
#431/6th Pound Cake1
#59A. W. O. L. commendation90
#768Angry Farmer candy69
#37Angry Farmer's Wife Candy69
#82Atomic Comic4
#113Atomic Pop7
#27Ax of L'rose1
#53Better Than Cuddling Cake69
#760Bit O' Ectoplasm1
#148Blood 'n' Plenty1
#29Boris's key lime pie69
#529CRIMBCO lanyard1
#2317CRIMBCO scrip1
#24CRIMBCOIDS mints69
#1558Codpiece of the Goblin King3
#176Cold Hots candy69
#54Comet Drop2
#105Comet Pop1
#462Crimbo Candy Cookbook11
#227Crimbo candied pecan69
#242Crimbo fudge69
#225Crimbo peppermint bark69
#62Crimbo pie69
#6Crimbomination Contraption1
#562Crown of the Goblin King45
#466Daffy Taffy69
#668Doc's Miracle Cure1
#630Dolphin King's crown7
#169Elvish delight1
#60Everlasting Deckswabber13
#31Flan in the Moon1
#18Fudgie Roll69
#787Garter of the Turtle Poacher1
#1027Glass Balls of the Goblin King2
#16Good 'n' Slimy69
#72Happy Birthday, Claude! cake69
#342Haunted Sorority House staff guide9
#24Jarlsberg's key lime pie69
#6Junior Adventurer's merit badge1
🥈Junior LAAAAME merit badge1
#835Kissin' Cousins1
#60Knob jelly donut5
#141Lobos Mints1
#524Lockenstock™ sandals1
#123Lucky Surprise Egg69
#260Mae West with a fly in it1
#492Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler7
#72Moon Pie1
#23Mr. Eh?1
#20Mr. Mediocrebar13,068
#134Necbro wafers1
🥉Newbiesport™ backpack1
#95Now and Earlier69
#140Nuclear Blastball12
#793Orcish cargo shorts1
#40Polka Pop69
#130Rattlin' Chains1
#744Rock Pops69
#6STYX deodorant body spray1
#1049Schrödinger's thermos1
#165Senior Mints69
#104Sensual Massage for Creeps9
🥈Seven Loco1
#57Sinful Desires14
#29Sneaky Pete's key lime pie69
#230Spooky Surprise Egg69
#1452St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket1
#63Steal This Candy69
#53Sugar Cog69
#119Sweet Sword1
#609Tasty Fun Good rice candy69
#72The Landscaper's leafblower1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#1294Time Juice1
#450Trollhouse cookies69
🥇Uncle Crimbo's Sack1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#527Valentine's Day cake1
#26Wax Flask69
#233Wint-O-Fresh mint69
#772Workytime Tea1
#139Yeti Protest Sign1
#1641Yummy Tummy bean69
#54abandoned candy69
#259abominable snowcone69
🥇all-year sucker1
#39alphabet gum69
#124ammonite candy mold1
#56ancient unspeakable fruitcake69
#678anniversary balloon1
🥇anniversary burlap belt1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
🥈anniversary safety glass vest1
#930antique record album1
#147apathetic lizardman doll1
#13astronaut ice-cream27
#18badass pie69
#363bag of bones3
#28bag of many confections69
#734baggie of powdered sugar12
#80balaclava baklava69
#118ballroom blintz69
#176banana cream pie3
#34banana supersucker35
#293banana-frosted king cake10
#93bananarama bangle1
#1912bat-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#68bazookafish bubble gum68
#123belemnite candy mold1
#7bell-shaped Crimbo cookie69
#73bishop cookie1
#184black candy heart69
#5black candygram69
#100black forest cake69
#81black pudding69
#35black snowcone69
#246blank fudge mold1
#197blended frozen swill with a fly in it1
#373blob-shaped Crimbo cookie20
#76blue raspberry troll doll1
#266blue snowcone69
🥈blue traffic cone1
#6blue velvet cake69
#28blue-frosted astral cupcake69
#367blueberry-frosted king cake3
#9blunt cat claw29
#53bone aperitif10
#53bone meal10
#1731bottle of goofballs13
#386box of sunshine987
#230breath mint1
#110bronze handcuffs1
#111brown sugar cane69
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#65bucket of honey69
#247calle de miel with a fly in it1
#1819can of Binarrrca1
#76candied kobold69
🥉candied yam pinky ring69
#111candied yams69
#102candy brain69
#532candy cane69
#27candy cane candygram1
#110candy cornucopia1
#24candy kneecapping stick69
