Junior LAAAAME merit badge

Junior LAAAAME merit badge

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You've earned this merit badge for logging a sufficient number of turns at the Observatory's telescope. It marks you as an official member of LAAAAME, the Loathing Association of Amateur Astronomers, Astrologers, and Meteorology Enthusiasts.

Congratulations! Way to spend a lot of time staring into mostly-empty space! Go you!

🥈A Killer is Me, ADH, AKU, AL13N, APOCALYPSE THROB, ATLBaller91, Abascis the Sweaty, Adamantois, AelWyn, AelfRhian, Aeralis, AetherWind, Agburanar, AgentOrange, Agony, Aiwe, Akirasan, Al Fredo, Alandra, Aldieb, Aldus, AleCross, Aleman, Alexandrine, AliceCat, AllRight92, Alldarker, AlmAlphiA, Alpha_Wolf, Alphonse_Elric, Althalus Kirvar, Alycya, Alzar the Opaque, AmaraMagma, Amigakid, Anapsida, Andyzero, Anesthesia, Angeljoy, Anghild, Angry Villager, Angry1, AngrySeal, Angus Mac, Ankopitch, Anna the Walking Apocalypse, Anne_Tipahzto, Anouris, AntiErr, Antipode, Antunar, Anubisection, ApolloYK, AquaticRes, Aras, ArchangelUK, Archham, Archipelago71, Ardsnard, ArgghFW, Argoti, Arkohn, Arkose Realgar, Armak, Aro CantCatchABreak, Arthas, Arutha, Arya Stark, Ashallond, AssHat, Astin, Astraleaf, Astro Seraia, Astrocette, Astronomer Hojo Hominygrits, AtomicLobstarrrs, AtomicPopcorn, AubriAnne, Aukele, Aunt Flo, Auroter, Automatic Jack, AxiS Shadowbane, Azurebadger, B_Lo, BabMeers, BabelFist, BabyBees, BabyGasolineFairy, BabyScarface, Bad A MuthA 4000, Bad man, Baggerschmakle, Bahu, Balancetor, Baldini, Baltar, Balzoid, Bam, Bandgor, Banker Bob, Barbari0n, Barbarian, BarbarianBob77, Bardo of Yatzee, Barrett Pig, Baruch, Bassadilla, Batwood17, Baughbe, Beagle, Beefeater, BeerSandwich, BeesKnees, BelieveInNothing, Bella Blue, Belzebubba, Bernini, Bernrd, Betrayer, Biblio1, Biff Demiclaws, Big_Tits, BigglesWorth, Bigquack, Billy Bob Billy, Billy bob joe mustafA, Binary StarS, Bipeo, Birdy, Bitter Hawk, Bizarro Murphy, Black Mage X, Blavatsky, BlindCap, BlindMonk, Blinko Rex III, Blizzard, Blizzy, Bloody Sam Hackham, BlueBurro, Blythe, BobTheGreat, Bobbie Sox, BobbyNoPants, Bobo Gorbo, Boel, BoffinHunter, Bogtha, Bolverk, Booberry, Boondog_Dan, BoozerBear, Borachio, BorisTheSpider, Bosefus_Brown, BoskWoman, Boxwood, BrassDogma, BraydenKyler, Breizel, Brick Steakface, Brirad, Bruleemix, Bruuser, Bucket de Mowbray, Buffoon, Burrito Loco, Burrrt, Bursley, Buster2, Byron the Slug, CAPSLOCK, CMOT Dibbler, CaPiCoChEf, Caerwen, CaesarSandy, Caleb Cro, Canada Joe101, Canine, Cantryboy, Caplin, Cappy Carl, Captain Iron Skull, Captain Ocelot, Captain Yaksworth, CaptainSpam, Carbono, CaribouNinja, Carl Pants, Castlekin001, Castratiti_I_Pervertiti, Catchy, CatsCat, Catypoo, Caya, Ceirdwyn, Cellsminions, Cepa, Cerdom, Cerebrum, Ceres_MoonStar, Cervantes, CfAcTor3000, Chalky, ChaosDivine, ChaoticGalen, ChaseZ, Chasseur, Cheesemeister, Cheesetoshiba, CheezyGrits, ChefBoy, Chester Meatpot, ChickK, Chicken