defective skull

defective skull

Wiki linkwiki

This is a talking skull. It's pretty smart, and it uses its powers of deduction to solve mysteries. Just not the ones you were interested in, like "How do I make this thing shut up?"

This thing could probably provide all sorts of useful information. For varying definitions of "useful".



🥉Lord Stefano9,978


#4Mistress of the Obvious3,231














#11Dave of the Hill People1,120
















#19Sean Clannery903








#23Vuvuzela Virtuoso747








#27Parco Molo684










#32Do Not_uhm_I told ya559


#33Mars the Infomage538




#35Poncho the Sane534




#37barBara strisaNd526


#38Tom808 and Webley509


#40Kingdom Comics and TFwO497










#46wile E Quixote434






#49Cobain Dougans413


#50Noskilz and Spiffie404






#54Sarghi and shellmaster364




#57Evil Taco359










#62The Experiment334


#63Clan Otori and jackman6333










#69Buzzbuzz and shaft007zz305






#73The Possum Trot and mskc300














#81Prima Vera263










#86Edgy and UGZ_Log245




#89BonkBonk and Wraithtech239


#91Cupcakes of Hell238




#93hagrid333 and mmcbride227


#95StorellaDeville and blik225




#98Rumour Rhemer216


#99LiamAndMe, Nossidge and ladderman215


#102Immelan and Kaloula214


#104Capoke and testostronaut213


#106Lord Kobel and agargan204


#108Lotan and uberife202


#110Que Chan Mok and panne201


#112NewbieFoundation and VorheezTheMad200






#116Oroku Saki, Two__T and hekiryuu197


#119Yessu and dandandandan196






#123PSY and Yarple191


#125Mr HeadCase190


#126Loathario, alan0823 and iaruk188


#129Agburanar and Debbie Queen of New Jersey186


#131Earl Good Boi and mtanders185






#135BlueThunder and Logmo180




#138Nomnominus Rex, SonicBoom and TheBrent175








#144Alomir and Junestar165


#146RockClimb and Yendi163








#151Fokai and salticid159




#154Hollerash and Optimus747156










#160Anselm and Galapagos James150






#164LustyPirateWench and ms_gwyn143








#169Caldric and Farflier139


#171Iron Robb138


#172NightShayde and TurtleGirlPower135




#175Turbulent Squirrel, destroyerbeacon and ilda132




#179Bloodyfish and Tara the Inept130








#184Heffed, Isladar and dolphingirl_za125




#188Oldsfrk and alBATross123




#191BlueWasabi, Tokek, doppelheathen and whiskey002120




#196Dust and chango118


#198High Voltage and Niles Crane117


#200jadziadax and shaggy100114


#202Mr Bill, howlin_mad and jcrkk113


#205Breulz, Cres, Nectaris and PsychicBlade112


#209Deimos, Kamikaze Assassin, Magnus Thunderblade, Spacini, Spo and Timmy Linguini111


