
#1459Amulet of Yendor1
#1323Ancient Saucehelm2
#223Angelhair Culottes5
#217Asleep in the Cemetery7
#82Atomic Comic4
#27Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones (used)1
#684BGE 'cuddly critter' shirt1
#732BGE 'ferocious fruit' shirt1
#564BGE pocket calendar1
#1447BGE shotglass1
#956BGE tiny plastic toy1
#845Bandolier of the Spaghetti Elemental1
#4301Baron von Ratsworth's monocle1
#563Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook2
🥈Big Candy's tophat1
#49BittyCar HotCar1
#36BittyCar MeatCar1
#39BittyCar SoulCar1
#911Bling of the New Wave1
#814Blizzards I Have Died In1
🥇Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf1
#2385Bonerdagon necklace1
#172CSA all-purpose soap1
#179CSA bravery badge1
#230CSA cheerfulness ration1
#224CSA discount card1
#409CSA fire-starting kit1
#192CSA obedience grenade1
#215CSA scoutmaster's "water"1
#61Chalice of the Malkovich Prince1
#51ChibiBuddy™ (off)1
#2464Colander of Em-er'il1
#399Cookbook of the Damned1
#1479Crimbo Candy Cookbook1
#4248Crown of the Goblin King1
#1538Dickory Farms Gift Basket1
#2662Disco 'Fro Pick1
#1938Dolphin King's crown1
#2741Drowsy Sword1
#2386Elder Turtle Shell1
#519FDKOL hotcakes1
#83Frosty's arm1
#16Frosty's iceball1
#63Frown Exerciser1
#249Fudgie Roll1
#776Galapagosian Cuisses1
#787Garter of the Turtle Poacher1
#277Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire1
#105Ghost Pinching Quarterly1
#1442Green Clover of Justice1
#679Happy Birthday, Claude! cake1
#602Haunted Sorority House staff guide1
#209Inndya trading card1
#1675Iron Beta of Industry1
🥇Jackass Plumber home game1
#1284Jocko Homo's head1
#227Kitty the Zmobie Basher trading card1
#454Lars the Cyberian1
#778Lederhosen of the Night1
#141Lobos Mints1
#3898Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet1
#224Massive Manual of Marauder Mockery1
#849Maxing, Relaxing1
#392Misty Cloak1
#380Misty Robe1
#647Rock and Roll Legend1
#2544Scalp of Gorgolok1
#615Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags1
🥈Stabonic scroll1
#152Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword1
#301The Necbronomicon1
#376Thwaitgold bee statuette6
#228Vaso De Agua trading card1
#1286Wand of Nagamar1
#89Wolfman Nardz20
#109adhesive tape dolly1
#1566adorable seal larva1
#139aerated diving helmet1
#94ammonite fossil67
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#212bag of GORF1
#221bag of GORP1
#222bag of QWOP1
#1029balloon monkey1
#643bed of coals1
#69belemnite fossil77
#75black BRICKO brick1
#316blood-faced volleyball1
#335bucket of honey1
#1095bum cheek1
#938bunch of bananas1
#2152can of CRIMBCOLA1
#873casino pass1
#803cheap studded belt1
#516depleted uranium seal figurine1
#3267easter egg balloon4
#62electronic dulcimer pants1
#770flavored foot massage oil3
#613fossilized limb7
🥈fossilized necklace1
#309fossilized serpent skull2
#205fossilized spider skull2
#548fossilized spike5
#346fossilized torso13
#628fossilized wing2
#323funhouse mirror1
#497fuzzy busby3
#4735fuzzy dice1
#275ghost cucumber150
#589ghost of a necklace1
#240ghost pickle on a stick4
#302ghost protocol1
#98ghost trap20
#1637giant discarded bottlecap1
#2408giant discarded plastic fork1
#1516giant discarded torn-up glove1
#791gold wedding ring1
#70grape troll doll1
#236handmade hobby horse1
#1680heart of the volcano1
#1453heart-shaped balloon1
#368hermit permit6
#454intriguing puzzle box1
#492left half of a heart necklace1
#64medium slimy cyst2
#396motivational poster11
#328personalized birthday cake5
#484pog #02 (Knob goblin)1
#480pog #03 (warwelf)1
#481pog #04 (skleleton)1
#501pog #05 (ninja snowman)1
#488pog #06 (filthy hippy)1
#493pog #07 (orcish frat boy)1
#494pog #08 (hellion)1
#492pog #09 (pirate)1
#512pog #10 (hobo)1
#498pog #11 (Naughty Sorceress)1
#194press-on ribs44
#154resolution: be sexier1
#278smoked potsherd1
#2841solid gold bowling ball1
#747solid gold pegleg1
#182soul doorbell1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#136spectral pickle164
🥇stop shield1
#26the finger4
#384tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#266tiny plastic Big Candy1
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#220tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™1
#282tiny plastic Fudge Wizard1
#214tiny plastic MechaElf1
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#237tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku1
#302tiny plastic abominable fudgeman1
#243tiny plastic animelf1
#264tiny plastic colollilossus1
#427tiny plastic fax machine1
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#225tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf1
#313tiny plastic trollipop1
#106tourmalime tourniquet1
#949wolfman mask2
#76world's most unappetizing beverage1

Wow, that's 1,232 items total!

what items are this player missing?