#114 | "Humorous" T-shirt | 1 |
#775 | 'WILL WORK FOR BOOZE' sign | 1 |
#499 | 1-ball | 9 |
#391 | 1337 7r0uZ0RZ | 18 |
#754 | 2-ball | 4 |
#673 | 3-ball | 5 |
#250 | 30669 scroll | 41 |
#168 | 33398 scroll | 129 |
#169 | 334 scroll | 39 |
#168 | 37x37x37 puzzle cube | 7 |
#745 | 4-ball | 4 |
#189 | 4-dimensional guitar | 10 |
#646 | 5-ball | 5 |
#1071 | 6-ball | 2 |
#139 | 668 scroll | 10 |
#152 | 7-Foot Dwarven mattock | 24 |
#902 | 7-ball | 3 |
#315 | 8-ball | 93 |
#625 | 9-ball | 1 |
#265 | ASCII shirt | 7 |
#276 | Alewife™ Ale | 1 |
#415 | Aluminum Epsilon of Humility | 1 |
#127 | Amulet of Yendor | 180 |
#834 | Angelhair Culottes | 1 |
#155 | Angry Farmer candy | 1,197 |
#296 | Ankh of Badahnkadh | 1 |
#65 | Aye Aye, Tooth Tooth | 1 |
#685 | BGE 'cuddly critter' shirt | 1 |
#480 | BGE 'ferocious fruit' shirt | 2 |
#861 | BGE merchandise order form | 2 |
#566 | BGE pocket calendar | 1 |
#76 | Bag o' Tricks | 1 |
#291 | Bash-Ōs cereal | 1 |
#286 | Ben-Gal™ Balm | 1 |
#520 | Better Than Cuddling Cake | 3 |
#372 | Bit O' Ectoplasm | 6 |
#209 | Black No. 2 | 38 |
#522 | Blue Diamond of Honesty | 1 |
🥇 | Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf | 1 |
#214 | Boozehounds Anonymous token | 3 |
#404 | Breathetastic™ Premium Canned Air | 9 |
#68 | Brimstone Chicken Sandwich | 202 |
#1058 | Bulky Buddy Box | 2 |
#19 | CRIMBCO lanyard | 53 |
#2315 | CRIMBCO scrip | 1 |
#85 | Can-Can skirt | 1 |
#70 | Cerebral Cloche | 2 |
#133 | Cerebral Crossbow | 2 |
#102 | Cinco Mayo Lager | 3 |
#245 | Cloaca grenade | 70 |
#246 | Cloaca-Cola | 168 |
#1487 | Cloaca-Cola fatigues | 1 |
#1419 | Cloaca-Cola helmet | 1 |
#248 | Cloaca-Cola knapsack | 11 |
#1429 | Cloaca-Cola shield | 1 |
#147 | Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife | 5 |
#69 | Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau | 21 |
#2409 | Codpiece of the Goblin King | 1 |
#344 | Cold Hots candy | 18 |
#284 | Colonel Mustard's Lonely Spades Club Jacket | 3 |
#887 | Copper Alpha of Sincerity | 2 |
#330 | Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket | 2 |
#1005 | Corpse Island iced tea | 4 |
#109 | Crimbo P. R. E. S. S. I. E. | 1 |
#272 | Crimbo ukulele | 1 |
#723 | Crimboween memo | 15 |
#3219 | Crimbuck | 1 |
#289 | DNOTC Box | 1 |
#230 | Daffy Taffy | 142 |
#26 | Dallas Dynasty Falcon Crest shield | 1 |
#205 | Danglin' Chad's loincloth | 3 |
#532 | Deactivated O. A. F. | 1 |
#313 | Divine | 1 |
#436 | Doc's Miracle Cure | 2 |
#71 | Double Bacon Beelzeburger | 213 |
#183 | Dyspepsi grenade | 74 |
#657 | Dyspepsi-Cola | 89 |
#188 | Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations | 15 |
#672 | Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack | 2 |
#1376 | Dyspepsi-Cola shield | 1 |
#331 | Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen | 2 |
#162 | El Vibrato power sphere | 8 |
#331 | Elder Turtle Shell | 7 |
#19 | Elf Farm Raffle ticket | 316 |
#11 | Elfin shortbread | 449 |
#58 | Ent cider | 255 |
#521 | FDKOL hotcakes | 1 |
#120 | Frat Army FGF | 57 |
🥈 | Fuzzby | 1 |
#306 | General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket | 2 |
#1026 | Glass Balls of the Goblin King | 2 |
#634 | Gnollish flyswatter | 2 |
#4 | Gnollish toolbox | 8,979 |
#51 | Gnomish toolbox | 2 |
#86 | Golden Mr. Accessory | 1 |
#569 | Goodfella contract | 23 |
#17 | Granny Tood's Thanksgarden Catalog | 1 |
#135 | Grateful Undead T-shirt | 4 |
#1442 | Green Clover of Justice | 1 |
#601 | Haunted Sorority House staff guide | 1 |
#9 | Hell broth | 175 |
#121 | Hell ramen | 62 |
#188 | Hippy Army MPE | 46 |
#89 | Hundred Headed IPA | 1 |
#199 | Iiti Kitty phone charm | 16 |
#35 | Imp Ale | 9,032 |
#786 | Instant Karma | 4 |
#1289 | Iron Beta of Industry | 2 |
#1198 | Jack-in-the-box | 1 |
🥇 | Jackass Plumber home game | 1 |
#1287 | Jocko Homo's head | 1 |
#74 | Jumbo Dr. Lucifer | 206 |
#75 | Knob Goblin elite polearm | 94 |
#178 | Knob Goblin lunchbox | 9 |
#145 | Knob Goblin steroids | 100 |
#90 | Knob mushroom | 192 |
#89 | Knob stuffed shells | 25 |
#58 | Knoll mushroom | 254 |
#35 | KoLHS Pep Squad Box | 1 |
#68 | Lord of the Flies-sized fries | 204 |
#229 | Lucky Surprise Egg | 32 |
#437 | Mace of the Tortoise | 1 |
#256 | Mad Train wine | 416 |
#263 | Mae West with a fly in it | 1 |