#190candy knuckles10
#59candy skeleton26
#71candy stake69
#11carob brownies69
#79carob chunk cookies69
#44carob chunk noodles69
#141carob chunks69
#89charged magnet1
#37cherry pie69
#242chewing gum on a string69
#26children of the candy corn69
#163chocolate bath ball6
#33chocolate box3
#166chocolate cigar11
#250chocolate disco ball1
#152chocolate filthy lucre69
#70chocolate frosted sugar bomb1
#232chocolate pasta spoon1
#221chocolate saucepan1
#214chocolate seal-clubbing club1
#10chocolate spurs69
#212chocolate stolen accordion1
#37chocolate turtle totem69
#25chocolate-covered caviar69
#939chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses1
#143chocolate-covered scarab beetle15
#73chocolate-frosted king cake23
#48chorizo brownies69
#68cinnamon troll doll1
#1147circular CRIMBCOOKIE2
#20clockwork bartender-head-in-the-box1
#27clockwork chef-head-in-the-box1
#208cocoa egg69
#542cocoa eggshell fragment69
#11continuum transfunctioner101
#11cool cat claw34
#13cool jelly donut14
#76cotton candy bale3
#99cotton candy cocoon1
#46cotton candy cone34
#9cotton candy cordial9
#102cotton candy pillow5
#55cotton candy pinch8
#66cotton candy plug8
#41cotton candy skoshe15
#121cotton candy smidgen1
#952crazy little Turkish delight1
#43cream pie69
#32cryptic puzzle box1
#123cursed dirty joke scroll14
#11dead lights pie69
#91delicious comfit?1
#28digital key lime pie69
#75dire fudgesicle45
#1715disco mask1
#31disturbing fanfic17,586
#214donkey flipbook4
#113double-ice gum1
#65dragon snaps68
#34dubious peppermint64
#17dwarvish magazine74
#105elderly jawbreaker1
#580elven limbos gingerbread23
#1176elven suicide capsule16
#870empty blowgun1
#170ennui-flavored potato chips356
#426explosion-flavored chewing gum69
#196fake hand133
#3305fancy but probably evil chocolate3
#19fancy chocolate69
#144fancy chocolate car21
#268floral print shirt1
#24flower petal pie69
#46forbidden danish2
#108fortune cookie69
#93frigid fudgepuck49
#31frostbite-flavored Hob-O69
#35frozen danish4
#25fry-oil-flavored Hob-O69
#26fudge bunny25
#197fudge cube1
#97fudge lily69
#62fudge pocket square1
#145fudge spork2
#51garbage-juice-flavored Hob-O24
#161giant candy cane1
#15giant green gummi bear69
#20giant green gummi ingot69
#25giant marshmallow22
#19giant red gummi bear69
#19giant red gummi ingot69
#19giant yellow gummi bear69
#20giant yellow gummi ingot69
#353gingerbread bugbear69
#392gingerbread horror14
#110gingerbread house5
#85gingerbread mutant bugbear29
#1495gloomy black mushroom1
#70grape troll doll1
#326green candy heart69
#18green candygram69
#181green drunki-bear2
#416green gummi ingot69
#278green snowcone69
🥈green traffic cone1
#30green-frosted astral cupcake69
#171gummi ammonite1
#106gummi belemnite2
#67gummi bowtie1
#197gummi canary1
#202gummi salamander1
#45gummi snake21
#104gummi trilobite2
#168handful of honey51
🥇heart of dark chocolate1
#355herb brownies69
#71holly-flavored Hob-O1
#11honey dipper1
#25honey stick69
#85honey-dipped locust69
#201hot stuffing1
#10igloo pie69
#134imitation nice watch1
#238irradiated candy cane15
#120jabañero-flavored chewing gum69
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#43king cookie7
#84kumquartz ring1
#40kumquat supersucker37
#34large cocoa eggshell fragment69
#337lavender candy heart69
#15lavender candygram69
#492left half of a heart necklace1
#46lemon meringue pie69
#16lemon popsicle69
#54licorice boa1
#236licorice garrote8
#116licorice root69
#72lihc eye pie69
#52lime supersucker20
#123lime-and-chile-flavored chewing gum69
#1295little paper umbrella1
#24liver and let pie69
#91liver popsicle2
#71lollipop cufflinks1
#205love song of naughty innuendo15
#107lump of Saccharine Maple sap2
#235mandarina colada with a fly in it1
