
#23A Beginner's Guide to Charming Snakes (used)1
#61A muse-bouche6
#67ASCII fu manchu5
#42Agent Corrigan's cigarette16
#260Alice's Army Guard1
#213Alice's Army Hammerman1
#262Alice's Army Mad Bomber1
#259Alice's Army Nurse1
#267Alice's Army Shieldmaiden1
#216Ancient Saucehelm9
#222Angelhair Culottes5
#197Argarggagarg's fang8
#267Asleep in the Cemetery6
#27Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones (used)1
#957BGE tiny plastic toy1
#25BRICKO egg1
#64BRICKO stud8
#227Bandolier of the Spaghetti Elemental5
#74Bangyomaman battle juice7
#612Baron von Ratsworth's money clip1
#975Baron von Ratsworth's monocle12
#1256Baron von Ratsworth's tophat1
#78Benetton's Medley of Diversity2
#563Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook2
#414Bjorn's Hammer1
#334Bling of the New Wave4
#80Blizzards I Have Died In7
#419Bonerdagon necklace28
#79Booke of Vampyric Knowledge3
#416Boss Bat bling8
#54Bram's choker3
#38CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) (used)1
#144CSA discount card15
#24Carpathian longsword99
#46Charity's choker10
#118Claw of the Infernal Seal8
#1072Codpiece of the Goblin King6
#528Colander of Em-er'il5
#399Cookbook of the Damned1
#1371Copper Alpha of Sincerity1
#50Cracklin' Oat Bran18
#564Crimbo Candy Cookbook9
#1569Crown of the Goblin King13
#520Disco 'Fro Pick6
#455Dolphin King's crown10
#393Dr. Hobo's scalpel9
#395Drowsy Sword48
#50Dweebisol™ inhaler10
#278El Sombrero De Lopez8
#331Elder Turtle Shell7
#21Elizabeth's paintbrush17
#53Enchanted Flyswatter10
#82Enchanted Plunger4
#103Fancy Jeff's fancy pocket square1
#61Fitspiration™ poster31
#75Former Sheriff Dan's tin star1
#61Fu Manchu Wax7
#142Galapagosian Cuisses7
#143Garter of the Turtle Poacher7
#38Gathered Meat-Clip1,661
#58Gearhead Goo15
#106Ghost Pinching Quarterly1
#1026Glass Balls of the Goblin King2
#83Glenn's golden dice1
#64Gnollish Crossdress8
#107Granny Hackleton's Gatling gun1
#171Gravyskin Belt of the Sauceblob6
#224Heimandatz's heart7
🥉Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians (used)1
#132Hodgman's journal #1: The Lean Times1
#44Hodgman's journal #2: Entrepreneurythmics2
#44Iceberglar scarf23
#125Iiti Kitty Gumdrop28
#59Illuminati earpiece8
#84Interview With You (a Vampire)2
#235Iron Beta of Industry42
#623Jocko Homo's head3
#66Knob Goblin Mutagen37
#116Krakrox's Loincloth8
#51Kudzu slaw8
#32LOV Echinacea Bouquet1
#47LOV Elephant1
#261La Hebilla del Cinturón de Lopez5
#253Lederhosen of the Night5
#49Leonard's glasses16
#730Let Me Be!2
#59Lewd Lemmy Hair Oil16
#30Liam's mail85
#425Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet63
#65Mansquito's blood5
#159Maxing, Relaxing6
#696Maxwell's Silver Hammer1
#39Missing Eye Simulation Device21
#49Morlock's Mark Bourbon3
#289Mr. Joe's bangles5
#26Mr. Screege's spectacles113
#141My First Art of War2
#177Newman's Own Trousers6
#195Nickel Gamma of Frugality34
#15No Hats as Art1
#83O'RLY manual21
#524Order of the Silver Wossname1
#61Osk'r Chow12
#29PVC staff1
#818Pink Heart of Spirit1
🥇Pocket Meteor Guide (well-thumbed)1
#881Pokëmann figurine: Bloodkip1
#774Pokëmann figurine: Duck1
#592Pokëmann figurine: Frank1
#810Pokëmann figurine: Galumpagump1
#774Pokëmann figurine: Hoboking1
#797Pokëmann figurine: Kagosan1
#880Pokëmann figurine: Magikrap1
#565Pokëmann figurine: Moog1
#778Pokëmann figurine: Nothing1
#891Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu1
#580Pokëmann figurine: Shoggoth1
#899Pokëmann figurine: Smugleaf1
#897Pokëmann figurine: Twitter1
#866Pokëmann figurine: Vegemite1
#889Pokëmann figurine: Vermouth1
#18Pop Art: a Guide1
#48Red Army camouflage kit31
#51Redeye™ Eyedrops15
#47Rogue Windmill Rouge9
#240Safari Jack's moustache6
#338Scalp of Gorgolok8
#34Scuba Snack16
#50Shivering Chèvre118
🥈Skipper's accordion1
#64Skullery Maid's Knee25
#153Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags5
#53Smart Bone Dust14
