
#113"Humorous" T-shirt1
#411,970 carat gold68
#331952 Mickey Mantle card319
#2937x37x37 puzzle cube301
#154:20 bomb100
#661A. W. O. L. commendation5
🥈Abuela Crimbo's special magnet1
#92Adventurer bobblehead1
#269Alice's Army Alchemist1
#226Alice's Army Bowman1
#220Alice's Army Cleric1
#227Alice's Army Coward1
#151Alice's Army Dervish1
#70Alice's Army Foil Alchemist1
#38Alice's Army Foil Bowman1
#36Alice's Army Foil Cleric1
#36Alice's Army Foil Coward1
#58Alice's Army Foil Guard1
#65Alice's Army Foil Halberder1
#29Alice's Army Foil Horseman1
#27Alice's Army Foil Lanceman1
#64Alice's Army Foil Mad Bomber1
#11Alice's Army Foil Martyr1
#59Alice's Army Foil Ninja1
#66Alice's Army Foil Nurse1
#57Alice's Army Foil Page1
#56Alice's Army Foil Shieldmaiden1
#61Alice's Army Foil Spearsman1
#62Alice's Army Foil Swordsman1
#58Alice's Army Foil Wallman1
#4Alice's Army Foil tattoo1
#255Alice's Army Guard1
#245Alice's Army Halberder1
#208Alice's Army Hammerman1
#61Alice's Army Horseman11
#220Alice's Army Lanceman1
#259Alice's Army Mad Bomber1
#158Alice's Army Martyr1
#253Alice's Army Ninja1
#254Alice's Army Nurse1
#255Alice's Army Page1
#262Alice's Army Shieldmaiden1
#168Alice's Army Sniper1
#248Alice's Army Spearsman1
#251Alice's Army Swordsman1
#252Alice's Army Wallman1
🥈All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig1
#47Aluminum Epsilon of Humility6
#13Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes12
#111Ancient Protector Soda5
#43Ancient Saucehelm24
#36Angelhair Culottes16
#26Argarggagarg's fang26
#1130Asleep in the Cemetery1
#27Ax of L'rose1
#37Bandolier of the Spaghetti Elemental16
#611Baron von Ratsworth's money clip1
#18Baron von Ratsworth's monocle179
#118Baron von Ratsworth's tophat17
#7Beignet Milgranet100
#11Belt of Howling Anger37
#222Benetton's Medley of Diversity1
#880Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook1
🥈Big Candy's tophat1
#49BittyCar HotCar1
#10BittyCar MeatCar2
#38BittyCar SoulCar1
#55Bling of the New Wave13
#812Blizzards I Have Died In1
#129Blue Diamond of Honesty4
🥇Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf1
#949Bonerdagon necklace10
#30Booke of Vampyric Knowledge6
#11Boots of Twilight Whispers33
#6Bordeaux Marteaux100
#614Boss Bat bling5
#59Boss Bat britches125
#52Bram's choker3
🥉Bright Water100
#64Brimstone Bludgeon1
#102Brimstone Boxers1
#5Brogre brolo shirt1
#4Brogre brorts1
#4Brogre bucket hat1
#47CRIMBCO lanyard11
#2098CRIMBCO mug1
#744CRIMBCO scrip160
#1937CRIMBCO wine1
#14CSA discount card1,366
#150CSA fire-starting kit133
#15Carpathian longsword208
#116Chester's Aquarius medallion1
#180Chester's bag of candy1
#174Chester's cutoffs1
#56Chester's moustache2
#81Chester's muscle shirt1
#50ChibiBuddy™ (off)1
#15Chroner cross1
#17Chroner trigger1
#161Cinco Mayo Lager2
#9Clara's bell106
#15Claw of the Infernal Seal26
#12Cloak of Dire Shadows32
#645Codpiece of the Goblin King12
#36Colander of Em-er'il21
#882Copper Alpha of Sincerity2
#17Crimbo Elf creepy bobble-head1
#17Crimbo bottomless hot cocoa mug1
#17Crimbo light-up Rudolph doll1
#16Crimbo stogie-scented room odorizer1
#17Crimbo training manual1
#16Crimbo tree flocker1
#6Crimbomination Contraption1
🥇Crimbuccaneer war standard1
#14Daisy's unclean bloomers10
#27Dallas Dynasty Falcon Crest shield1
#1537Dickory Farms Gift Basket1
#12Dinsey's brain1
#14Dinsey's glove1
#4Dinsey's oculus3
#14Dinsey's pants1
#9Dinsey's pizza cutter1
#12Dinsey's radar dish1
#28Disco 'Fro Pick28
#190Discount Telescope Warehouse gift certificate1
#18Dogsgotnonoz pills26
🥈Dolph Bossin's charity note1
