ridiculous sandwich

ridiculous sandwich

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This good-sized deli sandwich appears to be swiss, cheddar, provolone, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, cucumbers, sprouts, whole-kernel corn, mayo and mustard on marble rye.

🥈hAm Salad Sandwich1,111




#4Mistress of the Obvious169






#7KbobK, Perplex and Pumpkinheadme111










#14Blit and eusst77






#18glaucos and whizdad67


#20Magic2729, TechRat and TheBrent66


#23Mad Dudy and StaffordMeister55




#26Poncho the Sane47


#27Hojo Hominygrits45


#28DarkStanley, Ginpeporimeg, Nachtmahr, Optimus747, Swinka and fergyball8844




#35Victorinox and Wembley Fraggle37


#37Kurtispj and Mystiballs35


#39La Lechuga de El Diablo, LeafRivr and Stealth Sentry34


#42DarkSpuddle, Deeliteful, Drag0n, HubertCumberdale, Jesus, Kemistry, Mansausage, Sephiroth84, Snott, ThunderGate, agargan, gvalKO and mflGrMp33




#56Lord Mellman31






#59mARty mcfly24


#60AtlanteanScion and sddsDD23


#62Artie Effham, Buzzbuzz, CaptainUrsus, Devereaux Frost, El Ponando, EmJehovah, Foxy Boxy, Galapagos James, GozertheGozarian, Herustari, Kyp_Durron, Lady Tomo, Lungbutter, Magister30, Mariani, Misha_Z, Nerverot, Saddler, Sceptileus, Steakumz, Willy the Small, mskc, mstieler, mwahaha, mx indigo, pantsthief, rounDchilD, skullcruncher and theBOywhOwasthemanontHemOOn22


#91Jicken Wings, Rejem, The Bitchslapper, TheCarrot and TheNoseKnows21






#98Nikademus and cHArReD15


#100Professor_Underscore, Vacuumus, WeaverPen and jcrkk14


#104HighPriestessOfTinsel, Omegle2357, Redmeat, Thumbtack, jenrose, nagyss and testostronaut13


#111Aerin Frost, BlueThunder, Chicken in Black, Cryanger, Flaming Turtle, Framistan, Gourdy, Higardi, InspectorX, Kaluna, Mashiro, Mousseme, Muffinator, Nescire, Queen Diem, Sal the Rapacious, Sandish, Sumpncool, The Purple Manpie, UGZ_Log, UberHacked, Vhaeraun, futinc, iBlackSheep and nardo polo12


