
🥇 Franken Stein1
#111"caramel" orange19
#454-dimensional fez5
#3599.44% pure math1
#247A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 11
#256A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 31
#9A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 3 (used)1
#239A. W. O. L. commendation26
🥈Abuela Crimbo's special magnet1
🥈All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig1
#164Angry Farmer candy1,086
#78Angry Farmer's Wife Candy20
🥇Anniversary Miniature Sword & Martini Guy1
#4Artist's Butterknife of Regret78
#4Artist's Cookie Cutter of Loneliness70
#6Artist's Crème Brulée Torch of Fury69
🥉Artist's Spatula of Despair66
#5Artist's Whisk of Misery62
#437Atomic Comic1
#70Atomic Pop14
#27Ax of L'rose1
#732BGE 'ferocious fruit' shirt1
#863BGE merchandise order form2
#363BGE pocket calendar2
#898BGE shotglass6
#454BGE temporary tattoo2
#956BGE tiny plastic toy1
#81BRAINS shorts17
#29BRICKO airship1
#49BRICKO bat1
#393BRICKO brick11
#74BRICKO bulwark1
#22BRICKO cathedral1
#25BRICKO egg1
#47BRICKO elephant1
#19BRICKO eye brick5,047
#9BRICKO gargantuchicken2
#70BRICKO hat1
#33BRICKO octopus1
#60BRICKO ooze1
#49BRICKO oyster1
#64BRICKO pants1
#25BRICKO pearl11
#33BRICKO pyramid1
#39BRICKO python1
#105BRICKO reactor1
#70BRICKO stud7
#62BRICKO sword1
#55BRICKO trunk1
#62BRICKO turtle1
#19BRICKO vacuum cleaner1
#294Baja sopapilla1
#142Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler19
🥈Big Candy's tophat1
#84Bit O' Ectoplasm36
#48BittyCar HotCar1
#39BittyCar SoulCar1
#20Blood 'n' Plenty30
#243Blood Light17
🥇Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf1
#16Boltsmann ID badge3
#196Bone's Farm "wine"10
🥇Book of Old-Timey Carols1
#61Boss Drops11
#135Boulevardier cocktail1
#50Bruno's blessing of Mars9
#1501Bulky Buddy Box1
#52Burt's blessing of Bacchus9
#67C.H.U.M. knife11
#1117CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1)1
#1013CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2)1
#1054CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3)1
#36CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) (used)1
#1019CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4)1
#1008CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5)1
#529CRIMBCO lanyard1
#1164CRIMBCO mug6
#1701CRIMBCO scrip5
#1127CRIMBCO wine5
#1223CRIMBCOIDS mints4
#104Carol of the Bulls1
#104Carol of the Hells1
#101Carol of the Thrills1
#63Caveman Dan's favorite rock1
#51ChibiBuddyâ„¢ (off)1
#43Chubby and Plump bar1
#287Cinco Mayo Lager1
#71Cocktails of the Age of Sail1
#51Cold Hots candy1,068
#42Comet Drop3
#133Corpse Island iced tea38
#134Crimbeau de toilette1
#282Crimbo Candy Cookbook20
#42Crimbo Carol tattoo kit1
#45Crimbo Cheer tattoo kit1
#44Crimbo Commerce tattoo kit1
#350Crimbo Credit12
#93Crimbo Factory surprise box32
#1351Crimbo candied pecan1
#104Crimbo candle2
#107Crimbo crystal shards1
#48Crimbo dinner19
#51Crimbo food scraps229
#1381Crimbo fudge1
#1367Crimbo peppermint bark1
#419Crimbo salad3
🥈Crimbo smile1
#16Crimbo stockings1
#18Crimbo train emergency brake149
#18Crimbo training manual1
#238Crimbo wreath3
#88Crimbolex watch1
#53Crimbomega drive chain1
#6Crimbomination Contraption1
#306Crimbonium fuel rod2
#4Crimbot ROM: Mathematical Precision (dirty)1
🥈Crimbot ROM: Rapid Prototyping (dirty)1
#4Crimbot ROM: Ruthless Efficiency (dirty)1
#211Crimbot schematic: Bit Masher1
#224Crimbot schematic: Cold Shoulder1
#212Crimbot schematic: Gun Legs1
#220Crimbot schematic: Maxi-Mag Lite1
#163Crimbot schematic: Nerding Module2
#217Crimbot schematic: Really Big Head1
🥇Crimbot schematic: Ribbon Manipulator1
#45Crimbow Rainbo1
#126Crimboysters Rockefeller2
#58Crimbuccaneer bombjacket1
#28Crimbuccaneer breeches6
#99Crimbuccaneer captain's purse3
#57Crimbuccaneer fledges (disintegrating)1
#48Crimbuccaneer fledges (mint)4
#86Crimbuccaneer flotsam132
#49Crimbuccaneer invasion map2
#55Crimbuccaneer lantern1
#62Crimbuccaneer mologrog cocktail11
#70Crimbuccaneer nose ring1
#187Crimbuccaneer piece of 1212
#90Crimbuccaneer premium booty sack1
#44Crimbuccaneer rigging lasso26
#47Crimbuccaneer runebone1
#123Crimbuccaneer shirt1
#82Crimbuccaneer squirtblunderbuss1
#100Crimbuccaneer tattoo gift certificate1
#34Crimbuccaneer tavern swab1
#49Crimbuccaneer tricorn3
🥇Crimbuccaneer war standard1
#132Crimbuccaneer whale oil1
#31Crimbylow-rise jeans1
#100D roll138
#195DNOTC Box2
#42Daffy Taffy1,485
#64Dennis's blessing of Minerva6
#1538Dickory Farms Gift Basket1
#16Dolph Bossin's Crimbo hat1
#31Drizzlersâ„¢ Black Licorice11
#58Effermintâ„¢ tablets99
#93Elf Army machine parts25
#88Elf Guard Field Manual: Culinary Arts1
🥈Elf Guard Field Manual: Culinary Arts (used)1
#97Elf Guard Field Manual: Extortion1
🥉Elf Guard Field Manual: Extortion (used)1
#76Elf Guard Field Manual: Wilderness Sleeping1
🥉Elf Guard Field Manual: Wilderness Sleeping (used)1
#44Elf Guard MPC5,997
#50Elf Guard SCUBA tank1
#41Elf Guard broom1