#52Dreadsylvanian Almanac page213
#12Dreadsylvanian clockwork key1
#11Dreadsylvanian cold pocket1
#6Dreadsylvanian cold-fashioned3
#8Dreadsylvanian dank and stormy2
#25Dreadsylvanian grimlet1
#8Dreadsylvanian hot pocket1
#32Dreadsylvanian seed pod10
#14Dreadsylvanian slithery nipple1
#98Drowsy Sword158
#44Eau de Guaneau12
#56El Sombrero De Lopez24
#20El Vibrato restraints30
#15Elder Turtle Shell35
🥇Elf Guard war standard1
#7Elizabeth's Dollie55
#48Elizabeth's paintbrush3
#85Ellsbury's journal1
#81Ellsbury's skull1
#212Elron's Explosive Etude1
#39En Una Fila Tequila2
#757FDKOL commendation14
#15Fancy Jeff's fancy pocket square8
#6FantasyRealm Mage's Hat417
#9FantasyRealm Rogue's Mask329
#14FantasyRealm Warrior's Helm393
#77Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy2
#28Former Sheriff Dan's tin star5
#242Freddy Kruegerand1
🥇French slippers1
#5Fromage Pinotage100
#210Frosty's carrot1
#30Frosty's frosty mug75
#16Frosty's iceball1
#57Frosty's nailbat2
#76Frosty's old silk hat2
#120Frosty's snowball sack1
#63Frown Exerciser1
#248Fudgie Roll1
#15Galapagosian Cuisses24
🥇Garland of Greatness1
#12Garter of the Turtle Poacher25
#73Gathered Meat-Clip14
#13Gauntlets of the Blood Moon27
#236Glass Balls of the Goblin King10
#20Glenn's golden dice7
#405Goodfella contract66
#103Granny Hackleton's Gatling gun1
#53Gravyskin Belt of the Sauceblob14
#27Great Wolf's headband1
#27Great Wolf's left paw1
#5Great Wolf's rocket launcher1
#30Greaves of the Murk Lord17
#164Green Clover of Justice11
#78Heimandatz's heart14
#19Helm of the Scream Emperor23
#29Hodgman's blanket36
#117Hodgman's bow tie1
#130Hodgman's lobsterskin pants1
#18Hodgman's metal detector2
#22Hodgman's porkpie hat3
#21Hodgman's varcolac paw2
#78Hunger™ Sauce1
#71Instant Karma171
#136Iron Beta of Industry70
🥇Jackass Plumber home game1
#84Jocko Homo's head13
#836Kissin' Cousins1
#38Knob Goblin lunchbox72
#15Krakrox's Loincloth26
🥈Krampus Horn1
🥈LARP membership card1
#61LOLmec statuette1
🥇LWA ring1
#54La Hebilla del Cinturón de Lopez18
#83Lead Zeta of Chastity2
#56Lederhosen of the Night18
#1060Let Me Be!1
#49Li'l Businessman Kit7
#19Liam's mail216
#28License To Kill2
#127Lord Soggyraven's Slippers1
#152Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet141
#10Lumineux Limnio100
#60Mark of the Bugbear5
#93Mark of the Ghost2
#82Mark of the Skeleton3
#129Mark of the Vampire1
#85Mark of the Werewolf3
#18Mayo de Mayo™ mayo19
#89McLeod's Hard Haggis-Ade37
#527McMillicancuddy's Special Lager1
#26Mer-kin dodgeball1
#22Mer-kin dragnet1
#24Mer-kin switchblade1
#140Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler27
#11Microplushie: Bropane400
#400Microplushie: Dorkonide8
#15Microplushie: Ermahgerdic Acid163
#12Microplushie: Fauxnerditide98
#60Microplushie: Gothochondria130
#13Microplushie: Hippylase443
#125Microplushie: Hipsterine11
#11Microplushie: Hobomosome245
#640Microplushie: Otakulone11
#270Microplushie: Raverdrine30
#10Microplushie: Sororitrate389
#12Middle of the Road™ brand whiskey1,781
#14Mint-in-box Moonthril Cuirass1
#163Misty Cape11
#152Misty Cloak11
#150Misty Robe14
#11Morto Moreto51
#16Mr. Cheeng's spectacles12
#14Mr. Haggis307
#462Mr. Joe's bangles2
#17Mr. Screege's spectacles224
#6Neverending Party favor320
#53Newman's Own Trousers14
#446Nickel Gamma of Frugality13
#93Nuclear Blastball36
🥈Official Council Aide Pin1
#38Okee-Dokee soda31
#215Ol' Scratch's ash can1
#127Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork1
#101Ol' Scratch's manacles1
#64Ol' Scratch's ol' britches2
#42Ol' Scratch's salad fork39