n Dumplings, Chickenbox, ChikenAngel, Chimera77, Chineselegolas, Chips, Cholo, ChopstickstealeR_, Chorleywood, Chow Chow, Chowdown, Chrono Mage, ChuckRoast, Circle, Claudia_Balzac, Club, CobaltDawn, Coglin, Col Mustard, Col Onibas, Colandero, CollectAllFive, Communist China, Cookie, Cookiecutter, Coolgamer, Corbana, Corium, Corporal Jigsore, Corvett, Coup de Grace, CousCous, CowNBee, Cowbell, Crazy As Pants, CrazyWeirdo, Crex, Crinkum Crankum, Cristop, CronoTalon, Crostatino, Cruce Bambell, Cullots, Cupcakes of Hell, Curly Howard, Cwapface, CyberJanet, D L, D1sc0Stu, DACK, DJLeethul, DJRubberducky, DJ_Axon, DMag, DaEffinGleezus, DaGimpster, DaGreatMomoVII, DaMa3X, Da_Gimp_1, Da_Gimp_2, Daav, DaddyBeeGee, Daedel, Daffrid, Dakios, Dallbun, Daltonator, Damean, Damon Nabru, Dandypoof, Dante Kinkade, DanteDim, Daredemoii, Dark Half, DarkCalisto, DarkMagic89, DarkNewton, DarkPasta00, Dark_Future, Darkangels66, DarkmeatDuck, Darkside_of_AH, Darksworth, Daron, Darth Spoon, Darth Steve, Darth_Noodle, Daryoon, DataVortex, Dave of the Hill People, Davidson, Davrick, Daya, DeadGoat, Deadlykill7, DeathSpot, Deatvert, DebbilsDuckie, DeckApe, DeejValen, Deepsea Weasel, Deeter, Delia Darby, Demicanadian, Demius, DemonoidJr, DerMagus, Der_Koenig, Derdrom, Derekwr, Devan, Devdogg, Devils Elbow, DevilzFyre, Devious Dave, Devitt, Dexorcyst, Dick Valentine, DickLeaky, Dilldo_Baggins, Dirty Immigrant, DisFreak, DiscoFevaDiva, DiscoToon, DivineMoo, Djabsolut, Django, Doc Trauma, DocValance, Doctor Beef, Doctor Worm, DoctorChef, Dogilicious, Dominion, Domloid, DonPeredor, Dont_Care, Doogmonger, DookeMonkey, DoomAwaits, DoomKnight2, Dootsie, Doz, DrAkon523, DrFlibble, DrKirre, DrMotives, DrZaius, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Dracon1s, DraconisalaRomanadvraTreylunda, Drafty Duck, Drag0n, Draga, DragnMaster8, Dragnchic9, Dragon56, DragonLynn, Dragoon5, Drahken, Draven, Draven3, DreamertK, Dribbling Bacon, Drknecro, Droidlocks, Drooid, DrunkDuckie, DrunkenFrog, Dshannon, Duck Bizmark, DuckApe, Dude2004, Duncan Donut, Dust, Dutton, Duty, DycesKynes, Dyzzyah, Dziura osla, Eamon, EarL LLama, EddieLoo, EggNogIceCream, Egidio, EhSteve, Ekeinos, El Dude, El Juno, El Langosto, Electra, ElementaryPenguin, Elfy, Elle Mariachi, Elmgrows, ElronBean, Elsynoodle, Enaria, Eplixx, Ereshkigal, Erg, Eriadan, EricMills, ErisDiscordia, Ermine, Escaflowne, Eseche, Espio, Evang, Evil Moog, EvilKOLBot, EvilTwinSkippy, Evil_chickens, Evileness, Evo, Ewie, ExAcademic, Exavier Zelock, Excalabur Xx, Eyowzitgoin, FMtheGood, FSM Worshipper, Falcos, Fantome_de_Cubiquel, FarStrider, Farfalla, FarmerBob, Fart Man, Fata Morgana, Fatal Kitsune, FauxPasIII, Fawfulhasfury, FearTheClown, Feenix13, Fegan, Fell, Fembot ArtsyPantS, Femke, Fenderman, Fettman360, FettucineQueenie, Ffnnuuuubert, FightABunny24531, Fijikin, Fineldar, FireFreak91287, FireStarter, Firestorm ZERO, FirmaMentalFalcon, First Tenor, Flaaron, FleurNode, Fluck