plexiglass pith helmet

plexiglass pith helmet

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This helmet is the clearest of the clear, the strangest of the strange. Forged beneath the misty mountains by 7-foot dwarves (or possibly forged in a nice house in the suburbs by slightly taller-than-average accountants), it is shiny, indestructible, and undeniably badass. Wear this and you're bound to be full of pith. Vinegar is optional.

🥇watchless dead guy50




#4Iron Bob24




#6Karl Marx20


#7GCByzantine, SRO and warebar17




#11BaBaBing, FatQuack, SwordsDancer and horkman12


#15kevincoleslaw and littlecatb11


#17CharlesTheHammer, OldJanitor, Tuga, benjy___mouse, hEyWood22 and maddsurgeon10


#23DownriverRat, Hairy, PrincessSeaweed, StrawberryDots, VladimirPootin, hellsfruition, jmkg and sue9


#31Badmojo, Dazzle, DownriverRatt, Gonain, HunkyFeces, Waiting4Oct, Zair and eit_brad8


#39Emanon, Tasty, Xcaret, dornbeast and the Tristero7


#44Bruce Garetz, DancinMachine, Managwa, Swush, Thrawn, alterity, geekmeister, scole, setarip and tenorkev6


#54Duderton, FUzzy moNKeY, Jesus_Fish, NewtMaster, Residium, TortLe_FaCed, Y0U, delgard, dyeote, gutter_punk, noodleHannah and stannius5


#66Alrik, Azeron, Baron von Wurlitzer, Ellen, Flaaron, IndigoVarlet, JakAtk, Jase1, MonkeyPunch, Pink Kitty, Sandrylene, SpinneNetz, Terps, Trumper, Yukimeister, crazymonkie, g_LOVA, greenhair, jalandy, jediknight, oodleook, ookoodle, reX kwon, trotskie and tskcubed4


#91Agburanar, BadWillow, BonJonBovi, CHili wiLLi, CaptainChaos, Chef Raz, Cothan, CowabungA, Crazy Sauce, Dr_Bruiser, Euan McLeod, FlufferNutter, Grandpa Fussandput, GreenArmadillo, Greykit, Hanzi, Hekatchu, Honoraemulo, Illarion, Josim, Julienne, Kaaewen, KatTheBrat, LabRat, LastChans, Marge, MaryAchi, Merik, Mighty Xerxes, Molotov Cocktease, Mouser, Nocent, PorR, Pugnax, Sal the Rapacious, Sarcastro, Sau_Kazumi, Simon Orbit, SirKlasu, Snott, Terion, TinyPlasticRavenous, Trantez, Triantiwontigongolop, Whomhead, Wize Guy, bangsinn, blider, flykitty, fooBarBazQux, jonrock, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, pervin, salticid, septic and shaventalz3


#147AnotherFreakboy, Arc9, Archham, Arwen48, Atronach, BEndER, Baleet, BillieJo, Bloeme, Bloodlust, Busaiku, CableChef, Captain Scotch, Caya, Ceirdwyn, Ceva, Chansey, Chicken in Black, Chickenbox, Crystalline, Cuz, CyberJanet, Cyrilis, D0rk, DMag_oshc, Dallbun, DarthThaddeus, Diellan, Doggie Bear, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Drachefly, DraconisUK, Drunken_Charlie, El Dude, Erf, ErisDiscordia, Evil Pirate, Famoth83, Fo Shizz, Frozen Flame, Fujiko, Ganusay, Guiseppi, Ha1Ha1Ha, Hen3ry, Homebrew, Hooky the Hooker, Hubert Farnsworth, Hulyen, Hustle, IcLubYou, IceWorm, IcyFreak, Invariel, Jarko, Jinya, LadyLaik, Lightning Jim, MalHavoc, MaryOfDoom, Mason Stone, Miss_Kala, Mookier, Moonshae, MsNicole, NE1_4PNIS, Nashtinka, Nasi Uduk, Natano0, Nicarra, Nikademus, Nyra, PacHINKOid, Parmesan Marshmallow, Pepper Fire, Perchorin, Powchekny, Qov, Radgast, Rennej, Replica, Rizzy, Rogueling, Roller, RoqueFort, Rudiger Skeiyer, SEPfield, Sarsippius, Sel Ibrix, Shenzhen Shirker, Simon the Mystificator, Soviet Era Perchorin, Speedwagon, Stangus, Stingerano, StrapOnSally, SupremeKingTom, SydneyCase, TAS, TacLess Cat, Terrapin_Man, Thagorn, Thalia Nox, The Full Metal Archivist, Theophrastus, Tiny Plastic Snott, Tongue, Tutori, Xandor, YellowPanda, Zoreo, Zurich, ZweiBlummen, abjr, andirach, aseigler, bigevildude, bobdindian, boozeykitten, crEEPy mccheese, dead_guys_watch, deadpuppy, forskinski, funiboy, gromit, jadziadax, jbnimble, kittycaboodle, ladderman, laurynasl, magrovsky, neKO_CHan314, pdubs, plutopia, pocketQ, prottoss89, silly_na, smurgle, snowcat, spr0cket, takenoko and turtlelove1012


