Witchess Set

Witchess Set

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The game of chess is one of those things that, like the gin and tonic, exists in every society, world, timeline, and parallel universe -- although not always in quite the same format.

The version peculiar to Loathing is played on an 11x11 board, because of course it is, and is called Witchess because of its Witch piece, which was added four centuries ago as a sort of apology for that whole burning thing. Prior to the change, that back-row square was occupied by an extra pawn called the "Middle Manager".



🥉PacHINKOid and fezzer3


#5Mick Bagger, eav, wile E Quixote and x1a42


#9Archham, AtlanteanScion, Bandanaman, Bashy, Blakeatwork, CaptainRondo, Cat_Killer, Cryanger, D3tox, Dah Cheese, Donavin69, Emerilla, False Dragon, GT1, Guy Bone, Guyy, HOldeRofSecrEts, HorusForelock, Iktome, Immelan, January Logic, Jonze, Kayvon, Knot, Kriana, Lord Kobel, Lord_of_Ants, MCScaredOfBees, MTM_Fminus, Maximillian the Red, Melon Squeezer, Merric, Michael Landon, Mistress of the Obvious, Mme_Defarge, Mr_Parks, MysticalMolly, Nodens, Oldsfrk, Perkk, ROdger_FLint, Spiffie, StolenSoul8, The Possum Trot, Thucber, Tierce, VanDyre, Volc, Vorzer, Xande1, ZenMonkey, Zinnia, ale, caducus, cv0x, de nisovan, epicmudkipz, eusst, fractalnavel, fxer, pippy1, proven, robinhoodreserve and sAuRman leRoux1
