Lord Mackerel

#652A Beginner's Guide to Charming Snakes1
#12A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 1 (used)1
#8A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 2 (used)1
#9A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 3 (used)1
#8A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 4 (used)1
#10A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 5 (used)1
#8A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 6 (used)1
#690Amulet of Yendor24
#27Ax of L'rose1
#564BGE pocket calendar1
#956BGE tiny plastic toy1
#1397Baron von Ratsworth's monocle8
#523Blue Diamond of Honesty1
🥇Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf1
#288Bonerdagon necklace38
#1168Boss Bat bling2
#273Boss Bat britches47
#1502Bulky Buddy Box1
#1119CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1)1
#34CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2) (used)1
#36CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) (used)1
#32CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) (used)1
#32CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) (used)1
#250CRIMBCO lanyard2
#117CRIMBCO wine58
#117Chester's Aquarius medallion1
#174Chester's cutoffs1
#185Chester's moustache1
#220Chori Zo trading card1
#889Cloaca grenade11
#321Cloaca-Cola c-rations11
#232Cloaca-Cola fatigues11
#195Cloaca-Cola helmet11
#904Cloaca-Cola knapsack1
#205Cloaca-Cola shield11
#610Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife1
#336Codpiece of the Goblin King22
#6Crimbomination Contraption1
#900Crimboween memo12
#287DNOTC Box1
#74Dickory Farms Gift Basket58
🥇Dolphin King's crown15,075
#815Dyspepsi grenade11
#268Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations11
#202Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues11
#192Dyspepsi-Cola helmet11
#857Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack1
#186Dyspepsi-Cola shield11
#580Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen1
#85Ellsbury's journal1
#61FDKOL tattoo1
#170Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy1
#212Frosty's carrot1
#195Frosty's nailbat1
#214Frosty's old silk hat1
#120Frosty's snowball sack1
#1027Glass Balls of the Goblin King2
#1010Goodfella contract1
#287Hell ramen11
#65Hodgman's metal detector1
#534Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration1
#1675Iron Beta of Industry1
🥇Jackass Plumber home game1
🥈Junior LAAAAME merit badge1
#778Lederhosen of the Night1
#1651Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet12
#19Loudmouth Larry Lamprey2,683
#396Miniborg beeper1
#362Miniborg hiveminder1
#394Miniborg laser1
#443Miniborg stomper1
#405Miniborg strangler1
#2547Mr. Mediocrebar2
#182Mylar balloon1
#1570Nickel Gamma of Frugality1
#54Ol' Scratch's ash can2
#128Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork1
#197Ol' Scratch's ol' britches1
#188Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat1
#108Oscus's garbage can lid1
#54Oscus's pelt2
#1229Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster4
#20Pokëmann figurine: Magikrap45
#2523Rock Pops2
#117Saccharine Maple pendant1
#2544Scalp of Gorgolok1
🥈Stabonic scroll1
#77Staff of the Teapot Tempest1
#68Tales of a Kansas Toymaker (used)1
#601The Art of Slapfighting1
#682The Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones1
#48The Joy of Wassailing (used)1
#1035The Mariachi's guitar case1
#33The Necbromancer's Hat1
#28The Necbromancer's Shorts1
#38The Necbromancer's Stein1
#58The Necbronomicon (used)1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
🥇Tickle-Me Emilio1
#934Travels with Jerry1
#11Uncle Hobo's belt2
#59Uncle Hobo's highest bough1
#8Uncle Hobo's stocking cap2
#701Uncle Romulus1
🥈Underworld trunk1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#65Wand of Nagamar79
#205Wand of Oscus1
#1144Wint-O-Fresh mint6
#1613Yellow Moon of Compassion1
#1171Zinc Delta of Tranquility1
#51Zombo's grievous greaves2
#105Zombo's shoulder blade1
#85Zombo's skull ring1
#192Zombo's skullcap1
#918Zu Mannkäse Dienen1
🥇anniversary burlap belt1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
🥈anniversary safety glass vest1
#736antique 8-Bit Power magazine1
#11antique packet of ketchup953
#930antique record album1
#20baby cuddlefish11
#519bacon bath ball1
#485badass belt93
#1039bag of airline peanuts19
#819banana-frosted king cake2
#138baneful bandolier1
#72bark beret1
#70bark boxers1
#91bark bracelet1
#38bath ball gift set67
#5bazookafish bubble gum3,561
#334bejeweled cufflinks13
#105big rock24
🥈biomechanical crimborg helmet1
🥈biomechanical crimborg leg armor1
#462bit of clingfilm9
#1102blood flower3
🥈blue traffic cone1
#225borg sock monkey10
#1249box of sunshine165
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#2974can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce1
#1964candied yams3
#406cheap plastic bottle opener16
#422cheap toaster5
#504chocolate bath ball1
#1774chunk of depleted Grimacite2
#48clockwork bartender-in-the-box4
