tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit

tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit

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This is a little plastic figurine of a hapless elf trapped in a rampaging robotic drill. "This is not not a drill!" she seems to say.

The base of the statue reads, "Series 8C, 2/5(C)."





#4Mistress of the Obvious25








#8Tiny Plastic Grimmy14






#11Shadowsinger and ValentinaSnow10




#14Pastahead and Rubius8


#16Prima Vera and Wheremydemonslie7


#18Poncho the Sane and Skent6


#20AnaAreMere, Beljeferon, Ihernglass, Jellyman, Lord Stefano, Misha_Z, Nikademus, mflGrMp and thatgameguy5


#29Chade, Grimdel, JCS, LordTshil, Olorin, Shridrea, Turtlini and anansi4


#37Batwood17, BorisTheSpider, Cappas420, Captain Zen, CreOsOTe, Cryanger, Dirus Canis, Dogola, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Frogstomp, Magister30, Mariani, Nodosaurus, Normanreedus, Portis51, ShinyPlatypus, Sloon, ThunderGate, Wolfman X, Zen00, agargan, akiraadam, erTEST1, jeffk42, nooBsAucE and thelagmonster3


#63Agraves, Antic the Fearless, BubbIeWrap, Caitt, Captain_Condoriano, Chili man, Cyanis, DaftSwanson, Dr n00b, ElectricChairJ, Freakin Awsome Bounty Bar, Jaylee, Kerchara, Kwaidan, Lady Luck Fortuna, Magic2729, Manderz97, Mattematical, Monechetti, Monkey McDermott, Moon Moon, Moraglar Khilen, Mr_Parks, Nomnominus Rex, Oldsfrk, Perlia, Roguebandit, Scrabblewench, Searph, Shadowknightx, Sheepdip, The Possum Trot, Torturelini, finusen, hedgyman2, locked_lunatic, mangojuice14, myrth77 and sYdney rebik2