#96 | McMillicancuddy's Special Lager | 86 |
#1110 | Meleegra™ pills | 1 |
#537 | Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler | 6 |
#187 | Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub | 464 |
#161 | Mob Penguin cellular phone | 139 |
#52 | Mon Tiki | 50 |
#159 | Mr. Accessory | 1 |
#93 | Mr. Accessory Jr. | 1 |
#23 | Mr. Eh? | 1 |
#238 | Mr. Mediocrebar | 226 |
#34 | Ms. Accessory | 1 |
#182 | Mylar balloon | 1 |
🥉 | Newbiesport™ backpack | 1 |
#389 | Newbiesport™ tent | 3 |
#1202 | Nickel Gamma of Frugality | 2 |
#432 | Now and Earlier | 6 |
#873 | Orange Star of Sacrifice | 2 |
#107 | Orcish meat locker | 5 |
#524 | Order of the Silver Wossname | 1 |
#22 | Oreille Divisée brandy | 34 |
#75 | Penultimate Fantasy chest | 691 |
#818 | Pink Heart of Spirit | 1 |
#881 | Pokëmann figurine: Bloodkip | 1 |
#774 | Pokëmann figurine: Duck | 1 |
#592 | Pokëmann figurine: Frank | 1 |
#810 | Pokëmann figurine: Galumpagump | 1 |
#774 | Pokëmann figurine: Hoboking | 1 |
#797 | Pokëmann figurine: Kagosan | 1 |
#880 | Pokëmann figurine: Magikrap | 1 |
#565 | Pokëmann figurine: Moog | 1 |
#778 | Pokëmann figurine: Nothing | 1 |
#891 | Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu | 1 |
#580 | Pokëmann figurine: Shoggoth | 1 |
#899 | Pokëmann figurine: Smugleaf | 1 |
#897 | Pokëmann figurine: Twitter | 1 |
#866 | Pokëmann figurine: Vegemite | 1 |
#889 | Pokëmann figurine: Vermouth | 1 |
#233 | Purple Horseshoe of Honor | 1 |
#57 | Ram's Face Lager | 1,670 |
#281 | Regular Cloaca Cola | 3 |
#185 | Retenez L'Herbe Paté | 9 |
#161 | Rock Pops | 311 |
#647 | Rock and Roll Legend | 1 |
#89 | S.T.L.T. | 1 |
#241 | SPF 451 lip balm | 10 |
#1074 | Safari Jack's moustache | 1 |
#981 | Schrödinger's thermos | 2 |
#237 | Senior Mints | 33 |
#538 | Silver Bullet beer | 1 |
#38 | Skully's hot chocolate | 3 |
#619 | Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags | 1 |
#138 | Sp'n-Zor's Grimoire of "Tasteful" Gifts | 1 |
#306 | Spam Witch sammich | 125 |
#53 | Steal This Candy | 88 |
#196 | Tasty Fun Good rice candy | 408 |
#10 | The Groose in the Hoose | 1 |
#9 | The Kloop in the Coop | 1 |
#232 | Tom's of the Spanish Main Toothpaste | 17 |
#157 | Tropical Crimbo Hat | 1 |
#160 | Tropical Crimbo Shorts | 1 |
#189 | Tropical Crimbo Sword | 1 |
#1250 | Uncle Crimbo's Rations | 1 |
#176 | Uncle Jick's Brownie Mix | 20 |
#200 | Unionize The Elves sign | 1 |
#588 | Valentine | 38 |
#527 | Valentine's Day cake | 1 |
#653 | Wand of Nagamar | 6 |
#290 | Warm Subject gift certificate | 362 |
#115 | Wint-O-Fresh mint | 196 |
#13 | X-32-F snowman crate | 1 |
#1150 | Yellow Moon of Compassion | 2 |
#123 | Yummy Tummy bean | 1,925 |
#253 | Zinc Delta of Tranquility | 5 |
#171 | a butt tuba | 7 |
#13 | a little sump'm sump'm | 712 |
#335 | abandoned candy | 1 |
#486 | abominable snowcone | 20 |
#387 | accidental cider | 2 |
#274 | acid-squirting flower | 13 |
#360 | acoustic guitarrr | 10 |
#178 | adder bladder | 78 |
#158 | agua de vida | 19 |
#91 | albatross necklace | 1 |
#442 | all-purpose cleaner | 7 |
🥇 | all-year sucker | 1 |
#116 | alpha-mail pants | 1 |
#73 | alphabet gum | 27 |
#232 | amulet of extreme plot significance | 74 |
#176 | ancient Magi-Wipes | 49 |
#144 | ancient cursed foot locker | 2 |
#112 | ancient frozen dinner | 26 |
#380 | ancient protein powder | 9 |
#296 | ancient spice | 7 |
#417 | ancient unspeakable fruitcake | 13 |
#153 | ancient vinyl coin purse | 56 |
#189 | anniversary balloon | 8 |
🥈 | anniversary balsa wood socks | 1 |
#240 | anniversary gift box | 9 |
#50 | annoying pitchfork | 47 |
#301 | ant agonist | 9 |
#185 | ant hoe | 2 |
#318 | anti-anti-antidote | 8 |
#193 | anticheese | 55 |
#736 | antique 8-Bit Power magazine | 1 |
#250 | antique bottle of cough syrup | 2 |
#626 | antique bottle opener | 1 |
#655 | antique greaves | 3 |
#151 | antique hand mirror | 44 |
#899 | antique helmet | 1 |
#339 | antique packet of ketchup | 3 |
#906 | antique shield | 1 |
#949 | antique spear | 1 |
#307 | around the world | 5 |
#538 | arrow'd heart balloon | 1 |
#316 | arrrgyle socks | 8 |
#432 | asbestos apron | 1 |
#288 | asbestos crossbow | 2 |
#355 | asbestos ore | 18 |
#387 | asbestos staff | 1 |
#224 | asbestos sword | 3 |
