de nisovan
formerly djve

#8A Guide to Burning Leaves6
#275Alice's Army Alchemist1
#231Alice's Army Bowman1
#224Alice's Army Cleric1
#232Alice's Army Coward1
#156Alice's Army Dervish1
#73Alice's Army Foil Alchemist1
#40Alice's Army Foil Bowman1
#37Alice's Army Foil Cleric1
#38Alice's Army Foil Coward1
#11Alice's Army Foil Dervish1
#59Alice's Army Foil Guard1
#66Alice's Army Foil Halberder1
#30Alice's Army Foil Hammerman1
#31Alice's Army Foil Horseman1
#28Alice's Army Foil Lanceman1
#66Alice's Army Foil Mad Bomber1
#11Alice's Army Foil Martyr1
#62Alice's Army Foil Ninja1
#66Alice's Army Foil Nurse1
#60Alice's Army Foil Page1
#57Alice's Army Foil Shieldmaiden1
#15Alice's Army Foil Sniper1
#62Alice's Army Foil Spearsman1
#64Alice's Army Foil Swordsman1
#61Alice's Army Foil Wallman1
#260Alice's Army Guard1
#249Alice's Army Halberder1
#213Alice's Army Hammerman1
#228Alice's Army Horseman1
#226Alice's Army Lanceman1
#262Alice's Army Mad Bomber1
#161Alice's Army Martyr1
#256Alice's Army Ninja1
#259Alice's Army Nurse1
#260Alice's Army Page1
#267Alice's Army Shieldmaiden1
#174Alice's Army Sniper1
#252Alice's Army Spearsman1
#257Alice's Army Swordsman1
#257Alice's Army Wallman1
#224BGE tiny plastic toy5
#47BRICKO bat1
#503BRICKO brick1
#74BRICKO bulwark1
#25BRICKO egg1
#46BRICKO elephant1
#451BRICKO eye brick1
#17BRICKO gargantuchicken1
#69BRICKO hat1
#32BRICKO octopus1
#58BRICKO ooze1
#47BRICKO oyster1
#63BRICKO pants1
#112BRICKO pearl1
#32BRICKO pyramid1
#38BRICKO python1
#105BRICKO reactor1
#107BRICKO stud1
#61BRICKO sword1
#55BRICKO trunk1
#61BRICKO turtle1
#20Bastille Battalion Fondue Trophy3
#16Bastille Battalion cheese wheel62
#79Batfellow comic1
#34Beach Comb Box1
#8Better Shrooms and Gardens catalog2
#6Black and White Apron Enrollment Form5
#117Booke of Vampyric Knowledge1
#24Boosty Juice1
#9Boris's Helm2
#4Boris's Helm (askew)1
#1119CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1)1
#38CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) (used)1
#1013CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2)1
#35CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2) (used)1
#1054CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3)1
#36CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) (used)1
#1019CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4)1
#34CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) (used)1
🥉CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) (used)2
#363CRIMBCOIDS mints7
#24Camp Scout backpack2
#10Celsius 2336
#9ChibiBuddy™ (off)4
#11Clan looking glass1
🥉Clan shower2
#7Clan speakeasy1
#89Comma Chameleon egg1
#23Comprehensive Cartographic Compendium1
#5Crimbo Carol tattoo kit6
#6Crimbo Cheer tattoo kit6
#8Crimbo Commerce tattoo kit6
#15Crimbo sapling1
#9Dark Jill-of-All-Trades5
#5Discontent™ Winter Garden Catalog3
#193Discount Telescope Warehouse gift certificate1
#30Distant Woods Getaway Brochure1
#19Ed the Undying exhibit crate1
#51Eldritch Intellect: Journey into a Mind of Horror1
#168Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy1
#13Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy (shredded)1
#30Folder Holder1
#53Fourth of May Cosplay Saber kit1
🥇Gordon Beer's Beer Garden Catalog6
#86Great Ball of Frozen Fire1
#52Greatest American Pants1
#85Grumpy Bumpkin's Pumpkin Seed Catalog1
#8Guzzlr application2
#5Gygaxian Libram2
#14Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians4
🥉Hjodor's Guide to Arctic Dalmatians (used)1
🥉Horsery contract3
#14How To Get Bigger Without Really Trying3
🥉Jarlsberg's pan (Cosmic portal mode)1
#59Juju Mojo Mask1
#35KoLHS Pep Squad Box1
#4Kramco Industries packing carton5
🥈Lazenby's Life Lesson6
#47Libram of Resolutions1
#5Little Geneticist DNA-Splicing Lab3
#25Loathing Legion knife2