#24Spookyraven signet142
#62Staff of Blood and Pudding1
#8Staff of Frozen Lard1
#12Staff of Holiday Sensations1
#21Staff of Simmering Hatred1
#93Staff of the Black Kettle1
#11Staff of the Cozy Fish1
#27Staff of the Electric Range1
#27Staff of the Grand Flambé1
#27Staff of the Grease Trap1
#85Staff of the Greasefire1
#24Staff of the Headmaster's Victuals2
#34Staff of the Kitchen Floor1
#91Staff of the Midnight Snack1
#61Staff of the November Jack-O-Lantern1
#6Staff of the Scummy Sink1
#66Staff of the Short Order Cook1
#121Staff of the Soupbone1
#77Staff of the Teapot Tempest1
#49Staff of the Walk-In Freezer1
#61Staff of the Well-Tempered Cauldron1
#100Star Spawn1
#50Steam Card: DemonStar (#2)6
#83Steam Card: Jackass Plumber (#2)1
#28Stone Golem pebbles120
#627Summer Nights2
#7Tales of a Kansas Toymaker (used)2
#60Tears of the Quiet Healer105
#22The Art of Slapfighting (used)1
#60The Author's inkwell7
#5The Big Book of Communism (used)1
#4The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 1 (used)1
#4The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 2 (used)1
#5The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 3 (used)1
#4The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 6 (used)1
#5The Joy of Wassailing (used)2
#358The Mariachi's guitar case5
#59The Necbronomicon (used)1
#101The Snitch's Manifesto1
#123Thwaitgold amoeba statuette5
#428Thwaitgold cockroach statuette1
#1418Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette1
#409Thwaitgold mosquito statuette4
#291Thwaitgold nymph statuette3
#626Thwaitgold praying mantis statuette1
#530Thwaitgold scarab beetle statuette8
#264Thwaitgold termite statuette42
#316Travels with Jerry4
#29Trout Fishing in Loathing1
#23Uncle Romulus (used)1
#33Unfortunato's foolscap75
#334Volartta's bellbottoms4
#673Warm Subject gift certificate22
#77White Chocolate Golem Seeds20
#4White Dragon Fang1
#319Yakisoba's hat5
#618Zim Merman's guitar1
#660Zinc Delta of Tranquility2
#25Zu Mannkäse Dienen (used)1
#382adorable seal larva7
#55alien autoautopsy kit14
#45alien hologram projector11
#10almost-dead walkie-talkie736
#120ancient vinyl coin purse85
🥈anniversary balsa wood socks1
🥇anniversary burlap belt1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
🥈anniversary pewter cape1
🥈anniversary safety glass vest1
🥈anniversary tiny latex mask1
#50artisanal hand-squeezed wheatgrass juice84
#72assassin's cheese knife8
#905baby killer bee8
#3936badass belt9
#48bag of random words13
#44baggie of regular-sized tardigrades10
#44baloney rotgut14
#682bejeweled cufflinks4
#47black friar's tonsure69
#46black magic powder77
#104black pension check113
#106blob of acid14
#79blue oyster badge26
#38booby trap12
#40bottle of Red-Out25
#63brigand brittle332
#44bronze polish13
#48bubblin' chemistry solution12
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#78bucket of fish juice7
#58bull blubber11
#21burnt snowpants113
#62button rouge19
#51can of drain cleaner6
#48captured boozles8
#57cardboard staff1
#46carton of gaspers15
#63censored can label6
#60cheap clip-on ninja tie10
#42child-sized dracula cloak11
#51clove-flavored lip balm35
#2496club necklace2
#57coal contact lenses12
#438cocoa egg22
#188collection of tiny spooky objects10
#50compressed air canister11
#52conjured ice cream18
#36costume rental shop32
#45crappy waiter disguise38
#54creepy nursery rhyme10
#43cube of ectoplasm19
#58cute meteoroid2
#64damp bar rag7
#50dancing fan28
#172dead guy's watch52
#59demonic surgical gloves7
#908designer handbag2
#62devil-summoning hat2
#2469diamond necklace2
#53disposable lighter16
#48drinks tray8
#76dripping meat staff1
#136duct tape wallet14
#245dusty animal jawbone1
#307dusty animal pelvis1
#87dusty animal skull1
#118dusty eighth thoracic vertebra4
#316dusty fifth cervical vertebra1
#292dusty fifth thoracic vertebra1
#284dusty first lumbar vertebra1
#182dusty fourth caudal vertebra2
