belemnite fossil

belemnite fossil

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This is a fossilized belemnite. The belemnite, now extinct, is one of the earliest known ancestors of Bill Bellamy. In case, y'know, you were wondering who to blame.









#6Mistress of the Obvious828






#9Captain Fortitude590


#10MI4 REAL500


































#27Hojo Hominygrits184












#33AtlanteanScion and Magister30137








#38Food Reef125




#40Mystic_Potato and agargan108








#45Darkling and caducus100






#49Lis and TheBrent91


#51Artie Effham and Poncho the Sane90


#53Nim and Pumpkinheadme89


#55Damasta and Dogola88


#57Picklenose and Rastix86


#59LumberingOaf and The Purple Manpie85


#61Uli Kunkel84


#62Skent and eav83


#64Smiling Spectre82


#65Demonsquiggle and Mac_Gyver81




#68Choo Choo79


#69QVamp and fingersmurphy77






#73LuckyPuck and stuffandthings73


#75pantsthief and slag72




#78Kristyl, Shafedog0, Testudiney and ghienel70


#82Kol Miners Daughter and TheGhost69


#84Wraithtech and rounDchilD67




#87DarkSpuddle and Dr_Obvious65


#89Cnorgard and Zorrr064




#92FrankNBeans and Mairsil62


#94Lanshaft, nortalf, queenoftheNAUGHTiez and sage112561


#98IceColdFever and Stan Maskelyne60






#102Lobster, Lord Mellman, Rutger von Horeburg and Vik3Vince54


#106Hetzer, Solve_Omnis, graethynne and mskc53


#110Kemistry and ki77bot52


#112Eroquin and QueVee51


#114DosBoot, gnoCCo and jcrkk50




#118Morgad, Nerdanel, Nikademus and siege7248




#123Adam1WPI, Sulnar and kagero46


#126Hallan Meras, Normanreedus, SpaceColonel and karneval45




#131Galapagos James, Knitbone and theflamingokid43


#134Handhand and Wagr42


#136PastryWoman and RagingTurtle41


#138BaddeMulti, Eevilcat, Miridian, P3T3Y, PokeyMan and Victorinox40


#144Philosofik, Raug and Stonecat39




#148Bagel Brigade and Shrapnel37


#150Athanatos, Darth Elmo, Keptuvis, Sixty Shoes and TawnyBrawn36


#155Chyld and Hsilwo35


#157Noskilz, Splotz, Tiddlypeeps, Tricksy and testostronaut34


#162Brew Geared, CyberTurtle, Davolta and Mondavidave33


#166Jantastic, Lotan and The Woo32


#169AshleyC, Bogger275, Demicanadian, Durgrim, Moxsassin, Spappy, catchops and zoutroi31


#177Batwood17, Bourbon_bot, DanElectro, Higgy, Psychosis730, Severus Snape, SwenQ, highqualityx10 and isthisarash30


#186Amanda28, Asdfghx, Sativarg, phantom fox and tus29


#191Ginpeporimeg and SerinBites28


#193Bean, Bruce Garetz, Fee, General_Herpes, LiamAndMe and Serhina27


#199CarltheChemist, Cereal Killer 024, DeathofPasta, Dr Danger, Mawna Kur, Skipr, Zombiepops, dammed if I do and slotwin26


#208Asimantos, Babaganoosh, Killer Tune, Lady Tomo, Nachtmahr and Obsidion25


#214Drewsie, Lexicon, LoverPrimeNumbah, Shugars, Someuser14, TheNoseKnows, Whitefiver, alphaxion and dangerosive24


#223Asixton, BabySmasher, CapnFailboat, Dae su Oh, False Dragon, Grief, Jack Flandars, Lotsaluck, Maller, Nanna BuBu, Optimus747, Thud the Barmaid, Ultranibbles and tezlovespez23


#237Chadomancer, Evil_Angry_Hobo, Mashiro, RazorGerbil, Rokusho999, Willy the Small, anitert, patricia, sohryuden and stink palm22


#247HaliBoranje, HubertCumberdale, Jack S, Shindhila, Yatsufusa and almypal32621


#253Blanky, Gaeriel, Kooky Kirby, SaskiaSalsoul, SuperYvan, Van Diemens, mat9h, micros the tiny and testing12345678920