#559 | asparagus knife | 8 |
#125 | asparagus stir-fry | 1 |
#170 | aspirin | 5 |
#387 | asshat | 3 |
#88 | astral mushroom | 232 |
#284 | awful poetry journal | 512 |
#139 | bätzle | 11 |
#593 | baby killer bee | 16 |
#1308 | baconstone | 5 |
#186 | baconstone earring | 1 |
#132 | bad penguin egg | 1 |
#2370 | badass belt | 21 |
#133 | badger badge | 1 |
#89 | bag of Cheat-Os | 212 |
#164 | bag of W&Ws | 59 |
#183 | bag of airline peanuts | 149 |
#47 | bag of foreign bribes | 4 |
#191 | bag of lard | 6 |
#93 | bag of many confections | 3 |
#104 | bag of pygmy blood | 7 |
#274 | baggie of powdered sugar | 85 |
#497 | balaclava baklava | 3 |
#1593 | ball | 2 |
#665 | balloon monkey | 2 |
#312 | balloon sword | 1 |
#460 | ballroom blintz | 3 |
#14 | balsa plank | 99 |
#653 | banana | 5 |
#389 | banana smoothie | 1 |
#131 | bar skin | 112 |
#427 | barbed-wire fence | 10 |
#351 | barrrnacle | 45 |
#110 | barskin cloak | 1 |
#186 | barskin tent | 1 |
#108 | bartender-in-the-box | 3 |
#88 | baseball | 106 |
#98 | basic meat fez | 1 |
#247 | bat wing | 68 |
#78 | bat wing stir-fry | 5 |
#500 | bat-shaped Crimboween cookie | 4 |
#97 | batblade | 61 |
#281 | batgut | 110 |
#926 | bath ball gift set | 4 |
#93 | battered Crimbo Crate | 180 |
#70 | battered hubcap | 10 |
#361 | beach glass bead | 9 |
#282 | beanbag chair | 1 |
#455 | beaten-up Chucks | 1 |
#10 | beer bomb | 4,433 |
#77 | beer bong | 71 |
#149 | beer goggles | 3 |
#71 | beer helmet | 139 |
#128 | beer lens | 25 |
#117 | beer-a-pult | 1 |
#175 | beer-soaked mop | 2 |
#286 | beertini | 7 |
#417 | begpwnia | 1 |
#126 | bejeweled accordion strap | 2 |
#301 | bejeweled pledge pin | 14 |
#525 | bell-shaped Crimbo cookie | 2 |
#190 | bellhop bell | 2 |
#1022 | bi-lateral logic compressor | 1 |
#394 | big bass drum | 1 |
#106 | big boom | 19 |
#154 | big bundle of chamoix | 1 |
#378 | big red clown nose | 15 |
#475 | big rock | 1 |
#210 | big stick | 1 |
#76 | big stirring stick | 1 |
#97 | bilge wine | 411 |
🥈 | biomechanical crimborg helmet | 1 |
🥈 | biomechanical crimborg leg armor | 1 |
#149 | bit-o-cactus | 31 |
#76 | black & tan | 90 |
#125 | black candy heart | 111 |
#68 | black cherry soda | 11 |
#138 | black facepaint | 2 |
#320 | black forest cake | 9 |
#303 | black forest ham | 6 |
#222 | black greaves | 11 |
#252 | black helmet | 10 |
#132 | black lotus | 1 |
#1818 | black paisley oyster egg | 2 |
#101 | black pension check | 120 |
#295 | black pepper | 7 |
#82 | black picnic basket | 42 |
#936 | black plastic oyster egg | 4 |
#2088 | black polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#235 | black pudding | 11 |
#206 | black shield | 13 |
#385 | black snake skin | 11 |
#127 | black snowcone | 31 |
#1476 | black striped oyster egg | 3 |
#241 | black sword | 11 |
#918 | black-and-blue light | 1 |
#269 | blackberry combat boots | 1 |
#130 | blended frozen swill with a fly in it | 2 |
#631 | blob-shaped Crimbo cookie | 12 |
#622 | blood flower | 10 |
#186 | bloody beer | 129 |
#456 | bloody clown pants | 10 |
#2555 | blue paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#43 | blue pixel | 5,544 |
#536 | blue plastic oyster egg | 9 |
#2376 | blue polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#40 | blue snowcone | 483 |
#2623 | blue striped oyster egg | 1 |
#151 | book of matches | 2 |
#395 | booty chest charrrm | 11 |
#105 | booty chest charrrm bracelet | 1 |
#263 | booze-soaked cherry | 1 |
#159 | bottle of Blank-Out | 102 |
#177 | bottle of Calcutta Emerald | 11 |
#124 | bottle of Pinot Renoir | 14 |
#306 | bottle of black cat tonic | 1 |
#211 | bottle of gin | 113 |
#1833 | bottle of goofballs | 12 |
#213 | bottle of pirate juice | 4 |
#209 | bottle of popskull | 11 |
#385 | bottle of rhinoceros hormones | 1 |
#187 | bottle of rum | 436 |
#62 | bottle of single-barrel whiskey | 14 |
#793 | bottle of tequila | 11 |
#684 | bottle of vodka | 11 |
#110 | bottle of whiskey | 544 |
#275 | bow | 2 |
#142 | bow staff | 1 |
#534 | bowl of cottage cheese | 24 |
#450 | bowl of lucky charms | 1 |
#150 | bowlegged pants | 1 |
#134 | bowler | 1 |
#81 | box | 200 |
#11 | box of Pokëmann band-aids | 257 |
#1180 | box of sunshine | 185 |
#230 | box turtle | 1 |
#92 | box-in-the-box | 1 |
#180 | box-in-the-box-in-the-box | 1 |