You, Fluffmullen_the_Bad, FlyingHellFishOfDoom, Foamy The PastaMancer, Fodder, Foolishgrunt, FourierXform, Framistan, FranNyan, FreakyJax, Frediablo, Fredmaehn, Free Martha, Freedster1, Frejman, Freman, Fremen, Frenchy LeFrench, Friar Bacon, Friznik, Frobisher, Froggers3, Fryguy9, Fujiko, Furor, Fylgia, GMK, GT1, GadTheHero, Gaddse, Gaius Vaughn, Galapagos James, Galilee, Gaorin, Garath_McGrath, Garrotte, Gauln, Gauth, GedTheFlayer, Gengis, Geoball27, George P Burdell, Gerbilman, Giboc, Giestbar, Glaxor, Gleezus, Glitch 319, Goblinmatt, Goldiechick, Goobertina, GoodnightMonkey, Goodrich, Gouku, GpHerder, GrampaMoses, Gravy Spasm, GrayVTrain7, Grayson, GreenIce, Grey Eminence, Griffon64, Grippingworm, Grogum, Grokly, Grollo, GroovingGreta, Grumbles, Grunj, Gry Wolf, Gryntin, Gryphon, GtM2, Guimoiun, Gulf of Roo, GumUlf, GuyWith4Arms, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hal_Borski, Hale_Yeah, HalldorValdimarsson, Haminiyah, Hamperster, Harris Pilton, Haschel Cedricson, HaspWinder, HastaLaPasta, HazelRah, Heady, Heartless1, Heartless2, Hedera, Heffed, Hellbear88, Hellfire_Death, Hench_Bell, Henderson, HereTicSaint, Highbeam, Hippie Dude, Hison, HitPR, Hnetu, HoltFootball57, Hooky the Hooker, Hooyoh, Hoshi, Hula Girl, Hulyen, Humiliations Galore, HungrySauceror, Hunter200007, Huntingrey, HushAngelico, HyderTheHor_se, I am here_why, ICFunnieFasezX9, IPrayForSound, Iason, Ibis, IcLubYou, IceWorm, Ice_Nine, IcyFreak, Idran, Igasagu, Illarion, Imp y Clelyn, InShaneee, IncyWincyQuincy, Indigo, IngeniousMask, IntellectualPanther, Invain, Ion42, IpaIpa, Iridia, Irishpride_with_Fire_Power, Iron Robb, Ironbar Blackfinger, Ironkite, Isibeal, Isla, Itsatrap, J1mmy, JK Phoenix, JLE, JLE2, JULIARYAN, Jacque_D_Charlo, Jamesacus, JanoSicek, Jansu, Japanosis, Jargon the Killsmith, Jarko, Jaruri, Jaxnoth, Jayne, Jed the Nifty, JediLora, Jeff Broccoli, Jellyman, Jeramiahh, JiaGuru, Jill_Bob, Jim477, Jimbo the Great, Jizwink, JmintyJ, JoBox, Joe Bobfred, Joe the Idiot, Joebob, Joey Jojo Jr Shabadoo, JoeyBaggadonuts, Joggeline, Johima Zoomba, John Shaft, Johnatton, Johnny the Johner, Jonzay, Jonze, Jorbo, Jormunrekker, JoshingAround9, Josiah, Joyce100, Juanita Cuervo, Jubblegum, Julia Adult, Julienne, Junestar, Justin Credible, KKN, KKSimone, Kaaewen, Kablamooie, Kabory, Kaldra, Kaley, Kamikaze Assassin, Kamikaze777, Kaos_Demonik, Kasey, Katrina Semolina, KayHanLeyJennyLewis, Kelyva, Kenrae, Keptuvis, Kerplunk44, Khanrad, KiMMi, Killjoke, KingFelix, Kinnah, Kipling, KittYhm, Kjeldoran, Klaa, Klax, Knight_Skye75, Knobbes, KnuffleBunny, KoLAddictIsMe, Kohle, Kolcat001, Kolina, Kool23kid, Kopka, Kottonmouth, Kramdar, Krimson, Kristel, Kritin, Krystyn, Kugetsu, KumihO, KweenIsabelle, Kwycstix, L4ckey, LCJS, LT_Vicious, LUREN, Ladril, Lady Bladethrust, Lady Maria, Lady Shortbush, LadyCovington, LadyDelilah, LadySharky, LadyWater, Laftcadio, Lagib, Lame Binder, Landsquid Tongueblade, Lasagna, Last_One, Late nite