#262Calmera, Daav, Grimm Tooth, Healer, IAmtheDisco, KapmK, Kugli, PSY, PatTheGreat, Quackosaur, The Bitchslapper, Tibbiara, VioletRay, Whym, ireJ24, lazy_fire and petreska19


#279EdFox, Eddie Trojan, Grandmaster Tygon, Grinder, Mahi_mahi_wings, Tom808, Vigilamus, ZombyWoof and lorin21518


#288Jeselino, Lew_b81, Lord_of_Ants, Shoop8000, Sir Biff, The Rogue Fedora, Vbfreak_21, VoraciousVulva, Wole, alBATross, pLaster, sarah_white and sarspastic17


#301BakaGaijin, Bigquack, Itsatrap, Jeddiah, Lazer, Nylaan, Pedinor, Robert McKnurly, Unconventionable, Viridinia, amextex and deadtear16


#313AltheWeird, DarkLord75253, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Gravymaker22, Lorad, MammaBear, Marge, Mishau, Oculi Caeruli, Ozark, Pat McGroin, Roy, Scattaloquarious, SirLazarus, Taylorwulf, Vambann, Yawsh, Zelynda, anakha, chaosagent, ghostfire and rosa blanco15


#335Ayatollah, BlackfireTheUnmaker, GreatChef, Jhusdhui, KuanKYH, Mansausage, Naria, Saddler, Saqa, Squeezly Beezly, Steestee, TPlunkette, ak 47, allen_zhangcool, havoclight, intrepidcat, liffe, lilwen, silrog and underscorewas14


#355Aramada, Biohazzard, Chicken in Black, Czuki Czyzz, Hoboking257, KitTheHunter, Leicontis, LizardKing, Lord Ydnar, Lorith, Mugglywumply, Mystical Unibrow, Owlish, Parco Molo, Ranava, SealingAway, Toes, angelrider and crash bang boom13


#374Blizzy, DarkAxz, FatQuack2, Gaffa, HansGruber, JeremyFisher, KingArt, Mitza, Mud Duck, Plucky, Rata Tooey, Redeyedpreacher420, Spagetty, StalkingOfAshles, Terrapin_Man, Twinkle tits, fezzer and xaznmunkey12


#392Allis, Archham, Archipelago71, Aubra, Bassvamp, Berserkas, BigdoG, Bluewoods, Coldshade, DYFFrynTHEdrunKENgael, Dannyb0y, Delilah Jones, Donavin69, DuoFox, Frodo Ramone, GecoLupesco, Hamon, Ima Bycch, Infopowerbroker, Magnus Thunderblade, Mudflail, OldBobLeashed, PuDs, Segatron, SnackAttack, SpiderMcFly, The_SLY_Raven, Volvo, fyrefli, hoohaw, jbnimble and yngvi11


#424Blindrakon, Cecil B Demented, Cheeseums, Crowbar, Flurry, GreatFailure, Hyzenthlay, I Shot Liberty Valance, J Random Adventurer, Jackass1234, Jizwink, Lord Stefano, Luminous, MC_Macro, Mongrel the Apathetic, MrDeFault, OhMahGourd, Roland Of Gilead, Rosarinita, Rotund, Sir Jimeth, Stabotron, TVirus26, TerraPain, The Clown Prince of Crime, Vhaeraun, Zolobatron, disco basket, lopey, lupus4, maliphik, meh_64_12, mx indigo, whofarted and wildflowered10


#459AspDIY, Bhac Ssylan, Bruscettalia, Dinosaur Dentist, Dyzzyah, Faded, Foxy Boxy, Franco the Corsair, Galafrone, Gitaroo Man, Hamusutaa, Junestar, Kaluna, Kurtispj, Lavion, LntiX, LogicalMadness, Mistress Darkmoon, MrLacey, Snott, Splendor, StaffordMeister, TehUberAnge, Trina, TwirlyRotini, Wolf Kain, aaTOM, phanty, sixs and xapnomapcase9


#489AridWaste, BeefThief, Beljeferon, Bioland, BlU_sKrEEm, BoiRDee, Boogiecleaver, BubbaNDN, Damic, DeadlyAngel, Doodlebug, FatQuack, Graev, Hagen Black, Jitsaki, Juub, Lerdy, Lord Tyranus, Macdaddy, Mehified, Musha, Naelyn, Pan, Princess Erin, Rabbit House, Risker, Starbearer, SuperMentos, Taranis, Wolfman6666, Yefi, bauhaus, bbhunghk, discodude2020, e7ora, gLEnN_zhoU, jULItEwn, malphador, maude finch, payguhn, shadeylady, temazur, thekaisar and wOw10668


