Uncle Crimbo's Sack

Uncle Crimbo's Sack

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This is a big black bag with a bow on it and a tag that reads "property of Uncle Crimbo." Hopefully it's full of delightful presents and not, say, Uncle C's dirty laundry.


Everyone's a winner


Looks like everyone just has one of this item in their display case, so you can probably only get one per account. Nevertheless, well done them.
🥇ADeadHeart, AIice, APOCALYPSE THROB, Abadash, Abikum, Acolyte99, Adamantois, Adamdude, AdmiralBob, AelWyn, AelfRhianN, Aeslyn, Agapanthus, Agburanar, AgentRocko, Aleman, AlexHahn82, Alexandrine, AliCart, Alldarker, AltaZorn, Anarchy1313, Ander Exelion, Andranovich3, Andyzero, AngryKlingon, Annihilator, Anouris, Anta, Antaran, Antic the Fearless, Arc9, Archham, Argrus, Armak, Artie Effham, Arties Son, Ashes, Ataradan, AuntBeast, AuntieM, Averion, Aximili, Ayatollah, Azador, Babaganoosh, BabyScarface, BabySmasher, Bam, BanditoburritO, Barkspawn, Baron Meriwether, Baron Mind, Batwood17, Bean, BeerHead, Bert of the Northwest, Bete Noire, Betrayer, Biff Demiclaws, Biffle, Big Joe, Bigfatelf, Binaanne, BlU_sKrEEm, BlackThunder, BlanketGuard, Blitzwing, BlueBaker, BlueBurro, BlueSeashell, Blzbob, Bob the Joker, BobaJames, Bobje Ratata, Boilermaker, BoogieBear, Boogiecleaver, Boss Buracocco, Bottom Feeder, Bradley Morris, BranNew, Breckenrogue, Brickus, Bristelle, Broche, Bronwyn, BruceLeroy, Brulak, BuyMEaRound, CK_, Calbik, CaptMorgan, Captain Hotdog, Captain Kirk, Cardern, CasRaven, Castiel, Catatonia, CathyOak, Catsicle, Cecil B Demented, Charlie the Great, ChasteGalahad, CheesCake, Chickenkong, Chineselegolas, ChipotleChuck, Cholupa, Chyld, Circle, Clan Mule, Club, Coltaine, Coogi Hat, Copkid2, Crii, Cromeboy, CronoTalon, DMagg, DaBaddestHic, Da_Gimp_1, Damic, Dansary, Darkgamr72, Darsabre, DarthThaddeus, Deffener, Deonish, DerMagus, Deranged Cat, Derdrom, Desert Raven, Destre, DiNoGirl, Dinosaur Dentist, Dipso, Disco S, DiscoShen, Doctor Nick, DoctorRotelle, Dr Newdell, Dr Strange, Drachefly, Dread Pirate Roberts1, DrgnMaster, Drinkerbell, DukeOfLoathing, Duty, ELROSS, EPsonIC, EaterOfSorrow, Eddie Trojan, EdgarHippo, El Snitch, ElGranBastardo, ElVatoLoco, ElenaMarie, Emperor Hirohito, Enigma, Er_Murazor, EricShin, Erichwanh, Erik Von Cloobbin, Ernie Maskelyne, Eroquin, ErstwhileWarrior, EvenHart, Evil Dead Ned, EvilKOLBot, Extirpator, FZero, Fadecaw, Faloran, False Dragon, Farfalle al Dente, Feral, Fickle Fig, Fig Bucket, FightABunny24531, Firemummy, Fletcher, Forehead69, FosterFace, Foxxy_Cleopatra, Frank Plumpton, FrankyO, Frenchy McFrench, Fuzzle, G13, Gaddse, Gaffa, GanGan, Garlick, Gauln, Gdunge, GeckO25, Genbu Cosplayer, Genghizcohen, Glerf, Glukthar, GnocciSlut, Goldorak, Good Old Uncle Crimbo, Gourdy, Grandiose Picaroon, GraniteGrizz, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, Grimdel, GroggBeoir, Grokly, Guild Navigator, Gullwhacker, Guy Bone, GuyDudeManBearPig, HELenak, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hallan Meras, Hamstibamsti, Hannibal Smith, HeatherDoesntLikeYou, Hero_in_a_half_shell, Hetchman, Hnaef, Hobo Accordion, HomeyDaClown, Hoonk, HorseloverFat, Hrag, Hulyen, I Shot Liberty Valance, I am a Banana, I am here_why, Ibaslomofo, Icon315, Impalator, IndyNaptownBlues, Ishavriel, J