#215D L110


#216Itamaram, Natano0, Weldsoft and brent ObeRLin109


#220AxlS Shadowbane, Dadacanaidu and Darmut eDrien108




#224EbolaWoman, HomeyDaClown and mumbeeni106


#227cookbotcookbot and ispep1982105


#229Danger, RedNeckReb and lupus4104


#232Binaanne, DarthScorpian, Ekeinos, The Big O and Ultimate Steve103




#238Darkling and Lady Tomo100


#240DiscoFevaDiva and ratqueen99


#242Dark_Magic, Lord Kick in The Butt and baloume98


#245Coalface, Scrabblewench, Sputnik, Wah, Wilfenite and matato97


#251HappyHead, LeafRivr, chikensrule and limpkraker96


#255Depro Fundis95


#256Jorgensen, PsymonM77, meh_64_12 and thexmanlight94


#260GhostRider, Poot, Tarragon and TheFiercePanda93




#265Caplin, Grokly and penguinGRI91


#268Killer Tune, Kipling and RobLobster90


#271King Texas, hotc17 and john100889


#274FearlessX and RobN88


#276Mr HAwHAw and theasswhisperer87


#278MarcyRoni, MiB and SaladFingers86


#281Ace Palarum, Asshysteria and Frisbee85


#284AccordionStu, AlienMarky, Straif, Widget1985, Wylin and unisus8084


#290DocValance, JayMetalGuitar, Jingo, Luxxor, SirThursday and rockcandyman83


#296Adatur, CreOsOTe, John Shaft, Leinenkugel and weredonut82


#301AgentRocko, Devan, Enameless, Tara Peen and Wilbur81


#306Archandia, Flanders, Frijoles Junior and eXtyNT80


#310Ceelgohsplatt, Maikeruu and Sinshlad79




#314Dessalvara, LordBobXIII, Mississippi Gary, Tortica and rexfelis77


#319Metronomed and Tarl76


#321Azreal, Korlon, Lontain, MeLcator, Miridian and QcuriousQ75


#327Brat forcE, DeathKnight668 and chebutykin74


#330Chasing, TheBarracuda and pOOx73


#333Fiery1, KiMMi, Shaudius and jalandy72


#337Arthas, Foogy, Marshall, MysticMelvin, Naros, Tiny DieCast Nitethorn and koutetsu71


#344Jill_Bob, Tatterwasp and invader doom70


#347Evil Dead Ned, Malik, Neenie2, Parse, ScorpionX and ikazuchi69


#353APPLE BLOSSOM, El Zerstorer, HansGruber, Wizard_Hat, Zimmydoom and venger68


#359BEAST333, MrKeen and SirKlasu67


#362Jabbie, Klink, MrsDarcy, TheDotGamer and lOuYinGbO66


#367OHogan, darius180, hiimchels and tristankb65


#371General_Kurt, Hi132, Klaa, Lance Dickson, Lug Nut, Monster Hunter 2, SZINN, Weird Al Yankervick and lil puke in Con364


#380Brap, Mikeyii and Tzabor63


#383Bob_Pesterfello, Sajauna, dramatix01, jgingrey, pLaster, rampaging wizard and smck3462


#390SqueezyBabe and bad_player61


#392Astin, Fud, KingFelix, fyrefli and tinkeron60


#397Crapstorm, HR_Puffnstuff, LostWushu, Nanimonai3, Nine Jack Nine, Zelmendar and soupbadger59


#404Fogfrog, Lord Jareth, Revier, jlhjedi, peter_damien20021 and zaksquatch58


#410Dik, swankidelic and this_is_my_name57


#413Aramada, Carmen, Haya, Nescire and Wendigo56


#418BurntKechup5, DaddyBeeGee, Gargamelli, Graphesk, LuvLuvChef and Snork Maiden55


#424BarbarianBob77, Envoy, Kitschycat and Mistress Darkmoon54


#428Gracie Law, MaxiVisVires, Niktu, Sea Hag007, TinyPlasticScheijan and janiejane53


#434BambaBaby, Fingerz and Tuffy52


#437Bart Logan, Bellae, Blue Dragon, Flaming Gummi Ork, TheChad and TinyPlasticMme51


#443Birdy, Jeoru, Karsey, Majin Vlad, Mitheor, Retro_Thrusters, Stu Like Whoa, Trumper, blind bandit, jzen and xapnomapcase50


#454AlmAlphiA, Angry1, Crawldad, Jebustheathiest, Jinya, Musica, anticosmo and bboyTEK49


#462IpaIpa, Julia Adult, Shire Beyay, SmileyByte, THEREALJERRY, Vanir and Xinpig48


#469AmpleHacksaw, Chez, DetentionHall, EEPiccolo, Jusano and Monochromous47


#475Demonic, Frobozz, Grommitt, Maminka Muminka, Maxximus, Quothz, Solotheus, gutter_punk and oRANgatUan46


#484Bananahead12, Elsynoodle and schmedy45


#487Elaphe Guttata, ElronBean, Gonain, Kristinna, TogashiKokujin, Verfanor, VikingGoddess, Young Nastyman and knitebee44


#496Friznik, Hutchimus Prime, Rand0m__her0, Sallymonella, TheMightyDOOM, mOjOmadness and queenoftheNAUGHTiez43


#503Biblio1, Marcyss, ROCKlobstER3, ShinobiMax, akai_tsuki, badmonkey32, eibbeD and thewolfboy42


#511Arle, Bea Girl, Cheesyname, Demicanadian, Pesto_San, Razorbell, Swoglodyte, ToneDeafBawb, Zaranthos and insaneLark41


