porcelain pelerine

porcelain pelerine

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This is a facsimile of a fancy plush velvet cape, cast in rock-hard porcelain. It looks nice, and it doesn't interfere with your dancing as much as you'd think it would. Quite the opposite, in fact.

🥈Velvet Knight4




#4Dfo2, Durf, Foxy Boxy, G1R, Keogh, Major Meat, Manendra, SchrodingerCat, ShakenNotStirred, TheArtfulDodger, Tibbiara, VioletRay, ckb1 and destroyerbeacon2


#18Aduine, Afrogumby, Agburanar, Ahorriblesn, Alf, Anthony Bourdain, Archham, Archon386, Bloodlust, Bobje Ratata, Bonekicker, Brirad, BuZZT, Busch Light, Byoho, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Cairnarvon, Candice Dick, CapHector, Cat_Killer, Charasan, Chazriel, Chelonia, Cobwebs, DVB, Dah Cheese, Deatvert, Dessalvara, DirkDagon, Donavin69, Drar, Dreamtears, DuRhone, DuctTape, Dylea the Metal Weaver, Eclipsing, Elpizothegreat, Emerilla, Ereinion, ErisDiscordia, Eroquin, Euan McLeod, Eyeball, Fearborn, Flurry, Foggy, Framistan, Fujiko, Genbu Cosplayer, General_Herpes, Gladstone, GrendelPrime, Grimhelm, Grogum, Guy Bone, HIDINGHERMIT, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hanson The Mighty, Happychaos, Hasand, Helix Fossil, Hugbert, Hulyen, I have no IOTMs and I beat you, IAmTheManWithNoName, IAmtheDisco, InspectorX, Iridia, Isladar, Izhebel, JAD, JDubbaYo, Jaylee, Jef, Jehanmandeville, Jhusdhui, JizzMasterZero, Karl_T, Keldar the Unbrave, Kemistry, Kendo123, Kerrigan, KittYhm, Kriana, Kurtispj, LaRoni, LazyLoki, LeafRivr, Liquid Pyramid , Lord Stefano, Lucelle Ball, Lxndr, Mana Yachanichu, Meagen Image, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Mister Edge, Mistress of the Obvious, Mme_Defarge, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monkieboy, Mookieproof, Moxsassin, Natedogg, Nikademus, Nodosaurus, PacHINKOid, PastaDurf, Pastahead, PepperPotts, Perkk, Phereostonics, Pobblebonk, Poncho the Sane, PrOphetOftheeNd, ProfessorKilljoy, Psycomaniac, QVamp, Rowenthus, RubyLucky, Ryo_Sangnoir, Sacreth, Sal the Rapacious, Samotheus, Sir Indy, Skippy Zippy, Slith Warlord, Snugglypoo, Solve_Omnis, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Tastee Boi, Terrapin_Man, TheLetterM, TorquilDucklord, Totentanz, UrbanSuicideJunkie, Uriel3ca, Valmo, Viral_Effigy, WaFFle_Reaper, WeatherWarrior, WenChtober, Wendigo, WhyMan, Xandor, Yendor, alBATross, bSmith, benjy___mouse, caducus, darkraven, davidsan, de nisovan, dementia13, disco basket, doppelheathen, eppin, exkep, grendiehl, harumph, hekiryuu, hotdeth, hrdahl, iShikamaru, iaruk, ilitchev, jWang, jeanbern, jxqz, kwhauck, lordsuZAKU, lupus4, myu2k2, proven, psYcho_strEsS, s l e e t, salmondine, sensibleb, tbell30, tbell31, txranger and xKiv1
