puzzling ribbon

puzzling ribbon

🥇ArgghFW, GoldS, Quertle and bmaher3
#5Ceirdwyn, CyberTurtle, DaisyMaesy, Edgy, Ereinion, Eroquin, Fig Bucket, Gemelli, Johnatton, Light Ninja, Lord Kobel, Mistress of the Obvious, NardoLoopa, Pantsless, PokeyMan, QLou, Spij, Turias, Volvo, Zulu Romeo, darkmagicpi, eigenbasis, fARCHyld, iaruk, kenny kamAKAzi, mmribs, mooingsheep, phel, thacon, unknownZ and xKiv2


#36A_P_Vladimir, Adam1WPI, Adamdude, Adapt, AeQUitAs, Ahorriblesn, Airicus, Alfagetti, Alldarker, Alter_Ego, Ander Hammer, AngryKlingon, AngrySeal, Aphrael, Appleseed, Aramada, Ardnajela, AresGodOfWar, ArgUS5, Armak, ArtemisRae, Arutha, AsDFg, Aubra, AxiS Shadowbane, Azeron, Azoun, BERTOffski, BabyScarface, Baron von Wurlitzer, Beastman4640, Betrayer, Biefstuk, Bifferwine, Blanky, Blasmeister, BlueWasabi, Boesbert, BoiRDee, Booberry, Brammie, Broker, CALVIN THE CAT, Capt Spaulding, Catatonicmonkey, CathyOak, Cattus, Cheesy Noodle, Choras, Chyld, Cicadalek, CofLBelgarion, Colossus of Chronic, Costanzafaust, CrUMBLenOoB, Cri, Croft, Crowther, CrzyMdScntst123, Cupcakes of Hell, DCRtfvygb, DMagg, DaBaddestHic, DaDuke, DaMule, DanBob, DanElectro, DandE, Darkfacimile, DarthDud, Demyx the Dancer, DesertMagic, Destruction Matter, Diabolico, Diah, Dibzannia, Dibzdevil, Disco Pinglan, DiscoCow, DiscoFevaDiva, Dizhei, Dorngen, Drakono82, Drec Sutal, Duster, Eclipsing, Eevilcat, Ekeinos, Elayne, Eldron Balkhan, ElectricBolter, Elemenstor, Ellie La Belle, Elnya, ElroyJetson, Emerilla, Emhgee, Emtu, EricDraven26, EvenHart, Exactor it, Eyeball, Fadecaw, Fandral, FishyBug, ForteSP, Fredmaehn, Fryguy9, Gargamelli, Garlick, Gauln, Gawea, Genevieve Alfredo, GhostStalker, Gordbob, GospelGeek, Gourdy, Gradis, Guggerbunk, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hadanelith, Hapsburg, HawkinVXN, Hellbear88, Hero_in_a_half_shell, Higardi, HippoKing, Holzwurm, HotCha0, Hrag, IceColdFever, Iciclius, Infernau, Infinius, Inspector Spacetime, IntellectualWhore, Inverno, JLE, JXQZ, Jannifer, Jantastic, Jessican, Jherskow, Jizwink, Johab, Josette, Justin, Kakaroth79, KingFelix, Klegg, Knud, Koentinius, Kostej Kostejsson, KuanKYH, Kurian, Lanth, LarryB, Lilli, Lindiwe, Lizzy_LaVey, Lord Stefano, Lotully, LouTini, LucaShoal, LuckyPuck, Lucy Star, MC Scared of Bees, MOTH, Mad Hamish, Magic2729, MagicalHobo, MagonKody, Marie Elin, Marm, Master of the Unapparent, Mc7Man, McLovinn, Mekgineer, Melinhed, Mellissaleo, Melon, Merlinus Pastorian, Messiah87, Methusalah, Michael Landon, MightyIsobel, MikeMar, MikeyC, Minnakht, Mister Green, Mizem, Mme_Defarge, MojoMonkey, MolotovH, MonsterERB, Morgana Rose, MoxieMolly, MoxiousGas, MoxiousMouse, Mukiba, Muroni, Musclenator, Mybloodyself, Mystiballs, Nathanl, Nienor, Nightvol, Nikademus, Nion, Nitocris, NitraMo, Nossidge, NotJim, Numenor, Nydgill, Nymall, Oed, OminousJackal, One Winged Goose, OverpoweredByPoop, PachINKOid, Pando the Gourmet, Pants_O_Rama, PavoNariz, Peachz, Peemaster, Personsir, Phazic, PhilmASTErpLus, Pineapple