#521Balzoid, Bokodasu, Chewbud, EggNogIceCream, Hooky the Hooker, InSinYou8, KnifeCzar, LdySaphyre, Martavius, Masyr, Sen, Virnomine, WelcomeToEarth and la Trattoria40


#535Ammishdave, Duhric, EXOR169, GligSith_Tcharf, JohnPatrickMCP, MephistoWolf, Sloth Rop, Vladamia, WickedTitties, Xander Whilkes, ava nottingham, blackstone and verbena12839


#548AKU, FMtheGood, Legend Dan, Lemmelone, Sennin, Stargazer67 and moop38


#555Ark42, Gengis, Kalismaal, Mikelio, Presence, Seradina, V a n e s s a, WetRats, common sense, i am sham, jimmy_hoffa, melracen, noodle nymph and omigodlucy37


#569A_P_Vladimir, Azzedar, Dorkomatic, Genea, Lucius Brimstone, OxyTheMoron, The Muffin Avenger, imbrium and sdaisyk36


#578Doll, Growpy, Lord Mackerel, TeddyRaptor, Teffania, The Ghosty, jinkles, overdawg and thekingofmean35


#587Anouris, Llamaface, Maruzze, MostEvilerOne, MrSwoon, Optimism, Pryderi, Saskapampy, Wank and darkhour34


#597Adam1WPI, Jer Bear, Luc1fer, LuckyPuck, Mariance, Penguin_Knight, Quagdogg, oop, sofpunisher and tazgoal33


#607Bubba9265, Diss, Jay Peg, Jookums the Skerry, Kaetarin, KyRoS, PansieMan, Rana Sylvatica, party101 and trotskie32


#617Beavis P_Ness, GryWizard, RevShillelagh, Sai Guru, Slapass, TonyPreston, W12A1TH, dwivian, efilnikufecin and motie31


#627Femke, Free Arsenal, MangeMoi, Nyarlathotep, PastryPusher, Rabi the Sheath, Randomloser, ScUd RuCkInS, Thepersonwhohatesyoubestest, Thigwig, Tony Danzig, Xaxor, jaycdu and mndsm30


#641Binkah, Blart DudaBarra, CaPiCoChEf, Cold_Blu_Ice, Dakios, GoDream, HUki, LUREN, LunaWolvesMan, MalMult, Mystic_Potato, Quixote113, Shellie_Webster, Silent Lucidity, TheMoves, marijuana, questlove69 and sofaltis29


#659KiKiStarE, LEMMING53, Lame Binder, Loachette, Pat Minotar, Rachiannka, mrf and sWITCHie28


#667Chili Mac, Darth Elmo, DoctoRUMS, FiNnighan britton, JustinCarto, Slet Varthash, Sugartits2, Tangerine Kumquat, Thy Wickid One, TillyWinks, XT_m_n_tx, betamax, chlorophyll and seong lIkes bulls27


#681Bandit5, Basket__Case, CronoTalon, Damonicus, DevilsRain, Ficlogic, IdlnPb, JoeyBaggadonuts, Kataja, Mouser, Rocket Man, RubyIucky, Towanda, TrunkleBob, Vecna_Reborn, Verklompen, Voivod, smkydz and spr0cket26


#700Farfetchedchild, FoodFest, Gobbla, Grosspointte, Hennesey the Girth, Knobbes, RebelWolf, SexyMomma, Shelly1205, T Sarducci, Valandilv, Waldergrave, Xavi, angelamarie, cfm and faragher25


#716Anthalessa, BigZamboni, Coral Beauty, Harris Pilton, ImperialBest, Issira, Joel101, Juha, Killa K, Leona Helmsley, Mulvaney, Ruby Sandyman, Silverhands, The Mad Chipmunk, ThunderSource, VooDooQueen, creepysusie, galefrost, ieyasu, junni and totalnerduk24


#737AskMeWhyImSoSerious, CGSFSS, D0rk, Ewie, Goldstein, SilverbackTiger, danakatz88, mephesia, prankster2150, sadisidhe, sillysun and suicidalsue23


