sturdy Crimbo crate

sturdy Crimbo crate

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This is a hefty crate with the words "Property of Crimbo Town" stencilled on it in festive red and green paint. You're as excited as a kid on Crimbo morning as you try to guess what's inside.

🥇Turt Tennabaum25,069


🥉Leopold Jimmleson4,019




#5Poncho the Sane1,858






















#16Moonflame and Nyther Darken624














#24Mistress of the Obvious539






#27Mokume and allmitybob500
















#36LoisGriffin and rofflehoffle418


















#46Banrion, UGZ_Log and putterran378


#49The Big O373




















#59Rata Tooey290






#62Sir John the Great280






#65Bradley Morris and msin13273




#68robin hood270


















#77Pyler tUrdeN238










#82SuperDave1989, The Kefka and agargan223






#87Lost Warrior211




#89StuffedSandyGunfox and fastynart204




#92Adam1WPI, Big_Papa_55, Chaos Kitten and Chickenkong201


#96Aces44, Artie Effham, ComTechDave, Marjod, TheBub, jonac13, mooncow22 and sinthetix200




#105Mad Dudy and ScUd RuCkInS186










#111IngaTBW and Sabina172












#118Fossa and humpyt159










#124G1R and Stopfwurst151


#126Grolm, Spikeboi2007 and eav150


#129I Eat Lotsa Babies149






#132Spiffie and discodude2020142






#136Johnny Bone138


#137CathyOak, Drag0n and Ernie Maskelyne137


#140BagelCaretaker, BlueWasabi and LiamAndMe136








#146Boogiecleaver, Granite_Grizz, Molly_Bendium and Valarauko130


#150CreOsOTe and Hamon128


#152Killer Tune127


#153LeMuffin and romanlv126


#155OHogan, Punkideas and Splendor125


#158Lost Gypsy124






#161Grinder and allen_zhangcool121




#164Mars the Infomage, RustyToes and Shrapnel119




#168Batsubabe, Black Belt and weggiecat117


#171Ashles and busybugs116








#176Bronzer and biGNINJa111


#178Jovanus, Kaluna, Marlee and Stargazer67110




#183BoyBob38 and BuyMEaRound105






#187AkiraisJen, Doctor Jones, Eniteris, Ghost of the Navigator, I said therefore, Lord Ydnar, Nanna BuBu, Number Zero, Ph0r00mites Contest Multi, Zerstu, alan0823, elvenblade007, kli1195, ladderman and moxie is pwn100




#203Zanchvegas and noodleEd97


#205Prima Vera Angelhair and Sal the Rapacious96


#207Vambann and turtlesrock195


#209Goldman Sachs94


#210BrianSpud33, Kritin and tush the pastagirl91


#213BlueThunder, Devd, DiscoSal, Jicken Wings, KitTheHunter and Sir Jefe90


#219Von Zipper89




#221Doxical, Reydien and ThunderGate87




#225Darmut eDrien, Infidelbert and Zacharygolf85


#228BallsofMeat, EvenHart, Wraithkin and amextex83


#232Donutmaster and Lady Tomo82




#235AuntBeast, Hooferboof, Lord Finisher, Meridian and Williewanks80




#241hLegRice, kahroo and yushiie78


#244Ashallond, Haveabadday5, Stand and Deliver and gunfighter77


#248MelodiousDissonance, Tallror and TheOtherSpike76


#251EnderW, Friend of Gamera, Ignatious, Indivisibility, MacBe_oops I almost said it and sariainn75


#257Eoghnved and LuckyPuck74


#259AngryKlingon and yvanehtnioj73


#261Hojo Hominygrits72




#263Mal Sanguine, PemyJay, RikAstley, TCA Stash Guy and crazeycorey70


#268Careman2, codeSmack, mylittlesister and wertyloop69


#272Jenkilm and Wagr68


#274Dirty Immigrant, garm and mrgreat67


#277MikeyTsi, Slavoc and snivlem66


#280Mikko, RichardRahl, Tiigon and reinstag65


#284Shire Beyay and Sporty Spice64


#286Judicar, StabbyMcGee and caelea63


#289IceDomina and LarfSnarf62


#291Androcles Antepasta, ChasteGalahad, Felisleo, Tiny Plastic Cat in the Hat, Ytterbium Manganese, chnnlbabs, futinc and popcop460


