tiny plastic Mr. Mination

tiny plastic Mr. Mination

Wiki linkwiki

The latest in the Crimbomination toy line features the post-shrinking, post-hypnosis Crimbomination, with fewer arms and suppurating sores, and more pin-striped suit and horn-rimmed glasses. This one is more likely to give you a negative performance review than rip your head clean off.

The bottom of the base reads, "Series 4C, 4/5 (U)"

🥈Tiny Plastic Grimmy409












#8Mistress of the Obvious58






#11Yatsufusa and airdaan42








#16A Gressive Coffee Addict29








#20Keptuvis and LinkOfHyrule18


#22Crimbomaster918 and zxzzz117


#24DogBiscuit and Mystic_Potato15


#26Hojo Hominygrits13


#27Nikademus, eusst, sYdney rebik and znarf1412


#31Archipelago71, CathyOak, Chickenkong, Ganguran, Noodlius, Normanreedus, Roquaren and Tat_Gun_Princess11


#39Hoonk, Lord Stefano, Pumpkinheadme and whizdad10


#43Bruscettalia, ClaudioFratelino, Donavin69, jcrkk and urk9


#48Machiavelli, Optimus747, Quaxalot, Rand0m__her0, The Wishing Well, TheBrent, kaihern, mwahaha, rounDchilD and slayer1178


#58Edward Reach, KillerNoj, Loathario, RMonkey64, Snickles, thesandslv and wile E Quixote7


#65Caseman09, CharlesBumgaurd, DarkStanley, Estivarus, Gravymaker22, Hoboking257, Killer Leader500, Mad Dudy, Poncho the Sane, Rutiger, Seth_OS, VoraciousVulva, blik, dewhashish and theflamingokid6


#80Bean, Beljeferon, Cloony, Drag0n, FamousMortimer, Fearium, Icehero0003, Jardis, Jay Peg, JoshZero, Kurtispj, MYsticalVAMPIRELORD, MaKayla, Maniac Paul, NewTexas, Nossidge, Prague, Roebuck Teeth, Rutger von Horeburg, ScUd RuCkInS, Solve_Omnis, Thraxus, Three_Eye, Yarglefoot, chimericthorn, disco basket, jenrose, mflGrMp and mule15


#109AlexandertheGreat, Artie Effham, Baranduin, Batsubabe, BillStBill, BlueSeashell, Bubba321, Buzzbuzz, Cyrilis, Dr Danger, Drize1989, Farfalle al Dente, FarmerDan, FrankNBeans, HubertCumberdale, JCS, JudySeagram, Kerchara, LAMPayatot, MrEmann, Mrmongoose, Nachtmahr, Omegle2357, Pringle, Sal the Rapacious, Splendor, Ucibius, Unlikable Heretic, Victorinox, Void Runner63, Zanzibar1, bruce cao, cukky, erTEST1, herpman, iphone clan slave, killer5990, malq, master5997, meowmeowmilktea, street baby, superfoot, themessiah and tubaski224


#153Andranovich3, Bandanaman, Batwood17, Big_Rob, Biohazzard, Bucky Lazac, CONKER420, Cappas420, Cherry Pie, Club, CreOsOTe, CyroN, Dancing Puma, Darth Valko, Diss, EbolaWoman, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Eggsaladdin, El Ponando, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Ernest Smuggler, Flybynight, ForteSP, Foxy Boxy, Frogstomp, Gracefire, JR Trolkin, Jadesapper, Johnny Ringo, Kev2426, Lazer, LordTshil, Lotan, Magic2729, Magister30, Minuit, Moraglar Khilen, Muhfin, Naigg, PmatAula, Portis51, RaNDoMDaMNAtiOn, Radiopulse, Redmoon, Rotund, Ryllwyn, SanGurth, Scarydave, ShinyPlatypus, SuperDave1989, Targrod, The Hunter of Thompson, ThunderGate, Tiny Plastic Traveler, Turtlini, Uncle_Travis, WaaNaNa, Wolfman X, Wraithtech, Zwickle, agargan, blixa, bluedancer, fugitive247, garanimalstains, guubear, mangojuice14, myrth77, ooshNaga, pheonixACE, quinn_julia and rubian773