#723Lucky Surprise Egg1
#32Make-Your-Own-Vampire-Fangs kit1
#22Manual of Numberology1
#13MayDay™ contract3
#5McHugeLarge deluxe ski set6
#980Microplushie: Bropane1
#840Microplushie: Dorkonide1
#890Microplushie: Ermahgerdic Acid1
#752Microplushie: Fauxnerditide1
#985Microplushie: Gothochondria1
#999Microplushie: Hippylase1
#579Microplushie: Hipsterine1
#919Microplushie: Hobomosome1
#1009Microplushie: Otakulone1
#953Microplushie: Raverdrine1
#962Microplushie: Sororitrate1
#65Mint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog1
#18Order of the Green Thumb Order Form2
#25Our Daily Candles™ order form1
#238Pack of Alice's Army Cards1
#23Pack of Alice's Army Foil Cards1
#5Pack of Every Card4
#40PirateRealm membership packet1
#26Pocket Meteor Guide1
🥇Pocket Meteor Guide (well-thumbed)1
#881Pokëmann figurine: Bloodkip1
#774Pokëmann figurine: Duck1
#592Pokëmann figurine: Frank1
#810Pokëmann figurine: Galumpagump1
#774Pokëmann figurine: Hoboking1
#797Pokëmann figurine: Kagosan1
#880Pokëmann figurine: Magikrap1
#565Pokëmann figurine: Moog1
#778Pokëmann figurine: Nothing1
#891Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu1
#580Pokëmann figurine: Shoggoth1
#899Pokëmann figurine: Smugleaf1
#897Pokëmann figurine: Twitter1
#866Pokëmann figurine: Vegemite1
#889Pokëmann figurine: Vermouth1
#6Professor of Spelunkology1
🥈Rethinking Candy7
#20Retrospecs try-at-home kit1
#26Rock Garden Guide2
#29S.I.T. Course Voucher2
#16Scratch-and-Sniff Guide to Dinseylandfill1
#11Silly Little Love Song3
#42SongBoom™ BoomBox Box1
#5Source terminal2
#922Spooky Surprise Egg1
#63Tales of Spelunking4
🥈Tales of the Word Realms3
🥉The Confiscator's Grimoire5
#302The Necbronomicon1
#59The Necbronomicon (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 18
#4The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 28
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 38
🥇The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 3 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 48
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 58
🥇The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 (used)1
🥉The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 68
#4The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 (used)1
#18Thor's Pliers1
#1568Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette1
#296Thwaitgold amoeba statuette2
#563Thwaitgold ant statuette2
#377Thwaitgold bee statuette6
#158Thwaitgold bombardier beetle statuette6
#190Thwaitgold bookworm statuette5
#61Thwaitgold bug statuette14
#470Thwaitgold butterfly statuette3
#104Thwaitgold buzzy beetle statuette10
#214Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette6
#36Thwaitgold chigger statuette10
#246Thwaitgold cockroach statuette3
#992Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette3
#5Thwaitgold fire beetle statuette10
#895Thwaitgold firefly statuette5
#521Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette6
#54Thwaitgold harvestman statuette2
#176Thwaitgold keyhole spider statuette2
#57Thwaitgold listening bug statuette6
#1224Thwaitgold maggot statuette3
#85Thwaitgold masked hunter statuette7
#6Thwaitgold metabug statuette12
#208Thwaitgold mosquito statuette7
#13Thwaitgold mosquito-in-amber statuette7
#26Thwaitgold moth statuette9
#263Thwaitgold nit statuette1
#84Thwaitgold nymph statuette14
#626Thwaitgold praying mantis statuette1
#228Thwaitgold protozoa statuette1
#32Thwaitgold quantum bug statuette23
#648Thwaitgold scarab beetle statuette6
#278Thwaitgold scorpion statuette5
#346Thwaitgold slug statuette13
#673Thwaitgold spider statuette3
#534Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette14
#336Thwaitgold termite statuette28
#17Thwaitgold time fly statuette6
#519Thwaitgold wheel bug statuette1