#102A Gressive Coffee Addict, A Inconspicuous Person, AHHKellyClarkson, ALAVG, ARthuR the human, AXEBLADE, AZNnarutoXnoobSLAYER, Aaboyx, Aaramir North, Aardwark2001, Achernar, Achmedkhalim, Adamnelson, Adeeda, Adeleine, AdjectiveFool, Aduine, Aerin Frost, Ahorriblesn, Airicus, Ajnintactics, Akael, Aken0008, Akrim, Al Frodo, Al the Credit Dependant, Alaspooryorik, Aleril, Alex of Eden, AlexTheCoolestness, Alfredo_of_Earl, Alianoraree, AllTheBetterToEatYouWithMyDear, Alldarker, Allis, Allis Chalmers, Alloni, AlricTheGoofy, Amarand, Amish Information Systems, Amra, AnAngryBlade, AnEvilTwin, Analus, Ancientofearth, AngryKlingon, Anguaskye, Angum, Ankorite, AnneOnAMouse, AnxiousHyrax, Aramada, Aramiss, Aravagantos, Araym, Arbos, ArcaneSpirit, Arcanine_Gardevoir_Salamence, Archduke of Artichokes, Archham, Archipelago71, Archmage84, Archon386, Archondelnoche, Arduin, Argrus, Ariovrak, Arithil, Arkannoyed, Arket, Aro CantCatchABreak, ArtemisRae, Arties Son, Asa, Asgoth, Ashfox, Ashles, AshleyC, Asimantos, AssTractionHero, Asshysteria, Astartus, Asterea, Astinex, Athanatos, AtlanteanScion, Atronach, Attila the Shrubber, Aubra, Aughadan, Augon, AuntieM, AutoBot, Autumn1983, Autumnwinds, Avena, AvocadoPirate, AwesomeTed, Axt71, Azatoth_Zombie, Azendral, B A Takaline, BA Chieftain, Baalbarith, Babaganoosh, BadLuckBlacky, Baltar, Balton, Bam, Bandanaman, Banditman5, Barely Stroganoff, Bartender_1, Bashy, Batisaw, Batman080580, Batsubabe, Bayushi, Bean, BeautifulNova, Beavis P_Ness, Bee money, BeelzeBear, Beleg_strongbow, Belero, Benjamintino, Bertolli, BeserkSaturn, Biefstuk, Biffle, Big Drewser, Big dAdDy grImm, BigDaddyHerp, BigDingle, Big_Papa_55, Bigb00gie, Bigger_Dick, Bigquack, Biobob, Bitzer, Biznatch, BlackDragonKZ, Blackhorseman, Blakeatwork, Blbbo, Blixxx, Bloodlust, Bloodybugger, BlortHorc, BlueBaker, BlueHawk, Bluntor, Bo Peep No Sheep, BoBo, Bob the Not Very Good, Bobface11, Bobje Ratata, Bobson, Boesbert, BogGob, BoiRDee, BomberBug, BonarMan, Bonekicker, Boogiecleaver, Boozy Weather, Boss Ross, Bourbon_bot, BowToChris, Bradley Morris, Brakkon, Brammie, Brandon_The_Sage, Brel, Brew Geared, Brinkyhats, Brirad, BriteSponge, Broche, Bruno2788, BrvYnky, BryghtRose, BubbaNDN, Bubicus, Buffer of Slaves, Bumpers, BurntToast22, BustA, Bwaaaaa, CDF4796, CHAZ918, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CalvsiE, Camski, Candlestick Maker, CannonFoddah, CapHector, Cappy Carl, Captain Comrade, Captain Tragedy, CaptainRondo, CaptainSpam, CaptainUrsus, CaptainZeep, Castiel, Catt Although, Cavatellia, Cayan, Cecil B Demented, Celeriac, CelexaMaris, Celtic, ChE clarinetist, Chadomancer, Chadsworthy, Character1, Charasan, Charles the Cat, Cheesecookie, Cheesy Noodle, ChefSalad, Chelonia, Chengmingz, ChesterArthurXXI, ChevellemanX, ChickenInABiscuit, Chickenkong, Chromatic Walnut, Chronik, Chrtrptnt, Chunky_boo, Chyld, Chynn, Cindipool, Clan Cat, Clawleone, Clem Obnoskowitz, Click_Clack, Cloudane X, CloudySkies, Club, Clubberella, Cobbweb, Cobwebs, Coldshade, Collectors Score, Composer, Cookie, CoolBot, Corporal Pibb, Cpow83, Crack_Rock_Beat, Craggle, Crapbucket, CrashCoredump, CrassMandoo, Cratus, Crawldad, CrazyCatLady, Cres, Crowd_of_worms, CrucifiX Lord Of Doom, Crumbling Buttercookie, Cthulu_Zombie, Curbludgeon, CyberTurtle, Cyrean, D3tox, DCarlston, DJ Dungeon, DVB, DaBaddestHic, Daffrid, Dafro, Dah Cheese, Daltonator, Damasta, Damine, Damuckle, DanaO, DancesWithTrekkies, Dannyb0y, Dark Frank, Dark343434, DarkAxz, DarkLordKirby, DarkSpuddle, Darkling, Darth Brooks, Darth Ceder, Darth Lenore, Darth