
#248A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 11
#280A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 21
#257A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 31
#224A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 41
#297A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 51
#226A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 61
#661A. W. O. L. commendation5
#2231Ancient Saucehelm1
#525Angry Farmer candy137
#117Angry Farmer's Wife Candy11
#296Ankh of Badahnkadh1
#232Arrrmetia trading card1
#437Atomic Comic1
#179Atomic Pop2
#27Ax of L'rose1
#680BGE merchandise order form4
#1447BGE shotglass1
#956BGE tiny plastic toy1
#48BRAINS shorts30
#974Baron von Ratsworth's monocle12
#825Baron von Ratsworth's tophat2
#20Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler102
#299Better Than Cuddling Cake8
#164Bit O' Ectoplasm15
#334Bling of the New Wave4
#23Blood Light148
#186Bohemian rhapsody2
#18Bone's Farm "wine"54
#1922Bonerdagon necklace2
#423Boris's key lime pie1
#925Boris's ring1
#1168Boss Bat bling2
#1989Boss Bat britches3
#43CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1)14
#107CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2)5
#111CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3)5
#102CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4)5
#102CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5)5
#190CRIMBCO mug83
#999CRIMBCO scrip65
#1940CRIMBCO wine1
#1223CRIMBCOIDS mints4
#89Chori Zo trading card2
#287Cinco Mayo Lager1
#1729Cloaca grenade1
#1151Cloaca-Cola c-rations1
#1487Cloaca-Cola fatigues1
#1418Cloaca-Cola helmet1
#904Cloaca-Cola knapsack1
#1428Cloaca-Cola shield1
#354Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife2
#1558Codpiece of the Goblin King3
#2464Colander of Em-er'il1
#687Cold Hots candy5
#1448Corpse Island iced tea2
#325Crimbo candied pecan37
#345Crimbo fudge34
#313Crimbo peppermint bark40
#650Crimbo wreath1
#1527Crimboween memo5
#1037Crown of the Goblin King23
#195DNOTC Box2
#1524Daffy Taffy8
#779Dickory Farms Gift Basket7
#419Disco 'Fro Pick7
#454Disco Banjo1
#198Doc's Miracle Cure7
#340Dolphin King's crown13
#332Dr. Hobo's scalpel11
#1205Drowsy Sword10
#1668Dyspepsi grenade1
#1084Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations1
#1405Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues1
#1416Dyspepsi-Cola helmet1
#857Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack1
#1375Dyspepsi-Cola shield1
#580Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen1
#533Elder Turtle Shell5
#87Elfin shortbread12
#129Elvish delight2
#673Feynman gate13
#67Fudgie Roll4
#1602Glass Balls of the Goblin King1
#679Happy Birthday, Claude! cake1
#105Haunted Sorority House staff guide52
#92Inndya trading card2
#775Jarlsberg's earring1
#878Jocko Homo's head2
๐ŸฅˆJunior LAAAAME merit badge1
#127Kevlar balloon1
#363LED block3
#454Lars the Cyberian1
#1825Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet10
#884Loudmouth Larry Lamprey1
#260Mae West with a fly in it1
#262MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech35
#258Mariner's Friend cough drops1
#34Mesmereyesโ„ข contact lenses51
#466Mob Penguin cellular phone42
#231Morbidda trading card1
#1841Mr. Mediocrebar12
#83Nayztameetjoo trading card2
#8Nightstalker perfume152
#143Now and Earlier37
#282Raggedy Hippy doll1
#1462Retenez L'Herbe Patรฉ1
#77Rock Pops756
#647Rock and Roll Legend1
#529Scalp of Gorgolok6
๐Ÿฅ‡Senior LAAAAME merit badge1
#646Senior Mints6
#12Silver Bullet beer147
#922Spooky Surprise Egg1
#712St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket7
๐ŸฅˆStabonic scroll1
#132Steal This Candy20
#159Sugar Cog18
#248Taco Dan's Taco Stand Flier1
#936Tales from the Fireside1
#97Tales of a Kansas Toymaker21
#1319Tasty Fun Good rice candy10
#224The Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones6
#261The Cooler Out of Space10
#285The Joy of Wassailing12
#44The Legendary Beat1