#136A_Shogun_Named_Marcus, Aariana, Acolyte99, Acoustic_shadow, Adam1WPI, AelWyn, AelfRhian, AelfRhianN, Ahnotahm, Akrim, Albino Toad, AleCross, Alpha Omicron, Alsier, AltaZorn, AltrashiKurobara, AmaraMagma, AndyDe, AngrySeal, Aravagantos, Archham, Archipelago71, ArgghFW, Aro CantCatchABreak, Arundel val Estar, Ashles, AstronomyKing, Avandor, Azarael, Baeltor, BanditAlt, BatBrat, Bean, Bearskinrug, Beat Bachs, BeerHead, Belero, Benevolent Familiar, Benjamin Brown, Berserkas, Bioland, Biznatch, BlU_sKrEEm, BlackThunder, BlackVelveteen, BlackfireTheUnmaker, BlueBaker, BmR, Bobmar, BombCrash, Boogiecleaver, Borishaughingoff, Bourbon_bot, Breulz, Brew Geared, Brink450, Bronwyn, Bruno St Aujus, Buffetty, ButtonWillowLocomotive, CWango, Calamaria, CannonFoddah, Cannonfire40, Cappy Carl, Captain Insano, CarltheChemist, Carny Asada, Catalyst, Catatonia, Ceasarious, Chartan, ChasteGalahad, CheesCake, Cheeseums, ChevellemanX, Chezyourmom, Choo Choo, Choolies, Chynn, Clarinet, Club, Cnorgard, Colendez, Concurrence, Confined, CoupleK, CrashCoredump, Cres, Cupcakes of Hell, D L, DCarlston, DMag_oshc, Dae su Oh, Darkling, Darth Ceder, Darth Elmo, DarthThaddeus, Davolta, DeadlyAngel, DeathKnight668, DeathofPasta, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Deer, DellyBelly, DementedFae, Demicanadian, Desperatta, Dik, Dikiyoba, Dinin, DiscoToon, Doctor Nick, Dogola, Donavin69, Douglas Hossenfeffer, DownyFlake, DragonOfMany, DuRhone, Dumb333, Durgrim, Dyzzyah, EL_Zoido, EarWaxMax, EaterOfSorrow, EdFox, Edda, Edgy, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Eggsaladdin, EiriasValar, El Changito Mal, Ereinion, ErisDiscordia, Ernie Maskelyne, ErnieR, Eroquin, Eseche, Evil Bovine, Evil Machine Terrorking, FatQuack, FatQuack2, Faustus Fusilli, FetusXmas, FiendAlmighty, Finalstuff, Frank Shliman, FrankNBeans, Frogfactory, FrozenGummyBear, G1R, Gargamelli, Garrulous Grace, Geldyn, Gen Eric Cola, Geshtan, Glitch 319, Gluek, Gnocchi Masala, Goetz, GoldenFox, Goonbucket, GorgeousGeorge, Gorsnik, Graev, Grandmaster Tygon, Granite_Grizz, Grellden, GrimReaperCRO, Grogum, Gullwhacker, HackandStabby, HaliBoranje, Hamo_Boy, Hamusutaa, Happychaos, Helicam, HeliumBased, Hellfire_Death, Hippie Dude, Hnetu, Hobo Accordion, HotCha0, I said therefore, IPrayForSound, Idu, Insanely Crazy, Irresponsibility, Isibeal, Itsaspade, Itsatrap, IwishIwasaDog, JB77, Jacco, JackieW, Jampd, Jared_Allen, Jax2282, JhRowlands, JoJobi, Johnny V, Jonze, JoshZero, Judicar, Juha, Julitewn, Junata, Juroma, KIRBACHEV, Kaboobi, KaosFreak, KarmaCrackers, Katriel, Kevin, KingArt, KingFelix, Kirby5, Kirbydude616, Kismet, Klingybun Fistelvase, Kneegrow, Knitbone, Knitlette, Koentinius, Kolyn, Kooky Kirby, Kuno, Kyta, Latte, Leanna, Leaper, LentilSoup, Lew_b81, Lexicon, Lia_Sang, Lilandra, Lildogg747, Lineoleum, Liquid_Chi, Lis, Liv, Livnmenwalk, LizardKing, Lizmeis, LlamaDude, LntiX, Lobster, Lolly_Lives, Long John Coldfront, Lord Mackerel, LordVadar, Lord_of_Ants, Lorith, Lotan, Lotsaluck, LumberingOaf, Lyle332, Lyndis, Mac_Gyver, Maddog Doan, Magoo, Makkaiveri, Maku450, MammaBear, Mana Yachanichu, Marlee, Marm, MasterBigsby, Mayoress, Meat Miner, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Mellissaleo, Metal Chicken, MightyIsobel, Mikemtl, Mimsy McRory, MiniLizard, Minor Mistake, Miridian, Mishau, Miss Chievous, Moderniste, Mondavidave, MooFrog, Moon Box, Morgoth1145, Mr Grey, Mr Mart, MrDeFault, MrSqueezeBox, Mud Duck, Mukiba, Murder Tramp, Musclenator, Mybloodyself, Myrlynne, Mystery8226, Mystical