
#100"meat" stick2
#12425-meat staff1
#101630669 scroll1
#99A muse-bouche2
#490Ancient Saucehelm5
#537Angelhair Culottes2
#47BRICKO bat1
#426BRICKO brick7
#58BRICKO stud11
#377Bandolier of the Spaghetti Elemental3
#116Bangyomaman battle juice2
#1398Baron von Ratsworth's monocle8
#613Bash-Ōs boxtop1
#762Bit O' Ectoplasm1
#748Blackfly Chardonnay1
#608Bling of the New Wave2
#1504Bulky Buddy Box1
#32CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) (used)1
#100Charity's choker1
#740Claw of the Infernal Seal1
#166Claybender glasses1
#1419Cloaca-Cola helmet1
#528Colander of Em-er'il5
#399Cookbook of the Damned1
#481Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket1
#103Cracklin' Oat Bran2
#1382Crimbo fudge1
#1369Crimbo peppermint bark1
#4251Crown of the Goblin King1
#662Disco 'Fro Pick5
#455Disco Banjo1
#737Doc Galaktik's Homeopathic Elixir1
#428Doc Galaktik's Restorative Balm1
#207Dust bunny1
#481El Sombrero De Lopez5
#415Elder Turtle Shell6
#124Enchanted Flyswatter1
#159Everlasting Deckswabber2
#170Fitspiration™ poster1
#72Fun-Guy spore1
#288Galapagosian Cuisses4
#293Garter of the Turtle Poacher4
#99Gnollish Crossdress3
#41Gnomish sagngria1
#47Good 'n' Quiet3
#337Grateful Undead T-shirt1
#725Gravyskin Belt of the Sauceblob1
#352Hollandaise helmet5
#75Illuminati earpiece4
#1868Imp Ale1
#99Jacob's rung1
#991Knob Goblin elite helm1
#997Knob Goblin elite pants1
#973Knob Goblin elite polearm1
#781Knob Goblin harem pants2
#1046Knob Goblin pants1
#1058Knob Goblin scimitar1
#746Knob Goblin spatula1
#822Knob mushroom1
#1016Knoll mushroom1
#725Krakrox's Loincloth1
#815La Hebilla del Cinturón de Lopez1
#778Lederhosen of the Night1
#525Lockenstock™ sandals1
#367Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet71
#47Mansquito's blood14
#287Milk Studs1
#340Misty Cape2
#394Misty Cloak1
#291Misty Robe3
#796Mountain Stream soda5
#103Mt. McLargeHuge oyster1
#171My First Art of War1
#726Newman's Own Trousers1
#616Orcish cargo shorts2
#110Osk'r Chow1
#41Ouija Board, Ouija Board1
#97Rad Lib1
#74Radberry Rip wine cooler1
#127Red Army camouflage kit2
#420Scalp of Gorgolok7
#217Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip1
#145Skullery Maid's Knee3
#620Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags1
#153Space Tourist Phaser2
#213Space Tours Tripple2
#1110Spam Witch sammich1
#624Supernova Champagne2
#71Tales of a Kansas Toymaker (used)1
#1954Tasty Fun Good rice candy1
#49The Joy of Wassailing (used)1
🥈The Spirit of Giving (used)1
#71Thwaitgold Illinigina illinoiensis model1
#123Thwaitgold amoeba statuette5
#113Thwaitgold anti-moth statuette4
#235Thwaitgold bombardier beetle statuette3
#840Thwaitgold bookworm statuette1
#244Thwaitgold buzzy beetle statuette3
#178Thwaitgold cockroach statuette4
#609Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette8
#268Thwaitgold fairyfly statue1
#154Thwaitgold fire beetle statuette1
#773Thwaitgold firefly statuette6
#321Thwaitgold keyhole spider statuette1
#142Thwaitgold listening bug statuette2
#1224Thwaitgold maggot statuette3
#254Thwaitgold masked hunter statuette1
#154Thwaitgold metabug statuette3
#465Thwaitgold mosquito statuette3
#179Thwaitgold mosquito-in-amber statuette1
#333Thwaitgold moth statuette1
#123Thwaitgold nymph statuette10
#163Thwaitgold protozoa statuette2
#449Thwaitgold quantum bug statuette1
#489Thwaitgold scarab beetle statuette9
#324Thwaitgold scorpion statuette4
#638Thwaitgold slug statuette3
#111Thwaitgold splendor beetle statuette8
#1604Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette4
#1046Thwaitgold termite statuette2
#117Thwaitgold wolf spider statuette1
#1153Thwaitgold woollybear statuette1