#299ChuRRy, Dough123, TinyPlastic Alumni and sheldonbunny58


#303DISCokeir, Quaxalot and xephyne57


#306Gurps Runal, Lord Fluffybottoms, Takaratiki and jairen156


#310Generic Hero, Nohbody, TheDarkOne and WalterEgo55


#314AngryRantingBob, Dread Pirate Roberts1 and oRANgatUan54




#318BigPickle, Met Fan, Nikademus, PatTheGreat, Rexcor, jormungandr and smkydz52


#325Babaganoosh, King Stupid, ingvarr and liffe51


#329Artix The Seeker, Caligidor, CaptainLoud, DenMark, DosBoot, Emperor Hirohito, Gryphtronic Maven, Hyzenthlay, Jonzay, KeeganHimself, Master of the Unapparent, Mauller, Me33333, Now I know why, SPC1211, SarahBellum, SirFist, SufiZak, Tealsac, TheBigPickle, TwoDrink, chewman, e7ora and emu50


#353Backdoorbandit, Drewsie, HiHoMerryO, Merkan, Not Quite Zen, Rigby, Watter, evilsarah, jenrose and littletyger49


#363Michifus and Terry48


#365Bruscettalia, Maxstick, Morgad, RedNeckReb, bluedancer and more better47


#371Black_Cat, Boesbert, Gaddse, RagingDaisy and The Amazing Mr Toothpaste46


#376Dannyb0y, HermanSaysHi, Hoonk, Olorin, ShawnD, Ultranibbles, mobab and wOrLDs_NumbER_1_granDpa45


#384Damasta, KingSuperGinny, mad mushy and pgunn44


#388Betty Page, Gulluoglu, UltraSuperboy, bluephoenix and koMmiEs43


#393KINeraxn, Kaen, Lily Summers, OstrichJockey and SnowsaNinja42


#398Butt Pirate, EarWaxMax, False Dragon and Manion41


#402Cappas420, Castiel, Chezyourmom, Cloony, Dave of the Hill People, Diane, Froggie Legs, Howiefeltersnatch, Jusano, Koentinius, Magister30, Voldreya, matter over mind, the dARKness and the_Khamul40


#417Kobra, Steel Nut Dave, abxy1, andrew3, fireandice, meh_64_12, mistressofthewok and wildwoodViolet39


#425Clan Bank, Kranerian, Ms Adventure, Targrod, UnderCoverPoncho and angelrider38


#431Avia, I Am, Kaspersai, MajorLandmark, Ninja Karl, SmileyByte, c00lb0t and thacon37


#439Antic the Fearless, BabaRam dAss, Depro Fundis, JhRowlands, Lemonfresh, Mario Speedwagon, Mawna Kur, RenRetard, Shorty007, Tiny Plastic Grimmy, Twiggie, ishmael, mmcbride and superfoot36


#453CharlesBumgaurd, DirtyChurro, First Tenor, Jeny, JudySeagram, Maltro and Quagdogg35


#460Bad Clown, DragnMaster8, Karnyvore, Mitchell, jonsi_4, shaft007zz and xapnomapcase34


#467AgentRocko, Lomithral, Rum Bob Scurvy Pants, ShaBob, iniquitous, n3bul4, silrog and the doWnsTairs Frank33


#475Farfalle al Dente, KaosFreak, Rutger von Horeburg, Scypher999, Whym, serengeti and testostronaut32


#482CA Dude, Garrulous Grace, Kolyn, Mrs Crab, PaedragGaidin, misque and shaggy10031


#489Biffle, DakX, Eron, Evil Pez, KaRath, Kneegrow, Lotan, LuvLuvChef, PokeyMan, QueenMaleficent, Rosarinita, Shmexymuffin, Spramen, The Possum Trot, Triffels, caulksucker and poison30


#506Eroquin, Katarra, Onilinkx, Raisins, Rax, Stonecat, blixa, caboll and osc63029