Unibrow, Narcisat, Nekosoft, Neomage2021, NewTexas, NightShadeQueen, Nightvol, Nim, No One, Nonia, Noshous, Noskilz, Now I know why, Nuts N Bolts, Nylaan, Obsidion, Oculi Caeruli, Oddysey, OhMahGourd, OkamotoSan, OminousJackal, Omnibus, Onza no Kooya, Otto of Prussia, Owlish, P3T3Y, PCWspunkmaster, PacHINKOid, Pal, Pando the Gourmet, PapaCap, Parastra, Parco Molo, Perkk, Phalocrocorax, PiscesJourney, PlutoGang, PokeyMan, Porny Stroker, PrincessArnold, Psata, Psittaciphile, PuttyMcman, Qen, Quercus, Quick Tabrin, Quisar, RAMonov, Raast, Rabbit House, Racso, Raevis, RantWilliams, Rashmooga, Ravenous Muffin, Reago1, Rebeccah Sharp, RedRuffenSore, RedWheatie, Retro_Thrusters, Rev Maskelyne, Reverend Bizarre, Rialle Blackthorne, RikAstley, Rikmach, RisenJihad, Robacon, RobbyAnalog, RogerMexico, Rotund, Roy, Rufus T Firefly, Russer Butter, SEARCHINGchat, SRO, SagTraf, Saiyansooner, Sakura Rurouni, Sakurabisu, Sammath, Sammich, Sardines2, Sawamura, Scattaloquarious, Schmeckel, ScotlandsFinest, Sea_Hatake, Sean Clannery, Segatron, Selma, Sennin, Sentrion, SeraPHOny, Serhina, Seth_OS, Shadow Kaze, Shadow Tiger, Shellie, Sichel, Sircian, Skuke Lietalker, SkullRock, Slick Devlan, Sliquid, Slugbunny, Slym, Smite_O_Rama, SnackAttack, Snarkypants, Solazy, SongOfAshley, Spanna, SparkleBeast, Spij, Splotz, Spramen, SpritFire, Squeekers, Squire of Loathing, Stabotron, Stabtacular, Stan Maskelyne, Starbearer, Steelheadon, Stephie, Stethorel, Stony Porker, Stumblemeister, SuperYepa, Superbuck, SupermancerPrime, Sweet Honey, SweetTooth707, Symballius, TCA Stash Guy, TGTK, TStroh, TVirus26, Tableau, Talwraith, TamCoan, Tatami, Taylorwulf, Tazy, TeeEmEff, Testudiney, Teufel, The Gypsy King, The Investor, The Kestrel, The Repah, TheHeadCheese, TheNuge, TheSilentBlade, The_Dancing_Viagra, Thor the Vincible, Thrag Ironforge, Tiddlypeeps, Tiny Plastic Edgy, Toe Knee, Tom808, Tonu, Transmogro, Tricksy, Trina, Triplebass, TsunemonoPinku, Turt Tennabaum, Twinkertoes, Uli Kunkel, Valarauko, ValentinaSnow, Vambann, Van Diemens, Vashnar, Venat, Vencho, Vidalio, Viridinia, Volc, WarLuigi, Warped12002, WeeBuffBot, WeeMan, Wheezer, Wheremydemonslie, Wolfman X, Wyrmhaven, Xedo, Xenophon, XinK, Yatsufusa, Yawsh, You Dont Know Me, Z3RO, ZanZarah, Zare, Zilla The Great, Zinnia, Zombie Feynman, Zs bee, Zulu Romeo, adoheng, aenimus, alBATross, amytrip, anitert, babberton, baddddmonkey, bauhaus, beowuuf, bgood123, booksmakemehappy, brendon_is_gross, bz_sleeper, canniBALLS, catchops, chaosagent, citizenerased, coderanger, cowstwo, cubeof11, cukky, cupcake1713, dammed if I do, dark lotus, darkbladed, david awesom, dextrial, disco basket, dlo_olb, doglive, dontfeedthebars, drmerc, eaSy money, eegee, eiderdown, erTEST1, false penguin, fezi, fezzer, gingerhat, graethynne, hLegRice, highqualityx10, hiimchels, hotpoo, howlin_mad, iaruk, ilguk, immortal eyes, intrepidcat, irrelephantfluffysparklehorse, jaks, jankanpo, ki77bot, killer5990, kiwi and lemon, krae, lhart7907, liffe, lisew, little lisa, littlelolligagged, long pig, lozer killa, lupus4, madmax, magiKal mUffiN Top, magicmegancatgirl, mailbox head, me259259, miniLizmeis, mngaljac, mondemon, mustakruunu, myrth77, neongrey, o0O0o, oddfellow, phantom fox, rosa blanco, rpxx, santifaller, sdaisydaisyk, sfwarlock, shummie, siege72, slotwin, snow_clone, strange_consequences, sunshyne, tenorkev, tenshi_a, termagant, thacon, thekillerhjkhjk, theocide, thor from the village in the n, tobymAc, tomato toast, viandebaiser, welt, wildflowered, xZanU, xxjazztennorxx, yoshisune, zeff123, zenrulez, ziu and zoutroi11