#289A Player, AA_Moon, AKU, Abbyrod, AbuBamsry, Adiem, Adran, Aere0n, Afrogumby, Agliata, Ahorriblesn, AlBassoon, Albeorn, Aleke, Alf, AlienMarky, All the Good Names Are Taken, Allis, AlmostMeek, Alvdbar the forager, Amagalan, Amazonian, AmishRebel, Amnerys, Ana, Anchovy, Andybot, Anesthesia, Angel Hair, Angry Villager, AnkhWeasel, Ankopitch, Anniqa, AntiErr, Anti_MacGyver, Anton LeTigre, ArchdukeFerdinand, Archipelago71, AresGodOfWar, ArgUS5, ArgghFW, Ariaki, ArmAstevs, Art_Shamsky, Artemir, Arthur Dent, Artimis the Avenger, Arwenita, Aryies, Asante, Ascensor, Ashallond, Asinine, Astari, Astro Seraia, Atan, Azatoth_Zombie, BDrag0n, BERTOffski, BZoeBZie, Bacchus, Bad A MuthA 4000, Bad Hat Harry, Badde Hugs, Badfurday25, BakaGaijin, Bakula, Balton, Bang Boom, Banshee, Barkeep, BeeGeeSlave, BeerHead, Belinda Bolognese, Bendy, Betafish99, Billthe3, Billy bob joe mustafA, Black Belt, BlindCap, Blonde Redhead, BlueObsidian, Blzbob, BoBo221, Bob Dole, Bob the Tea, Bobje Ratata, BoffinHunter, BoobLasSteeky, Boondog_Dan, Boopy, BoozerBear, BowToChris, Brat forcE, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Brirad, BronMac, BuZZT, Bufferin Head, Busch Light, Byoho, CA Dude, CBParker, COsjrsW, CREaMchEEsey, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Cairnarvon, Calatan, Candice Dick, Cantryboy, Captain Comrade, CaptainRondo, Carl_tEh_Destroyer, Carousing, CastrationFairy, Celebmacil, Celt451, Cephyr, ChaosDivine, Chaosrelic, Charasan, Chasing, Chazriel, Cheesy One, CheezyZombie, Chef Jeff, Chelonia, ChevellemanX, Chili Mac, Chilibreath, Chinchilla Rancher, Chuckles Manfred, Chymes, CingCok, Cinnabah, Cisco, Civilian, ClimOx, ClumsyNinja, Cobwebs, ComTechDave, Contrickster, CorruptedDevil, Corvis Corvis, CrAzYApE, Craftage, Crapstorm, Crazy Jimmy, Crease, Creelie, Crimbo Bandito, Cupcakes of Hell, Custard Pants, Cyan220, Cynden, D1sc0Stu, DJLeethul, DJRubberducky, DOctOr Mickey, DVB, DaBaddestHic, Da_Poofhead, Daffrid, Dah Cheese, DaisyMaesy, Damuckle, Dan Pygoscelis, Dan The Third, Dandypoof, DeadGoat, DeadMan75, Decil, Delekahn, Delia Darby, Demian, Demius, Depro Fundis, Derrikan, Dessalvara, DestroyaH, Deth Halo, Dethlord, Devan, Devd, Diamond Lily Bart, Dias6d9n42o, Diggy800, Dire Seaslug, Dis Coban Dit, Doctor Nick, DoctorThaddeusPaine, Donavin69, DoomKnight2, Dorngen, Double Doose, Dr Danger, DrEvi1, Dr_Obvious, Dragonlady, Drinkerbell, Dryhad, DuRhone, DuckApe, Durandal, ELDoktor, Ebola, Edgar Fizzlewhip, El Lombris, El Sneako, El_Shaddai_666, Elazmo, Eleriand, Eleval, Elpizothegreat, ElroyJetson, Emerilla, EmoReject, Engorged Weapon, Enkazama, Eoghnved, Equix, Eroquin, Eseche, Evil Dead Ned, EvilDeathBee, EvilPanda, ExodusRamus, FMguru, Faldari, Falinda, Farflier, FearlessX, Feng