Elder Turtle Shell

Elder Turtle Shell

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This is the shell of one of the ancient order of Elder Turtles, untimely ripped from his brutally slain corpse.

It retains his strength and determination.





#4Foxy Boxy55












#10the Tristero44




#12ChevellemanX and Lokiator40




#15Solve_Omnis and Westcliffe37


#17DuRhone, Lord Stefano and tbell3035






#22Curt and MrSqueezeBox32






#26Eyeball and Noskilz28


#28Framistan, Ms Bus Driver, Transplanted_Entwife and Yendor27


#32MOTH and Zog_the_Flatulent26


#34Bobje Ratata, Gollum, MissGnomer, Pastahead and PolyesterMan25




#40Chymes and Lew_b8123


#42Aravagantos, D L, DancinMachine and KAIN22


#46BakaGaijin, SarcasMage, Smoking Tongue and Zoomiin21


#50Zair and adeyke20


#52Artie Effham, FireStarter, Splotz and Terrapin_Man19


#56Afrogumby, Angra Mainu, Bigquack, ERJ1024, JizzMasterZero, Lady Tomo, Scattaloquarious, cameron, harumph and sensibleb18


#66Durf, Erik the Lemming, Galapagos James, Grimhelm, LordBane666, Mac_Gyver, Master Grimwulf, SmugBastage, TechRat, calamityjane, gruper4, iaruk and scratch17


#79Akuji, Chartan, Phalocrocorax, Wize Guy, mx indigo and ramenteflon16


#85BenMears, Casca, FatQuack2, GT1, Hanson The Mighty, Hsilwo, IAmTheManWithNoName, Ralar, SadOatcakes, Somatic, UrbanSuicideJunkie, adwriter, hagrid333, salticid and whizdad15


#100Agburanar, AltaZorn, Blastphemist, Bloody Jacky, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, DerMagus, ErnieR, Grym Reeper, MI4 REALs Ascension Account, MoxieMolly, S3ren1ty, SeaSparkzz, The Alchemyst, Totentanz and erct65714


#115BleepBlorp, DVB, Deimos, Donavin69, Dr_Bruiser, Euan McLeod, Flaaron, Gaffa, Gehanii Grimsane, GunshipVP, HotCha0, Immelan, Landamus, Loathario, Mega Ogg Boolbar, NTesla, PSY, Yarple, Zob Rombie, bawb1, bluebear, garanimalstains, minders and queenoftheNAUGHTiez13


#139Apollyon, Bloody Sam Hackham, Bluewoods, Edir, Elsynoodle, Foggy, FrankNBeans, Frijoles Junior, Gerbilman, Kenrae, Magister30, Major John, MissPolka, Mongrel the Apathetic, Mr HeadCase, ResidentDufus, Salsus, Sean Clannery, SpiderMcFly, TheArtfulDodger, Tom808, Turtlegeuse, Werefrog, Xopher_tm, Ygmar, Yiab, mrf and slojopo12


#167AKU, Ahorriblesn, ArchangelUK, BloodDoner, Bodhazapha, Clubbrz L337, DeathKnight668, Friznik, GligSith_Tcharf, Hamusutaa, IncyWincyQuincy, Izhebel, KingArt, Longuine, Neopifex, Phaete, Phoenix Rising, Queen Diem, Sans the Comic, Sasori_uk, Siloslider, Terps, The Captain, TogashiKokujin, Tortuca, Zappilie, gnoCCo, hekiryuu, jantje, lAidAK and philbb11


#198Cheesyname, Cupcakes of Hell, EricMills, Eugene, Farflier, Frisbee, Gingdingthing, Harry Pesto, Hoonk, Lizmeis, Nienor, Pierp, Que Chan Mok, Rokusho999, TamCoan, Tommy, Ultranibbles, Wuldain, Yawsh, ZeroDoodle, aukermdr, bigevildan, conversation killer, footrest, jackman6, myrth77, shaktinah, testostronaut and windmom10


#227A Gressive Coffee Addict, Akadia, Arc9, BanditAlt, Banditman5, Big Evil, Chaosrelic, Cheloni, D_Pro, Einherjar, Faerador, Hison, Joorrke, JoshZero, Mana Yachanichu, Mayabird, Mr Bill, Owlish, Prima Vera Angelhair, RiZiStR, Skent, TheDotGamer, Tony Danzig, Versil, WetRats, Wylin, Yatsufusa, Yavnik, kirByllAmA, mngaljac, murphs, nAmor ordep, smokeyliker, somoya, the_postman, tindrum and woowoo9