#16Ol' Scratch's stove door3
#187Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat1
#218Orange Star of Sacrifice10
#164Order of the Silver Wossname4
#187Oscus's dumpster waders1
#100Oscus's flypaper pants1
#8Oscus's neverending soda1
#53Oscus's pelt2
#65Outer Wolf™ cologne1
#13PB&J with the crusts cut off1,670
#173Pack of Alice's Army Cards6
#1595Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster2
#67Pecos Dave's sixgun2
#6Pener's drumstick20
#53Penultimate Fantasy chest1,178
#811Pink Heart of Spirit1
#87Pokëmann figurine: Bloodkip17
#304Pokëmann figurine: Duck5
#92Pokëmann figurine: Frank7
#808Pokëmann figurine: Galumpagump1
#291Pokëmann figurine: Kagosan5
#878Pokëmann figurine: Magikrap1
#112Pokëmann figurine: Moog6
#199Pokëmann figurine: Nothing7
#260Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu8
#78Pokëmann figurine: Shoggoth8
#230Pokëmann figurine: Smugleaf9
#573Pokëmann figurine: Twitter3
#307Pokëmann figurine: Vegemite7
#455Pokëmann figurine: Vermouth4
#24Purple Beast energy drink305
#126Red Balloon of Valor2
#15Red Roger's reliquary49
#25Russian Ice42
#53SPF 451 lip balm38
#118Saccharine Maple pendant1
#19Safari Jack's moustache25
#61Salsa de las Epocas1
#10Scalp of Gorgolok46
#125Science Notebook1
#973Sensual Massage for Creeps1
#12Shield of Icy Fate27
#12Single Alice's Army Foil7
🥈Skipper's accordion1
#493Skully's hot chocolate1
#17Spookyraven signet254
#968St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket4
🥈Stabonic scroll1
#12Staff of Holiday Sensations1
#25Staff of the Electric Range1
#65Staff of the Short Order Cook1
#49Staff of the Walk-In Freezer1
#14Staff of the Woodfire1
#14Stephen's lab coat54
#61Stephen's secret formula3
#944Summer Nights1
#154Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword1
#67Super Weight-Gain 90003
#10Sword of Dark Omens32
🥉TRIO cup of beer67
#938Tales from the Fireside1
#29Talisman of Baio1
#8Temps Tempranillo100
#136The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder1
#6The Bomb100
#66The Emperor's new hat1
#64The Emperor's new pants1
#81The Emperor's new shirt1
#77The Mariachi's guitar case18
#32The Necbromancer's Hat1
#28The Necbromancer's Shorts1
#38The Necbromancer's Stein1
#14The Necbromancer's Wizard Staff1
#57The Necbronomicon (used)1
#10The Nuge's favorite crossbow1
#28The One Mood Ring1
🥈The Sagittarian's leisure pants1
#96The Six-Pack of Pain1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#62The Superconductor's CPU1
🥇Thinknerd T-Shirt1
#14Thinknerd T-shirt grab bag505
#6Third Eye1
#71Thriller Ice1
#25Thunkula's drinking cap1
#1202Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette2
#493Thwaitgold amoeba statuette1
#829Thwaitgold ant statuette1
#776Thwaitgold bee statuette3
#826Thwaitgold bookworm statuette1
#415Thwaitgold bug statuette2
#471Thwaitgold butterfly statuette3
#113Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette7
#402Thwaitgold chigger statuette1
#415Thwaitgold cockroach statuette1
#1154Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette2
#646Thwaitgold firefly statuette7
#519Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette6
#1781Thwaitgold maggot statuette1
#509Thwaitgold mosquito statuette2
#326Thwaitgold moth statuette1
#104Thwaitgold nit statuette2
#254Thwaitgold praying mantis statuette3
#792Thwaitgold scarab beetle statuette4
#363Thwaitgold scorpion statuette3
#521Thwaitgold spider statuette5
#884Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette10
#1241Thwaitgold termite statuette1
#125Thwaitgold time fly statuette1