#303dusty fourth cervical vertebra1
#192dusty fourth thoracic vertebra2
#320dusty left clavicle1
#195dusty left eleventh rib2
#201dusty left femur2
#291dusty left first front claw1
#207dusty left first rear claw2
#297dusty left fourth front claw1
#294dusty left fourth rib1
#310dusty left ninth rib1
#191dusty left scapula2
#200dusty left second front claw2
#300dusty left second rear claw1
#143dusty left seventh rib3
#184dusty left tenth rib2
#286dusty left third front claw1
#303dusty left third rear claw1
#307dusty left third rib1
#193dusty left thumb2
#308dusty left twelfth rib1
#296dusty left ulna1
#286dusty ninth caudal vertebra1
#127dusty ninth thoracic vertebra3
#185dusty right clavicle2
#310dusty right eighth rib1
#289dusty right eleventh rib1
#301dusty right femur1
#141dusty right fibula3
#296dusty right first rear claw1
#141dusty right first rib3
#281dusty right fourth front claw1
#288dusty right fourth rib1
#119dusty right humerus4
#306dusty right kneecap1
#192dusty right radius2
#186dusty right scapula2
#292dusty right second front claw1
#314dusty right second rear claw1
#199dusty right second rib2
#188dusty right seventh rib2
#188dusty right sixth rib2
#203dusty right third front claw2
#314dusty right third rear claw1
#188dusty right third rib2
#293dusty right tibia1
#196dusty right twelfth rib2
#302dusty right ulna1
#310dusty sacral vertebrae1
#292dusty second caudal vertebra1
#189dusty second cervical vertebra2
#305dusty second lumbar vertebra1
#296dusty second thoracic vertebra1
#131dusty seventh lumbar vertebra3
#197dusty sixth lumbar vertebra2
#188dusty sixth thoracic vertebra2
#145dusty tenth thoracic vertebra3
#288dusty third caudal vertebra1
#140dusty third cervical vertebra3
#199dusty third lumbar vertebra2
#288dusty third thoracic vertebra1
#294dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra1
#111eXtreme meat staff1
#45ectoplasm au jus35
#139eldritch dough3
#4eldritch tincture (depleted)1
#50electric copperhead potion45
#89embezzler's oil6
#92enchanted muesli35
#42eyebrow lifter7
#535fancy opera glasses6
#66fat wallet26
#49filthy armor17
#56filthy monkey head9
#58flashy pirate dreadlocks7
#61flask of rainwater39
#111flayed mind11
#32fleshy lump79
#63flypaper staff1
#34flytrap pellet31
#59forest spirit rattle7
#413friendly cheez blob6
#21frigid derringer223
#76frog lip-print9
#66funky eyepatch10
#65gamer slurry12
#116garbage juice slurpee4
#452garish pinky ring9
#51gazely stare9
#71giant breath mint11
#776giant designer sunglasses3
#62giant diamond ring1
#55giant neckbeard56
#129giant tube of black lipstick41
#86gilt perfume bottle11
#59glass of gnat milk55
#50glass of warm milk65
#72glistening staff1
#65gold toothbrush85
#208gold wedding ring41
#54good ash7
#13government-issue identification badge137
#55grease trap11
#48grey cube9
#67grimy lab coat8
#88hairy staff1
#55hand of cards11
#62hand-carved bokken2
#45hand-carved bow1
#37hand-carved staff2
#55handful of fire12
#89handful of stubble5
#60handful of tips25
#48handyman "hand soap"12
#22haunted bindle172
#57haunted flame6
#51hawkface potion5
#1413heart necklace5
#52holistic headache remedy164
#201hot stuffing1
#306hovering sombrero1
#67hustler shades18
#45icy hairspray15
#53infrablack lipstick9
#45invisibility cream11
#53iron torso box9
#79janglin' bones57
#41janitor's mop10
#61jazzy cigarette holder14
#86kobold kibble25
#55leather glove20
#437linoleum staff1
#46little red .epub file9
#35lucky cat's paw42
#51lump of goofball ore11
#55lynyrd skinner toothblack56
#600macaroni duck4
#608magical pony: Uniquity1
#132meatspout staff1
#76mercenary headband9
#44muscle oil26
#50ninja eyeblack22
#47ninja fear powder27
#38novelty fruit hat32
#50oil-filled donut11
#124old coin purse134
#230old leather wallet38
#58one glove13
#62page of the Necrohobocon54
#1584pants of the Slug Lord1
#81perpendicular guano12
#43pickpocket protector27
