grue egg

grue egg

Wiki linkwiki

This is an egg laid by a grue. You're assuming a grue will hatch from it.







































#21Sherm Firmwood401










#26Love Me370




















#36AscensionsEatYourSoul and Beljeferon337








#41Lady Tomo307




















#51Archham and nrpgnome268


















#61TheArtfulDodger and Wagr234


#63Galapagos James232


#64FireStarter, HackandStabby, Westcliffe and jcdenton666231


#68ErnieR and Nashtinka227




























#83Poncho the Sane196




#85Sai Guru193


#86InspectorX and Lord Kobel191








#91Brulak and Mana Yachanichu178


#93Mr Bill and Wraithtech177


#95Fellatrix and Kaaewen173


#97RICKErscotT and Sarghi172






#101KingFelix and UomoDellaPasta169
















#110FettucineQueenie and Nodo2156




#113Foxy Boxy and tbell31152




#116Artie Effham, Evil Taco, Mac_Gyver, Metraxis and Phrunicus150


#121BoiRDee, DizzyJ and Zair149


#124Donavin69, The Alchemyst and UrbanSuicideJunkie148




#128Prima Vera and nonvegan144




#131George P Burdell and Monarch309142


#133Aangelica, AbuGhrabPrisonGuard, Hagen Black and Mookieproof141




#138Ekeinos, Grogum, Odiuhm and TogashiKokujin139


#142Nossidge and hellsfruition138






#146Club, Sir Cheddar, SonicBoom and Stonefaced135




#151Lyle332 and Ninamo131


#153NicNak and TheBrent130


#155Mistress of the Obvious and Pastahead129




#158Dafro and Tuga127




#161Cristiona, FFL2and3rocks, Glukthar, Werefrog and sleightmind125




#167StorellaDeville and i_eat_food123


#169Cristiona the Femmessiah and Yarple122


#171Galith and Kaine121


#173Bernini and Garath_McGrath120




#176kirahvikoira and lokki118




#179Mr Magnifico, SqueezyBabe and testostronaut116




#183Hanson The Mighty, LuvLuvChef and imthebigchief114


#186BlueBurro, Hsilwo and Mongrel the Apathetic113


#189CA Dude, WeatherWarrior and williabr112


#192Amazonian, Deimos and Kazzles111


#195D L and Sloth Rop110


#197Major Meat109


#198Boesbert, Eseche, Mutant Rat and thE tRAveLiNg RetArD108




#203CyberTurtle, GT1, JizzMasterZero and lupus4106


#207Afrogumby, Bobje Ratata, Nameless1, Neenie2, SealLover, cankergIRL and sHAdoW of Tam105


#214MuscatCherry and SourMilk104


#216Keldar the Unbrave103


#217Akuji, FMguru, Lord Stefano, Nectaris, ShawnD, raynstorm and sirCoOlWhip101




#225Owlish and greycat99


#227FatQuack2 and MI4 REALs Ascension Account98




#230Archon386, Calatan, DMag_oshc, Growpy, Ms Bus Driver and Scattaloquarious96


#236Darkeagle and conversation killer95


#238dialtone and flykitty94


#240Vanir, benderama and the40ftboy93


#243Josmul123, Mr HeadCase, Pelsboble and art_bohemia92


#247Ashallond, DickLeaky, GCByzantine, LegumeLord, Ninja Karl and lordsuZAKU91


#253Ardsnard, Dorngen, General_Herpes, Linknoid, Lord Finisher and Von Bek90


#259DraconisUK, Eloquent Rune, Elsynoodle, Grantasaurus, Jag2k2, Maedmerrie, Nickles, darkgreycat and phrainck89


#268JackalKat and Xenthes88


#270Antfattener, Chickenkong, Rokusho999, Tortuca and hohofolderol87


#275DeathToRudy, LustyPirateWench, Marshall, TamCoan, Vacuumus, bluebear and gamma_RAy86


#282Sakurabisu, Sasori_uk and Sceptileus85




#286AltaZorn, Brar the Crusader, GunshipVP, Mariasha, Theophrastus and mtanders83