of Despair, Piotr Pebblefist, Pirate_Ninja, Pobblebonk, Polygonzo, Poring Slayer, Prima Vera Angelhair, Prince Kropotkin, Professor_Underscore, Psychosis730, Psyko, Que Chan Mok, RNGHeHateMe, Raast, Rabid Alpaca, Ralph Steamshovel, Rammerking, Random Lee, Rashmooga, Ravingmad, Raymond Kinger, Regular Type Muffin Top, Remma, Rev Noodlyson, ReveRKiller, Reydien, Rinnith, RobN, Rosella, RoyalTonberry, Rusomoso, Rydet42, Ryo_Sangnoir, SUGbert, Sagragoth, Samsquanch, SarcasMage, Sawa, Scattaloquarious, Scroffy, ScubaElvis, Scyld, Selkielass, Sentrion, Seventh, Shadow_Lugia, Shafedog0, ShakenNotStirred, Shoop8000, Silent Trystero, Sir Bruce, SkAgorist, Snave, Snooj, SnufStyle420, SoCal, SoItBegins, SonofawhOte, Sovar, Sparky372, SpiderMcFly, Spiny Twizzler, Spooch, Spookycraft, Starbearer, Starker, Stingerano, Stormhead, Super Pet Man, Svidrigailov, Swoglodyte, SwordsDancer, TIny plasTIc Sheik, Talers, Teronic, Thal On The Rocks, The Amazing Mr Toothpaste, The GREAT Stubb, The Kestrel, The Postmodernist, The Professor, The Woo, TheArtfulDodger, TheAwesomatoRist, TheDiplomat, TheSarcasticOne, TheSporkinator, Thumbtack, Tiltias, Tiny Plastic Edgy, Tiny Plastic Nitocris, Tiny Plastic Squid, Tobias, Tom808, Transplanted_Entwife, Troo, Tylersalt, Ucibius, Ultibot, Valenice, Vandire, Verdigris97, Victorias Secret, Vorzer, WafflezLord, Walking, Wamphyr, WarrantyVoid, WeLL, WhimOrClutters, WhiskeyJack, WillGruff, Wireus, WopopTart, Wr3cktangle, Xande1, Xploding Bill, YellowSnowCone, YoMama1, Yossarian117, Yoyogod, Yumyumbublegum, ZaruYache, ZenMonkey, Zesty, Zetaknight, Zock, Zvetiki, aaaaaaargh, ademarco, adeyke, adwriter, andrew3, atro_PhIEd, bazo0ka, bin010001000101111101001001d_i, blackbeltduck, blodia, bobwoco, booleancat, brightmeadow, bumcheekcity2, bushanks, cThules, caPROsmaster, caelea, clalibus, davidsan, deadtear, devjoe, dirac, doglive, dorian78, drunken_irishman, eitak, erTEST1, eror11, flatluigi, frankenchrist, gvalKO, hideouspenguinboy, hiimchels, hngkong, hpmons3, hyperme, ixidor13, jackman6, jadrax, jero, joefARmer, kakakeke, kevbob, kirByllAmA, kli1195, koMmiEs, koutetsu, kwhkwh, leastlikely, levitto, lil_Knight, linguini13, littlelolligagged, locked_lunatic, lost cause, lupus4, mR yUMz yumz, magiKal mUffiN Top, martialis, metaknight64, method, mightywench, minian the 7th, motoXXXozzy, ohNOanotherPUTZ, onanist, penguins_demise, predator2000, probably, quaoman, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, rabidsquid, robishrobes, rosa blanco, runel, runelguy, sakuracherryblossom, salticid, schmy, scizzix, sddsDD, shabar, shabbie johnson, shummie, sirris, slaphappy snark, slugBoy, smanoli28, snowbeastlyone, sober_american, starspiritgeno, stevegarrett, suinoq, symian, tOphAT, tRoUBlefacE, talas300, tdrawler, tekDragon, thE tRAveLiNg RetArD, the LAGbeast, theDork, thecatenator, tivolimom, twiHARD4eva, unwieldy locutions, watertails, welt, williabr, xyzzy ziti and zacius1