#47piggy tattoo10
#80pirate cream pie27
#67pixel coin9
#85pixellated moneybag18
#53plague pie18
#72plastic Jefferson wings28
#10pogo stick1
#74poutine pole1
#43punk patch99
#43pygmy adder oil223
#69pygmy dart27
#57pygmy papers81
#40pygmy witchhazel69
#52question juice8
#45radioactive spider venom10
#123ram-battering staff1
#47ravenous eye11
#64red-hot jawbreaker4
#807rib of the Bonerdagon2
#1494rubber WWBD? bracelet5
#2801rubber WWJD? bracelet2
#2738rubber WWtNSD? bracelet2
#596rusty chain necklace3
#12rusty staff1
#54salt water taffy17
#140scrunchie tourniquet9
#91secret mummy herbs and spices66
#54shamanic ham11
#130shiny stones85
#42shopkeeper beard7
#27short deposition141
#66sinister-looking cat21
#71skelelton spine131
#114skeletal banana11
#48skeleton beans14
#181skull of the Bonerdagon8
#8slime-covered staff1
#23smoldering bagel punch111
#57smoldering staff1
#81smut orc sunglasses22
#113solid gold jewel4
#72soylent staff1
#62space marine flash grenade11
#1382spade necklace5
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#36spare neck bolts26
#69spicy jerky stick11
#63spooky gravy fairy warlock hat20
#49spray chrome11
#69squeaky staff1
#27standards and practices guide115
#44staph of homophones1
#51steampunk potion93
#71stick-on gnome beard9
#44stolen meatpouch50
#61straw pole6
#657stray chihuahua4
#789stuffed Baron von Ratsworth56
#3476stuffed Cheshire bitten12
#410stuffed Hodgman1
#3539stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech12
#1173stuffed Meat36
#3560stuffed angry cow12
#2886stuffed astral badger16
#5285stuffed baby gravy fairy6
#5653stuffed cocoabo5
#522stuffed crazy bastard sword13
#4310stuffed flaming gravy fairy9
#3407stuffed frozen gravy fairy13
#6335stuffed hand turkey4
#1005stuffed key45
#959stuffed martini7
#3197stuffed mind flayer14
#887stuffed mink53
#799stuffed monocle59
#3093stuffed scary death orb15
#1313stuffed shoulder parrot15
#4299stuffed sleazy gravy fairy9
#5607stuffed snowy owl5
#3603stuffed spooky gravy fairy12
#4255stuffed stinky gravy fairy9
#830stuffed teddy butler55
#878stuffed tin of caviar54
#878stuffed treasure chest57
#3757stuffed undead elbow macaroni11
#179stuffed walrus1
#45styrofoam staff1
#561sunken chest17
#284sword behind inappropriate prepositions1
#63temporary tribal tattoo16
#44temporary yak tattoo11
#42the kindest cold cut11
#77tie-dyed fannypack5
#125tiny barrel8
#53tiny canopic jar34
#938tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer1
#957tiny die-cast CrimboTown Toy Factory1
#938tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer1
#612tiny die-cast Don Crimbo1
#930tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer1
#602tiny die-cast Father Crimbo1
#633tiny die-cast Father Crimborg1
#932tiny die-cast Grumpy the Reindeer1
#929tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer1
#613tiny die-cast Rudolphus of Crimborg1
#935tiny die-cast Sleepy the Reindeer1
#947tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer1
#565tiny die-cast Swiss hen1
#591tiny die-cast Uncle Hobo1
#941tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign1
#939tiny die-cast Zeppo the Reindeer1
#309tiny die-cast arc-welding Elfborg2
#593tiny die-cast blade a-spinning1
#586tiny die-cast death ray in a pear tree1
#953tiny die-cast factory worker elf1
#928tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf1
#554tiny die-cast golden ring1
#569tiny die-cast goose a-laying1
#550tiny die-cast killing bird1
#950tiny die-cast middle-management elf1
#951tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf1
#581tiny die-cast ribbon-cutting Elfborg1
#940tiny die-cast stocking-stuffer elf1
#552tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming1
#567tiny die-cast turtle mech1
#650tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#3991tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf1
#1143tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear2