#53Elf Guard clipboard1
#38Elf Guard commandeering gloves9
#21Elf Guard eyedrops26
#65Elf Guard fuel tank1
#63Elf Guard hangover cure1
#108Elf Guard honor present1
#30Elf Guard hotpants5
#70Elf Guard insignia (general)1
#53Elf Guard insignia (private)3
#47Elf Guard mouthknife5
#24Elf Guard officer's sidearm12
#31Elf Guard patrol cap5
#19Elf Guard payroll bag32
#56Elf Guard red and white beret1
#86Elf Guard safety bear1
#51Elf Guard squirtgun1
#81Elf Guard strategic map1
#81Elf Guard temporary (permanent) tattoo1
#98Elf Guard tinsel grenade9
🥇Elf Guard war standard1
#16Ellsbury's journal (used)1
#45Elvish delight11
#38Elvish underarmor1
#56Everlasting Deckswabber14
#43Eye and a Twist1
#174FDKOL commendation4,014
#30FDKOL fire hose1
#193FDKOL hotcakes23
#118Fantasma en la Máquina28
#170Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy1
#38Freddie's blessing of Mercury13
#286Friendliness Beverage1
#126Fudgie Roll2
#33Gnollish pie server75
#30Gnollish slotted spoon80
#33Good 'n' Slimy11
#15Gummy Brains57
#27Hand that Rocks the Ladle2
#202Haunted Sorority House staff guide23
#46Herseyâ„¢ SMOOCH3
#92Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians1
🥉Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians (used)1
#110Hotwireâ„¢ brand candy rope1
#60How to Play Othello10
#87Inner Strength4
#236Inner Truth2
#92Inner Wisdom4
🥇Jackass Plumber home game1
#37Jamaican coffee11
#43Kelflar vest5
#32Knob Goblin melon baller174
#156Knob Goblin spatula123
#81Knob Goblin tongs251
#87KoL Con 13 T-shirt16
🥇KoL Con X Treasure Map1
🥇LWA ring1
#120La Fantasma y La Oscuridad24
#254Lars the Cyberian2
#94Lil' Snowball Factory1
#78Lobos Mints10
#37Mer-kin cookiestove187
#11Mer-kin rocksalt11
#25Mer-kin rollpin1
#179Mesmereyesâ„¢ contact lenses11
#57Milk Studs239
#70Mr. Mediocrebar1,315
#50My First Paycheck envelope1
#58Necbro wafers19
#108New Zealand iced tea129
#250Nightstalker perfume9
#433Now and Earlier6
#304Ol' Scratch's salad fork4
#118Othello's dagger1
#98Othello's handkerchief1
#95Othello's military jacket1
#124PEEZ dispenser90
#90Pain Dip4
#292Pasta Spoon of Peril1
#35Pokëmann figurine: Duck22
#53Rattlin' Chains10
#128Red Pill3
#350Red Rover BB gun10
#147Rock Pops356
#61Roman sadnals7
#119Rompedores de Fantasmas26
#47Saccharine Maple pendant2
🥇SalesCo sample kit1
#26Satan hat1
#102Saturday Night Special2
#31Senior Mints10,048
#208Silver Bullet beer12
🥇Size XI Wizard's Robe1
#132Spooky Surprise Egg142
#19Spring Bros. ID badge3
#13Spring Bros. solenoid54
#8Staff of Frozen Lard1
#7Staff of the Peppermint Twist1
#13Staff of the Woodfire1
#142Steal This Candy18
#94Strix stix44
#283Sugar Cog9
#153Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword1
#59Swedish coffee1
#64Sweet Sword7
#88TI-9000 calculator30
#438Tales of a Kansas Toymaker7
#65Tasty Fun Good rice candy1,438
#96The Cooler Out of Space29
#87The Encyclopedia of Fruit1
🥉The Encyclopedia of Fruit (used)1
#493The Joy of Wassailing6
#72The Landscaper's leafblower1
#33The Necbromancer's Hat1
#28The Necbromancer's Shorts1
#38The Necbromancer's Stein1
#14The Necbromancer's Wizard Staff1
#85The Necbronomicon3
#4The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 (used)1
#33The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 31
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 (used)1
#40The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 51
#4The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 (used)1
🥈The Sagittarian's leisure pants1
🥈The Spirit of Giving (used)1
#65The Superconductor's CPU1
🥇Time Bandit Badge of Courage1
#26Time Bandit Time Towel2
#16Time Cape1
#93Trainbot autoassembly module2
#60Trainbot circuitry61
#18Trainbot harness4
#46Trainbot linkages71
#77Trainbot luggage hook1
#31Trainbot optics113
#41Trainbot plating92
#40Trainbot radar monocle2
#33Trainbot servomotors117
#83Trainbot slag76
#40Trainbot tubing100
#149Twelve Night Energy1
#47Twitching Television Tattoo1
#51Ultra Mega Sour Ball1
#110Ultrasoldier Serum11
#1250Uncle Crimbo's Rations1
🥇Uncle Crimbo's Sack1
#29Uncle Hobo's fingerless tinsel gloves1
#59Uncle Hobo's highest bough1
🥈Underworld trunk1
#83Wax Flask6
#56Way More Tearsâ„¢ pepper spray150
#248Wint-O-Fresh mint61
#128Wolfman Nardz12
#584Workytime Tea2
#49Yuleviathan necklace1
#111Yummy Tummy bean2,159
#89Z-Bone steak32
🥈a suspicious address1
#158abandoned candy9
🥉abyssal battle plans1
#109adhesive tape dolly1
#45alien drugs78
#123alien force field disruptor bean5
#64alien protein powder3
#89alien source code printout4
#14alien source code printout (used)1
🥇all-year sucker1
#621alphabet gum1
#124ammonite candy mold1
#368ammonite fossil12
#49ancient Elf dessert spoon1
#22ancient ice cream scoop91
#2948ancient unspeakable fruitcake2
#38anemoney clip1
🥈anniversary balsa wood socks1
🥇anniversary burlap belt1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
🥈anniversary pewter cape1