#1376Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette2
#2339Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette1
#765Trollhouse cookies15
#48Ultrasoldier Serum25
#1251Uncle Crimbo's Rations1
๐Ÿฅ‡Uncle Crimbo's Sack1
#701Uncle Romulus1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#273Valentine's Day cake2
#335Volartta's bellbottoms4
#1286Wand of Nagamar1
#323Wint-O-Fresh mint41
#311Workytime Tea7
#2147Yummy Tummy bean27
#182Zombo's grievous greaves1
#95abandoned candy21
#787acoustic guitarrr2
๐Ÿฅ‡all-year sucker1
#182alphabet gum10
#124ammonite candy mold1
#210ammonite fossil25
#666ancient unspeakable fruitcake9
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
๐Ÿฅˆanniversary concrete fedora1
๐Ÿฅˆanniversary safety glass vest1
#1079annoying pitchfork1
#544antique 8-Bit Power magazine2
#534antique painting of a landscape1
#219antique record album12
#587antique souvenir drawing1
#147apathetic lizardman doll1
#288arrow'd heart balloon2
#149astronaut ice-cream3
#273astronaut pants34
#149atomic vector plotter31
#241bacon bath ball4
#185baconstone earring1
#261baconstone ring1
#7432badass belt1
#1110baggie of powdered sugar2
#337banana cream pie1
#220banana daiquiri1
#86banana milkshake1
#185banana smoothie4
#208banana spritzer1
#251banana supersucker1
#498banana-frosted king cake5
#497bat-shaped Crimboween cookie4
#736bath ball gift set6
#50bazookafish bubble gum100
#687beholed bedsheet1
#233bejeweled accordion strap1
#214belemnite fossil24
#337bell-shaped Crimbo cookie3
#241bellhop bell1
#127bi-lateral logic compressor31
#395big bass drum1
#62bite-me-red lipstick237
#419black candy heart19
#1818black paisley oyster egg2
#122black plastic oyster egg31
#2088black polka-dot oyster egg1
#193black sheepskin diploma1
#1901black striped oyster egg2
#186blank fudge mold2
#197blended frozen swill with a fly in it1
#786blob-shaped Crimbo cookie8
#621blood flower10
#2554blue paisley oyster egg1
#69blue plastic baby5
#536blue plastic oyster egg9
#2374blue polka-dot oyster egg1
๐Ÿฅˆblue ribbon1
#1835blue striped oyster egg2
๐Ÿฅˆblue traffic cone1
#43blueberry-frosted king cake20
#428bone flute1
#665bone rattle1
#981borg sock monkey1
#855bottle of single-barrel whiskey2
#381bouquet of circular saw blades3
#2614box of sunshine39
#102breath mint69
#696broken cellular phone1
#41brown plastic baby19
#287brown sugar cane15
๐Ÿฅ‡bucket of anniversary lard1
#938bunch of bananas1
#275bungle in the jungle3
#185calavera concertina1
#247calle de miel with a fly in it1
#569can of Binarrrca16
#1890can of CRIMBCOLA2
#98can of Red Minotaur50
#477can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce19
#223candied kobold14
#57candied yam pinky ring1
#179candied yams46
#187candy brain23
#430candy cane88
#110candy cornucopia1
#1063candy kneecapping stick3
#462candy knuckles5
#76candy skeleton15
#816candy stake8
#532canteen of wine50
#308capacitor relay38
#456carbon nanotube frame25
#155carob chunk cookies19
#307cheap elven gloves14
#180cheap plastic bottle opener31
#1660cheap toaster1
#146children of the candy corn2
#258chintzy disco ball pendant3
#527chintzy turtle brooch1
#123chocolate bath ball8
#555chocolate cigar1
#119chocolate disco ball9
#266chocolate filthy lucre17
#70chocolate frosted sugar bomb1
#214chocolate seal-clubbing club1
#409chocolate spurs1
#212chocolate stolen accordion1
#106chocolate-covered caviar1
#596chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses2
#267chocolate-covered scarab beetle8
#112chocolate-frosted king cake18
#522chrome sword1
#1441chunk of depleted Grimacite4
#1752circular CRIMBCOOKIE1
#747clockwork key1
#54clockwork rings1
#482club necklace14
#1222cocoa egg1
#434commemorative war stein27
#649communications windchimes1
#133computronic processing unit31
#1468corpse on the beach2
#116cotton candy bale1
#126cotton candy cone4
#136cotton candy pillow2
#106cotton candy pinch1
#131cranberry schnapps4
#699crazy little Turkish delight5
#33crotchety pants2