#749BraydenKyler, Dierdra, Encicon, FreezerBurn, JmintyJ, Jonzay, KimmyRocks, Konda, Leviathan90, Linguinelad, Melia, MuffinQueen7, Phaete, RedGeisha, Soylent Black, Trantez, Umma, achtung5, mejeepnut and suwakia22


#769Attila, ButterflyBabe, Calatan, Clan Lover, CocoY, DeadlyVirus, Devildude106, Dexorcyst, Hero Almighty, MyraFloren, NoctiBeard, PawneeChick, Ravenous, RettaBear, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, SqueezeBoxSheerPants, Tadell, VorpalRat, Yarma and mkanoap21


#789Buffetty, Darkside_of_AH, FooBarBaz, Goth, Greenarchist, Itchy Bahn, Miss Informed, Mitsy, Synnia, TheMoocher, V3it Thug, Wyngrade, braindancer, kidMissile and queen sissy20


#804Allanc, Argwarg, Dyann, Gamelbert, Godspeed, Grimmie, Klown Slayer, Mandreg, Park, Pixelated, Rahmuss, RuthlessX, SirSnooglypookins, Skycruise, Slappy, SnowAngel, Vandala, arioch78, iamcooler, iblisdrax, madamkiss, malil6, mervella and xxvvsasukevvxx19


#828DYLAN, DeathAngel, Dethanc, DoomAwaits, Dragon56, Grinder, Kaylahh, KolalaKitty, Lalorelei, Maeldwyn, NeitherCuddlyNorWuddly, Nicarra, Olafoob, Onionne, Oopsiedaisy, Puvogel, SapphirePhoenix, Zandro, davidgro, phoenixash90 and stewie958918


#849Acini di Pepe, Adran, Haiku Operator 575, Karmelya, Lomithral, Lord Merkin, Mah_Freend_Amee, Mesideth01, Paalikles, Pieguy259, Silverclaw, SkudMastaFlex, SuenteusPo, TarendelCymir, TehN00bP0wn3r, UniqueUsername, bobjo, hippee, little lisa, phil8675309, squeally, theKMT, unsane and vaLkyrIE489617


#873BeefBurglar, CPF, Chocolate Man, CrimsonHalo, F0XY, Freakwear, Greycloak, Hawkie, ICFunnieFasezX9, IM_KEWL, Johnatton, Kalliandra, KiwiGuy, Knux7, Lady_Deimos, Lin_Wu, Lpoi, Lucrio, Madame Lalott, Maplest, Supreme, Xara, blue_canary, cakyrespa, d00LeY, december_saige, shadow_tracker and silly_na16


#901Atan, Buybot, Darth_Noodle, DeadNed, DoJo, Isabellah, Jeram, LAMPayatot, MMM12888, Madswimmer982, Necco Wafer, NewtMaster, PrincessAvariella, Spooky666, Tako, TheGreenLing, U_U, Wizunon, boy howdy, creeping wedgie, insaneasian, leanasidhe, shkspr and vatriala15


#925Cogniwhat, DeadMan75, DragonLynn, Firbaelvan, GSrider, Jedi_Knight, Knight01, LasagnacTheGreat, Lewis123, PezGirl, Screw_You, Scylarr, Stealin n Run, Taktuk, The_End, Totentanz, Trade Badger, Valdovinos, fatal err0r, jiandawg, parkdog, skulz13 and sloop14


#948Adam Sandler, BabMeers, Bil the Hero, Cuthbert_Allgood, Donnikko, Faerador, Happymans, Justin Credible, LifeIsALemon, MotherMary13, Psymon, Rouver, SimonthefLatUlenT, Sk8r, Synamon, countblah, darknight832, ds13j, jIMMy, jimmyknife, neonswans, sumito2 and wOrMz198913


#971A Shady Little Man, Archipelago71, Bungee, Captain Iron Skull, Cheesy Noodle, Dragoon398, Emtrey, J Jiggalicious, Jigga k, Jokko, Mewzard, Nuclear Griffon, Orchid, Pengi, S3phirothsdemise, Subang Kansan, Therum, VelmaVelma, Wr3cktangle, broke robot, frankenrella, girlpuke and isildur7312


#994Artscrafter, BackInTheBox, Btrfly9IRL, Chillmoore, Clubbrz L337 and Dalcoe11