🥈anniversary safety glass vest1
🥈anniversary tiny latex mask1
#423antique 8-Bit Power magazine3
#60antique Canadian lantern3
#167antique beer1
#130antique bottle opener8
#52antique nutcracker beard1
#46antique nutcracker boots1
#45antique nutcracker cape1
#36antique nutcracker drumstick1
#32antique nutcracker epaulets1
#94antique nutcracker figurine3
#47antique nutcracker hat1
#45antique nutcracker pants1
#41antique nutcracker sword1
#44antique nutcracker waistcoat1
#251antique painting of a landscape3
#257antique pair of blue jeans3
#607antique record album3
#299antique souvenir drawing3
#74asparagus knife128
#35automa-bot parts1,045
#35automatic wine thief1
#77baby rigging snake1
#26bacteria bisque1
#82bag of W&Ws206
#364bag of bones3
#109balanced antler1
#76ballpark hot daub1
#251banana supersucker1
#93bananarama bangle1
#40banjo kazoo mount7
#72bark beret1
#70bark boxers1
#91bark bracelet1
#72barnacle-encrusted sweater1
#25barrel-aged eggnog1
#59basic meat foon1
#151basic meat spork1
#6bastard baster11
#1036bath ball gift set3
#720battered Crimbo Crate11
#76beaver punch (cherry)1
#77beaver punch (papaya)1
#92beaver punch (peach)1
#233beet-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar3
#690beholed bedsheet1
#123belemnite candy mold1
#335belemnite fossil14
#27big glob of skin9
#152birdbone corset1
#281bite-me-red lipstick64
#75black BRICKO brick1
#231black Crimbo ball1
#385black paisley oyster egg13
#411black plastic oyster egg12
#500black polka-dot oyster egg10
#92black spot9
#258black striped oyster egg19
#138blank diary1
#246blank fudge mold1
🥇blank note1
#469blind-packed capsule toy2
#118blind-packed die-cast metal toy140
#23blob of Alphredoâ„¢14
#214blue grass1
#1030blue paisley oyster egg4
#433blue plastic oyster egg11
#334blue polka-dot oyster egg12
#917blue striped oyster egg5
#136blue tulip1
#56blunt icepick1
#53boiling seal blood14
#269bone chips63
#277bone meal1
#76bone spurs1
#61boneana hammock1
#5booze drive button1
#4booze mailing list1
#980borg sock monkey1
#183borrowed time1
#285bottle of Blank-Out44
#165bottle of Crimbognac1
#58bottle of Goldschnöckered1
#83bottle of drinkin' gas1
#48bowl full of jelly1
#83bowl of Jeal-O89
#163bowl of mernudo1
#66box of Dweebs236
#99boxed gumball machine1
#255bread line4
#59bread man6
#124bread pie3
#321breaded beer2
#99brilliant oyster egg5
#70broken BRICKO brick1
#89broken warbear gyrocopter1
#24bronze handcuffs3
#59brown pirate pants1
#43brown pixel109
#290buñuelos Jaliscos1
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#463cabbage-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar2
#489can of Binarrrca19
#1101can of CRIMBCOLA4
#11can of depilatory cream26
#52can of mixed everything3
#20can opener1
#440can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce21
#27candied almond3
#301candied bolts5
#258candied kobold12
#50candied lime3
#287candied nuts5
#380candied yams24
#19candy UFOs12
#201candy brain20
#215candy cane175
#20candy cigarette132
#6candy drive button1
#119candy harmonica5
#1063candy kneecapping stick3
#1030candy knuckles3
🥈candy mailing list1
#75candy skeleton15
#552candy stake11
#51canteen of eggnog1
#85carnivorous potted plant1
#285carob chunk noodles6
#53carton of rotten eggs150
#802cement sandals1
#42centurion helmet2
#190chainsaw chain3
#266chakra sludge1
#45charisma potion12
#109cheerful Crimbo sweater1
#87cheerful antler hat1
#86cheerful pajama pants1
#54chest of "pirate gold"1
#50children of the candy corn12
#29chocolate "Phoenix"3
#25chocolate Ogre Chieftain3
#28chocolate Spider Queen3
#430chocolate cigar3
#47chocolate covered ping-pong ball1
#141chocolate disco ball5
#206chocolate filthy lucre33
#52chocolate pasta spoon44
#131chocolate saucepan5
#164chocolate seal-clubbing club2
#134chocolate stolen accordion4
#168chocolate turtle totem2
#250chocolate-covered scarab beetle9
#337chorizo brownies5
#28ciliophora chowder1
#45cinnamon machine oil309
#662circular CRIMBCOOKIE3
#130clear Russian2
#22clerical automa-core4
#192cloning kit1
#30cold seal sweat46
#5collection of tiny spooky objects963
#169communal gobstopper5
#194concentrated fish broth1
#313cookie cookie3
#38corn holder78
#143corned beet1
#123corpse on the beach40
#18corrupted bird DNA2
🥇cozy scarf1
#218cranberry margarita (brackish)1
#63cranberry schnapps6
#29cream of chloroplasts1
#33crotchety pants2
#34crude crudités11
#43crumbling rat skull18
#127crystal Crimbo goblet1
#118crystal Crimbo platter1
#402crystalline cheer36
#6crystalline reamer11
#7crystalline seal eye3
#130cursed scrunchie10
#1826cyborg stompin' boot1
#78cylindrical mold53
#54deactivated mini-Trainbot4
#384deluxe fax machine1
#22dented spoon255
#41depleted Crimbonium football helmet10
🥇detour shield1
#58diluted makeup20
#75discarded swimming trunks3
#108disco horoscope (Aquarius)12
#102disco horoscope (Aries)13
#92disco horoscope (Cancer)15
#84disco horoscope (Capricorn)18