#516Thwaitgold wheel bug statuette1
#505Thwaitgold woollybear statuette3
#126Time Bandit Time Towel1
#37Time Lord Participation Mug1
#143UV monocular1
#51Ultra Mega Sour Ball1
#27Ultracolor™ shirt35
#221Ultrasoldier Serum3
🥇Uncle Crimbo's Sack1
#35Uncle Hobo's belt1
#23Uncle Hobo's epic beard1
#29Uncle Hobo's fingerless tinsel gloves1
#26Uncle Hobo's gift baggy pants1
#59Uncle Hobo's highest bough1
#26Uncle Hobo's stocking cap1
#13Underworld truncheon1
🥈Underworld trunk1
#9Unfortunato's foolscap255
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#22Unkillable Skeleton's shinguards1
#247Uranium Omega of Temperance1
#62Van der Graaf helmet5
#59Volartta's bellbottoms13
#203Wand of Oscus1
#182Warm Subject gift certificate983
#86Wet Russian3
#45Yakisoba's hat16
#91Yellow Moon of Compassion24
#651Zinc Delta of Tranquility2
#17Zombo's empty eye1
#182Zombo's grievous greaves1
#188Zombo's shield1
#104Zombo's shoulder blade1
#192Zombo's skullcap1
#17actual reality goggles297
#38adorable seal larva25
#35aerated diving helmet13
#14airblaster gun479
#8alien animal milk1
🥉alien gemstone869
#7alien plant pod1
🥇all-year sucker1
#8almost-dead walkie-talkie974
#16ancient vinyl coin purse2,444
#734antique 8-Bit Power magazine1
#622antique bottle opener1
#51antique nutcracker beard1
#45antique nutcracker boots1
#45antique nutcracker cape1
#36antique nutcracker drumstick1
#31antique nutcracker epaulets1
#46antique nutcracker hat1
#45antique nutcracker pants1
#41antique nutcracker sword1
#43antique nutcracker waistcoat1
#533antique painting of a landscape1
#569antique pair of blue jeans1
#926antique record album1
#586antique souvenir drawing1
#57antique spyglass1
#49asteroid belt1
#14baby oil shooter12
#124badass belt208
#84bag of bones9
#7bag of foreign bribes719
#76bag of lard13
#67bag of park garbage1,112
#49bag of unfinished business1
#5balanced antler16
#130banana-frosted king cake18
#72bark beret1
#70bark boxers1
#91bark bracelet1
#8barnacled barrel1,877
#14barrel beryl32
#1426bath ball gift set1
#162batskin belt7
#27battered old top-hat1
#88beautiful rainbow5
🥈bell-shaped Crimbo cookie2,287
🥇bellhop bell11,009
🥇bellhop's hat9,048
#45bewitching boots1
#7big tun3,019
#8biker's hat1
#51bindle of joy2
🥈biomechanical crimborg helmet1
🥈biomechanical crimborg leg armor1
#35bitter bowtie1
#95black eyedrops8
#9black pension check3,694
#75blank diary2
#10blessed rustproof +2 gray dragon scale mail27
#73blood sausage1
#7blood-soaked sponge cake29
#492blue class ring4
#472blue glowstick3
#108blue money bag2
#253blue plastic baby1
#76blue raspberry troll doll1
🥈blue ribbon1
🥈blue traffic cone1
#102blueberry-frosted king cake12
🥉blunt cat claw100
🥉blunt icepick100
#4bobcat grenade100
#36bone and arrows1
#301bone aperitif1
#859bone chips3
#52bone crusher1
#277bone meal1
#76bone spurs1
#61boneana hammock1
#58boning knife1
#5booze drive button1
#16borrowed time118
#58bottle of Goldschnöckered1
#35bottle of Mystic Shell31
#49bottle of antifreeze15
#85bottle of goofballs220
#22bottle of pirate juice35
#65bottle of rhinoceros hormones6
#190bottled day1
#15bounty-hunting helmet2
#32bounty-hunting pants1
#38bounty-hunting rifle1
#142bow staff1
#90bowl of Tastee-Wheet™1
#150bowlegged pants1
#61box of Familiar Jacks8
#204box of Pokëmann band-aids1
#7box of hammers100
#259box of sunshine1,655
#72brainwave-controlled unicorn horn1
#41brazen bracelet1
#5broken clock49
#5broken glass grenade49
#434bronze breastplate2
#134brown plastic baby5
#16bubble-wrap simulator100
#27bucket of wine106
#99bugbear detector1