#292Andis, Bernoulli, Nekosoft, S3ren1ty, Terrapin_Man, levitto and sensibleb82




#300Ay7k, Boxy Brown, FatQuack, Mighty Xerxes, NightShayde and creamedpeas180


#306Duty, Mah_Freend_Amee and Nion79


#309MeatballsOfMystery and jackman678


#311Blastphemist, Edwizzle, Flaaron, HansGruber, JimRules, MimiRiceCat, Nanimonai3 and SeaSparkzz77


#319Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Heeheehee, SpAghEttI RaVeN, Turtlegeuse, Wizard_Hat and agargan76


#325EvilPorate, Penelope X, Phaete, davidsan, howlin_mad and jonbly75


#331AKU, Disco Fire, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Euan McLeod, JerseyBoy, MooFrog, Sir Nighcrawler of wormhole, Yorick, Zob Rombie, evilmoxie and udon_rouge74


#342Chili Mac, DoodyHed, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Johnatton, Seth_OS and TarendelCymir73


#348A Killer is Me, Cookiecutter, Goldman Sachs, GreenArmadillo, Irony Chef, Morgad, Orus, Que Chan Mok, Sage36, creamedcorn, silly_na and the_postman72




#361Autumnwinds, Higardi, Mr_GlitterBall, RedNeckReb, TheNice1, abjr, ckb and darknessfalls9070


#369Angry1, Daqh Kiri, DrgnMaster, GreyPenguin, NoMyths, ShadowsLight, eXtremist69 and minders69


#377Elmo_The_Thundergod, Jizwink and schmedy68


#380EaterOfSorrow, Foamy The PastaMancer, LunaDancer, OD and warebar67


#385Baron Von Bic Pen Lord, Eugene, HammeredOne, Parmesan Marshmallow, QcuriousQ, Tasty and qqzm66


#392Dave of the Hill People, Dirty Immigrant, Gollum, K2_Fujative, Oldsfrk, PUFFY, Rikuo, Simon the Mystificator, StaticMan, Xander Whilkes, horkman and kidMissile65


#404DarkNewton, Flaming Turtle, GreyBeer, MaryAnarchy, Sakaki and Zanchvegas64


#410PolyesterMan, RisenJihad, Shire Beyay, SirDarkStar, TheDotGamer and krae63


#416Daya, FearlessX, Jill_Bob, KoolfuZ, Legalese, Mashiro, Ulysse and ssj3nappa62


#424Japanosis, Mishikhal, Oikaiduosius, RenRetard, bawb1 and slojopo61


#430Astin, Emanon, RAMonov, The Ghosty and aDmiRaLAwesoME60


#435CancerMan, Cub, Free Arsenal, Frisbee, LivingHat, Phoenix Rising, Simetra, Tanamoril and takenoko59


#444Grym Reeper, Kareth, Kitcats, Mr Floppy, Phred Green, cThules, corkythewinelord and prETty58


#452BlueThunder, Brew Geared, Chasing, Cuz, Hulyen, Kizehk, Puvogel, QueenBowie, Romv, Sir Jefe, Xilundra, Zesty, ladderman, mtfns, rexfelis, slag and trustno157


#469Busch Light, DiscoKiller, Karl_T, SassyMcAsspants, Timreh, Zaranthos, boy howdy, erTEST1, murphs and muskratlike56


#479Anesthesia, Bokodasu, Don Quai Poncerello, Farfalle al Dente, eitak and motoXXXozzy55


#485AdenOvirus, Blakeatwork, Garnet Rene, Mellissaleo, Pimpjuice, Saucy_Sistah, Slothpyle, awaj2006 and sfwarlock54


#494Darmut eDrien, NeptuneIzzy, Yatsufusa, Zerg_Rush and bazfum53


#499Ankopitch, DaBaddestHic, Drakmor, Even Hand, Evil Dead Ned, Keptuvis, NeverNeverMe, Stormcaller58, patmcrotch and philbb52


#509Defying, Handhand, Hison, Quoisenot, Strobus, Toric, chewbecca, rebrane and schneepat51


#518AetherWind, Cialan, Jesus, Master Bates, SEBulba, Shaudius, Weremule, c3l14 and ibbieta50