#62disco horoscope (Gemini)20
#111disco horoscope (Leo)12
#109disco horoscope (Libra)13
#66disco horoscope (Pisces)19
#67disco horoscope (Sagittarius)22
#73disco horoscope (Scorpio)19
#84disco horoscope (Taurus)16
#87disco horoscope (Virgo)15
#97dog ointment1
#406donated booze9
#293donated candy23
#261donated food30
#35double-ice gum13
#25dove DNA1
#56dregs of a Crimbo cocktail209
#131drive-thru burger1
#88droll monocle15
#56droopy doll eye7
#135drop of water-37100
#33droppable microphone3
#148drum of pomade10
#55dubious peppermint13
#32duct tape1,311
#949dusty Crimbo crate7
#1069dwarf bread2
#117ear poison22
#31elbow soup1
#36elderly jawbreaker11
#44electric pants11
#548electrical thingamabob1
#1811elven limbos gingerbread1
#478elven cellocello31
#1586elven moonshine1
#793elven suicide capsule23
#44enchanted fire extinguisher1
#195ert grey goo ring1
#27essential cameraderie7
#83essential soy1
#48essential tofu4
🥈experimental carbon fiber pasta additive1
#23extra-see-thru nightie22
#50extremely confusing manual7
#212extremely skinny jeans4
#1009fake plastic grass1
#377fancy canapés1
#411fancy chocolate car7
#831fancy dress ball12
#18fat bottom quark273
#46festive egg sac4
#1426festive holiday hat1
#686festive sausage2
#22fetid feather531
#164fiery wing43
#65filthy pestle66
#82fireman's helmet1
#5flagellate flagon1
#35flagellate soup1
#25flaming feather592
#294flan del mar1
#21flapper floppers1
#173flask flops1
#29flask of egggrog11
#94flask of mining oil58
#59flat cider1
#183fleshy putty1
#23flirtatious feather300
#64flour cookie6
#143fluid of fudge-finding1
#497foam noodle1
#32foam pistol3
#55foetid seal tear66
#8food drive button1
🥉food mailing list1
#71foon of fearfulness1
#66foon of fleshiness1
#67foon of foulness1
#66foon of frigidity1
#70foon of fulmination1
#20foot-long hot daub1
#88forbidden sausage3
#213fossilized baboon skull3
#329fossilized bat skull1
#312fossilized demon skull1
#281fossilized limb36
#129fossilized serpent skull7
#306fossilized spider skull1
#299fossilized spike14
#397fossilized spine3
#188fossilized torso33
#243fossilized wing16
#161fossilized wyrm skull5
#32free boots1
#71freezer-burned frost-bitten tortellini7
#123fried air1
#24frightful feather536
#540frigid fudgepuck3
#56frostbite-flavored Hob-O18
#22frozen feather537
#46fruit-stuffed rumcake3
#37fry-oil-flavored Hob-O30
#150fudge bunny4
#197fudge cube1
#614fudge lily4
#144fudge spork2
#217funhouse mirror3
#47future drug: Coolscaline50
#60future drug: Muscularactum39
#44future drug: Smartinex59
#33fuzzy polar bear ears1
#173gamma nog2
#50garbage-juice-flavored Hob-O24
#20gelatinous meat mass2
#51ghost beer16
#102ghost cucumber337
#551ghost pickle on a stick1
#30ghost protocol20
#317ghost trap2
#47ghostly body paint72
#25ghostly dagger8
#21giant artisanal rice peeler89
#2409giant discarded plastic fork1
#398giant glass of brandy1
#135giant green gummi bear1
#172giant green gummi ingot1
#134giant red gummi bear1
#163giant red gummi ingot1
#99giant yellow gummi bear2
#168giant yellow gummi ingot1
#38gilded BRICKO brick1
#6gilded BRICKO chalice1
#15gilded trumpet1
#1395gingerbread bugbear12
#3809gingerbread horror1
#608gingerbread house1
#57gingerbread nylons11
#92gingerbread pirate1
#274gingerbread robot4
#55gladiator tunica14
🥈glass eye1
#44glass of herbal tequila67
#170gleaming oyster egg2
#49glistening oyster egg13
#21glob of Blank-Out1
#38glob of salty molasses202
#74gold tooth9
#81golden fleece5
🥇goo magnet1
#1916googly eye3
#150gooified animal matter14
#127gooified mineral matter15
#148gooified vegetable matter14
#64government booze shipment1
#69government candy shipment1
#52government cheese99
#67government food shipment1
#40government-issued night-vision goggles17
#222grass blade1
#33grass clippings43
#193grass hat1
#188grass skirt1
#68green BRICKO brick1
#81green and red bean130
#70green beer213
#180green drunki-bear2
#217green gummi ingot156
#21green marshmallow12
#53grilled cheese sandwich1
#294grilled mooseflank1
#90grip key1
#96grog nuts1
#171gummi ammonite1
#165gummi belemnite1
#197gummi canary1
#103gummi salamander3
#241gummi snake1
#170gummi trilobite1
#8gunwale whalegun1
#7hair of the calf88
#28half-melted spoon11
#140hamlet sandwich41
#17hand-crafted candy cane1
🥇hand-knitted Crimbo socks1
🥇hand-knitted diving booties1
#26handful of Boltsmann bearings19
#60handful of Crotchety Pine needles3
#43handful of Laughing Willow bark5
#33handful of crafty noodles12
#396handful of numbers1
🥇hazardous sauce dosimeter1
#30head-mounted Trainbot1
🥇heart of dark chocolate1
#83heavy crown19
#21hep waders12
#380herbal stuffing21
#69hermedisiac cologne1
#186hideous egg18
#157high-energy mining laser8
#867holiday cheese log1
#71holly-flavored Hob-O1
#78honey stick9
#43honey-drenched ham slice182
#152hot daub1
#18hot daub bun1
#16hot daub stand1
#115hot egg2
#175hot watered rum1
#28hot wine11
#41housekeeping automa-core1
