
#761Amulet of Yendor19
#14Golden Mr. Accessory5
🥈Junior LAAAAME merit badge1
#2360Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#677arrrgyle socks2
#631bag of airline peanuts46
🥈blue traffic cone1
#15bounty-hunting helmet2
#11bounty-hunting pants2
#16bounty-hunting rifle2
#1443clown hammer5
#806defective skull19
#27duct tape dockers6
#16duct tape fedora6
#25duct tape sword6
#2230enchanted leopard-print barbell1
#713encoder ring13
#757explosion-flavored chewing gum33
#602fake fake vomit52
🥈green traffic cone1
#725jazz soap37
#795magical ice cube with a fly in it32
#707mariachi G-string1
#883pet rock "Groucho" disguise19
#1128pet rock "Snooty" disguise15
#9red traffic cone1
#10rose-colored glasses1
#2723rubber WWBD? bracelet2
#890rubber emo roe30
#2414sandwich of the gods1
#6269stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech4
#4526stuffed angry cow8
#1257stuffed astral badger41
#4050stuffed baby gravy fairy10
#5186stuffed cocoabo6
#4621stuffed flaming gravy fairy8
#4949stuffed frozen gravy fairy7
#4052stuffed hand turkey10
#5754stuffed mind flayer5
#6374stuffed scary death orb4
#4293stuffed sleazy gravy fairy9
#6196stuffed snowy owl4
#3812stuffed spooky gravy fairy11
#4920stuffed stinky gravy fairy7
#7822stuffed undead elbow macaroni2
#664whoopie cushion46
#786wind-up chattering teeth36
#790x-ray specs17
#1315yellow snowcone12

Wow, that's 654 items total!

what items are this player missing?