#70 | brain-meltingly-hot chicken wings | 59 |
#232 | brick | 165 |
#134 | brine | 113 |
#88 | briny vinegar | 2 |
#476 | broken cellular phone | 4 |
#1630 | buckyball | 1 |
#496 | bullet-proof corduroys | 2 |
#939 | bunch of bananas | 1 |
#185 | calavera concertina | 1 |
#90 | calle de miel with a fly in it | 3 |
#152 | can of Ghuol-B-Gone™ | 4 |
#33 | can of Swiller | 210 |
#212 | can of fake snow | 2 |
#396 | can of franks 'n' beans | 1 |
#104 | can of spinach | 17 |
#225 | can-can-in-a-can | 1 |
#57 | candied yam pinky ring | 1 |
#351 | candy cane | 106 |
#716 | candy stake | 9 |
#23 | cane-mail pants | 2 |
#12 | cane-mail shirt | 2 |
#191 | canopic jar | 46 |
#51 | carton of snake milk | 65 |
#300 | chaos butterfly | 880 |
#1338 | cheap plastic bottle opener | 3 |
#166 | chef-in-the-box | 2 |
#59 | chintzy turtle brooch | 20 |
#452 | chrome crossbow | 1 |
#253 | chrome helmet turtle | 1 |
#233 | chrome ore | 27 |
#429 | chrome staff | 1 |
#60 | chrome stick | 5 |
#1037 | chunk of depleted Grimacite | 8 |
#395 | circular CRIMBCOOKIE | 4 |
#117 | clockwork bartender-in-the-box | 1 |
#79 | clockwork chef-in-the-box | 2 |
#102 | clockwork hat | 1 |
#101 | clockwork pants | 1 |
#154 | clockwork trench coat | 1 |
#332 | clown hammer | 87 |
#52 | cocoa egg | 355 |
#48 | cocoa eggshell fragment | 1,845 |
#69 | coconut shell | 1,414 |
#18 | cog and sprocket assembly | 269 |
#507 | colored-light "necklace" | 1 |
#342 | commemorative war stein | 72 |
#201 | cool mushroom wine | 1 |
#898 | corpse on the beach | 5 |
#1183 | corpsedriver | 3 |
#1028 | corpsetini | 4 |
#21 | correction fluid | 99 |
#169 | cranberries | 210 |
#69 | cream stout | 94 |
#89 | cup of primitive beer | 52 |
#112 | cymbal syrup | 135 |
#1026 | daisy | 1 |
#393 | dance card | 3 |
#30 | day-old beer | 48 |
🥈 | deactivated RoboGoose | 1 |
#38 | dead guy's watch | 476 |
#30 | deanimated reanimator's coffin | 1 |
#181 | decanter of fine Scotch | 1 |
#618 | deck of tropical cards | 1 |
#469 | defective skull | 47 |
#207 | delicious noodles | 11 |
#432 | dense meat stack | 151 |
#250 | dill | 141 |
#270 | disassembled clover | 357 |
#246 | displaced fish | 20 |
#324 | disturbing fanfic | 463 |
#48 | divine champagne flute | 452 |
#38 | divine champagne popper | 458 |
#1012 | doll house | 3 |
#585 | dollhive | 12 |
#234 | dope gangsta bling-bling | 4 |
#395 | double daisy | 1 |
#79 | dripping meat crossbow | 1 |
#381 | drop of water-37 | 5 |
#113 | dry noodles | 1,676 |
#145 | ducha de oro | 12 |
#525 | duck-on-a-string | 4 |
#204 | duct tape wallet | 3 |
#148 | dungeoneer's dungarees | 9 |
#207 | dusty Crimbo crate | 45 |
#444 | dwarf bread | 9 |
#966 | easter egg balloon | 26 |
#597 | eggnog | 30 |
#74 | electric crutch | 3 |
#58 | empty Cloaca-Cola bottle | 210 |
#225 | enchanted toothpick | 6 |
#316 | encoder ring | 58 |
#212 | ennui-flavored potato chips | 259 |
#87 | evil golden arch | 165 |
#117 | evil golden arches | 12 |
#1900 | evil teddy bear | 3 |
#181 | explosion-flavored chewing gum | 141 |
#43 | extra-potent gremlin mutagen | 18 |
#217 | fake fake vomit | 136 |
#547 | fake hand | 50 |
#614 | fancy but probably evil chocolate | 11 |
#210 | fancy chocolate | 12 |
#422 | fat stacks of cash | 19 |
#178 | fat wallet | 2 |
#1076 | felt | 8 |
#43 | ferret bait | 742 |
#303 | fez of etymology | 1 |
#65 | finger cuffs | 1 |
#53 | fish juice box | 43 |
#95 | fish-liver oil | 329 |
#1610 | flashing novelty button | 1 |
#77 | floaty stone sphere | 1 |
#206 | flowing hippy skirt | 4 |
#502 | frigid mote | 1 |
#281 | frozen Mob Penguin | 5 |
#152 | fruit basket | 1 |
#110 | fruit bowl | 3 |
#489 | fruitcake | 45 |
#21 | funky junk key | 7 |
#202 | furry fur | 723 |
#97 | fuzzbump | 50 |
#154 | fuzzy dice | 19 |
#81 | ghost cucumber | 392 |
#377 | ghost pickle on a stick | 2 |
#15 | giant candy cane | 54 |
#84 | giant clay ashtray | 5 |
#1083 | giant discarded plastic fork | 7 |
#172 | giant needle | 440 |
#132 | gibson | 1 |
#28 | gimlet | 49 |
#803 | gingerbread bugbear | 28 |
#171 | ginormous pumpkin | 1 |
#26 | glimmering great tit feather | 7 |
#224 | glow-in-the-dark dart gun | 1 |
#263 | glow-in-the-dark wristwatch | 1 |
#55 | gold lamé pants | 17 |
#794 | gold wedding ring | 1 |