#3936tiny plastic Axe Wound1
#3116tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth1
#1155tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type1
#1161tiny plastic Beebee King1
#3178tiny plastic Beelzebozo1
#385tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#267tiny plastic Big Candy1
#3945tiny plastic Black Knight1
#3179tiny plastic Bonerdagon1
#3081tiny plastic Boss Bat1
#516tiny plastic Bugbear Captain2
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#83tiny plastic Captain Kerkard1
#1328tiny plastic Charity the Zombie Hunter1
#3351tiny plastic Cheshire bat5
#221tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™1
#1157tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel1
#620tiny plastic Crimbo Casino1
#4313tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#4232tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer1
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#88tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva1
#101tiny plastic Crimbomega1
#576tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#87tiny plastic Crimborgatron1
#101tiny plastic Crimbot1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#269tiny plastic Duke Starkiller4
#1101tiny plastic Father McGruber2
#3125tiny plastic Felonia1
#284tiny plastic Fudge Wizard1
#3834tiny plastic G Imp1
#175tiny plastic GORM-81
#88tiny plastic Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej1
#335tiny plastic Gary Claybender3
#3957tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser1
#3878tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester1
#1358tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist1
#3913tiny plastic Hellion1
#3886tiny plastic Iiti Kitty1
#794tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker1
#169tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S.1
#3075tiny plastic Knob Goblin King1
#2850tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter2
#3874tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl1
#3916tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist1
#2142tiny plastic Knott Yeti3
#77tiny plastic Knows About Chakras1
#73tiny plastic Krampus1
#526tiny plastic Lord Flameface2
#215tiny plastic MechaElf1
#1056tiny plastic Mob Penguin1
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#1318tiny plastic Norville Rogers1
#3864tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy1
#75tiny plastic Professor What1
#3873tiny plastic Protagonist1
#1140tiny plastic Queen Bee1
#772tiny plastic Rene C. Corman1
#83tiny plastic Rudolph the Red1
#1343tiny plastic Scott the Miner1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#3908tiny plastic Spam Witch1
#3895tiny plastic Spunky Princess1
#91tiny plastic Tammy the Tambourine Elf1
#3065tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski1
#3069tiny plastic The Man1
#172tiny plastic Toybot1
#3929tiny plastic Trouser Snake1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#238tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku1
#1121tiny plastic Wu Tang the Betrayer1
#3859tiny plastic XXX pr0n1
#77tiny plastic Your Brain1
#303tiny plastic abominable fudgeman1
#2627tiny plastic accordion thief2
#111tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart1
#1733tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#2859tiny plastic angry bugbear2
#8217tiny plastic angry goat1
#1121tiny plastic angry space marine2
#78tiny plastic angry vikings1
#3943tiny plastic anime smiley1
#244tiny plastic animelf1
#3978tiny plastic apathetic lizardman1
#3981tiny plastic astronomer1
#3978tiny plastic baby gravy fairy4
#73tiny plastic bad vibe1
#8131tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#1359tiny plastic batbugbear1
#3967tiny plastic beanbat1
#1363tiny plastic bee swarm1
#1368tiny plastic beebee gunners1
#1349tiny plastic beebee queue1