#90huge Crimbo cookie3
#88huge bowl of candy22
#86huge spoon36
#31icing poncho1
#58imported lemon lozenge1
#52impure gasoline58
#53industrially-crushed ice57
#83inflatable duck45
#135intact anemone spike4
#249intriguing puzzle box2
#691invisible bag1
#89invisible potion1
#1061iron pasta spoon2
#100ironic battle spoon1
#227jack flapper2
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#317java cookie3
#637jerky coins22
#41jingle bell1
#55jive turkey leg57
#14keel-haulin' knife28
#34kelp-holly drape1
#15kelp-holly gun2
#1288killer rag doll1
#104kiwi beak12
#84kumquartz ring1
#250kumquat supersucker1
#192lab-grown meat1
#18ladle of mystery11
#120lavender paisley oyster egg23
#753lavender plastic oyster egg5
#141lavender polka-dot oyster egg16
#609lavender striped oyster egg4
#73law-abiding citizen cane8
#27lawnmower blade10
#46leather aviator's cap1
#30leg-mounted Trainbots1
#80legitimate business on the beach59
#1449length of string3
#421licorice garrote5
#218licorice root33
#233lime supersucker1
#32lip soup1
#220liquid SONAR1
#69liquid shifting time weirdness20
#836live wire1
#12loaf of alien bread31
#71lollipop cufflinks1
#151lollipop stick515
#166lost elf luggage1
#74lump of Saccharine Maple sap3
#168lump of coal3
#81lustrous oyster egg7
#6macroplane grater11
#1347mad scientist's sock monkey1
#86magnificent oyster egg8
#39mana-basted tofurkey leg4
#41mana-coated yams4
#59mana-fortified cranberry sauce2
#72mana-stuffed herbal stuffing1
#834maple syrup1
#4marshmallow bomb458
#325marshmallow flambé2
#36massive wrench2
#576mauve paisley oyster egg5
#1188mauve plastic oyster egg3
#113mauve polka-dot oyster egg24
#312mauve striped oyster egg12
#112military-grade peppermint oil1
#581mime soul fragment1
#23miniature goose mask1
#62minin' dynamite31
#49mirrored aviator shades1
#106misfit hobby horse1
#18moist Crimbo spices565
#210molten brick53
#1227monomolecular yo-yo11
#34moosemeat pie7
#38mostly-empty bottle of cookie wine229
#802motivational poster4
#158mulled cider11
#56mulled wine1
#198multi-level marzipan3
#910mummy costume2
#30muscular soup1
#107muskox-skin cap1
#21mutated candy lump6
#1341mylar scout drone2
#827nanite-infested candy cane14
#192nanite-infested eggnog22
#1396nanite-infested fruitcake4
#712nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear7
#45nasty gum3
#153necrotizing body spray60
#272negative lump26
#146neutron lollipop3
#648night-vision goggles3
#187non-aged vinegar5
#366nugget of Crimbonium2
#860nut-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#418obnoxious riddle1
#9obsidian nutcracker11
#159off-white paisley oyster egg13
#238off-white plastic oyster egg17
#380off-white polka-dot oyster egg9
#630off-white striped oyster egg4
#32officer's nog21
#150ojo de pez burrito2
#90old-school pirate grog1
#650orange and black Crimboween candy3
#38outlaw bandana21
#218overloaded micro-reactor1
#70oversized pizza cutter150
🥇oxygenated eggnog helmet1
#414oyster basket10
#706pack of pogs11
#1159pair of bolt cutters2
#37pair of government shades21
#140pair of pearidot earrings1
#62papaya slung37
#103paperclip cape1
#99paperclip pants1
#141paperclip sproinger1
#91paperclip turban1
#17paperclip-on tie2
#24paranormal ricotta13
#585party hat2
#1057passable elf mask5
#290pasta spoon103
#264peanut brittle shield12
#207pear supersucker1
#241pearlescent oyster egg1
#1222penguin focaccia bread15
#28peppermint bomb11
#33peppermint eel sauce546
🥇peppermint harpoon gun1
#61peppermint spine1
#114peppermint tack1
#264peppermint tailings40
#59peppermint-scented socks8
#309perl necklace2
#102personalizable gingerbread cookie2
#114pet anchor1
#2716pet rock1
#147petit 4.15
#190petit fortran4
#440petrified wood18
#180phish stick6
#137pickled bread1
#63piece of after eight14
#19pile of Trainbot parts2,001
#252pile of candy36
#168pile of loose snow1
#193ping-pong ball1
#51ping-pong paddle1
#24pirate encryption key (complete)1
#46pirate encryption key delta1
#28pixel chain whip1
#51pixel cross20
#51pixel holy water22
#66pixel morning star1
#27pixel stopwatch4
#61pixel whip1
#278pixellated candy heart63
#58pixellated moneybag44
#41plaid cowboy hat11
#81plain candy cane5
#636plastic Crimbo reindeer1
#84plastic bazooka1
#42plastic cup of beer55
#41plastic cup of flat beer12
#529plastic ingot1
#132pocket ace1
#502pocketwatch on a chain6
#25pointy red hat17
#834poison pen2
#5poisonous caviar168
#37portable Othello set1
#92portable dam1
#9portable housekeeping robot2
#305portable photocopier22
#42portable ping-pong table1
#90portable steam unit1
#50portable table34
#1010possessed top5
#96potato alarm clock1
#18potato masher1
#37pottery barn owl figurine1
#43pottery club1
#51pottery hat1
#41pottery shield1
#42pottery training pants1
#63pottery yo-yo1
#601powdered candy sushi set3
#36powdered powdered sugar8
#20prank Crimbo card11
#41precision snowball11
#68prescription teeth whitener1
#235press-on ribs36