#1307Trollhouse cookies1
#542Tuesday's ruby2
#706Typical Tavern swill2
#600Volartta's bellbottoms2
#162Whoompa Fur Pants1
#1282Wint-O-Fresh mint5
#349Ye Olde Navy Fleece1
#100acceptable bagel1
#132accord ion1
#121accordionoid rocca1
#270adorable seal larva9
#89alien hologram projector2
#125amok pudding2
#656ancient Magi-Wipes1
#639ancient frozen dinner1
#152ancient oil painting of yourself1
#265ancient poisoned dart1
#255ant pick1
#167ant pitchfork2
#519antique greaves7
#348antique helmet18
#163antique machete2
#297antique packet of ketchup4
#408antique shield12
#440antique spear11
#433asbestos apron1
#1081asparagus knife1
#114assassin's cheese knife1
#1852baby killer bee1
#265backwoods screwdriver1
#7429badass belt1
#213bag of GORF1
#89bag of random words1
#305balloon helmet1
#1031balloon monkey1
#105balloon shield1
#203balloon sword2
#98baloney rotgut1
#1234bar skin1
#153batskin belt8
#185beefy fish meat2
#133beer-battered accordion1
#239beer-scented teddy bear2
#145bent scrap metal1
#704big red clown nose4
#669black forest cake1
#552black forest ham1
#156black friar's tonsure1
#734black snake skin2
#120bloodied surgical dungarees1
#726bloody clown pants3
#621bloody mary1
#827blue class ring1
#133bone abacus2
#428bone flute1
#598bottle of Monsieur Bubble3
#514bottle of cooking sherry1
#680bottle of popskull1
#344bottle of sake1
#156box turtle2
#168brains casserole2
#33bread basket1
#39bread man7
#235brigand brittle1
#60broken beer bottle1
#98bronze polish1
#200brown felt tophat1
#108brown paper bag mask3
#138brown paper pants1
#678brown sugar cane1
#406bubblin' crude2
#864bubbly potion2
#161bucket of wine1
#1102bugbear beanie1
#893bugbear bungguard2
#460bunny liver10
#86captured boozles1
#634carbonated water lily1
#330cardboard katana1
#158cartoon heart1
#691centipede eggs1
#235charming flute1
#102cheap sunglasses1
#247chintzy accordion pin2
#508chintzy saucepan earring1
#106chocolate-covered caviar1
#871cloudy potion2
#652clown shoes2
#622clown skin4
#185clown wig1
#1635club necklace4
#186clutch of dodecapede eggs1
#1226cocoa egg1
#1183coconut shell2
#189comfy pillow2
#1824corpse on the beach1
#108crêepy mask2
#200creepy ginger ale1
#101creepy voice box1
#523cruelty-free wine1
#114cube of ectoplasm1
#40cuppa Vitali tea1
#88damp bar rag2
#878dark potion2
#892dead guy's watch3
#149decomposed boot3
#134delicious swamp muck1
#369dented harmonica2
#1959diamond necklace3
#63dieting pill1
#973dirty hobo gloves2
#1363disco ball5
#1533disco mask2
#819disembodied brain1
#787disintegrating quill pen1
#540displaced fish3
#587distressed denim pants1
#1645disturbing fanfic3
#424donated booze7
#429donated candy7
#163donated food92
#135dress pants1
#187drum of tommy ammo1
#2320duct tape1
#554dungeoneer's dungarees1
#165dusty animal cranium2
#245dusty animal jawbone1
#198dusty animal pelvis2
#181dusty eighth caudal vertebra2
#151dusty eighth thoracic vertebra3
#206dusty eleventh thoracic vertebra2
#65dusty fifth caudal vertebra6
#210dusty fifth cervical vertebra2
#143dusty fifth lumbar vertebra3
#292dusty fifth thoracic vertebra1
#291dusty first caudal vertebra1
#146dusty first cervical vertebra3
#95dusty first lumbar vertebra4
#191dusty first thoracic vertebra2
#134dusty fourth caudal vertebra3
#189dusty fourth cervical vertebra2
#307dusty fourth lumbar vertebra1
#299dusty fourth thoracic vertebra1
#145dusty left clavicle3
#99dusty left eighth rib4
#195dusty left eleventh rib2
#201dusty left femur2
#286dusty left fibula1
#189dusty left fifth rib2
#186dusty left first front claw2
#323dusty left first rear claw1
#303dusty left first rib1
#297dusty left fourth front claw1
#140dusty left fourth rear claw3