#84bugbear purification pill4
#963bunny liver1
#12burnt snowpants265
#226burrowgrub hive1
#123can of spinach15
#6candy drive button1
#15card sleeve1
#79catfish whiskers9
#44chaos popcorn13
#67cheap toaster22
#128cheer extractor1
#109cheerful Crimbo sweater1
#87cheerful antler hat1
#86cheerful pajama pants1
#10chocolate frosted sugar bomb100
#101chocolate-frosted king cake19
#68cinnamon troll doll1
#30clingfilm cap1
#40clingfilm slippers1
#50clingfilm tangle1
#11clingfilm trousers2
#5clock-cleaning hammer47
#102clockwork hat1
#101clockwork pants1
#154clockwork trench coat1
#15club sandwich40
#57cod cape1
#26cold-filtered water100
#151comfy pillow3
#70commemorative war stein1,201
#25complicated lock impression1
#284concentrated garbage juice3
#9confusing LED clock1,068
🥉control crystal1
#7cool cat claw49
#5cool cat elixir100
🥇cool iron breastplate1
🥈cool iron greaves1
🥉cool iron helmet1
🥉cool jelly donut100
#572corncob pipe1
#30corned-beef Reuben136
#132correction fluid6
#14cosmetic football342
🥇cozy scarf1
#28crazy bastard sword1
#38creepy voodoo doll11
#112crotchety pants1
#26crumpled felt fedora1
#90crusty hula hoop5
#23crystal skull49
#261crystallized memory1
#33cube of billiard chalk13
#5cubic zirconia2,773
#444cup of infinite pencils2
#21cursed breeches2
#26cursed cutlass2
#19cursed eyepatch2
#125cyclops eyedrops5
#14damp old wallet18
#615deadly lampshade1
#72death blossom7
#16deluxe Neverending Party favor36
#10denim jacket518
#92dense meat stack34,000
#23depleted Grimacite astrolabe1
#17depleted uranium seal figurine21
#905designer handbag2
🥇detour shield1
#15diabolical crossbow1
#71dinged-up triangle1
#6disintegrating barrel10,620
#246distilled fortified wine11
🥉dollar-sign bag3,954
#159donkey flipbook5
#9dorky glasses945
#29double-ice box3
#6double-ice britches39
#15double-ice cap35
#51drafty drawers1
#40dread tarragon1
#34dreadful roast3
#6dropped scrap of paper18
#41dubious loincloth2
#81duct tape buckler1
#129duct tape dockers1
#93duct tape fedora1
#108duct tape shirt1
#232duct tape sword1
🥇duct tape wallet2,689
#66dumb mud5
#18dungeon dragon chest8
#8dusty barrel3,109
#55dwarvish war helmet1
#46dwarvish war kilt1
#48dwarvish war mattock1
#64easter egg balloon155
#30effluvious emerald63
#65electric Kool-Aid2
#55electric crutch5
#10electrician's hardhat1
#12electronic Brain Trainer game1
#62electronic dulcimer pants1
#22electronics kit306
#1473enchanted leopard-print barbell2
#127ennui-flavored potato chips491
#187ert grey goo ring1
#15everfull glass4
🥈experimental carbon fiber pasta additive1
#15extra-greasy slider362
#42facsimile dictionary146
#46fake blood28
#7fake washboard2
#14fancy black tie1
🥇fancy party pants1
#43fancy seashell necklace925
#14fancy tophat1
#16fancy tuxedo pants1
🥇fat wallet7,309
#11feathered headdress1
#89filet of The Fish2
#691[2426]fire flower1
#98fish juice box13
#6fishbone belt4
#22fishbone bracers1
#496flamin' bindle1
#206flashing novelty button5
#15fleshy lump214
#165floaty inverse geode1
🥈fluorescent lightbulb100
#8food drive button1
#20foot-long hot daub1
🥇forbidden danish100
#379fossilized baboon skull1
#331fossilized bat skull1
#312fossilized demon skull1
#771fossilized limb1
#405fossilized serpent skull1
#307fossilized spider skull1
#702fossilized spike1
#564fossilized spine1
#714fossilized torso1
#699fossilized wing1
#372fossilized wyrm skull1
#328frayed rope belt4
#19freezerburned ice cube20
#139friendly cheez blob13
#21frigid derringer225
#24frost-rimed desk bell1
#5frosty halo50
#122frozen banquet17
🥉frozen danish100
#55frying brainpan1