#477cyborg doll3
#840cyborg stompin' boot3
#585dance card1
#384deluxe fax machine1
#240depleted Grimacite kneecapping stick2
#792diamond necklace9
#391dire fudgesicle2
#1848disco ball1
#1715disco mask1
#476disintegrating sheet music1
#1639doll house1
#211double daisy2
#813drab sonata1
#634drum machine2
#582drywall axe21
#78dubious peppermint9
#361dwarf bread11
#229eXtreme nose ring1
#1070easter egg balloon23
#84elderly jawbreaker2
#307elven limbos gingerbread43
#685elven socks6
#311elven suicide capsule37
#248empty blowgun10
#313epic wad1
#1391evil googly eye1
#2681evil teddy bear1
#74exactly-three-shaped box1
#226explosion-flavored chewing gum115
#74extra-see-thru nightie8
#21extremely skinny jeans31
#377eye of newt24
#592facsimile dictionary16
#761fancy but probably evil chocolate8
#100fancy chocolate21
#347fancy chocolate car8
#2422fancy dress ball1
#355festive holiday hat12
#80fez of etymology5
#298finger cymbals1
#838flashing novelty button2
#132foie gras14
#462fortune cookie1
#116frigid fudgepuck37
#117fry-oil-flavored Hob-O5
#244fudge lily25
#983fuzzy dice6
#498ga-ga radio2
#902ghost cucumber40
#647giant discarded bottlecap7
#787giant discarded plastic fork11
#727giant discarded torn-up glove5
#563giant foam finger1
#592giant pinky ring25
#315gingerbread bugbear84
#478gingerbread horror12
#1336gingerbread mutant bugbear4
#896glass of goat's milk1
#145gnatwing earring1
#63golden plastic oyster egg3
#1800golden ring39
#2658googly eye1
#70grape troll doll1
#286gray bow tie24
#594green balloon2
#706green beer15
#735green candy heart7
#140green gummi ingot246
#5337grue egg1
#171gummi ammonite1
#165gummi belemnite1
#170gummi trilobite1
#623guy made of bee pollen3
#197hamethyst earring1
#263hamethyst ring1
#2507heart necklace2
๐Ÿฅ‡heart of dark chocolate1
#124heart of rock and roll1
#1395heart of the volcano2
#1453heart-shaped balloon1
#455heavy metal sonata1
#540heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr1
#696herb brownies11
#394herbal stuffing20
#1110high-resistance ultrapolymer plating1
#312hippy bongo1
#305holiday cheese log6
#109holiday log2
#60holly-flavored Hob-O2
#87honey stick7
#235honey-dipped locust11
#201hot stuffing1
#131hyperbolic plasma focuser31
#275ice stein1
#757immense cyborg hand6
#155incredibly creepy marionette19
#689invisible bag1
#458ion grid26
#145ion-pulse modulation stabilizer31
#720irradiated candy cane6
#808jabaรฑero-flavored chewing gum5
#98jar of "Creole Lady" marrrmalade5
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#1831jazz soap1
#88jerky coins240
#1288killer rag doll1
#603kneecapping stick19
#438knuckle sandwich53
#250kumquat supersucker1
#600laser-broiled pear13
#815lavender candy heart5
#674lavender paisley oyster egg5
#929lavender plastic oyster egg4
#2028lavender polka-dot oyster egg1
#808lavender striped oyster egg3
#492left half of a heart necklace1
#1750length of string1
#179less-than-three-shaped box1
#937lewd playing card1
#422licorice garrote5
#233lime supersucker1
#702lime-and-chile-flavored chewing gum7
#521linoleum sword1
#360llama lama gong2
#109loaded serum blowgun33
#686logic synthesizer13
#590long-stemmed rose1
#240love song of disturbing obsession8
#232love song of icy revenge5
#207love song of naughty innuendo13
#272love song of smoldering passion5
#251love song of sugary cuteness5
#264love song of vague ambiguity4
#122lovecat tail7
#323lucky rabbit's foot20
#193lump of Saccharine Maple sap1
#277mad scientist's sock monkey11
#417mafia aria56
#134magic lamp7
#235mandarina colada with a fly in it1
#416maple syrup10
#707mariachi G-string1
#1299mariachi pants1
#99marshmallow flambรฉ5
#565marzipan skull14
#180massive sitar1
#1983mauve paisley oyster egg1
#1551mauve plastic oyster egg2
#1845mauve polka-dot oyster egg1
#801mauve striped oyster egg5
#334milk of magnesium1
#580mime soul fragment1
#487miniature stuffed Goth Giant1
#188motivational poster21
#187mulled cider10
#865mummy costume3
#292munchies pill1