#527Akeldama, Blurg, IncyWincyQuincy, Kitschycat, Monochrome Jesus, Omnibus, Paran, Penguin_Knight, Sharp Dressed Man, Simmu, TC0418, Wylin, entchen, flerdle, mister bananafish and pLaster49


#543Elektra, Gnocchus, LIVERflukes, LeoBarudi, Lord Mellman, Mad Dudy, Muluk, Nescent, Shirley I Jest, Swush, Terps, Xentrix, hEyWood22, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY and xXxSnappyxXx48


#558Bloeme, Clouzdzy82, CobaltDawn, DownriverRatt, Draven, EEPiccolo, Fremen, Gonain, JiK4eva, Minon_of_Vorad, RUMlEY, Serenia, Spoonbende, Sweet Honey, Zs bee, badaduci, badgrrl, spcae maggot and wakela47


#577BWF Jeff, Dude2004, El Dude, ElronBean, FratFever, MastaBlasta, MiniSamurai, Niwatori, PaganRain, Shao Mi, Tommy, Wembley Fraggle, sUZIka, scole, stannius and tskcubed46


#593Alder, Damuckle, DancinMachine, F0XY, Joeisme, JoeyBaggadonuts, Juub, Kana, Killhearty, LdySaphyre, PhilThese, ThunderSource, Xevabis, YetAnotherLamer and jmkg45


#608BubbaNDN, CottonMouth, Mikel, Revier, TimRem, Yiab, Zenzizenzizenzic, ZweiBlummen, elsen, g_LOVA, krodoc, septic, shwei and teh_pjotorer44


#622Accordion Abuser, Aschen, BabyGasolineFairy, BagelJr, BrightButt The Defenestrator, GryWizard, Julienne, Kenrae, Madchipmunk, Mizem, PhilipJFry, RiZiStR, Tiny Plastic NOTFUNNYANYMORE and shaggy10043


#636BaBaBing, Bahu, Chef Jeff, DeathKnight668, FooBarBaz, Friznik, Hero Almighty, TheChad, Tomahto, Velestian, Zodo, elzie, kanselmo, sl1me and zoutroi42


#651Bosefus_Brown, DarkSerge, Hi132, Kipling, Kyta, Meezer_Wrangler, Nurse Janeway, Petey, SaskiaSalsoul, TVirus26, Tricksy, UtterFool, excellente and glimb41


#665BEndER, Bioland, Itamaram, Jinya, PhotoFlow3, Sand_Buffalo, Shockwave, Tadell, Temporary Man, TheDarkOne, Vencho, h00k, hiimchels, sue and tarfu9240


#680Alrik, Anuvar, Beardy McBeard, BobbyCorno, Geenius, MCsalsa, Pasta Thief, cLaYjAr7, dune rune, paSTA_BaBY, rue, shameonme, shaventalz and unsane39


#694Aximili, BronMac, Doz, Geebee, GrammarWhore, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, HighPriestessOfTinsel, Horngore Oxpoot, Kara Rae, Korlon, MagFitch, Meru la Renat, PMega, Quarkinator, Raven Darkchild, Rykoshet, Silentmusketeer, Snap, Snappy the Slow, StrawberryDots, Tableau, bawb2, bob128, dagwoodmcd, geekmeister, jackASS, s t u p i d and viReyAR38


#722Agliata, Chineselegolas, DivineCoffeeBinge, ErisDiscordia, Habby, Minor Annoyance, MrMonKey0101, NoctiBeard, Pravda1, Ricket, The Bob is Me, Triffels, Vostok, efilnikufecin, grovel and josyjoker37


#738AntiMallBot, Babaganoosh, Crease, Davidson, Disco Princess, DragonOfMany, Green Lemur, JanoSicek, Jed the Nifty, Leg o Lam, Punchessa, Rita Rehab, Soul Crusher, Spacini, Splaily, Ubiq, Yukimeister and bLuebIES36