Mo, J Random Adventurer, JAHruleU, JB77, JD McSquinty, Jabbie, Jabbykins, Jacky T, Jannifer, JanvierBellefeuille, JayMetalGuitar, Jaydog, JediMeatFarmer, JeremyFisher, Jesus, Jett, Jill_Bob, JinxsieMcDeath, Jizwink, JoJoBa, JoJobi, Johnny Treehugger, Johnson, Jonze, Julia Child, K2_Fujative, KLImTog, Kaljatukku, Kallmir2000, Kamikaze777, Kebblem, Kelemvor, Kentut, Keptuvis, Kharendaen, Kiriel, KittieCookie, KnifeDancer, Kodikun, Koriandr, Kronicko, Kugli, Kuri Kuri, Kurtispj, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, Lady Madonna, Laevateinn, Lake Snow Killer, Lalartu, Lao Ming, LastChans, Laughing_Jack, Lazer, LeafRivr, Leith, Lendezco, Lexicon, Liam, LiamAndMe, Lierne, Light Ninja, Lily Summers, LimeyGreg, Lipolysis, Llamoo, LntiX, Loathsterson, Locks_Minx, Loffull, Logmo, Lokiator, LonelyAdventurer, Lord Kick in The Butt, Lord Noob, Lord PoopyPants, Lord Tyranus, Lord Ydnar, Lucky 888, LuckyPuck, Lugiatic, Lumeria, Lyndis, Lytol, Macdaddy, MaggieMoo, MagiMaster, Magister30, Maguma, Mairsil, MajorLandmark, Mamasita, Mana Yachanichu, Markishnesss, Markisnitch, MaryMary299, MastaBlasta, Master Higgins, Mawna Kur, Meagen Image, Meat Miner, MeatMagnet, Meat_Curious, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Melindria, Melphin the Third, Menjobbanu, MiB, Miau, MightyTurtle, Mikel, MikeyC, MissFroggie, MisterStick, Mistress of the Obvious, Mizem, Mme_Defarge, MoMonster, Mola_The_Great, Molly 8, Monod, MonsoonCrafter, Moongoyal, Morgad, Moxious Monkey, MoxiousMouse, Mr Croup, MrSmoothie, MrSqueezeBox, Mrmongoose, Mrs Bill, Muffinator, Mukiba, Muluk, Mutant Alligator, Mxyzptlyk, Mybloodyself, Mydril, Mystic_Potato, NE1_4PNIS, NapAttack, Nappa, Narcisat, NardoLoopa, Necrophage, Neotemplar, Neotrup, Nerdanel, NewTexas, NightWatcher, Nightvol, Nilyi, Niner, No One, Nobody22, Noodlius, Nosbigd, Now I know why, Nuurgle, NytAN, Nyx, OD, Oakleaf, Oculi Caeruli, OgreCrusher, OhMahGourd, OlWotchamakalit, Oldsfrk, OminousJackal, Omnibus, Orb, Orbrisa, OriginalSnarf, Oryhara, Otto Lechner, PAK215, Pablo de Penguin, PacHINKOid, PaedragGaidin, Panda, PapaCap, Parco Molo, ParrotX, Parse, Pasta Pants, Pasta Roni, Pasta Thief, Pastangum, Patamunzo Lingananda, Pennergy, Pepper Fire, Perilous Pearl, Perrin, Pettios, Phalocrocorax, PhilANThropY, Picklenose, Plummy, Pocket Wolf, Pokey the Brave, PolyesterMan, Pringle, Prize Vault, Pronell, Pumpkinheadme, Rabbie, Raden, RaisingOphelia, Ralph Steamshovel, Randomrape, RavenStealsTheLight, Rebel SMURF, Reducto, Reepicheep, Regdab, Repo Man, Reydien, RikAstley, Rivercloud, Rock Flying Pig, Rolagza, Roland Of Gilead, Romoro, Rosarinita, Rosetta Stoned, Roxanne, Russer Butter, Rusty Trombone, Rutabega, Rutiger, Ryo_Sangnoir, SIRHACKENSLASH, Sadglad, Saiyansooner, Salayer, Sanitary Harry, SarahBellum, SarahJane, Sasktadpole, Saucy_McSaucor, Savage Henri, Sawamura, Schmoola, Schwetty, Scurvy McGurk, Secret Santa, Secret_treaties, Shadow_Lugia, Shake Zula, Shaudius, Shindhila, Shoop8000, Sighy Pog, Sinead O Colander, Sinister Loathing, Sir Cheddar, Sjakie, Slugbunny, Snave, Sniddy, Snugglemonster, Snugglypoo, Someuser14, SonofawhOte, Sorakazi, Spamela, Spikeboi2007, Splendor, Spoonbende, Spork of Doom, Spunky, Squeekers, Squirt Shorts, St Thomas Pornificus, St3cK, StaffordMeister, StalkingOfAshles, Stan