thE tRAveLiNg RetArD

#924:20 bomb1
#248A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 11
#226A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 61
#198Aluminum Epsilon of Humility2
#787Argarggagarg's fang2
#1130Asleep in the Cemetery1
#7BGE shotglass669
#309Baron von Ratsworth's money clip2
#2353Baron von Ratsworth's monocle4
#509Baron von Ratsworth's tophat4
#21Better Shrooms and Gardens catalog1
#882Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook1
#130Blue Diamond of Honesty4
#1370Bonerdagon necklace5
#111Boss Bat bling28
#206Boss Bat britches62
#1119CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1)1
#1014CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2)1
#1055CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3)1
#1020CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4)1
#1009CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5)1
#310Codpiece of the Goblin King23
#884Copper Alpha of Sincerity2
#1479Crimbo Candy Cookbook1
#170Crown of the Goblin King113
#296Doc's Miracle Cure4
#278Drowsy Sword70
#617FDKOL commendation69
#105Ghost Pinching Quarterly1
#36Glass Balls of the Goblin King48
#344Green Clover of Justice6
#20Guzzlr application1
🥇Hat O' Nine Tails1
#755Heimandatz's heart2
#587Iron Beta of Industry11
#621Jocko Homo's head3
#835Kissin' Cousins1
🥇KoL Con 12-gauge1
🥇KoL Con 8-Bit power bracelet1
🥇KoL Con Cinco Piñata Bat1
🥇KoL Con Six Pack1
🥇KoL Con X Treasure Map1
#84Lead Zeta of Chastity2
#1063Let Me Be!1
#339Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet75
🥉LyleCo Contractor's Manual1
#170My First Art of War1
#16My Life of Crime, a Memoir1
#35NPZR chemistry set201
#54Neverending Party invitation envelope1
#538Nickel Gamma of Frugality10
#15No Hats as Art1
#663Orange Star of Sacrifice3
#305Order of the Silver Wossname2
#208Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster15
#314Pink Heart of Spirit3
#16Pop Art: a Guide1
#101Purple Horseshoe of Honor2
#5Radio KoL Maracas1
#76Red Balloon of Valor3
#714Safari Jack's moustache2
🥉Scurvy and Sobriety Prevention1
#5Sensual Massage for Creeps312
🥈Seven Loco1
🥈Sinful Desires602
🥇Size XI Wizard's Robe1
#11Space Pirate Astrogation Handbook1
#11Spacegate emergency disintegrator1
#129Spirit Precipice1
#946Summer Nights1
🥈Sword of Procedural Generation1
#936Tales from the Fireside1
#93Tales of Spelunking1
#951Tales of a Kansas Toymaker1
#601The Art of Slapfighting1
#45The Gingerbread Vigilante's Handbook1
#85The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 11
#80The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 21
#79The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 31
#66The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 41
#81The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 51
#967The Joy of Wassailing1
#702The Mariachi's guitar case2
#301The Necbronomicon1
#102The Snitch's Manifesto1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#31The Spirit of Giving1
#170Thwaitgold bee statuette9
#19Trash, a Memoir1
#934Travels with Jerry1
🥇Uncle Crimbo's Sack1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#25Unopened Eight Days a Week Pill Keeper1
#113Uranium Omega of Temperance2
#1117Yakisoba's hat1
#152Yellow Moon of Compassion17
#321Zinc Delta of Tranquility4
#10airplane charter: Conspiracy Island1
#16airplane charter: Dinseylandfill1
#37airplane charter: Spring Break Beach1
#15airplane charter: That 70s Volcano1
#15airplane charter: The Glaciest1
#203alien source code printout1
🥈anniversary balsa wood socks1
🥇anniversary burlap belt1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
#2607anniversary gift box1
🥈anniversary pewter cape1