#756Barrysoff, Ceelgohsplatt, DISCokeir, Enkazama, Famoth83, FrankNBeans, GligSith_Tcharf, Lady Miss Wolfie, Lizmeis, LordVadar, MaxDemian, Otep, Selexor, Sen, Sheplar, Vajalyn, Wussy Pride, ZeddWhyte, aenimus, ast154251, blah35, daehtihS, octothorpe, paxsarah, saucyspud and smokeyliker35


#782Archondelnoche, Caelith, Dr_Bruiser, Eileen, FFiXMaster, Gbuphallow, Glsbnewt1, Ha1Ha1Ha, Jigga k, Klegeroinus, MaryOfDoom, Necco Wafer, Pregh, Rhotax, Vedekka, Xedo, miniLizmeis, mmmoreos, moop, sacred_kitty and senon34


#803Amarand, Angra Mainu, Ashes, Capn Gnarly, Faulin, Janno, Lew_b81, Lone Skipper, Lord Mackerel, LordHorst, Nathanl, OneTonTomato, Ryan_Galen, Sal the Rapacious, Sprucer, Thijsvp, Troeke, Wesley Milton Dagwell III, apROcalypSE, culcube and jadziadax33


#824Coindom Lathe, Gehanii Grimsane, Harukodo, IAmtheDisco, Jarko, Lady Auron, Larry Linguini, Leef, Levykid, Malik, Mitsy, NoneofYourDarnBusiness, POkEy the brave, Pringle, Shrek, Stabotron, Stargazer67, Tara the Inept, Tony Danzig, Tyrmon, Volotani, goldenASP, reX kwon, soupbadger, stykera, theDork and verbena12832


#851Arbos, Ass Pounder, CBParker, Cheesemeister, Cupcakes of Hell, Demius, Dimack, Doc Greasy, DownriverRat, Ender Alexander, Enuo, Faerador, Filmore, Gregstrom, Gryphon, Hairshirt, Jenny Saucepn, Junestar, JustinCarto, Kevin, Krakula Whoretron III, MEmnarCH6, Old Ned, Onyx, Paddle, Penguin Overlord, Perem, PuttyMcman, Saucy_ash, ShoTheBandit, Siletta, Strangerest, Targrod, The Hogfather, Trumper, Valryia, Willy the Small, icy toes, ikazuchi, jCoWLeY, kinglink, loudgrrl4_ever, lowrezster, sillysun, tekDragon and warjunkie31


#897Amagalan, Arthur Dent, Christoph, Cloudy J, Grchwrkz, LarfSnarf, Melimo, Meridol, Nuurgle, PleasEaThat, Replica, Saskapampy, SkyHouse52, Turtle Juice, VarnishBoy, VeIStrAn, Vey Aeyna, Whack, Zariaidan, dementia13, flowered angel, gleeman, rowanthorn, seong lIkes bulls and vpnLibrarian30


#922Agapanthus, Anouris, Bingohost_age, Blasmeister, CREaMchEEsey, Crazy Jimmy, CrazyWeirdo, DaGreatMomoVII, Disco Dancing, DiscoGrim, DungFarmer, El_Pirateo, Gars, GpHerder, Harris Pilton, HellBane, Hubert Rawlinson, IcebergSlim, JunioR, Laa, McBain77, Olorin, Paanin Diaz, Poobug, Rowenthus, Sivana, Sonso the Cook, Spunky, SpyderMunkey, The Pwn3r, Tissen, draelon, eFloss and teh swabs29


#956Akadia, Awsomo, Del Ilnaki, EddieLoo, FirmaMentalFalcon, Flegel, Gregonzola, JonnyBoy1977, Kaiden_AoP, KlarEsc, Loathsomeone, Miridian, Pantless Pete, PlutoOfPluto, PrinceOfCups, Shlhu, Siddhartha Vicious, SnuggleFluff, Soth13, StDoodle, Tannerhaus, TechSmurf, TheMoocher, Turkney Sol, Valandilv, Vulgaris, Zissou, Zs_and_Ys, azunak, chalon9, dyeote, legom7, ookoodle and sinupret28


#990Ahorriblesn, CrazyCatLady, Dark Eagle, GentleFluter, Grollo, High Voltage, Killa K, Lady_Corncob, Llamaface and Mjytresz27