#8furry halo49
#99fuzzy busby32
#69fuzzy dice28
#102fuzzy earmuffs31
#160fuzzy montera19
#8gabardine gaiters1
#20garbage sticker1
#23gas can308
#79gearbox necklace9
#16genie's bracers22
#26genie's pants12
#21genie's scimitar13
#24genie's turbane13
#105ghost of a necklace62
#43ghost pencil1
#92ghost pepper1
#30giant clay ashtray17
#103giant pearl1
#18gingerbread gavel6
🥉gingerbread pistol23
🥈glacial clock100
#49glacial sapphire23
#106goblin water5
#14gold skull ring4
#125gold wedding ring74
#27golden gum777
🥇goo magnet1
#34gourmet gourami oil46
#4government per-diem5,556
#27grandfather watch2
#12graveyard snowglobe51
#4grease cannon64
#24greasy desk bell1
#41green candygram23
#357green clay bead23
🥈green traffic cone1
#6grisly shield1
#64groping claw1
#76grue egg200
#467grue egg omelette4
#8haggis socks552
#38haggis-infused soap347
#12haggis-wrapped haggis-stuffed haggis537
#16half of a gold tooth1,175
🥇hand-knitted Crimbo socks1
🥇hand-knitted diving booties1
#216handful of confetti148
#387handful of honey1
#4handful of tips508
#134hardened slime belt1
#150hardened slime hat1
#18haunted bindle220
🥇hazardous sauce dosimeter1
#12hazmat helmet1
🥇heart of dark chocolate1
#32heart of the volcano112
#60helm of the white knight1
#491hideous egg3
#19hobo dungarees1
#71hobo fortress blueprints2
#27hobo stogie1
#6holy bomb, batman100
#8home robotics kit610
#39honey mead1
#180honey stick1
#37hot Dreadsylvanian cocoa2
#18hot daub bun1
🥇hot daub stand31
#8huge gold coin2,901
🥇ice hotel bell2,829
#135imitation nice watch1
#23incredibly dense meat gem1
#62insane tophat1
#55intimidating coiffure1
#201irradiated pet snacks1
#21jam band bootleg304
#26jar of fermented pickle juice157
#108jar of squeeze8
#41jingle bell1
#31lavender candygram32
#22leather aviator's cap2
🥉left-handed melodica1
#15length of old fuse12
#443lewd playing card5
#102liquid ice5
#5little deuce cape33
#4little firkin29,525
#64long-forgotten necklace1
#432lucky bottlecap2
#81macaroni duck15
#512magical pony: Dusk Shiny2
#130magical pony: Pearjack16
#154magical pony: Rosey Cake17
#147magical pony: Shutterfly17
#626magical pony: Spectrum Dash1
#143magical pony: Uniquity18
#33magicberry tablets302
#41magnetic sculpture kit93
🥈massive gemstone3,997
#45meat stack29,431
#325memory of some delicious amino acids1
#51meteorite guard1
#81meteorthopedic shoes1
#71mime army challenge coin1
#19mime army infiltration glove1
#22mime army insignia (cryonics)1
#25mime army insignia (espionage)1
#24mime army insignia (infantry)1
#25mime army insignia (intelligence)1
#26mime army insignia (morale)1
#17mime army insignia (psychological warfare)1
#14mime army insignia (pyrotechnics)2
#7mime army insignia (sanitation)2
#72mime pocket probe1
🥇mime-proof sunglasses1
#18miming beret4
#16miming boots4
#13miming corduroys6
#17miming gloves4
#22miming shirt4
#147miniature boiler1
#49mirrored aviator shades1
#13moist barrel847
#36molten medallion1
#33monster pants23
#47monstrous monocle1
#20mostly rat-hide leggings1
#1343motivational poster1
#23mouldering barrel478
#37musty moccasins1
#33mutant cactus bud1
#32mutant fire ant egg1
#33mutant gila monster egg1
#41mutant rattlesnake egg1
#34mysterious present24
#18mysterious silver lapel pin87
#26nasty desk bell1
#44natty blue ascot7
#61neoprene skullcap6
#5neverending wallet chain2,326
#15normal barrel7,021
#9noticeable pumps531
🥈noxious gas grenade100
#131obsidian dagger86
🥉occult jelly donut100
#6old coin purse4,990
#7old leather wallet4,761
#31old patched suit-pants1
#11old school calculator watch539