#211 | golden plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#194 | golden ring | 118 |
#85 | golden twig | 4 |
#56 | gr8ps | 185 |
#126 | grave robbing shovel | 18 |
#46 | green beer | 309 |
#163 | green snowcone | 147 |
#515 | grue egg omelette | 3 |
#218 | grungy flannel shirt | 3 |
#349 | guitar pick | 8 |
#624 | guy made of bee pollen | 3 |
#716 | hamethyst | 11 |
#215 | hamethyst bracelet | 1 |
#328 | hamethyst necklace | 1 |
#1608 | handful of confetti | 23 |
#32 | handful of drink tickets | 23 |
#311 | handful of pine needles | 9 |
#340 | heavy D | 205 |
#76 | hellion cube | 156 |
#253 | helmet turtle | 279 |
#32 | henna tattoo | 124 |
#2516 | herbal stuffing | 1 |
#50 | hill of beans | 934 |
#60 | hippopotamus skin | 137 |
#236 | honey-dew | 1 |
#236 | hot katana blade | 76 |
#192 | hovering sombrero | 2 |
#101 | huge bowl of candy | 17 |
#11 | ice pick | 1 |
#20 | ice stein | 27 |
#32 | ice-cold Sir Schlitz | 28,414 |
#17 | ice-cold Willer | 10,505 |
#15 | ice-cold fotie | 10,028 |
#48 | ice-cold six-pack | 615 |
#154 | icy mushroom wine | 2 |
#134 | imitation nice watch | 1 |
#739 | incredibly creepy marionette | 3 |
#22 | incredibly dense meat gem | 1 |
#71 | infant sandworm | 1 |
#99 | insanely spicy bean burrito | 161 |
#180 | interesting-looking twig | 11 |
#109 | iron pasta spoon | 84 |
#581 | jar of squeeze | 1 |
#618 | jar of swamp gas | 39 |
#119 | jazz soap | 200 |
#8 | jitterbug larva | 1 |
#164 | joybuzzer | 165 |
#182 | ketchup hound | 46 |
#1155 | killing feather | 39 |
#597 | kite | 12 |
#222 | kneecapping stick | 75 |
#156 | knoll mushroom wine | 1 |
#41 | lavender candy heart | 1,030 |
#2180 | lavender paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#2308 | lavender plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#2029 | lavender polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#1767 | lavender striped oyster egg | 1 |
#124 | leaf | 1 |
#348 | leaflet | 2 |
#492 | left half of a heart necklace | 1 |
#124 | left parenthesis | 6 |
#917 | length of string | 11 |
#235 | leprechaun hatchling | 2 |
#270 | library card | 1 |
#165 | lime | 100 |
#303 | line | 240 |
#120 | linoleum stick | 1 |
#105 | little box of fireworks | 1 |
#58 | little paper umbrella | 2,081 |
#836 | live wire | 1 |
#960 | loaded serum blowgun | 4 |
#96 | logging hatchet | 1 |
#1455 | loose teeth | 1 |
#571 | lovecat tail | 1 |
#74 | lowercase a | 1 |
#218 | lucky Crimbo tiki necklace | 1 |
#79 | mafia aria | 283 |
#219 | magic lamp | 3 |
#177 | magical ice cube with a fly in it | 159 |
#138 | magical ice cubes | 601 |
#195 | makeshift crane | 1 |
#686 | marionette | 2 |
#1984 | mauve paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#2254 | mauve plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#1847 | mauve polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#2384 | mauve striped oyster egg | 1 |
#106 | meat from yesterday | 28 |
#87 | meat stack | 1,555 |
#348 | melted Jell-o shot | 3 |
#70 | metal band T-shirt | 3 |
#487 | miniature stuffed Goth Giant | 1 |
#27 | miniscule temporal rip | 1 |
#132 | moist sailor's cap | 1 |
#1026 | monomolecular yo-yo | 21 |
#152 | monster bait | 1 |
#216 | mood ring | 57 |
#153 | mushroom fermenting solution | 48 |
#169 | mysterious present | 1 |
#80 | naughty origami kit | 1 |
#1365 | off-white paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#2535 | off-white plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#1735 | off-white polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#1583 | off-white striped oyster egg | 1 |
#47 | office-supply crossbow | 5 |
#133 | old coin purse | 126 |
#142 | old leather wallet | 95 |
#840 | oozenog | 5 |
#109 | orange snowcone | 245 |
#250 | oriole-feather headdress | 5 |
#137 | ovoid leather thing | 57 |
#1889 | oyster basket | 1 |
#567 | pack of KWE trading card | 6 |
#90 | pack of chewing gum | 6 |
#19 | packet of beer nuts | 44 |
#161 | packet of tofurkey gravy | 1 |
#1761 | pail | 1 |
#73 | palm-frond fan | 6 |
#103 | papaya | 465 |
#620 | papaya slung | 1 |
#1217 | paperclip | 1 |
#688 | pat-a-cake pendant | 1 |
#181 | pebblebräu | 1 |
#53 | penguin skin | 4,332 |
#4 | peppermint rhino baby | 61 |
#180 | percent sign | 1 |
#77 | perfect negroni | 1 |