#264Anesthesia, Antfattener, Babaganoosh, Baronsamsquee, BatBrat, Boadicea, Bruce Garetz, Brulak, Busch Light, Chef_Rannos, Chocolust, Chyld, Colendez, Disco Princess, ExAcademic, GecoLupesco, George P Burdell, Ghettoflower, HadesSL, IH8chAt2, Jantastic, Jase1, Jererry, JustinCarto, Kara Rae, Kolyn, Kyta, Likal Coraer, Lindiwe, Lxndr, Merihand, Minor Annoyance, MsNicole, Muush, Nameless1, Olaf the Hungry, Optimus747, Phred Green, QcuriousQ, Ramonphilius, Rita Rehab, Russer Butter, Rutger von Horeburg, Saskapampy, Sativarg, Serenia, Shadowlynk, Shayol Ghul, Slugshadow, Snork Slayer, SpAghEttI RaVeN, TorTle, Trina, Velvet Knight, Wiseworm, antistotic, dab, eFloss, justinarms, mangofeet, mooingsheep, mskc, mtanders, natedog20x6, no one 1, phrainck and wickedwillie448


#331APPLE BLOSSOM, Abobo, Amrothlin, Archipelago71, Arithil, Arket, BlindCap, CafeBoob, Captain Yaksworth, Chicken in Black, CoupleK, Cucumber Stan, Damic, DoodyHed, Dumb333, Dyann, Eenee, FFiXMaster, Felyndaer, Flanders, Fluck You, Food Reef, Ford Fairlane, Goobertina, Grantasaurus, Gravy Spasm, Gunther Maplethorpe, Hasand, JDubbaYo, JLE2, Jimmy da Pooh, Joggeline, Jusano, Kristofski, Leef, LuvLuvChef, Malakite1976, Malibu Stacey, Mighty Xerxes, Miridian, MoxieDoxie, Nathanl, Nine Jack Nine, Nornater, Philosofik, Poncho the Sane, QueenBowie, Ransak_the_Elder, Redeyedpreacher, Ryan_Galen, Sage36, SassyMcAsspants, Saucy_Sistah, SaulTheBoss, ScUd RuCkInS, Sharp Dressed Man, Shogun42, Siennaschall, Simmu, Snugglypoo, SomethingAboutWindmills, Squeegee McDoo, Stormcaller58, Sven of the Dead, TC0418, TheBrent, Tiny Plastic NOTFUNNYANYMORE, Tirronius, Trips_, WeatherWarrior, Yerizael, Zaranthos, cLaYjAr7, cakeytaste, centreducky, delgard, harald2012, i_eat_food, kidMissile, theliver919, veigh, verbena128, whobutdrew and xain7


#415APOCALYPSE THROB, Akrim, Al Frodo, AmaraMagma, Ampersans, Anapsida, Andis, Aramada, Bacall, Baltar, Bioland, BlackVelveteen, Bloeme, Bowserbabe, Brick Steakface, BuRNJoB420, Candice Dick, Caplin, Capn Gnarly, Chickenkong, Cos, Cyan220, Darth Steve, Delilah Jones, Demicanadian, Dirk Gently, Doctor Nick, ErisDiscordia, FFL2and3rocks, Falcons, Famoth83, Felix Croc, For Sale, Fork Pastawalker, Fuhransi, GCByzantine, Griffin77777, HawkinVXN, Hunkpapa, ImanAA, InspectorX, Jherskow, JoeyBaggadonuts, Junestar, Kathlan, Kemistry, Knitbone, KoolfuZ, LadyCovington, LadyVamp, Legalpad77, Lifetiki, Lord_of_Ants, Lyle332, Madchipmunk, Magnamanus, Malkoten, MarcyRoni, MarioB, MastaBlasta, Mr Floppy, Nashtinka, Neuromancer, Niwatori, Pantless Pete, PhotoFlow3, PokeyMan, Psychoticynic, Rizzen, Roxx, SRO, SexyMomma, ShadowsLight, ShakenNotStirred, Shaman_Drood, Sir Beavis Poopsalot, Slappy, Slothpyle, Smarmaduke, Snott, Sololord, Stabotron, StickFigurine, StrongDurf, Supreme, TVirus26, Ten, Tod Booster, Turbino, Tz_BG, Verdigris97, Viper20, Virnomine, VladimirPootin, Volc, Wagr, Warren, Yapper, Zedric, amrodg, arikamuji, blik, c3l14, caliope, davidsan, deathsausage, dyffrynTHEdrunkenGAEL, ibbieta, kalysto, kartez, mondemon, nonvegan, oSfish, payguhn, riebeck, rpxx, thexmanlight, viReyAR, xKiv, zapperine and zmobieDementor6