#533DellyBelly, DementedFae, DickLeaky, Disowned, Downy Tortuga, FitzTheDestroyer, Foxxy_Cleopatra, G13, I Wrestled A Bear Once, Irritant, Meester Slow, Moonflame, Mr_GlitterBall, Nurbleface, OOnuthin, Olorin, OracleofDreams, ROdger_FLint, Reydien, Sakurabisu, Sennin, ShawnD, Vampiregrrl, Zombie Feynman, enigmator, fixer, mARty mcfly, minders, mmcbride, nevena, welt, x_Elysium_x and zombiedust7


#566AntiMoron, Augon, Azarael, Bacbpoyz, BlueBaker, Castiel, Concurrence, CreOsOTe, Darth Catfish, DreamBreaker, Dyne A Might, Foggy, Gen Eric Cola, GraniteGrizz, Hellfire_Death, I am here_why, JK Phoenix, Jiminy, Khari, Kneegrow, Kyros42, Lord Artan, Lotta Potz, Maku450, Mat Cauthon, Miss Chievous, Muffinator, NeverEndingGlory, PizzaKiller55, Pmbullethole, PrehensileSpine, Shadow Kaze, Smarmalicious, Solla Stiroa, Steal My Toast, Thundernuts, UGZ_Log, XinK, Zelion, agenT 99, antic THE FEARless, blixa, bruteforcePWNsYou, futinc, harryposse, ladderman, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, nordmert, peacespiral, sciFIwiZ, sensibleb, slayer92 and xxjazztennorxx6


#619AngrySeal, AstronomyKing, Autumnwinds, Awake, Bad Clown, BlueThunder, Bodhazapha, ChevellemanX, Chickenkong, Cinnaman, Cloony, DaGimpster, Deathman_Elf, Diamond Stud, DracoTrainer, Drew Carey, EaterOfSorrow, Fart Smeller, Haggas, I said therefore, Ibaslomofo, IngaTBW, Isibeal, Johnny Ringo, Kamikaze777, Kassandra, KelThuzad, LaCucarachaDeFuego, Lao Ming, Lepton614, Lineoleum, Lord_Josh, Lumani, Magic2729, Mana Yachanichu, Maxdroom, MechanicalArm, NAYSLAYER, Nod Flenders, Now I know why, Nymall, Obnoxio The Clown, OlWotchamakalit, PajamaJustice, Pallidyne, Plexchan, QGrav42, Raast, Random Lee, Redmeat, RelthasVe, Rock Flying Pig, Saracen, Sendaben, Slugshadow, Steakumz, Stynkee Fingazz, SupermancerPrime, Supremum, Tableau, Tazy, TheMightyDOOM, Ticwith, Vashnar, Viki, Whyspyr, Xkorean4evaX, awaj2006, beowuuf, bordemstirs, chuckbarris, cubeof11, graveyardhag, kinglink, magic miss ile, minion1stclass, poopslAve and termagant5


#697ARthuR the human, Akaiya, Assmitten, Aughtuvtoon, Auntie Pasta, Badassimus Prime, BigPickle, Biznatch, BlasphemousPhilosopher, Buffetty, CannonFoddah, Chezyourmom, Crunch10000, Dracodac, EhSteve, Faustus Fusilli, Femtotechnician, Franklin D Roosevelt, Google_Faerie, GrEEnKing01, HoboBob24, Hunkpapa, I_AM_ZOOL_BOWDOWN, J Mo, Katz, King Candy, Kismet, Laitaliel, LissaGail, LordVadar, Lyle332, MajorLandmark, Managwa, Misterfish, Mrmongoose, Mystic_Koolaid, Neuromancer, Noisyhand, Olesmiley, Omatherius, Perilous Pearl, Perrin Aybara, PlutoOfPluto, Prestige, Robacon, Rude_Badger, Rumour Rhemer, Sawamura, Sorryboss, SparkleBeast, Splaterpunk, Sprocket14, Squeegee McDoo, Super Soviet Missile Mastar, SwinginCelt, Tigger101, Tom_the_Dancing_Bug, Trinity_Dalfae, Volteccer, Wave the Claw, Yarble, Zanchvegas, Zero Cool, Zounds, chacmool, gheyst1214, halfdrunkhalfelf, jasonz45, mad ophelia, octopodey and rhubarb30x4