#2574tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar2
#1354tiny plastic black ops bugbear1
#1329tiny plastic blazing bat1
#3949tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball4
#3927tiny plastic blooper1
#2851tiny plastic brainsweeper2
#3912tiny plastic briefcase bat1
#1344tiny plastic bugaboo1
#1345tiny plastic buzzerker1
#1357tiny plastic cavebugbear1
#989tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#4876tiny plastic cocoabo3
#8224tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#265tiny plastic colollilossus1
#3180tiny plastic conservationist hippy1
#3915tiny plastic cubist bull1
#3940tiny plastic demoninja1
#4500tiny plastic disco bandit1
#3879tiny plastic drunk goat1
#101tiny plastic exo-suited miner1
#1017tiny plastic fat stack of cash1
#428tiny plastic fax machine1
#3847tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus1
#3912tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker1
#1130tiny plastic fire servant1
#3925tiny plastic fluffy bunny1
#3927tiny plastic fruit golem1
#4888tiny plastic fuzzy dice3
#6236tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick2
#6160tiny plastic ghuol whelp2
#3904tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers1
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#162tiny plastic golden gundam61
#3863tiny plastic goth giant1
#4814tiny plastic grue3
#3897tiny plastic handsome mariachi1
#2708tiny plastic hermit2
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#4858tiny plastic howling balloon monkey3
#1341tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear1
#6079tiny plastic killer bee2
#3893tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box1
#4881tiny plastic leprechaun3
#6191tiny plastic levitating potato2
#3842tiny plastic lobsterfrogman1
#1346tiny plastic moneybee1
#2831tiny plastic mosquito6
#1338tiny plastic mumblebee1
#1037tiny plastic mutant elf1
#3998tiny plastic ninja snowman1
#2601tiny plastic pastamancer2
#1137tiny plastic peacannon1
#6138tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime2
#4467tiny plastic sauceror1
#3896tiny plastic scary clown1
#2610tiny plastic seal clubber2
#102tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit1
#3852tiny plastic senile lihc1
#1559tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#3954tiny plastic smarmy pirate1
#1127tiny plastic spiderbugbear1
#3839tiny plastic spiny skelelton1
#8228tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#3939tiny plastic spooky vampire1
#4867tiny plastic stab bat3
#6172tiny plastic star starfish2
#584tiny plastic stocking mimic1
#979tiny plastic strand of DNA1
#4041tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#3864tiny plastic taco cat1
#226tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf1
#1120tiny plastic the Free Man1
#3863tiny plastic topiary golem1
#314tiny plastic trollipop1
#4484tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#3844tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni1
#193tiny plastic warbear1
#178tiny plastic warbear fortress1
#3875tiny plastic warwelf1
#3854tiny plastic whitesnake1
#3851tiny plastic zmobie1
#44tomato soup poster11
#46totally sweet mohawk helmet10
#20training scroll: Shattering Punch2
#31training scroll: Shivering Monkey Technique2
#26training scroll: Snokebomb2
#59tube of pendulum lube5
#50tube of villain white8
#55turtle mud8
#104una poca de gracia8
#56unholy water21
#363untamable turtle6
#667unusual disco ball4
#255vertebra of the Bonerdagon40
#177vial of The Glistening1
#34vial of swamp vapors32
#47voodoo glowskull109
#70votive candle5
#20warbear empathy chip (used)1
#44warbear metalworking primer (used)1
#39warehouse clerk's glasses14
#38warehouse walkie-talkie17
#695wrench bracelet3
#55wrestling mask4
#64wriggling severed nose2
#35x-ray mirror12
#57zombie hollandaise40

Wow, that's 12,463 items total!

what items are this player missing?