Iron Beta of Industry

Iron Beta of Industry

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This medal was awarded to you by the Council of Loathing, for starting (and finishing) a war between the Frat Orcs and the Hippies.













#8the Tristero449




#10Love Me398


















#19Lord Stefano and cameron325


















#29Squeegee McDoo265






#32Cedric E Collingswood III249






#35Sherm Firmwood and The Amazing Mr Toothpaste226














#43PacHINKOid and W0rm192






#47Baron von Wurlitzer and Keogh186


#49Frogstomp and Lady Tomo185


























#63Dr Ragon151








#67Icon315, Lord Kobel and dialtone143


















#78DosBoot, Poncho the Sane and Wiseworm118




#82CaptainUrsus and PungentFungi116




#85Agburanar and Kurtispj114


#87Evil Taco and Foggy113


#89RoyalTonberry, Snott, tekkers and threebullethamburgler112


#93SRO, ShakenNotStirred and stuffandthings111


#96Velvet Knight110


#97Hojo Hominygrits109




#99DizzyJ and Nikademus105




#102Ekeinos and kirahvikoira101






#106Kbpikachu and Monarch30992






#110CafeBoob, Rabid Alpaca and Zulu Romeo88


#113Theophrastus and caelea87


#115Chadomancer and puddin_up86


#117Tuga and punicron82


#119Euan McLeod81


#120Paugus, hellsfruition, thexmanlight and whizdad80


#124Dreamtears and Higardi79


#126glebs and greycat78




#129AltaZorn and deusnoctum73


#131Candice Dick, Joorrke, McMoolish and destroyerbeacon72




#136TheArtfulDodger, darkgreycat and tbell3070


#139MarcyRoni, Werefrog, Yawsh and Zanchvegas69


#143Bahke, IceColdFever and yoioY67


#146Bruce Garetz, J Random Adventurer and Slik66


#149GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, Lost, MoxieMolly and TheBub65


#153HotCha0 and ZimZum64


#155Bodhazapha, HastiferArken, Ultranibbles, UnkleDirtNap, ZaruYache, mx indigo and taltamir_no_MrStore63


#162Xenthes and dementia1362


#164Mac_Gyver, c2t and takenoko61


#167Doctor Nick, Duddy01, wgitc and zeroblah60


#171Eevilcat, ErnieR and jzkQm59


#174Farflier, LouTini and Wraithtech58


#177Phalocrocorax and burrows57


#179Biznatch and Hrotli56


#181JennyUnderpants and lazy_fire55


#183JiK4eva, Ranava, SpiderMcFly and Volvo54


#187Aubra, Hison, Jesusisagurl, Lxndr, Nekosoft and UomoDellaPasta53




#194Pastahead, Wagr, Westcliffe, jeanbern, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT and phyllis dietrichson51


#200Alapadala, Blastphemist, PhilThese and mtfns50


#204Magister30, Paran and aenimus49




#208Batisaw, Borishaughingoff, IAmTheManWithNoName, Yerizael, imthebigchief, kirByllAmA and myrth7747


#215Delilah Jones, FrankNBeans, JerseyBoy, Sololord and chalon946


#220Cupcakes of Hell, JudySeagram, KAIN, Ozark, Rogar7209 and Wole45


#226Some Bloke, Vampiregrrl, hoohaw and xKiv44


#230DarkSpuddle, Lew_b81, Nurbleface, scole and tindrum43


#235DancinMachine, Homusexual, Jett, billybobfred and cakeytaste42


#240Malachi Constant, Mybloodyself, cheeser and scratch41


#244Akaiya, Boxy Brown, Master Grimwulf, Meaticus, jCoWLeY and jmsprout40


#250Fiery1, Kovacs, Marie Elin and sleepy G39


#254BlueThunder, Doggie Bear, Rotund, Sal the Rapacious, bigcalm and blik38


#260Donavin69, MojoMonkey, Splotz and StrapOnSally37


#264Rokov, Shaudius, blah35 and rufuskin36


#268AdenOvirus, ChevellemanX, Devd, Electro, Greenfrog74, Nanimonai3, Sai Guru, Starbearer and cptjsparrow35