#225ADA WONG, AccidentlyEvil, Aerdrie, Agape, AinaGrey, Allikat, Antic the Fearless, Arties Son, Athanatos, Babaganoosh, Bella Blue, BigBadWolf, BigglesWorth, Bluefire1995, Boobscotch, BorisTheSpider, Boxy Brown, BronMac, Bubba9265, CA Dude, ChaosButterfly, Chathzzar, Cri, Crooker, DVB, DaftSwanson, Darkfacimile, Darth Steve, Death Job, Discoius Banditius, Disneyrocks, Dole, Dreadful Penny, Ferrex, Goobertina, Gourdy, Grief, Grimwitch, Hagen Black, HokageSage, IceColdFever, Jaromil, Jenn666, Jojo Ironface, July June, Kamaros, Kasseri, Kelne, Kemistry, Kevin, Kinkajou69, Klaithe, Kneegrow, KoIKing, KoL Honey, Kwaidan, Lady Luck Fortuna, Lady Tomo, Lord Mellman, LoverPrimeNumbah, LuckyPuck, Lungbutter, Lusus, Mad Cat, Mariani, Mario Speedwagon, Matricii, MatrixM, McBain77, Meru la Renat, Miridian, Miss Chievous, Mitch122, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monkey McDermott, Mr Knee, Musha, Mynar, Mystia, Mystiballs, Niner, Nobody22, Nomnominus Rex, NyambeK, Phaet, Phantom Catsup Lord, PhilThese, Plastikmaniac, Poison_Taquito, Qbr12, RaisingOphelia, RattyLabray, Rejem, Robotronic Tigro, Ruebear, SUGbert, Sanitary Harry, Sarkbo, Scytale, Secevalliv, Secret_treaties, Shadowsinger, SirSwank, SkINz3, Somerlund, SonDEnise, Squirefred, SuperMentos, Svidrigailov, SweetTooth707, Swinka, Tazer DeGnome, Tessarect, The Rogue Fedora, TheBunny, TheClyde, TheGreatReferencer, TheReborn, Thundernuts, Tiny Plastic Kimchi, Trice, Trogdorian, Uberclocked, Uncle Whippity, Valo666, Vashnar, Vincent13Valentine, Von Bek, Wang Yangming, Willy the Small, Wolf_Kitten, Wot Dabny, Wraithkin, Xanthia_Althor, Xavgeon, Xploding Bill, Zazalof2, Zionico, ZuzusPetal, alLANrox1, asmadeos, b2412, clarwyn, ddumoor, discordance, eddo189, fbt, feAr_tOwn, fezzer, figarofigaro1, gumpy13, hedgyman2, ickygoblin, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, karathkellin, kirByllAmA, kittenzilla, kridunink, lil puke in Con3, loudestmute, magyk285, moon98, mustakruunu, omegaboris, pIllow1, phantom fox, roborto, robotworld, romanlv, santifaller, slag, sol_racht, stuffandthings, su media naranja, townloony, viseu, zOMG11one and zacx6662


