🥇 | magnet0 | 1,392 | |
🥈 | Tiny Plastic Grimmy | 1,097 | ⤴️ |
🥉 | glaucos | 548 | ⤴️ |
#4 | hotdeth | 346 | ⤴️ |
#5 | Afrogumby | 143 | ⤴️ |
#6 | Pastahead | 87 | ⤴️ |
#7 | jlc2 | 79 | ⤴️ |
#8 | Normanreedus | 65 | ⤴️ |
#9 | Hamstibamsti | 59 | ⤴️ |
#10 | AubriAnne | 42 | ⤴️ |
#11 | Mistress of the Obvious | 39 | ⤴️ |
#12 | Fearium and SwordsRCool | 38 | ⤴️ |
#14 | Splotz | 37 | ⤴️ |
#15 | thesandslv | 36 | ⤴️ |
#16 | jlchamberlain49 | 33 | ⤴️ |
#17 | raynstorm | 32 | ⤴️ |
#18 | Jellyman | 22 | ⤴️ |
#19 | ELROSS, IngaTBW and xorono | 20 | ⤴️ |
#22 | Keptuvis and Samuel24881 | 19 | ⤴️ |
#24 | baebledaedle1 and matrixdesignkidd | 17 | ⤴️ |
#26 | DogBiscuit, Meru la Renat and SufiZak | 15 | ⤴️ |
#29 | Skent and snivlem | 14 | ⤴️ |
#31 | Mystic_Potato | 13 | ⤴️ |
#32 | Caseman09, Sabina and eusst | 12 | ⤴️ |
#35 | Archipelago71, Betty Page, Donavin69, EvilKOLBot, JCS, Lord Stefano, Lungbutter, MrsPresident, Nikademus, ShineyBucket, Tat_Gun_Princess and TheBub | 11 | ⤴️ |
#47 | Ganguran, cukky, rounDchilD and slayer117 | 10 | ⤴️ |
#51 | Bruscettalia, Hoonk, blider and jcrkk | 9 | ⤴️ |
#55 | Big_Rob, Boobscotch, ChiOnGster, Chickenkong, Gaffa, Leopold Jimmleson, Lucy is me, Mystiballs, Nanna BuBu, Optimus747, Pumpkinheadme, Quaxalot, RMonkey64, Saddy, The_Dark_Lord_Efreet69, kli1195, lifebloods pet and theflamingokid | 8 | ⤴️ |
#73 | Athanatos, Crazy14, Gravymaker22, JudySeagram, Loathario, OHogan, Poncho the Sane, Prima Vera, Rutger von Horeburg, Swinka, mrbiggles001 and mwahaha | 7 | ⤴️ |
#85 | A Gressive Coffee Addict, Antonyious, Buzzbuzz, CharlesBumgaurd, Cri, DarkStanley, EAF Marine, Edward Reach, Gretta Dean, Grinder, Icehero0003, Kirbydude616, Machiavelli, Manbat, Maniac Paul, Mariani, MrAdventurer, Sololord, Tannerhaus, blik, dark lotus, pacmandisser77 and phanty | 6 | ⤴️ |
#108 | ADA WONG, Archeaus, Batsubabe, Biohazzard, BuyMEaRound, Drag0n, Grand Puuba, L04GoThing, Luc1fer, MaKayla, Mad Dudy, Mars the Infomage, NewTexas, Nossidge, Rhatt, Roebuck Teeth, Rubius, Schnerp, Somnolent, Subacai, Targrod, Thraxus, Ur_Daddy, Viki, VoraciousVulva, Zanchvegas, allmitybob, almypal326, antic THE FEARless, dewhashish, freduccini, i_poke_you, kylemug, mangojuice14, mflGrMp, mrgreat, mule1, slayer_78372, uglijarofmarbles and wile E Quixote | 5 | ⤴️ |
#148 | Allikat, Arc9, Ashlee Simpson, Beljeferon, ClaudioFratelino, ComTechDave, DarkSpuddle, Deeliteful, Drize1989, Dworkin, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Estivarus, FallDownDrunk, Gecko08, Grave The Doomed, JoshZero, LAMPayatot, LuckyPuck, Mansausage, Mipselled, Moggil, RichardRahl, Sal the Rapacious, Sarge247, ScUd RuCkInS, SikSyko, Sir Jefe, SirSwank, Solve_Omnis, Splendor, StaffordMeister, Starbearer, SuperDave1989, Tarred, Tds157, The Kefka, TheBigPickle, TheBunny, TheDarkOne, UltraSuperboy, VelmaVelma, Wolfman X, Wraithkin, beer101, clippershipp, eav, erTEST1, gingerhat, hellfire15, icKygiRl, iphone clan slave, jaxman123, jenrose, mistressofthewok, nimrod_1, powell_sia, ru5tyb1ke5, superfoot and turtlesrock1 | 4 | ⤴️ |