#250myrrh-soaked, chocolate-covered bacon bath ball1
#427nanite-infested candy cane34
#1041nanite-infested eggnog5
#614nanite-infested fruitcake8
#315nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear14
#39necrotizing body spray137
#65ninja pirate zombie robot1
#2031obsidian dagger5
#1363off-white paisley oyster egg1
#2532off-white plastic oyster egg1
#1204off-white polka-dot oyster egg2
#1582off-white striped oyster egg1
#539orange and black Crimboween candy5
#536orange candy heart31
#642orange glowstick3
#865oriole-feather headdress1
#189out-of-tune biwa1
#1089oversized fish scaler5
#1889oyster basket1
#90pack of chewing gum6
#270pants of the Slug Lord14
#192party hat16
#257passable elf mask13
#179pat-a-cake pendant7
#294patent leather shoes23
#123peach lozenge1
#207pear supersucker1
#230penguin focaccia bread41
#273penguin thesaurus26
#236perpendicular hula with a fly in it1
#1060personalized birthday cake1
#2716pet rock1
#332phish stick3
#876pickle-flavored chewing gum4
#162picture of a dead guy's girlfriend5
#207piece of after eight1
#169pile of candy56
#602pink candy heart15
#26pink plastic baby19
#680pixellated candy heart16
#637plastic Crimbo reindeer1
#465plastic guitar1
#419plastic passion fruit3
#861polyalloy shield5
#1183pool cue1
#186porquoise eyebrow ring1
#251porquoise ring1
#478portable corkscrew15
#318portable photocopier21
#2220possessed top1
#1167potato sprout1
#440potted cactus4
#489potted fern1
#144prehistoric spear24
#92press-on ribs71
#244prussian cathouse with a fly in it1
#128psycho sweater3
#2034puce paisley oyster egg1
#1421puce plastic oyster egg2
#753puce polka-dot oyster egg5
#1644puce striped oyster egg1
#619pulsing flesh6
#17purple glowstick31
#145quantum polarity inducer31
#734quantum taco3
#168questionable taco3
#586radio button candy1
#434rag doll5
#2247razor-tipped yo-yo1
#145recursive spline reticulator31
#139red gummi ingot246
#2227red paisley oyster egg1
#31red plastic baby20
#2536red plastic oyster egg1
#2205red polka-dot oyster egg1
#639red striped oyster egg4
#9red traffic cone1
#209red-headed corpse1
#145reverse-oscillating klystron31
#1299rib of the Bonerdagon1
#187ribbon candy6
#925ridiculous cocktail1
#136ridiculous sandwich11
#499rigid carapace9
#366ring of adornment1
#1128ring of aggravate monster1
#352ring of cold resistance1
#376ring of conflict1
#338ring of fire resistance1
#341ring of gain strength1
#237ring of half-assed regeneration14
#414ring of increase damage1
#173ring setting1
#68roasted marshmallow484
#182rockin' wagon with a fly in it1
#52roller skate doll1
#10rose-colored glasses1
#282royal jelly48
#570rubber WWBD? bracelet13
#987rubber WWJD? bracelet8
#863rubber WWSPD? bracelet9
#646rubber WWtNSD? bracelet11
#412rubber emo roe79
#310salamander spleen33
#302scroll of pasta summoning50
#149servomechanical torsion facilitator31
#368shimmering rainbow sand1
#103shiny butcherknife12
#777shiny ring31
#263silver shrimp fork8
#185sinister altar fragment2
#267six tiny wedges of goat cheese5
#438skeleton key ring1
#1806skull-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#237slap and tickle with a fly in it1
#1097sleeping snowy owl1
#707slow jam collection5
#426sock monkey6
#1677solid gold bowling ball5
#31solid linoleum box1
#13sorority brain103
#102space jam7
#461spade necklace14
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#31spangly unitard18
#462spectral pickle24
๐Ÿฅˆspeed limit shield1
#424spooky bark28
#1397spooky bicycle chain1
#301spooky eggnog15
#1856spooky felt1
#118spooky hockey mask11
#407spooky length of string27
#415spooky sap20
#1600spooky stuffing1
#1571spooky toy wheel1
#1767spooky wooden block1
#252square CRIMBCOOKIE5
#396squashed frog25
#287squirming egg sac45
#1799stainless steel scarf1
#2243stainless steel shillelagh1
#1222stainless steel skullcap3
#1861stainless steel solitaire1
#163sterno-flavored Hob-O2
#247stick of "gum"8
#1824stolen accordion1
#273stone banjo1