#237 | perpendicular hula with a fly in it | 1 |
#682 | personalized birthday cake | 2 |
#778 | pet rock | 10 |
#116 | pet rock "Groucho" disguise | 200 |
#117 | pet rock "Snooty" disguise | 201 |
#494 | petrified time | 1 |
#114 | phonics down | 992 |
#128 | photoprotoneutron torpedo | 313 |
#216 | picture of a dead guy's girlfriend | 4 |
#438 | piece of wedding cake | 11 |
#169 | pile of candy | 56 |
#169 | pile of loose snow | 1 |
🥈 | pile of smoking rags | 1 |
#17 | pirate shirt | 110 |
#145 | pixellated candy heart | 114 |
#15 | plans for depleted Grimacite shinguards | 1 |
#421 | plastic passion fruit | 3 |
#94 | plastic pumpkin bucket | 1 |
#297 | plot hole | 571 |
#172 | pointed stick | 7 |
#101 | pointy mushroom wine | 2 |
#1313 | porquoise | 4 |
#294 | porquoise necklace | 1 |
#251 | porquoise ring | 1 |
#869 | portable corkscrew | 7 |
#1024 | portable photocopier | 1 |
#456 | possessed top | 12 |
#167 | potato sprout | 12 |
#72 | potion of temporary gr8ness | 37 |
#145 | pregnant gloomy black mushroom | 1 |
#159 | pregnant mushroom | 2 |
#53 | pregnant oily golden mushroom | 2 |
#414 | pretty bouquet | 3 |
#721 | pretty flower | 70 |
#164 | procrastination potion | 618 |
#2035 | puce paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#2103 | puce plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#2254 | puce polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#1645 | puce striped oyster egg | 1 |
#219 | pumpkin beer | 2 |
#613 | radio button candy | 1 |
#302 | radium-flavored potato chips | 173 |
#1303 | rag doll | 1 |
#124 | ram stick | 51 |
#327 | ratini | 1 |
#311 | razor-tipped yo-yo | 28 |
#1222 | really dense meat stack | 3 |
#2228 | red paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#2537 | red plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#2206 | red polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#116 | red snowcone | 220 |
#1647 | red striped oyster egg | 1 |
#796 | ridiculous cocktail | 10 |
#304 | ridiculously huge sword | 46 |
#108 | right parenthesis | 1 |
#58 | rockin' wagon with a fly in it | 3 |
#39 | roll of drink tickets | 5 |
#471 | roll of toilet paper | 188 |
#100 | root beer | 1 |
#10 | rose-colored glasses | 1 |
#247 | round green sunglasses | 3 |
#240 | rubber axe | 4 |
#102 | rubber emo roe | 235 |
#49 | rusty grave robbing shovel | 152 |
#69 | rusty metal key | 3 |
#462 | sabre-toothed lime cub | 1 |
#384 | salty slug | 3 |
#310 | scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker | 8 |
#377 | screwdriver | 3 |
#37 | scroll of drastic healing | 2,906 |
#33 | scroll of pasta summoning | 478 |
#107 | scrumptious reagent | 1,609 |
#210 | set of jacks | 1 |
#226 | severed rocking horse head | 2 |
#177 | shingle | 50 |
#101 | shiny hood ornament | 13 |
#308 | shot of flower schnapps | 1 |
#253 | single-serving herbal stuffing | 1 |
#185 | sinister altar fragment | 2 |
#215 | skeleton bone | 256 |
#85 | slap and tickle with a fly in it | 4 |
#694 | sleeping snowy owl | 3 |
#121 | small leather glove | 9 |
#149 | smile-sharpening stone | 1 |
#713 | sock monkey | 3 |
#60 | soft green echo eyedrop antidote | 2,813 |
#1096 | solid gold bowling ball | 11 |
#87 | solid gold pegleg | 82 |
#519 | spectral pickle | 20 |
#217 | spooky cosmetics bag | 10 |
#1063 | spooky eyeliner | 1 |
#245 | spooky hockey mask | 6 |
#1086 | spooky lipstick | 1 |
#75 | spooky mushroom | 921 |
#127 | spooky stick | 101 |
#682 | spork | 1 |
#1729 | square CRIMBCOOKIE | 1 |
#1863 | stainless steel solitaire | 1 |
#263 | star | 252 |
#109 | star chart | 189 |
#333 | stick of "gum" | 6 |
#121 | stick of dynamite | 27 |
#686 | stick-on-a-string | 5 |
#251 | stinky mushroom wine | 1 |
#273 | stone banjo | 1 |
#91 | stone baseball cap | 23 |
#161 | stone frisbee | 27 |
#224 | stone of eXtreme power | 53 |
#81 | strawberry | 487 |
#8928 | stuffed flaming gravy fairy | 1 |
#402 | sturdy Crimbo crate | 40 |
#225 | sugar-coated pine cone | 12 |
#130 | sunken chest | 126 |
#79 | super-spiky hair gel | 1,584 |
#92 | support cummerbund | 102 |
#322 | tasket | 1 |
#764 | teddy bear | 8 |
#255 | teeny-tiny magic scroll | 3 |
#184 | teeny-tiny ninja stars | 5 |
#247 | ten-leaf clover | 100 |
#58 | the finger | 1 |
#298 | thermos full of Knob coffee | 2 |