Ramen, Lauts, LazloFruvous, LeM, LeMuffin, Leadman, Leanna, Legato89, LemonLimePirate, Leona Helmsley, LeperChaun, Levis501, Lew_b81, Lewdguini, Lexicon, Liadan, LianeElizabeth, Light Ninja, Lightning Jim, Lightwolf, Lightz, Lilac, Lilkeith07, Lillith, Lindiwe, Lj2damaxxX, LoafingOaf, LoathingScouts, Lobotomy21, Loco_8257, LoisGriffin, Lonely George, LongWood, Longuine, Loopylou, Lord Apolon, Lord Kobel, Lord Mackerel, LordBobXIII, LordPompous, Lord_NI, Lorex, Lostillusion, Lou Pole, Lt Trachea, Luc1fer, LuciferWolf, LuigiFan, Lukifer, LumDaddy, LumpyBob, LunaWolvesMan, Luthien, Lutz Turger, LuvLuvChef, Luxxor, Lycanthra33, Lyeos, Lyle332, Lynn Gweeney, M347B3gz0r, M3ph1st0, MCScaredOfBees, MCSlayer, MEmnarCH6, MI4 REAL, MLP, MMGdW, MOTH, MPorcius, Madmax721, Madswimmer982, Madtwinsis, Magdalina, Magiric, Magnanimous, MahSpoon, Maharet, Maikeru92, Maikeruu, Majin Vlad, Makana, Malatise, Malhavok, Maloki, Manbot, MandaBear, Mangia master, Marlee, Martavius, Marth10, MasterOfPolka, MasterPython, Mathman, Matt_afi, Max52, MaxDemian, Mayabird, Mbili, Megabass, Meggery, Meh, Mein Mein, Mekare, Mellowcorks, MercCN, Mercy, Merkan, Merr, Meteor13, Mich, Midnite, Migetman, Mike Antleg, Mikel, Mikelio, Minidudette, Minke, Minor Annoyance, Miss Booger, Miss Informed, Miss Jackee, Miss Take, MissPolka, Mister Bones, Mistral, Mizem, Mizzkyttie, Mme_Defarge, Modern Hydra, Moderniste, Mogwai_Hunter_99, Mojonic, MongooseofMyth, MonkeeBuddah, Monkey Snort Soul Killah, MonkeyChipsNDip, MonkeyWithoutCheese, Mony Tanero, MoonRabbit, Mosy, MotherMary13, Motty, MourningLord, MoxFulder, Moxious Monkey, MoxiousMouse, Mr Bluesky, Mr Croup, Mr HeadCase, Mr Magnifico, Mr Mart, Mr Salieri, MrAnnouncer, MrKeen, MrPresident, MrSwoon, MrcyBorg, Muffinlord, MuggleGal, Mukiba, Multiple_Man, Mulvaney, Mungalo, Mussolini, Mutroid, MyLaundryStinks, Mybloodyself, Mydril, MyraFloren, Myrlynne, Myself980, MysticMelvin, N3RD, NINjesse, NML Manticore, Nalsa, Narth Vader_v2, Nashtinka, Nasty McBastard, NastyNoodle, Natedogg, Natenife, Nati, Natter91, Naughton Pepper, NavySpy, Necco Wafer, Necrophage, Neenie2, Nemo07, NeoPariah, Neopifex, Neotemplar, Nes Outlaw, Neshat, NewZorkBat, Newbie1, Newo Ikkin, NewtMaster, NiNjA DeAtH, Nibek, NightAssasin, NightWolf102, Nightfall, Nightvol, Nik, Niner, Ninja Karl, NinjaKttty, Ninjette, Nitocris, NjordSifusansoo, NoMyths, Nobodys Hero, Noip, Nomnominus Rex, Nonmouse, NooDel, NoodleBandit, Nornater, Noskilz, Nossidge, NrKissed, Nuclear Griffon, Numfar, Nurofen Owlbag, Nuurgle, Nydgill, ODiva, OGready, OHogan, OOnuthin, Obituary, Odd Bird, Odina, Oed, OhMahGourd, Old Gezzer, Old Ned, Oldsfrk, Oldy, Oliver Klozov, OlympiaS, Omega Sephiroth, Omgargy, Onza no Kooya, OoohShiny, OracleofDreams, Ordog, Orlando, Othar, Otori, Otterbee, Otters, OvergrownGoblin, OzzyOzzy, POIEDa, PSU Punk, PaSTE, Paalikles, Pablo, PacHINKOid, Pakalolo, Palpy, Pamster, Pan, PashaD3, Passenger, PastaGolem, Pastahead, Pastatizer2 and PeachNotScreech1