Maskelyne, Starwind, Steelheadon, Strange Al, Stroganof Guy, SugarPlm, SuperDave1989, SuperSpree, Sutra, Swashbucklaarh, Sweetokra, Symballius, TFwO, TPShyla23, TVirus26, Takuma Sato, Tanamoril, TavernWench, Tazy, Tcoop, TehUberAnge, Tekumza, Tellahff2, Terrapin_Man, The Captain, The Champion, The Chort, The Deaner, The Full Metal Archivist, The Gypsy King, The Hunter of Thompson, The Mushboom, The Number Eleven, The PLANET Pluto, The Prof, TheNice1, TheNuge, Theselor, Thiosk, Thor, ThreeEye, Thrower of Stones, Tia the Fish, Tim Benzedrine, Tiny Plastic Grimmy, Tiny Plastic NOTFUNNYANYMORE, Tiny Plastic OldJanitor, TootsieRoll, Transwarp, Treasury Monger, TriggerOfHel, Triplebass, Turbulent Squirrel, Turtlegeuse, Two101, Tzabor, UB3r 31337 HaX0R, Ultra Violet, UncleHoboCrimbo, UomoDellaPasta, ValkyrieSinger, Vandaahl, Varg Plortha, Vashnar, Vera, Vinaashak, Volvo, Voraligne, VumvleVee, WeLL, WestMark, Whap son of Thrap, WhiskeyZours, Whispers, Wildcat_693, Wildfire, WillParryHDM, Willwork4food, Wireus, Wodkasauce, Wolf Lord, Xahil, Xena_2, Xiombarg, Xrab, Yarkoon, YoMama1, Yohman, Yuros, Zair, ZanZarah, Zelion, Zinnia, ZombyWoof, Zorkov, ZuzusPetal, aLhAnNA, albertcamus, alfabit, alphaxion, amextex, amytrip, anchovee, annamonster, aukermdr, avRAGEjoe, balbriggan, bananaconda, bazfum, billybobfred, bin010001000101111101001001d_i, blackismyheart6265, bleary, blind bandit, blitzdout, bluedancer, breakingballs, busdrivertohell, caelea, carnage666, cathogen, charx, chexmix, chippy mcstinky, ckb1, coderanger, conversation killer, crowmomma, cspark, cubeof11, d00LeY, ddawnr, dead_chicken, dextrial, donkeybutt200, dontfeedthebars, drmerc, drumset04, ds13j, eMule, enigmator, erTEST1, evilMatt, evilevilSherL, faa Gamer, fbt, fixer, fredyjai, furagu, future_cow, geopetal, gnoCCo, growl, harleyquinn, harrytaco, hellsbelsonc, hetchsgirl, hideouspenguinboy, hiimchels, home_grown75, hortenweaver, howhowhow, humpyt, i3RIAN, iamtheturtlewarrior, iaruk, iolair, ishmael, jPollock, jadziadax, jairen1, jakeRO7, jlc2, jmsprout, jonsi_4, jormungandr, kahroo, kaihern, kayaNa, kelsonkoh, kidMissile, killer5990, kitZschENius, kol_orphan, kolpvp, lambiepie2, lazysloth, legom7, liffe, linil, littlesunSHINE, lopey, lucyinthesky, lupus4, lycrashampoo, mad ophelia, maestro13, magnet0, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, markula3000, matrixdesignkidd, metzalx, mflGrMp, minders, miniLizmeis, mmcbride, motoXXXozzy, mule1, murphs, mwahaha, n00beast, n00bert, neromike2, noinamg, nworbetan, o0O0o, octothorpe, oompa, picklesnoot, poOoOon, puppy528, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, raskolnikov, ratbert, redfoxtail, rheabalki, rolling rat, rosa blanco, s l a y e r, sage1125, scole, shanabanananut, sky88rule, slayer92, smanoli28, sober_american, sohryuden, son of dad, spondoolic, stannius, starksroadkill, stephanie149311, stile58, store_bought57, street baby, stuffandthings, tRoUBlefacE, tbell30, tenorkev, testostronaut, thE tRAveLiNg RetArD, thacon, that geology chick, theBananagod, theDUDEster, thekillerhjkhjk, tigerbeatdown, tinkerscuss, trill, tudnut, umfum, ungratefuljester, unknownZ, valys, vandersloot, water_moon, wertyloop, whatyouknow, whizdad, whofarted, wildflowered, xKiv, zobo, zofo and zootaroonee1