claw8
#1049unstable DNA36
#950vampire duck-on-a-string9
#1037vertebra of the Bonerdagon5
#2054wind-up chattering teeth1
#330wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie3
#1862zombie pineal gland1

Wow, that's 29,794 items total!

what items are this player missing?