#403A C Brown, A Tiny Plastic Puddle, AB Drinkalong, ADeadHeart, ALFy, ARthuR the human, AXEBLADE, AZNnarutoXnoobSLAYER, A_Shogun_Named_Marcus, Aankhen, Aardwark2001, Aariana, Abadash, Accidentaldente, Accordiologist, Accordion Abuser, Ace Palarum, AcedWhenGrim, Achernar, Acklebar, Acoustic_shadow, Acroma, Adam1WPI, Adamnelson, Adeeda, Adeleine, Adepa, Admin of Earthly Delights, AelfRhianN, Aelfredo, Aenye Deithven, AeonfLux iii, Aere0n, Aerion111, Aeroplane, Aeslyn, Aessassen, Aevum Decessus, Aeyt, Aftiel, Agapanthus, Agda, Agent_Death3, AgnesGrey, Agrajag94, Agrippa, AhLAmour, Ahnotahm, Ahorriblesn, Aickman, AirBorne_Ranger, Ajon, Akael, Akapish, Akrim, Al Frodo, Al the Credit Dependant, AlabamaPeach, Alan Gorealan, Alaric Rex, AlbaCorbis, AlchemicalPanda, Aldarana, AlecGW, AlectoPerdita, Alex the Best, Alex the Candleholder, AlexFrostfire, Alexander the Great, Alexandrine, Alf, Alfagetti, Alfredo Boyardee, Alfredo Garcia, Alfredo_of_Earl, Alianoraree, AliceCullen, All the Good Names Are Taken, AllRight92, Alldarker, Alliknow, Allis, Allis Chalmers, Allodoxaphobe, Alloni, Allora, Alloran24, Almar Zamasee, Alotar, Alpha Omicron, AlphacatFelidae, AlricTheGoofy, AltaZorn, Althe, AltheWeird, AltonTan, AltrashiKurobara, Amagalan, Amanda28, Amandayla, AmaraMagma, Amarand, AmberRane, Ameena, Amputee, Amra, AnEvilTwin, Anagram, Anairdna, Analus, Anarchy1313, Anastasia Blackthorne, AnchoPete, Ancientofearth, Ander Exelion, AndromacheNoble, Andromeda_the_Tiny, AngelD, Angry Biff, Angry Pierre, Angry Villager, AngrySeal, Anguaskye, Angum, Angus_McSpleen, Ankhram, Ankorite, Anna Stolichnaya, Anthalessa, Anuvar, Apollo18, Applecore98, Appleseed, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, Aquaras, Arakasi, Aramada, ArashiKurobara, Aravagantos, Arbos, Arbuckle Jon, ArcaneSpirit, Arcanine_Gardevoir_Salamence, ArchangelUK, Archeaus, Archham, Archmage84, Archon386, Archondelnoche, Arck, Ardlen, AresGodOfWar, Argoti, Argrus, Ari, Ariadne, Ariel Amendall, ArielPapillion, Ariovrak, Aristabulus, Arithil, Arkannoyed, ArleKaakun, ArmadilloMan, Armitage4673, Armonzo, Arp, Arsenal, Art_Shamsky, ArteMatthew, ArtemisDove, ArtemisRae, Artie, Asa, Asbestos Felt, Ascimoti, Asgoth, AshGM, Ashbringer, Ashes, Ashles, AshleyC, Ashmodel, Ashton, Asian, AsianicGypsy, Asimantos, Asinine, Ask your Doctor about Levitra, AspDIY, AssClown, AssHat, AssTractionHero, Asshysteria, Assmitten, Astaeroth, Astartus, Asterea, Astinex, Astrane, Asuki, AtalayaLeda, AtlanteanScion, Atronach, Atropine, Attila, Aubra, Aubzilla, Augon, AuntBeast, Auntie Pasta, AuntieM, Aussie Mamba, AutoBot, Autumnwinds, AutymnJade, Avena, AvocadoPirate, Awec_Bawin, AwesomeJam, AwesomeTed, Aximili, Axt71, Ay7k, Ayatollah, Aybara, Aynber, Ayslumreject, Azarael, Azatoth_Zombie, Azdubriel Vekt, Azendral, AznHaxor666, AznInvAzn, Azrahn, Azreal, Azulien, Azura, BARON VON KILL, BMW, B_Lo Average, Baalbarith, BabaRam dAss, BabySmasher, Bad Seagull, BadLuckBlacky, BadWillow, Badde Hugs, Badgel22, Baen, Bahke, Bahumut, Bakula, Balkizeer, Ball Cancer, Baltar, Balthazar Crumn, Bam, Bamboosh, Bamraa, Banana4, BanditoburritO, Banesworth, Bao, Barbarian, Barboxacon, Bargainbinreject, Baron Grinnet, Baron Meriwether, Baron von Wurlitzer, BaronMalakai, Bartender_1, Barton26, Bashy, BastardGhost, BatBrat, Batisaw, BattlingDragon, Bauble, Bealzabub, BeanHead, Beanieatrix, Bearskinrug, Beasticon, Beat Bachs, Beautt_had, Beavis P_Ness, Becca_007, Beckuary, BeefThief, BeerHead, Beezu, Beleg_strongbow, Belero, Belgarath, Beliar Lightbearer, Belias, Ben Hess, Benjamintino, BenzDoc, Bernardo, BeserkSaturn, Bespite, Beta