#536Ackyri, AlienMarky, Anouris, Ay7k, Badmojo, BeefThief, Biff Demiclaws, BigglesWorth, BlaDeeBlah, Boondog_Dan, BoozerBear, Boxy Brown, Brew Geared, CannonFoddah, Cruithne, DWRye, Dark Matter, DarkSpuddle, DeathNight, DeathToRudy, Doz, DuctTape, Duty, Elachim, Elle Driver, ElronBean, Eoline, FMguru, Faeries Wear Boots, FatQuack, Fearborn, FettucineQueenie, Gigs, Gil Galad, Godspeed, GorgeousGeorge, Graev, GreenAiden555, HHHolmes, Hairshirt, Hasbeen2006, Hellbear88, Higardi, High Voltage, Hobart, Hulyen, Icon315, Infidelbert, Irresponsibility, Ishamaell, Janine White, Jenny Saucepn, Jett, Joeisme, Juntao, Juub, Kargos, Ken_Zevo, Keogh, KingFelix, Kooky Kirby, L to the P, Ladies Against Women, Lexicon, Liefizul, LittleItalia, Loch Lomond, Lord Kobel, Maginarf, Majin Vlad, Mashiro, Mc7Man, MeLcator, Meenee, Meezer_Wrangler, Minuit, Nanna, Natattack, NitraMo, Nohbody, Oldbot, Oldsfrk, Ominous, PastaDurf, Pato, PhatB, Phoenix512, PowderedToastMan, PsychicBlade, Quoisenot, RD Methuselah, Race_K2, Rand0m__her0, Ravengyre, Robot_of_Dawn, Roger Ramjet, Sal the Rapacious, Salvador, Samos, SatanicJellyBean, Shaqueeks, Shaudius, Shu the Moody, Sir Nighcrawler of wormhole, SirGar, SnackAttack, Snazz, Sola, Soror 666, Steel1217, StrawberryDots, StrawberryLetter23, Sweet Honey, Swez, TVsGrady, Tableau, Tadell, Tara the Inept, Targrod, Tarotina, Timmers, Vacuumus, Viki, VorpalRat, Vorwilwarin, W0rm, Wraithtech, Xanulin, Xentrix, XinK, Yoshi jr, Zerai, alex_avsfan, bad_player, ballzy8, bawb2, billybobfred, bonehead, cheesedude, dIRKdiggler, devjoe, eskimodave, gorgontamer, hellfire15, hellsfruition, inaafss69, jamfan14, jeanbern, jmkg, jojomojo, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, kasanax, mintie, nordmert, octagon8, pOOx, patmcrotch, purity, sdaisyk, shashlyk, stuffandthings, talas300, theBananagod and theDork5