#168 | thin black candle | 1,651 |
#219 | third-hand nunchaku | 1 |
#71 | time halo | 7 |
🥇 | time sleigh | 1 |
#174 | tin star | 1 |
#385 | tiny bottle of absinthe | 34 |
#81 | tiny house | 3,517 |
#382 | tiny knife and fork | 1 |
#650 | tiny plastic 11 Dealer | 1 |
#1465 | tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf | 5 |
#65 | tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo | 1 |
#3936 | tiny plastic Axe Wound | 1 |
#3116 | tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth | 1 |
#2094 | tiny plastic Beelzebozo | 2 |
#385 | tiny plastic Best Game Ever | 1 |
#267 | tiny plastic Big Candy | 1 |
#789 | tiny plastic Bonerdagon | 6 |
#3081 | tiny plastic Boss Bat | 1 |
#445 | tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ | 1 |
#61 | tiny plastic Café Elf | 1 |
#2217 | tiny plastic Cheshire bat | 8 |
#221 | tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™ | 1 |
#1157 | tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel | 1 |
#620 | tiny plastic Crimbo Casino | 1 |
#47 | tiny plastic Crimbo caroler | 1 |
#42 | tiny plastic Crimbo cheer | 1 |
#1732 | tiny plastic Crimbo elf | 5 |
#1679 | tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer | 5 |
#1224 | tiny plastic Crimbo wreath | 3 |
#88 | tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva | 1 |
#101 | tiny plastic Crimbomega | 1 |
#87 | tiny plastic Crimborgatron | 1 |
#101 | tiny plastic Crimbot | 1 |
#358 | tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram | 4 |
#635 | tiny plastic Don Crimbo | 1 |
#79 | tiny plastic Dr. Awkward | 1 |
#3126 | tiny plastic Felonia | 1 |
#284 | tiny plastic Fudge Wizard | 1 |
#1752 | tiny plastic G Imp | 4 |
#1761 | tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser | 4 |
#1741 | tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester | 4 |
#1068 | tiny plastic Hellion | 7 |
#3886 | tiny plastic Iiti Kitty | 1 |
#2059 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin King | 2 |
#3961 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter | 1 |
#1772 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl | 4 |
#2775 | tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist | 2 |
#2142 | tiny plastic Knott Yeti | 3 |
#85 | tiny plastic Lord Spookyraven | 1 |
#215 | tiny plastic MechaElf | 1 |
#1056 | tiny plastic Mob Penguin | 1 |
#403 | tiny plastic Mr. Mination | 1 |
#3865 | tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy | 1 |
#2185 | tiny plastic Protagonist | 3 |
#521 | tiny plastic Scream Queen | 3 |
#3908 | tiny plastic Spam Witch | 1 |
#1749 | tiny plastic Spunky Princess | 4 |
#915 | tiny plastic The Man | 5 |
#1270 | tiny plastic Trouser Snake | 6 |
#2948 | tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo | 1 |
#238 | tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku | 1 |
#1429 | tiny plastic XXX pr0n | 5 |
#303 | tiny plastic abominable fudgeman | 1 |
#2627 | tiny plastic accordion thief | 2 |
#111 | tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart | 1 |
#608 | tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll | 3 |
#2205 | tiny plastic angry bugbear | 3 |
#3305 | tiny plastic angry goat | 5 |
#78 | tiny plastic angry vikings | 1 |
#2812 | tiny plastic anime smiley | 2 |
#244 | tiny plastic animelf | 1 |
#2161 | tiny plastic apathetic lizardman | 3 |
#2805 | tiny plastic astronomer | 2 |
#3978 | tiny plastic baby gravy fairy | 4 |
#73 | tiny plastic bad vibe | 1 |
#1519 | tiny plastic barrrnacle | 12 |
#2165 | tiny plastic beanbat | 3 |
#1718 | tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar | 3 |
#1329 | tiny plastic blazing bat | 1 |
#1814 | tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball | 10 |
#1082 | tiny plastic blooper | 7 |
#2219 | tiny plastic brainsweeper | 3 |
#3912 | tiny plastic briefcase bat | 1 |
#989 | tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite | 1 |
#2859 | tiny plastic cocoabo | 6 |
#1825 | tiny plastic coffee pixie | 10 |
#265 | tiny plastic colollilossus | 1 |
#2098 | tiny plastic conservationist hippy | 2 |
#2154 | tiny plastic cubist bull | 3 |
#2190 | tiny plastic demoninja | 3 |
#4501 | tiny plastic disco bandit | 1 |
#2803 | tiny plastic drunk goat | 2 |
#101 | tiny plastic exo-suited miner | 1 |