#515Grimdel, Ordog, Paroni, Pasta Thief, Picta the Painted, Tricksy, neromike and pantsthief28


#523Bruce Garetz, CecilBTurtle, SharpshooterX10, Snickles, SuperMarshmallowMan, TawnyBrawn, eibbeD, rounDchilD and stuffandthings27


#532Biff Demiclaws, ForteSP, FrankNBeans, Gryphon_2, Leviathan90, MarcyRoni, Mipselled, Peskil, QGrav42, Somerlund, Somnolent, TimCruz, Viridinia, Zack Lightning, almypal326, frost_maze, octopodey, rani windchime, wumbology and yueli726


#552Ancient Cheese, Baethan, BanditoburritO, Cappy Carl, Draven, ErnieR, Gourdy, HaliBoranje, Hetchman, Magnus Thunderblade, Mizterry, Runus, Shadow_Knight, SwordsRCool, Turtle Juice, Victorinox, jackal73 and mad ophelia25


#570Caseman09, Fish Food230, GT1, HotCarrier, Howling Rhombus, Isladar, Itsatrap, Pringle, Theralyn, Violetsareblue, Vorthox, Will the Warrior, apr131958, milkywhite, murphs, nobodys_daughter, rosa blanco and wavedash24


#588Archham, Edgy, Glukthar, Itsaspade, Kareth, LobsterHime, MaN_eGG, Mirian, Mrmongoose, N3RD, Obsidean_00, Pal, Razorboy, Rex Spangler, SaucierWench, Spillian, Yoshiko11, ickeygooey, imthebigchief, patmcrotch and turk11258723


#609BaddeMulti, Deeliteful, Erik Von Cloobbin, Felgod, Higgy, HomeyDaClown, I Am Not, Krukedogg, Manbat, Not Me, Schwetty, Secret_treaties, Tibbiara, Tooks, ZuzusPetal, e i Pi and entchen22


#626BlindOne, BronMac, Coyerre, Don Quai Poncerello, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Erisand, Jizwink, Kelne, Kilovian, Nearly, PrinceCandyAss, Stabotron, TIny PlaStic impY, chaosagent, idfku, monarch918 and silly_na21


#643Beljeferon, Bigquack, Blart DudaBarra, Blitzen, China_Blue, Dancin Fool, Darkling, FitzTheDestroyer, IMPaLIX, Jhous2, JustPlainBeau, Kongar, Koshchei, Late nite Ramen, Leiah, MelonCollie, MrDeFault, Muhandes, NotARealBear, Oldy, Saucy_ash, Sirploko, Skyes of Arcadia, Spork of Doom, TTBoyArDee, TamCoan, Tarragon, TastesLikeChicken, Terran Karapace, Water Dragon, a test account, bauhaus, cupcake1713, gwesj, kaeboragaebora, lazy_fire, malphador, mrmuffyman, neromike2, slag and williabr20


#684DaBaddestHic, DrunkDuckie, DrunkenFrog, ElGrande, ErisDiscordia, Galapagos James, Garlick, Katz, LntiX, Margulies, Markishnesss, NobodysFool, Optimus747, SatireSloth, Tom808, Ulysse, WhiteStarNorth, berber, blahloki, blider, deadfishbob, hoyifung05, needmoney90, tzIelund and webeme19


#709AHHKellyClarkson, Adatur, AmaraMagma, Ardsnard, Aubra, Bearskinrug, DarthThaddeus, ErstwhileWarrior, Eseche, Furtive Muffin, Immelan, Jared_Allen, Jmann, Kerchara, Lanis, McBeest, Pendulass, Penguinist, Pixie Styx, Sativarg, Scattaloquarious, The Muffin Man, Tiefu, TychoMagneticAnomaly, Xahil, godless heathen, i_poke_you, jWang, jadziadax, jared_fogle_rules, maliphik, siniam and whizdad18


#742Ashes, Astraios, Augon, Daav, Darth Elmo, Gen Eric Cola, Graf von Steiff, GustAvuS, Inflatable Susan, KingDrac, KramYacep, Linkking, Markisnitch, Poring Slayer, PuppyKisses, RGlock, Rice Merchant, Rynsfelda, Salvador, StalkingOfAshles, TheNice1, Vkkhamul, banban, guymansir, gvalKO and sexylama17