#744Atronach, Aubra, Autumnwinds, BadWillow, Bobje Ratata, Bodhazapha, Chickenwarlord, Crowbar, DaftSwanson, Dibzannia, Disco Sue, Doz, EternalLord, IceColdFever, InsanityPrelude, Kassandra, King Verde, Leicontis, Lord Stefano, Mongrel the Apathetic, NightRipper, Shadowlynk, ShakenNotStirred, Squeeman, Tibbiara, aztecian, mansho, penshoppe_91, targlez and zm0mbiez8mybrainz10


#774DarkAxz, Infernau, JanvierBellefeuille, Normanreedus, Olekeg, Pallidyne, Sourceman, TheNice1, Thud the Barmaid, Yarple, sciFIwiZ and vangarion9


#786JenZahara, Lord Kobel, Lynnielily, Maxmaker, Paran, Pedeka, luckylion and temazur8


#794Zerg_Rush, craigjones and loottool7


#797Diane, chica, chocofungi, i_eat_food and malq6


#802BeefThief, Fearium, LuckyPuck, Slugfly, Soluzar, Viki, halfdrunkhalfelf and r3qui3m5


#810Discdeath, MrLacey, Snugglypoo, StronGlad and patricia4


#815Crazy Larry, Ev3r, I_AM_ZOOL_BOWDOWN, JCS, JR Trolkin, Machevort, Plastikmaniac, Ransak_the_Elder, Serenia, Straha, Yarglefoot, YuukiHideki, sensibleb, thesandslv and yogini3


#830Anastasia Blackthorne, Antic the Fearless, Arties Son, Asimantos, Bubba9265, DonLeone, Fizitzy, Geronimoyang, Macdaddy, Master Grimwulf, Melchom, Nocsha, Nymall, OldBobLeashed, PenguinColor, Rosarinita, SerinBites, Simon Sludge, SuppinStrange, Svidrigailov, Unconventionable, Yendi, Zerstu, basbryan, octopodey and salticid2


#856Aankhen, Adeeda, Airbjorne, Allis, AnchoPete, AresGodOfWar, Asinine, AssTractionHero, Athanatos, Bad Seagull, Badassimus Prime, Bananahead12, Baron Grinnet, BaronessRatsworth, Beavis P_Ness, Bernardo, Betty Page, Bleeko, BoozedUp, Brennil Skybar, Brickus, Brirad, Buried Anagram, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, CapHector, Caplin, CaptainRondo, Chara, Charasan, Churchie, Cobwebs, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Daltonator, DanBob, Dashzap, DataVortex, Deedsy, Delilah Jones, Dessalvara, Dibzdevil, El Geedo, ElectricBolter, Emerilla, Erichwanh, Escaflowne, Evangelist_Nine, Fargblabble, Forsquilis, Fortez, FrenchiePoo, Fronobulax, GCNRULES1, GecoLupesco, Greenen72, Greeny30, Guy Bone, HMSRobotman, HOldeRofSecrEts, Ham Shandy, HappyDeadChicken, Hermit_Boy, IAmtheDisco, IP Frehley, Idran, Introspector, Jaylee, Jhusdhui, Jiminy, JoseCuervo, Junestar, Kari Filth, Kincaid, Kitsunegami, Koriandr, LaCucarachaDeFuego, LadPasta, Lemonade Lucy, Lendezco, Lewdguini, Liam, LiamAndMe, Loachette, LordVyle, M_Oliver, Magnamanus, Magnus Thunderblade, Mathwega, Mc7Man, Meester Slow, Mercredi, Mhoram, MiB, Mifdsam, Mike Antleg, Minute Man, Mirrorshades, Mme_Defarge, MotherMary13, Moxsassin, Mr Pye, Mugglywumply, Mynar, MysticalMolly, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, Necrophage, NeoEnder, Ninja Karl, Nodo2, Nodosaurus, NotsupposedtobeherE, OHogan, Odiuhm, Oldsfrk, Ossady, PSY, PUFFY, PanSolo, Phreakyphobic444, Pizzleman, PlastikObst, Pronell, PsyMar, Psychonaut, QVamp, Qpnaosc, Raug, RedIrish, Roa, Rokusho999, RubyLucky, Rutger von Horeburg, Ryo_Sangnoir, SBD, Saanen, Salsa Picante, Schirano, SchrodingerCat, Scrabbled, Sinister Loathing and Six_Bird1