๐Ÿฅ‡stop shield1
#225strawberry supersucker1
#135strawberry-flavored Hob-O3
#1033string of blue beads11
#1500string of green beads6
#1209string of red beads9
#564stringy sinew16
#328stuffed Baron von Ratsworth123
#804stuffed Cheshire bitten57
#835stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech56
#317stuffed Meat133
#142stuffed alien blob39
#872stuffed angry cow55
#681stuffed astral badger69
#755stuffed baby gravy fairy65
#1465stuffed can of asparagus1
#860stuffed cocoabo54
#169stuffed crazy bastard sword50
#905stuffed dodecapede2
#61stuffed doppelshifter216
#762stuffed flaming gravy fairy63
#639stuffed frozen gravy fairy73
#950stuffed ghuol whelp1
#1204stuffed gray blob12
#690stuffed hand turkey68
#560stuffed key103
#244stuffed martini39
#581stuffed mind flayer78
#242stuffed mink158
#302stuffed monocle137
#341stuffed ninja snowman14
#914stuffed scary death orb54
#2452stuffed shoulder parrot6
#919stuffed sleazy gravy fairy53
#1022stuffed snowy owl47
#802stuffed spooky gravy fairy61
#246stuffed stab bat1
#777stuffed stinky gravy fairy60
#362stuffed teddy butler123
#323stuffed tin of caviar131
#650stuffed treasure chest87
#867stuffed undead elbow macaroni57
#152stuffed yeti1
#553stuffed yo-yo1
#776stuffed zmobie1
#129sub-molecular interocitor31
#33sucker scaffold252
#122sugar chapeau1
#211sugar lime1
#123sugar shard50
#141sugar sheet84
#183sugar shield1
#79sugar shillelagh1
#119sugar shirt1
#147sugar shorts1
#104sugar shotgun1
#238sugar-coated pine cone11
#160superamplified boom box2
#104superheated fudge44
#382support cummerbund18
#1153synthetic stuffing1
#744tamarind-flavored chewing gum6
#728tambourine bells1
#222tangarita with a fly in it1
#255tattered paper crown3
#68teddy bear84
#1434theoretical string1
#508three-tiered wedding cake1
#13throwing bone58
#936tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer1
#506tiny die-cast CrimboTown Toy Factory4
#204tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer8
#379tiny die-cast Don Crimbo2
#392tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer5
#599tiny die-cast Father Crimbo1
#632tiny die-cast Father Crimborg1
#746tiny die-cast Grumpy the Reindeer2
#928tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer1
#356tiny die-cast Rudolphus of Crimborg2
#609tiny die-cast Sleepy the Reindeer3
#484tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer4
#590tiny die-cast Uncle Hobo1
#504tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign4
#308tiny die-cast arc-welding Elfborg2
#592tiny die-cast blade a-spinning1
#744tiny die-cast factory worker elf2
#211tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf8
#285tiny die-cast golden ring2
#110tiny die-cast goose a-laying4
#604tiny die-cast middle-management elf3
#741tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf2
#551tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming1
#565tiny die-cast turtle mech1
#40tiny goth giant3
#651tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#365tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf19
#65tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo1
#83tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear42
#347tiny plastic Axe Wound19
#276tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth15
#84tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type24
#51tiny plastic Beebee King30
#665tiny plastic Beelzebozo7
#384tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#266tiny plastic Big Candy1
#424tiny plastic Black Knight16
#671tiny plastic Bonerdagon7
#387tiny plastic Boss Bat11
#59tiny plastic Bugbear Captain14
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#61tiny plastic Cafรฉ Elf1
#81tiny plastic Captain Kerkard1
#78tiny plastic Charity the Zombie Hunter41
#496tiny plastic Cheshire bat32
#220tiny plastic ChibiBuddyโ„ข1
#62tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel26
#622tiny plastic Crimbo Casino1
#47tiny plastic Crimbo caroler1