#277Bobje Ratata, Foxy Boxy, Mamasita, ShinyPlatypus, Sockratease, Spiffie, Stabotron, Zerg_Rush, Zoomiin and lordsuZAKU34


#287Erichwanh, Framistan, Kerrigan, Laa, PeRReRs, Sputnik and queenoftheNAUGHTiez33


#294CthulhuFlavorRamen, Lotta Potz, Rabbit House, Rock N Rolla and zeroflexflyer32


#299Artie Effham, Boris The Spider, Irresponsibility, Jererry, Tekrunner, eighty7, eitak and flerdle31


#307TheBrent, Yorick, awaj2006, burgin and izchak30


#312Creelie, Nescire, Rutger von Horeburg, Zyrtec and garanimalstains29


#317Czuki Czyzz, Lorad, Prima Vera Angelhair, infern0, riebeck and talas30028


#323Biff Demiclaws, Bluewoods, CursedGrimoire, Evincar, MoxieMozzie, Steestee, ToKoLoSH, Xande1 and cheesedude27


#332Ahorriblesn, Allikat, BuZZT, Food Reef, HadesSL, JakAtk, Joquie, Pelsboble, Tom808, WiseFather, Xenosis and babberton26


#344Chef_Rannos, DiscoFevaDiva, Lanshaft, Pageturner, Roger Ramjet, StaticMan, TillyMcMuffin, Zinbiel, cometdave, mtnfs, relyk and rpxx25


#356Cloudy J, Tobamf, evilmoxie, shkspr and theDork24


#361Albreicht, ArcusLex, Balala, Cat_Killer, Evil Dead Ned, Phoenix_of_Oblivion, Quelzie, Sir Cheddar, Sleigh Belle, The Big O, ilitchev and theBananagod23


#373ArtisanBlowfish, DanElectro, GecoLupesco, Guiseppi, L to the P, Lynn Gwynny, Nashtinka, Poit Narf, Snapper, Wizard_Hat and sciFIwiZ22


#384Allis, Cashflake, Cephyr, Jezdar, Johnatton, Major Meat, Ms Bus Driver, Nion, Olorin, PSY, PolyesterMan, Shishogan, fxer and zingdol21


#398BigPickle, ComradeKraken, ErisDiscordia, Galapagos James, Mehified, MrSqueezeBox, Murrman, Sativarg, SerinBites, Stingerano, clalibus, i_eat_food and octopodey20


#411Drothar the Omniscient, Hsilwo, JizzMasterZero, Knitbone, Legend Dan, Mistress of the Obvious, MrKnife, Nappa, Prestige, ShawnD, Soxywoxy, Static, The Woo, Thud the Barmaid, Verdigris97, badgrrl, cankergIRL, shameonme and welt19


#430Busturr, Croft, D3tox, Dafro, ElroyJetson, Eyeball, FatQuack2, Kwon, Mirrorshades, Nossidge, Octavia The Barber, RandomExtremity, Starker, Valryia, Vulcan9009 and Xiombarg18


#446Asuki, Athanatos, Ay7k, Babaganoosh, Banana Lord, Caillean, Clubby McClubberson, Curbludgeon, Fandral, GreatWyrmGold, Hasand, Hastings, J Mo, Justarius, Mana Yachanichu, MikeMar, Mobilis, Philosofik, Rathskellar, Ripkus, Sharif DelMonte, alphaxion, herpman, staygold and weas17


#471AlbinoWino, Augon, Casca, Furian, GCByzantine, Immelan, KidCharlemagne, King Stupid, Minuit, Rashmooga, Space Ace, TacLess Cat, Thrawn, TimScheff, Yatsufusa, evilMatt, horkman, tekDragon and the40ftboy16


#490Algen, Dannyb0y, Effovex, FatQuack, Grantasaurus, HappyBizu, Kamikaze Tool, Llamaface, Mixie, Mme_Defarge, Salsus, Trouserpress, kevincoleslaw, tOphAT and tanstaafl15