#24pressurized potion of possessiveness1
#224primitive candy cane2
#74pristine walrus tusk2
#50projectile chemistry set40
#8protogenetic chunklet (elbow)288
#13protogenetic chunklet (flagellum)290
#16protogenetic chunklet (lips)295
#10protogenetic chunklet (muscle)258
#13protogenetic chunklet (synapse)288
#141puce paisley oyster egg15
#528puce plastic oyster egg7
#441puce polka-dot oyster egg9
#486puce striped oyster egg5
#1005pumpkinhead mask2
#29punching mirror2
#216purple corpsel1
#58quasi-ethereal macaroni fragments13
#167rack of dinosaur ribs1
#178radiation-resistant helmet7
#76radiator heater shield5
#12rainbow jellybean47
#63rattler rattle31
#1004razor-tipped yo-yo7
#80really nice lump of coal1
🥈red and green rain stick1
#102red and white claret1
#161red drunki-bear2
#224red gummi ingot153
#129red paisley oyster egg20
#599red plastic oyster egg8
#65red polka-dot oyster egg31
#171red striped oyster egg15
#77red tulip3
#31red white and blue claret1
#191red-and-green sweater16
#209red-headed corpse1
#11red-hot medallion1
#42replica Elf Guard medal1
#6respected companion biscuit139
#85ribbon candy21
#29ribbon candy ascot1
#72ridiculous earring1
#136ridiculous sandwich11
#175roasted marshmallow228
#150robot reindeer protocol P.R.A.N.C.E.R.1
#111rocket fuel2
#95roll of Hob-Os17
#80rotten tomato1
#8rubber spatula11
#41rum-soaked fruitcake11
#189runny fermented egg2
#34runny icing368
#54rusted-out shootin' iron8
🥇rxr shield1
#64salt plum174
#54salt plum sake1
#208salt wages1
#145salted mutton1
#36salty gumdrop174
#41salty slug55
#16sawed-off blunderbuss17
#8scabrous seal epaulets1
#211scintillating oyster egg1
#4scintillating powder26
#168scotch on the rocks1
#96seared dino steak1
#22security automa-core5
#21security flashlight212
#71self-repairing earmuffs5
#51sequin-encrusted sweater1
#153servo-assisted exo-pants9
#31shimmering tendrils14
#16shining star cap1
#436shiny butcherknife1
#7shipwright's hammer78
#55shot of mescal56
#31shoulder-mounted Trainbot1
#65silent pea shooter20
#71silver keg1
#171silver shotgun shell2
#620silver shrimp fork2
#28silver table-scraper1
#26simple AI2
#7six tiny wedges of goat cheese648
#551sleeping stocking4
#108sleeve deuce40
#1272slow jam collection1
#278smoked potsherd1
#7smoking talon6
#95sneaky wrapping paper11
#42soggy elf shoes1
#33soggy gingerbread chunk292
#139sorority brain11
#13soul knife2
#317soy cordial2
#53soyburger juice9
#34space bar1
#51space beast fur11
#15space beast fur hat1
#15space beast fur pants1
#20space beast fur whip1
#23space heater1
#39space invader1
#270space jam1
#154space junk11
#26space needle1
#51space port3
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#591spectral pickle15
🥈speed limit shield1
#40spirit bed2
🥈spirit bell1
#48spirit blanket10
#52spirit gum101
#64spirit mattress7
#52spirit pillow8
#44spirit sheet9
#295spiritual candy cane1
#184spiritual eggnog2
#31spiritual fruitcake5
#189spiritual gingerbread2
#591spooky bark14
#936spooky eggnog6
#52spooky lasso28
#337spooky sap26
#68spoonful of Linguine-Os8
#53spray paint315
#1103square CRIMBCOOKIE2
#44squirmy violent party snack2
#43star spatula5
#59stealth bomber1
#48steamed oyster72
#44sterno-flavored Hob-O24
🥇stop shield1
#71strange helix fossil1
#225strawberry supersucker1
#40strawberry-flavored Hob-O25
#77strawberyl necklace1
#599string of Crimbo lights1
#1930stringy sinew1
#2498stuffed gray blob2
#90stuffed kraken1
#176stuffed red and green pepper (stale)3
#325sturdy Crimbo crate51
#26sturdy cane188
#269sucker bucket1
#91sucker hakama2
#80sucker kabuto2
#310sucker scaffold34
#102sucker tachi2
#414sugar-coated pine cone4
#46sugarplum ration11
#136sun-dried tofu1
#109sundae ration1
#40super-absorbent tarp4
#54super-sweet fish goo (spoiled)77
#305superheated fudge12
#502sweet mochi ball8
#432sweet-corn-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar2
#14sweetened reindeer fat33
#37synaptic soup1
#90synthetic rock1
#35tangled mass of creepy pasta12
#48tarnished bottlecap95
#47tempura green and red bean1
#101the Crymbich Manuscript1
#4the Crymbich Manuscript (used)1
#360thermos of brew1
#36thick walrus blubber275
#65third ear7
#142throwing bone8
#50throwing candy43
#82throwing fork5
#96throwing knife3
#83throwing spoon6
#785throwing wrench6
#41time shuriken1
#15time-twitching toolbelt1
#16tinsel orb1
#67tiny bomb104
#69tiny fly glasses4
#30tiny frozen prehistoric meteorite jawbreaker7
#27tiny glowing red nose1
#11tiny goth giant21
#649tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#2177tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf3
#65tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo1
#16tiny plastic Abuela's cottage1
#181tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear23
#20tiny plastic Armory1
#2776tiny plastic Axe Wound2
#17tiny plastic Bar1
#3115tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth1