#197dusty left fourth rib2
#141dusty left humerus3
#294dusty left kneecap1
#65dusty left ninth rib6
#297dusty left radius1
#105dusty left scapula4
#139dusty left second front claw3
#300dusty left second rear claw1
#191dusty left seventh rib2
#175dusty left third front claw2
#199dusty left third rib2
#305dusty left thumb1
#312dusty left tibia1
#308dusty left twelfth rib1
#79dusty left ulna5
#181dusty ninth caudal vertebra2
#180dusty ninth thoracic vertebra2
#185dusty right clavicle2
#310dusty right eighth rib1
#183dusty right eleventh rib2
#301dusty right femur1
#82dusty right fibula5
#304dusty right fifth rib1
#310dusty right first front claw1
#141dusty right first rear claw3
#288dusty right first rib1
#281dusty right fourth front claw1
#75dusty right fourth rear claw5
#152dusty right fourth rib3
#152dusty right humerus3
#136dusty right kneecap3
#89dusty right ninth rib5
#289dusty right scapula1
#140dusty right second front claw3
#198dusty right second rear claw2
#294dusty right second rib1
#136dusty right seventh rib3
#138dusty right sixth rib3
#187dusty right tenth rib2
#293dusty right third front claw1
#199dusty right third rear claw2
#294dusty right third rib1
#200dusty right thumb2
#293dusty right tibia1
#315dusty right twelfth rib1
#111dusty right ulna4
#83dusty sacral vertebrae5
#292dusty second caudal vertebra1
#189dusty second cervical vertebra2
#198dusty second lumbar vertebra2
#296dusty second thoracic vertebra1
#194dusty seventh caudal vertebra2
#309dusty seventh cervical vertebra1
#187dusty seventh lumbar vertebra2
#196dusty seventh thoracic vertebra2
#78dusty sixth caudal vertebra5
#183dusty sixth cervical vertebra2
#197dusty sixth lumbar vertebra2
#287dusty tenth caudal vertebra1
#188dusty tenth thoracic vertebra2
#288dusty third caudal vertebra1
#292dusty third cervical vertebra1
#199dusty third lumbar vertebra2
#86dusty third thoracic vertebra5
#80dusty twelfth thoracic vertebra5
#400eXtreme Bi-Polar Fleece Vest1
#331eXtreme mittens11
#275eXtreme scarf12
#296eldritch effluvium12
#105elegant nightstick2
#2195evil teddy bear2
#471extra-strength strongness elixir1
#901eye of newt2
#925fancy opera glasses1
#412fermenting powder1
#905figurine of a cold seal1
#181figurine of an armored seal1
#100filthy child leash1
#101filthy monkey head1
#527filthy poultice1
#133fine aged cheddarwurst1
#82fish bazooka1
#795fizzy potion3
#941flaming talons1
#75flashy pirate dreadlocks3
#150flask flops2
#165flavorless gruel1
#179flayed mind3
#139fleetwood chain1
#83floral-print skirt1
#64flour cookie6
#351foam noodle2
#632foolscap fool's cap2
#235freshwater pearl necklace1
#633friendly cheez blob4
#99frozen turtle shell1
#103funny bone2
#688fuzzy busby1
#480fuzzy earmuffs2
#492fuzzy montera2
#183gauze shorts1
#105gazely stare1
#125ghost toga1
#983ghuol ears1
#1173ghuol egg2
#132giant artisanal rice peeler2
#161giant breath mint1
#387giant cactus quill1
#987giant designer sunglasses1
#1641giant discarded bottlecap1
#2409giant discarded plastic fork1
#1517giant discarded torn-up glove1
#1255giant needle1
#184giant safety pin1
#53giant shrimp fork1
#146gilt perfume bottle2
#166giraffe-necked turtle1
#60glass of raw eggs1
#237glistening fish meat1
#81glob of enchanted icing3
#289glob of green slime1
#604gnoll lips3
#607gnoll teeth3
#100golden gum1
#1169goth kid t-shirt1
#1909green beer1
#441green clay bead16
#5341grue egg1
#112half-size scalpel1
#66hand-carved staff1
🥇hand-knitted Crimbo socks1
#571harem girl t-shirt1
#1679heart of the volcano1
#1114heavy D2
#758hellion cube2
#1353helmet turtle7
#576honey-dipped locust1
#999hot katana blade1
#343hot plate1
#1432ice-cold Willer3
#616icy katana hilt1