#768A Tiny Plastic Puddle, Albino Bigfoot, Alexandrine, Aristabulus, Ballroom Blitz, Bobje Ratata, Bonepuppet, Borishaughingoff, BraveSirRobin, Captain Insano, Chelonia, Cres, Damarosa, DamnSpot, Davenport Spiff jr, Deatvert, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, ELROSS, Einherjar, El_Shaddai_666, Elyas Machera, Fignut, Flaming Turtle, ForteSP, Gatito, Gluek, Gmorg, Gumog, Immelan, Insanely Crazy, JR Trolkin, Kathos Emera, Kaylahh, Keta, Khavren, Kull, L04GoThing, Lanthir_nara, LastChans, Lauts, Lemonade Lucy, Lespectre, MainGaler, MrSqueezeBox, MysticalMolly, Nacho Mein, Nahtmmm, Ormagon, Provoke, PuttyMcman, SRO, Snarfla, Space Ace, Squirt Shorts, StuffedSandyGunfox, SupremeKingTom, Swush, TTStu41, The Muffin Man, Timewraith, TimmyTurtlehead, Toroid, TriggerOfHel, Triple Option, Verdigris97, Voldreya, Weird Alexis, Whale Clubber, Yarple, Zirrrus, bleary, crystal_ingram, effensee, el Finch, fugarqueen, herr_bergen, iolair, jayvaughn, kayliek, loottool, mlhuff12, mustakruunu, myu2k2, noob_meat, radicalpenguin, robotworld, sdaisydaisyk, sdaisyk, theDork, the_Khamul and xDanELx3


#859Acoustic_shadow, Akapish, Alf, AlmAlphiA, Aloestril, Alpha Omicron, AndromacheNoble, Autumn1983, Batsubabe, Bearskinrug, Beasticon, Benjamintino, Braggadochio, BriteSponge, Crinkum Crankum, CyroN, Damuckle, Deemoney, Destre, Dik, DocRosey, Drize1989, Einhart, ElenaMarie, Figfewdisgewd, FlubaGuba, Frieds, GadTheHero, GamesMaster, Graf von Steiff, Hairshirt, Infernau, InspectorX, Irresponsibility, JJuggler, Jared_Allen, Jaylee, Jeny, Jugger13, Jzzybbe, Kaiten, Kerchara, Kirbycoba, LAMPayatot, LegendMikieLou, Lindsay Spears, Liquid Sasquatch, MaxEarWax, MontyBurns, Ms Bus Driver, Mz_NuNu, NICKgoncalves, Naked Knight, Nanimonai3, Ninja Karl, OminousJackal, Paran, Pasta Thief, PemyJay, Quick Tabrin, Rykoshet, SBD, SCOTTICUS, Shire Beyay, Snugglypoo, Spiff, Spork of Doom, Straif, StuartLarkin, Stumblemeister, Susannah, Svidrigailov, SwordsRCool, Sykpupi, Tealsac, Teresa, The Mountebank, TheChad, Therealtahu, Tiffeh, UltimateChaos, Vazz, Void Runner63, Wheremydemonslie, Xaxor, Xopher_tm, YILFIELLE, Zim4Ev3r, andrew3, bergelveist, bluedancer, coffindodger, cvutsin, delvis_one, dornbeast, fatesjoke01, fezi, fleshy, fugitive247, icy toes, jaks, kilroi, legom7, mhwombat, oeb, pestodigator, splinter, starksroadkill, staygold, takenoko, tzIelund, unisus80, viandebaiser, videm, vidicon, xain, yoshisune and zenrulez2


#977Aankhen, Aariana, AccidentlyEvil, AdmiralBob, AelfRhian, Ahnotahm, Aickman, Airicus, Akrim, Al the Credit Dependant, Albertstone, AlchemicalPanda, Alfredo Boyardee, Alldarker, Allora, AltAir12, AmaraMagma, AnchoPete, AngryKlingon, Anuvar, Appleseed, Aquabat and AresGodOfWar1