#505ArgonZero, Booze_Seller, Damasta, Drachefly, Duty, Eddie Trojan, Efelo, Elitany, Eventvwr, Ftunch, Glukthar, JanvierBellefeuille, Lucilla Teatime, Malik, Mekgineer, Merihand, Omri, Placeholder, PokeyMan, Powchekny, StrawberryLetter23, VanDyre, Venat, Zair, amanojaku, davidmac and kasanax14


#532Androcles Antepasta, AuntBeast, Aximili, Derrikan, Dr Danger, Grchwrkz, Innis, Jinzo Fusilli, Mystic_Potato, PastaLaVistaBaby, PowderedToastMan, Siennaschall, Siloslider, Tenshii, Warren, Wyscor, canniBALLS, cpenny86, dornbeast, iepiat, nrpgnome and vordai13


#554Anuvar, Apollyon, Bruscettalia, CBParker, CarltheChemist, CoconutHalf, Cpow83, DaDuke, Empra1234, Extirpator, Felix Croc, Ganguran, Grollo, John Keel, LadyDragon, Muush, NTesla, NoctiBeard, RD Methuselah, Ranque, Rebeccah Sharp, RoidRage, Rowenthus, Sarghi, SchrodingerCat, Sharp Dressed Man, Splaterpunk, Stormfox, Unconventionable, Zob Rombie, erTEST1, groli, jamfan14, kidMissile, moopill and nospiNe12


#590ANameILike, Aschen, Chartan, Colossus of Chronic, DJ Dungeon, Extremophilia, Fork Pastawalker, Galith, Gargon123, Grimm Tooth, Jantastic, Johnny Yen, Keldar the Unbrave, L0tech, Laplace_x, MammaBear, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Metraxis, Neuromancer, Parmesan Marshmallow, Phleefi, Roy, ScoopKW, SmugBastage, SnackAttack, Sprucer, StrLikeCrazy, Tommy, Yarple, cymen, darkjoy, deathshade, deelystan, haIrYanNIe, hekiryuu, lethalbyte, lindsay lohan, psylence, rickpay, stannius and thE tRAveLiNg RetArD11


#631Afrogumby, Archipelago71, Boadicea, BubbaNDN, Caelith, Chase_Darkthorne, ChasteGalahad, Daywalker, DeathToRudy, Dust, Flegel, Gerbilman, Gleamglade, Hagen Black, HayzeusChristo, LarfSnarf, Lita Kino, MarioB, Mrs Bill, OldBobLeashed, PastaPhallus, PlutoOfPluto, Prima Vera, Que Chan Mok, Six Ferrets, SoftwareGuy, Squall Thrawn, Thadril, Tinfoil Chef, TunaTaco, Turkney Sol, Waiting4Oct, WangoTango, Willy the Small, dark lotus, iBlackSheep, lowrez, nworbetan, shashlyk and youngerpants10


#671Adonisrules, ArashiKurobara, Arket, Betafish99, Bunkertor7, CancerMan, CannonFoddah, Coogi Hat, Dazzle, DickLeaky, EAF Marine, ErstwhileWarrior, Fallen, Fedhax, Felyndaer, Frodo Ramone, Gladjaframpf, Grapplejack, Hard Headed Woman, Holyevil, Ishamaell, Katezilla, Knights Who Say Neeee, Lupperi, MaryNara, Moonshae, Muhandes, NCSorcerer, Ocat Live, Oldbot, PapaCap, Perchorin, Plorg, Princess Erin, RaZ, RisenJihad, Sunday, Torin, UWishUWereMe, Ulysse, Varnor, ZatoIchi, mtanders, nimrod_1, olleH, ora henry and wstanton9


#718ABooRCKS123, AltrashiKurobara, Ardlen, BWF Jeff, Bao, BikeThief, Busch Light, Casteel, Dirk Gently, Don Quai Poncerello, Dr_Bruiser, Er_Murazor, Ford Fairlane, K2_Fujative, Maltro, Mayabird, MeatMagnet, Mellissaleo, Miridian, Mr Bill, MysticalMolly, NardoLoopa, PastaDurf, PlastikObst, SandyFlash, Shrek, Sirake, So and So, Solazy, Stickler, Strahan Runeshadow, TaPol, Turtlegeuse, Wallace, WhyMan, Zippy, abcq2, cowgirlred, craftbot, gamma_RAy, kitZschENius, original hobo, redundantswami, sensibleb, shavbi, snowette and wakela8