#700ABooRCKS123, Absolute Bastard, Acorn Express, Adonisrules, AlbinoWino, Alder, Androcles Antepasta, Anubisection, ArlonHarrison, Aunt Bettie, BMyers, BabySmasher, Baeltor, Baen, Baleet, Beavis P_Ness, BeerHead, Beki, Birdy, BlueHeart_627, BlueThunder, Bob loves all of yall, Boberalla, Brodizzle, Brynna, BuGzZ, BuZZT, Burk, Byoho, CA Dude, CBParker, Captain Zen, CarltheChemist, Celebrimbor, CharleyyKat, Chelonia, Chez, Chipchaw, Clive_Havent got a clue_Cooper, Club, Cobalt Blue, CobaltDawn, Coogi Hat, Cookie, Cooking Lorax, CreOsOTe, Crimbo Bandito, CrispEaterz, Dark Porygon, Darmut eDrien, Darth Ceder, Del Ilnaki, DoggyStyle, Dogilicious, Doogmonger, Dreabob, Dude2004, Dutton, Dyzzyah, EarthquakeGodLizard, Enevhar, Escalibor, Ferrex, Fianor, GGXTCC, GaRaBaLdY, Gars, Gehenna, Glops, Gmorg, Grandpashelbs, Great Macronii, Grimm Tooth, Growpy, Grump the Gump, Gryphon, Gumog, Hayden Kinsman, Hida Man, Hiyamatic, IP_69_16_150_196, Isibeal, JOSHypooski, Jardis, JennyTurpentine, Johnatton, JunioR, KarneLoki, KatieDragomir, Klaatu, Krakula Whoretron III, Kyron7, Late nite Ramen, LiamAndMe, Liv, Lj2damaxxX, Loathariette, LuxNecronis, Macaroni the Bent, MainGaler, Major Meat, Marge, Marshall, MaryAchi, Master Polka, MauveBerry, McBain77, Meat__pUPPET, Moe Himself, Moggil, MonkeyThief, MoxieMozzie, MrFantastic2005, MrMonKey0101, NE1_4PNIS, Natano0, NoctiBeard, Oacaxa, Odina, OldBobLeashed, Onjo, Owned Joo, Ozark, Pantyhose_Taro, PassionFever, PastryPusher, PastryofDeath, Pelsboble, PlastikObst, Poinf, Polygonzo, Prestige, ProZach, PsymonM77, PubicPubLover, PuppyKisses, Puttan Esca, Quixote113, Racso, Rainmaker709, Rana Sylvatica, Redeyedpreacher420, Reiko Ishikawa, Rethgif, Rhatt, Riki Kiki Taco, RisenJihad, Rolagza, Roma, Roy, Rutarklep, Ryrik, SCOTTICUS, Sadako, Sadglad, Salsa Joe, Sarghi, Sephirotic Kitten, Sexy Sly Fox of Charmingness, Shadowstorm, Sheplar, Silver Raven, Simetra, SleepIsTheBrotherOfDeath, SmallBlueSphere, Snotten, SnuggleFluff, Soba Rigatoni, Somethiax, Sorryboss, Sparafucile, SparkleBeast, Starlighte, Stevoid, Sugartits2, SuperYepa, Suspect, THECerebralAssassin, TTBoyArDee, Tasha8834, Teenage Mutant Ninja Crab, ThatsRidiculousItsNotEvenFunny, The DREAD Pirate Wesley, The Toastmaster General, Theophrastus, Tinfoil Chef, ToKoLoSH, Toba, Trumper, Turtoice, Underlord76, Vkkhamul, Wendy_the_Witch, Wireus, Wondertastic, Wussy Pride, Wyngrade, Xanthia_Althor, Xtabay, Ynrikan, Yorick, Young Nastyman, Yukimeister, Zanchvegas, Zardaukar, Zealous, Zissou, Zock, Zulumar, Zumacher, anticosmo, azunak, bogseyluke, burara2117, chinadoll, crookedbassterd, davidnjw, dragonk, estrojenn, fyre_tzygrax, gatekeeper66, ghienel, horkman, koneone, lupus4, malice93, millardfillmore, mmogamr, motie, mstieler, nerfherder, questlove69, raynstorm, seong lIkes bulls, shkspr, slag, slotwin, staygold, stone5150, tangerineBaer, teh_pjotorer, thelagmonster, unsane, viandebaiser, welder04, wrassler, xDanELx, zaksquatch and zombiedust4


#949A F Clubber, ABeanSits, AJ_Rimmer, AMYZILLA, Abunai, Aces47, Adamantois, Aelin, Aevum Decessus, Aiwe, AltrashiKurobara, Amagalan, Angry Villager, Angry1, Ansuz07, Anti_MacGyver, Archelon, Archon386, ArgghFW, Arkohn, Arkose Realgar, Aro CantCatchABreak, Ataradan, Augon, Avanar, Aximili, Azatoth, Azatoth_Zombie, Azud, Badde Daria, Badfurday25, Baethan, Balkin, Barney the child molestin dino, Barrow_Troll, Barton26, Bearskinrug, BeefBurglar, Beleg_strongbow, Blzbob, Bob Dole, BobDragonslayer, BobbyBoxhair, Bobo_Monkeys, Boel, Bolverk, Brar the Crusader, Breizel, Buggy, Butter Bean and Capashen3