#207 | AaronBSam, Abby Normal, Akrim, Alex Spence, Artie Effham, BARON VON KILL, Bandanaman, Beat Bachs, Big_Papa_55, BlueSeashell, Caplin, Cappas420, Carnivorous Sheep, Chathzzar, Cherry Pie, Christineressiatulanie, Cir Bonehead, Crimbomaster918, Daitis, Dark_Seriphim, Darth Steve, EbolaWoman, Eevilcat, Eggsaladdin, El Ponando, Ernest Smuggler, FamousMortimer, Farfalle al Dente, Flybynight, Forneus Brewer, FrankNBeans, Frogstomp, Geremiah, Gracefire, Gwalir, Indecistore, JR Trolkin, Jadesapper, Jardis, Kartal, Kasseri, Kerchara, Kev2426, Killjoy, Lady Harkstead, Lazer, LordTshil, Lotan, M34T_Plz, MYsticalVAMPIRELORD, Magister30, Mario Speedwagon, Matmoncoo, McBain77, Mictlan, Minuit, Mistress Darkmoon, Mongrel the Apathetic, Motortramp, Mrmongoose, Muhfin, Niktu, Papillon, Paroni, Portis51, Quagdogg, Radiopulse, Rutiger, SanGurth, Scarydave, Secevalliv, ShinyPlatypus, Skyth Aegi, SnowsaNinja, Spooch, Squirefred, Tazy, The Clown Prince of Crime, The Hunter of Thompson, The Wishing Well, TheBrent, Three_Eye, ThunderGate, Ucibius, Unlikable Heretic, VelvetDreams, Victorinox, Void Runner63, Wildcat_693, Willwork4food, Wraithtech, Zakar, Zornfalke, andrew3, b22c34v56, baconator9, bluedancer, darkclaw555, denial, feAr_tOwn, garanimalstains, guubear, hedgyman2, herpman, humpyt, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, kaWeetA, kuchervano, l4g0s, lil puke in Con3, malq, miffle, moonspider, noxious, okc_bmxer, piLyongpiLay, poxy, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, rubian77, sYdney rebik, slag and wulfbear | 3 | ⤴️ |
#329 | AHHKellyClarkson, AMIELLE, ARya VIII, Ace Palarum, Agape, Alan8or, Allodoxaphobe, Alter_Ego, AnaMoly837, Androcles Antepasta, Anouris, Apinamies, Aramada, AshGM, Ashallond, Asset_NoseGal, Aubzilla, Aximili, Babycakes, Bad Hair Day, Ball Cancer, Baranduin, Batwood17, Bean, Bella Blue, BigBadWolf, Big_Mike_55, Bigquack, Bofink, BrownBarbaloot, Bryn 23011, Bubba9265, Bucky Lazac, Buddahb, Buffbot Does Not Bite, CA Dude, Ceirdwyn, CeruleanArcher, Chelonia, Chicken in Black, Cinder, Corgano, Creepy_Doll, Criminal_caperer, Culhwch, DISCokeir, DMag_oshc, Dark Guy177, Darkgeneral, Darth Traci, DickLeaky, Dinin, DirtyChurro, Disneyrocks, Ducky, Dyad, Edwin the Pastinaceous, El_Balaam, Elayne, Ephesos, Eroquin, ErstwhileWarrior, Felisleo, FrankenBritches, Froogle Man, Fuzzley, Gawea, Gnomam, GraniteGrizz, Granite_Grizz, Greckor, Greenday2005, Grimdel, GroovyTeacosy, Groteskreeple, HackandStabby, Hagen Black, I has a club, I_Love_Pie, Iljanthara, Imby, Imperial Exchange, IncidenceOfRealism, JB77, JanvierBellefeuille, Jaromil, Jaydog, Jeny, JhRowlands, Jojo Ironface, Jommy69, Joshiskoolguy, JuanEpstein, Katz, Kayess, Kelne, Kittenbabble, Klaithe, KoL Honey, Krukedogg, Lady Luck Fortuna, Lady Tomo, LadyDelilah, LadyHobbitt, LeePopsicle1, Leviathan90, LiamAndMe, Likal Coraer, LogicalMadness, Logmo, Lohansappendix, LoisGriffin, Lord Mellman, LordAo, Lotsaluck, Love Me, Lyndis, MaN_eGG, Mad Cat, Magic2729, Mairsil, Makka, Malathos, MaryAnarchy, Mayng, Mike Czech, Mike the Best, Miss Moxie, MojaveGamer, Moraglar Khilen, Mr