#166imitation White Russian1
#446imp unity ring1
#356infernal fife1
#740infernal insoles1
#411inflatable duck2
#97iron torso box1
#170irradiated turtle1
#1195jabañero-flavored chewing gum1
#85jar of swamp honey1
#96jaunty feather3
#119jazzy cigarette holder1
#154jungle floor wax1
#174killing jar1
#1898kneecapping stick1
#897leather mask1
#492left half of a heart necklace1
#617leftovers of indeterminate origin1
#47lion musk1
#1297little paper umbrella1
#1280loose teeth3
#104low-budget shield1
#912lowercase N1
#89lucky cat's paw5
#256macaroni duck8
#1147magical ice cubes2
#643magical mystery juice1
#344magical pony: Uniquity4
#247makeshift cape1
#339mariachi hat5
#1069marzipan skull3
#499meat engine1
#1042meat stack1
#479melted Jell-o shot1
#1204metallic A1
#12meteor shower cap1
#161midriff scrubs1
#939milky potion1
#795mind flayer corpse2
#41mini-Mr. Accessory1
#588molotov cocktail cocktail1
#155moonberry wine cooler1
#117moose antlers1
#114moose chocolate2
#73muddy pirate hat1
#219mummy mask1
#811mummy wrapping1
#443natural fennel soda2
#858ninja hot pants1
#109non-Euclidean non-accordion1
#43oil cap2
#73oil lamp1
#91oil shell1
#31oil slacks4
#424old sweatpants180
#170orcish stud-finder1
#1041original G3
#336ornate picture frame2
#1890oyster basket1
#741palm frond1
#1584pants of the Slug Lord1
#1682passable elf mask1
#1299pasta spoon3
#84peace accordion1
#85pentatonic accordion1
#109percent sign4
#2035pet rock2
#151pewter claymore1
#842phat turquoise bead1
#1067phonics down3
#1234pickle-flavored chewing gum1
#321pie crust1
#785pink clay bead6
#110pink slime1
#180plain candy cane3
#73plain snowcone2
#466plastic guitar1
#59plate of Mixed Garbanzos and Chickpeas1
#804pool cue3
#251porquoise ring1
#812potted cactus1
#988pr0n legs1
#144premium malt liquor2
#1436pretty flower6
#59punch-drunk punch1
#428purple clay bead5
#68radioactive spider venom3
#557ram horns1
#1137ravioli hat5
#750razor-sharp can lid5
#596red class ring11
#103red coat1
#105red letter2
#95red masque1
#661red pixel potion1
#167red red wine1
#117red shirt1
#90red silk skirt1
#144red velvet cake1
#310rhinestone cowboy shirt1
#454rockin' wagon1
#62rotting beefsteak1
#763royal jelly2
#3640rubber WWBD? bracelet1
#3667rubber WWJD? bracelet1
#1524rubber WWSPD? bracelet5
#3652rubber WWtNSD? bracelet1
#103rubber ribcage1
#1004ruby W1
#849rusty grave robbing shovel1
#182rusty hedge trimmers2
#324rusty metal shaft1
#156safety vest1
#102salacious crumbs1
#1031sawblade shield1
#187screwing pooch1
#559scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil1
#999scrumptious reagent3
#136sea avocado1
#109sea lace1
#292seal-blubber candle9
#1488seal-clubbing club2
#857seal-skull helmet3
#236secret mummy herbs and spices1
#149severed flipper1
#77sewage-clogged pistol1
#95sewer snake2
#79sharpened spoon1
#2957shiny ring1
#234shiny tribal beads2
#699shot of orange schnapps1
#109shuriken salad1
#893silver shrimp fork1
#1223skeleton bone4
#811skeleton key2
#156skull of the Bonerdagon10
#547slap and tickle1
#239slap and tickle with a fly in it1
#1014smart skull1
#41smiley-face sticker1
#156smirking shrunken head1
#735smoky potion4
#161smut orc sunglasses2
#971snifter of thoroughly aged brandy1
#349snowboarder pants9
#175soap knife1
#1334soft green echo eyedrop antidote1
#214spangly mariachi vest1
#202spangly sombrero2
#54special clip: squelchers1
#53special clip: wailers1
#1388spectral pickle1
#3794spectre scepter1
#158spicy enchanted bean burrito1
#821spiked femur1
#123spooky alphabet block1
#1572spooky mushroom1
#104sprocket assembly1
#435stale baguette2
#47sticky lava globs5
#1348stolen accordion5
#466strawberry wine1
#456stray chihuahua6