#42tiny plastic Crimbo cheer1
#1219tiny plastic Crimbo elf8
#1303tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer7
#250tiny plastic Crimbo wreath11
#85tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva1
#101tiny plastic Crimbomega1
#577tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#87tiny plastic Crimborgatron1
#101tiny plastic Crimbot1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#59tiny plastic Dolph Bossin1
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#116tiny plastic Duke Starkiller8
#85tiny plastic Ed the Undying1
#50tiny plastic Father McGruber51
#422tiny plastic Felonia10
#282tiny plastic Fudge Wizard1
#255tiny plastic G Imp24
#173tiny plastic GORM-81
#87tiny plastic Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej1
#473tiny plastic Gary Claybender2
#332tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser20
#296tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester22
#66tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist50
#287tiny plastic Hellion22
#329tiny plastic Iiti Kitty20
#152tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker6
#49tiny plastic Jarlsberg1
#168tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S.1
#257tiny plastic Knob Goblin King15
#499tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter14
#648tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl11
#478tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist15
#299tiny plastic Knott Yeti22
#77tiny plastic Knows About Chakras1
#73tiny plastic Krampus1
#60tiny plastic Lord Flameface13
#28tiny plastic Lord Spookyraven2
#214tiny plastic MechaElf1
#46tiny plastic Mer-kin baker1
#45tiny plastic Mirth1
#1056tiny plastic Mob Penguin1
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#17tiny plastic Naughty Sorceress1
#71tiny plastic Norville Rogers43
#368tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy18
#40tiny plastic Penny1
#351tiny plastic Protagonist19
#47tiny plastic Queen Bee30
#60tiny plastic Rene C. Corman13
#82tiny plastic Rudolph the Red1
#86tiny plastic Scott the Miner39
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#50tiny plastic Sneaky Pete1
#360tiny plastic Spam Witch18
#497tiny plastic Spunky Princess14
#49tiny plastic Susie1
#90tiny plastic Tammy the Tambourine Elf1
#367tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski12
#262tiny plastic The Man15
#67tiny plastic The Silent Nightmare1
#172tiny plastic Toybot1
#271tiny plastic Trouser Snake24
#264tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo11
#237tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku1
#27tiny plastic Wu Tang the Betrayer43
#321tiny plastic XXX pr0n20
#75tiny plastic Your Brain1
#302tiny plastic abominable fudgeman1
#252tiny plastic accordion thief14
#108tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart1
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#443tiny plastic angry bugbear16
#378tiny plastic angry goat41
#85tiny plastic angry space marine42
#43tiny plastic angry vikings2
#393tiny plastic anime smiley17
#243tiny plastic animelf1
#348tiny plastic apathetic lizardman20
#247tiny plastic astronomer25
#654tiny plastic baby gravy fairy26
#72tiny plastic bad vibe1
#473tiny plastic barrrnacle34
#72tiny plastic batbugbear43
#457tiny plastic beanbat15
#97tiny plastic bee swarm36
#66tiny plastic beebee gunners48
#91tiny plastic beebee queue38
#418tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar10
#47tiny plastic black ops bugbear61
#59tiny plastic blazing bat51
#515tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball31
#296tiny plastic blooper22
#255tiny plastic brainsweeper25
#244tiny plastic briefcase bat25
#71tiny plastic bugaboo47
#71tiny plastic buzzerker45
#56tiny plastic cavebugbear57
#540tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite2
#401tiny plastic cocoabo39
#428tiny plastic coffee pixie36
#264tiny plastic colollilossus1
#446tiny plastic conservationist hippy10