🥈anniversary safety glass vest1
🥈anniversary tiny latex mask1
#62antique 8-Bit Power magazine21
#289antique bottle opener3
#251antique painting of a landscape3
#354antique pair of blue jeans2
#536antique record album4
#1193astral mushroom1
#28baby camelCalf1
#193badass belt165
#24bag of Iunion stones1
#29beer-scented teddy bear47
#621blood flower10
#621bloody mary1
#366bottle of goofballs68
#1070bottle of single-barrel whiskey1
#1504bottle of whiskey1
#569box of sunshine572
#67broken clock1
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#34caustic slime nodule14
#227chunk of depleted Grimacite48
#9clockwork chef-head-in-the-box7
#176coconut bikini top1
#26comfy blanket1
🥉control crystal1
#735corrupted data1
#261crystallized memory1
#133dangerous jerkcicle1
🥇detour shield1
#4disturbing fanfic320,908
🥈donkey flipbook392
🥈dwarvish magazine2,095
#360easter egg balloon58
#30empty blowgun102
#201enchanted leopard-print barbell14
#313epic wad1
#143evil teddy bear112
#743extra-greasy slider1
#1988fake fake vomit1
#1377fat stacks of cash1
#165floaty inverse geode1
#817foam dart1
#496foam noodle1
#121foreign box1
#578frayed rope belt1
#4735fuzzy dice1
#163giant discarded bottlecap30
#141giant discarded plastic fork58
#60giant discarded torn-up glove61
#106giant pinky ring125
#47goat cheese pizza333
#242green drunki-bear1
#824green gummi ingot9
#196grue egg108
#555handful of confetti73
#3383heart necklace1
#604heart of the volcano11
#540heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr1
#184hobo fortress blueprints1
#4inflatable duck16,972
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#42lawn dart11
#15lewd playing card69
#36loaded serum blowgun76
#565lovecat tail1
#131magical pony: Dusk Shiny26
#129magical pony: Pearjack17
#154magical pony: Rosey Cake18
#131magical pony: Shutterfly25
#192magical pony: Spectrum Dash11
#211magical pony: Uniquity9
🥇map to Dolph Bossin's hideout1
#23mint-in-box Powerful Glove1
#7misfit teddy bear17
#187obsidian dagger68
#25old school flying disc16
🥇origami "gentlemen's" magazine5
#154pack of KWE trading card18
#23packaged SpinMaster™ lathe1
#263patent antipsychotics1
#753plastic passion fruit1
#93pool cue92
#556pork elf goodies sack11
#98psychoanalytic jar1
#36puzzling ribbon1
#342questionable taco1
#225raffle prize box1
#138really dense meat stack37
#35record of infuriating silence1
#25record of menacing silence1
#28record of tranquil silence1
#902red gummi ingot4
#21red-spotted snapper roe1
#162rib of the Bonerdagon10
#10rose-colored glasses1
#371rusty chain necklace7
🥇rxr shield1
#235sandwich of the gods15
#81shining halo1
#159shiny ring141
#30sinistral homunculus1
#511sleazy bindle1
🥉slippery when wet shield1
#553solid gold bowling ball32
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#103spark plug earring8
#442spectre scepter74
🥈speed limit shield1
#392spooky hockey mask4
#672stained mattress1
#8stapler bear27
🥇stop shield1
#408stuffed Hodgman1
#93stuffed teddy butler292
#75tasteful black bow tie1
#11teddy bear443
#42teddy borg189
🥇time sleigh1
#1000tiny bottle of absinthe1
#4474tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#5tiny plastic fluffy bunny2,464
#34training scroll: Shattering Punch1
#48training scroll: Shivering Monkey Technique1
#38training scroll: Snokebomb1
#20unopened Bird-a-Day calendar1
#20unopened diabolic pizza cube box1
#131vertebra of the Bonerdagon69
#54volcanic ash125
#297warbear empathy chip1
#436warbear metalworking primer1
#309wrench bracelet11
#230yellow drunki-bear1
#834yellow gummi ingot8
🥇yield shield1
#1017zombie pineal gland4

Wow, that's 349,538 items total!

what items are this player missing?