#186tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type13
#99tiny plastic Beebee King20
#2093tiny plastic Beelzebozo2
#384tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#267tiny plastic Big Candy1
#1784tiny plastic Black Knight4
#3176tiny plastic Bonerdagon1
#1150tiny plastic Boss Bat4
#128tiny plastic Bugbear Captain8
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#61tiny plastic Café Elf1
#17tiny plastic Cafe1
#202tiny plastic Charity the Zombie Hunter20
#36tiny plastic Cheer Core1
#1986tiny plastic Cheshire bat9
#221tiny plastic ChibiBuddyâ„¢1
#135tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel15
#621tiny plastic Crimbo Casino1
#47tiny plastic Crimbo caroler1
#42tiny plastic Crimbo cheer1
#2452tiny plastic Crimbo elf3
#1955tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer4
#85tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva1
#101tiny plastic Crimbomega1
#576tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#87tiny plastic Crimborgatron1
#101tiny plastic Crimbot1
#59tiny plastic Dolph Bossin1
#634tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#19tiny plastic Factory1
#124tiny plastic Father McGruber28
#2056tiny plastic Felonia2
#284tiny plastic Fudge Wizard1
#1467tiny plastic G Imp5
#173tiny plastic GORM-81
#87tiny plastic Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej1
#2805tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser2
#2786tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester2
#176tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist23
#2763tiny plastic Hellion2
#1758tiny plastic Iiti Kitty4
#782tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker1
#168tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S.1
#2059tiny plastic Knob Goblin King2
#2195tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter3
#1472tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl5
#2181tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist3
#3894tiny plastic Knott Yeti1
#76tiny plastic Knows About Chakras1
#73tiny plastic Krampus1
#151tiny plastic Lord Flameface7
#215tiny plastic MechaElf1
#46tiny plastic Mer-kin baker1
#45tiny plastic Mirth1
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#213tiny plastic Norville Rogers20
#2118tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy3
#40tiny plastic Penny1
#2781tiny plastic Protagonist2
#234tiny plastic Queen Bee10
#168tiny plastic Rene C. Corman6
#82tiny plastic Rudolph the Red1
#153tiny plastic Scott the Miner25
#2758tiny plastic Spam Witch2
#1746tiny plastic Spunky Princess4
#90tiny plastic Tammy the Tambourine Elf1
#3061tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski1
#1520tiny plastic The Man3
#172tiny plastic Toybot1
#1741tiny plastic Trouser Snake4
#1808tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo2
#238tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku1
#116tiny plastic Wu Tang the Betrayer17
#1426tiny plastic XXX pr0n5
#75tiny plastic Your Brain1
#303tiny plastic abominable fudgeman1
#1793tiny plastic accordion thief3
#109tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart1
#2858tiny plastic angry bugbear2
#2512tiny plastic angry goat7
#114tiny plastic angry space marine31
#77tiny plastic angry vikings1
#3939tiny plastic anime smiley1
#244tiny plastic animelf1
#1240tiny plastic apathetic lizardman6
#1740tiny plastic astronomer4
#1645tiny plastic baby gravy fairy11
#72tiny plastic bad vibe1
#1834tiny plastic barrrnacle10
#134tiny plastic batbugbear27
#1761tiny plastic beanbat4
#325tiny plastic bee swarm13
#165tiny plastic beebee gunners24
#175tiny plastic beebee queue23
#4477tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#119tiny plastic black ops bugbear30
#154tiny plastic blazing bat25
#1813tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball10
#2794tiny plastic blooper2
#2217tiny plastic brainsweeper3
#2766tiny plastic briefcase bat2
#257tiny plastic bugaboo17
#187tiny plastic buzzerker22
#39tiny plastic caboose1
#279tiny plastic cavebugbear16
#38tiny plastic chem lab1
#37tiny plastic coal car1
#1813tiny plastic cocoabo10
#2472tiny plastic coffee pixie7
#265tiny plastic colollilossus1
#2096tiny plastic conservationist hippy2
#3911tiny plastic cubist bull1
#2768tiny plastic demoninja2
#36tiny plastic dining car1
#1824tiny plastic disco bandit3
#52tiny plastic dolphin "orphan"1
#2800tiny plastic drunk goat2
#100tiny plastic exo-suited miner1
#427tiny plastic fax machine1
#1738tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus4
#1788tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker4
#170tiny plastic fire servant13
#2183tiny plastic fluffy bunny3
#37tiny plastic food lab1
#71tiny plastic four-shadowed mime1
#3922tiny plastic fruit golem1
#2534tiny plastic fuzzy dice7
#2248tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick8
#2878tiny plastic ghuol whelp6
#2135tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers3