#115Thwaitgold woollybear statuette7
#11Tome of Clip Art5
#15Tome of Rad Libs1
#25Unopened Eight Days a Week Pill Keeper1
#9Witchess Set1
🥈Xi Receiver Unit3
#49Yuleviathan necklace1
#48a cute angel1
#7adobe abacus1
#10adobe abaya1
#8adobe adze1
#10adobe arsecover1
#11adobe ascot1
#11adobe ayam1
#39adventurer clone egg1
#13aerogel accordion1
#11aerogel akubra1
#14aerogel anvil1
#8aerogel apron1
#13aerogel ascot1
#13aerogel attache case1
🥈airplane charter: Dinseylandfill3
#16airplane charter: Spring Break Beach2
#14airplane charter: That 70s Volcano1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#348anniversary gift box8
🥈baby camelCalf3
#25baby chest mimic4
🥈baby rigging snake15
#132bad penguin egg1
#7bag of Iunion stones2
#13bagged Cargo Cultist Shorts2
#12bakelite backpack1
#9bakelite badge1
#16bakelite belt1
#12bakelite bowl1
#15bakelite breeches1
#14bakelite brooch1
#106blind-packed capsule toy179
#393blind-packed die-cast metal toy1
#28book of facts4
#17bottle of lovebug pheromones1
#30bottled Vampire Vintner1
#9box o' ghosts3
#4box of bear arms4
#20boxed Apriling band helmet4
#10boxed Mayam Calendar7
#15boxed Sept-Ember Censer4
#10boxed august scepter5
🥉boxed autumn-aton9
#10boxed bat wings5
#70broken BRICKO brick1
#1890can of CRIMBCOLA2
#44can of Rain-Doh1
#13card sleeve1
#11ceramic celery grater1
#5ceramic celsiturometer3
#12ceramic cenobite's robe1
#8ceramic centurion shield2
#10ceramic cerecloth belt1
#13ceramic cestus1
#6chalk chain1
#6chalk chalice1
#8chalk chapeau1
#6chalk chinos1
#5chalk chlamys1
#10chalk choker1
#4chiffon chakram1
#4chiffon chamberpot1
#4chiffon chapeau1
#7chiffon chaps1
#9chiffon chemise1
#6chiffon chevrons1
#224circular CRIMBCOOKIE6
#7clan underground fireworks shop1
#6closed-circuit phone system9
🥈combat lover's locket lockbox17
#6corked genie bottle5
🥇crated wardrobe-o-matic8
#22cursed monkey glove4
#7custom avatar form1
#16deactivated nanobots2
#30deanimated reanimator's coffin1
#5deed to Oliver's Place8
#384deluxe fax machine1
🥇designer sweatpants (new old stock)18
#37digital key lime32
#35digital key lime pie48
#5disconnected intergnat2
#10elf sleeper agent1
#23emotion chip1
#10fiberglass fannypack1
#15fiberglass fedora1
#16fiberglass fetish1
#13fiberglass fingerguard1
#12fiberglass foil1
#12fiberglass frock1
#31fist turkey outline1
#6flagstone fez2
#6flagstone flag1
#6flagstone flail1
#5flagstone fleece1
#5flagstone flip-flops2
#6flagstone fringe1
#13fresh can of paint2
#8gabardine gaiters1
#11gabardine garibaldi1
#9gabardine garland1
#10gabardine girdle1
#7gabardine gloves1
#12gabardine gunnysack1
#68green BRICKO brick1
#11grey gosling3
#38hibernating robot reindeer1
🥈hippo tutu3
#17in-the-box spring shoes4
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#37latte lovers club card1
#8loofah ladle1
🥉loofah lavalier1
#5loofah lederhosen1
🥉loofah legwarmers1
#4loofah lei1
#7loofah lumberjack's hat1
#83magical pony: Dusk Shiny53
#72magical pony: Pearjack48
#80magical pony: Rosey Cake55
#77magical pony: Shutterfly64
#80magical pony: Spectrum Dash53
#71magical pony: Uniquity59
#7marble maebari1
#7marble magnet1
#6marble mantle1
#14marble mariachi hat1
#9marble medallion1
#9marble mignonette bowl1
#9mini kiwi egg5
#32mint condition Lil' Doctor™ bag1
#4mint condition magnifying glass4
#22mint-in-box Powerful Glove1
#6moss mace1
#11moss mantle1
#8moss marlinspike1
#9moss medal1
#4moss megaphone1
#10moss mitre1
🥈mummified entombed cookbookbat10
#32mysterious chest2
#4name change form2
#22new-in-box toy Cupid bow1
#9packaged Daylight Shavings Helmet4
#24packaged Everfull Dart Holster3
🥈packaged June cleaver11
#13packaged Jurassic Parka4
#32packaged Pocket Professor1
#22packaged SpinMaster™ lathe1
#38packaged backup camera1
#48packaged cold medicine cabinet1