#1017 | tiny plastic fat stack of cash | 1 |
#428 | tiny plastic fax machine | 1 |
#1740 | tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus | 4 |
#3912 | tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker | 1 |
#2185 | tiny plastic fluffy bunny | 3 |
#1714 | tiny plastic fruit golem | 4 |
#1834 | tiny plastic fuzzy dice | 10 |
#2252 | tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick | 8 |
#1661 | tiny plastic ghuol whelp | 11 |
#2807 | tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers | 2 |
#438 | tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire | 4 |
#2167 | tiny plastic goth giant | 3 |
#2487 | tiny plastic grue | 7 |
#1721 | tiny plastic handsome mariachi | 4 |
#1361 | tiny plastic hermit | 4 |
#427 | tiny plastic hobo elf | 1 |
#1517 | tiny plastic howling balloon monkey | 12 |
#1965 | tiny plastic killer bee | 9 |
#2826 | tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box | 2 |
#2011 | tiny plastic leprechaun | 9 |
#2015 | tiny plastic levitating potato | 9 |
#1467 | tiny plastic lobsterfrogman | 5 |
#2011 | tiny plastic mosquito | 9 |
#1338 | tiny plastic mumblebee | 1 |
#1037 | tiny plastic mutant elf | 1 |
#2803 | tiny plastic ninja snowman | 2 |
#2601 | tiny plastic pastamancer | 2 |
#3925 | tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime | 4 |
#1815 | tiny plastic sauceror | 3 |
#2179 | tiny plastic scary clown | 3 |
#1767 | tiny plastic seal clubber | 3 |
#3852 | tiny plastic senile lihc | 1 |
#1559 | tiny plastic skeletal reindeer | 1 |
#1476 | tiny plastic smarmy pirate | 5 |
#1432 | tiny plastic spiny skelelton | 5 |
#1655 | tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton | 11 |
#3939 | tiny plastic spooky vampire | 1 |
#6134 | tiny plastic stab bat | 2 |
#2025 | tiny plastic star starfish | 9 |
#584 | tiny plastic stocking mimic | 1 |
#979 | tiny plastic strand of DNA | 1 |
#1919 | tiny plastic sweet nutcracker | 4 |
#1743 | tiny plastic taco cat | 4 |
#226 | tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf | 1 |
#3863 | tiny plastic topiary golem | 1 |
#314 | tiny plastic trollipop | 1 |
#1832 | tiny plastic turtle tamer | 3 |
#1488 | tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni | 5 |
#3875 | tiny plastic warwelf | 1 |
#2704 | tiny plastic whitesnake | 2 |
#1768 | tiny plastic zmobie | 4 |
#265 | tisket | 1 |
#429 | toast | 2,417 |
#267 | toe jam | 1 |
#2807 | tofurkey gravy | 1 |
#2813 | tofurkey leg | 1 |
#929 | tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie | 2 |
#975 | tooth | 3 |
#75 | toothbrush | 29 |
#1072 | toothsome rock | 8 |
#655 | top | 7 |
#289 | tortoise's blessing | 8 |
#561 | towel | 16 |
#280 | toy soldier | 6 |
#417 | toy train | 5 |
#1336 | toy wheel | 4 |
#1379 | tree-eating kite | 13 |
#241 | tree-shaped Crimbo cookie | 4 |
#599 | tropical paperweight | 1 |
#680 | tropical wrapping paper | 2 |
#225 | tube of cranberry Go-Goo | 1 |
#55 | turtle pheromones | 118 |
#226 | turtle totem | 260 |
#2441 | unstable laser battery | 14 |
#135 | unwound clockwork grapefruit | 1 |
#184 | valuable trinket | 495 |
#2526 | vampire duck-on-a-string | 1 |
#58 | velvet choker | 1 |
#1823 | vertebra of the Bonerdagon | 1 |
#177 | vinegar | 199 |
#177 | vinegar-soaked lemon slice | 121 |
#72 | water pipe bomb | 1,340 |
#934 | wheel | 3 |
#407 | white Canadian | 6 |
#165 | white chocolate and tomato pizza | 15 |
#448 | white collar | 2 |
#602 | white hat hacker T-shirt | 1 |
#66 | white picket fence | 46 |
#122 | white snakeskin duster | 1 |
#126 | whoopie cushion | 198 |
#173 | wind-up chattering teeth | 160 |
#274 | wintergreen-flavored potato chips | 179 |
#58 | witty rapier | 204 |
#321 | wolf mask | 84 |
#83 | wool hat | 34 |
#162 | wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie | 5 |
#95 | wriggling severed nose | 1 |
#12 | wussiness potion | 3,808 |
#177 | x-ray specs | 122 |
#180 | yam candy | 1 |
#1801 | yellow paisley oyster egg | 1 |
#2819 | yellow plastic oyster egg | 1 |
#1329 | yellow polka-dot oyster egg | 1 |
#549 | yellow snowcone | 61 |
#1637 | yellow striped oyster egg | 1 |
#118 | yeti fur | 2,889 |
#549 | yo | 17 |
#552 | yo-yo | 52 |
#56 | yohohoyo | 73 |
#51 | zen motorcycle | 1 |
#852 | zombie pineal gland | 5 |