#135clockwork maid1
#610clown hammer44
#1180coconut shell2
#95congratulatory cake1
🥉control crystal1
#6corrosive cowl1
#113crotchety pants1
#364crumbling rat skull1
#68crusty hula hoop7
#208cyborg doll10
#537cyborg stompin' boot4
#57deadly nightshade1
#583decaying goldfish liver1
#579defective skull35
#9dehydrated caviar1,440
#342delicious salad175
#1363diamond necklace5
#819disembodied brain1
#6displaced fish35,536
#4dolphin whistle1,958
#2108duct tape2
#129duct tape dockers1
#93duct tape fedora1
#233duct tape sword1
#401easter egg balloon54
#986empty agua de vida bottle22
#597encoder ring20
#326ennui-flavored potato chips131
#179especially salty dog2
#145exotic orchid1
#922explosion-flavored chewing gum22
#1441facsimile dictionary3
#919fake fake vomit27
#765fake hand29
#1883fancy chocolate car1
#687festive sausage2
#86filigreed hamethyst earring1
🥇fish stick210
🥉fish-liver oil26,730
#11fishy fish266
#10fishy fish casserole120
#13fishy fish lasagna100
#1610flashing novelty button1
#661fuzzy dice8
#383giant designer sunglasses11
#2534giant pinky ring1
#82gilded lily1
#946gingerbread bugbear23
#236golden ring95
#718goth kid t-shirt3
#1027green clay bead1
🥈green traffic cone1
#802grue egg33
🥉hair of the fish132
#4023handful of confetti3
#150hardened slime hat1
#455heavy metal sonata1
#540heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr1
#1740herbal stuffing3
#627holiday cheese log2
#757immense cyborg hand6
#127jamfish jam2
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#1295jar of swamp gas1
#980jazz soap21
#41jingle bell1
#295killing feather72
#685kneecapping stick15
#737laser-broiled pear12
#267lawn dart1
#433long-stemmed rose2
#877magical ice cube with a fly in it26
🥉makeshift castanets1
🥉marinara jug1
#55meat face1
#225monomolecular yo-yo307
#48motivational poster56
#500mylar scout drone10
#250myrrh-soaked, chocolate-covered bacon bath ball1
#602mysterious silver lapel pin1
#3705nanite-infested candy cane1
#2559nanite-infested eggnog2
#1397nanite-infested fruitcake4
#1476nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear4
#1337obsidian dagger11
#104old sweatpants691
#193oversized fish scaler14
#103paperclip cape1
#91paperclip turban1
#101paperclip-on tie1
#806party hat1
#431personalized coffee mug130
#2716pet rock1
#773pet rock "Groucho" disguise25
#1105pet rock "Snooty" disguise16
#396picture of a dead guy's girlfriend2
🥇plastic vampire fangs1
#163plexiglass pikestaff2
#44pottery club1
#41pottery shield1
#42pottery training pants1
#1207pretty flower11
#179puff of smoke1
#777purple clay bead1
#727purple glowstick1
#321radium-flavored potato chips160
#42rat head balloon3
#9red traffic cone1
#28red wagon17
#58ridiculous belt1
#136ridiculous sandwich11
#554right half of a heart necklace1
#1364robotronic egg12
#2339rogue swarmer14
#191rough fish scale1
#939rubber emo roe27
#1021rusty chain necklace1
🥇rxr shield1
#790sawblade shield2
#2009shiny ring5
#53slow jam collection56
🥉snow belly1
#10snow hat1
🥉snow pants1
#1348sock monkey1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#1388spectral pickle1
#1806spectre scepter12
🥈speed limit shield1
#300sponge cake1
#833spooky hockey mask2
#65squirmy violent party snack1
#246stainless steel scarf12
#224stainless steel shillelagh14
#261stainless steel skullcap10
#198stainless steel slacks13
#131stainless steel solitaire14
#127stainless steel suspenders21
#4star starfish555
🥇stop shield1
#1330stray chihuahua1
#131stress ball2
#725stuffed doppelshifter16
#468tattered paper crown2
#1586teddy bear2
#535teeny-tiny magic scroll1
🥇time sleigh1
#1413tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear1
#4234tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer1
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#775tiny plastic Lord Flameface1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#1344tiny plastic beebee queue1
#3174tiny plastic conservationist hippy1
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#2894tiny plastic sweet nutcracker2
#1619tofurkey gravy4
#1389tofurkey leg5
#925tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie2
#921toy maglev monorail1
#1190toy soldier1
#1384toy train1
#479tree skirt1
#1488tree-eating kite11
#1037tree-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#600tropical paperweight1
#53trousers of the white knight1
#350turtle pheromones9
#594useless powder160
#506vanilla-frosted king cake2
#16velcro paddle ball2
#1146vertebra of the Bonerdagon4
#1488vibrating cyborg knife5
#673vitachoconutriment capsule7
#397wad of cotton7
#1047whoopie cushion21
#91willowy bonnet1
#969wind-up chattering teeth25
#318wintergreen-flavored potato chips140
#76world's most unappetizing beverage1
#509wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie2
#1158wrench bracelet1
#79wristwatch of the white knight1
#650x-ray specs26
#740yellow glowstick1
#1146yellow snowcone19

Wow, that's 96,959 items total!

what items are this player missing?