#25packaged familiar scrapbook1
#25packaged industrial fire extinguisher1
#25packaged knock-off retro superhero cape1
#26packaged miniature crystal ball1
#4packaged model train set10
#7paraffin palazzos1
#7paraffin pendant1
#8paraffin pith helmet1
#9paraffin poncho1
#9paraffin pseudoaccordion1
#7paraffin punching bag1
#12peace turkey outline4
#27pet bad vibe1
#6photo booth sized crate2
#214plexiglass pants1
#212plexiglass pendant1
#329plexiglass pikestaff1
#214plexiglass pinky ring1
#289plexiglass pith helmet1
#181plexiglass pocketwatch1
#30pocket lint (blue)2
#32pocket lint (green)2
#28pocket lint (orange)2
#34pocket lint (white)2
#15polyester pad1
#14polyester panama hat1
#16polyester parachute1
#17polyester peeler1
#14polyester pettipants1
#14polyester pulsera1
#18porcelain pelerine1
#23porcelain pepper mill1
#24porcelain phantom mask1
#19porcelain plus-fours1
#25porcelain police baton1
#6porcelain porkpie2
🥇potted tea tree11
#25power seed1
#113raffle prize box3
#8red-spotted snapper roe2
#12rehearsing dramatic hedgehog1
🥉replica Ten Dollars5
#4research fragment1
#41residual chitin paste2
#18rune-strewn spoon cocoon2
#16shortest-order cook2
#5shrine to the Barrel god3
#17shrink-wrapped 2002 Mr. Store Catalog4
#62shrink-wrapped Cincho de Mayo1
#14siesta-ing Casagnova gnome1
#11sinistral homunculus2
#12sleeping patriotic eagle5
#9sleeping piano cat1
#14space planula1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#353square CRIMBCOOKIE4
#9stained glass serape1
#6stained glass shield1
#8stained glass shiv1
#11stained glass spectacles1
#8stained glass stetson1
#8stained glass suspenders1
#22stainless steel scarf47
#121stainless steel shillelagh18
#61stainless steel skullcap19
#148stainless steel slacks15
#7stainless steel solitaire47
#200stainless steel suspenders16
#12status cymbal3
#7still grill2
#71stinky cheese ball1
#9subscription cocoa dispenser1
#9suspicious package2
#4terra cotta tambourine1
#5terra cotta tie tack1
#6terra cotta tongs1
#5terra cotta train1
#5terra cotta trousers1
#6terra cotta truss1
#92tiny costume wardrobe1
#496tiny die-cast Bashful the Reindeer4
#624tiny die-cast CrimboTown Toy Factory3
#753tiny die-cast Doc the Reindeer2
#380tiny die-cast Don Crimbo2
#306tiny die-cast Dopey the Reindeer6
#215tiny die-cast Father Crimbo3
#69tiny die-cast Father Crimborg6
#304tiny die-cast Grumpy the Reindeer6
#614tiny die-cast Happy the Reindeer3
#214tiny die-cast Rudolphus of Crimborg3
#758tiny die-cast Sleepy the Reindeer2
#743tiny die-cast Sneezy the Reindeer2
#324tiny die-cast Swiss hen2
#591tiny die-cast Uncle Hobo1
#247tiny die-cast Unionize the Elves Sign7
#620tiny die-cast Zeppo the Reindeer3
#563tiny die-cast arc-welding Elfborg1
#125tiny die-cast blade a-spinning4
#123tiny die-cast death ray in a pear tree4
#744tiny die-cast factory worker elf2
#481tiny die-cast gift-wrapping elf4
#554tiny die-cast golden ring1
#569tiny die-cast goose a-laying1
#550tiny die-cast killing bird1
#492tiny die-cast middle-management elf4
#313tiny die-cast pencil-pusher elf6
#581tiny die-cast ribbon-cutting Elfborg1
#116tiny die-cast stocking-stuffer elf10
#304tiny die-cast swarm a-swarming2
#567tiny die-cast turtle mech1
#176tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf36
#65tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo1
#51tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear63
#190tiny plastic Axe Wound31
#152tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth26
#44tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type34
#28tiny plastic Beebee King50
#153tiny plastic Beelzebozo23
#385tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#267tiny plastic Big Candy1
#121tiny plastic Black Knight49
#345tiny plastic Bonerdagon12
#13tiny plastic Boris2