#48string of moist beads6
#2674stuffed Baron von Ratsworth4
#2991stuffed Cheshire bitten15
#3181stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech14
#2147stuffed Meat10
#3999stuffed angry cow10
#3157stuffed astral badger14
#4584stuffed baby gravy fairy8
#1466stuffed can of asparagus1
#2841stuffed cocoabo16
#1581stuffed dodecapede1
#3262stuffed flaming gravy fairy14
#2807stuffed frozen gravy fairy17
#955stuffed ghuol whelp1
#4591stuffed hand turkey8
#1810stuffed key11
#3040stuffed mind flayer15
#2428stuffed mink6
#2485stuffed monocle6
#2945stuffed scary death orb16
#3755stuffed sleazy gravy fairy11
#2303stuffed snowy owl21
#4308stuffed spooky gravy fairy9
#3043stuffed spooky mushroom1
#3547stuffed stinky gravy fairy12
#2395stuffed teddy butler7
#2788stuffed tin of caviar3
#1993stuffed treasure chest8
#3059stuffed undead elbow macaroni15
#532stunt nuts1
#1226sunken chest1
#75super-strong air freshener1
#101surgical apron3
#964swashbuckling pants1
#843swirly potion2
#812t8r tots1
#1069tamarind-flavored chewing gum2
#153tankard of ale4
#774tattered scrap of paper1
#1586teddy bear2
#1057ten-leaf clover2
#539tequila grenade2
#171that gum you like5
#1602tiny house3
#18tiny plastic Abuela's cottage1
#21tiny plastic Armory1
#18tiny plastic Bar1
#18tiny plastic Cafe1
#83tiny plastic Captain Kerkard1
#37tiny plastic Cheer Core1
#8195tiny plastic Cheshire bat1
#47tiny plastic Crimbo caroler1
#42tiny plastic Crimbo cheer1
#825tiny plastic Duke Starkiller1
#20tiny plastic Factory1
#45tiny plastic Mirth1
#41tiny plastic Penny1
#3895tiny plastic Spunky Princess1
#4544tiny plastic accordion thief1
#6125tiny plastic angry goat2
#8256tiny plastic baby gravy fairy1
#8131tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#3967tiny plastic beanbat1
#4482tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#6191tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball2
#39tiny plastic caboose1
#38tiny plastic chem lab1
#37tiny plastic coal car1
#8100tiny plastic cocoabo1
#8224tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#38tiny plastic dining car1
#4500tiny plastic disco bandit1
#38tiny plastic food lab1
#8156tiny plastic fuzzy dice1
#6236tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick2
#8099tiny plastic ghuol whelp1
#3904tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers1
#8064tiny plastic grue1
#4599tiny plastic hermit1
#8132tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#8073tiny plastic killer bee1
#6176tiny plastic leprechaun2
#8105tiny plastic levitating potato1
#3842tiny plastic lobsterfrogman1
#37tiny plastic locomotive1
#8118tiny plastic mosquito1
#46tiny plastic multi-level marketer1
#39tiny plastic nog lab1
#41tiny plastic passenger car1
#4348tiny plastic pastamancer1
#39tiny plastic primary lab1
#8104tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime1
#4467tiny plastic sauceror1
#4452tiny plastic seal clubber1
#8228tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#8164tiny plastic stab bat1
#8142tiny plastic star starfish1
#4484tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#91tobiko pocky1
#97tobiko-infused sake1
#125topiary nugglet9
#558torn hellseal sinew4
#82toy sixgun1
#103troll britches2
#75tube of pendulum lube1
#1791turtle totem1
#141una poca de gracia3
#141unholy water1
#154unnatural gas1
#65untamable turtle17
#215unusual disco ball10
#71used beer3
#9velour veil1
#52vinyl shield1
#739vorpal blade2
#268wand of pigification1
#331water wings2
#262whalebone corset1
#708white class ring6
#415wine spritzer1
#1245wolf mask1
#208world's smallest violin2
#355yak skin1

Wow, that's 5,177 items total!

what items are this player missing?