#1475tiny plastic goth giant5
#924tiny plastic grue19
#2794tiny plastic handsome mariachi2
#2706tiny plastic hermit2
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#3972tiny plastic howling balloon monkey4
#246tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear17
#1965tiny plastic killer bee9
#2824tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box2
#1640tiny plastic leprechaun11
#2240tiny plastic levitating potato8
#1758tiny plastic lobsterfrogman4
#37tiny plastic locomotive1
#138tiny plastic moneybee29
#2007tiny plastic mosquito9
#46tiny plastic multi-level marketer1
#108tiny plastic mumblebee34
#3995tiny plastic ninja snowman1
#39tiny plastic nog lab1
#57tiny plastic orphan1
#39tiny plastic passenger car1
#2601tiny plastic pastamancer2
#127tiny plastic peacannon16
#39tiny plastic primary lab1
#58tiny plastic reindeer1
#2494tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime7
#2642tiny plastic sauceror2
#2796tiny plastic scary clown2
#45tiny plastic sea elf1
#4452tiny plastic seal clubber1
#101tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit1
#1217tiny plastic senile lihc6
#2817tiny plastic smarmy pirate2
#188tiny plastic spiderbugbear12
#2764tiny plastic spiny skelelton2
#2560tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton7
#1463tiny plastic spooky vampire5
#2237tiny plastic stab bat8
#1386tiny plastic star starfish13
#584tiny plastic stocking mimic1
#4036tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#2764tiny plastic taco cat2
#226tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf1
#192tiny plastic the Free Man12
#2152tiny plastic topiary golem3
#314tiny plastic trollipop1
#4481tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#2193tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni3
#192tiny plastic warbear1
#178tiny plastic warbear fortress1
#2122tiny plastic warwelf3
#2107tiny plastic whitesnake3
#53tiny plastic wild beaver1
#52tiny plastic yuleviathan1
#1766tiny plastic zmobie4
#265toe jam1
#441tofurkey gravy20
#394tofurkey leg22
#33tomato daiquiri45
#46tourmalime tourniquet2
#2400toy crazy train1
#899toy deathbot1
#428traditional Crimbo cookie1
#269traffic jam1
#1488tree-eating kite11
#1157triangular CRIMBCOOKIE2
#18trick coin11
#139trilobite candy mold1
#425trilobite fossil10
#10trout fang46
#24turkey blaster1
#25twitching space egg1
#134twitching time capsule2
#10twitching trigger finger6
#297unearthed potsherd9
#32unevolved organism1
#76unidentifiable dried fruit1
#84unidentified drink46
#65universal biscuit39
#47unquiet spirits47
#95unsanitized scalpel2
#72unused soap36
#29unused walkie-talkie36
#1908useless powder1
#2525vampire duck-on-a-string1
#4vampire glitter97
#66vampire pellet7
#79viral DNA38
#164volcanic ash43
#225wad of cotton14
🥇wand of fudge control1
#196war tongs13
#188warbear LP-ROM burner1
#227warbear accoutrements chunk16
#186warbear auto-anvil1
#64warbear badge3
#75warbear battery31
#165warbear bearserker mead1
#138warbear bearserker potion10
#320warbear beeping telegram3
#169warbear blizzard mead1
#292warbear breakfast machine assembler1
#188warbear chemistry lab1
#306warbear drone assembler1
#149warbear empathy chip4
#20warbear empathy chip (used)1
#199warbear energy bracers1
#196warbear exhaust manifold1
#188warbear exo-arm1
#19warbear feasting bread32
#46warbear feasting mead15
#210warbear foil hat1
#164warbear gyro1
#383warbear gyrocopter1
#266warbear helm fragment9
#192warbear high-efficiency still1
🥈warbear hoverbelt1
#190warbear hoverbelt piecepart6
#169warbear induction oven1
#179warbear jackhammer drill press1
#199warbear laser beacon1
#355warbear metalworking primer2
#44warbear metalworking primer (used)1
#160warbear officer requisition box2
#198warbear oil pan1
#142warbear procedural hilarity drone9
#203warbear requisition box17
#234warbear robo-camouflage unit5
#108warbear sequential gaiety distribution system11
#156warbear thermoregulator bread1
#261warbear trouser fragment9
#50warbear wardance potion40
#133warbear warrior bread1
#568warbear whosit11
#474water wings1
#50waterlogged cloth29
#151waterlogged crate1
#55waterlogged leather26
#48waterlogged metal30
#60waterlogged stuffing23
#16waterlogged wood28
#48wet tack1
#8wet venom duct80
#20whale cerebrospinal fluid39
#206whisker pencil42
#37whiskey in a broken glass79
#205white Crimbo ball1
#28white arm towel1
#259white chocolate and tomato pizza9
#25white earbuds1
#89white tulip3
#26willowy bonnet2
#7wine-soaked bone chips83
#615witch hat1
#949wolfman mask2
#744wooden block3
#22wooden spoon1
#36wooly loincloth1
#4world's most unappetizing beverage64
#32yabba dabba doo rag1
#229yellow drunki-bear1
#218yellow gummi ingot155
#148yellow paisley oyster egg16
#367yellow plastic oyster egg16
#105yellow polka-dot oyster egg17
#37yule grog1
#165yule gruel2
#65yule hatchet8

Wow, that's 75,781 items total!

what items are this player missing?