V2, BethikaTheBunny, Betmen Brkic, Betty Page, Bewitched, BiancoAngelo, Biffle, Big Al, Big Brutus, Big Dave, Big Evil, Big Shot Donkey, Big dAdDy grImm, BigDingle, BigPickle, BigRigs, Big_Mike_55, Big_Papa_55, Bigb00gie, Bigba Dron, BigdoG, Bigger_Dick, Biggre, Bigquack, Bill Kirby, Billfred, BillysBalloon, Binaanne, Binary Dragon, Biobob, Bioland, BitFlipper, Bitterfly, Bixington, Bizarre Puppet, Biznatch, Blabo, Black Belt, Black Mage X, BlackOpsElf, BlackThunder, Blackhorseman, Blackwood, Blade of Fate, Blah Industries, BlakWido, Blakeatwork, BlanketGuard, Blanky, Blart DudaBarra, BlasphemousPhilosopher, BlatantJoke, Bleys1, BlindGuardian, Blitzwing, Blizzard, Blondie, Bloodlust, BloodyBaron, BloodyJakeKidd, BlortHorc, Bloviator, BluJay, Blue Magic, BlueBaker, BlueBurro, BlueHawk, BlueLighter, BlueOx, BlueThunder, BlueVelvet, Blueshyguy, Bluewoods, Blzbob, Bo Peep No Sheep, Boaz182, BobArctor, Bob_and_Doug, BobbieG, Boberalla, Bobje Ratata, Bobson, Bobsuruncle, Boccolotti, Bodhazapha, Bodito, Boesbert, BogGob, BoiRDee, BomberBug, Bonekicker, BonsaiPlatypus, Booberry, Boogaloogaloo, Boogiecleaver, Boometh, BorDeaUX523, Boris The Spider, Borommakot_15, Bortlby, BoskWoman, Boudica, Bouncybhall, Bourbon_bot, Bowldipper, BoyBob38, Bradley Morris, Brady the Bold, Braithwaite, Brammie, BranNew, Brandon_The_Sage, Brannon, Braska, BraveSirRobin, Breadzzy, Brew Geared, BrianSpud33, Brianos, Brick Steakface, Brickus, BrightButt The Defenestrator, BrightWolf, Brink450, Brinkyhats, Brirad, Bristelle, BriteSponge, BrittyBear, Broche, Brocktoon, BrokenCausality, Brone Filius, BrooklynNellie, BruceLeroy, Bruno St Aujus, Bruno2788, BrvYnky, BryghtRose, Bryn 23011, BuZZT, BubbIeWrap, BubbaNDN, Bubblewrap Boy, Bubblewrapper, Bubo, BuckBrownfist, BuckleUp314, Buddahb, Buffer of Slaves, Bufferin Head, Bufuman, Bullson, Bumbly Wumbly, Bumpers, Bungee, BunnyStalker, BustA, BustaMcJohnson, Butt Pirate, Butterfly Faye, ButterflyBabe, Butterz, BuyMEaRound, BuzzsawPirate, Bwaaaaa, Byoho, C1_10P, CALVIN THE CAT, CBomb, CDF4796, CHAZ918, CHrIshelma, CK57, CK_, CMx2, Caboose, Caelith, Caelum Militis, Caerphilly, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Cafenoire, Caillean, CaineCollin, Cait, Calculus, Calistus, Camlost, Campcampingston, Camski, CancerMan, CannonFoddah, Cannonfire40, Cantropos, CapHector, CapTaiNbiTch, Caplin, Capn Gnarly, CapnFailboat, Cappy Carl, Capsr, Captain Awkward, Captain Comrade, Captain Eek, Captain Kirk, Captain Vittles, Captain Zen, CaptainOzo, CaptainRandom, CaptainRondo, CaptainSpam, CaptainUrsus, CaptainZeep, Captain_Steve, CarltheChemist, Carnitas, Carnot, Carrec, Carthen, Casanova, Casteel, Castiel, Catalyst, Catatonia, Catfood, Catless, Catsicle, Catt Although, Cavatellia, Cecil B Demented, CecilBTurtle, Cee04, Ceirdwyn, CelexaMaris, Celsey, Celtic, Celwind, Cerberus111188, Cereal Killer 024, ChE clarinetist, Chadomancer, Chailyn, Chal Dash, Chamomile13, Chaosblackwing, ChaoticGalen, ChaoticNeutral, Chara, Character1, Charasan, Charizard, Charlatan, Charles Q Beef, Charles the Cat, Chartan, ChasteGalahad, Chat_Fire, Chavalier, Chee, Cheesewrangler, Cheesy One, Chef Wolfgang, Chef_Rannos, Chelonia, Cherry7up, Cheshire Grin, ChevellemanX, Chibimomo, Chicken in Black, Chicken n Dumplings, Chili man, Chinchilla Rancher, Chineselegolas, Chinizz, Chocolate Chip Cookie, ChocolateNaruto, Cholupa, Choo Choo, Christ Oher, Christineressiatulanie, Chronik, Chrtrptnt, Chrysiridia, Chunky Spelunky, Chunky_boo, Churchie, Chyld, Cicadalek, Cindoliana, Cinnabah, Cinnaman, Circe and Citizenmac1