#314tiny plastic cubist bull20
#427tiny plastic demoninja16
#218tiny plastic disco bandit17
#53tiny plastic dolphin "orphan"1
#198tiny plastic drunk goat31
#100tiny plastic exo-suited miner1
#1018tiny plastic fat stack of cash1
#427tiny plastic fax machine1
#240tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus24
#305tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker22
#83tiny plastic fire servant23
#234tiny plastic fluffy bunny27
#386tiny plastic fruit golem17
#513tiny plastic fuzzy dice31
#388tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick39
#339tiny plastic ghuol whelp44
#464tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers15
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#335tiny plastic goth giant19
#433tiny plastic grue36
#391tiny plastic handsome mariachi17
#426tiny plastic hermit10
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#355tiny plastic howling balloon monkey43
#89tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear38
#611tiny plastic killer bee27
#250tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box25
#291tiny plastic leprechaun49
#507tiny plastic levitating potato32
#516tiny plastic lobsterfrogman13
#71tiny plastic mime executive1
#72tiny plastic mime functionary1
#73tiny plastic mime scientist1
#74tiny plastic mime soldier1
#58tiny plastic moneybee52
#498tiny plastic mosquito32
#46tiny plastic multi-level marketer1
#51tiny plastic mumblebee58
#1036tiny plastic mutant elf1
#393tiny plastic ninja snowman18
#57tiny plastic orphan1
#479tiny plastic pastamancer9
#52tiny plastic peacannon31
#58tiny plastic reindeer1
#577tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime29
#326tiny plastic sauceror12
#562tiny plastic scary clown13
#45tiny plastic sea elf1
#344tiny plastic seal clubber12
#101tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit1
#244tiny plastic senile lihc26
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#302tiny plastic smarmy pirate22
#56tiny plastic spiderbugbear30
#338tiny plastic spiny skelelton19
#311tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton46
#345tiny plastic spooky vampire19
#440tiny plastic stab bat36
#413tiny plastic star starfish37
#585tiny plastic stocking mimic1
#978tiny plastic strand of DNA1
#329tiny plastic sweet nutcracker27
#466tiny plastic taco cat15
#225tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf1
#49tiny plastic the Free Man29
#279tiny plastic topiary golem22
#313tiny plastic trollipop1
#389tiny plastic turtle tamer11
#343tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni20
#192tiny plastic warbear1
#178tiny plastic warbear fortress1
#268tiny plastic warwelf23
#318tiny plastic whitesnake21
#53tiny plastic wild beaver1
#52tiny plastic yuleviathan1
#389tiny plastic zmobie17
#91toe jam8
#202tofurkey gravy38
#241tofurkey leg33
#925tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie2
#2527toothsome rock1
#204tortoise's blessing13
#126toy crazy train76
#349toy jet pack22
#921toy maglev monorail1
#2127toy mercenary1
#428toy ray gun23
#517toy soldier3
#389toy space helmet23
#318toy train7
#1821toy wheel1
#96traffic jam8
#3145tree-eating kite1
#315tree-shaped Crimbo cookie3
#1783triangular CRIMBCOOKIE1
#209trilobite fossil24
#222twitching claw16
#71unstable DNA622
#84unstable quark13
#246urinal cake12
#753valuable trinket90
#332vampire duck-on-a-string34
#1267vibrating cyborg knife6
#673vitachoconutriment capsule7
#685walrus-tusk earring1
#18whisker pencil245
#902white balloon1
#597white candy heart18
#623white chocolate chip cookies2
#613witch hat1
#949wolfman mask2
#932wooden block2
#1042wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#503yellow candy heart50
#141yellow gummi ingot242
#1177yellow paisley oyster egg2
#60yellow plastic oyster egg64
#1327yellow polka-dot oyster egg1
#1636yellow striped oyster egg1
๐Ÿฅ‡yield shield1
#143zombie pineal gland27

Wow, that's 62,869 items total!

what items are this player missing?