#17marshmallow flambé20
#227marzipan skull69
#73melted Jell-o shot69
#119miniature coffin1
#598mullet wig1
#250myrrh-soaked, chocolate-covered bacon bath ball1
#242nanite-infested candy cane69
#58nanite-infested fruitcake69
#54nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear69
#11occult jelly donut26
#470oily golden mushroom1
#131orange and black Crimboween candy69
#400orange candy heart69
#25orange candygram69
#13orange popsicle69
#291orange snowcone69
#30orange traffic cone1
#32orange-frosted astral cupcake69
#22pack of chewing gum69
#39pair of pearidot earrings3
#26peach lozenge12
#29peach pie69
#135peanut brittle shield28
#24pear lozenge12
#33pear supersucker27
#20pear tart69
#36peppermint crook1
#34peppermint parasol1
#86peppermint patty1
#88peppermint sprout46
#93peppermint twist1
#236perpendicular hula with a fly in it1
#27personalized birthday cake69
#138philosopher's scone15
#131pickle-flavored chewing gum69
#112piece of after eight6
#142piece of wedding cake69
#137pile of candy69
#5pimpin' meat hat247
#352pink candy heart69
#13pink candygram69
#23pink-frosted astral cupcake69
#10piping organ pie69
#588pixellated candy heart20
#26plum lozenge12
#200powdered donut7
#240procrastination potion365
#244prussian cathouse with a fly in it1
#25pumpkin pie41
#41purple pixel pie69
#311purple snowcone69
#44purple-frosted astral cupcake69
#36puzzling ribbon1
#845quantum taco1
#77queen cookie27
#67radio button candy16
#223red drunki-bear1
#416red gummi ingot69
#296red snowcone69
#9red traffic cone1
#43ribbon candy69
#433roasted marshmallow69
#182rockin' wagon with a fly in it1
#108rocky road ice cream1
#52roll of Hob-Os69
#36rook cookie3
#10rose-colored glasses1
#21serum of sarcasm247
#25shadowy cat claw7
#9shoo-fish pie69
#30shrapnel jelly donut4
#237slap and tickle with a fly in it1
#58smashed danish1
#217sock monkey12
#41sorority girl's box1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#38sponge cake27
#295spooky sap31
#1729square CRIMBCOOKIE1
#26star key lime pie69
#25sterno-flavored Hob-O69
#77stick of "gum"22
#12stomach turnover69
🥇stop shield1
#44strawberry pie69
#50strawberry popsicle3
#27strawberry supersucker35
#26strawberry-flavored Hob-O69
#77strawberyl necklace1
#408stuffed Hodgman1
#86sugar banana19
#16sugar chapeau69
#43sugar cherry69
#71sugar lime23
#20sugar shank69
#114sugar shard69
#148sugar sheet69
#47sugar shield38
#16sugar shillelagh69
#19sugar shirt69
#22sugar shorts69
#22sugar shotgun69
#69sugar-coated pine cone69
#67superheated fudge69
#35sushi-rolling mat1
#128tamarind-flavored chewing gum69
#222tangarita with a fly in it1
🥇tasty louse9,686
#19tasty tart69
#130tattered paper crown4
#25three-tiered wedding cake69
#5throbbing organ pie101
#16thyme jelly donut16
#143tin rations1
#266tiny plastic Big Candy1
#3074tiny plastic Knob Goblin King1
#3854tiny plastic XXX pr0n1
#3973tiny plastic apathetic lizardman1
#392tiny plastic disco bandit11
#1864tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#1190toy soldier1
#142tree-shaped Crimbo cookie6
#659triangular CRIMBCOOKIE3
#139trilobite candy mold1
#8trusty torch1
#167urinal cake69
#2756vitachoconutriment capsule1
#131walrus ice cream1
🥇webbed comic mask1
#23white balloon10,000
#369white candy heart69
#18white candygram69
#47white chocolate and tomato pizza69
#11white chocolate chip brownies69
#94white chocolate chip cookies69
#203white chocolate chips69
#160wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie5
#124yam candy2
#447yellow candy heart69
#45yellow candygram69
#230yellow drunki-bear1
#416yellow gummi ingot69
#492yellow snowcone69
#38yellow traffic cone1
#1863zombie pineal gland1

Wow, that's 68,022 items total!

what items are this player missing?