Meatman, MrBlack, Mynar, Mystic_Koolaid, Nardolin, Nasko, Nassive, Nick1995, Nihilistiskism, Nohbody, Nomnominus Rex, OdMom, Ohyes, Omegle2357, OminousJackal, Ozark, Pallidyne, Persephone, Phaet, Phantom Catsup Lord, PmatAula, PollyEster, Porkhead, Princess_Thumper, ProxyFox, Pufflocke, Rabid Alpaca, RagingDaisy, Rectron Of Death, Reekusan, Rejem, Rev Razna, Rooster21, Rotated8, Ruebear, Ryllwyn, SABER, Samos, Sanitary Harry, Sean12349999, Sennin, Shade Angel, ShadowIce, ShadowRider1152, Shadow_Knight, Shamgar the Bold, Shorts, Slippy Waterwart, Sluggoman, Soxfan196o, Spramen, Stevo56, Sujamma, SuperMentos, Svidrigailov, THEman123, TaintedMeat, The Rogue Fedora, TheAwesomatoRist, TheGreatReferencer, ThePieLord00, ThorStarKid, Thoros, Tigger101, TimCruz, Trice, Uberclocked, Udonotknowme1, Uncle Whippity, UnknownUser, Valo666, Valten, Vandaahl, Vashnar, Veldian, Verdigris97, WalterEgo, Watter, WiseFather, Wolffauer, Wot Dabny, Xanthia_Althor, Xena, Yelpnop, YorickU54, Yurizan, Zacharygolf, Zackeyman, Zom8I3_808, aaaaaaargh, agargan, airdaan, alLANrox1, alan0823, allen_zhangcool, andreaes, avala, bad_player, bowie, caboll, candiegirl, cate1, clalibus, deadinthebrain, death2lois, discraider, dudeofthecountry14, eXtyNT, eddo189, fbt, figarofigaro1, gEEKerSON, gabrayle, gumpy13, hacker_human, halfpenny, hedonia, ickygoblin, imtalking2u, isNot, jms418p1, kazz668, kemmler, kiwanomelon, kurogin, la fee Verte, lagoticspy, lama lord, lich135, matter over mind, mister man, mrRogersfreind, mrblonde07, murphs, mx indigo, myrth77, noodlemaster, ozelot, pIllow1, pOOx, pheebs, rexbo, sjman3, starspiritgeno, stuffandthings, sundog, superfuzzball, telefrancais, tezlovespez, theeconomy, tjcjr, townloony, trailflyer, twiHARD4eva, vanis, vulvacrust, watts, wendy_daghost, whizdad, wouldcanoe, znarf14 and zombiedust | 2 | ⤴️ |
#621 | A Inconspicuous Person, A Tiny Plastic Puddle, AB810236, AFPinky, AJ_Rimmer, AL R, ALAVG, ALdbeign, ARteMIs FowL, ARthuR the human, AXEBLADE, AZNnarutoXnoobSLAYER, A_Shogun_Named_Marcus, Aardwark2001, Aariana, Abaddon1, Abbyrod, Abramul, Absinthe, Abunai, Accidentaldente, Accordiologist, Accordion Abuser, Ace Of Swords, AcedWhenGrim, Achernar, Acklebar, Acoustic_shadow, Acroma, Aczen, Adam1WPI, AdamPhone, Adamdude, Adamnelson, Adeeda, Admiral, AdraLamia, Aeann, Aeliaa, Aella Le Fae, Aenye Deithven, AeonKuroz, AeonfLux iii, Aerdrie, Aerion111, Aeslyn, Aesop the Rapscallion, Aevum Decessus, Aeyrhed, Aeyt, Afromaniac, Aftiel, Agapanthus, Agda, AgentPurple, Agent_Death3, Agfrog750, AgnesGrey, Agogge, Agrajag94, Agrippa, Ahnotahm, Ahorriblesn, Aickman, Aidenolm Rosemourne, AirBorne_Ranger, Ajon, Akael, Aken0008, Akieal, AkimboAndAskew, Akinaz, AkiraisJen, Al Bomb, Al Frodo, Al K Hall, Al the Credit Dependant, Al_Diablo, AlabamaPeach, Alan Gorealan, Alasse87, AlbaCorbis, Albert Pujols, Albino Bigfoot, AlchemicalPanda, Alcor, AleCross, AlecGW, AlectoPerdita, Aleril, Alex Kantal, Alex the Candleholder, AlexFrostfire, AlexTheCoolestness, Alexander Blackthorne, Alexander the Great, AlexandertheGreat, Alexandrine, Alfagetti, Alfhild, Alfredo Garcia, Alfredo_of_Earl, Alianoraree, Alice