#768AC_Goldman, Aquabat, AssHat, Bublik, Damine, Disneeyore1, Dragonslayer91, Dyzzyah, GrafSchaf, Hypgnosis, Irregular, Jill_Bob, JimmyJunk, Joorrke, Joyce100, MagonKody, Mana Yachanichu, MaxEarWax, Mhoram, Mossberg, Oroku Saki, Otterbee, PeopledOntunDerStand, Poohat, Rogueling, Sutra, Weird Alice, asmanla, dalryaug, dfens73, feveR, frog_04, iamSoupCombust, kilo and mylittlebrother16


#803Airika, BruceLeroy, Ceasarious, Cres, Damuckle, Daya, EvilTwinSkippy, Gaucho, Geldar, Gong Li, I has a club, Marzz_94, Narth Vader_v2, PhilThese, Ragnok, Ravioli Bob, SlapperSusan, Tebryn, Terrabull, UmbrageOfSnow, Wizard_Hat, Zoopers, coconub, john1008, laire256, mailbox head, n00bert, sfwarlock and sponge_bob_drum_pants15


#832Abby, Akros, Altoid, Aramada, CYJ, Communist China, DataVortex, Grchwrkz, GreatChef, Gretta Dean, HelbaQ, Highwaywoman, Iktome, IncidenceOfRealism, J Mo, Jebustheathiest, Jessalyn, Kugli, Livnmenwalk, Managwa, MoxieDoxie, Sajer the Forgotten, TNGRspacecadet, TNewm, Twig, Unzeitgeist, Verna the Meek, WhiskeyZours, dumpybabe, future_cow, ildas_daughter, justinarms, muskratlove, pestodigator and xDanELx14


#867Chef Wolfgang, Chelonia, CodSmack, Crimbomaster918, Cthulhu Kid, Dragoon Sage, Enameless, Fadecaw, Hot Mamma, Jzzybbe, Kayarath, Kirika, Lady SUMMERbrook, Mr Hardnoodle, Noskilz, Squidoo, SupernovaMe, Taest, TheBrent, Xtanstic, Zazilia, crash bang boom, entelein, ilda, johnnyrichter, kjacobso, madamkiss, muwhaha, panne, sirCoOlWhip and welt13


#898Angry1, Arsolon, Bernini, BoiRDee, Boyscout, Clubby McClubs, Damic, DiscordantSong, Dr Danger, DylonMcNickle, Gauln, J Jiggalicious, JizmStick, KingFelix, KittYhm, LogicalMadness, MsAngie, Nachtmahr, Nerdyfro, Nightvol, Niktu, Obnoxio The Clown, Princess SporK, PsYcHoJoE, Raging Fire, Shiverwarp, SkraveLe, Soul Crusher, Stanley the slight, Sundkvist, Sybilla LeStrange, Transwarp, Turtlegeuse, Xyrn, atomica1, beautyredefined, blackmyth, kingofkotor, legom7, nekrotoxin, o0O0o, pLaster, sensibleb, tanstaafl and vertmem12


#943AeonfLux iii, Annia, Archipelago71, Bert of the Northwest, CaitiffsEros, Christoph, Cir Bonehead, Clubbrz L337, CyberTurtle, DeathKnight668, Disneeyore, Dreldan, Drizzl, Ephesos, Farfalline, Faustus Fusilli, Flingo, GecoLupesco, ImanAA, KnifeDancer, Lindiwe, Longuine, Lord_of_Ants, Mariani, Marm, Miss Chievous, MysticalMolly, Palladium, Pampalini, PandaPants, PassionFever, Peewee, Peu4000, Princess Erin, Quothz, RattyLabray, SBD, TVirus26, Tazy, Tiny Plastic Serafim, Trajolifer, Trystero, Vesiv, Waddle Dee, Zaraki, Zinnia, ballzy8, charm, cheddaqueen, dlowe, flerdle, fordxf, hiimchels, hiupotato, jcrkk, muskratlike and myu2k211