#28old soft shoes1
#596old sweatpants108
🥇old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie1
#35orange candygram37
#426orange glowstick5
#35orange leather lanyard22
#153outrageous sombrero1
#7oversized snowflake50
🥇oxygenated eggnog helmet1
#71pacification grenade1
#105packet of orchid seeds1
#86paint bomb29
#26paint palette1
#19paperclip cape2
#20paperclip pants2
#141paperclip sproinger1
#15paperclip turban2
#17paperclip-on tie2
#363parasitic claw1
#229parasitic headgnawer1
#233parasitic strangleworm1
#190parasitic tentacles1
#18party balloon39
#11party beer bomb49
🥇party crasher1
🥉party platter for one84
🥈party whip1
#13pentagram bandana508
🥇peppermint harpoon gun1
🥇perfectly fair coin1
#27phase-tuned shield generator belt1
#52picky tweezers1
#48picture of you1
#32pig-iron bracers4
#127pig-iron helm2
#64pig-iron shinguards3
#22pile of gold coins1,461
#125pin-stripe slacks1
#35pink candygram27
#393pink clay bead31
#689pink glowstick3
#182pink plastic baby3
#51pirate fledges2
🥇pirate hook1
🥉pixel coin2,391
#49pixel stopwatch1
#5pixellated moneybag1,941
#4plastic bazooka13
#318plastic cup of beer1
#62plastic cup of flat beer1
🥇plastic vampire fangs1
#212plexiglass pendant1
#327plexiglass pikestaff1
#212plexiglass pinky ring1
#181plexiglass pocketwatch1
#109pocket wish1
#191poisonous caviar1
#15polyester pad1
#14polyester panama hat1
#16polyester parachute1
#17polyester peeler1
#14polyester pettipants1
#13polyester pulsera1
#9ponytail clip523
#17porcelain pelerine1
#22porcelain pepper mill1
#23porcelain phantom mask1
#18porcelain plus-fours1
#24porcelain police baton1
#21porcelain porkpie1
#29pork elf goodies sack192
#6portable dam12
🥇potion of X-ray vision107
#6potion of animal rage48
#13potion of punctual companionship51
#8potion of the captain's hammer50
#13potion of the field gar100
#9potion of the litterbox100
#37pottery barn owl figurine1
#44pottery club1
#52pottery hat1
#42pottery shield1
#43pottery training pants1
#63pottery yo-yo1
🥉priceless diamond1,964
🥈primitive alien totem1
#9pristine walrus tusk12
#12psychic's amulet285
#12psychic's circlet293
#9psychic's crystal ball355
#10psychic's pslacks319
#23psychokinetic energy blob794
#7pump-up high-tops8
#466purple clay bead4
#284purple glowstick5
#28quantum disintegrator pistol1
#394radio button candy2
#136radium-flavored potato chips512
#8ratty knitted cap518
#94really dense meat stack47
#21really nice lump of coal3
🥈red and green rain stick1
#434red class ring19
#100red money bag10
#104red plastic baby5
#9red traffic cone1
#81red wagon6
🥈red-hot medallion2
#62remorseless knife1
🥉repaid diaper1
#249rib of the Bonerdagon7
#67rickety old unicycle1
#553right half of a heart necklace1
#9ring of the Skeleton Lord3
#25rope with some soap on it1
#10rose-colored glasses1
#7rotting barrel1,456
#85rubber band gun3
#21runproof mascara315
#103rusty chain necklace32
#26rusty metal greaves2
#172rusty piece of rebar2
#8saffron antaravasaka1
#6saffron uttarasanga1
#1521sandwich of the gods3
#9sausage golem1
#149sawblade shield23
#104scented massage oil17
#9scepter of the Skeleton Lord3
#4sea cowbell202
🥇seal medal1
#141seal-brain elixir9
#65sealhide belt1
#76sealhide buckler1
#63sealhide cloak1
#40sealhide gloves2
#74sealhide hood1
#63sealhide leggings1
#36sealhide moccasins2
#60sealhide seal doll65
#44sealhide snare33
#45sealhide whip2
🥉sealskin drum1
#58secret from the future3
🥉shadowy cat claw100
#31shapeless wide-brimmed hat1
#72sharpened hubcap1
#8shield of the Skeleton Lord4
#7shining halo100
#6shiny stones4,449
#32shock belt9