#765Aaboyx, Agapanthus, Ahrimen, Angry1, Aughtuvtoon, BaddeMulti, Baron Meriwether, Bloodlust, BruceLeroy, Brunoise, Cactus Pillow, CaptainRandom, CharmingMimi, Cheloni, Chewbud, Chickenkong, Cloakblade, Colendez, CoupleK, D L, Daring Doug, DarkNewton, Darmut eDrien, Deimos, Doz, Dr Ozvx, FetusXmas, Flanders, Gifted, Gorrilla Hands, HighPlainsChef, Jabbie, Korel, LarryB, Lildogg747, LilyBugBandit, Mage Kessu, Marge, Mattacius, Morgad, P3T3Y, Pixel Knight, Rishi Sunak, Salsa Joe, Slugshadow, Spygame, Sunpocket, The Hangman, The molehIll ThaT rIdES, Tirronius, Tz_BG, Tze, Zyrac, angelrider, baledorthian, capitol, geekmeister, gwesj, iloveturtles, jgingrey, mannliftenning, spored and sunbird7


#828Absolute Bastard, ArchangelUK, BabyScarface, BeefThief, Belly16, Bigquack, Boondog_Dan, BorisTheSpider, CDF4796, CaptainRondo, Chipchaw, Churchie, CrassMandoo, DanteDim, DoctorWeebl, Doorbell, Eenee, Farfalle al Dente, Ferdinard, Ghostface Killah, Gurps Runal, HaxJester, Helicam, Hulihuli, JLE2, Jardis, Kaelis, Kugli, Legalese, LuvLuvChef, Martavius, MooFrog, Myznil, NateTheMediocre, Pacone, Padoogie, Phil_N_Groovy, Place_Holder, Razorpack, RobLobster, Russer Butter, ScotlandsFinest, SleepingDragon, Slothpyle, Snotten, Solum, Stormkeeper, Tania Australis, TheCynicalOne, TimRem, TriggerOfHel, Underpants Girl, Venturboy, Willwork4food, Zs_and_Ys, blace89, coconutpiemaker, eFloss, forgotten myth, hEyWood22, howlin_mad, ickeygooey, jadziadax, ladderman, sAuRman leRoux, sdaisydaisyk and thatpsychojew6


#895Accordion Abuser, Ahnotahm, BagelJr, BloodDoner, BlueWasabi, BriteSponge, Chef Jeff, Crab Legs, Deatvert, Demicanadian, Devilon, Disir, DraconisUK, El Trasero, Elachim, Ellie La Belle, Emtu, Eoline, Fellatrix, Filmore, Flaming Turtle, Forehead69, Fujiko, GanGan, Garfnobl, Gehenna, General_Herpes, George P Burdell, Gringo Ibn Castle, Hardcore Foamy, Herustari, Icnochys, Imitation Plastic Uncle Crimbo, Janno, Jollytim2, JoshZero, JuneM, Junestar, KingArt, Kolusius, Lord Enzo, Lord_of_Ants, Mad Matt, Malakite1976, Meezer_Wrangler, Mifdsam, Mighty Xerxes, MinaPoe, Minor Mistake, MrBunn, Newbot, Ninjazombie, Pat McGroin, Pat Minotar, PicklEtank, PinballLizard, PrenIqueezEr, Puttan Esca, RagingTurtle, Rolagza, SEPfield, SauceyMcPasta, Scattaloquarious, ScorpionX, Sir Jefe, StDoodle, StinkPickle, Swiffer, TaDfG, Tariya Bonedigger, Terion, TheNice1, Thundernuts, Tristifer, Tweekums, Tweeky, Viki, VoltTacklE, Vorthox, WarrantyVoid, XinK, Zermelo, Zock, alex_avsfan, andrew3, boozeykitten, cromulentia, footrest, graethynne, hipchicken, jackman6, jonbly, jtoast, kittycaboodle, madagaskar, magiKal mUffiN Top, muskratlike, oeb2, patricia, shaggy100, sinisTeR dUdE, tannenzaepfle, wavedash, whitebear and wildflowered5