Dente, AliceCullen, Alidawn924, Aliram, Alkaris, All the Good Names Are Taken, AllRight92, AllThumbs, Alldarker, Alliknow, Allis, Allis Chalmers, Alloni, Allora, Alloran24, Allypeanut, AlmostMeek, Alotar, Alpha Omicron, AlphaDeltaHotel, Alpha_Wolf, AlricTheGoofy, AltaZorn, AltheWeird, Altoid, AltonTan, Altrissa, Amagalan, Amanae, Amanda28, Amandine, AmaraMagma, Amargosa, Ameena, Ammishdave, Amorphe Du Blob, Amputee, Amra, AnEvilTwin, An_thrax, Anagram, Anairdna, Analus, Anarchy1313, Anastasia Blackthorne, AnchoPete, Ancientofearth, Ander Exelion, Andman315, AndromacheNoble, Andromeda_the_Tiny, Andylicious, Anesidora, Angelhair2, Angemon_23, Angora, AngrierKid, Angry Biff, Angry Elf, Angry McSmashface, Angry Villager, AngryKlingon, AngryNordicMidget, AngryRantingBob, AngrySeal, Angus_McSpleen, Ankhram, Ankorite, Anna Stolichnaya, Annalee, Annihilator, Anorexia, Anthalessa, AntiErr, AntiGuy, AntiMoron, Antipode, Antirrhinum, Anuranthrope, Anuvar, Apollo18, Appleria, Appleseed, Aquabat, Aquatopia, Arailas, Arakasi, Aramail, Aramiss, ArbitrarilySmallWallet, Arbos, Arbuckle Jon, Arcadi, ArcaneSpirit, Arcanine_Gardevoir_Salamence, ArchAngel771, ArchangelUK, Archham, Archmage84, Archon386, Archondelnoche, Ardikey, Ardlen, Ardnajela, AresGodOfWar, Arganol, Argoti, Argrus, Ari, Ariaflame, Ariellah, Ariovrak, Arithil, Arkannoyed, Arket, Arlette, Armonzo, ArneBarne, Arnie Bumhat, Arno, Aro CantCatchABreak, Arp, Arriana, ArseMan, Arsenal, Arsinoe83, Arska, Art_Shamsky, Artemis666, ArtemisDove, ArtemisRae, ArtfulTodger, Arthan, ArthurDent7, Artie, Arties Son, Arudaur, Arwennie, AsDFg, Asa, Asbestos Felt, Ascimoti, Asena, AsenaDreamer, Asgaroth, Asgoth, Ashes, Ashles, AshleyC, Ashmodel, Ashton, AsianicGypsy, Asimantos, Asinine, Asis, Ask your Doctor about Levitra, Aslyn2, AspDIY, AssClown, AssHat, Asshysteria, Assshakah, Astaeroth, Astartus, Astenhof, Asterea, Astin, Astinex, Astrane, Astronautty, AstronomyKing, Asuki, Ataug, AthenasBrat, AtlanteanScion, Atrellium, Atronach, Attila, Aubra, Audra, Augon, AuntBeast, Auntie Pasta, AuntieM, AutoBot, Autumn1983, Autumnwinds, AvalonHunter, Avanar, Avandor, Avena, Averion, Avia, Avisceria, AvocadoPirate, Awaiko, Awesome9, AwesomeJam, AwesomeTed, Awkes, Axolot, Axrul, Axt71, Ay7k, Aya_Shameimaru, Ayatollah, Aybara, Aynber, Ayslumreject, Azarael, Azatoth_Zombie, Azdubriel Vekt, Azendral, AznInvAzn, Azoun, Azrane, Azreal, Azurane, AzuriteT3, BB Karo, BC_Goldman, BERTOffski, BFrost, BMW, BS91690, BW AllBlacks, BWF Jeff, BabaRam dAss, Babaganoosh, Babbe1, BabyGirlTigger05, BabySmasher, BabyYoshi, BackUpB, Backdoorbandit, BaconCheeseBurger, Bacon_Eater, Bad Seagull, BadApple, BadAss McBoogie, BadBertrand, BadFish, BadLuckBlacky, BadMonkey1928, BadWillow, Badgerus, Baeltor, Baen, Bahumut, Bakula, Balala, Balkizeer, Ballroom Blitz, Baltar, Balthazar Crumn, Bam, BambooRick, Bamboosh, Bamraa, Banana Lord, BananaOfDoom, BanditoburritO, Banesworth, Bank Of TWW, Banna, Bannana, Bao, BarArdo, Barbaras, Baree, Baricrow, Baron Grinnet, Baron Meriwether, Bartender_1, Bashy and BastardsonofRaditz | 1 | ⤴️ |