Traci, Darth Twinkie, Darth_Davey, Darzil, DataVortex, Davidthekindabrave, DeDiddlyDawg, DeadlyAngel, DeathNight, DeathStriker24, Deathman_Elf, DeathofPasta, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Delilah Jones, Demigod 303, Demonsquiggle, DerMagus, Desiderata, Dessalvara, Destre, Deus Ex Machina, Diachromatic, Dibbin, Dibzannia, Dibzdevil, Dinosaur Dentist, DirkDagon, Discdeath, DiscoBlahBlah, DiscordantSong, DittoxD, Dizhei, DizzyJ, DjTeriyaki, DocRosey, DoctorWeebl, Doktor_Bamuse, Don the Failure, Doodooking, Dori, Dorkzilla, Dornkus, Dot Kham, DoubleOFan, Dr Capitalism, Dr Danger, Dr Ragon, DrBoneGagger, DrDM, DrHaggis, DrOctogon, DrPlacebo, Dr_Unk, Drachefly, Draco The Silly, Drag0n, DragonDancerX, Dragonpaws, Drar, Dreadful Penny, DreamBreaker, Dreygyron, Drok, DrthTater, Drwg, Dryadsong, Dryke, DuckNUTZ, DuctTape, Duddy01, Dylea the Metal Weaver, Dyzzyah, Earl Good Boi, Eddie Trojan, Edgar Fizzlewhip, Edgy, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Efftien, El Changito Mal, Elachim, Elayle, Elfie Buttz, ElleMinnowPea, Elpizothegreat, Elsinor, Eluria, Elwanning, Elyas Machera, Emerilla, EnderNightshade, Endrite, Erathaol, Ereinion, Erichwanh, ErisDiscordia, ErnieR, Eroquin, Escence, Esmi, Ethan007, Euan McLeod, EvenHart, Eventvwr, Evey Jane, Evil Elvis, Extremophilia, FLCL fan6, FSM Worshiper, FURj, Fabian920, Fabio11234, Fachtna, False Dragon, FantasticSpandex, Farrhago, Farscape, Fate449, Faustus Fusilli, Fearium, Fepel, Fessor Eli, FetusXmas, Fewmbert, Ficlogic, Figfewdisgewd, Finners101, Fire Knight, Firemummy, Fishfr1es, Fitje, Flammo, Fleegle, FleetwoodMacTruck, Florpy, Flubbersnuff, Flumpmaster, Flurry, Flybynight, Foggort, Foggy, Footstorm, Forneus Brewer, Forsquilis, Foster86, Four Fig Newtons, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Franklin D Roosevelt, Fredericus, Frogstar, Fronobulax, Froogle Man, Fundamagargle, Funkenstein, Funktopus, Futhrok, Fyll, G1R, GCByzantine, GGXTCC, GadTheHero, Galapagos James, GameOver, GamesMaster, Garjon, Gawain, Gawea, Gedren, Geldar, Genbu Cosplayer, GencyDeFen, GeneGene, Generic Hero, Genghis Cohen, Genius695, Gerkistar, Geske, GiantKillerRobots, GinoXYZ, Gladstone, Glomer, Gloria Teasdale, Gmorg, GoddessSixx, Godspeed, Gonoph, Goobernostrum, GoodEats, Goron Soilder, GrammarWhore, Grandpa_Jeb, GraniteGrizz, Grats, Grave Disturbance, GravyMonkey, GrayVTrain7, Greeny30, Greg Powell, Greggerygregington, Greylin, Griffonics, Grimhelm, Grogum, Groo215, Gryphon, Gryphon_2, Gu0y1, Gunther Maplethorpe, Gurei, Gusticles, Guthlaf, Guy Bone, Guyy, Gym, HOldeRofSecrEts, HackandStabby, HagbardCeline, Hairshirt, Halnon, Hammered, Hamo_Boy, Hamusutaa, Hannibal Smith, Hans Moleman, Hanson The Mighty, Happy Bunny, HappyDeadChicken, Happychaos, Happydance, Harbor, HareBrain, Harven, Hasand, HastiferArken, HawkinVXN, Hawumph, Hedgemonster, Helicam, Helix Fossil, HellBane, Hellno, Hello Kitty, Hellux, Hermitess, HighPriestessOfTinsel, Hinakochan, Hippie Boy, Hison, Hix, Hoarcreme, HoboBob24, Hollyquin, Honesty, Hoover, HorusForelock, Hrotli, Hsilwo, Huff, Hulyen, Hunkpapa, Hustle, Hyperhail, I Shot Liberty Valance, I am here_why, I said therefore, IAmtheDisco, IKeelU, ILILILI, IMdemondog, Ibaslomofo, Icedge5, IdeDude, Idu, IffyLogic, Igor Priapus, Ima Blonde, Immelan, InSinYou8, Infernau, Infopowerbroker, InsanityPrelude, InspectorX, Invariel, Ioeth, Ipikak the Inebriated, Ipskulin, Ironbar Blackfinger, IronicBlackbeard, Irresponsibility, Irritant, Isibeal, Isladar, Isobelle, ItAreMahNinthBirfdaySameAsLast, Itsatrap, Ixidor1219, JB77, JD