Shweez, Ferner, FettucineQueenie, FiendAlmighty, Filboid Studge, Finners101, Firdrim, Fist Of Korea, Five, For Sale, Forehead69, Formulaic, Foxxy_Cleopatra, Framistan, FranNyan, FrankNBeans, Frau_Blucher, FrazWhoon, FreNchxmaid, Free Martha, Frisbee, Frita Bandita, Frobozz, Froggy7384, FrostbiteXIII, Fryguy9, Fud, Fungo the mildly annoyIng, FuriousToad, G1R, GN4RB00TS, Ga Li Gee, Gabkin, Gamora, Garfnobl, Garioch, Garnet Rene, Gassendi, Gayle, Gemelli, Genbu Cosplayer, General_Kurt, Georgeasaurus, Ghost face, GleepGloop, Glsbnewt1, GoatSpawn, GodsKook, Gogulluk, Golden Stew, Goldorak, Goober, Gorillaz2D, Gouddha, GpHerder, Graev, Grandpashelbs, Gravy Spasm, Gravy_Boat, GrendelPrime, Grimhelm, Grimmie, Grinder, Gringo Ibn Castle, Grogum, Grollo, Groo the Wanderer, GroovingGreta, Gruezelda, Gu_sOoNEr, Gulper, Guwuffle, Guy Bone, GuyWith4Arms, HCMongo, HOldeRofSecrEts, Halary, Hanson The Mighty, Harleagh, Haroldus, Harvey Ormond, Hasand, Hayashida, Head_Moid, Hecatomb, HellionZZZ, Herdlinda, HideInMyShell, HoPPa, HolyWarrior, HomeyDaClown, Hord, Houkmauf, Hugbert, Hula Girl, HunterAXL, Huntergap, Hurax, IAmtheDisco, IP_69_16_150_196, Iaurdragon, IceMelt, IcebergSlim, Id the Mildly Confused, Idran, Ingebord, Introspectrix, Invain, Iridia, Iron Robb, Isdrink, Isladar, Istanbul, Izhebel, J1mmy, JAD, JDubbaYo, JEDII, JLA, Jade Nightingale, Jaladan, Jander, Japanosis, Jaspers_shadow, Jed the Nifty, Jeetsta, Jeff Broccoli, Jehanmandeville, Jelly Tostada, Jest Phulin, Jidam, Jill Apagos, JizzMasterZero, Joedon, John Crerar, JonathanWu, Josiah, Juniper, JustariusHC, K2_Fujative, Kalaria, Karl_T, Katarani, Katsumoto Moritsu, Kawamura, Kemistry, Kendo123, Kenrae, Keptuvis, Keroro, Kevin, KingofthePasta, Kinnah, KittyEatsYou, Knight of Neit, KnightOfTheRound, KnightofCheese, Kobayashi, Kol Miners Daughter, Kolina, Kongar, Korlon, Kreogh, Kryscilla, Kugli, Kunundrum, Kurtispj, Kyouji Craw, LBH, LaRoni, LadySoda, Laftcadio, Langoroth, LastMinuteName, LaurDragon, Lava, LeMariaccier, Leatherback Jack, Legalese, Lemon Pepper Seaweed, LeoGeo, LeonSky, Letix, Levykid, Li ReN, Lildogg747, Lillith, LiquidPhire, Llabak, LobsterHime, Locutus, Loincloth Boy, Longuine, Lord T1000, LordBobXIII, LordVadar, Lord_of_Ants, Loucks, Lukifer, LustyPirateWench, Luxxor, Lxndr, Lyle Hernandez, M3ph1st0, MArse, MEmnarCH6, MMGdW, Madballs, Magnamanus, Mahir, Major Asshole, MalosavichIn, Mammy_Yokum, Manendra, Manial, Mano_Kane, Mantic, Maria Krystiana, Marla, Marshall, Marte, MaryMary299, MastaBlasta, Masyr, Matriculation, Maurice, MauveBerry, McRick, MeatMagnet, Meepsicle, Megaman Zero, Mekgineer, Melfar, Melon, Melon Squeezer, Meyyvun, MiB, Michel, Mike Antleg, MikeMar, Minami, Minimus Rex, Minor Mistake, Miss Lowtide, MissStar, Mississippi