#165tiny plastic Boss Bat23
#39tiny plastic Bugbear Captain21
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#61tiny plastic Café Elf1
#52tiny plastic Charity the Zombie Hunter50
#37tiny plastic Cheer Core1
#113tiny plastic Cheshire bat115
#221tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™1
#35tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel36
#47tiny plastic Crimbo caroler1
#42tiny plastic Crimbo cheer1
#88tiny plastic Crimbodhisattva1
#101tiny plastic Crimbomega1
#87tiny plastic Crimborgatron1
#101tiny plastic Crimbot1
#59tiny plastic Dolph Bossin1
#79tiny plastic Dr. Awkward1
#85tiny plastic Ed the Undying1
#36tiny plastic Father McGruber61
#159tiny plastic Felonia23
#284tiny plastic Fudge Wizard1
#158tiny plastic G Imp37
#175tiny plastic GORM-81
#88tiny plastic Gaia'ajh-dsli Ak'lwej1
#484tiny plastic Gary Claybender2
#113tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser50
#213tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester29
#45tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist68
#155tiny plastic Hellion40
#140tiny plastic Iiti Kitty42
#312tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker3
#14tiny plastic Jarlsberg2
#169tiny plastic K.R.A.M.P.U.S.1
#142tiny plastic Knob Goblin King27
#178tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter34
#142tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl43
#151tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist40
#164tiny plastic Knott Yeti38
#77tiny plastic Knows About Chakras1
#73tiny plastic Krampus1
#27tiny plastic Lord Flameface25
#85tiny plastic Lord Spookyraven1
#215tiny plastic MechaElf1
#47tiny plastic Mer-kin baker1
#45tiny plastic Mirth1
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#16tiny plastic Naughty Sorceress1
#37tiny plastic Norville Rogers75
#146tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy42
#41tiny plastic Penny1
#75tiny plastic Professor What1
#120tiny plastic Protagonist51
#42tiny plastic Queen Bee31
#43tiny plastic Rene C. Corman17
#83tiny plastic Rudolph the Red1
#51tiny plastic Scott the Miner56
#13tiny plastic Sneaky Pete2
#110tiny plastic Spam Witch57
#148tiny plastic Spunky Princess41
#16tiny plastic Susie2
#91tiny plastic Tammy the Tambourine Elf1
#137tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski28
#110tiny plastic The Man32
#68tiny plastic The Silent Nightmare1
#172tiny plastic Toybot1
#125tiny plastic Trouser Snake50
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#238tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku1
#59tiny plastic Wu Tang the Betrayer27
#158tiny plastic XXX pr0n40
#77tiny plastic Your Brain1
#303tiny plastic abominable fudgeman1
#97tiny plastic accordion thief30
#111tiny plastic ambulatory robo-minecart1
#118tiny plastic angry bugbear56
#136tiny plastic angry goat103
#58tiny plastic angry space marine58
#78tiny plastic angry vikings1
#135tiny plastic anime smiley44
#244tiny plastic animelf1
#182tiny plastic apathetic lizardman35
#135tiny plastic astronomer45
#127tiny plastic baby gravy fairy104
#73tiny plastic bad vibe1
#113tiny plastic barrrnacle120
#36tiny plastic batbugbear74
#125tiny plastic beanbat49
#36tiny plastic bee swarm74
#45tiny plastic beebee gunners73
#43tiny plastic beebee queue59
#95tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar27
#42tiny plastic black ops bugbear71
#49tiny plastic blazing bat63
#110tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball118
#110tiny plastic blooper50
#175tiny plastic brainsweeper35
#174tiny plastic briefcase bat36
#33tiny plastic bugaboo85
#62tiny plastic buzzerker50
#39tiny plastic caboose1
#39tiny plastic cavebugbear72
#38tiny plastic chem lab1
#37tiny plastic coal car1
#131tiny plastic cocoabo103