McSquinty, JK Phoenix, JLE, Jadiepoo, Jaeshala, Jafo, Jain, Jajamola88, Jaladan, JamesMatte, Jaster Mereel, JayPro22, JebusHasTouchedMe, Jehanmandeville, Jenner, Jenny, JerichoShade, JerseyBoy, Jesara, Jezdar, Jhusdhui, Jibbly, Jill Apagos, Jin Cortez, Jinzo Fusilli, Jireh18, Jitsaki, JoVapa, JoeRo1, John Quincy Adams, Johnson, Jonar, Jonny Mac, Jonze, Joquie, Jorbo, Joshiskoolguy, Josim, Juan Taco, Judicar, JudySeagram, Juha, Julitewn, Junestar, Kabosh, Kaen, Kajoran, Kale, Kamiokande, Kana, KaosFreak, Katarina, Kate The Great, KathDrag, Kazfiel, Keldar the Unbrave, Kemistry, Kenosaki, KentKronos, Kentonio, Kerallyn, Kerrigan, Kestrel Roscoe, Kevin, Khlamedaea, Khutulun, KidCharlemagne, KidoftheThird, Kilbia, Kilcannon, Kill3rQu33n, Killer Leader500, Kilovian, KimiKeik, Kincaid, KindFox, King, King Hustle, KingCrunchyToes, KingSuperGinny, Kinglett, Kinkajou69, Kirbydude616, Kitsunegami, KittYhm, Klarth, Knackwurscht, Knal, Kneegrow, Kolyn, Koriandr, Kreegah, Kristyalmighty, Kronoc, Krymzin, KuanKYH, Kvice, KweenIsabelle, Kyler Thatch, Kyndi, Kyros42, Kyta, Ladle of Demiclaws, Lady Lola, Lady Tomo, LadyAquamarina, LadyDelilah, LadyTL, Lanthir_nara, LasagnacTheGreat, LastChans, LazyLoki, LeCreuset, LeafRivr, Leannan Sidhe, Leaper, LegOMutton, Lendezco, Leo Pard, Lerdy, Leukocyte, Levykid, Lexicon, Lil Miss Wonder, Lillerina, Lineoleum, Linguinka, Linknoid, Llamoo, Loch Lomond, Log from Blammo Mall, LogicalMadness, LoisGriffin, Loki_chaos11, Lokiator, LoneZealot, Looth_Teeth, Lorad, Loralie, Lord Goober, Lord Kobel, Lord Tyranus, Lord Ydnar, LordAo, LordVadar, LordVyle, LordWallyWartbottom, Lord_Josh, Lord_Towers, Lord_of_Ants, Lorighitta, Lost in Hyrule, LostDreams, Lotsaluck, Lucelle Ball, Lugiatic, LunaDancer, Lxndr, Lycanthra33, Lyle332, Lyndis, Lytol, M3ph1st0, MCScaredOfBees, MRB_255, Mac_Gyver, Macdaddy, Mad Carew, Maddog Doan, MadonnaOfTheWasps, Magic Bacon, Magnus Thunderblade, MagpieRavenswood, Major John, Major Woodrow, Major159, MajorLandmark, Majsju, Maltosio, Mana Yachanichu, Mangled Pumpkin, Manion, Manwhore, Marge, Maria Mafaldine, Marie Elin, Mars of Mars, Master Tortellini, MasterBigsby, Mat Cauthon, Mathesis, Maxy Bear, MayaB, Mayoress, Mazzy, McChew, Mco, MeLcator, Meagen Image, Meatball21, Meaticus, Meester Slow, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Megabass, Mehified, Mella, Mellissaleo, Melon Squeezer, Melvin DoOver, Merlenyn, Merlinus Pastorian, Metraxis, Mewoko, Mezmorizor, MiB, Mia_Devon, Michael303, MickyPain, Mifdsam, Mike Antleg, Mike Czech, Mikeyii, Miles Bluefalls, MilitantPrincess, MinaPoe, Mindy, Minervaish, MiniCoffee, MiniLizard, Minnakht, Minuit, MiracleWh1ps, Mirai, Miridian, Mirrorshades, Mishau, Mishmash, Miss Cailia, Miss Chievous, Mist Furor, Mister Edge, Mister Jinkles, Mister Tambourine Man, Mitch122, Mme_Defarge, Mobilis, ModeSix, Monarch309, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monoceria, MooBear, Mooker, Moonmouse, Morgana Rose, Mosy, MotherMary13, Motrax, Mousseme, Moxsassin, Mr Dark, Mr Rusty, MrFatso, MrMcFeely, MrSpeed, MrSqueezeBox, Mr_GlitterBall, Mrs Rittenhouse, Ms Bus Driver, MsCreant, Muck298, Mud Duck, Murnjendoof, MynX, Mynar, MyrtleTyrtle, Mystery_Wolf, MysticalMolly, MythieWinters, MzSwan, N00B1N4T0R, NCDarkness, Naeomi, Nancygirl, Nanimonai3, Naraja, Naranduil, Nashtinka, Natedogg, Naughtyjas, Necha, Necrophage, Neiros, NekoCheshire, NekoDraga, Nekosoft, NeoDream, NeonHusky, Neran, Newman, Newo5678, NightRipper, Nightvol, Ninamo, Ninja Karl, Ninja Taco, Ninjazombie, Niomara and Nodo21