#10shoe ad T-shirt939
#48shooting morning star1
#4shrapnel jelly donut100
#33shrinking powder13
🥇silent nightlight1
#8silver cow skull97
#71silver keg1
#11sinister altar fragment98
#6sinister ancient tablet2
#64six-pack of New Cloaca-Cola4
#18sizzling desk bell2
#185skull of the Bonerdagon7
#4skull with a fuse in it100
#176slime convention coupons1
#183slime convention flyers1
#145slime convention pin1
#108slime convention swag bag7
#188slime convention t-shirt1
#12slime-covered club2
#23slime-covered compass1
#14slime-covered greaves1
#12slime-covered helmet1
#18slime-covered lantern1
#6slime-covered necklace3
#33slime-covered shovel1
#35slime-covered speargun1
#130slime-soaked brain2
#206slime-soaked sweat gland1
#82slimy alveolus19
🥉slippery when wet shield1
#1272slow jam collection1
🥉smashed danish100
#279smoked potsherd1
#29smoker's cloak1
#14smoldering bagel punch240
#30smut orc keepsake box36
🥉snow belly1
#10snow hat1
🥉snow pants1
#202solid gold bowling ball92
#18solid gold jewel229
#28solid gold pegleg493
🥉soul doorbell206
#44spaghetti con calaveras5
#51spark plug earring13
#199spectre scepter140
🥈speed limit shield1
#71spirit bed1
🥈spirit bell1
#555spooky bindle1
#269stainless steel scarf11
#17stainless steel shillelagh35
#30stainless steel skullcap23
#64stainless steel slacks20
#289stainless steel solitaire9
#146stainless steel suspenders19
#14standards and practices guide248
#34status cymbal1
#8steamy ruby371
#16stench cluster1
#8stench clusterbomb1
#121sticky gloves1
#145still-beating spleen4
#25stinking agaricus2
#13stinky fannypack1
#5stolen meatpouch7,170
🥇stop shield1
#69strange helix fossil1
#133stray chihuahua17
#26stress ball32
#269sucker bucket1
#91sucker hakama2
#219sucker kabuto1
#102sucker tachi2
🥉sugar raygun3
🥈superhero mask1
#11surprisingly capacious handbag498
#34sushi-rolling mat1
#8sweet party mix110
🥇tambourine bells60,175
#58tasty tart25
#130tattered paper crown4
#32tawdry amethyst55
#140teeny-tiny magic scroll5
#25the Archwizard's briefs1
#5thyme jelly donut100
#9tie-dyed fannypack232
#8time halo100
🥇time sleigh1
#31tin cup of mulligan stew48
#174tin star1
#100tiny black hole1
#4toasted brie100
🥈too legit potion100
#53trousers of the white knight1
#138trout fang1
#14unbearable light100
#6uncanny desk bell54
#481unearthed potsherd1
#34unearthly onyx63
#30unnatural gas13
#21unremarkable duffel bag322
#34untamable turtle23
#148unusual disco ball12
#6valuable coin1,187
#114vampire pearl6
#20van key338
#59vertebra of the Bonerdagon120
#51very large caltrop1
#22very small red dress300
#35vial of hot blood2
#10void shard3
#11void stone1,094
#564volcanic ash1
#43voodoo snuff34
#240wad of cotton13
🥇wand of fudge control1
#21wand of pigification51
#24warbear gyro26
🥈warbear hoverbelt1
#218warbear officer requisition box1
#339warbear requisition box2
#41warm fur1
🥈washboard shield1
#55water wings for babies1
#66waterlogged crate4
#14wax banana3
🥉weathered barrel13,203
#43wedge of gray cheese1
#156wet venom duct1
#45white candygram22
#479white class ring12
#94white money bag4
#36wild honey pie1
#91willowy bonnet1
🥇witch's bra1
#25witch's bread7
#30witch's brew5
#46wolfskull mask1
#16wooly loincloth2
#114woven baling wire bracelets8
#120wrench bracelet29
#28wriggling severed nose6
#34wristwatch of the white knight2
#29wumpus-hair bolo1
#14wumpus-hair net1
#11wumpus-hair sweater1
#15yabba dabba doo rag2
#41yellow candygram81
#365yellow glowstick4
#38yellow traffic cone1
🥇yield shield1
#17zombie accordion1
#1861zombie pineal gland1
what items are this player missing?