#111tiny plastic coffee pixie113
#265tiny plastic colollilossus1
#154tiny plastic conservationist hippy24
#146tiny plastic cubist bull42
#132tiny plastic demoninja48
#38tiny plastic dining car1
#131tiny plastic disco bandit26
#53tiny plastic dolphin "orphan"1
#162tiny plastic drunk goat38
#101tiny plastic exo-suited miner1
#428tiny plastic fax machine1
#126tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus46
#198tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker31
#54tiny plastic fire servant28
#144tiny plastic fluffy bunny46
#38tiny plastic food lab1
#29tiny plastic four-shadowed mime2
#113tiny plastic fruit golem55
#120tiny plastic fuzzy dice109
#106tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick118
#115tiny plastic ghuol whelp119
#181tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers33
#31tiny plastic golden gundam1,031
#177tiny plastic goth giant35
#137tiny plastic grue94
#125tiny plastic handsome mariachi48
#89tiny plastic hermit31
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#111tiny plastic howling balloon monkey134
#44tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear61
#107tiny plastic killer bee123
#169tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box36
#126tiny plastic leprechaun103
#105tiny plastic levitating potato120
#130tiny plastic lobsterfrogman43
#37tiny plastic locomotive1
#71tiny plastic mime executive1
#73tiny plastic mime functionary1
#72tiny plastic mime scientist1
#74tiny plastic mime soldier1
#47tiny plastic moneybee58
#132tiny plastic mosquito99
#46tiny plastic multi-level marketer1
#41tiny plastic mumblebee71
#156tiny plastic ninja snowman43
#39tiny plastic nog lab1
#57tiny plastic orphan1
#41tiny plastic passenger car1
#126tiny plastic pastamancer25
#67tiny plastic peacannon27
#39tiny plastic primary lab1
#67tiny plastic protector spectre1
#58tiny plastic reindeer1
#106tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime126
#154tiny plastic sauceror21
#141tiny plastic scary clown44
#46tiny plastic sea elf1
#82tiny plastic seal clubber34
#102tiny plastic semi-autonomous drill unit1
#166tiny plastic senile lihc36
#144tiny plastic smarmy pirate42
#38tiny plastic spiderbugbear39
#129tiny plastic spiny skelelton48
#124tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton107
#160tiny plastic spooky vampire39
#120tiny plastic stab bat109
#95tiny plastic star starfish121
#183tiny plastic taco cat32
#226tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf1
#31tiny plastic the Free Man40
#110tiny plastic topiary golem50
#314tiny plastic trollipop1
#98tiny plastic turtle tamer31
#130tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni49
#193tiny plastic warbear1
#178tiny plastic warbear fortress1
#125tiny plastic warwelf46
#131tiny plastic whitesnake47
#55tiny plastic wild beaver1
#52tiny plastic yuleviathan1
#133tiny plastic zmobie42
#150triangular CRIMBCOOKIE8
#7undamaged Unbreakable Umbrella3
#33undrilled cosmic bowling ball1
#15unoccupied sheep suit3
#20unopened Bird-a-Day calendar1
#20unopened diabolic pizza cube box1
🥈unopened tiny stillsuit12
#5unpowered Robortender2
#15untorn tearaway pants package4
🥇unwrapped knock-off retro superhero cape1
#39vampyric cloake pattern1
#6velour valise1
#5velour vambraces1
#7velour vaqueros1
#9velour veil1
#10velour voulge1
#190warbear metalworking primer6
#44warbear metalworking primer (used)1
#9wicker clicker1
#9wicker kickers1
#8wicker knickers1
#12wicker slicker1
#8wicker sticker1
#12wicker ticker1
#12wrapped candy cane sword cane5
#12wrought-iron waders1
#9wrought-iron walker1
#9wrought-iron whisk1
#11wrought-iron widget1
#13wrought-iron wig1
#9wrought-iron winch crank1
🥈yellow puck3
#51yule pup3

Wow, that's 9,668 items total!

what items are this player missing?