Gary, Missteria, Mista J, Mister Knee, Mister White Folks, MistressGiggles, Mixie, Mjytresz, Mme_Defarge, Mne, MojoTech, MolotovH, Mondavidave, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monkey Junky, MooFrog, MooMooCowDeluxe, Mooker, Moose_Drool, MotherMary13, MoxFulder, Mozai, Mr Magnifico, Mr Pumaman, MrMax, MrNetops, MrPinkerton, MrSpeed, Mr_Crac, Mr_Sark, Mr_World, Msyjsm, Mulvaney, Muush, MyHomeInRlyeh, My_Lego, MzSnizel, NML Manticore, Nailboss, Natedogg, Nathew, Nathyn, NatureCreature, Nazar, Necrophage, Negator, Newo Ikkin, Nightvol, Nimnak, Nipoet, NjordSifusansoo, Nobuyuki, Nodo2, NoneofYourDarnBusiness, Nooboguy, Nosebeard, Nydgill, Oacaxa, Ocexy, Ocknarf, Odd Ogg, Odjn, OhMahGourd, Olaf Gustafsen, Omegaseeker, Ometeotl, Optimus747, Orgo, OxyTheMoron, PU55Y, Pablo, Pakkitt, Pan Z, ParanoiaMan, Passacaglia, Passenger, Pastaguy, PastryBoy, Pawlifer, Peachy Princess, Perkk, PeterGriffen_88, Pettanko, PhiloThomroll, Philosofik, Phrim, Pieces, Pierp, PimpingWolfwood, Pizzleman, Placeholder, Plaid Avenger, Plute0, PolkaDot, Poncho the Sane, Poobug, Popoids, Potzee, PrecioSura, PrenIqueezEr, Prince_Ragoczy, ProfessorKilljoy, Professor_Underscore, Protolinx, PuppyKisses, Putsch, Puvogel, QcuriousQ, Qrrbrbirlbel, Quaxalot, Quixote113, Quoisenot, Rabbit House, Racssirt, Rad One, Radcliff247, Ragnok, Rahenna, Rain, Randomrape, Ranque, Ravingmad, RcGuy10, Rdnckj258, RedIrish, Regnum Civis, RenegadeChic, Retnuh, RevShillelagh, Rigatone the merciful, RigorMortis, Rigorn, Rikmach, Ripkus, Ritzbitz, Robur Velvetclaw, Roco Tarikata, Rubrek, RubyLucky, Rufferto, Rugged, Rulle, Rushed Luncheon, Ryscar, Ryusei, S3phirothsdemise, SBD, SCcowboy, SDLynn, SEA_cloth, SaladFingers, Salsa Joe, Salydra, Samwise Ravioli, Sans the Comic, Sansa, Sarghi, SarielDi, SaschaVykos, SassQueen, SauceressCeres, Saucy Sauceror, SaucySam, Scalebane, Scarface, Scarred Angel, Scattaloquarious, Schmetterlink, Sconey, SealclubberX, SentiuS, SerothSalis, SerpentRose, Seventh Sister, Sgt Slaughter, ShadowTogetic, ShadowsLight, ShakenNotStirred, Shanrak, Shinebox, Shockwave, Shogun Sam, SilliuSSodduS, Silvenas, Silver Tusk, Simmu, SingleServing, Sir Indy, Sjakie, Skent, Skippy Zippy, Skoda37, SkudMastaFlex, SkyPiglet, Slank, SleepIsTheBrotherOfDeath, Slime_N_Slender, Slip_N_Slide, Slothropina, Smackadoodle, SmarmKing, SmiLeY231, Smok3y, Smurty, Snowjenni, Snugglypoo, SolarFlare, Solve_Omnis, Sondroch, Soul Shard, Southen, SowBug, Soylent Black, Spice Trader, SpiderMcFly, Splaterpunk, Spookyfish, SporkWielder, Sporkninjette, Sprite Lee, Squeegee McDoo, Squeeze Box, StINkytwinkie, Starkmoon, SteveChnchilla, Stomarat, Stormhart, Strange Al, StrongDurf, Stupendo, Succuba, SuggestiveName and SuperMarshmallowMan1
